New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Sagadahoc County, Maine

January 1, 1883

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1883 Sagadahoc County, Maine List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
186, 173 Swett, Edwin W Arrowsic shell wd.r.side $2.00 Apr. 5, 1881
23, 102 Pnipe. John Arrowsic sur. 1812 $8.00 July 18, 1878
20, 759 White, Abigail Arrowsic widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 12, 1879
15, 197 Drummond, Rachel P Arrowsic widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 17, 1879
74, 736 Webber, Loring S Ashdale g.s.w.both thighs $8.00 -
34, 096 Morton, George H Ashdale g.s.w.l.arm $14.00 -
69, 369 Blasdell, Richard M Ashdale wd.of arm $2.00 Aug. 9, 1866
27, 974 Wallace, Hannah Ashdale widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 29, 1879
27, 917 Wallace, Charlotte Ashdale widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 29, 1879
30, 696 Baker, Jesse Bath wd.r.chest $10.00 -
209, 356 Bowing, Horace C Bath ch.diar. & dyspep $8.00 May 24, 1882
75, 185 Burgess, Charles Bath wd.left leg $2.00 Dec. 30, 1866
187, 021 Beals, Benjamin A Bath mala.pois $6.00 Apr. 19, 1881
23, 020 Plant, Antonio Bath g.s.w.rt.thigh $8.00 -
130, 656 Oliver, Timothy B Bath int.fever $6.00 Nov. 3, 1874
60, 981 Nash, Herrick E Bath wd.l.below knee $6.00 -
123, 387 Parris, William B Bath g.s.w.l.leg $4.00 May 28, 1873
36, 556 Rogers, Alden Bath wd.both thighs $8.00 Nov. 10, 1865
10, 825 Marr, Philip Bath inj.l.hip $8.00 -
16, 913 McKinnon, Allen Bath inj.side & back $8.00 -
46, 780 Lubloa, Peter Bath frac.r.leg & inj.spine $18.00 -
170, 136 Kingsley, George A Bath chills, fever, & var.v.of legs $8.00 -
127, 848 Kimball, George A Bath g.s.w.rt.foot $3.00 Apr. 28, 1874
57, 545 Knowles, David A Bath wd.l.arm $10.00 -
92, 532 Snell, Thomas E Bath inj.l.leg $10.00 -
72, 771 Shaw, Thomas Jr Bath dis.lungs $4.00 -
42, 017 Silly. Samuel L Bath lumbar rheum. $2.00 May 5, 1865
35, 971 Stinson, Rufus P Bath dysura $6.00 -
30, 966 Luce, Francis A Bath fever & agne $4.00 -
212, 575 Luce, George W Bath g.s.w.l.side back $4.00 June 27, 1882
46, 860 Talbot, William H Bath wd.rt.arm $18.00 Feb. 8, 1867
142, 702 Schofield, John F Bath int.fever $6.00 -
158, 282 Sprague, Gilman S Bath g.s.w.face $6.00 -
31, 811 Raymond, John H Bath wd.r.arm $18.00 Feb. 23, 1867
24, 942 Henderson, Rodney Bath g.s.w.l.ankle $6.00 -
124, 112 Hartnett, Patrick T Bath inj.spine & kid. $12.00 -
99, 402 Howes, Llewellyn H Bath loss rt.index finger $2.00 Aug. 21, 1869
11, 741 Grassy, Joseph W Bath wd.rt.side $12.00 -
17, 063 Field, Seward Bath g.s.w.rt.shoulder $10.00 -
98, 038 Fisher, John P Bath g.s.w.r.knee $14.00 -
56, 598 Freeman, George A Bath wd.rt.hand $18.00 Nov. 26, 1866
199, 731 Gowen, Zuinglius C Bath g.s.w.rt.hip $2.00 Dec. 23, 1881
179, 095 McIntire, Josiah K Bath inj.back aff.spine $8.00 Nov. 26, 1880
79, 935 Emory, Augustus F Bath g.s.w.rt.side $6.00 -
156, 125 Doughty, Nelson P Bath loss l.index finger $3.00 Oct. 25, 1878
110, 778 Farrar, Alexander Bath swamp fever $6.00 May 29, 1871
64, 607 Morrill, Francis L Bath wd.r.hand $18.00 -
46, 783 Collins, James N Bath g.s.w.l.arm $12.00 -
67, 656 Hagan, Thos. M Bath g.s.w.abdomen $8.00 -
102, 543 Joy, Edward H Bath sciatica r.side, rheum. $9.00 -
69, 362 Willis, Wm. F Bath wd.l.lower jaw $2.00 Aug. 9, 1866
18, 299 Williams, Otis Bath diar.and dis.heart $4.00 Oct. 22, 1863
117, 347 Wilshier, Wallace Bath inj.right shoulder $8.00 -
21, 815 Coombs, Chas. A Bath wd.r.leg $6.00 Dec. 19, 1863
41, 556 Allen, Eben. F Bath g.s.w.rt.side $12.00 -
17, 806 Bennett, Wm. S Bath sunstroke, ch.rheum.and heat. $8.00 -
10, 963 Brown, Thos. A Bath amanrosis l.eye $4.00 Apr. 20, 1863
122, 086 Spinney, Daniel W Bath chr.diar. $4.00 -
125, 992 Donnell, Edward P Bath chr.diar.and ep.fits $5.00 Dec. 15, 1873
42, 789 Curtis, Timothy B Bath g.s.w.l.leg $8.00 -
148, 323 Campbell, Thos. G Bath g.s.w.rt.side face $4.00 Sept. 25, 1877
63, 130 Coombs, Thos. A Bath chr.rheum $4.00 May 7, 1866
37, 768 Crockett, Rufus Y Bath ch.diar., fever and ague. $20.00 -
57, 655 Pond, Frank E Bath g.s.w.l.thigh $6.00 -
12, 936 Penney, Stephen B Bath chr.rheum. $8.00 -
85, 438 Wright, Wm. J Bath chr.diarr. $12.00 Sept. ---, 1867
40, 060 Eaton, Ray P Bath below elbow $24.00 Mar. ---, 1865
861 Small, Henry W Bath wd.of foot $4.00 -
135, 251 Harmen, Robert A Bath wd.l.leg $2.00 -
3, 265 Preble, Eugene A Bath rheum (Navy) $8.00 -
- Blair, Daniel Bath dis.shoulder (Navy) $8.00 -
27, 713 Crooker, Wm. F Bath 16.33 1/3 Nov. 16, 1867
24, 064 Payne, Deborah Bath widow 1812 $8.00 May 290, 1879
14, 616 Tappan, Agnes B Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 7, 1879
16, 182 Mitchell, Lovina Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 29, 1879
192, 689 Munsay, Wm Bath minor of $10.00 June 22, 1881
139, 238 Spinney, John Bath father $8.00 Feb. 3, 1870
176, 452 Jones, Allen Bath father $8.00 Feb. 20, 1877
2, 186 Hondlette, Sarah F Bath widow (Navy) $10.00 -
2, 815 Wallace, Emily J Bath widow $8.00 -
169, 646 Tallman, Annie E Bath widow $20.00 June 17, 1875
5, 562 Stacy, Tryphosa P Bath widow $8.00 Apr. 2, 1867
42, 383 Coombs, Frances Bath widow $8.00 Mar. 9, 1865
142, 425 Fish, Mary Bath widow $10.00 Apr. 27, 1870
150, 232 Sampson, Lydia Bath widow $8.00 May 8, 1871
32, 392 Getchell, Rachel A Bath widow $8.00 Feb. 19, 1867
45, 212 Hinchley, Esther P Bath widow $15.00 May 7, 1874
82, 376 Child, Lydia R Bath widow $8.00 May 24, 1867
183, 026 Dolan, Mary Bath widow $12.00 Feb. 11, 1879
25, 701 Oliver, Mary M Bath widow $8.00 July 2, 1872
3, 093 Maloon, Jane Bath widow $8.00 May 11, 1869
36, 959 Parker, Martha Bath widow $8.00 Apr. 3, 1867
3, 973 Pepper, Harriet Bath widow $8.00 june 3, 1867
55, 310 Allen, Lydia Bath mother $8.00 Nov. 11, 1876
36, 247 Gay, Lucretia P Bath mother $8.00 Dec. 21, 1864
154, 712 Whitney, Lydia Bath mother $8.00 Dec. 5, 1871
130, 038 Small, Emeline A Bath mother $8.00 June 5, 1871
141, 427 Pocket, Mary Bath mother $8.00 Mar. 25, 1870
179, 223 Nockton, Lydia A Bath mother $8.00 Nov. 27, 1877
132, 041 Young, Rebecca H Bath mother $8.00 July 21, 1869
88, 107 Crocker, Harriet B Bath mother $8.00 Dec. 24, 1866
189, 659 Mitchell, Abigail Bath mother $8.00 Sept. 7, 1880
173, 352 Moore, Jane Bath mother $8.00 May 11, 1876
19, 300 Mitchell, Rhoda Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 24, 1879
22, 035 Morse, Nancy Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 2, 1879
22, 024 McFadden, Mary E Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 2, 1879
15, 639 Arnold, Lucy P Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 21, 1879
18, 200 Covel, Anna Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 17, 1879
8, 397 Clark, Mary Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 6, 1878
19, 425 Purington, Ellen P Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 3, 1879
16, 988 Reed, Ellen A Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 3, 1879
13, 232 Richardson, Mary Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 12, 1878
26, 432 Randall, Sarah A Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 11, 1879
18, 258 Donnell, Thankful Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 17, 1879
15, 795 Eaton, Catharine Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 21, 1879
25, 304 Elwell, Mary Bath widow 1812 $8.00 July 2, 1879
27, 883 Huston, Lucy A Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 25, 1879
8, 783 Keener, Louisa Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 18, 1878
16, 385 Sanford, Thankful S Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 30, 1879
26, 188 Marr, Ann Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 6, 1879
31, 379 Lennan, Susan V Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 17, 1871
1, 084 Lewis, Fanny Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 21, 1871
27, 178 Innis, Sarah Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 230, 1879
19, 120 Hill, Silence A Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 21, 1879
5, 483 Lowell, Sarah Bath widow 1812 $8.00 July 24, 1873
25, 249 Trufant, Wm. B Bath survi. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 9, 1879
23, 542 Sanford, Wm. Bath survi. 1812 $8.00 July 31, 1878
22, 674 Sewell, Chas. Bath survi. 1812 $8.00 July 2, 1878
24, 483 Riggs, Moses Bath survi. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 28, 1878
23, 576 Campbell, Martha Bath wid. 1812 $8.00 May 5, 1879
25, 178 Wildes, William Bath survi. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 21, 1879
26, 706 Roach, Hezial. Bath survi. 1812 $8.00 Sept. 4, 1879
124, 721 Clough, Thomas Bath loss r.thumb $3.00 Aug. 21, 1873
93, 463 Welts, Emily J Bath widow $8.00 Apr. 29, 1867
180, 868 White, Virginia Bath widow $8.00 Apr. 30, 1878
15, 938 Tolman, Jesse Bath survi. 1812 $8.00 Apr. 23, 1872
24, 380 Turner, Oliver Bath survi. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 8, 1878
30, 662 Brown,Nancy R Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 21, 1880
17, 377 Kearn, Isabella M Bath widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 10, 1879
130, 997 Bickford, Ruth Bowdoin Centre mother $8.00 June 28, 1869
117, 646 Colby, Mary M Bowdoin Centre mother $15.00 Aug. 22, 1868
15, 793 Potter, Margaret Bowdoin Centre widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 21, 1879
22, 369 Jaynes, Deborah Bowdoin Centre widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 5, 1879
138, 732 Freeman, Nancy M Bowdoin Centre mother $8.00 June 14, 1880
90, 270 Small, Olive Bowdoin Centre mother $8.00 Feb. 14, 1867
10, 863 Dulensa, Allen Bowdoin Centre survi. 1812 $8.00 Nov. 7, 1878
153, 827 Adams, Silas Bowdoinham rheum $4.00 June 19, 1878
68, 997 Crockett, Otis G Bowdoinham wd.r.thigh $10.00 -
45, 589 Raymond, Elbridge G Bowdoinham g.s.w.rt.arm & l.thigh $7.00 -
85, 266 Reed, Standish B Bowdoinham region & ch.diar. $8.00 Sept. 23, 1867
87, 926 Warren, Robert T Bowdoinham wd.r.thigh $2.00 -
77, 991 Jordan, Chas. A Bowdoinham bone fever $4.00 Mar. 2, 1867
79, 632 Jones, Chas. A Bowdoinham dis.of lungs $8.00 -
54, 299 Cromwell, Jeremiah M Bowdoinham wd.r.knee 5.33 1/3 Dec. 5, 1865
112, 131 Stelle, John C Bowdoinham dis.rt.lung $8.00 July 22, 1871
163, 228 Stockman, Levi G Bowdoinham var.v.l.leg $6.00 Oct. 31, 1879
56, 694 Farr, Chas. E Bowdoinham ch.infl.bowels $8.00 -
33, 742 Whitmore, Geo. L Bowdoinham ch.hepatitis $10.00 Oct. 24, 1864
112, 257 Boobier, Dexter W Bowdoinham ch.diar. $3.00 July 26, 1871
44, 501 Purinton, Granville Bowdoinham g.s.w.l.thigh, $8.00 -
9, 932 Adams, Daniel Bowdoinham scatica & var.v.b.legs $18.00 -
83, 545 Drummond, Allen H Bowdoinham wd.r.foot $10.00 -
100, 069 Merrill, Mary Bowdoinham mother $8.00 Dec. 23, 1868
23, 998 Spear, Thomas bowdoin survi. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 26, 1878
128, 981 Britt, Edward Bowdoinham father $8.00 May 11, 1869
141, 042 Rumrill, Jane Bowdoinham mother $8.00 Mar. 16, 1870
120, 147 Grams, Esther Bowdoinham mother $8.00 Oct. 17, 1868
151, 981 Adams, Demaris Bowdoinham mother $8.00 July 14, 1871
120, 948 Green, Mary Bowdoinham mother $8.00 Nov. 9, 1868
7, 792 Pettingill, Abby Bowdoinham widow $8.00 Oct. 21, 1867
60, 356 Newton, Lydia M Bowdoinham widow $8.00 Aug. 6, 1867
102, 878 Sedgley, Mary J Bowdoinham widow $8.00 Nov. 13, 1867
56, 080 Hine, Harriet P Bowdoinham widow $8.00 Jan. 9, 1867
48, 579 Lambert, Sarah A Bowdoinham widow $8.00 Oct. 19, 1867
63, 517 Raymond, Elizabeth Bowdoinham widow $8.00 Jan. 29, 1866
27, 254 Andrews, Sarah Bowdoinham widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 18, 1879
14, 686 Millay, Eliza Bowdoinham widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 8, 1879
15, 948 Adams, Ruth E Bowdoinham widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 27, 1879
18, 928 Purinton, Jane Bowdoinham widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 20, 1879
31, 581 Patterson, Mary J Bowdoinham widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 18, 1881
25, 148 Davis, Margaret Bowdoinham widow 1812 $8.00 June 24, 1879
22, 229 Spear, Olive B Bowdoinham widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 3, 1879
18, 433 Sampson, Mary S Bowdoinham widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 18, 1879
19, 188 Higgins, Susan S Bowdoinham widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 21, 1879
738 Hobbs, Levi Bowdoinham survi. 1812 $8.00 July 3, 1871
141, 356 West, Eli East Bowdoinham father $8.00 Mar. 23, 1870
36, 610 Berry, Leander Fire Islands dis.kidneys $8.00 -
191, 425 Oliver, Freeman C Georgetown ch.diar. $4.00 June 28, 1881
28, 519 Arlette, Harford Georgetown widow $8.00 Oct. 21, 1867
10, 909 Marr, Nancy Georgetown widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 9, 1878
26, 206 Hinkley, Hannah Georgetown widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 6, 1879
12, 602 Moore, Eleanor Georgetown widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 6, 1878
16, 380 Hunt, Nancy Georgetown widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 30. 1879
24, 582 Harford, George Georgetown widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 23, 1878
30, 779 Nichols, Martha Georgetown widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 19, 1880
23, 521 Pierce, David Georgetown survi. 1812 $8.00 July 31, 1878
24, 988 Oliver, Ephraim Georgetown survi. 1812 $8.00 Mar. 25, 1879
28, 898 Heal, Margaret Georgetown widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 18, 1880
20, 760 Gahan, Charity Hunnewell's Point widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 12, 1879
38, 235 Leon, John Parker's Head wd.r.arm $18.00 Dec. 13, 1866
104, 274 McIntire, Lucinda Parker's Head mother $8.00 Dec. 7, 1867
116, 790 Richardson, Judith Parker's Head mother $8.00 Aug. 1, 1868
186, 164 Wilson, Caroline R Parker's Head widow $8.00 Nov. 25, 1879
20, 645 Wyman, Mary Parker's Head widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 12, 1879
25, 437 Perey, Sarah Parker's Head widow 1812 $8.00 July 7, 1879
32, 761 Rollins, Doreas Parker's Head widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 1, 1882
23, 798 Spinney, Thos. Parker's Head survi. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 10, 1878
24, 819 Sprague, Nath. Parker's Head survi. 1812 $8.00 Feb. 1, 1879
20, 184 Spinney, Ephraim Parker's Head survi. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 25, 1873
105, 005 Wyman, Henry L Phipsburg inj.r.leg & l.side $4.00 Aug. 20, 1870
34, 131 Higgins, Wm. H Phipsburg $10.00 -
83, 391 Bowker, Chas. H Phipsburg loss sight l.eye $4.00 -
21, 755 Butler, Agnes C Phipsburg widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 27, 1870
22, 448 Nichols, Nicholas Phipsburg survi. 1812 $8.00 June 20, 1878
942 Alexander, James P Richmond dis.heart & asthma (Navy) $18.00 -
144, 754 Carr, Thos. H Richmond $4.00 Apr. 20, 1877
65, 906 Hussey, Geo. W Richmond g.s.w.l.hd.l.middle f $8.50 June 19, 1866
88, 673 Crooker, Woodman Richmond g.s.w.l.arm $6.00 -
59, 200 Ridley, George R Richmond dis.of heart $6.00 -
69, 270 Ridley, Humphrey P Richmond hernia $4.00 Aug. 6, 1866
197, 724 Smith, Edward H Richmond g.s.w.h. & inj.r.side $8.00 Nov. 17, 1881
31, 735 James, Charles H Richmond loss fin.l.hand $12.00 -
62, 027 Higgins, William N Richmond wd.l.arm $6.00 Apr. 21, 1866
209, 659 Hatch, Harvey C Richmond mal.pois. $4.00 May 27, 1882
78, 364 Howe, Joel Jr Richmond lumbago & kid.dis $2.00 Mar. 13, 1867
66, 827 Starbird, Isaac W Richmond $30.00 -
209, 761 Spear, George W Richmond mal.pois. $4.00 May 27, 1882
142, 523 Stuart, John Richmond int.fever $8.00 -
23, 917 Tolman, Edwin Richmond phthisis hemoptisis 2.66 1/3 Feb. 16, 1864
198, 830 Lint, Johu Richmond inj.rt.leg $2.00 Dec. 7, 1881
192, 458 Sparks, Winship W Richmond dis.of eyes $12.00 July 9, 1881
151, 652 Thomas, Augustus G Richmond inj.l.ankle $4.00 -
110, 578 Knight, James H Richmond $4.00 May 22, 1871
23, 677 Lancaster, Samuel H Richmond hemor.of lungs & l.dis $8.00 -
119, 524 Avery, Sewell S Richmond int.fever $4.00 Oct. 17, 1872
24, 943 Osborn, Cyrus Richmond wd.l.arm $16.00 -
142, 371 Leavitt, Samuel Richmond g.s.w.rt.shoulder $4.00 -
24, 353 Allen, Samuel Richmond survi. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 3, 1878
10, 199 Bates, Lucretia Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 17, 1878
180, 031 Meloon, John L Richmond minor of $10.00 Apr. 5, 1878
151, 381 Crosby, Sarah Richmond mother $8.00 June 24, 1871
114, 697 Merrill, Esther Richmond mother $8.00 Nov. 25, 1868
127, 671 Galusha, Diana Richmond mother $8.00 Apr. 15, 1869
115, 301 Beard, Sarah A Richmond mother $8.00 Nov. 17, 1868
27, 869 Newell, Mary A Richmond mother $8.00 Aug. 11, 1864
133, 174 Satchell, Elmira Richmond mother $8.00 -
181, 896 Spaulding, Flora W Richmond widow $12.00 Aug. 31, 1878
28, 281 Pratt, Elmira Richmond widow $8.00 June 28, 1867
34, 456 Mitchell, Miranda C Richmond widow $8.00 Apr. 8, 1869
22, 723 Baucroft, Tryphena Richmond widow $8.00 Jan. 11, 1867
182, 595 Dorr, Eliza Richmond widow $8.00 Dec. 5, 1878
50, 303 Griffith, Susan W Richmond widow $8.00 Oct. 2, 1868
56, 000 Small, Joanna Richmond widow $8.00 Oct. 25, 1867
176, 593 Brown, Margaret Richmond widow $10.00 Mar. 3, 1877
44, 502 Totman, Margaret Richmond widow $8.00 Aug. 3, 1867
13, 383 Kittridge, Susannah Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 19, 1878
9, 221 Toothaker, Hannah Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 24, 1878
13, 394 Toothaker, Sarah Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 20, 1878
15, 837 Toothaker, Mary J Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 22, 1879
15, 438 Libby, Mary Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 20, 1879
14, 691 Jewett, Caroline Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 8, 1879
22, 437 Robbins, Elias Richmond survi. 1812 $8.00 June 20, 1878
23, 726 Woodworth, James Richmond survi. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 7, 1878
21, 237 Hall, Joseph Richmond survi. 1812 $8.00 Dec. 23, 1873
23, 726 Gaubert, Nicholas Richmond survi. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 10, 1878
24, 511 Blanchard, Charles Richmond survi. 1812 $8.00 Nov. 5, 1878
22, 461 Davis, Aaron H Richmond survi. 1812 $8.00 June 20, 1878
850 Miller, Mary A Richmond mother (Navy) $8.00 -
31, 006 Hayden, Hannah Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 28, 1880
10, 309 Farrin, Lydia H Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 23, 1878
10, 951 Dingley, Lavinia N Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 7, 1878
13, 590 Parks, Annis Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 21, 1878
11, 821 Norris, Lydia Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 18, 1878
22, 581 Colby, Mehitable Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 15, 1879
32, 394 Cooper, Doreas Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 29, 1882
22, 651 Blair, May Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 May 8, 1879
93, 258 Silver, Francis Richmond hernia $4.00 Oct. 6, 1868
16, 804 Ridley, Martha S Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 1, 1879
9, 129 Farrin, Rebecca Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 24, 1878
7, 437 Libby, Phebe Richmond widow 1812 $8.00 July 31, 1878
87, 297 Bickford, Levi S Richmond Corner $4.00 -
84, 293 Aderton, Obadiah Richmond Corner special act $8.00 Aug. 17, 1867
86, 269 Starbird, Alonzo R Richmond Corner lumbago, rheum.l.s.rt.eye $12.00 -
171, 026 Starbird, Daniel W Richmond Corner rheum $6.00 -
211, 719 Chase, David S Richmond Corner mal.pois. $4.00 June 19, 1882
187, 505 Wyman, William Richmond Corner dis.l.diar. & int.fever $6.00 Apr. 27, 1881
151, 209 Ward, George Richmond Corner ch.diar. & h't dis $8.00 -
170, 814 Green, Abram S Richmond Corner mal.pois. & dis.lungs $4.00 June 30, 1880
95, 740 Mero, Mercy A Richmond Corner mother $8.00 June 12, 1867
7, 046 Baker, Priscilla Richmond Corner widow 1812 $8.00 June 13, 1878
10, 347 Perry, Harriet Richmond Corner widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 23, 1878
21, 913 Randall, Lucy Richmond Corner widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 2, 1879
16, 531 Morse, Lydia Small Point widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 30, 1879
100, 556 Bartlett, James F Topsham wd.2 & 3 f.rt.hd $2.00 Oct. 16, 1869
185, 111 Barnes, Francis H., alias Lee, Frank Topsham g.s.w.l.side $4.00 Mar. 27, 1881
56, 420 Luce, Burtice S Topsham ulcer l.leg $2.00 Jan. 26, 1864
22, 847 Keag, Hiram Topsham wd.l.wrist $10.00 -
57, 884 Learned, Isaac Topsham g.s.w.rt.arm & rt.scro.hern. $10.00 -
127, 272 Thompson, Collins P Topsham bronchial asth. $16.00 -
21, 483 Trufant, John A Topsham g.s.w.abdomen $12.00 -
34, 586 Colby, George L Topsham g.s.w.l.should $3.00 -
210, 617 Brown, Martin Topsham g.s.w.rt.forearm $4.00 June 7, 1882
103, 656 Perkins, Thomas R Topsham dis.liver $8.00 June ---, 1870
- Hawkes, Nathaniel Topsham father (Navy) $8.00 -
162, 055 Royal, Samuel Topsham father $8.00 May 9, 1873
45, 225 White, Mary M Topsham mother $8.00 Apr. 14, 1865
163, 451 Nash, Adaline Topsham mother $8.00 Dec. 26, 1873
158, 128 Stinson, Lucy R Topsham mother $8.00 May 28, 1872
151, 825 Whitten, Abigail Topsham mother $8.00 July 6, 1871
8, 505 Patten, Susan Topsham widow $8.00 Sept. 7, 1878
2, 282 Curtis, Susan Topsham widow $8.00 Oct. 5, 1853
11, 341 Preble, Margaret Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 11, 1878
25, 632 Howland, Mary K Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 July 9, 1879
15, 018 Hunter, Nancy M Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 16, 1879
7, 420 Haley, Susan Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 July 31, 1878
11, 840 Williams, Anna Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 23, 1878
8, 714 Mallett, Comfort Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 17, 1878
13, 595 Hunter, Hannah Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 21, 1878
8, 964 Haskell, Deborah A Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 18, 1878
17, 715 Eaton, Mehitable Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 13, 1878
12, 498 Niles, Deborah Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 5, 1878
1, 835 Alexander, Mary Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 29, 1872
24, 749 Sawyer, Joseph Topsham survi. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 15, 1879
13, 454 Thompson, Benjamin Topsham survi. 1812 $8.00 Mar. 5, 1872
9, 591 Puriton, Thankful Topsham survi. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 3, 1878
16, 162 White, Elizabeth Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 28, 1879
15, 115 Toy, Rhoda Topsham widow 1812 $8.00 Jam. 17, 1879
43, 866 Small, Horatio G West Bowdoin w.fin.r.hand $8.00 -
42, 351 Clark, James West Bowdoin wd.l.s.abdomen $2.00 May 12, 1865
132, 102 Higgins, Belinda West Bowdoin widow $8.00 July 22, 1869
162, 838 Meims, Louisa West Bowdoin mother $8.00 May 9, 1874
95, 577 Morrow, Sarah A West Bowdoin mother $8.00 June 10, 1867
11, 572 Grover, hannah West Bowdoin widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 16, 1878
14, 947 Thompson, Abigail West Bowdoin widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 15, 1879
72, 405 Malcove, Arthur F Winnegance inj.wrist & l.leg $6.00 -
1, 046 Lowell, Emery E Winnegance effects malaria $2.00 -
22, 607 Stover, Thankful Winnegance widow $8.00 May 29, 1867
138, 826 Adams, Mary I Winnegance widow $8.00 Jan. 22, 1870
25, 782 Oliver, Alice H Winnegance widow 1812 $8.00 July 12, 1879
23, 297 Davis, Sarah Winnegance widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 28, 1879
22, 439 Small, Daniel Winnegance survi. 1812 $8.00 June 20, 1878
159, 617 Elwell, George Woolwich chr.diar. $2.00 May 9, 1879
102, 916 Love, George E Woolwich dis.urinary organs & diar. $6.00 -
188, 127 Day, Philip W Woolwich sh.w.r.l.& var.veins $6.00 -
22, 705 Farnsworth, And'w J Woolwich w.l.shoul. $12.00 -
19, 415 Trott, Mehitable Woolwich widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 3, 1879
23, 056 Delano, Olive G Woolwich widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 23, 1879
12, 839 Dunton, Lucy Woolwich widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 9, 1878
24, 543 Carlton, Margaret Woolwich widow 1812 $8.00 June 4, 1879
9, 827 Brookings, Lois Woolwich widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 8, 1878

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