New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Androscoggin County, Maine

January 1, 1883

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1883 Androscoggin County, Maine List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
135, 915 Adams, Moses Auburn father $8.00 Jul. 5, 1872
14, 581 Alden, Charlotte Leeds Center widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 7, 1879
44, 414 Allen, Francis M. Auburn loss l. arm $24.00 -
57, 109 Allen, Ruel D. Auburn dis. lungs and kidneys $8.00 -
61, 382 Andrews, Reuben Auburn g. s. w. l. hand, inj. l. arm $6.00 -
29, 878 Arno, Joanna Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Jun 30, 1880
69, 370 Barnard, Otis M. East Auburn g. w. l. shoulder $4.00 Aug. 9, 1866
70, 199 Batchelder, Mary J. Auburn widow $8.00 Feb. 21, 1867
108, 594 Bates, George Curtis Corner w. r. arm $4.00 Mar. 16, 1871
23, 517 Bates, Levi Curtis Corner surv. 1812 $8.00 Jul. 31, 1878
32, 614 Beals, Benjamin F. Auburn loss r. forearm $24.00 -
27,772 Bearce, Lucy G. Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 11, 1879
24, 039 Benjamin, David E. E. Livermore Mills surv. 1812 $8.00 -
8, 320 Berry, Olive M. East Auburn wid. 1812 $8.00 Sep. 5, 1878
210, 623 Bickford, Rufus F. Auburn inj. to back $4.00 Jun. 7, 1882
144, 189 Blaisdell, Fred P. Auburn injury to abdomen $4.00 -
152, 566 Bodge, William East Turner inj. to abdominal viscera $4.00 -
100, 330 Borden, Cathrine Chase's Mills mother $8.00 Oct. 8, 1867
76, 330 Brickerton, William Auburn chills and diarr $ 5.33 1/3 Jan. 17, 1867
175, 431 Briggs, Jemima Auburn mother $8.00 Oct. 27, 1876
12, 974 Brown, David E. Livermore Mills surv. 1812 $8.00 Feb. 24, 1872
45, 543 Bryant, Henry S. Curtis Corner w. l. forearm $3.00 -
169, 928 Buch, Octaria Auburn widow $10.00 Jun. 27, 1875
129, 271 Burnham, Milton W. Curtis Corner dis. liver debil. sunstroke $6.00 -
139, 036 Burr, Charles F. Auburn w. lower jaw $8.75 May 3, 1876
67,160 Carver, Willard Auburn loss l. arm above elbow $24.00 -
23, 114 Chancy, John Auburn surv. 1812 $8.00 Jul. 18, 1878
136, 987 Chandler, Martha Auburn mother $8.00 Dec. 2, 1869
206, 258 Chaplin, James W. Auburn inj. r. hip, leg and foot $4.00 Apr. 6, 1882
22, 397 Cobb, Olive Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 4, 1879
21, 971 Coburn, Isaiah Greene surv. 1812 $8.00 May 4, 1878
1, 910 Cole, Edward East Poland r. ingu'l hernia $4.00 -
- Cook, Randolph Auburn g. s. wound (navy) $6.00 -
135, 635 Cox, Betsey Auburn widow $8.00 Oct. 18, 1869
24, 202 Crane, Abijah E. Livermore Mills surv. 1812 $8.00 Sep. 20, 1878
197, 089 Cummings, Mariah Auburn mother $8.00 Aug. 31, 1882
129, 446 Damren, Charles L. Auburn asthma and dis. liver $4.00 Aug. 14, 1874
21, 757 Darcy, Anna East Poland widow $8.00 Mar. 26, 1879
137, 704 Darrell, Isaac F. Auburn g. s. w. r. hand $4.00 -
77, 128 Davis, William Auburn w. r. lung $ 5.33 1/3 Feb. 18, 1867
13, 718 Dennison, Margaret East Wales wid. 1812 $8.00 Dec. 23, 1878
187, 950 Dexter, Julia N. Auburn widow $8.00 Apr. 24, 1880
11, 567 Dingley, Sarah Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 16, 1878
57, 581 Dow, Lucinda E. E. Livermore Mills widow $8.00 Dec. 9, 1867
18, 566 Dowling, Mary E. Auburn widow $8.00 Jun. 19, 1867
8, 395 Drake, Jennett East Auburn widow $8.00 Sep. 6, 1878
65, 359 Duran, Josiah Auburn loss l. thigh $24.00 -
112, 682 Dwinel, Harrison J. Auburn chills and fever $6.00 -
99, 128 Eaton, Rebecca D. Auburn widow $8.00 Sep 9, 1867
144, 429 Emerson, Charles S. Auburn chr. diarr. and malar. poisoning $30.00 -
65, 891 Emerson, Samuel Auburn amp. l. thigh $24.00 -
18, 930 Fellows, Stephen East Livermore chr. rheum $18.00 May 28, 1881
16, 519 Fichett, Margaret Durham widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 30, 1879
208, 773 Field, Henry W. Auburn rheum. res. dis. heart $6.00 May 15, 1882
205, 953 Fish, Cephas J. Keen's Mills chron. diarr $4.00 Apr. 1, 1882
24, 986 Fletcher, Benjamin Auburn surv. 1812 $8.00 Mar. 25, 1879
61, 613 Folsom, Alpheus S. Auburn injury to abdomen $4.00 -
41, 157 Folsom, Francis East Livermore w. l. knee $4.00 -
406 Folsom, Harriet A. Auburn widow $17.00 Dec. 19, 1878
105, 694 Foster, John N. Auburn enlarg. of liver and spleen $6.00 Oct. 6, 1870
132, 253 Freeman, David P. Leeds g. s. w. neck and jaw $6.00 -
7, 804 Freeman, Mary Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 20, 1878
7,997 Fuller, Bethia Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 26, 1878
20, 763 Fuller, Sally Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 12, 1878
59, 456 Garcelon, Asa Auburn mal. poison and dysp $4.00 -
27, 261 Garland, Sarah M. Auburn mother $8.00 Jul. 29, 1861
199, 636 Garney, Horace M. Auburn injury to abdomen $4.00 Dec. 22, 1881
11, 816 Given, Martha Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 18, 1878
217, 248 Goodwin, Alonzo Auburn chr. diarr $50.00 Aug. 26, 1882
144, 061 Goss, Frank F. Auburn w. l. thigh $4.00 Mar. 15, 1877
180, 875 Goss, Joseph Auburn chr. diarr $2.00 Jan. 8, 1881
18, 145 Gould, Loring P. E. Livermore Mills apho. and dis. heart, lungs $24.00 -
103, 281 Grant, Hannah Auburn widow $8.00 Nov. 20, 1867
7, 598 Grant, Martha Leeds Center widow $8.00 Aug. 8, 1878
62, 407 Green, Asa Auburn chr. diarr $8.00 -
34, 259 Hackett, Rufus P. Auburn effects malar. fever $4.00 Nov. 17, 1864
148, 702 Haley, Mary C. Greene mother $8.00 Mar. 18, 1871
69, 742 Hall, Alden Auburn sequel of malaria $6.00 -
187, 709 Hall, Enoch L. Auburn int. fever $8.00 Apr. 30, 1881
10, 065 Hamenon, Mary Auburn widow $8.00 Oct. 15, 1878
62, 153 Hannawilt, George W. East Poland w. lower dorsal vert $8.00 Apr. 23, 1866
62, 163 Harlow, Lucia E. Auburn widow $8.00 Mar. 25, 1867
179, 462 Harlow, Lucilla B. Auburn widow $10.00 Dec. 22, 1877
16, 782 Harradon, George W. Auburn w. chest $8.00 -
101, 159 Harrington, Emeline Curtis Corner mother $8.00 Nov. 1, 1867
45, 507 Haskell, Samuel F. Auburn loss r. arm $24.00 -
2, 484 Hines, Eunice Durham mother $8.00 -
23, 027 Hiscock, Violette M. Auburn widow $8.00 Apr. 24, 1879
205, 242 Hodsdon, Samuel Auburn inj. r. knee and hip and paralysis $72.00 Mar. 27, 1882
186, 360 Holmes, Elizabeth Auburn mother $8.00 Dec. 18, 1879
137, 857 Holmes, George Auburn dis. of lungs $18.00 -
8, 272 Holt, Lydia H. Keen's Mills mother $8.00 Nov. 16, 1863
13, 959 Howard, Diadarna Auburn widow $17.00 -
22, 553 Hunt, Dolly W. Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 15, 1879
166, 596 Hussey, Jemima East Turner mother $8.00 Nov. 25, 1874
62, 482 Hutchinson, H. Henry Auburn g.s.w. face, par. l. side face $18.00 -
122, 906 Irish, R. Benjamin Auburn nephritis and chr. diarr $6.00 Apr. 28, 1863
66, 958 Isaac, Ayer S. Lewiston valvular dis. of heart $8.00 -
83, 398 Jackson, Albert F. Auburn inj. to back $4.00 Jul. 18, 1867
68, 661 Jackson, Daniel S. Auburn w. r. shoulder $12.00 -
72,499 Jackson, Henry R. Auburn chr. diarr. reau. dis. lungs $24.00 -
108, 208 Jackson, Judith Auburn mother $8.00 Feb. 12, 1868
81,759 Jackson, Ruel Auburn effct. chr. diarr. and int. fev - -
18, 879 Jennison, Cordelia Auburn widow $8.00 May 16, 1867
24, 936 Jones, Bathshlba Auburn widow $8.00 Jun. 17, 1879
43, 504 Jordan, Charles W. Auburn w. r. side of head $18.00 -
8, 744 Jordan, Rebecca Auburn widow $8.00 Nov. 21, 1863
62, 181 Jordan, Roscoe G. Auburn chr. diarr - -
23, 062 Keenen, Philip Greene surv. 1812 $8.00 Jul. 17, 1878
82, 230 Kennison, John M Auburn w. both thighs $6.00 -
129, 473 Kimball, Cyrus B. Auburn dble ing'l hernia $12.00 -
32, 368 Kyle, Jane B. Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 20, 1882
126, 399 Lamb, Alonzo P Auburn rheum $10.00 Jan. 15, 1874
100, 580 Lander, Bathsheba Auburn mother $8.00 Oct. 12, 1867
174, 212 Lane, Leander Keen's Mills g. s. w. r. index finger $2.00 Sep. 27, 1880
7, 315 Larrabee, Eliza A. Auburn widow $8.00 Mar. 20, 1867
161, 887 Larrabee, Elizabeth East Auburn surv. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 28, 1879
28, 853 Learned, Elizabeth Auburn widow $8.00 Feb. 16, 1880
45, 290 Libby, Mary Auburn mother $8.00 Apr. 15, 1865
8, 096 Libby, Nancy Auburn widow $8.00 Aug. 27, 1878
67, 750 Lindsey, Charles P. Leeds w. r. shoulder $4.00 Jul. 13, 1866
207, 185 Lombard, William F. Auburn malr poisoning, & c $4.00 Apr. 20, 1882
15, 384 Lunt, Delia Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 18, 1879
216, 270 Maloon, William Jr. Auburn g. s. w. head and par. deaf $8.00 Aug. 11, 1882
8, 183 Manwell, Phebe Leeds widow $8.00 Aug. 28, 1878
71, 746 Marshall, Henry L. Auburn g. s. w. l. thigh $4.00 -
31, 078 Marshall, William T. Auburn enlargement of liver $4.00 -
76, 156 Martin, Franklin Auburn g. s. w. r. shoulder $4.00 Jan. 12, 1867
18, 387 McDantt, Charles Green's Corner loss r. arm $24.00 -
22, 861 McKenney, Charles P. Danville surv. 1812 $8.00 Jul. 10, 1878
209, 824 McKenney, Francis A. Leeds Junction inj. to back, curv. spine $4.00 May 29, 1882
995 Morgan, Ann Auburn widow $8.00 -
124, 165 Morgan, Mary N. East Auburn mother $8.00 Feb. 2, 1869
17, 028 Morrill, Alonzo F. East Auburn w. of pelvis $18.00 Dec. 21, 1867
203, 947 Morse, Ephraim, C. Auburn typho. mal. fever, dis. of liver $15.00 Mar. 8, 1882
65, 044 Moulton, Charles E. Auburn g. s. w. r. leg $6.00 -
68, 092 Mower, Wilbur F. Greene w. l. arm $8.00 -
63, 664 Murchmore, Alonzo D. Auburn dis. of lungs from measles $10.00 -
194, 558 Nichols, Olive Auburn mother $8.00 Feb. 23, 1882
12, 755 Nickles, Mary E. Livermore Mills wid. 1812 $8.00 Dec. 7, 1878
14, 175 Noyes, Mary East Auburn wid. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 6, 1879
8, 038 Otis, Laura B. Leeds widow $8.00 Aug. 27, 1878
7, 710 Page, Caroline E. Livermore Mills widow $8.00 Aug. 12, 1878
10, 476 Parker, Abigail Durham surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 26, 1878
7, 361 Parker, Louis R. Green's Corner surv. 1812 $8.00 Jul. 24, 1878
113, 653 Paul, Oliver P. Lewiston injury to abdomen $8.00 Sep. __, 1871
21, 230 Pendleton, Levi A. Lewiston heart dis $14.00 -
18, 074 Penley, Hannah M. Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 15, 1879
26, 458 Perry, Elizabeth M. Auburn widow $8.00 Mar. 28, 1867
22, 069 Pettingill, Andrew C. Auburn sprain debty. res. mal. fever $4.00 Dec. 28, 1863
17, 482 Pierce, Louisa Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 29, 1879
85, 366 Pike, Lewis Auburn w. r. arm $4.00 Sep. 25, 1867
57, 670 Piper, Lucinda Greene mother $8.00 Oct. 18, 1865
19, 257 Pliny, L. Wyman Auburn chr. rheum $4.00 -
100, 559 Pratt, Thomas G. Green's Corner injury to abdomen $8.00 -
103, 589 Pray, Harriet M. Auburn widow $ 11.66 2/3 Jan. 10, 1874
23, 905 Prescott, Phebe Leeds widow $8.00 May 14, 1879
16, 788 Rachley, Stephen Greene Corner wid. 1812 $8.00 May 16, 1872
5, 976 Ramsdell, Lucy C. East Turner widow $8.00 Sep. 18, 1863
157, 684 Rand, Weston S. Auburn g. s. w. l. forearm $4.00 -
13, 895 Raulett, Jemima Greene surv. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 3, 1879
24, 546 Ray, Phebe Auburn widow 1812 $6.00 Jun. 4, 1879
8, 761 Raynes, Harriet Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Sep. 17, 1878
140, 282 Read, Adolphus W. Auburn hear. dis $8.00 Aug. 3, 1876
184, 341 Read, Frank H. Auburn inj. to abdominal viscera $8.00 Mar. 18, 1887
8, 754 Richards, Eunice Keen's Mills wid. 1812 $8.00 Sep. 17, 1878
35, 398 Ricker, Henry Jr. Auburn g. s. w. r. ankle $8.00 -
8, 623 Ricker, Maria E. Auburn widow $8.00 May 13, 1867
27, 458 Riley, Daniel J. Lewiston g. s. w. l. shoulder $18.00 Apr. __, 1864
80, 275 Ripley, Matthias Danville g. s. w. r. wrist $4.00 -
39, 977 Roberts, Emma L. Auburn widow $8.00 -
120, 611 Rose, Leonard L. Leeds chills, fever, and rheu $6.00 -
175, 624 Sandborn, Ann C. Greene widow $8.00 Dec. 2, 1876
125, 421 Sawyer, Horatio B Auburn loss lit. finger l. hand $3.00 Oct. 17, 1878
93, 958 Shaw, Frank J. Auburn injury to abdomen - -
193, 402 Shea, Nathan E. Livermore Mills father $8.00 Sep. 19, 1881
95, 930 Small, David Auburn malar. and diarr - Feb. 27, 1869
54, 376 Smiley, James Auburn w. r. arm $12.00 Dec. --, 1865
95, 672 Smith, Almira Greene widow $8.00 Jun. 12, 1867
160, 494 Smith, Cynthia Auburn mother $8.00 Dec. 14, 1872
220, 473 Smith, Wallace Auburn dis. l. leg. reau. scurvy $6.00 Nov. 9, 1882
92, 301 Starbird, William H. Auburn mala. and diarr $18.00 Sep. 12, 1871
139, 617 Stetson, David L. East Auburn w. of head $4.00 Jun. 19, 1876
200, 488 Stevens, Enos H. Auburn g. s. w. r. arm and l. leg $4.00 Jan. 9, 1882
124, 207 Strout, Prescott Durham dyspepsia $4.00 Jul. 24, 1878
71, 712 Sutherland, Octavia Auburn widow $8.00 Apr. 5, 1867
9, 743 Tack, Sarah Auburn widow $8.00 Oct. 8, 1878
15, 905 Thomas, Abigail Greene surv. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 2, 1879
166, 272 Thompson, Charles E. Greene child $10.00 Oct. 23, 1874
188, 282 Townsend, Rhapcena Auburn widow $8.00 May 18, 1880
19, 416 True, Content E. Livermore Mills surv. 1812 $8.00 Mar. 3, 1879
74, 203 True, John E. Auburn w. abdomen $4.00 Nov. 17, 1866
29, 568 Turner, Elizabeth Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 9, 1878
189, 724 Turner, Winslow Auburn inj. r. hand fr. abscess $4.00 Jun. 4, 1881
162, 585 Vickery, Elvira A. Auburn widow $8.00 May 18, 1880
18, 079 Vinning, Rhoda Auburn widow $8.00 Feb. 15, 1879
8, 592 Virgin, Sally Greene surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 3, 1878
42, 519 Wagg, Joshua M. Auburn inj. r. leg, & c $8.00 May 15, 1865
45, 947 Walker, Nathan East Poland malar. diarrh $15.00 -
109, 426 Walton, Rebecca V. Auburn mother $8.00 Oct. 3, 1870
149, 068 Warren, Charles N. Auburn injury to abdomen $4.00 Nov. 1, 1877
75, 815 Warren, Hannibal S. Auburn g. s. w. r. leg $14.00 -
30, 156 Washburn, Louis Green's Corner surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 12, 1880
30,328 Webb, Sarah Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 Sep. 6, 1880
36, 245 Wentworth, Caroline A. East Turner widow $8.00 Apr. __, 1867
182, 346 West, George Durham father $8.00 Oct. 30, 1878
133, 368 Whitney, Samuel Auburn chr. diarr $8.00 -
172, 482 Wiggin, Harriet A. Auburn widow $25.00 Mar. 3, 1876
43, 980 Wing, Martha B. Auburn widow $8.00 Dec. 23, 1867
7, 052 Witham, Abigail Danville surv. 1812 $8.00 Jun. 13, 1878
63, 137 Witham, Benjamin Auburn dis. heart, eff. of sunstroke $50.00 -
20, 234 Witham, Ezekiel Danville rheumatism $4.00 Feb. 3, 1882
68, 183 Woodman, James M. Auburn w. through head $18.00 -
34, 938 Woodworth, Calvin C. E. Livermore Mills chr. bron., inj. back, h'y $6.00 -
15, 263 Wright, Lyman Auburn loss r. arm $18.00 -
71, 796 Wright, Mary A. Auburn widow $8.00 Apr. 13, 1867
49, 075 Yeaton, Harriet S. Auburn widow $8.00 Mar. 14, 1867
12, 600 Young, Betsey E. Livermore Mills wid. 1812 $8.00 Dec. 6, 1878
132,766 Young, Epharien M. Auburn inj. left knee $2.00 Apr. 3, 1875

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