New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Penobscot County, Maine

January 1, 1883

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1883 Penobscot County, Maine List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
42,590 Bulger, Joseph Alton wound right shoulder, &c. $4.00 May 17, 1865
104,170 Burse, Eleanor Alton mother $8.00 Dec. 5, 1867
18,144 McKay, Alexander Argyle wound right leg & disease of heart $3.00 Oct. 17, 1863
70,407 Pomeroy, Andrew J. Arnold injury to right knee $8.00 -
101,714 Mills, Harriet Arnold mother $8.00 Oct. 26, 1867
152,753 Leonard, Hartley D. Bangor chronic rheumatism $4.00 May 8, 1878
57,555 Stevens, Rufus K. Bangor g.s.w. right thigh $6.00 -
12,547 Doe, Joseph Bangor phthisis $8.00 -
32,001 Smith, Simeon F. Bangor wound bowels & right hip $8.00 -
84,026 Donroe, John Bangor partial deafness $1.00 -
217,800 Lane, Jonathan C. Bangor sunstroke, resulting paralysis $50.00 Sept. 2, 1882
108,453 Lincoln, John K. Bangor fracture of skull $20.00 Mar. 11, 1871
13,281 Davis, John Bangor bayonet wound head $18.00 -
120,393 Thayer, Howard N. Bangor g.s.w. right shoulder $6.00 Dec. 5, 1872
37,680 Tibbetts, Gordon Bangor g.s.w. right arm $4.00 Feb. 11, 1865
86,761 Tibbetts, Daniel Jr. Bangor disease of lungs $18.00 -
111,103 Tozier, John W. Bangor kidney disease, &c. $3.00 -
75,290 Thompson, Joseph W. Bangor phthisis $10.00 Dec. 17, 1866
65,629 Tracy, Oscar Bangor g.s.w. right shoulder $6.00 -
64,608 Tasker, Samuel F. Bangor wound left arm $4.00 May 31, 1866
177,878 Toomy, Thomas Bangor injury to abdomen $4.00 Oct. 29, 1880
60,391 Dutton, James W. Bangor g.s.w. right side & diarrhea $12.00 -
118,094 Smith, Llewellyn H. Bangor g.s.w. left arm $6.00 July 25, 1872
74,259 Smith, Llewellyn D. Bangor sunstroke $4.00 Nov. 21, 1866
219,555 Sweeney, Miles J. Bangor g.s.w. left wrist $2.00 Oct. 24, 1882
9,951 Sweeney, James Bangor fracture right arm, g.s.w. neck $8.00 -
128,727 Shaw, Joseph A. Bangor lame back $4.00 June 10, 1874
76,981 Sawyer, Joseph D. Bangor chronic rheumatism $24.00 -
178,164 Small, Leonard A. Bangor heart disease, injury to abdomen $14.00 Oct. 30, 1880
105,372 Sumner, Elliott L. Bangor disease of heart $6.00 Sept. 8, 1870
200,063 Booker, Orrin Bangor disease of kidneys $4.00 Dec. 30, 1881
130,908 Badger, Rufus Bangor varicose veins right leg, thigh $6.00 -
86,271 Boyce, Michael Bangor dyspepsia $7.00 Oct. 21, 1867
197,397 Deleny, George Bangor g.s.w. right leg $2.00 Nov. 7, 1881
141,952 Stetson, George A. Bangor g.s.w. right leg $4.00 Oct. 7, 1876
53,732 Davis, Daniel F. Bangor chronic diarrhea $4.00 Nov. 28, 1865
211,709 Brown, Seldon A. Bangor partial deafness both ears $4.00 June 19, 1882
9,891 Snow, Hiram Bangor articular rheumatism $10.00 -
48,326 Benson, Stephen D. Bangor wound of head $8.00 -
81,639 Canning, Patrick H. Bangor wound r. &c. $8.00 May 22, 1867
35,047 Clark, Thomas Bangor chronic diarrhea $2.662/3 Dec. 9, 1864
195,797 Cole, Thomas J. Bangor injury to left ankle $2.00 Sept. 16, 1881
153,022 Clayton, William Z. Bangor g.s.w. left thigh $4.00 May 14, 1878
63,863 Downs, Colin L. Bangor loss left arm above elbow $24.00 -
45,587 Severance, Henry N. Bangor wound right leg & deafness $6.00 -
69,820 Sellers, Henry E. Bangor disease of kidneys, chronic rheumatism $4.25 -
157,535 Bickford, Stephen M. Bangor shell wound head $2.00 Feb. 7, 1879
103,810 Pearcy, Charles A. Bangor chronic diarrhea & debility $4.00 -
60,724 Patten, Charles H. Bangor g.s.w. left leg $4.00 -
126,849 Webber, Harris G. Bangor injury to abdomen $8.00 -
65,669 Whitmore, Horace C. Bangor ulcer left leg $4.00 June 16, 1866
17,272 Webber, Ira Bangor rheumatism $8.00 -
131,623 Worcester, Galus Bangor heart disease $3.00 Jan. 30, 1875
48,110 Ware, Elton W. Bangor heart disease $17.00 -
69,913 Winchester, Daniel W. Bangor wound left thigh $8.00 -
9,561 Washburn, Bethnel Bangor injury to abdomen $4.00 -
59,514 Blake, John F. Bangor g.s.w. right arm $4.00 -
42,350 Bartlett, Jeremiah F. Bangor g.s.w. right leg $8.00 -
69,436 Brown, George W. Bangor sunstroke $2.00 -
64,562 Brayman, Joseph E. Bangor g.s.w. right forearm $14.00 -
202,579 Phillips, David Bangor chronic rheumatism $4.00 Feb. 9, 1882
54,082 Barnes, John W. Bangor wound left leg $8.00 -
44,652 Barker, Josiah A. Bangor wound both hand, &c. $18.00 -
59,203 Palmer, George R. Bangor wound left hand $11.331/3 -
13,776 Pierce, Elijah S. Bangor injury to right knee $3.00 July 1, 1863
10,409 Philbrick, Joseph Bangor g.s.w. right thigh $6.00 -
40,410 Pomroy, Henry W. Bangor wound right knee $16.00 -
46,837 Carey, Michael Bangor wound right arm $8.00 -
69,912 Carsons, Moses P. Bangor wound left leg $4.00 -
57,535 Pinkham, James R. Bangor g.s.w. right hand $12.00 -
10,190 Morgan, Peter Bangor disease of eye & lid $2.662/3 -
166,202 Archer, Stillman C. Bangor malarial poisoning $15.00 -
69,513 Consens, Joshua A. Bangor loss left foot $18.00 Aug. 15, 1866
91,303 Basford, Andrew J. Bangor hernia right side $4.00 -
63,600 Cottle, Joseph W. Bangor wound right leg $8.00 -
89,051 Wine, Joseph Bangor disease of eyes $72.00 -
106,980 Allum, Richard Bangor g.s.w. left forearm $8.00 -
41,624 Frost, Laban P. Bangor loss right leg $18.00 July 23, 1866
126,844 Freeze, Isaac H. Bangor chronic rheumatism $8.00 -
66,056 Hall, Francis P. Bangor wound of back $5.331/3 June 21, 1866
59,864 Gerrish, Theodore Bangor g.s.w. left leg $4.00 -
57,559 Hurd, Benjamin F. Bangor g.s.w. right thigh $8.00 -
60,423 Lynes, John Jr. Bangor g.s.w. right chest $6.00 -
35,788 Herrin, Benjamin F. Bangor wound left leg $6.00 Dec. 23, 1864
151,120 Logan, James H. Bangor malarial poisoning $8.00 -
98,531 Haynes, Henry Bangor chronic rheumatism, resulting total blindness $72.00 -
145,781 Houston, Cyrus H. Bangor varicose veins left leg $8.00 -
192,400 Fisher, George Bangor intermittent fever & asthma $4.00 July 8, 1881
62,176 Hardy, Amos E. Bangor loss right arm at shoulder joint $24.00 -
111,602 Grindle, William B. Bangor chronic ophthalmia $8.00 -
37,542 Hilton, Andrew J. Bangor wound left thigh & disease of heart $17.00 Feb. 8, 1865
82,607 Fairbanks, Eugene P. Bangor chronic diarrhea & intermittent fever $6.00 -
51,777 Fulsom, Henry W. Bangor loss left leg $18.00 Sept. 17, 1867
57,698 Wilson, Frank B. Bangor g.s.w. left hand & wrist $14.00 -
28,991 Bradley, Alphonzo Bangor g.s.w. right leg & resulting ulcer $12.00 -
78,945 White, Edwin E. Bangor intermittent fever & wound right forearm $4.00 -
65,368 Brown, Ephraim L. Bangor g.s.w. left arm & right shoulder $10.00 -
172,870 Baker, Edward U. Bangor double inguinal hernia & sprained back $14.00 Aug. 31, 1880
209,962 Dearborn, Albert F. Bangor chronic diarrhea & malarial poisoning $4.00 May 31, 1882
57,039 Peaks, Henry Bangor wound left leg & varicose veins $10.00 -
131,970 Tibbetts, Melvan Bangor intermittent fever & resulting neuralgia $10.00 -
109,888 Prescott, Joseph B. Bangor partial deafness & injury to back $8.00 -
204,390 Files, Joseph B. Bangor chronic diarrhea & resulting piles $4.00 -
42,082 Field, Samuel B. Bangor injury left hip & disease of lungs $8.50 May 6, 1865
67,071 Freeman, Thomas O. Bangor wound right arm $8.00 -
165,323 Gould, Charles B. Bangor loss right index finger, &c. $6.00 Mar. 6, 1880
78,162 Getchell, Charles E. Bangor sunstroke, int. fever, &c. $6.00 -
72,797 Goodwin, Charles H. Bangor hernia right side $8.00 Oct. 20, 1866
31,528 Gordon, Ephraim A. Bangor g.s.w. both knees $18.00 -
112,951 Gilman, David F. Bangor chronic rheumatism $12.00 -
40,557 Gardner, Grindal C. Bangor g.s.w. left leg $5.00 -
9,758 Geoghan, John Bangor g.s.w. left arm $8.00 -
131,594 Green, John Bangor g.s.w. breast $3.00 Feb. 1, 1875
213,467 Graves, John D. Bangor chronic rheumatism & back injury $8.00 June 30, 1882
190,926 Grant, Joseph W. Bangor g.s.w. left leg $4.00 June 20, 1881
34,549 Given, John T. Bangor hypertrophy of heart $3.00 Nov. 25, 1864
219,849 Cates, William H. Bangor total deafness left ear & chronic diarrhea $6.00 Oct. 27, 1882
55,843 Hodgdon, John S. Bangor rheumatism & resulting heart disease $8.00 -
102,753 Head, John H. Bangor contusion of epigastric $4.00 Apr. 18, 1870
112,305 Hill, John J. Bangor congestion, chills & cough $8.00 -
45,966 Hanscom, John W. Bangor g.s.w. right leg $12.00 -
16,134 Hurd, Samuel D. Bangor wound left shoulder & right thigh $4.00 Aug. 31, 1863
17,717 Hathorn, John F. Bangor injury to left hip $4.00 Oct. 3, 1863
74,386 Hinckley, John Bangor injury left leg & resulting varicose veins $8.00 -
65,099 Haskell, Sewell F. Bangor g.s.w. left hand $2.00 Dec -, 1882
60,213 Hapworth, Simeon A. Bangor g.s.w. both thighs $8.00 -
65,030 Minors, Edward H. Bangor wound right knee $4.00 June 7, 1866
79,666 Burby, George Bangor wound left thigh $4.00 -
70,335 Hasty, Sewall H. Bangor injury to right side $4.00 Sept. 1, 1866
28,740 Jordan, John V. Bangor g.s.w. both sides & wrists $8.00 -
66,555 Ingalls, Hiram B. Bangor g.s.w. right leg $18.00 Jan. 23, 1867
74,875 Ingalls, Samuel Bangor wound right arm $2.662/3 Dec. 3, 1866
59,867 Inman, Steward M. Bangor loss right leg $18.00 Aug. 21, 1866
84,404 Jimmo, Charles Bangor disease of liver, chronic diarrhea $8.00 -
35,113 Hatch, William Bangor chronic diarrhea & rheumatism $4.00 Dec. 9, 1864
30,079 McLauchlan, John S. Bangor g.s.w. left shoulder $6.00 -
65,072 McCorison, Joseph Bangor injury to abdomen $8.00 -
45,967 McCue, Patrick Bangor wound right leg $6.00 -
87,179 McPhee, Michael J. Bangor total deafness & disease of ears $13.00 -
217,264 McCrystle, Patrick Bangor disease of spine $6.00 Aug. 26, 1882
169,346 Mills, Cyrus H. Bangor shell wound right leg, injury left thigh $6.00 June 7, 1880
189,203 Devon, Peter Bangor varicose veins left leg, &c. $6.00 May 26, 1881
159,464 Desmond, Michael J. Bangor g.s.w. face $2.00 Apr. 30, 1879
98,593 Drinkwater, Maxim Bangor inj. to shoulder, varicose veins both legs $6.00 -
43,861 Devon, Simon Bangor loss right forearm $18.00 July 19, 1868
160,561 Dempsy, Thomas Bangor sunstroke $6.00 -
46,564 Doughty, William H. Bangor wound right thigh $6.00 -
137,167 Estes, David Bangor g.s.w. right hand $4.00 Dec. 20, 1875
95,380 Weiler, William Bangor chronic rheumatism $8.00 -
101,068 Wallis, William Bangor g.s.w. left groin & results $8.00 -
100,914 Williamson, Thomas Bangor g.s.w. left arm $3.00 Nov. 15, 1869
195,725 Waldron, Stephen G. Bangor g.s.w. right foot $2.00 Sept. 14, 1881
21,481 Webster, Richard Bangor int. fever & resulting heart disease $4.00 -
57,659 Webster, Robert A. Bangor wound left arm & cheek $10.00 -
87,506 Welch, Nelson M. Bangor wound right side $8.00 -
85,442 Cowan, Henry D. Bangor wound right thigh $5.331/3 -
156,330 Crocker, Hannibal H. Bangor g.s.w. right leg $4.00 Nov. 13, 1878
209,947 Crane, George D. Bangor chronic diarrhea $2.00 May 31, 1882
49,095 Colson, George Bangor g.s.w. left shoulder $10.00 -
219,687 Chamberlain, Fred A. Bangor g.s.w. back & shell wound $2.00 Oct. 25, 1882
12,040 Crawford, Horace Bangor ascites $6.00 -
84,845 Cushman, Horace B. Bangor wound right thumb $4.00 -
57,572 Miles, Freeman R. Bangor wound left cheek $8.00 Feb. 8, 1866
119,476 Mitchell, Harvy Bangor g.s.w. right leg $4.00 Oct. 14, 1872
37,871 Moore, Henry H. Bangor wound left foot $4.00 Feb. 14, 1865
197,771 Manchester, Horace L. Bangor chronic diarrhea, chills, & fever $4.00 Nov. 18, 1881
142,894 McKinney, Horace S. Bangor disease of brain & digestive organs $6.00 -
72,317 Erskine, Edmund M. Bangor wound left thigh $8.00 -
117,930 Emerson, George Bangor g.s.w. left foot & int. fever $6.00 July 22, 1872
196,589 Estabrook, George S. Bangor g.s.w. left thigh $4.00 June 28, 1881
87,543 Fisher, Albert G. B. Bangor injury to chest $6.00 -
22,420 Kelleher, Richard Bangor general debility $2.00 Jan. 2, 1864
59,869 Annis, Sanford Bangor g.s.w. chest & shoulder $6.00 -
70,122 Wescott, William T. C. Bangor chronic diarrhea $4.00 -
53,826 Lovell, Charles E. Bangor wound left thigh $4.00 Nov. 27, 1865
73,251 Low, Wilford J. Bangor chronic diarrhea $2.00 -
11,512 Lawrence, William H. S. Bangor rheumatism & inflammation of spinal cord $18.00 Aug. 10, 1870
186,317 Martin, Alonzo E. Bangor disease of heart & lungs $6.00 Apr. 6, 1881
62,422 Mansell, Charles A. Bangor wound right hand $4.00 Apr.27, 1866
196,909 Lisherness, Benjamin C. Bangor g.s.w. right side $4.00 Oct. 22, 1881
111,264 Lewis, Almon Bangor g.s.w. abdomen $6.00 -
74,077 Kelley, Joseph C. Bangor sequela of typhoid & intermittent fever $8.00 -
137,605 Keith, Henry O. Bangor chronic diarrhea $24.00 -
102,012 Kenney, Frank L. Bangor g.s.w. right thigh $4.00 Jan. 27, 1870
45,950 Kirk, Calvin Bangor wound left arm $18.00 Dec. 10, 1866
122,501 Rogers, James Bangor g.s.w. left leg $4.00 -
118,252 Robinson, James F. Bangor g.s.w. right shoulder $2.00 July 31, 1872
70,663 Reardon, Jeremiah Bangor g.s.w. right thigh, & varicose veins $6.00 -
191,217 Rich, John C. Bangor injury to back $6.00 June 22, 1881
41,607 Rollins, John Bangor loss right eye, g.s.w. head $12.00 -
74,933 Ray, Joshua Bangor g.s.w. of head $6.00 -
117,770 Rice, Moses L. Bangor rheumatism, resulting in atrophy $8.00 -
99,482 Robinson, Richard Bangor chronic rheumatism $4.00 Aug. 26, 1869
83,627 Rollins, Roscoe G. Bangor wound chest, left side $6.00 -
107,090 Church, Bernard G. Bangor varicocele, left side $4.00 Dec. 20, 1870
119,608 Carter, Benjamin Bangor g.s.w. right leg $6.00 -
18,708 Clark, David Bangor loss left arm above elbow $24.00 -
41,392 Crossman, Christopher V. Bangor wound right arm & shoulder $16.662/3 Apr. 27, 1867
134,953 Clark, Charles H. Bangor g.s.w. left hand $2.00 July 28, 1875
113,174 Coan, Elbridge J. Bangor injury left side $4.00 Aug. 24, 1871
86,871 Cleveland, Elijah K. Bangor g.s.w. left leg $8.00 -
16,918 Cass, Edward Bangor injury right ankle $10.00 -
72,594 Cunningham, Ephraim Bangor injury left side & results $8.00 -
90,836 Black, Warren S. Bangor injury right side, back, & thigh $8.00 -
67,658 Ames, David Bangor g.s.w. right hand $12.00 -
45,585 Steward, Eber L. Bangor wound left hip $8.00 -
41,626 Stevenson, Daniel R. Bangor wound left hip $4.00 Apr. 25, 1865
72,985 Snow, Charles T. Bangor wound left arm $4.00 Oct. 24, 1866
96,694 Rollins, George Bangor wound left thigh $8.50 -
66,378 Rogers, Elijah Bangor sunstroke $2.00 June 25, 1866
62,944 Reed, Charles H. Bangor wound left arm $2.00 May 1866
103,461 Robbins, George H. Bangor g.s.w. left hand $2.00 June 4, 1870
41,164 Raymond, William R. Bangor wound both legs $8.00 -
46,336 Sawyer, Arthur G. Bangor g.s.w. right thigh & leg $18.00 -
167,739 Smith, Charles E. Bangor g.s.w. breast $4.00 -
58,942 Booth, John E. Bangor injury to abdomen $8.00 -
67,659 Brown, George I. Bangor g.s.w. right leg $17.00 -
183,588 Sullivan, George S. Bangor g.s.w. right hand $2.00 Mar. 2, 1881
78,352 Pond, William S. Bangor g.s.w. left side head $6.00 Mar. 12, 1867
37,681 Moore, Richard V. Bangor wound right leg $17.00 Feb. 11, 1865
17,709 Pitman, Asa W. Bangor injury to back & left side $4.00 -
69,744 Pitcher, William H. Bangor g.s.w. right shoulder $6.00 -
65,970 Montgomery, John F. Bangor wound right foot $4.00 June 20, 1866
68,499 Farnham, Augustus B. Bangor wound left chest $30.00 July 24, 1866
65,244 Fogg, Augustus W. Bangor injury left arm & side $3.00 June 11, 1866
75,114 Milliken, Rufus B. Bangor intermittent fever & injury to abdomen $8.00 -
33,191 Morison, Samuel B. Bangor partial paralysis left thigh & left $15.00 -
83,775 Frederick, Edwin Bangor intermittent fever & disease of lungs $4.00 -
136,616 Moore, Willard H. Bangor g.s.w. right hip $4.00 -
203,300 Mansell, William Bangor injury to both eyes $8.00 Feb. 20, 1882
82,151 Morrill, William Bangor injury to chest & results $4.00 -
86,172 Page, William G. Bangor g.s.w. right arm & left thigh $8.00 -
13,999 Patterson, William Bangor g.s.w. right chest $8.00 -
74,508 Pomroy, Samuel Bangor chronic rheumatism left leg $5.331/3 Nov. 26, 1866
103,655 Peaks, Rufus P. Bangor g.s.w. right foot $2.00 June 28, 1870
22,667 Preble, Prentis Bangor disease of lungs $6.00 -
126,452 Nado, John Bangor g.s.w. left arm $2.00 Jan. 19, 1874
79,810 Norwood, William Bangor injury right chest & lungs $6.00 -
38,804 Overlock, Alvin Bangor wound right forearm $18.00 -
40,063 Oakes, Andrew Bangor g.s.w. left foot $12.00 -
37,985 Whittum, Isaac Bangor loss right eye, & effects to left eye $12.00 May 9, 1876
94,589 Sullivan, Timothy Bangor wound left thumb & intermittent fever $6.00 Dec. 28, 1868
66,825 Orr, George A. Bangor wound both thighs $12.00 -
10,116 O'Neil, Henry Bangor injury left leg $6.00 -
4,017 Palmer, Alpheus Bangor special act $30.00 -
102,104 O'Connell, Michael Bangor g.s.w. right arm $3.00 -
38,835 Olmstead, Isaac L. Bangor g.s.w. right foot, dyspepsia, &c. $6.00 -
44,881 Morrison, Charles H. Bangor wound left chest $10.00 -
57,099 Bolton, Sumner M. Bangor wound right eye $12.00 -
86,059 Freeze, Edwin L. Bangor wound right thigh $4.00 -
2,095 Ware, Charles L. Bangor fever & ague & results $10.00 -
852 Warren, Joshua D. Bangor injury to right shoulder & back (Navy) $18.75 -
869 Flynn, John Bangor wound left forearm & loss right (Navy) $24.00 -
858 O'Leary, Thomas Bangor wound left arm (Navy) $4.00 -
72,397 Tibbitts, Horace Bangor g.s.w. right hand $4.00 -
81,661 Merrill, Charles H. Bangor disease of lungs $2.00 May 23, 1867
183,073 Hamann, Henry Bangor g.s.w. right leg $8.00 Feb. 21, 1881
70,074 Allen, Hannah A. Bangor mother $8.00 Apr. 17, 1866
94,487 Dudley, Mary L. Bangor mother $8.00 July 22, 1867
142,267 Dyer, Elizabeth Bangor mother $8.00 Apr. 23, 1870
182,230 Archer, Syrena Bangor mother $8.00 Oct. 12, 1878
193,785 Ames, Lucy A. Bangor mother $8.00 Dec. 9, 1881
177,378 Parkhurst, Mary Ann Bangor mother $8.00 May 10, 1877
99,165 Powers, Lucy G. Bangor mother $8.00 Sept. 11, 1867
188,491 Pullen, Franklin C. Bangor father $8.00 May 31, 1880
174,744 Whittier, Fannie P. Bangor mother $8.00 Aug. 24, 1876
87,128 Hutchinson, Harriet Bangor widow $8.00 Nov. 28, 1866
43,732 Sibley, Caroline M. Bangor widow $8.00 June 8, 1867
64,057 Firth, Margaret Bangor widow $8.00 May 8, 1867
163,972 Hazelton, Cordelia E. Bangor widow $8.00 Feb. 14, 1874
25,8-4 Holden, Mary E. Bangor widow $8.00 June 3, 1867
66,811 Randolph, Maria Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 26, 1867
69,193 Rankins, Mary W. Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 26, 1867
77,611 Rayners, Ann Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 28, 1867
39,028 Parker, Victoria R. Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 28, 1867
44,392 Peabody, Sarah D. Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 28, 1867
163,402 Pearson, Sarah A. Bangor widow $8.00 Dec. 18, 1873
84,589 Johnston, Elizabeth Bangor widow $8.00 Sept. 28, 1866
30,508 Jameson, Julia A. Bangor widow $30.00 Feb. 6, 1874
196,758 Kirkpatrick, Josephine H. Bangor widow $8.00 July 21, 1882
24,821 Kelly, Olive H. Bangor widow $8.00 June 10, 1864
6,383 Leet, Ellen M. Bangor widow $20.00 Apr. 18, 1874
164,546 Bray, Mary E. Bangor widow $10.00 July 30, 1874
165,787 Boneher, Mary Bangor widow $20.00 Dec. 7, 1881
19,731 Bartlett, Selinda S. Bangor widow - -
182,420 Landers, Mary L. Bangor widow $8.00 Nov. 11, 1878
55,942 Lambert, Isabel J. Bangor widow $8.00 Sept. 21, 1865
2,171 Lombard, Mary A. Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 20, 1867
186,916 Legacy, Sophia Bangor widow $8.00 Feb. 10, 1880
38,173 Mayberry, Elera M. Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 26, 1867
263,009 McVay, Mary Bangor mother $8.00 July 14, 1871
62,156 McKenney, Rebecca Bangor mother $8.00 Jan. 15, 1866
72,745 Marsten, Rebecca C. Bangor mother $8.00 May 12, 1866
116,585 Phillbrook, Rebecca R. Bangor mother $8.00 Sept. 14, 1868
47,630 Rice, Catharine B. Bangor mother $8.00 May 23, 1865
159,469 Odlin, Jane E. Bangor mother $8.00 Aug. 31, 1872
135,562 Oriff, Sarah A. Bangor mother $8.00 Oct. 15, 1869
22,705 Rogers, Hannah Bangor mother $8.00 June 3, 1864
99,060 Sargent, Hannah Bangor mother $8.00 Sept. 5, 1867
8,527 Bazin, Catharine Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 12, 1877
78,620 Adley, Olive Bangor widow $8.00 Feb. 15, 1867
39,033 Barnose, Elvira M. Bangor widow $8.00 Feb. 18, 1867
181,072 Hammatt, Sarah A. Bangor widow $10.00 May 17, 1878
191,444 Crocker, Sophronia P. Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 16, 1881
73,948 Powers, Margaret Bangor widow $8.00 May 27, 1869
90,432 Patterson, Mary A. Bangor widow $8.00 Feb. 16, 1867
28,632 McKinley, Hannah L. Bangor widow $17.00 Nov. 20, 1873
184,458 McMahan, Mary Bangor widow $8.00 June 14, 1879
137,377 Conillard, Lois J. Bangor widow $8.00 -
9,367 Marcho, Mary E. Bangor widow $8.00 Nov. 30, 1863
172,900 Moore, Susan A. Bangor widow $8.00 Apr. 1, 1876
95,801 Nickerson, Elizabeth Bangor widow $8.00 June 13, 1867
41,694 Orme, Emma E. Bangor widow $8.00 Apr. 30, 1867
63,895 Delano, Sarah R. Bangor widow $8.00 May 11, 1867
60,629 Myer, Celinda Bangor widow $8.00 June 22, 1867
50,099 Thompson, Sylvesta S. Bangor widow $20.00 June 28, 1865
6,858 Bennett, Charlotte Bangor widow $8.00 Oct. 10, 1863
36,238 Tibbetts, Althea B. Bangor widow $8.00 Dec. 24, 1864
62,027 Celare, Lucy H. Bangor widow $8.00 May 11, 1869
160,640 Chaplin, Margaret Bangor widow $8.00 Jan. 7, 1873
38,575 Carlisle, Margaret W. Bangor widow $8.00 June 4, 1867
59,652 Currier, Nellie J. Bangor widow $20.00 Nov. 16, 1865
39,030 Chaplin, Susan D. Bangor widow $30.00 Sept. 26, 1873
5,974 Day, Elizabeth M. Bangor widow $8.00 Nov. 14, 1867
70,890 Bussell, Lelma A. Bangor widow $8.00 Apr. 23, 1866
194,343 Burr, Thirza M. Bangor widow $10.00 Feb. 4, 1882
192,212 Emerson, Eunice Bangor widow $8.00 May 9, 1881
197,124 Hilyard, Margaret Bangor widow $10.00 Sept. 13, 1882
34,664 Young, Lucy H. Bangor widow $8.00 Apr. 25, 1867
114,579 Pomeroy, Hannah M. Bangor widow $8.00 June 11, 1868
169,739 Ellis, Melinda J. Bangor widow $8.00 June 22, 1875
56,245 Davis, Rachel G. Bangor widow $8.00 May 31, 1867
664 Pollard, Abigail L. Bangor widow $8.00 May 30, 1867
79,342 Page, Ann S. Bangor widow $8.00 July 26, 1866
- Noyes, Jane N. Bangor widow (Navy) $10.00 -
12,279 Rowe, Joanna A. Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 27, 1879
8,502 Palmer, Lucy L. Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 7, 1878
28,118 Spear, Betsey Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 9, 1879
13,934 Bridgham, Margaret C. Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 3, 1879
27,978 Clark, Dorcas Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 29, 1879
14,682 Cushing, Mary M. Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 8, 1879
18,441 Car, Ruth Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 18, 1879
126,979 Barnes, Hannah Bangor mother $8.00 Apr. 1, 1869
118,355 Judge, Ellen Bangor mother $8.00 Sept. 7, 1868
156,607 Jordan, Cordelia Bangor mother $8.00 Mar. 18, 1872
141,393 Ware, Cynthia Bangor mother $8.00 Mar. 24, 1870
154,640 Verplaet, Susan Bangor mother $8.00 Nov. 29, 1871
103,283 Stevens, Judith Bangor mother $8.00 Nov. 20, 1867
138,669 Stubbs, Melinda C. Bangor mother $8.00 Jan. 19, 1870
131,917 Quinn, Bridget Bangor mother $8.00 July 19, 1869
82,292 Robinson, Hannah Bangor mother $8.00 Aug. 31, 1866
132,406 Rogers, Mary E. Bangor mother $8.00 July 28, 1869
45,604 Toole, Mary Bangor mother $8.00 Apr. 25, 1865
178,418 Van Wyke, Elmira A. Bangor mother $8.00 Aug. 16, 1877
56,244 Glass, Susan Bangor mother $8.00 Sept. 26, 1865
136,536 Honey, Betsey C. Bangor mother $8.00 Nov. 19, 1869
157,355 Hardress, Lucy M. Bangor mother $8.00 Apr. 17, 1872
101,875 Crowley, Honora Bangor mother $8.00 Oct. 29, 1867
56,391 Clark, Prudence Bangor mother $8.00 Sept. 28, 1865
25,545 Carlisle, Margaret Bangor mother $8.00 June 29, 1864
135,569 Drew, Perneal Q. Bangor mother $8.00 Jan. 17. 1870
136,843 Temple, Ruth F. Bangor mother $8.00 Nov. 29, 1869
166,713 Thompson, Elizabeth F. Bangor mother $8.00 Dec. 12, 1874
154,106 Estes, Sarah S. Bangor mother $8.00 Nov. 1, 1871
46,965 Dunton, Sarah Bangor mother $8.00 May 13, 1865
157,538 Golden, Matilda Bangor mother $8.00 Apr. 27, 1872
130,041 Whittier, Mehitable Bangor mother $8.00 June 5, 1869
139,804 West, Temperance H. Bangor mother $8.00 Feb. 16, 1870
1,902 Dinsmore, Caroline E. Bangor mother $8.00 Dec. 30, 1881
118,547 Blake, Samuel Bangor father $8.00 Sept. 10, 1868
99,161 Betts, William Bangor father $8.00 July 23, 1868
175,176 Brown, John Bangor father $8.00 Oct. 4, 1876
194,088 Gordon, Percival Bangor father $8.00 Jan. 14, 1882
158,272 Thomas, Alfred Bangor father $8.00 June 8, 1872
120,943 Trask, James Bangor father $8.00 Nov. 9, 1868
195,901 Johnson, Robert Bangor father $8.00 June 2, 1882
158,061 Qumby, Daniel Bangor father $8.00 May 24, 1872
167,407 Frost, Joseph Bangor father $8.00 Feb. 11, 1875
190,941 Cobb, Francis A. Bangor minor of $10.00 Jan. 25, 1881
156,926 Cobb, Francis A. Bangor minors of $10.331/3 Mar. 29,1872
190,473 McKenny, John Y. Bangor minors of $14.00 Dec. 4, 1880
197,927 McKague, John Bangor minors of $12.00 Dec. 9, 1882
23,654 Gilchrest, Harriet Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 May 5, 1879
25,156 Thompson, Esther Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 June 24, 1879
8,392 Gullifer, Nancy Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 6, 1878
28,117 Hersey, Anness Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 9, 1879
13,210 Groves, Polly Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 12, 1878
4,543 Moor, Deborah Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 6, 1873
14,689 Veazie, Mary C. Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 8, 1879
15,941 Varney, Mary Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 27, 1879
17,478 McLaughlin, Almira Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 11, 1879
17,193 Fairbanks, Rhoda Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 4, 1879
18,957 Field, Bethany Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 20, 1879
24,463 Davis, Martha Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 May 28, 1879
18,840 Hinckley, Lurania K. Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 15, 1879
22,568 Goldthwaite, Mary A. Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 15, 1879
13,479 Liscomb, Deborah A. Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 29, 1878
11,817 Mansell, Rachel Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 18, 1878
24,244 Crowell, Asa Bangor survivor 1812 $8.00 Sept. 23, 1878
24,069 Nichols. Lemuel Bangor survivor 1812 $8.00 Sept. 4, 1878
25,052 Perkins, John Bangor survivor 1812 $8.00 Apr. 24, 1879
25,368 Rich, George W. Bangor survivor 1812 $8.00 Feb. 17, 1880
23,445 Lyon, Alpheus Bangor survivor 1812 $8.00 July 31, 1878
23 Haines, Nathaniel Bangor survivor 1812 $8.00 Jun 7, 1871
24,532 Chamberlain, Ira Bangor survivor 1812 $8.00 Nov. 6, 1878
25,783 Thomas, Margaret Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 July 12, 1879
12,435 Tomlinson, Lois Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 30, 1878
27,287 Colbath, Mary Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 11, 1879
30,076 Gordon, Susan Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 July 31, 1880
88,879 Gillespie, Sally Bangor widow $8.00 Jan. 12, 1867
56,005 Cancannon, Winny Bangor widow $8.00 Mar. 14, 1867
39,662 Daggett, Almira J. Bangor mother $8.00 Jan. 28, 1865
171,150 Grant, James Bangor father $8.00 Nov. 24, 1875
168,789 Whittier, Benjamin F. Bradford injury left shoulder $4.00 May 28, 1880
155,381 Braley, David Bradford heart disease $18.00 -
113,133 Cunningham, William Bradford injury left side chest $8.00 Sept. 2, 1871
193,684 Grimes, Edward H. Bradford asthma $8.00 July 30, 1881
60,725 Reeves, Andrew J. Bradford g.s.w. left hand and disease of kidney $6.00 -
43,643 Noyes, Randal C. Bradford wound left shoulder $5.331/3 June 7, 1865
109,914 Chamberlain, Eugene L. Bradford fever & diarrhea $4.00 Feb. 15, 1871
210,924 Reeves, Samuel Bradford heart disease $6.00 June 10, 1882
39,147 Reeves, James J. Bradford amputation left thigh $24.00 -
81,050 Ham, Lorana Bradford mother $8.00 Aug. 16, 1866
138,099 Clark, Abigail Bradford mother $8.00 Jan. 5, 1870
138,733 Cunningham, Cyrene Bradford mother $8.00 Jan. 20, 1870
176,312 Curtis, Nancy Bradford mother $8.00 Feb. 7, 1877
106,671 Butler, Mary Bradford mother $8.00 Nov. 28, 1868
127,670 Young, Jane Bradford mother $8.00 Apr. 15, 1869
138,098 Bickmore, Charlotte Bradford mother $8.00 Jan. 5, 1870
79,235 Daggett, Elizabeth W. Bradford mother $8.00 July 25, 1866
118,469 Cunningham, David Bradford father $8.00 Sept. 9, 1868
139,798 Farmham, Jesse D. Bradford father $8.00 Feb. 16, 1870
129,240 Soul?, Joseph Bradford father $8.00 May 18, 1869
42,112 Henick, Mary J. Bradford widow $8.00 June 19, 1867
195,276 Strout, Harriet Bradford widow $8.00 Apr. 16, 1882
84,269 Knox, Mehitable B. Bradford widow $8.00 June 1, 1871
26,499 Dutton, Elizabeth Bradford widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 20, 1879
10,343 Chamberlain, Mary A. Bradford widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 12, 1878
166,941 Emerson, Daniel W. Bradford Centre disease of eyes $4.00 -
11,088 Baily, Augustus C. Bradford Centre paralysis left arm $4.00 Apr. 25, 1863
111,366 Luce, Lucien A. Bradford Centre intermittent fever & diarrhea $7.00 -
166,368 Strout, Alvah D. M. Bradford Centre g.s.w. right arm & right inguinal hernia $10.00 Apr. 6, 1880
74,252 Bailey, William E. Bradford Centre cut left side & scurvy $5.331/3 Nov. 21, 1866
222,085 Arnold, Isaac Bradford Centre debility from malarial fever $4.00 Dec. 9, 1882
136,265 Strout, Keziah Bradford Centre mother $8.00 Nov. 11, 1869
173,495 Wade, Abner Bradford Centre father $8.00 June 2, 1876
15,210 Bailey, Martha Bradford Centre widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 17, 1879
199,750 Bell, Joseph Le Bradley g.s.w. back $2.00 Dec. 23, 1881
191,871 Tyler, Marion T. Bradley g.s.w. left foot, &c. $4.00 June 30, 1881
151,303 Spencer, Hiram A. Bradley injury to abdomen $4.00 Mar. 2, 1878
102,571 Reed, George Bradley injury to right eye affecting left $10.00 -
50,648 Livermore, Mary Bradley mother $8.00 July 6, 1865
167,263 Blackman, Rachel G. Bradley mother $8.00 June 21, 1879
118,410 Rowell, Elmira C. Bradley mother $8.00 Sept. 8, 1868
140,388 Rowell, Mary A. Bradley mother $8.00 Mar. 1, 1870
155,174 Knight, Joseph M. Bradley father $8.00 Dec. 29, 1871
187,987 Carter, John D. Bradley father $8.00 Apr. 27, 1880
74,743 Clark, Hannah L. Bradley widow $8.00 Apr. 8, 1867
14,293 Dodge, Louisa Bradley widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 5, 1879
24,638 Eddy, Olive Bradley widow 1812 $8.00 June 6, 1879
191,404 Morrell, John R. Brewer g.s.w. right side $4.00 June 28, 1881
85,365 Moor, Orlando Brewer intermittent fever & injury left side $8.00 -
167,736 Morrill, Levi Jr. Brewer injury to left side $2.00 Dec. 4, 1879
126,992 Rand, Warren S. Brewer measles & results $6.00 Feb. 21, 1874
17,708 Nealey, James M. Brewer rheumatism of spine $4.00 Oct. 3, 1873
101,706 Averill, Charles W. Brewer loss left forearm $18.00 -
9,799 Curvier, Edwin Brewer wound left foot $4.00 June 28, 1862
208,864 Rich, Preston A. Brewer bayonet wound left knee, &c. $6.00 May 16, 1882
92,593 Burr, Ferdinand C. Brewer wound left knee $2.662/3 -
77,110 Barnes, Joseph H. Brewer wound left forearm $4.00 Feb. 6, 1867
150,666 Bissell, John Wesley Brewer shell wound face $4.00 -
61,835 Boden, Charles H. Brewer wound left thigh $4.00 Apr. 18, 1866
43,804 Getchell, George W. Brewer injury to abdomen $4.00 -
204,438 Washburn, William R. Brewer double inguinal hernia - -
81,015 Mayo, Edwin P. Brewer injury left side & diseased heart $5.00 -
95,624 Purington, Bryon H. Brewer deafness & fever sores $15.00 -
203,833 Torsey, William H. Brewer g.s.w. left side $2.00 Mar. 3, 1882
131,850 Colson, Elizabeth Brewer mother $8.00 July 16, 1869
92,850 Glidden, Hannah Brewer mother $8.00 Apr. 17, 1867
92,851 Burton, Sarah E. Brewer mother $8.00 Apr. 17, 1867
55,370 Eldridge, Mary Brewer mother $8.00 Sept. 13, 1865
137,485 Frazer, Margaret Brewer mother $8.00 Dec. 15, 1869
182,844 Swett, Sarah A. Brewer mother $8.00 Jan. 11, 1879
187,538 Bartram, Catharine Brewer mother $8.00 Mar. 29, 1880
157,019 Annis, Alanson Brewer minor of $10.00 Jan. 19, 1875
68,250 Brastow, Almeda L. Brewer widow $8.00 Mar. 30, 1866
194,963 Galay, Harriet B. Brewer widow $14.00 Mar. 27, 1882
59,263 Ordway, Adelia A. Brewer widow $8.00 Nov. 10, 1865
192,438 Bates, Martha M. Brewer widow $20.00 May 27, 1881
63,199 Lord, Abby C. Brewer widow $8.00 Feb. 4, 1882
99,675 Kellen, Henrietta Brewer widow $8.00 Sept. 23, 1867
46,043 Heath, Elizabeth A. Brewer widow $8.00 Aug. 1, 1867
49,706 Hall, Mary A. Brewer widow $8.00 Mar. 29, 1867
9,118 Marden, Lucy Brewer widow $8.00 Sept. 24, 1867
22,572 Patten, Ann Brewer widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 15, 1879
24,937 Nickerson, Eliphalet Brewer survivor $8.00 Mar. 8, 1879
66,992 Day, Lydia Brewer mother $8.00 Mar. 15, 1866
31,169 Mathers, Eunice Brewer widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 2, 1881
53,965 Young, Benjamin Brewer Village wound right shoulder $18.00 Dec. 7, 1866
56,689 Torrens, James W. Brewer Village chronic diarrhea $4.00 Jan. 29, 1866
68,615 Mayo, Betsey C. Brewer Village mother $8.00 Mar. 24, 1866
167,959 Shaw, Susan L. Brewer Village mother $8.00 Mar. 10, 1875
24,605 Doane, Joseph Brewer Village survivor 1812 $8.00 Nov. 30, 1878
222,202 Turner, Marcellus Burlington g.s.w. right finger, left hand $1.00 Dec. 11, 1882
160,924 Peasley, Horace L. Burlington g.s.w. right thigh $4.00 June 20, 1879
83,858 Chase, Frederick W. Burlington prurigo, &c. $4.00 July 31, 1867
198,339 Eaton, Eben Burlington injury to abdomen & rheumatism $6.00 Nov. 29, 1881
134,576 Tripp, Alonzo S. Burlington injury to abdomen $4.00 July 12, 1875
148,265 Perkins, Sullivan S. Burlington injury to back $6.00 Sept. 1877
43,689 Richardson, George W. Burlington wound left wrist $16.00 Jan. 2, 1867
11,869 Avery, John H. Burlington injury to back & hip $4.00 May 27, 1863
2,736 Quinn, Asa Burlington partial paralysis (Navy) $18.00 -
37,184 Hogan, Lettis A. Burlington widow $8.00 Mar. 25, 1867
578,518 Gales, Cyrus F. Burlington father $8.00 July 24, 1876
185,287 Sibley, Abraham Burlington father $8.00 Aug. 20, 1879
22,393 Folsom, Samuel Burlington survivor 1812 $8.00 June 17, 1878
83,487 Otis, Hezekiah Carmel chronic rheumatism $18.00 -
69,517 Smith, Llewellyn Carmel disease of heart & lungs $10.00 -
95,855 Dodge, George E. Carmel g.s.w. right shoulder $6.00 -
37,489 Tarr, Hiram F. Carmel amputation left arm $24.00 -
86,173 Luce, Joseph P. Carmel intermittent fever $8.00 -
70,121 Burrell, Alonzo Carmel chronic diarrhea $3.00 Aug. 29, 1866
144,363 Shorey, Franklin D. Carmel g.s.w. right knee $2.00 Mar. 31, 1877
135,638 Smith, Harry C. Carmel g.s.w. right leg $8.00 -
37,211 Bradford, Peleg Jr. Carmel loss right thigh $24.00 -
86,345 Smith, Hollis Carmel chronic diarrhea $8.00 -
72,892 Prebble, Charles M. Carmel wound right ankle $10.00 -
13,990 Perry, David Carmel injury left hand & wrist - -
193,180 Bean, Granville B. Carmel intermittent fever & resulting debility $4.00 July 22, 1881
113,175 Fitzpatrick, John Carmel fever & ague & disease of $4.00 Aug. 24, 1871
204,822 Cushman, Lewis H. Carmel injury to left hip & left inguinal hernia $6.00 Mar. 21, 1882
41,158 Carter, Joseph Carmel wound right thigh $4.00 Apr. 24, 1865
97,877 Garrot, Aurin L. Carmel disease of liver & dropsy $6.00 -
187,684 Felker, George W. Carmel injury left leg & right side $8.00 Apr. 30, 1881
83,935 Harnes, Charles L. Carmel injury to abdomen $8.00 -
61,839 Jackson, Benjamin Carmel g.s.w. right arm & hand $8.00 -
116,361 Croxford, James G. Carmel fever & ague $2.00 Apr. 8, 1872
44,776 Appleton, Joseph Carmel g.s.w. left arm $24.00 -
92,496 Sylvester, Edward Carmel general debility $8.00 -
76,161 Torrey, Aaron Carmel wound left hip $2.662/3 Jan. 12, 1867
76,912 Perry, Oliver H. Carmel injury left side $3.00 Feb. 1, 1867
167,918 Newcomb, James Carmel partial deafness, both ears $4.00 -
207,502 Robinson, George Carmel injury right side, & kidney disease $4.00 Apr. 26, 1882
81,789 Rogers, William S. Carmel rheumatism $6.00 -
88,373 Curtis, Fidelia Carmel mother $8.00 Jan. 2, 1867
105,006 Harrington, Mary Carmel mother $8.00 Dec. 18, 1867
56,746 Bradford, Emily Carmel mother $8.00 Oct. 2, 1865
80,308 Burrell, Siley T. Carmel mother $8.00 Aug. 8, 1866
183,974 Thayer, Francis H. Carmel minor of $10.00 Apr. 29, 1879
161,475 Bragg, George Carmel father $8.00 Mar. 19, 1873
150,323 Stover, Oliver Carmel father $8.00 Sept. 22, 1871
139,842 Quinn, Frank Carmel father $8.00 Feb. 17, 1872
15,217 Betts, Sarah P. Carmel widow $8.00 Mar. 2, 1864
95,936 Kendall, Lois O. Carmel widow $8.00 June 17, 1867
116,534 Jackson, Sarah Carmel widow $8.00 July 28, 1868
107,317 Grover, Betsey Carmel widow $8.00 Jan. 28, 1868
29,951 Welch, Nancy Carmel widow 1812 $8.00 July 15, 1880
15,440 Ward, Sarah Carmel widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 18, 1879
77,373 Blanchard, Lowell Carroll g.s.w. right hip $6.00 -
67,237 Drake, George A. Carroll g.s.w. right leg $12.00 -
158,904 Bailey, Hiram R. Carroll malarial poisoning $6.00 -
94,466 Lothrop, Stillman H. Carroll disease both eyes, rest. wound $8.00 -
125,413 Aldrich, Hannah Carroll mother $8.00 Mar. 1, 1869
73,771 Larrabee, Elvira Carroll mother $8.00 May 2, 1867
23,741 Gardner, Hannah Carroll widow 1812 $8.00 May 6, 1879
137,483 Lothrop, Fanny Carroll mother $8.00 Dec. 15, 1869
3,936 Sweat, John Charleston injury back & left ankle $8.00 -
61,913 Page, Charles E. Charleston wound left thigh $2.662/3 Apr. 17, 1866
200,443 Hubbard, Gorham P. Charleston chronic rheumatism & heart disease $6.00 Jan. 9, 1882
105,324 Johnston, Eben W. Charleston chronic rheumatism $4.00 -
75,812 Mitchell, Alphonzo H. Charleston wound left leg $2.00 Dec. 31, 1866
210,037 King, Hosea J. Charleston g.s.w. right buttock $4.00 May 31, 1882
189,278 Adams, Joseph Charleston malarial poisoning $4.00 May 27, 1881
47,293 Ross, Frank Charleston loss all fingers, right hand $16.00 Oct. 10, 1866
136,343 Bradley, Philena B. Charleston mother $8.00 Nov. 13, 1869
62,066 Duren, Margaret J. Charleston widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 16, 1876
8,624 Towle, Mary Charleston mother $8.00 Nov. 20, 1863
35,865 Bunker, Betsey B. Charleston mother $9.00 Jan. 11, 1876
20,751 Herrick, Nancy Charleston widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 12, 1879
15,885 Bither, Elizabeth M. Charleston widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 22, 1879
13,757 Libbey, Ephraim Charleston survivor 1812 $8.00 Mar. 13, 1872
45,497 Tilton, Sarah J. Charleston widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 24, 1865
200,282 Parkes, Lorenzo Clifton disease of abdominal viscera & disease of lungs $6.00 Jan. 5, 1882
152,425 Jellison, John Clifton disease of lungs $4.00 Apr. 16, 1878
3,235 Campbell, Sally Clifton widow 1812 $8.00 July 12, 1872
116,860 Whitaker, Susan C. Clifton mother $8.00 Aug. 3, 1868
113,212 Bradbury, Caroline Clifton mother $8.00 Nov. 17, 1868
27,334 Rowe, Charity Clifton widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 16, 1879
19,948 Campbell, Sarah Clifton widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 4, 1879
78,411 Chick, Mary L. Clifton widow $8.00 May 3, 1867
66,553 Thompson, Dennis Corinna wound left hand $6.00 -
64,800 Sprague, Frederick E. Corinna loss left leg $18.00 July 28, 1866
121,338 Snell, Hosea B. Corinna disease of heart $4.00 Jan. 31, 1873
189,415 Lander, Albert S. Corinna disease of heart $4.00 May 31, 1881
195,846 Campbell, John Corinna chronic diarrhea $8.00 Sept. 17, 1881
89,111 Dennis, Sanburne Corinna injury to back $4.00 Feb. -, 1868
69,447 Butters, William M. Corinna wound right hand $4.00 Aug. 21, 1866
34,094 White, Lewis W. Corinna injury to back, &c. $4.00 Nov. 3, 1864
74,253 Nickerson, Charles W. Corinna wound left foot $8.00 -
191,949 Winchester, John Corinna chronic diarrhea & results $24.00 June 30, 1881
45,517 Dearborn, Samuel Corinna wound head, destroyed right eye $16.00 -
141,742 Hilliker, Gillman W. Corinna typhoid fever, resulting epilepsy $12.00 -
57,091 Metcalf, Chesley L. Corinna loss right arm, above elbow $24.00 Sept. 2, 1874
38,576 Daggett, Sarah A. Corinna widow $8.00 May 22, 1867
13,413 Young, Abigail J. Corinna widow $8.00 Mar. 18, 1867
27,521 French, Mary J. Corinna widow $8.00 Apr. 9, 1880
66,007 Ireland, Sophronia W. Corinna widow $8.00 May 11, 1867
136,114 Hodge, Olive Corinna mother $8.00 Oct. 2, 1871
83,630 Thompson, Temperance Corinna mother $8.00 Sept. 17, 1866
154,331 Osgood, Mary Corinna mother $8.00 Dec. 11, 1871
190,549 Dearborn, Edward Corinna father $8.00 Dec. 10, 1880
26,098 Hutchinson, Susan Corinna widow 1812 $8.00 July 30, 1879
7,435 Snell, Rebecca Corinna widow 1812 $8.00 July 31, 1878
29,027 Simpson Betsey Corinna widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 9, 1880
24,941 Smith, Sally Corinna widow 1812 $8.00 June 17, 1879
26,083 Titcomb, Jeremiah Corinna widow 1812 $8.00 May 2, 1879
119,010 Clark, William Jr. Corinna Center fever & ague $4.00 Sept. 17, 1872
93,853 Leighton, Phebe A. Corinna Center mother $8.00 May 4, 1867
138,668 Palmer, Charlotte Corinna Center mother $8.00 Jan. 19, 1870
37,214 Palmer, Henry W. Corinth loss right arm, above elbow $24.00 Jan. --, 1865
132,059 Coffin, Jael W. Corinth mother $8.00 July 21, 1869
172,481 Larey, John Dexter malarial poisoning $2.00 Aug. 9, 1880
57,549 Symonds, Smith A. Dexter g.s.w. left groin $24.00 Feb. 13, 1867
57,693 Thomas, John J. Dexter wound right leg $4.00 Feb. 10, 1866
122,982 Fowle, John R. Dexter g.s.w. right knee $6.00 May 5, 1873
44,403 Taylor, Justin A. Dexter wound both thighs $8.00 -
70,660 Buswell, Prentice M. Dexter wound right arm $2.00 Sept. 6, 1866
100,949 Bailey, Parley A. Dexter injury to skull $8.00 -
186,082 Palmer, Erastus L. Dexter chronic diarrhea $4.00 Mar. 31, 1881
169,446 Bailey, George H. Dexter liver disease & dyspepsia, &c. $4.00 June 9, 1880
43,019 Weymouth, Henry F. Dexter g.s.w. left leg & varicose veins $10.00 May 26, 1865
35,789 Copeland, Llewellyn Dexter wound left arm $8.00 -
32,293 Packard, John T. Dexter lameness spine, side, & $6.00 Aug. 31, 1864
94,867 White, Sullivan S. Dexter right inguinal hernia $8.00 -
89,156 Card. George W. Dexter chronic diarrhea $2.662/3 -
109,662 Mulliken, Morey Dexter g.s.w. head $10.00 -
67,068 Ireland, Albert Dexter amputation right thigh $24.00 -
25,929 Moody, Amon Dexter paralysis right side $31.25 -
138,179 Libby, Samuel Dexter liver disease $8.00 -
69,366 Leighton, Delano Dexter wound right thigh $7.00 -
62,418 Lyford, Danville B. Dexter g.s.w. right shoulder $8.00 -
188,213 Kenyon, William C. Dexter heart disease & g.s.w. hand $8.00 May 6, 1881
32,782 Kittridge, - - - Dexter chronic diarrhea, ch. & fever $5.00 -
40,968 Roberts, Otis O. Dexter loss toes left foot $18.00 Dec. 17, 1868
127,402 Cole, Charles A. Dexter ottorrhea & deafness $6.00 Mar. 24, 1874
81,638 Curtis, Americus J. Dexter g.s.w. left thigh & arm $10.00 -
222,238 Crocker, Albert D. Dexter chronic diarrhea, &c. $4.00 Dec. 12, 1882
137,329 Spencer, Cyrus Dexter sunstroke & results $4.00 Jan. 10, 1876
132,538 Shepherd, Abner Dexter disease of abdominal viscera $4.00 Mar. 23, 1875
219,657 Nickerson, Henry S. Dexter g.s.w. right thigh $4.00 Oct. 25, 1882
53,735 Morrill, Walter G. Dexter v. of face $15.00 Nov. 28, 1865
94,057 Gilberth, Thomas Dexter g.s.w. right hand $4.00 Dec. 28, 1880
190,240 Russell, Herman Dexter father $8.00 Oct. 30, 1880
170,525 Buzzell, Lydia L. T. Dexter mother $8.00 Aug. 24, 1875
142,672 Dyer, Mercy W. Dexter mother $8.00 May 5, 1870
166,608 Leighton, Nelly W. Dexter mother $8.00 Nov. 30, 1874
95,268 Russell, Clarissa Dexter mother $8.00 Dec. 2, 1868
49,421 Russell, Mary Ann Dexter mother $8.00 June 19, 1865
99,522 Silver, Hannah Dexter mother $8.00 Nov. 14, 1868
105,233 Kimball, Abby Dexter mother $8.00 Dec. 21, 1867
127,738 Herrin, Mary A. Dexter mother $8.00 Apr. 16, 1869
62,048 Knight, Sophia Dexter mother $8.00 Jan. 13, 1866
42,768 Abbott, Apphia Dexter mother $8.00 Mar. 14, 1865
149,360 Sibby, Leander S. Dexter father $8.00 Sept. 15, 1871
184,226 Cutler, Catharine W. Dexter widow $30.00 May 22, 1879
37,487 Osborne, Amanda M. Dexter widow $8.00 Apr. 5, 1867
70,198 Abbee, Florentina M. Dexter widow $8.00 Oct. 18, 1867
41,177 Haselton, Eloisa E. Dexter widow $8.00 June 8, 1867
186,000 Richardson, Lizzie F. Dexter widow $8.00 Nov. 19, 1879
42,519 Lamb, Ellen Dexter widow $8.00 Mar. 20, 1867
40,189 Brown, Rebecca Dexter widow $8.00 Feb. 3, 1865
66,808 Raymond, Elizabeth Dexter widow $8.00 Apr. 24, 1868
27,254 Whittemore, Ellen E. Dexter widow $2.00 July 29, 1864
29,001 Taylor, Mehitable Dexter widow $8.00 Aug. 27, 1864
192,498 Elden, Ellura Dexter widow $10.00 -
76,782 Curtis, Zilpha B. Dexter widow $8.00 Apr. 11, 1867
49,096 Celay, Maria Dexter widow $8.00 Feb. 20, 1867
11,176 Pray, Sophronia Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 9, 1878
24,948 Rollins, Hannah Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 June 17, 1879
17,380 Adams, Nancy Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 10, 1879
29,167 Carr, Mary Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 10, 1880
31,802 Smith, Rebecca Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 June 7, 1881
15,203 Sampson, Rhoda P. Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 17 ,1879
28,571 Martin, Betsey Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 24, 1880
12,173 Knowles, Roxana Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 26, 1878
9,050 Knowles, Lovina Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 19, 1878
17,485 Drake, Nancy Dexter widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 11, 1879
166,571 Campbell, John A. Dexter father $8.00 Nov. 24, 1874
61,991 Alden, John B. Dixmont wound right side $3.00 Apr. 20, 1866
187,056 Ridley, Jonathan Dixmont intermittent fever $6.00 Aug. 26, 1882
217,212 Twitchell, Joshua Jr. Dixmont chronic diarrhea $4.00 Aug. 26, 1882
126,756 Jewell, Benjamin F. Dixmont g.s.w. right thigh $4.00 Feb. 6, 1874
116,363 Jewell, Charles F. Dixmont g.s.w. & loss index finger $4.00 Apr. 8, 1872
208,235 Wingate, William M. Dixmont disease of kidneys $4.00 May 6, 1882
164,368 Gould, Sarah Dixmont mother $8.00 Apr. 1, 1874
13,836 Thorndike, Ebenezer Dixmont survivor 1812 $8.00 Mar. 14, 1872
74,086 Cook, Moses Dixmont Centre wound left hand $10.00 -
96,695 Hones, Horace Dixmont Centre g.s.w. left thigh $6.00 Apr. 2, 1869
200,897 Bean, Albion Dixmont Centre g.s.w. head $4.00 Jan. 17, 1882
210,632 Bickford, Joseph H. Dixmont Centre severe deafness both ears $4.00 June 7, 1882
5,358 Garland, Samuel Dixmont Centre - $8.00 Sept. 29, 1871
74,608 York, Sarah E. Dixmont Centre widow $8.00 May 31, 1866
102,714 Mack, Luther Dixmont Centre father $8.00 Nov. 11, 1867
28,614 Smart, Asenath Dixmont Centre widow 1812 $8.00 June 4, 1880
1,064 Mudgett, Stephen B. Dixmont Centre survivor 1812 $8.00 July 13, 1871
30,618 Emery, Lorenda Dixmont Centre widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 4, 1880
117,771 Palmer, Luther F. East Bangor shell wound forehead, &c. $4.00 -
53,727 Bean, Charles H. East Bangor amputated left thigh $24.00 -
66,674 Richards, Edward East Bangor wound right leg $4.00 June 28, 1866
44,502 Lilley, Stephen O. East Bangor loss right leg above knee $24.00 -
4,106 Small, Lucy Jane East Bangor widow $8.00 Aug. 2, 1867
27,597 Trueworth, Deborah East Bangor widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 9, 1879
77,225 Kimball, Albion P. East Bradford wound right leg $4.00 -
135,849 Tollell, Francis East Bradford g.s.w. left arm & results $14.00 Sept. 15, 1875
209,108 Emery, John G. East Bradford chills & fever & diarrhea $4.00 May 18, 1882
124,705 Danforth, Philip A. East Bradford diphtheria, resulting paralysis $4.00 Aug. 21, 1873
202,292 Erskine, Andrew B. East Bradford chronic diarrhea $4.00 Feb. 3, 1882
77,993 Chadburn, Joseph F. East Bradford g.s.w. left shoulder $8.00 -
208,033 Bowker, Charles East Bradford chills & fever $4.00 May 4, 1882
191,776 Peaslee, Freeman East Bradford fever & ague & results $4.00 June 30, 1881
65,253 Young, Daniel East Bradford wound right leg $8.00 June 11, 1866
28,525 Holt, Martha East Bradford mother $8.00 Aug. 20, 1864
152,608 Hill, Leonard East Bradford father $8.00 Aug. 3, 1871
78,163 Eddy, Benjamin East Corinth chronic diarrhea & scurvy $10.00 -
106,809 Bean, Josiah East Corinth injury to spine $6.00 -
204,163 Dexter, Cheston B. East Corinth debility, heart disease, &c. $4.00 Mar. 10, 1882
24,276 Trickey, Franklin B. East Corinth loss right forearm $18.00 -
60,207 Clark, Charlotte S. East Corinth mother $8.00 Nov. 24, 1865
124,164 Heald, Hannah L. East Corinth mother $8.00 Feb. 2, 1869
181,939 Sawyer, Betsey T. East Corinth mother $8.00 Sept. 16, 1878
187,353 Worth, Annie C. East Corinth mother $14.00 Mar. 15, 1880
158,062 Rowndy, Sylia H. East Corinth mother $8.00 May 24, 1872
37,848 Stockwell, Angeline East Corinth widow $8.00 -
57,266 Carpenter, Sarah East Corinth widow $8.00 July 26, 1867
163,738 Whittier, Josiah M. East Corinth minor of $10.00 June 24, 1874
21,406 Tozier, Wealthy L. East Corinth widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 24, 1879
22,0-9 Hyde, Polly East Corinth widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 2, 1879
24,436 Smith, Nathaniel East Corinth survivor 1812 $8.00 Oct. 19, 1878
66,554 Smith, Edwin East Dixmont g.s.w. left hand $4.00 -
84,841 Smith, Walter G. East Dixmont wound left leg $2.662/3 -
27,870 Croxford, Julia A. East Dixmont mother $8.00 Aug. 11, 1864
39,412 Snow, Sallie E. East Dixmont widow $8.00 Jan. 26, 1865
167,163 Sparion, Julia C. East Dixmont widow $8.00 Jan. 26, 1875
129,536 Webster, Hannah J. East Dixmont widow $8.00 May 20, 1869
25,425 Porter, Phebe Ann K. East Dixmont widow 1812 $8.00 July 7, 1869
3,764 Allen, Ebenezer East Dixmont widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 1, 1871
96,790 Glover, George B. East Eddington chronic rheumatism $4.00 -
102,606 Broad, Elisha H. East Eddington g.s.w. pelvis & groin $4.00 -
57,553 Rooks, Rufus H. East Eddington g.s.w. lower thigh $8.00 -
135,263 Rowe, William A. East Eddington heart disease $4.00 Aug. 13, 1875
54,463 Wiggin, S. Bollivar East Eddington wound of abdomen $17.00 -
111,706 Eddy, Eliza A. East Eddington mother $8.00 Dec. 21, 1868
111,493 Broad, Mary J. East Eddington mother $8.00 Apr. 13, 1868
63,109 Maddocks, Mary East Eddington mother $8.00 July 19, 1870
42,518 Sabine, Charity East Eddington widow $8.00 Mar. 10, 1865
71,711 Blanchard, Hannah East Exeter mother $8.00 Apr. 30, 1866
49,238 Tibbetts, Rachel C. East Exeter widow $8.00 Dec. 23, 1868
21,380 Fernald, Sophia East Exeter widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 24, 1879
27,979 Howard, Lucy East Exeter widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 29, 1879
24,869 Dole, Daniel East Exeter survivor 1812 $8.00 Feb. 17, 1869
66,370 Gooding, Tristram C. East Hampton wound right thigh $5.00 June 25, 1866
49,093 Brackett, Hiram C. East Hampton injury back and abdomen $4.00 Sept. 2, 1865
112,270 Dorsey, Bridget East Hampton mother $8.00 Apr. 28, 1868
24,965 Cornish, Nancy W. East Hampton widow 1812 $8.00 June 17, 1876
185,321 Averill, Sarah L. East Lincoln widow $18.00 Aug. 22, 1879
132,889 Wilson, John East Newport fracture left forearm, &c. $10.00 -
20,500 Durgin, Munroe East Newport injury to spine and back $6.00 Nov. 25, 1863
128,719 Randlett, William S. East Newport scurvy $8.00 -
81,641 Dyer, Charles East Newport chronic bronchitis $5.331/3 May 22, 1867
149,718 Wilson, Sarah D. East Newport mother $8.00 Apr. 25, 1871
186,726 Wheeler, Sarah L. East Newport mother $8.00 Jan. 20, 1880
195,522 Garcelon, Abraham G. East Newport father $8.00 Apr. 18, 1882
110,829 Chick, Thatcher East Newport father $8.00 Oct. 24, 1877
41,345 Philbrook, Nathaniel D. East Newport father $18.00 -
11,847 Gipson, Hannah East Newport widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 23, 1878
37,870 Hinks, Elisha A. East Orrington wound right shoulder $15.00 Feb. 14, 1865
45,964 Reynolds, Henry G. East Orrington wound right leg $5.00 -
3,021 Winchester, Edwin C. East Orrington disease left eye (Navy) $6.00 -
70,197 Burns, Caroline W. East Orrington mother $8.00 Apr. 18, 1866
163,827 Robinson, Mary J. East Orrington mother $8.00 Jan. 27, 1874
47,626 Trippett, Mary E. East Orrington mother $8.00 May 23, 1865
27,913 Rollins, Harriet East Orrington widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 29, 1879
24,642 Eldridge, Hezekiah East Orrington survivor 1812 $8.00 Dec. 11, 1878
65,365 Bulmer, David East Winn wound right leg $8.00 -
173,015 Megginer, Elisha H. East Winn disease of lungs $6.00 Sept. 4, 1880
72,888 Burke, Charles H. East Winn g.s.w. right groin $6.00 -
75,364 McKeen, James Eddington g.s.w. left forearm $6.00 -
60,389 Crosby, Eben D. Eddington g.s.w. right foot $6.00 -
70,220 Richardson, George W. Eddington wound left leg $2.662/3 Aug. 30, 1863
164,511 West, Frances S. Eddington widow $12.00 Apr. 16, 1874
22,882 Breed, Philinda B. Eddington widow $8.00 May 29, 1864
190,678 Field, Hattie F. Eddington widow $12.00 Jan. 3, 1881
24,954 Collins, Hannah B. Eddington widow 1812 $8.00 June 17, 1879
26,711 Richardson, Sibbel H. Eddington mother $8.00 July 18, 1864

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