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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Garrett County, Maryland

January 1, 1883

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1883 Garrett County, Maryland List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
163,513 Biggs, Wm H Oakland g.s.w.r.should $1.00 Nov. 1870
167,095 Bill, Chas Grantsville partl. Parl. R.side $8.00 Apr. 1880
172,047 Blackburn, Madison Bloomington g.s.w.l.thigh $4.00 Aug. 1880
101,570 Bowman, John W Mineral Spring g.s.w.r.chest $4.00 Dec, 1869
81,335 Bowman, Mary Accident widow $8.00 Nov. 1867
10,715 Bray, Malinda Oakland widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 1878
149,935 Caton, Franklin Grantsville g.s.w.l.hand $4.00 Dec. 1877
150,000 Crop, Henry Bloomington g.s.w.l.knee $4.00 Dec. 1877
160,058 Daniells, Alfred Mineral Spring g.s.w.r.hand $6.00 May, 1879
180,866 Frasee, Harriet Friendsville dept.mother $8.00 Apr. 1878
144,491 Friend, Elijah Accident frac.r.leg $6.00 Apr. 1877
74,049 Goodwin, James Oakland wd.l.forearm $6.00 Nov. 1873
85,356 Grim, Paul Oakland g.s.w.l.hand $6.00 -
178,838 Harvey, Benj F Fort Pendleton g.s.w.l.hip $4.00 Nov. 1880
220,362 Haslam, Joseph Oakland los 2 finger, r.hand $1.00 Nov. 1882
115,274 Hoff, Sam'l Friendsville wd.of r. leg $4.00 Jan. 1872
196,004 Hoops, Rebecca Oakland widow $8.00 June, 1882
132,418 Jarboe, Jno. M Oakland g.s.w.r.should $5.00 Apr. 1878
175,901 Jenkins, Alf'd Friendsville inj. Of back $6.00 Oct. 1880
217,960 King, August F Deer Park injury to abdomen $6.00 Sept. 1882
182,280 Kirkpatrick, John Hoyes dis.liver $4.00 Feb. 1881
195,605 Leary, Wm. L Oakland g.s.w.l.side $2.00 Sept. 1881
20,080 Lee, Eva Oakland widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 1879
82,079 Maroney, Michael Oakland g.s.w.l.arm $10.00 Aug. 1874
14,891 McCrober, Delilah Swanton widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 1879
142,886 McRobie, Sam'l A McHenry injury to abdomen $4.00 Dec, 1876
171,174 Metts, Isaac N.W. Grantsville chr. Diarrh $2.00 July, 1880
128,240 Moon, Marg't J Deer Park widow $8.00 Apr. 1867
76,942 Myers, Conrad Grantsville amp.r. arm $24.00 Dec. 1870
161,347 Myers, Conrad Grantsville g.s.w.r.leg $6.00 -
192,337 Niner,Christ Oakland asthma $14.00 July, 1881
178,783 Paugh, Sarah Oakland widow $8.00 Oct, 1877
155,349 Pen, Winf's S Altamont g.s.w.r.thigh $2.00 Sept. 1878
140,294 Race, Edw's Oakland conjunctivitis r. eye $2.00 -
137,094 Rice, John Oakland g.s.w.l.hand $4.00 Dec. 1875
77,236 Rush, David Oakland g.s.w.r.hip $3.00 -
184,900 Sisler, Alf'd Friendsville g.s.w.l. breast & l. forearm $1.00 Mar. 1881
171,979 Waltz, Mary Oakland dept.mother $8.00 Jan. 1876
189,263 Wilson, Geo W Oakland g.s.w.l.side $6.00 May, 1881

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