New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Aroostook County, Maine

January 1, 1883

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1883 Aroostook County, Maine List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
106, 836 Abbott, John Caribou varicose veins, l. leg $8.00 -
107, 962 Adams, Benjamin Washburn varicose veins r. leg $12.00 -
66, 761 Adams, David W. Caribou wd. l. forearm $6.00 -
207, 460 Adams, Isaac L. Smyrna chron. diarr and dis liver $4.00 Apr. 26, 1882
12, 773 Adams, Sarah Sprague's Mills widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 7, 1878
192, 006 Albert, Francis Houlton inj. r. hand and arm $18.00 Jun. 30, 1881
153, 529 Allen, Caroline E. Littleton mother $8.00 Sep. 14, 1871
103, 860 Allen, Winthrop Sprague's Mills father $8.00 Nov. 27, 1868
29, 170 Alley, James Bridgewater widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 10, 1880
59, 368 Andrews, Eli Caribou g. s. w. r. thigh $2.66 Mar. 19, 1866
151, 287 Armstrong, Mary North Fairfield mother $8.00 Jun. 19, 1871
205, 220 Asher, Samuel Sherman sunstroke and par. paraly $6.00 Mar. 27, 1882
37, 132 Auguste, John Monticello wd. rt. hand $12.00 -
122, 500 Aunas, Moses C. Sprague's Mills g. s. w. both thighs $4.00 -
109, 218 Babbin, Joseph Van Buren g. s. w. r. h. and inj. back $18.00 Apr. --, 1871
79, 113 Bachelder, Hiram Blaine w. r. shr. $8.00 Feb. 6, 1867
133, 717 Bacon, Samuel A. North Fairfield father $8.00 Aug. 30, 1869
77, 3 Bailey, Matilda H. Houlton widow $30.00 Apr. 5, 1878
133, 272 Ball, Damaris P. Sherman Mills mother $8.00 Aug. 19, 1869
47,744 Barnis, Joseph M Monticello g. s. w. rt. thigh $12.00 -
16, 596 Barrows, Abigail Linneus widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 31, 1879
123, 198 Batchelder, Alonzo F. Weston g. s. w. l. arm - -
39, 522 Bates, Lilley A. Moro widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 18, 1867
57, 561 Beale, Charles E. Limestone wd. r. foot $6.00 Feb. 8, 1865
37, 210 Bean, Abisha B. Haynesville loss l. arm above elbow $24.00 -
169, 947 Bean, Asa Monticello father $8.00 Jun. 30, 1875
187, 904 Bean, John M. Monticello inj. to spine $4.00 May 3, 1881
118, 636 Bean, Oscar L. Littleton g. s. w. l. groin $8.00 -
177, 257 Beckwith, Sarah A. Presque Isle mother $8.00 -
189, 274 Beese, Elisha Bridgewater g. s. w. r. ankle, and rheum. 12.37 1/2 May 27, 1881
100, 593 Bisbee, Robert Washburn chills, fever, and c'ysp $2.00 -
130, 244 Bishop, Betsey Presque Isle mother $8.00 Aug. 27, 1869
137, 174 Black, Eunice B. Caribou mother $8.00 Dec. 7, 1869
28, 075 Blake, Frances Ann Presque Isle widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 8, 1879
65, 560 Blanchard, Mary Houlton mother $17.00 Feb. 27, 1886
184, 234 Blanchard, Mary L. Presque Isle mother $8.00 May 22, 1879
57, 543 Bonney, Rachel S. Houlton widow $8.00 Oct. 26, 1866
125, 667 Boobar, Daniel R. Blaine g. s. w. l. hip $6.00 -
84, 022 Boyington, Charles E. Sherman wd. l. forearm $6.00 -
182, 361 Bradley, Elizabeth North Fairfield mother $8.00 Oct. 31, 1878
182, 444 Brawn, Benjamin R. Rockalema g. s. w. l. forearm $18.00 Feb. 14, 1881
26, 872 Briggs, Phebe R. Smyrna Mills widow 1812 $8.00 Sep. 8, 1879
13, 665 Brown, George P. Limestone inj. back and chr. diarrh $6.00 -
114, 059 Brown, Mihitabel Houlton mother $8.00 May 30, 1868
40, 556 Brown, Timothy E. Hodgdon g. s. wd. head $14.00 -
196, 934 Bryant, Sarah H. North Fairfield mother $8.00 Aug. 18, 1882
99, 196 Bull, Peter Presque Isle g. s. wd calf l. leg $2.00 Jul. 30, 1869
47, 970 Burleigh, Abert A. Houlton wd. l. thigh and shoulder $4.00 Dec. 14, 1865
80, 516 Butler, Sarah G. Mapleton mother $17.00 Aug. 10, 1866
57, 563 Butlers, Warren Wytopittock w. in head $8.00 -
46, 033 Butterfield, Artemas Limestone g. s. w. r. thigh $10.00 -
171, 981 Butterfield, Frances M. Presque Isle mother $8.00 Jan. 29, 1876
83, 396 Byron, Josiah B. Linneus loss r. eye and impair left $12.00 -
191, 298 Caldwell, Francis M. Sherman Mills fis. of lungs $4.00 Jun. 25, 1881
87, 037 Caldwell, Margaret F. Sherman Mills mother $8.00 Nov. 26, 1866
183, 272 Carter, Rhoda B. Ashland mother $8.00 Mar. 15, 1879
193, 003 Chamberlaine, Caroline R. Sherman Mills widow $12.00 Jul. 29, 1881
108, 592 Champion, Jeremiah K. Houlton asthma $8.00 -
- Charlotte, Seaborn Houlton widow $8.00 -
190, 430 Chase, Hannah Houlton mother $8.00 Nov. 30, 1880
148, 131 Chase, Julia Ann Houlton mother $8.00 Feb. 21, 1871
168, 728 Christy, Deborah Presque Isle mother $8.00 Apr. 30, 1875
128, 105 Church, Charles H. Caribou par. deafness and piles $12.00 -
77, 910 Clark, Joseph A. Caribou w. r. arm 12, 75 Mar. 1, 1867
40, 199 Clifford, Benjamin F. Houlton g. s. w. face, r. and l. eye $18.00 -
184, 966 Clough, Eunice Smyrna Mills mother $8.00 Jul. 22, 1879
218, 205 Clough, Seward Smyrna Mills g. s. w. right hand $2.00 Sep. 20, 1882
214, 837 Coburn, Moses R. Fort Fairfield rheum. and dis stomach $6.00 Jun. 30, 1882
- Coffin, Ivory H. Presque Isle navy $3.00 Dec. 10, 1867
44, 510 Cole, Eleanor Houlton widow $8.00 Oct. 21, 1867
127, 426 Cole, Oliver A. New Limerick effects inj. spine $18.00 Mar. 25, 1874
120, 943 Colson, Robert W. Haynesville chr. rheum $8.00 -
33, 434 Conden, Joseph B. Presque Isle dis. from sunstroke $8.00 Oct. 17, 1864
58, 268 Condon, Sumner H. Fort Fairfield g. s. w. l. shoulder $6.00 -
54, 079 Connors, Ann Littleton mother $8.00 Aug. 24, 1865
59, 066 Corliss, John S. Crystal wd. r. arm $7.00 -
112, 269 Corson, Phebe A. Linneus mother $8.00 Nov. 21, 1868
185, 918 Crane, Daniel Linneus rheum $8.00 Mar. 31, 1881
131, 692 Cressey, Mary E. Houlton mother $8.00 Jul. 14, 1869
219, 487 Crocker, Abner Ashland sh. wd. r. side $2.00 Oct. 23, 1882
167, 257 Crosby, Sarah A. Littleton mother $17.00 Feb. 5, 1876
45, 360 Cumming, Snell Houlton g. s. w. r. arm $6.00 -
199, 109 Curtis, Boardman W. Sherman Mills g. s. w. r. leg, piles and mal. poi. $8.00 Dec. 13, 1881
213, 431 Curtis, John Oakfield chr. diar. and par. deaf $5.00 Jun. 30, 1882
79, 330 Cushman, Alfred Jr. Sherman int. fever and dis liver & kid. $12.00 -
61, 578 Cushman, Cyrus S. Sherman Mills wd. rt thigh $8.00 Apr. 12, 1866
67, 664 Cushman, Joseph R. Sherman wd. rt. wrist $8.00 Jul. 12, 1866
32, 504 Davis, Betsey Easton wid. 1812 $8.00 Jun. 26, 1882
14, 441 Davis, John Sherman Mills surv. 1812 $8.00 Mar. 26, 1872
161, 133 Dee, Elizabeth North Fairfield mother $8.00 Feb. 14, 1873
165, 028 Deering, Sarah Weston mother $8.00 Sep. 18, 1874
163, 574 Desmond, Cornelius J. Bridgewater piles $8.00 -
316, 478 Dilling, John Easton inj. of spine $4.00 Aug. 15, 1882
94, 868 Dinger, James H. South Bancroft g. s. w. l. thigh and r. knee $8.00 -
135, 428 Dockendorff, Edward H. Caribou chills and fever and effects $8.00 -
145, 000 Doff. Isaac Monticello g. s. wd. head $4.00 May 2, 1877
133, 989 Dolley, Lucy Sherman Mills mother $8.00 May 2, 1879
152, 426 Dolly, John G. Sherman Mills chr. bron. and pleu $6.00 -
55, 159 Donham, Rebecca L. Island Falls widow $8.00 Jun. 11, 1867
126, 127 Donnelly, James Washburn g. s. w. head and neck $4.00 -
163, 662 Doran, James North Fairfield chills and fever $6.00 Nov. 28, 1879
140, 097 Dow, Mary E. Washburn mother $8.00 Feb. 22, 1870
160, 394 Drake, Hannah Houlton mother $8.00 Dec. 7, 1872
37, 847 Drew, Lucy B. Weston widow $8.00 Jun. 28, 1867
151, 897 Dudley, Mark F. Sherman inj. rt. side $6.00 Mar. 22, 1878
117, 593 Dunn, Christiana Sherman widow $8.00 May 21, 1865
208, 741 Dupont, Jeremiah Limestone ch. diarrh $4.00 May 13, 1882
53, 726 Durgan, George W. Sherman Mills g. s. w. rt. shoul $14.00 -
149, 836 Durnin, Jane Littleton mother $8.00 Apr. 28, 1871
130, 253 Dyer, John Linneus dis. liver $8.00 -
146, 729 Dyer, William A. Bridgewater malar. poisoning $4.00 Jun. 28, 1877
46, 341 Eastman, George W. Fort Fairfield wd. r. leg $4.00 Jul. 25, 1865
24, 933 Edwards, Eliza Presque Isle widow $8.00 Jun. 17, 1879
16, 777 Ellis, Eunice S. Ashland widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 1, 1879
75, 658 Elwell, Francis N. Smyrna g. s. wds. l. lower jaw and r. l. & l. thumb $10.00 Dec. 27, 1866
90, 117 Emerson, Daniel R. Crystal chr. diarrh $4.00 -
20, 276 Emerson, George L. Mapleton dis. of kidneys $12.00 -
128, 579 Emery, Benjamin F. Sherman Mills g. s. w. l. chest and shoul $6.00 -
58, 271 Emery, Ira Monticello wd. r. arm $8.00 Feb. 20, 1866
110, 991 Erskine, Roger A. Mars Hill dis. r. ear and g. s. w. l. shoul $4.00 -
165, 793 Ervin, Timothy N. Presque Isle dis. lungs $6.00 Mar. 24, 1880
11, 876 Fairfield, Hadley Houlton g. s. w. l. clav. and lung, par. l. arm $24.00 -
166, 150 Faulkner, John E. Monticello mal.; diar.; dis. kid.; lungs $2.00 Mar. 31, 1880
108, 930 Faulkner, Julia Houlton mother $8.00 Apr. 10, 1862
172, 104 Field, Thomas E. Dyer Brook father $8.00 Feb. 7, 1876
165, 912 Finney, Lucy Washburn mother $8.00 Aug. 21, 1874
174, 101 Finnigan, Margaret Sherman Mills widow $12.00 Jun. 22, 1876
82, 606 Fitzherbert, Amos Fort Fairfield amp. r. thigh $24.00 -
60, 467 Flannery, Adeline North Fairfield widow $8.00 May 2, 1870
59, 265 Foster, Cyrenia E. Sherman Mills widow $8.00 Dec. 12, 1867
48, 572 Foster, Elizabeth Littleton mother $8.00 Jun. 7, 1865
186, 516 Fox, Clarisa A. Ashland mother $8.00 Jan. 6, 1880
31, 932 French, Benjamin F. Linneus loss r. leg $18.00 Oct. 10, 1866
106, 372 French, Frederick E. Sprague's Mills frac. l. leg $6.00 Nov. 9, 1870
167, 875 Frickey, aka Dicky, Alvas W. Mars Hill g. s. w. rt. shoulder $4.00 May 7, 1880
47, 966 Frisbie, Mary E. Houlton mother $8.00 May 29, 1865
209, 191 Furbush, Jairus H. Presque Isle m. chr. rheum $4.00 May 20, 1882
180, 478 Gallagher, Michael Presque Isle diar. chills, fever $4.00 -
128, 931 Gallison, Randall Sherman Mills sunstroke and paralysis $14.00 -
183, 092 Garey, Jason L. Easton scur. & var. veins, b. legs $8.00 Feb. 23, 1881
66, 557 Garland, Andrew M. Caribou wd. r. thigh $10.00 -
38, 269 Gary, Joseph Caribou g. s. w. both hips $6.00 -
167, 338 Gerald, Orien Sherman rheumatism $6.00 Apr. 29, 1880
79, 604 Geron, Jane Hodgdon mother - Jul. 30, 1866
42, 012 Gerrish, Wiliam Linneus loss l. leg above knee $24.00 -
171, 464 Gerry, Ivory B. Sherman Mills father $8.00 Dec. 27, 1875
135, 878 Gerry, Nancy Smyrna Mills mother $8.00 Oct. 28, 1869
196, 065 Getchell, Isaac Sprague's Mills father $8.00 Jun. 10, 1882
72, 984 Getchell, Joseph T. Sherman Mills blindness l. eye $4.00 Oct. 24, 1866
147, 591 Giberson, Simon North Fairfield chr. diarrh $4.00 Aug. 13, 1877
151, 653 Gilman, Henry C. Fort Fairfield g. s. w. r. leg $2.00 Mar. 13, 1878
190, 426 Gilman, Isabella Ashland mother $8.00 Nov. 30, 1880
10, 986 Gilman, Samuel T. Fort Fairfield loss r. arm $24.00 -
57, 458 Glidden, Barker B. Presque Isle g. s. w. left shoulder $7.50 Mar. 1, 1866
24, 650 Goodridge, Drew Washburn g. s. w. r. arm $18.00 -
139, 405 Goodwin, Stinson C. Chribou chr. diarrh $8.00 May 29, 1876
144, 445 Gordon, George Caribou chr. diarrh 5.33 1/3 -
140, 666 Gould, Asa S. Washburn g. s. w. r. arm $2.00 Aug. 11, 1876
135, 014 Gould, Levi W. Presque Isle g. s. w. abdomen $3.00 Jul. 31, 1875
34, 088 Gould, Samuel Golden Ridge g. s. w. r. arm - -
82, 051 Grant, Samuel New Limerick her. l. side and inj r hip $12.00 -
170, 460 Grout, Lucian B. Sherman Mills frac r. leg $8.00 -
103, 575 Gullifer, Wm. H. Houlton g. s. w. l. hip $2.00 Jun. 24, 1870
125, 876 Hackett, James H. Houlton paralysis r. arm $8.50 Dec. 5, 1873
136, 426 Hamilton, Henry C. East Perham g. s. w. l. arm $2.00 -
61, 920 Hamm, Mansfield Amity wd. r. hd. and loss thumb $4.00 -
25, 430 Hammond, Charles A. Van Buren chr. bron. result fever $2.00 -
22, 559 Hammond, Charles S. Fort Fairfield amp. l. arm above elbow $24.00 -
62, 480 Hanson, Ole Sherman Mills inj. chest and sunstroke $10.00 -
166, 948 Hardy, Charles H. Presque Isle g. s. w. l. thigh $2.00 Apr. 23, 1889
172, 221 Hare, Mary A. Monticello mother $8.00 Feb. 15, 1876
78, 898 Harriman, Mary A. Moro mother $8.00 Jul. 19, 1866
77, 251 Harvey, Thomas South Hodgdon g. s. w. l. leg $6.00 -
60, 827 Hashell, Jane Smyrna widow $8.00 Mar. 30, 1867
89, 477 Hastings, John B. Houlton g. s. w. l. thigh $2.00 Mar. 10, 1868
23, 244 Hatch, Rebecca R. Mapleton widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 26, 1879
105, 342 Hathaway, Henry J. Houlton g. s. w. r. arm $18.00 -
94, 832 Heald, Mary J. Sherman mother $8.00 May 21, 1867
173, 305 Heath, Elisha Jr. Sherman Mills inj. chest and dis. lungs $8.00 Sep. 9, 1880
169, 288 Hemore, Lucy P. Houlton mother $8.00 May 26, 1875
111, 970 Hendrix, Rhoda Caribou widow $8.00 Jun. 24, 1868
191, 938 Hennigan, Bridget Houlton widow $10.00 Apr. 15, 1881
77, 908 Hersey, Alonzo C. Crystal loss r. thumb $4.00 -
152, 424 Hescock, Oscar B. Monticello g. s. wd. rt. lung $4.00 Apr. 16, 1878
30, 482 Higgins, Orin J. Presque Isle chr. diar $2.00 Jul. 6, 1864
12, 742 Hill, Eben J. Monticello wd. thigh and diar $4.00 Jun. 11, 1863
48, 825 Hilt, Byron Mars Hill g. s. wd. l. shoulder $12.00 -
223, 319 Hilton, George W. Fort Fairfield chr. diarrh. and inj. back $4.00 Dec. 22, 1882
140, 955 Hilton, John E. Golden Ridge g. s. w. r. shoulder; malar. poisoning $6.00 Aug. 19, 1876
91, 507 Hines, Augustus Caribou g. s. w. r. thigh $4.00 -
103, 865 Hitchings, Eliza Bridgewater mother $8.00 May 24, 1869
57, 041 Hodsdon, Henry W. Monticello g. s. w. r. elbow $8.00 -
75, 115 Hogan, Wm Houlton g. s. w. l. hand, loss 3d fin $8.00 -
25, 529 Holbrook, Hannah Monticello widow $8.00 Jul. 16, 1867
118, 664 Holden, Mary Houlton mother $8.00 Sep. 12, 1868
156, 426 Holmes, William Presque Isle father $8.00 Mar. 9, 1872
107, 540 Hooper, Lewis B. Presque Isle inj. back and tes. dbl. varico $8.00 -
178, 105 Howe, Mary Ashland mother $8.00 Jul. 10, 1877
31, 525 Hunnewell, Elizabeth Saint Francis widow - 1812 $8.00 Apr. 7, 1881
143, 323 Hunt, Levi Sherman dis. lungs $8.00 -
146, 747 Hunt, Oliver Monarda Chr. rheum $4.00 Jun. 25, 1877
2, 184 Huntley, Ahiel D. Smyrna Mills consump. result measles $10.00 -
192, 166 Hurd, George W. Caribou rheum. and chr. diarrh $6.00 Jun. 30, 1881
101, 513 Huston, Elbridge L. Washburn g. s. w. r. h. and dis. lungs $8.00 -
171, 857 Huston, Mary P. Washburn mother $8.00 Jan. 22, 1876
92, 852 Hutchingson, Lydia Hodgdon mother $8.00 Apr. 17, 1867
54, 370 Ingraham, Francis Houlton loss l. thigh $24.00 -
45, 291 Ingraham, Martha Houlton mother $8.00 Apr. 15, 1865
57, 079 Ireland, Joel B. Caribou lost r. arm $18.00 Oct. 16, 1866
319, 788 Irish, Simeon Haynesville malar. poisoning $4.00 Oct. 26, 1882
150, 247 Jackman, Charles H. Sherman Mills chr. diarr $4.00 Dec. 26, 1877
141, 431 Jenkins, Bartholomew Presque Isle g. s. w. buttocks $2.00 Sep. 20, 1876
191, 647 Jenkins, Robert Glenwood asthma; diarrh.; rheum $12.00 Jun. 30, 1881
76, 047 Jimmo, Marshall Presque Isle g. s. w. l. leg $4.00 -
63, 200 Johnston, Caroline North Fairfield widow $8.00 Sep. 16, 1868
83, 825 Johnston, Jesse B. Crystal inj. l. knee $8.00 -
76, 384 Johnston, Warren C. Fort Fairfield loss l. great toe and g. s. w. l. foot $10.00 -
2, 803 Katon, Grace T. Washburn widow $8.00 Mar. 27, 1867
82, 199 Keaton, Betsey Houlton widow $8.00 May 29, 1867
133, 024 Kelly, Amos Caribou g. s. w. l. thigh $4.00 -
- Kennard, George W. Washburn chr. diarr $5.00 Sep. 5, 1856
144, 711 Kimball, John B. Linneus father $8.00 Sep. 6, 1880
170, 933 Kimball, Susan H. Macwahoc mother $8.00 Nov. 4, 1875
67, 432 Kinney, Aaron P. Houlton contusion, face, hand, chest $4.00 -
78, 353 Knight, Andrew S. South Moluncus w. l. hand $18.00 Mar. 12, 1867
46, 123 Knowlen, Freeman H. Masardia wd. lt. foot $4.00 -
170, 590 Knowlen, Mary Masardia mother $8.00 Sep. 8, 1875
65, 270 Knox, David Caswell g. s. w. r. leg $8.00 -
171, 139 Laing, John Bridgewater g.s.w. head and face $12.00 Jul. 9, 1880
127, 030 Lake, John B. Linneus result of int. fever $8.00 Feb. 28, 1874
147, 055 Lanningan, John Fort Fairfield chills and fever $6.00 -
143, 326 Lawton, John A. Houlton shell wd. of forehead $6.00 -
138, 728 Learey, Mary Weston mother $8.00 Feb. 17, 1870
45, 741 Leavett, Sarah S. Monticello mother $8.00 Jun. 15, 1865
175, 837 Leavitt, William S. Sherman Mills partial deafness $2.00 Oct. 13, 1880
83, 964 Lee, Jane Masardia widow $8.00 Mar. 21, 1867
45, 377 Leighton, Gerge P. Fort Fairfield wd. left hand $8.00 -
124, 360 Leut, James W. East Perham g. s. w. face $8.00 -
63, 518 Libbets, Mary Haynesville widow $8.00 Jun. 3, 1867
121, 446 Lilley, Rebecca Smyrna Mills mother $8.00 Nov. 23, 1868
76, 719 Lindsay, James Houlton swamp fever, chr. rheum $8.00 Jan. 28, 1867
51, 081 Luce, Rispah A. Mars Hill widow $8.00 Sep. 9, 1867
185, 180 Lundy, Sarah North Fairfield widow $8.00 Aug. 9, 1879
114, 135 Lupkin, Andrew J. Sherman Mills inj. to spine $12.00 -
151, 608 Lurrey, Joseph H. Crystal minor of $10.00 Jul. 1, 1871
114, 250 Lycette, Rebecca South Hodgdon mother $8.00 May 18, 1878
74, 139 Mahony, Cain Easton g. s. w. head $4.00 -
53, 734 Malone, Andrew Linneus wd. r. thigh $6.00 Nov. 28, 1865
101, 114 Malone, John Houlton g. s. w. left thigh $10.00 -
29, 747 Manley, Robert W. Sprague's Mills dis. of lungs $6.00 -
99, 377 Martin, George W. Ashland loss sight r. eye, imp. sight l. eye $18.00 -
191, 714 Martin, Nelson H. Fort Fairfield ch. diarrh $4.00 Jun. 30, 1881
69, 988 Martin, Wesley Ashland loss r. leg $18.00 Aug. 25, 1865
41, 699 Mason, Lorina Hodgdon widow $8.00 Jul. 17, 1867
26, 517 Maynard, Elizabeth Houlton widow $8.00 Mar. 20, 1867
45, 956 Mayo, Wilson M. Macwahoc wd. rt. thigh $4.00 -
169, 3_9 McDougal, Susannah North Fairfield mother $8.00 May 28, 1875
49, 119 McGuire, Seth Linneus g. s. w. left thigh $14.00 -
53, 825 McIntire, George Houlton amp. r. thigh $24.00 -
181, 285 McIntire, Harrison P. Caribou g. s. w. l. forearm $4.00 Jan. 19, 1881
55, 450 McIntire, Isabella Houlton mother $8.00 Nov. 24, 1879
132, 829 McKeen, James Island Falls father $8.00 Aug. 5, 1869
120, 392 McKenney, Michael Fort Fairfield amp. r. thumb $4.00 Dec. 5, 1872
93, 176 McNinch, Eliza Bridgewater mother $8.00 Apr. 23, 1867
95, 682 Merritt, Edmund W. Houlton g. s. w. l. forearm $4.00 Feb. 17, 1869
130, 113 Merry, Jonathan C. Sherman Mills inj. of back $10.00 -
57, 574 Minnard, Robert Blaine hemorrhoids and g. s. w.r. leg $8.00 -
180, 113 Mitchell, Mary Moro mother $8.00 Feb. 21, 1878
133, 026 Mitchell, Peter W. Fort Fairfield wd. r. foot and thigh $12.00 Apr. 21, 1875
65, 015 Mitchell, Silas R. Sherman wd. r. index f and inj back $8.00 -
67, 853 Mooney, John Presque Isle frac. l. leg $18.00 Apr. 9, 1868
19, 619 Moore, Thos. B. Houlton comp. frac. r. leg $8.00 Jul. 5, 1876
79, 329 Moran, Garett Castle Hill g. s. w. l. thigh $6.00 -
141, 695 Morgridge, Charles Island Falls father $8.00 Apr. 2, 1870
31, 536 Morrill, Julia A. Maysville Center widow-1812 $8.00 Apr. 8, 1881
221, 299 Morrisey, Daniel South Bancroft hyd. sides $10.00 Nov. 27, 1882
75, 509 Morrison, Alonzo J. Sherman Mills chr. diar $6.00 -
79, 607 Morrison, Hannah Linneus mother $8.00 Jul. 30, 1866
223, 590 Morton, Orison Sherman Mills chr. diar. $6.00 Dec. 28, 1882
202, 777 Mosher, George W. Presque Isle chr. diar $4.00 Feb. 11, 1882
182, 058 Murphy, Samuel H Mars Hill minor of $10.00 Sep. 25, 1878
185, 191 Neal, Nancy S. Monarda mother $8.00 Aug. 9, 1879
219, 457 Nickerson, Eugene Houlton inj. l. knee, and sternum and stom. $6.00 Oct. 21, 1882
159, 451 Niles, Samuel C. South Presque Isle chr. diarr $4.00 May 7, 1879
127, 031 Norris, Richard Fort Fairfield g. s. w. left foot $4.00 Oct. 9, 1875
142, 016 Norton, Jane P. Presque Isle mother $8.00 Apr. 15, 1879
118, 580 Norton, Zachariah South Presque Isle chills, fever, and diarr $8.00 -
202, 304 O'Brien, Wm Houlton rheum. and erysip $4.00 Feb. 3, 1882
22, 330 Packard, Shepherd Presque Isle widow 1812 $8.00 Jun. 17, 1878
186, 435 Parker, Sarah Caribou mother $8.00 Dec. 23, 1879
125, 445 Paul, Hiram M. Limestone g. s. w. r. femur $4.00 Oct. 21, 1873
72, 312 Perkins, Andrew P. Houlton lameness r. leg $4.00 Oct. 5, 1866
164, 798 Perrigo, Ann Hodgdon mother $8.00 May 8, 1874
155, 657 Peters, Isaac H. Orient g. s. w. l. thumb & ind f $6.00 Sep. 28, 1878
121, 753 Phair, James Presque Isle chr. diar. $6.00 -
132, 555 Phalon, Enoch H. Moro injury to abdomen $4.00 Apr. 1, 1875
150, 392 Pierce, Freeman G. Glenwood g. s. wd. l. hip $4.00 Jan. 5, 1878
144, 079 Pinkham, Francis A. South Moluncus inj. spine, g. s. w. l. hand $12.00 -
134, 629 Place, George E. East Perham g. s. w. r. arm $2.00 Jul. 16, 1875
70, 528 Plikey, Wesley Washburn loss l. gr. toe & g. s. w. l. h. $8.00 -
162, 534 Plumer, Phebe Reed Plantation mother $8.00 Jun 30, 1873
70, 662 Pollard, Henry Sherman Mills injury to abdomen $8.00 -
75, 060 Pollard, Jonathan F. Masardia wd. rt. thigh 5.33 1/3 Dec. 8, 1866
29, 700 Porter, Catharine Hodgdon widow 1812 $8.00 Jun. 11, 1880
151, 461 Porter, John L. Presque Isle loss gr. toe l. foot $3.00 Mar. 5, 1878
42, 752 Potter, Elizabeth H. Houlton widow $8.00 Apr. 4, 1867
13, 277 Prescott, Simon Blaine dis. of liver $4.00 -
106, 873 Pulcifer, Nathan, Jr. Mapleton g. s. w. both shoulders $5.00 -
59, 161 Putnam, Christiana J. Houlton mother $8.00 May 11, 1880
220, 221 Putnam, Thos. J. Glenwood ch. diarrh $4.00 Nov. 3, 1882
158, 962 Quimby, Warren F. Weston g. s. w. l. arm $2.00 Apr. 12, 1879
41, 163 Rafford, Osbert Houlton amp. right leg $18.00 -
111, 180 Randall, George Presque Isle g. s. w. l. arm $4.00 Jun 12, 1871
84, 498 Randall, Rachel M. Presque Isle mother $8.00 Sep. 27, 1866
196, 738 Randall, Wm. Smyrna Mills sunstroke, disease brain, spine, & ver. $4.00 Oct. 17, 1881
126, 817 Read, James F. Glenwood g. s. w. r. knee $6.00 -
68, 657 Reed, Archibald Smyrna w. l. arm $18.00 Sep. 11, 1871
16, 510 Reed, Bridget Cary mother $8.00 Mar. 21, 1864
208, 944 Reed, Eben Island Falls dis lungs and debility $6.00 May 17, 1882
10, 541 Rhodes, George L. Blaine w. back $8.00 -
123, 170 Rice, George W. Presque Isle g. s. w. rt. foot $4.00 -
217, 207 Rice, Leonard Westfield shell w. l. thumb $2.00 Aug. 25, 1882
124, 016 Richardson, Samuel G. Blaine g. s. w. r. leg $2.00 Jul. 10, 1873
115, 255 Roberts, John P. Mapleton injury to back $4.00 Jan. 17, 1872
80, 875 Roberts, Nelson O. Sherman Mills diarrh $4.00 May 7, 1867
82, 786 Robinson, Arthur T. Sherman Mills effects scurvy and chron diarr $12.00 -
151, 802 Robinson, Harriosn H. Presque Isle neuralgia from int. fever $8.00 Mar. 19, 1878
95, 447 Robinson, Samuel E. Houlton ch. hepatitis and int. hem $4.00 Feb. 8, 1869
173, 633 Rogers, Huldah M. North Fairfield mother $8.00 Jun. 5, 1876
216, 972 Ronan, John B. New Limerick g. s. w. r. leg $4.00 Aug. 23, 1882
106, 059 Ross, James Littleton int. fever and results $8.00 -
82, 043 Rowe, Catharine S. Golden Ridge mother $18.00 Aug. 28, 1866
185, 115 Rowe, Rogers S. Sherman Mills father $8.00 Aug. 2, 1879
172, 285 Russell, Phebe North Fairfield mother $8.00 Feb. 19, 1876
179, 166 Saint, Ruth L. Linneus widow $8.00 Nov. 20, 1877
182, 729 Sanfacom, Scholastique Grand Isle mother $8.00 Dec. 23, 1878
57, 694 Sargent, Joseph W. Houlton wd. r. leg $4.00 -
69, 664 Scudder, Elizabeth Houlton widow $8.00 Sep. 14, 1867
191, 474 Seamans, James A. South Hodgdon chills and fever $4.00 Jun. 27, 1881
132, 463 Seamans, Jennie E. South Hodgdon widow $8.00 Aug. 12, 1869
74, 265 Shaw, Parker Presque Isle amp. l. forearm $18.00 Nov. 21, 1866
213, 970 Shields, George D. Linneus indig., & dis. liver; typ. fever $6.00 Jun. 30, 1882
96, 112 Sholler, James C. Smyrna Mills g. s. w. both thighs, l'pt 3d f. l. hand $8.00 -
162, 058 Shorey, Ich. Rufus K. Bancroft - $12.00 May 9, 1873
120, 729 Shorey, Joseph E. Bancroft father $8.00 Nov. 3, 1868
178, 103 Shory, John Oakfield father $8.00 Jul. 10, 1877
159, 009 Silsby, Goodell Blaine father $8.00 Jul. 30, 1872
123, 382 Sinclair, Thomas E. Presque Isle injury to abdomen $4.00 May 28, 1873
222, 474 Sleeper, Hiram G. Sherman Mills pleu. and dis. of kidneys $4.00 Dec. 14, 1882
184, 962 Small, Polly Maysville Center mother $8.00 Jul. 21, 1879
213, 537 Small, William Houlton ma. pois. dis. liv. ch. diarrh $8.00 Jun. 30, 1882
60, 727 Smart, Frederick New Limerick loss l. r. finger $1.00 -
129, 016 Smith, Lucius Westfield g. s. w. l. thigh $4.00 -
130, 035 Smith, Salome South Moluncus mother $8.00 Mar. 30, 1881
172, 424 Smith, Thomas R. Blaine partial paralysis $8.00 Aug. 16, 1880
81, 636 Smith, Wm. H. Houlton loss r. thumb $4.00 -
161, 157 Snow, Tamony Bridgewater mother $8.00 Feb. 15, 1873
26, 776 Sowland, Ann Houlton widow $8.00 Jul. 19, 1864
131, 268 Speed, Charles H. Macwahoc g. s. w. lt. shoulder $10.00 -
118, 721 Sprague, Eleanor Oakfield mother $8.00 Sep. 14, 1868
185, 165 Stachpole, Emulus Monticello father $8.00 Aug. 8, 1879
29, 629 Stackpole, Huldah Monticello widow 1812 $8.00 May 31, 1880
90, 053 Stafford, Nelson Sherman inj. r. arm, chest, head, deaf. $10.00 -
141, 176 Starkey, Samuel J. Mapleton ch. diar. chills and fever $8.00 -
168, 555 Stetson, Harriet H. Limestone widow $10.00 Apr. 13, 1875
99, 246 Stetson, Samuel K. South Hodgdon injury to abdomen $6.00 Aug. 2, 1869
153, 537 Stewart, John Smyrna dis. spine, typhoid fever $6.00 Jun. 8, 1878
164, 494 Stewart, Rebecca L. Houlton widow $10.00 Apr. 14, 1874
142, 901 Stockford, Joseph N. Hodgdon inj. r. shoulder $2.00 Dec. 16, 1876
51, 298 Stockford, Rhoda Ann Hodgdon mother $8.00 Aug. 26, 1865
119, 477 Stone, Matilda A. Sherman widow $19.00 Dec. 5, 1878
189, 698 Stover, Hall E. Houlton dis. of legs $8.00 Jun. 3, 1881
13, 159 Stover, Nathan W. Caribou amp. r. arm above elbow $24.00 -
100, 972 Stratton, Abion W. Washburn g. s. w. l. side and r. leg $6.00 -
54, 373 Swanback, John Presque Isle g. s. w. l. foot $12.00 -
71, 234 Sylvester, Louisa Mars Hill mother $8.00 Jul. 25, 1866
84, 443 Syphers, James H. Blaine injury to abdomen $6.00 -
75, 833 Tarmum, Luther B. Washburn loss f. finger l. h. and g. s. w. r. arm $4.00 -
99, 763 Taylor, Julia A. Caribou widow $8.00 Sep. 25, 1867
210, 780 Thayer, John G. Caribou chr. diarrh., rheum., and dis. brain fr. sunstroke $4.00 Jun. 8, 1882
69, 825 Thomas, Moses S. Caribou wd. l. thigh $4.00 -
170, 009 Thompson, Avi Presque Isle varicose v. r. leg $6.00 Jun. 21, 1880
138, 382 Thorn, John H. Island Falls chr. diarrh $6.00 May 15, 1876
123, 169 Thorn, Stephens Crystal paraly. legs $8.00 -
37, 174 Titcomb, Mary A. Littleton widow $8.00 Apr. 1, 1867
319, 624 Towle, Josiah Easton vericose veins, both legs $4.00 Oct. 24, 1882
72, 398 Townsend, Asa S. Fort Fairfield chr. diarrh $24.00 -
16, 830 Townsend, Charles H. Sherman Mills chr. rheum $31.25 -
187, 202 Townsend, Seward P. Mars Hill g. s. w. l. shoulder and arm $1.00 Apr. 21, 1881
125, 963 Tripp, Edmund Littleton g. s. w. l. shoulder $8.00 Dec. 15, 1873
137, 057 True, William H. Limestone g. s. w. both hips $4.00 Dec. 8, 1875
135, 324 Twonbly, Belinda Glenwood mother $8.00 Oct. 6, 1869
111, 738 Vail, David Houlton loss index fin. l. hand $3.00 Jul. 13, 1871
45, 379 Vail, Pereal S. Hodgdon loss left hand $18.00 Oct. 16, 1866
30, 468 Varnum, Charles B. Caribou w. r. arm $18.00 Jun. 22, 1867
21, 812 Waddell, William Mapleton wd. left shoulder $18.00 -
92, 747 Waldron, Silas H. Mapleton g. s. w. r. l. below knee $6.00 -
148, 185 Walton, Charles H. Fort Fairfield g. s. w. r. shoulder $6.00 Sep. 14, 1877
19, 424 Warren, Harriet L. Macwahoc widow $8.00 Apr. 19, 1864
205, 582 Washburn, George Houlton chr. diarrh $10.00 Mar. 29, 1882
93, 756 Webb, Benjamin P. Caribou int. fever $2.00 -
126, 525 Webber, Jeremiah D. Oakfield inj. back and spine $3.00 -
197, 654 Wentworth, Alonzo Fort Fairfield ch. diarrh. and rheum $6.00 Nov. 15, 1881
11, 322 Whidden, Cynthia Presque Isle widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 11, 1878
26, 437 White, Albert Mars Hill wd. r. leg $6.00 -
34, 583 Whitham, Asaph H. Washburn ascites $6.00 Nov. 26, 1864
146, 227 Whitney, Charlotte Weston mother $8.00 Nov. 29, 1870
65, 252 Whittier, Horace Houlton wd. r. breast $8.00 -
36, 109 Wight, Margaret Presque Isle widow $8.00 Jul. 23, 1867
159, 145 Wiley, David M. Houlton g. s. w. l. elbow $2.00 Apr. 18, 1879
106, 375 Wills, Jane Houlton mother $8.00 Jan. 13, 1868
163, 869 Wilson, Julius R. North Fairfield minor of $10.00 Jan. 29, 1874
152, 192 Winship, Thomas South Presque Isle chr. diarr $12.00 Apr. 4, 1878
113, 060 Wither, James Houlton g. s. w. r. side $8.00 Aug. 19, 1871
17, 711 Wyman, Charles O. Presque Isle - $12.00 Oct. --, 1868
160, 122 Young, Eleanor M. Blaine mother $8.00 Nov. 8, 1872
156, 504 Young, Joseph L. Sherman Mills dis. of lungs $6.00 Nov. 19, 1878
139, 801 Young, Lewis P. Linneus minor of $10.00 Feb. 16, 1870
23, 097 Young, Nathaniel Linneus survi 1812 $8.00 Jul. 18, 1878

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