1883 Montgomery County, Maryland List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of original Allowance | Addison, Lewis | Poolesville | g. s. wd. l. shoulder | $4 00 | July, 1881 | 33, 414Aud, Catharine | Poolesville | widow 1812 | $8 00 | May, 1882 | 29, 935Ball Leathana | Montrose | widow 1812 | $8 00 | July, 1880 | 7, 903Barclay, Selina | Sligo | widow 1812 | $8 00 | Aug., 1878 | 16, 796Beall, Lavinia | Darnestown | widow 1812 | $8 00 | Feb., 1879 | 169, 270Bond, Howard | Burnt Mills | injury to abdomen | $4 00 | June, 1880 | 184, 498Brown, Andrew J | Hyattstown | g. s. wd. r. thigh | $4 00 | Mar., 1881 | 171, 143Buddington, Edwd. J | Wheaton | asthma & partl. deafness | $14 00 | July, 1880 | 209, 290Carhart, Sam’l T | Hunting Hill | dis. of heart | $8 00 | May, 1882 | 30, 461Carter, Susan | Beallsville | widow 1812 | $8 00 | Sept., 1886 | 7, 243Clark, Maria | Burnt Mills | widow 1812 | $8 00 | July, 1878 | 7, 365Creamer, Eliza | Glen | widow 1812 | $8 00 | July, 1878 | 195, 023Davis, Kate Ann | Hyattstown | widow | $12 00 | Mar., 1882 | 89, 232Doxzene, Dan’l M | Brookeville | wd. l. side | $4 00 | - | 64, 968Duvall, Owen S | Redland | g. s. wd. r. forearm | &6 00 | aug., 1878 | 86, 908Dwyer, Wm. E | Triadelphia | wd. l. hand | $4 00 | May, 1867 | 3384Dyer, Wm. W | Cabin John | inj. l. elbow | $3 00 | May, 1882 | 12, 694Easton, Dorothy | Damascus | widow 1812 | $8 00 | Dec., 1878 | 150, 873Edwards, Henry C | Damascus | g.s. wd. r. shoulder | $4 00 | Jan., 1878 | 1, 890Garrett, Catharine A | Rockville | dep. mother | $8 00 | Sept., 1873 | 35, 836Gates, Geo. W | Norbeck | loss left arm above elbow | $24 00 | Dec., 1864 | 117, 376Gittings, Lavinia A | Burnt Mills | dept. mother | $8 00 | Aug., 1868 | 148, 804Gleghorn, John | Potomac | g. s. wd. l. thigh | $4 00 | Oct., 1877 | 18, 751Green, Susan | Hunting Hill | widow 1812 | $8 00 | Feb., 1879 | 4, 028Griffith, Prudence | Beallsville | widow 1812 | $ 8 00 | Sept., 1872 | 58, 574Hager, Jacob | Damascus | wd. l. leg | $8 00 | Feb., 1866 | 11, 643Harris, Marry A | Darnestown | widow 1812 | $8 00 | Nov., 1878 | 150, 773Hill, Wm | Spencerville | dep. father | $8 00 | May, 1871 | 99, 005Howard, Francis Ann | Brighton | widow | $8 00 | Sept., 1867 | 165, 332Jones, Wm | Hunting Hill | epilepsy | $8 00 | Mar., 1880 | 192, 712Kirby, Jno | Darnestown | chro. diarr | $4 00 | July, 1881 | 170, 795Kraft, Adolphus | Colesville | dis. skin | $8 00 | June, 1880 | 192, 087Kraft, Julia | Colesville | widow | $10 00 | Apr., 1881 | 7, 547Meern, Martha A | Gaithersburgh | widow 1812 | $8 00 | July, 1878 | 74, 693Naylor, Adam | Martinsburgh | inj. righ tarm | $7 00 | Nov., 1866 | 157, 799Nelson, Dennis | Monocacy | loss part index finger | $4 00 | Mar., 1879 | 21, 880Nichols, Lucy C | Boyd’s | widow 1812 | $8 00 | Apr , 1879 | 56, 013Norton, Leonard A | Sligo | wd. l. lung | $8 00 | Feb., 1866 | 208, 042Osmond, Julian | Hunting Hill | dis. lungs | $18 00 | Apr., 1882 | -Pendleton, Selina C | Sligo | widow 1812 | $30 00 | - | 8, 253Perry, Ruth Ann | Knowles | widow 1812 | $8 00 | Sept., 1878 | 89, 199Powell, Nancy | Sandy Spring | dep. mother | $8 00 | Jan., 1869 | 22, 305Ray, John | Rockville | surv. 1812 | $8 00 | June, 1878 | 24, 770Richardson, Sarah M | Colesville | widow 1812 | $8 00 | June, 1879 | 11, 050Riley, Matilda | Montrose | widow 1812 | $8 00 | Nov., 1878 | 32, 288Ryan, Joseph | Wheaton | wd. r. hand | $8 00 | Aug., 1864 | 184, 328Snowden, Ann | Poolesville | widow | $8 00 | June, 1879 | 54, 015Sullivan, Robert | Sligo | wd. right leg | $18 00 | Dec., 1865 | 11, 457Talbott, Sarah | Poolesville | widow 1812 | $ 8 00 | Nov., 1878 | 182, 884Vanhorn, Henry K | Sandy Spring | - | $4 00 | Feb., 1881 | 20, 913Veis, Turner | Poolesville | surv. 1812 | $8 00 | July, 1873 | 145, 677Vogl, Jos | Gaithersburgh | g. s. wd. head, & c | $4 00 | - | 164323Washington, Geo. A | Damascus | shell wd. l. wrist | $6 00 | Jan., 1880 | 17, 111Waters, Rich’d R | Laytonville | surv. 1812 | $8 00 | May, 1872 |