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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Montgomery County, Maryland

January 1, 1883

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1883 Montgomery County, Maryland List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

193, 274 33, 414 29, 935 7, 903 16, 796 169, 270 184, 498 171, 143 209, 290 30, 461 7, 243 7, 365 195, 023 89, 232 64, 968 86, 908 3384 12, 694 150, 873 1, 890 35, 836 117, 376 148, 804 18, 751 4, 028 58, 574 11, 643 150, 773 99, 005 165, 332 192, 712 170, 795 192, 087 7, 547 74, 693 157, 799 21, 880 56, 013 208, 042 - 8, 253 89, 199 22, 305 24, 770 11, 050 32, 288 184, 328 54, 015 11, 457 182, 884 20, 913 145, 677 164323 17, 111
Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
Addison, Lewis Poolesville g. s. wd. l. shoulder $4 00 July, 1881
Aud, Catharine Poolesville widow 1812 $8 00 May, 1882
Ball Leathana Montrose widow 1812 $8 00 July, 1880
Barclay, Selina Sligo widow 1812 $8 00 Aug., 1878
Beall, Lavinia Darnestown widow 1812 $8 00 Feb., 1879
Bond, Howard Burnt Mills injury to abdomen $4 00 June, 1880
Brown, Andrew J Hyattstown g. s. wd. r. thigh $4 00 Mar., 1881
Buddington, Edwd. J Wheaton asthma & partl. deafness $14 00 July, 1880
Carhart, Sam’l T Hunting Hill dis. of heart $8 00 May, 1882
Carter, Susan Beallsville widow 1812 $8 00 Sept., 1886
Clark, Maria Burnt Mills widow 1812 $8 00 July, 1878
Creamer, Eliza Glen widow 1812 $8 00 July, 1878
Davis, Kate Ann Hyattstown widow $12 00 Mar., 1882
Doxzene, Dan’l M Brookeville wd. l. side $4 00 -
Duvall, Owen S Redland g. s. wd. r. forearm &6 00 aug., 1878
Dwyer, Wm. E Triadelphia wd. l. hand $4 00 May, 1867
Dyer, Wm. W Cabin John inj. l. elbow $3 00 May, 1882
Easton, Dorothy Damascus widow 1812 $8 00 Dec., 1878
Edwards, Henry C Damascus g.s. wd. r. shoulder $4 00 Jan., 1878
Garrett, Catharine A Rockville dep. mother $8 00 Sept., 1873
Gates, Geo. W Norbeck loss left arm above elbow $24 00 Dec., 1864
Gittings, Lavinia A Burnt Mills dept. mother $8 00 Aug., 1868
Gleghorn, John Potomac g. s. wd. l. thigh $4 00 Oct., 1877
Green, Susan Hunting Hill widow 1812 $8 00 Feb., 1879
Griffith, Prudence Beallsville widow 1812 $ 8 00 Sept., 1872
Hager, Jacob Damascus wd. l. leg $8 00 Feb., 1866
Harris, Marry A Darnestown widow 1812 $8 00 Nov., 1878
Hill, Wm Spencerville dep. father $8 00 May, 1871
Howard, Francis Ann Brighton widow $8 00 Sept., 1867
Jones, Wm Hunting Hill epilepsy $8 00 Mar., 1880
Kirby, Jno Darnestown chro. diarr $4 00 July, 1881
Kraft, Adolphus Colesville dis. skin $8 00 June, 1880
Kraft, Julia Colesville widow $10 00 Apr., 1881
Meern, Martha A Gaithersburgh widow 1812 $8 00 July, 1878
Naylor, Adam Martinsburgh inj. righ tarm $7 00 Nov., 1866
Nelson, Dennis Monocacy loss part index finger $4 00 Mar., 1879
Nichols, Lucy C Boyd’s widow 1812 $8 00 Apr , 1879
Norton, Leonard A Sligo wd. l. lung $8 00 Feb., 1866
Osmond, Julian Hunting Hill dis. lungs $18 00 Apr., 1882
Pendleton, Selina C Sligo widow 1812 $30 00 -
Perry, Ruth Ann Knowles widow 1812 $8 00 Sept., 1878
Powell, Nancy Sandy Spring dep. mother $8 00 Jan., 1869
Ray, John Rockville surv. 1812 $8 00 June, 1878
Richardson, Sarah M Colesville widow 1812 $8 00 June, 1879
Riley, Matilda Montrose widow 1812 $8 00 Nov., 1878
Ryan, Joseph Wheaton wd. r. hand $8 00 Aug., 1864
Snowden, Ann Poolesville widow $8 00 June, 1879
Sullivan, Robert Sligo wd. right leg $18 00 Dec., 1865
Talbott, Sarah Poolesville widow 1812 $ 8 00 Nov., 1878
Vanhorn, Henry K Sandy Spring - $4 00 Feb., 1881
Veis, Turner Poolesville surv. 1812 $8 00 July, 1873
Vogl, Jos Gaithersburgh g. s. wd. head, & c $4 00 -
Washington, Geo. A Damascus shell wd. l. wrist $6 00 Jan., 1880
Waters, Rich’d R Laytonville surv. 1812 $8 00 May, 1872

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