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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Baltamore County, Maryland

January 1, 1883

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1883 Baltamore County, Maryland List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
17,215 Abey, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
39,022 Abey, Sarah E Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1867
83,752 Ackerman, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1866
1,840 Ackworth, Wm. F Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
79,006 Adams, Elizabeth Owing's Mills widow $8.00 June, 1867
56,944 Adams, Jno. Baltimore wd. l. shoulder $6.00 Jan. 1866
178,600 Adams, Philip Baltimore part. loss mid. fin. r. hand $1.00 Nov. 1880
161,917 Adreon, Harrison Baltimore bronchitis $18.75 Aug. 1879
72,658 Adrian, Jno. Baltimore w. l. thigh $4.00 Oct. 1866
79,575 Agnus, Felix Baltimore g. s. w. r. shoulder $18.00 Apr. 1867
3,734 Ahlers, Catarina Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1863
164,494 Airey, Hiram Baltimore dis. heart & lungs $18.00 Feb. 1880
8,560 Akehurst, Mary Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1867
25,216 Alban, Zachariah Union Meeting House. surv. 1812 $8.00 July, 1879
73,189 Albaugh, Thos. Baltimore g. s. w. l. leg $4.00 Oct. 1865
9,550 Aler, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
119, 589 Alfrider, Conrad Alias Attwater Baltimore var. veins from wd. of leg $2.00 Oct., 1872
874 Allen, Mary Mt. Winans widow $8.00 Mar., 1869
20,028 Anderson, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
87,785 Anderson, Jas. B. Baltimore wd. l. arm $8.00 Dec. 1867
85,143 Anderson, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1866
190,009 Anderson, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1880
13,915 Anderson, Mary G Monkton Mills widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
127,110 Andre, August Baltimore paral. l. shr. & arm $12.00 Mar. 1874
52,128 Andrews, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1865
169, 981 Anthony, Preceptor Baltimore total deaf r. ear, part'l l., dis. of abdominal viscera $8.00 June, 1880
163, 372 Appel, Edw Baltimore wd. l. thigh $4.00 June 1870
60, 939 Appel, Henry Baltimore wd. both thighs $17.00 April., 1866
52,708 Armacost, Jas. T. Baltimore g. s. w. l. thigh $12.75 Nov. 1865
59,162 Aro, Wm. W. Baltimore wd. upper part frontal bone $8.00 Mar. 1866
176,826 Arthur, Bridget Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1877
44,001 Atherly, Susan M Baltimore widow $25.00 Apr., 1865
21,597 Atkinson, Jemima Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
159,599 Audibert, Anna E Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1872
177,669 Austin, Ferdinand Boring dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 Oct., 1880
79,357 Baber, Danl. Baltimore g. s. w. l. shoulder $6.00 Apr. 1867
3,255 Bach, Christine S. C Waverly widow $8.00 June, 1863
2,673 Bachelor, Susannah Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1880
52,706 Backman, Fred'k. Baltimore wd. l. arm $6.00 Nov. 1865
209, 089 Baily, John Baltimore loss part little finger $2.00 May, 1882
170, 294 Baker, Isaac H Baltimore inj. back, l. side, & leg $2.00 June, 1880
73,956 Baker, Jane Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1866
122,421 Baker, Ruth Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1868
91,327 Balts, Wm. Baltimore frac. lower r. leg $12.00 June 1868
147,908 Bambuck, Chas. H Baltimore disease of heart $12.00 Aug., 1877
99,003 Bangs, Mary A Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1867
107, 154 Bankerd, Josiah Baltimore wd. knee, l. joint $8.50 Dec., 1870
83, 046 Banthem, Chas. W Baltimore wd. l. elbow $4.00 July, 1867
1,425 Baptist, Jno. Baltimore - $2.00 July 1870
19,104 Barber, Margaret Carroll widow $17.00 Feb., 1881
174, 916 Bard, John B Baltimore inj. back & hip $4.00 Oct., 1880
213,416 Barker, Wm. F. Baltimore inj. to chest & spine $4.00 June 1882
20,340 Barkley, Jno. C. Baltimore dis. of heart $8.00 Nov. 1863
160,762 Barnes, Eliza E Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1873
130,793 Barnes, John S. Baltimore wd. l. hand $4.00 Nov. 1874
58,110 Barnes, Walter S. Baltimore wd. shoulder-joint $18.00 Feb. 1866
56,112 Barrett, Geo. Baltimore wd. l. humerus $18.00 Jan. 1866
25,867 Barrry, Mary H Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1879
9,095 Bartel, Ellen Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
108, 299 Bartholme, Christian Baltimore dis. eyes $4.00 May, 1880
8,027 Bartlett, Aley Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
8,862 Bartol, Sophia Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
173,033 Base, Andrew Sweet Air wd. lumbar region $8.00 Sept., 1880
38, 896 Batchelor, Sam'l K Baltimore amp. l. arm above elbow $24.00 Mar., 1865
2,008 Batchlor, Wm Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
97, 758 Batty, John Baltimore loss r. index finger $3.00 May, 1869
97,091 Baublitz, Dan'l Beckleysville wd. r. forearm, amp. l. lit. fing $6.00 May, 1869
158,206 Baublitz, Saml. F Eklo wd. chest & shr $6.00 Mar., 1879
50, 834 Baughman, John Baltimore wd. r. shr $18.00 Oct., 1865
2,282 Baum, Margaret Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1872
25,605 Baumberger, Wm. W. Baltimore wd. r. lung $20.00 Mar. 1864
170, 005 Bausmith, Chas. Baltimore dis. of heart $8.00 June, 1880
91,664 Bautam, Edw'd. Baltimore amp. 1st & 2d fingers r. hand $8.00 June 1868
2,676 Bayley, Fredk. Baltimore frac. of l. femur $6.00 Sept. 1879
508 Beachem, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1869
24,760 Beall, Elizabeth T Baltimore widow $30.00 June, 1866
24,039 Beall, Otho W Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
209,924 Bean, Jas. P. Baltimore sunstroke, &c. $6.00 May 1882
113, 599 Beane, Wm. H Baltimore ch. Dysentery $14.00 Sept., 1871
146,116 Beason, John Baltimore heart dis. $8.00 June 1877
129,945 Beaumont, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1869
122,615 Beck, David Woodberry wd. r. groin, inj. to abdomen $12.00 Apr., 1873
136,711 Beckholder, Geo. Baltimore father $8.00 Nov., 1869
160,941 Becraft, Edw North Branch part. loss. l. index, mid., & ring fingers. $8.00 June, 1879
5,396 Beddison, Susanna B Gardenville widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1873
113, 523 Behrends, August Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Oct., 1871
2,788 Bell, Edward Baltimore g. s. w. of back $4.00 Feb. 1880
1,210 Bell, Ellen Reckord widow $8.00 July, 1866
212,271 Bell, Osborne Baltimore g. s. w. l. forearm $6.00 June 1882
122,156 Bell, Wm. Baltimore wd. r. shr. $4.00 Mar. 1873
16,264 Belt, Louisa Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
51, 050 Bennett, David Baltimore amp. l. arm above elbow $24.00 Oct., 1865
61, 286 Bennett, David T Baltimore wd. l. leg & face $27.50 April., 1866
16,271 Bennett, Eliza S Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
150,721 Bennett, Geo. Baltimore loss l. index finger $3.00 Jan. 1878
96,319 Bentham, Rachel Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1867
2,904 Beremer, Susannah Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1867
- Berry, Edw'd. Baltimore - $8.00 Feb. 1878
82, 782 Berry, John Baltimore wd. l. groin $4.00 July, 1867
109,271 Berry, John W. Baltimore wd. l. leg $6.00 -
134,368 Berthold, Maria Baltimore widow $10.00 Nov., 1871
16,887 Betts, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
22,482 Bevan, Mary E Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
100,715 Bevans, Wm. Baltimore g. s. w. resection l. humerus $18.00 Nov. 1869
173, 795 Biddison, Wm. T. Baltimore wd. l. side of face $4.00 Sept., 1880
73,804 Bieier, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1868
1,766 Bier, Jane A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
98, 989 Bies, Christian Baltimore injury to abdomen $6.00 July, 1869
77,256 Biles, Wm. Baltimore g. s. w. r. hand $10.00 Feb. 1867
201, 229 Billington, Jas Baltimore part. paral. r. leg, dis. eyes $8.00 Jan., 1882
19,087 Billizippa, Allen Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
9,710 Billups, Lucy Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
12,093 Birely, Evelina H Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
174,527 Birmingham, Wm. Baltimore injury to abdomen $2.00 Oct. 1880
162,668 Biscoe, Maria A Baltimore widow $16.00 Dec., 1878
157,503 Biscoe, Mary A Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1872
58,936 Bishop, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov., 1865
153,083 Bisser, Jos. Baltimore wd. r. leg $4.00 May 1878
178, 734 Bitter, Christian Baltimore injury to abdomen $20.00 Nov., 1880
36, 752 Black, Geo Baltimore loss l. leg $18.00 Jan., 1865
217, 910 Blake, Geo. H Baltimore wd. l. knee $6.00 Sept., 1882
104,518 Blakeney, Sarah Woodberry widow $8.00 Dec., 1867
191 Blanchard, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1862
16,890 Bland, Martha E Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
25,538 Blank, Frederick Baltimore inj. l. breast $6.00 Mar. 1864
34,320 Bloom, Mary M Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1867
185, 846 Blucher, Alfred Baltimore wd. l. thigh $4.00 Mar., 1881
176,852 Blumenberg, Emilie Baltimore widow $31.00 Mar., 1877
194, 059 Blunt, Chas. H Baltimore wd. r. leg $2.00 Aug., 1861
183,957 Boardley, Ann Maria Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1879
183,957 Boardley, Ann Maria Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1879
14,498 Bobari, Charlotte Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
105, 370 Bobb, Lawrence Baltimore wd. l. leg $6.00 Sept., 1870
189,530 Bodine, Magdalena Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1880
183,857 Boehm, Anna Baltimore widow $14.00 Apr., 1879
49, 298 Bogges, Wm. B. F Baltimore tenderness of spine $4.00 Sept., 1865
27,291 Boggs, Rachel Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1879
12,817 Boggs, Susan Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
86,828 Bolenius, Adolphus W. Baltimore loss r. arm above elbow $24.00 Nov. 1867
93,288 Bonapart, Jerome Baltimore wd. r. breast $8.00 -
168,458 Bond, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1875
50, 151 Bond, Geo Baltimore wd. r. hip $6.00 Sept., 1865
188, 933 Bond, John Baltimore asthma & heart dis $6.00 May, 1881
31,999 Bond, Wm. A. Baltimore loss l. arm above elbow $24.00 Aug. 1864
177, 192 Booker, Arthur Baltimore wd. r. thigh $1.00 Oct., 1880
205, 013 Booker, John T Baltimore wd. head $6.00 Mar., 1882
82, 046 Booth, Stephen Baltimore loss r. hand $18.00 June, 1867
178,500 Bordley, Wm. F. Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh $4.00 Nov. 1880
193,052 Borrowich, Jennie Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1881
17,208 Bose, Eliza E Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
180,525 Bosley, Wm. H Trenton wd. l. forearm $4.00 Jan., 1881
1,545 Boss, Geo Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 July, 1871
122,613 Boss, Phil Baltimore para'l. r. leg, from knee to ft. $18.00 Apr. 1873
89,674 Boulden, Shadrack Baltimore total blindness $72.00 Mar. 1868
91,328 Bouldin, Ric'd E. Baltimore inj. to r. hand $10.00 June 1868
188, 926 Bowdell, Jas. S Baltimore ch. rheu $6.00 May, 1881
20,428 Bowen, Druzillar C Baltimore widow $20.00 Feb., 1867
81,958 Bowen, Elizabeth A Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1866
68, 650 Bowerman, Rich. A. Baltimore wd.l. arm $22.50 July, 1866
191,773 Bowers, John Baltimore minor of $10.00 Apr., 1881
65, 206 Bowers, John J. Baltimore wd. r. ankle $4.00 June 1866
10,364 Bowers, Margurite Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
166,576 Bowley, Kitty Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov., 1875
180, 429 Boyland, John F Baltimore inj. l. leg $8.00 Dec., 1880
104,034 Boyle, Wm. H Baltimore fract. l. leg $7.50 July, 1870
158, 907 Bradford, John G Baltimore wd. l. thigh $2.00 Apr., 1879
92,187 Brady, Jno. Baltimore wd. l. hand $4.00 July 1868
99,689 Brandel, Geo. W. Baltimore wd. in neck $8.00 Sept. 1869
215, 747 Brandon, Chas Baltimore wd. both legs $4.00 July, 1882
3,327 Brannan, Jas. A. Baltimore g. s. w. r. shoulder $7.50 Mar. 1882
27,452 Branson, Mary A Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1879
27,753 Brant, Margreta A Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1867
89,397 Brashears, Wm. G. Baltimore wd. r. thigh $7.50 Dec. 1868
86,861 Bremore, John Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Nov. 1867
75,477 Brewer, Chas Stablersville wd. back $6.00 Dec., 1866
110, 900 Brimer, Simon Baltimore injury to abdomen, rheu $8.00 June, 1871
44, 818 Brink, Stephen H Baltimore loss l. arm above elbow $24.00 June, 1865
156,244 Briscoe, Alex'r. M. Baltimore inj. l. hip $15.00 Nov. 1878
117,092 Briscoe, John Baltimore wd.r. arm & hip $4.00 June, 1872
172,850 Briscoe, Mary C Baltimore widow $10.00 Mar., 1876
10,675 Briscoe, Mary H Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 -
118,006 Broadebeck, Henrietta Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1868
___,607 Broharon, Wm. E. Baltimore injury to abdomen $2.00 Feb. 1882
201, 150 Brokam, Zacheus Baltimore chr. bronchitis $4.00 Jan., 1882
205, 756 Brookhart, Wm. H Baltimore wd. head & inj. to abdomen $4.00 Mar., 1882
19,680 Brooks, Jesse Baltimore wd. r. arm $18.00 Nov. 1863
121,452 Brosecker, Geo. Baltimore inj. spine $4.00 Feb. 1873
75,476 Brown, Alexander Baltimore wd. lower jaw $10.00 Dec. 1866
119, 919 Brown, Alexander Baltimore wd.r. shr $8.00 Nov., 1872
195,077 Brown, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $20.00 Apr., 1882
2,685 Brown, Emma V Baltimore widow $10.00 July, 1880
167, 757 Brown, Greenbury H Baltimore ch. diar., dis of abd. viscera $6.00 May, 1880
116,527 Brown, Harriet A Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1868
50, 155 Brown, John Baltimore loss r. arm above elbow $24.00 Sept., 1865
176, 535 Brown, John J Baltimore inj. back $2.00 Oct., 1880
121,453 Brown, John T. Baltimore wd. r. thigh $4.00 Feb. 1873
123,665 Brown, Joshua J Reisterstown wd. r. thigh $4.00 Nov., 1873
10,367 Brown, Julia Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
58,835 Brown, Lewis L. Baltimore loss l. foot $18.00 Feb. 1866
117,189 Brown, Mary Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1868
2,894 Brown, Mary W Baltimore widow $34.00 Aug., 1881
2,949 Brown, Rebecca Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1882
200,787 Brown, Samuel Baltimore wd. r. breast & lung $8.00 Jan. 1882
17,031 Brown, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
29,256 Brown, Sarah A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1880
120,758 Brown, Thos. Baltimore wd. r. groin $4.00 Jan. 1873
184,924 Brown, Wm. E. Baltimore g. s. w. r. leg $3.00 Mar. 1881
7,893 Browning, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
80,951 Bruner, John L. Baltimore insanity $50.00 Mar. 1868
179, 722 Bryan, Geo Baltimore ch. rheu $12.00 Apr., 1882
3,231 Bryson, Jas. Baltimore partial deafness $4.00 Oct. 1881
79,007 Bubert, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1866
124,220 Buchanan, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1869
- Buchanan, Rich'd H. Baltimore - $8.00 Dec. 1877
97, 435 Buckmaster, Jonathan Baltimore wd. r. shr $3.00 May, 1869
113, 242 Bufter, Jos. R Baltimore wd. l. leg $4.00 Aug., 1871
81,828 Bull, Nicholas Woodberry wd. l. leg $10.00 May, 1867
3?,8?? Bume, Mary Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1867
92,570 Bunce, Thos. Baltimore w. r. hand $5.00 Aug. 1868
195, 794 Burbage, John Baltimore rheu. head, dis., and loss of sight r. eye $10.00 Sept., 1881
49, 299 Burgan, Carlton Baltimore loss r. eye $18.00 Sept., 1865
11,685 Burgess, Ann Butler widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
52,707 Burgess, Rob't. Baltimore wd. l. arm $8.00 Nov. 1865
98, 953 Burgess, Thos. Baltimore wd. both thighs $8.00 July, 1869
7,963 Burke, John Baltimore sprain l. wrist $4.00 -
2,172 Burke, Thos. Baltimore disability $14.00 May 1876
2,376 Burke, Winifred Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1878
29,615 Burkett, Mary H Baltimore widow $20.00 Sept., 1873
151,767 Burkhart, Wilhelmina Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1871
2,497 Burns, Cecelia Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept. 1879
22,125 Burns, Elizabeth White Hall widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
168,426 Burns, Wm. T Woodberry inj. of back $4.00 May, 1880
168, 015 Burrell, Dan'l R. Baltimore wd. of pelvis $8.50 May, 1880
19,409 Burton, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1864
18,490 Burton, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
184,927 Busby, Jas Calverton wd. r. arm $4.00 Mar., 1881
316 Buschman, Francis Baltimore wd. of abdomen $6.00 -
82,808 Bush, Jno. Baltimore wd. l. leg $4.00 July 1867
1,205 Butler, Ann Maria Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1868
101,700 Butler, Jane R Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1867
83, 888 Butler, Jas. Baltimore wd. l. thi., r. wrist $8.00 Aug., 1867
3,204 Butler, Jno. J. Baltimore bronchitis & inter. fever, resulting debil. & rheum. $11.25 July 1881
171,822 Butler, Theresa Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1876
64,730 Byers, Lewis F. Baltimore wd. l. arm $18.00 -
17,300 Byrd, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
- Cahill, Catharine Baltimore widow $10.00 Nov., 1858
- Cahill, Sarah J Baltimore widow $15.00 -
27,416 Cain, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1879
207, 857 Caldwell, John I Baltimore ch. rheu $17.00 May, 1882
1,305 Calwell, Wm. E Baltimore surv. 1812 $2.00 -
10,362 Campbell, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
100,300 Camphen, Isaiah Baltimore w. l. shoulder $4.00 Oct. 1869
194,379 Camphor, Sarah Pikesville widow $8.00 Feb., 1882
24,313 Canby, Heziah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
39, 384 Cann, Chas. Baltimore loss l. leg $18.00 Mar., 1865
45, 903 Cannon, John Baltimore loss l. leg above knee $24.00 July, 1865
65, 935 Cannon, Thos. J. Baltimore wd. r. leg & inj. to abdomen $8.00 June 1866
70,101 Carlin, Sarah A Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1866
48,357 Carma;n, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 -
1,986 Carmon, Thos Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
182, 331 Carr, John Baltimore wd. l. foot $2.00 Feb., 1881
162,407 Carr, Lucy Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1873
1,789 Carrick, Lucretia A Baltimore widow $12.00 Sept., 1873
192, 381 Carrigan, Geo Baltimore rheu., neural., dis. Heart $8.00 July, 188?
12,155 Carroles, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
159,474 Carroll, Anne Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1872
1,509 Carroll, Susannah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1872
19,297 Carson, Sarah J Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
8,024 Carson, Sarah T Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
27,930 Carter, Ann M Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1879
81,827 Casper, Jno. Baltimore amp. great toe r. foot $4.00 Apr. 1867
193, 121 Cassard, Louis R Baltimore ch. rheu $12.75 July, 1881
117, 296 Cassell, Alexander Baltimore wd. Thro. l. lung $4.00 June 1872
187,691 Cassell, Drucilla Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1880
65, 202 Cassell, Robt. Baltimore loss. r. thigh $24.00 June 1866
83, 594 Casselman, John Baltimore fract. r. forearm $8.00 May, 1875
20,783 Cathell, Daniel M. Baltimore wd. l. thumb $2.00 Nov. 1863
95,693 Cattman, Nathan Baltimore loss thumb l. hand $5.00 Feb. 1869
64, 732 Caulk, Jacob Baltimore loss r. arm above elbow $24.00 Aug., 1874
23,351 Cavanaugh, Susan Baltimore widow $8.00 -
82,809 Chaffman, Lewis Baltimore loss index finger r. hand $4.00 May 1867
190, 908 Chandler, John Baltimore wd. r. shr $1.00 June, 1881
117,770 Chaney, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1868
- Chaney, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1865
12,664 Chaney, Viletta S Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
9,711 Chappell, Priscilla E Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
91,387 Chase, Cassandria Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1867
178,741 Chase, Jas. H Granite part. loss l. index finger $2.00 Nov., 1880
2,227 Chasin, Mary Jane Baltimore widow $10.00 Feb., 1877
17,301 Chesney, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
216,119 Childs, Benj. F Garrison wd., loss r. thumb $4.00 Aug., 1882
102, 938 Christe, Otto Baltimore wd. lt. leg $20.00 Apr., 1870
197,788 Christner, Joseph Baltimore father $8.00 Nov., 1882
41, 731 Christner, Wm Baltimore disability $18.00 May, 1867
13, 198 Christopher, Mathew, alias Christopher Mathew Baltimore dis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Feb., 1875
22,073 Christopher, Michael Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 May, 1878
133,847 Clark, Anna M Baltimore widow $20.00 -
56, 948 Clark, Henry Baltimore loss r. arm above elbow $24.00 Sept., 187?
8,135 Clark, Isabella Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
80,017 Clark, Lester S. Baltimore wd. l. leg $4.00 Apr. 1867
816 Clark, Mary S Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1868
19,410 Clark, Rebecca Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1864
864 Clark, Sarah A Baltimore widow $8.00 -
168, 770 Clements, Phillipe J. O Baltimore Injury to abdomen $8.00 May, 1880
10,126 Clemmons, Charlotte Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
22,683 Clendenin, Mary L Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
195,365 Cloud, Isabella Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1882
115, 858 Coates, Demby Baltimore wd. of chest $4.00 Mar., 1872
39,725 Coats, Priscilla Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1865
157,793 Codd, Wm. J Baltimore father $8.00 May, 1872
7,018 Cohen, John Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1871
198,124 Cole, Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1882
170, 065 Cole, John W Baltimore ch. rheu., heart dis $8.00 June, 1880
90,743 Cole, Maria Baltimore widow $8.00 -
102, 613 Cole, Saml. H. Baltimore inj. l. groin $6.00 Apr., 1870
164,300 Colehouse, Susan Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1874
143,920 Coleman, Delia Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1870
197,986 Coleman, Leah Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1882
36,338 Colley, Louisa Baltimore widow $8.00 -
123,763 Collins, Geo. Baltimore wd. l. leg $4.00 June 1873
41, 032 Collins, John H. Baltimore wd. l. shr. & arm $18.00 Apr., 1865
220, 966 Collirr, Frank M Baltimore dis. spinal coumn, hips $17.00 Nov., 188?
59,021 Coloney, Margaret R Baltimore widow $25.00 -
- Comeggs or Cormins, Edw'd. Baltimore - $4.00 -
62,407 Conaway, Margaret J Woodberry widow $8.00 -
18, 432 Conaway, Wallace Baltimore ch. rheu., dis. heart $8.00 Feb., 1867
80,996 Conners, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 -
159,725 Conrad, Frank Baltimore var. l. leg $6.00 May 1879
31,282 Conroy, Eliza Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1864
210, 196 Conser, Solomon L.M. Baltimore diarr., dis. of abd. vis $20.00 June, 1882
126, 423 Cook, Alfred P Baltimore wd. chest, rt. thigh $6.00 June, 1876
70,099 Cook, Frances Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1866
103,793 Cook, Louisa Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1867
113,776 Cook, Rebecca A Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1868
27,932 Coombs, Margaret A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1879
115,892 Cooney, Henry D Carroll - --- -
125,602 Cooper, Caroline Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1869
4,786 Cooper, Jane M Baltimore widow $30.00 Aug., 1863
161,350 Cooper, John Eklo inj. of back $6.00 July, 1879
20,846 Cooper, Ruth Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
39,724 Cooper, Sarah M Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1865
180,206 Cooper, Wm. F Parkton rheu $2.00 Dec., 1880
62, 835 Copenspire, Chas Baltimore wd. face $18.00 May, 1866
39,078 Copper, Elizabeth A Baltimore widow $8.00 -
45, 635 Cornish, Jos Baltimore loss r. leg $18.00 July, 1865
174, 091 Cornish, Josiah Baltimore inj. chest, wd. l. arm $6.00 Sept., 1880
51, 049 Cornish, Thos Baltimore loss r. arm above elbow $24.00 Aug., 1874
194, 724 Corns, Zachariah Baltimore diarrhea $8.00
124,329 Cortion, Harriet Philopolis widow $8.00 Oct., 1868
26,409 Coulter, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1879
194,501 Counselman, Jacob H Baltimore minor of $19.00 Feb., 1882
198, 902 Courtman, Henry B Baltimore vari. veins legs $8.00 Dec., 188?
169, 909 Courtney, Wm. T Baltimore wd. both legs $2.00 June, 1880
222,897 Covington, Nath'l. Baltimore rheum., resulting dis. heart $6.00 Dec. 1882
144,997 Cox, Allen Baltimore loss r. index finger $3.00 May 1877
83, 614 Cox, John F. Baltimore wd. l. side $4.00 July, 1867
179,849 Cox, Oliver Black Rock wd. r. foot $2.00 Dec., 1880
87,957 Cox, Wm. Baltimore wd. r. buttock & groin $6.00 Dec. 1867
65,084 Cozine, Ursula Baltimore widow $8.00 -
151,666 Craig, Geo. W. Baltimore ch. diarr. $10.00 Mar. 1878
15,422 Cramer, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
190,097 Crawford, Mary Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1880
89, 699 Cregar, Noble H Baltimore wd. r. forearm $6.00 Jan., 1869
945 Cretzer, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1871
162,045 Crippen, Lewis Baltimore shell wd. r. side $2.00 Aug., 1879
87,912 Crockett, Wm. H. Baltimore inj. l. hip $12.00 Dec. 1867
10,642 Crook, Caroline P Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
12,854 Crook, Chas Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
14,612 Crooks, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1879
33,240 Crosby, Wm. W. Baltimore wd. l. ankle $6.00 Oct. 1864
197, 557 Cross, Thos Baltimore wd. r. ankle $2.00 Nov., 1881
167,327 Crouse, Geo. F. Baltimore g. s. w. l. hand $4.00 Apr. 1880
184,507 Crowther, Eli Trenton wd. r. side $6.00 Mar., 1881
96,511 Crudden, Jos. Baltimore l. leg & r. hand $6.00 Mar. 1869
145,147 Crum, Margaret Baltimore widow $15.00 -
18,487 Crump, Susan W Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
12,047 Cullison, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
3,172 Culver, Chas. B. Baltimore variola, resulting dis. eyes $2.50 May 1881
214, 842 Cunningham, Chas. W Baltimore wd. r. thigh $4.00 June, 188?
113,401 Cunningham, Mary E Baltimore mother $8 00 May, 1868
10,641 Cunningham, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
72,678 Curry, Sarah Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1866
118, 283 Curtis, Benj. Baltimore wd. head $10.00 August., 1872
167, 537 Curtis, Rob't Baltimore incised wd. l. foot $4.00 Apr., 1880
142,236 Cusack, Bridget Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1870
194,907 Cuyler, Rachel A Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1882
181,371 Dailey, Jeremiah Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Jan. 1881
129, 915 Daley, John H Baltimore wd. l. ankle $8.00 Sept., 1874
32,800 Daneker, Catherine Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1882
24,463 Daneker, John J Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
- Danels, Julia C Baltimore widow $30.00 Sept., 1873
107, 744 Danm, Lorenz Baltimore total blindness $72.00 Feb., 1871
20, 240 Danniker, Edwin T Baltimore loss r. leg $18.00 Aug.,1866
194,066 Dar, Wm Freeland ch. diarr $4.00 Aug., 1881
28, 427 Daring, Henry Baltimore wd. l. arm $5.00 Dec., 1874
98, 989 Darrel, Geo Baltimore wd. r. foot $4.00 July, 1869
217,975 Dashields, Geo. W. Baltimore wd. neck $4.00 Sept. 1882
172, 448 Dashiell, Alfred Baltimore loss part 2 fingers l. hand $1.00 Aug., 1880
9,246 Dashiell, Matilda Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
181, 646 Davey, Arthur Baltimore dia. heart $12.00 Jan., 1881
163,005 Davis, Anna Baltimore widow $10.00 Oct., 1873
2,507 Davis, Geo. W Baltimore surv. 1812 $6.00 June, 1878
15, 244 Davis, Gilbert F Baltimore inj. r. leg $4.00 Apr., 1878
140, 102 Davis, John H Baltimore wd. r. thumb $4.00 Aug., 1876
147,910 Davis, Mary E Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1871
195, 381 Davis, Reverdy Baltimore dis. kidneys $12.00 Sept., 1881
9,631 Day, Mary Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
10,127 De Gilvin, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
3,128 Dean, Geo. A. Baltimore shell wd. of l. foot & ch. diar. $10.00 Apr. 1881
169, 263 Deaver, Geo Baltimore wd. r. side, head, & neck3 $3.00 June, 1880
56,208 Debaugh, Adam Towson wd. r. leg $24.00 July, 1873
130, 814 Decker, Christian Baltimore wd. r. thigh $6.00 Apr., 1876
20,830 Decker, Julia A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
180, 586 Degler, Matthew Baltimore chr. rheu $8.00 Jan., 1881
22, 587 DeGroot, Wm. H Baltimore wd. l. arm $8.00 Nov., 1869
191,309 Dehne, Charlotte Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1881
131,688 Demby, Sarah W Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1869
98, 988 Demnis, Saml Baltimore wd. l. lung $8.00 Oct., 1874
168,838 Dengel, Mary C Baltimore widow $8.00 -
143,281 Dents, Henry Baltimore ch. rheu., dis. legs $10.00 Jan. 1877
178,927 Deott, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1877
177,675 Desbrow, Lester C Chase wd. l. h. & r. leg $8.00 Oct., 1880
187,440 Despeux, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $15 00 Mar., 1880
26,277 DeVaughn, Nancy Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1879
129, 360 Devins, Edw Baltimore epilepsy $18.00 June, 1876
213, 006 Devlin, Joseph Baltimore wd. r. thigh $6.00 June, 1882
172,865 Dick, Sarah J Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1876
80, 197 Dickson, John I Baltimore wd. r. hand $4.00 Apr., 1867
8, 772 Dierkin, Fredk Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Apr., 1874
171,782 Dieter, Eva Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1876
108, 899 Diffendall, Chas Baltimore loss 2 fingers l. hand $2.00 Mar., 1871
88,383 Difley, Mary Baltimore widow $20.00 -
169,079 Diggs, Rachel Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1875
145,257 Digler, Gottlob Baltimore ch. rheu. $16.00 May 1877
142,860 Dimler, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1870
169, 361 Dirschner, John Conrad Baltimore do $6.00 June, 1880
23,149 Disney, Ann Woodberry widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
105, 975 Disney, Jas Baltimore wd. l. hand & c $2.00 Oct., 1870
40, 095 Dittman, John H Baltimore amp. l. thigh $24.00 Aug., 1874
169, 406 Dittrich, Chas. Baltimore contusion r. side $4.00 June, 1880
56, 949 Dixon, Franklin A Baltimore wd. l. elbow $18.00 Oct., 1869
117,246 Dobson, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1868
139,978 Dodds, Harriet N Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1870
164, 766 Dodge, Augnatus W Baltimore chr. diarr $8.50 Feb., 1880
173, 209 Dodge, Chas. S Baltimore wd. l. thigh $6.00 Sept., 1880
120,254 Dohue, Louisa Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1880
875 Dolan, Mary Ann Baltimore widow $20.00 -
116, 033 Doll, Joseph Baltimore wd. head $12.00 Mar., 1872
1,389 Donahoo, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1872
77, 043 Donohue, Danl. T Baltimore loss l. forefinger $6.00 May, 1876
187, 524 Donohue, Jas Baltimore wd. r. thigh $2.00 Apr., 1881
171,016 Donohue, Michael Baltimore wd. r. leg $4.00 June 1880
160,684 Doram, Abby Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1875
62,400 Dorkins, Sarah Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1866
52,082 Dorrell, Elizabeth A Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1865
77,302 Dorsey, Ann M Baltimore widow $8.00 -
113,622 Dorsey, Charlotte Baltimore widow $8.00 -
63, 833 Dorsey, Edw Baltimore wd. l. arm $18.00 Oct., 1876
107,211 Dorsey, Edwin S Baltimore g. s. w. r. arm $8.00 -
52,159 Dorsey, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 -
191,293 Dorsey, John E. Baltimore dis. eyes $8.00 June 1881
11,190 Dorsey, Julia Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
17,293 Dorsey, Rebecca A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
9,136 Dougherty, Julia A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
136,054 Dougherty, Mary Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1869
207,613 Dougherty, Wm Woodberry dis. lungs $4.00 Apr., 1882
168, 053 Doughney, Michael Baltimore wd. l. side $2.00 May, 1880
56,019 Douglas, Susan Baltimore widow $8.00 -
76, 739 Downs, Chas. G Baltimore wd. r. arm $18.00 July, 1867
168, 400 Downs, Geo. W Baltimore wd. lt. knee $2.00 May, 1880
114, 874 Downs, Jas. E Baltimore wd. r. shr $18.00 Dec., 1875
170, 113 Doyle, Jas. F Baltimore wd. l. shr $4.00 June, 1880
52,158 Doyle, Sarah Ann Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1865
183, 273 Dressel, Martin Baltimore disloca. l. elbow $6.00 Feb., 1881
61,291 Dreszel, Catharine Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1865
119, 918 Driscoll, Cornelius Baltimore inj. r. hand $6.00 Mar., 1872
50, 832 Drost, Michael Baltimore loss r. leg $18.00 Sept., 1866
110, 911 Drum, John Baltimore wd. arm $2.00 June, 1871
99, 768 Dryden, Jas Baltimore wd. l. side $3.00 Sept., 1869
65, 203 Duckett, Chas. C Baltimore wd. r. elbow $6.00 June, 1872
139,806 Dudley, Ellen Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1870
73,453 Duffy, Patk. Baltimore g. s. w. both legs $8.00 Oct. 1866
87,744 Dulaney, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1866
- Dulany, Jane Baltimore widow $50.00 Mar., 1879
138,385 Dumphy, Rich'd G Towson chr. rheu $15.00 Mar., 1876
16,060 Duncan, Mary Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
141, 820 Dunn, John Baltimore wd. l. leg $8.00 Oct., 1876
22,128 Dunn, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
220,150 Dunning, John Towson dis. eyes $4.00 Nov., 1882
188, 189 Dunning, Wm. E. Baltimore wd. head & r. thi $2.00 May, 1881
9,097 Durding, Ann D Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
43, 521 Durham, Columbus R. Baltimore loss r. thigh $24.00 Jan., 1874
9,245 Durham, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
207,226 Durkees, John D Phoenix dis. kidneys & bladder $12.00 Apr., 1882
305 Durr, Justina Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1869
192, 304 Durst, John W Baltimore Asthma & rheu $4.00 July, 1881
39,079 Dushane, Mary E Baltimore widow $30.00 -
12,534 Dutton, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
16,059 Dwyer, Charlotte Reisterstown widow 1814 $8.00 Jan., 1879
151,704 Dyson, Chancy Baltimore mother $8.00 -
161,686 Eaden, Jno. W. Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 July 1879
174,175 Earley, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1876
28,627 Easton, Eliza C Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1880
144,843 Eaton, William Maryland Line chr. diarr $5.00 Apr., 1877
2,675 Eberle, Jos. J. Baltimore part. paralysis limbs l. side $4.00 Sept. 1879
68,550 Ebert, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 -
173, 557 Ebert, Wm Baltimore wd. r. breast and arm $6.00 Sept., 1880
153,360 Edie, John E Shane wd. rt. h. & leg $6.00 May, 1878
99,731 Edwards, Chas. G. Baltimore w. l. foot $4.00 Sept. 1869
127,460 Edwards, Chas. R. Baltimore wd. l. forearm $8.00 Mar. 1874
14,589 Edwards, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
176, 733 Edwards, Richard H Baltimore wd. l. forearm $2.00 Oct., 1880
146, 119 Ehren, Philip Baltimore wd. l. shr. $6.00 June 1877
151,862 Eichmarn, Jno. Baltimore var. veins r. leg $6.00 Mar. 1878
132,784 Eickelman, Mary F Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1869
219, 094 Eierhart, Thos Baltimore chr. rheu $24.00 Oct., 1882
104 Eigleston, Julia A Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1880
1,406 Elliott, Amanda Baltimore widow $25.00 Oct., 1869
190,415 Elliott, Catharine Baltimore widow $10.00 Nov., 1880
179,701 Elliott, Jos. Baltimore epilepsy, &c. $50.00 Dec. 1880
50,458 Elliott, Mary A Baltimore widow $8.00 -
1,462 Elliott, Melvina Baltimore widow $10.00 Mar., 1870
80, 677 Elliott, Wm. H Baltimore wd. r. hand $2.06 1/2 Jan., 1875
13,264 Ellis, Eliza R Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
100,853 Ellis, Jno. Baltimore amp. 3d finger at 3d joint $2.00 Nov. 1869
98,682 Ellis, Wm Woodberry wd. l. forearm $24.00 July, 1869
77,394 Emer, Ranebart Baltimore wd. both hands $14.00 Feb. 1867
79,300 Empey, Jno. Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh $2.00 Feb. 1875
149,978 England, Jno. H. Baltimore g. s. w. l. hand $2.00 Dec. 1887
159,318 Engleman, Palmer Baltimore wd. l. forearm $4.00 Apr. 1879
74,069 Ennels, Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1866
32,816 Ensey, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1882
162, 511 Ensey, Nathan C Baltimore dis. heart $12.00 Oct., 1879
39,723 Ensey, Rebecca H Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1863
31,080 Ensor, Delilah Belfast widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1881
8,904 Ensor, Rachel Butler widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
98, 271 Ensor, Wm. Baltimore wd. r. shr $4.00 Jnue [sic] 1869
29,452 Erben, Matilda S Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1884
163,423 Erdenbrecht, Jno., alias John Miller Baltimore insanity $50.00 Nov. 1879
61,230 Erdman, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1867
22,372 Erhardt, Jno. Baltimore necrosis l. leg $12.00 Feb. 1868
108, 838 Ernst, Henry Baltimore do $8.00 Mar., 1871
218, 434 Etchison, Milton Baltimore hyp'ty heart $8.00 Sept., 1882
171,852 Evans, Jno. P. Baltimore dis. of lungs $8.00 July 1880
168,833 Evans, Margaret Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1875
219,262 Evans, Ogden J Long Green wd. l. thigh $4.00 Oct., 1882
15,510 Everist, Frances A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
49,000 Everist, Jno. Baltimore wd. l. foot $5.00 Feb. 1868
126,859 Ewalt, Jas. Baltimore wd. l. hand $12.00 Feb. 1874
33,210 Fader, Chs. W Baltimore shell wd. in chest $4.00 -
57, 354 Fagan, Joe Baltimore wd.l. arm $8.00 Feb., 186?
41, 031 Faid, John Baltimore wd. l. tibia $12.00 Feb., 1876
197,801 Fallin, Susan Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov., 1882
34,056 Fardwell, Sarah F Baltimore widow $8.00 -
124,573 Farley, Alice Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1869
33,198 Fay, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $17.00 -
97, 624 Feachter, Joseph Baltimore wd. r. side $6.00 May, 1869
104, 260 Feick, Henry Baltimore Injury to abdomen $4.00 July, 1870
84, 506 Fellman, John R Baltimore loss r. leg $20.00 Aug, 1867
52,276 Ferger, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 -
191,574 Ferguson, Sarah J Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1881
103, 307 Ferris, Wm. H Baltimore wd. r. thigh $6.00 June, 1870
113, 531 Fetters, John F Baltimore internal injury $2.00 Apr., 1869
23,678 Field, Abiathar Baltimore surv. 1812 $8 00 Aug., 1878
37, 216 Fieldhouse, Fred'k Baltimore loss l. index finger $3.00 Jan., 1865
120, 309 Fields, John Baltimore wd. l. thigh $2.00 Dec., 1872
12,373 Fields, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
171, 834 Fifer, Rob't S Baltimore wd. l. hand & side $4.00 July, 1880
81, 527 Filling, Fred'k Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 May, 1867
102, 306 Fink, Henry Baltimore wd. r. arm $5.00 Feb., 1870
126, 050 Finley, Thomas Baltimore Injury to abdomen $8.00 Dec. 1873
3,211 Finnerty, Mary Ann Waverly widow $8.00 -
24,020 Fisher, Ann Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
7, 761 Fisher, Henry Baltimore loss r. index finger $4.00 Apr., 1875
23,801 Fisher, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
179, 848 Fisher, Thos Baltimore partl. loss r. index finger $2.00 Dec. 1880
10,635 Fitch, Ruth Owings Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
168, 156 Fitzer, Jonathan R Baltimore wd. l. thi & l. leg $4.00 May, 1880
112, 871 Flack, chas Baltimore wd. l. mid. finger $2.00 Aug., 1871
191,308 Flarity, Elizabeth Towson mother $8.00 Feb., 1881
13, 534 Flemming, Andrew J. Baltimore loss l. leg $18.00 Aug., 1886
58,569 Flemming, Jno. Baltimore loss l. forearm $72.00 Feb. 1866
10,954 Fletcher, Walter Lavender Hill surv. 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1872
156, 796 Fleury, Julia A Baltimore do $8.00 Mar., 1872
123, 795 Flitcher, Edw Baltimore wd. near margin scapula $2.00 July, 1873
62,405 Flood, Mary A Baltimore widow $8.00 -
177, 193 Fochte, Lawrence Baltimore Injury to abdomen $8.00 Oct., 1880
86, 708 Foos, John C Baltimore wd. r. hand $6.00 Apr., 1871
78,443 Foote, John S Rosedale wd. l. ankle $8.00 Aug., 1876
155, 765 Ford, Henry Baltimore wd. l. hand & leg $8.00 Oct., 1878
158, 289 Ford, John H Baltimore wd. face $4.00 Mar., 1879
33, 180 Ford, Wm. A Baltimore wd. l. arm $18.00 Dec., 186?
- Foreman, Caroline Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1865
189, 523 Foreman, John Baltimore loss l. mid. finger $2.00 June, 1881
1,030 Forrest, Mary S Baltimore mother $30.00 June, 1866
25,026 Forrester, Catherine Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
11,146 Forrester, Mary C Baltimore widow 1812 $8 00 Nov., 1878
25,759 Forsythe, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1879
147, 218 Foster, Chas Baltimore wd. r. thi., l. hand $8.00 July, 1877
2,652 Foster, Henry D. Baltimore g. s. w. of face $11.25 July 1879
114,001 Foster, Mary Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1868
67,346 Foster, Sophia C Baltimore widow $8.00 -
10,030 Fowbel, Erasmus Upperco surv. 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1871
13,263 Fowble, Peter Trenton surv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
143,180 Fowler, Elizabeth Phoenix widow $8.00 -
133,203 Foy, Albert G Baltimore g. s. w. l. arm $8.00 Apr., 1875
27,051 France, Honora Catonsville widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1879
5,148 Francis, Prisilla Greenwood widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1873
92,096 Frederick, Nelson Baltimore wd. l. hip $4.00 July 1868
169, 183 Freeland, Danl Baltimore wn. r. knee $4.00 June, 18?0
103,201 Freeland, Matilda Trenton mother $8.00 Nov., 1867
188, 853 Freeman, Maria Baltimore do $8.00 Jan., 1880
165,435 Freeman, Wm. Baltimore ch. rheum. $6.00 Mar. 1880
526 French, Sam'l. Baltimore - $6.00 -
61, 923 Frese, Francis A Baltimore wd. face $18.00 Mar., 1867
91,768 Frevers, Adam Baltimore saber cut of head $14.00 July 1868
193,788 Friday, Wm. Baltimore inj. back of neck $31.25 Aug. 1881
104, 259 Friedhofer, Wm Baltimore wd. r. hand $5.00 Oct., 1876
207 Frink, Henry Baltimore dislocation of r. femur $12.00 -
197, 803 Frisby, John H Baltimore wd. l. knee $1.00 Nov., 1881
192,163 Frost, Annie L Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1881
169, 283 Frush, Geo.w Baltimore dis. heart $6.00 June, 1880
100,299 Gabrio, Wm. F. Baltimore g. s. w. l. leg $6.00 Oct. 1869
61,208 Gaddess, Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 -
- Gallagher, Catharine H Baltimore widow $50.00 Mar., 1856
37,494 Gallagher, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 -
27,605 Galliuon, Stansbury Walker's Switch wd. l. thigh $4.00 Apr., 1864
17,214 Gallup, Sarah P Baltimore widow 1812 $8 00 Feb., 1879
29,057 Gambrell, Serenah Baltimore widow $8.00 -
167,886 Gannon, Thos. Baltimore g. s. w. l. side of head $1.00 May 1880
127,152 Gant, Edw. Baltimore inj. back, hip, &c. $10.00 Mar. 1874
113,007 Gardner, Rich'd F. Baltimore ch. diar. $20.00 Aug. 1871
69, 179 Gardner, Sandy Baltimore wd. r. side $4.00 Aug., 1866
68, 654 Garlack, John Baltimore wd. back $24.00 July, 1866
196,981 Garland, Jas. J. Baltimore g. s. w. r. forearm $6.00 Oct. 1881
9,324 Garrett, Gustin Baltimore inj. left hand $6.00 Aug. 1860
57,349 Garrett, Jas. Baltimore wd. l. leg & foot $6.00 Feb. 1866
2,649 Gartland, Jane Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1880
134,306 Gartner, Augusta Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1882
124,949 Gearhath, Miles Baltimore part'l. anchylosis $4.00 Sept. 1873
15,140 Gees, Thos. B. Baltimore wd. r. forearm $8.00 May 1872
134,413 Gehring, Barbara Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1869
7,418 Gehring, Mary Magd'a Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
111,617 Geise, Valentine Baltimore inj. to spine $50.00 Dec. 1874
105, 325 Geisse, Chas Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Sept., 1870
196,131 George, Margaret A Towson widow $17.00 Jan., 1882
64, 277 Gephardt, John Baltimore entire loss of eyes $72.00 May, 1866
21,374 Gerns, Lydia Baltimore mother $8.00 -
24,767 Gibbons, Rachel A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
47,190 Gibney, Ann M Baltimore widow $8.00 -
181,590 Gibson, Geo. W Shawan inj. back $4.00 Jan., 1881
146,464 Gibson, Mary Ellen Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1870
161,490 Gibson, Sarah Ann Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1873
124,155 Giefel, Barbara Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1869
29,217 Gill, Ann E. W Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1880
2,483 Gillan, Jas. Baltimore dis. of eyes & par. deafness $12.00 Mar. 1878
248 Gillman, Mary A., or German Baltimore widow $8.00 -
176,738 Girardin, Emil Baltimore ch. rheuma. $4.00 Oct. 1880
187,746 Gissel, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1880
134,409 Givens, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1869
156,747 Glenn, Rob't. Baltimore rheum. $12.00 Nov. 1878
12,232 Golden, Mary J Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
75,929 Goldsborough, Thos. H. Baltimore wd. l. hand $13.50 Mar. 1877
30,705 Goldsmith, Sarah J Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1864
89,789 Gonce, John T. Baltimore wd. r. leg $6.00 Mar. 1868
47,772 Gonderman, Conrad Baltimore loss l. leg $18.00 Feb. 1867
73,132 Gooch, Jacob Baltimore inj. to abd., loss of forefinger l. hand & inj. to r. foot $10.00 Oct. 1866
169,117 Goodhue, Geo. Baltimore epilepsy $8.00 June 1880
97, 407 Gooding, Owen Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 May, 1869
62, 043 Goodman, Henry Baltimore wd.l. foot $8.00 Apr., 1866
19,113 Goodwin, Janet G Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
172,679 Goor, Chas., alias Grin Baltimore wd. l. leg $2.00 Aug. 1880
176,148 Gorden, Sarah Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1877
3,411 Gorman, Jas. Baltimore dis. of kidneys $4.00 -
73,131 Gorsuch, John C Belfast injury to abdomen $10.00 Dec., 1877
27,316 Gorsuch, Lydia Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1879
176,783 Gorsuch, Wm Rayville wd. r. side neck $2.00 Oct., 1880
13,132 Gosnell, Adeline P Baltimore - $8.00 Dec., 1878
9,031 Gosnell, Mary Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
95,817 Gould, Sam'l. J. Baltimore g. s. w. l. side $10.00 June 1875
57,358 Govebaker, Valentine Baltimore wd. r. thigh $6.00 Aug. 1867
62,042 Gracham, Jas. R. Baltimore g. s. w. l. foot $6.00 Apr. 1866
122,594 Grade, Anna Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1868
183,984 Graham, Geo. R. Baltimore wd. r. thigh $6.00 Mar. 1881
201,522 Graham, Thos. H. Baltimore inj. to both ankles $6.00 Jan. 1882
1,328 Grant, Andrew Baltimore surv. 1812 $3.00 -
197,823 Grape, Emma J Baltimore widow $12.00 Nov., 1882
41,335 Gray, Mary E Baltimore widow $8.00 -
23,265 Gray, Wm Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
180,708 Greb, John Baltimore dis. of heart $8.00 Jan. 1881
220,847 Grecht, Ernest Baltimore dis. heart $8.00 Feb. 1863
200,383 Green, Alfred Baltimore wd. r. arm $1.00 Jan. 1882
57,352 Green, Benj. Baltimore loss r. leg $18.00 Aug. 1866
149,327 Green, Jas. H. Baltimore wd. r. thigh $4.00 Nov. 1877
151,445 Green, Jno. W. Baltimore g. s. w. r. leg $8.00 Mar. 1878
160,531 Green, Lucy Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1872
10,326 Green, Mary Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
179,657 Green, Sarah A Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1878
21,590 Grice, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
51,847 Griffin, Jno. Baltimore loss r. leg $24.00 Apr. 1866
188,290 Griffin, John Baltimore heart dis. $12.00 May 1881
9,944 Griffith, Ruth P Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1870
17,028 Grimes, Frances Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
95,706 Grimes, Geo. Baltimore wd. r. arm & shoulder $8.00 Feb. 1869
41,703 Grimm, Theresia Baltimore widow $8.00 -
124,924 Grinnell, Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1869
180,742 Groman, Casper Baltimore father $8.00 Apr., 1878
195,137 Gross, Herman Baltimore injury to abdomen $6.00 Aug. 1881
108, 676 Gross, Plato Baltimore Injury to abdomen $10.00 Mar., 1871
168,018 Grosshaus, Jacob Baltimore rheu. $2.00 May 1880
149,627 Grossman, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1871
174,220 Grove, Caroline R Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1876
77,584 Grueninger, Henry Baltimore wd. l. foot $5.33 1/3 Feb. 1867
123,914 Grumer, Geo. Baltimore inj. to chest $18.00 Aug. 1874
18,433 Gruner, Jno. Baltimore w. r. lung $18.00 Oct. 1863
214,195 Guier, Geo. F. Baltimore dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 June 1882
147,579 Gums, Jos. Baltimore g. s. w. l. leg $2.00 Aug. 1877
22,359 Guntmann, Anna M Baltimore widow $8.00 -
1,768 Gurney, Nathan G Baltimore surv. 1812 $12.00 Aug., 1878
76,984 Guterman, Chas Freeland loss l. arm, above elbow $24.00 Feb., 1867
89,395 Gutlin, Chas. Baltimore wd. l. hand $3.00 Sept. 1871
57,350 Gutt, Nicholas Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Feb. 1866
9,381 Guyton, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
26,454 Guyton, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1879
25,566 Haas, Stephen Baltimore loss l. arm $18.00 Mar. 1864
179, 594 Habnicht, Chas Baltimore loss sight l. eye $4.00 Dec., 1880
10,272 Hackett, Hannah J Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
83, 132 Hagadorn, Wm. P Baltimore wd. hands & sternum18 $18.00 July, 1867
51, 617 Hagenbrook, Theodore Baltimore loss index & mid. finger r. hand $12.00 Oct., 1865
8,669 Hagerty, Martha E Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept, 1878
158,762 Hall, Anna Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1872
203, 136 Hall, David E Baltimore inj. Stomach $4.00 Feb., 1882
53,494 Hall, Jane E Baltimore widow $8.00 -
169, 957 Hall, John Baltimore dis. eyes $4.00 June, 1880
46,277 Hall, Matilda F Baltimore widow $8.00 -
101,701 Hall, Susan A Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., ????
95,416 Hamberg, Martin Baltimore frac. l. arm $4.00 Feb. 1869
106. 170 Hamill. Rob't. Baltimore wd. l. foot & arm $4.00 Oct., 1870
148,291 Hamilton, Ellen Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1871
77,654 Hamilton, Mary Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1866
30,678 Hamley, Susanna Baltimore widow $8.00 -
190, 834 Hammond, Geo Baltimore rheu $4.00 June, 1881
110, 500 Hammond, John Baltimore wd. r. leg $6.00 May, 1871
117,563 Hammond, Solomon Baltimore wd. l. side $8.00 -
110, 501 Hammond, Wm. Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 May, 1871
215, 086 Hammond, Wm. B Baltimore wd. r. forearm $4.00 July, 1882
10,986 Hance, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
107, 649 Hancks, Adolph Baltimore wd. l. arm $2.00 Feb., 1871
18,246 Hancock, Absalom Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1872
3,489 Hancock, Noah Baltimore insanity $72.00 Dec. 1882
32,798 Hancock, Rachel S Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1882
2,789 Hand, Alexander Baltimore g. s. dislocation of l. shoulder & results $6.00 Feb. 1879
132, 954 Hanson, Asbury Baltimore wd. l. hand $4.00 Apr., 1875
165, 899 Hanson, Sarah Jane Baltimore widow $12.00 Aug., 1874
128,360 Hardesly, Frank H. Baltimore wd. r. hip $17.00 Jan. 1876
8,981 Hare, Jacob Grave Run Mills surv. 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1871
12,514 Hare, Michael Mt. Carmel surv. 1812 $8 00 Feb., 1872
179,670 Harker, Rachel Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1878
9,027 Harman, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
121,317 Harman, Theresa Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., ????
130,596 Harmon, Susan Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1869
17,302 Harp, Ellen Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb.,1879
143,983 Harris, Benanna Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1870
93,290 Harris, Geo. W. Baltimore loss r. index finger $3.00 Oct. 1868
62, 311 Harris, Jane N. Baltimore wd. r. arm $6.00 April., 1866
62, 312 Harris, John P Baltimore loss mid. fing. l. hand $3.00 April., 1866
94,464 Harris, Thos. J., jr. Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Dec. 1868
3,220 Harrison, Chas. Baltimore ch. diar. $4.00 Aug. 1881
3,174 Harrison, Jesse O. Baltimore diabetes mellitus $18.00 June 1881
23,603 Harrison, Rebecca T Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
140, 534 Harsell, Fred'k Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Aug., 1876
71, 400 Harvey, Andrew J Baltimore consumption $24.00 Dec., 1866
184,843 Harvey, Annie M. E Baltimore widow $21.00 Jan., 1879
93,461 Harvey, Robt. Baltimore w. r. foot $12.00 Oct. 1868
80,227 Hass, F. Louisa Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug, 1866
102, 715 Hasson, Albert A Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Apr., 1870
69, 181 Hath, Rich'd Baltimore wd.l. thigh $8.00 Aug., 1866
70, 289 Hathaway, Wm Baltimore partl. loss sight $24.00 Aug., 1866
112,262 Hauf, Louisa Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1868
12,374 Hawk, Lucy A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
3,321 Hawkins, Joseph, alias And. H. Carr Baltimore dis. of heart $8.00 Feb. 1882
122,797 Hawkins, Mary E Sweet Air widow $20.00 Dec., 1868
177,574 Hawkins, Mary Jane Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1877
2,678 Hayden, Chas. Baltimore frac. both bones r. leg, lower third $6.00 Sept. 1879
10,777 Hayes, Adeline F Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
114, 555 Hayes, Wm. B Baltimore wd. l. arm $2.00 Nov., 1871
176, 736 Hayward, Samuel Baltimore wd. r. knee $4.00 Oct., 1880
1,316 Head, Margaret Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1871
59,164 Healy, Jas. H. Baltimore wd. r. thumb $4.00 Mar. 1863
91,800 Heath, Rachel Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1867
172, 107 Heck, Wm Baltimore dis. lungs $2.00 Aug., 1880
17,689 Heckrotte, Ruth A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
80,163 Hedrick, Mary A Maryland Line widow $8.00 -
58,671 Heim, Justus Baltimore wd. l. foot $12.00 Feb. 1866
188, 069 Heiser, Jas Baltimore epilepsy $14.00 May, 188?
21,297 Helb, Morritz Baltimore injury to abdomen $18.00 -
160,236 Henderson, Oliver W. Baltimore wd. l. forearm $2.00 May 1879
23,194 Henderson, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
168, 418 Henmis, Adolph Baltimore wd. l. shr., &c $8.00 May, 1880
23,298 Henry, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 -
108,009 Henry, Robt. J Reisterstown malarial poisoning $17.00 May, 1880
155,048 Henson, Edw. Baltimore wd. l. thigh $4.00 Aug. 1878
148,010 Henson, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1871
100, 869 Henson, Jas Baltimore loss two fingers r. hand $6.00 Nov., 18??
136,442 Henson, Mahala Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov., 1869
86,458 Herman, Barbara Baltimore mother $8.00 -
184,746 Herold, John B Baltimore wd. r. forearm $20.00 Mar., 18??
98, 935 Hess, Wm Baltimore disability $2.00 July, 1869
120, 310 Hessimer, Chas. Baltimore wd. Head and rheu $8.00 Dec., 1872
109, 119 Hett, John Baltimore wd. sternum $18.00 Apr., 1871
161,730 Heuler, Henry Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh $2.00 July 1879
116, 231 Hickman, John T Baltimore do $5.00 Apr., 187?
11,548 Hickman, Mary J Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
175, 215 Hieton, Sam'l T Baltimore disability $2.00 Oct., 1880
77,042 Higgins, Jas. H. Baltimore loss index finger $3.00 Feb. 1867
3,470 Higgins, Jno. Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Oct. 1882
3,069 High, Alfred Baltimore g. s. w. r. leg $2.00 Jan. 1881
- High, Jas. E Baltimore surv. 1812 $4.00 -
194,233 High, Sam'l Baltimore father $8.00 Jan., 1882
62,401 High, Sarah Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1866
97,478 Hilbert, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1867
197,541 Hildebrand, Eveline D Grave Run Mills mother $8.00 Oct., 1882
11,254 Hill, Jane Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1879
169, 110 Hill, John A Baltimore rheu $12.00 June, 1880
41, 729 Hill, Lorenzo Baltimore amp. r. arm $24.00 May, 1865
145,652 Hill, Sarah Baltimore mother $8.00 -
8,445 Hillyard, Harriet Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
5,778 Himmick, Jacob Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1871
22,121 Hindes, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
6,986 Hines, Julia A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1878
17,553 Hinton, Jas. Baltimore w. l. middle finger $2.00 Oct. 1863
69, 014 Hirach, Fred'k Baltimore loss l. eye $6.00 July, 1866
14,357 Hiss, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
11,818 Hiss, Philip Baltimore surv. 1812 $3.00 Feb., 1872
433 Hissey, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
112, 444 Hitesheu, Philip L Baltimore wd. l. thigh $8.00 Aug., 1871
187,466 Hizer, Jno. H. Baltimore g. s. w. l. forearm $1.00 Apr. 1881
172,357 Hobeck, Rich'd. Baltimore inj. l. leg $4.00 Apr. 1880
166,374 Hochgeung, Maria E Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1874
150,508 Hoeflick, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $10.00 Dec., 1880
102, 739 Hoffman, Chas Baltimore wd. r. thigh & leg $4.00 Apr., 1870
96,993 Hoffman, Chas. Baltimore w. r. foot $4.00 Apr. 1869
66,110 Hoffman, Marietta Baltimore widow $20.00 -
17,219 Hoffman, Susan D Paper Mills widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
113, 452 Hohman, Henry Baltimore consumption & deafness $18.00 Sept., 1871
158,115 Holhorst, Philip Baltimore wd. l. thigh $2.00 Mar. 1879
11,615 Hollins, Louisa S Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
213, 460 Hollins, Wm. A Baltimore wd. l. shr $12.00 June, 1882
172, 873 Holmes, Geo Baltimore loss l. leg $18.00 Aug., 1880
10,244 Holtzman, Margaret H Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
21,485 Hook, Johnsey Brooklandville surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1874
157,673 Hook, Mary Ann Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1872
3,491 Hooker, Amos B Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
21,388 Hooper, Jas Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1874
669 Hope, Catherine Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1871
198,479 Hopkins, Alfred T. Baltimore inj. to pelvis, &c. $6.00 Nov. 1881
147,156 Horlacher, Geo. Baltimore reu., epilepsy $10.00 July 1877
172,210 Horsey, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1876
1,584 Horton, Elizabeth Pikesville widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
12,532 Horze, Charlotte Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
7,702 House, Eliza A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
32,838 Howard, Ann Eliza Baltimore widow $30.00 -
1,237 Howard, Henry Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 -
17,027 Howard, Jane G Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
51,769 Howard, Mary Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 -
115,905 Huber, Anton Canton wd. r. hip $6.00 Mar., 1872
159,597 Hubler, Theresa Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1872
100,966 Hubner, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1867
200,386 Hudson, Edwin H. Baltimore wd. l. leg $1.00 Jan. 1882
- Hudson, Julia Margar't Baltimore widow $25.00 Mar., 1859
32,426 Hudson, Mary Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 -
20,781 Huebner, Martin Baltimore inj. back $10.00 Nov. 1863
27,230 Huffington, Sarah E Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1864
207,979 Huffington, Wm. O. Baltimore rheum. & slight deafness both ears $6.00 May 1882
2,921 Hugg, Mary Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1872
144,449 Hughes, Geo. W. Baltimore wd. l. foot, heart dis. $8.00 Mar. 1877
140, 104 Hughes, John E Baltimore wd. r. chest $4.00 Aug., 187?
8,688 Hughes, Wm. Baltimore inj. r. hip joint $5.33 1/3 -
164,123 Hughlett, Jas Woodberry wd. head $6.00 Jan., 1880
65, 430 Hull, Sam'l Baltimore wd. r. hip $6.00 June 1866
68. 652 Hultz, Wm. H. Baltimore wd.l. hand $18.00 July, 1866
52,368 Hume, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 -
190,270 Humes, Hester M Baltimore widow $12.00 Nov., 1882
198,151 Humeyer, John Baltimore minor of $10.00 Dec., 1882
3,198 Hunold, Geo. Baltimore wd. r. elbow joint $16.00 -
- Hunt, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $10.00 Sept., 1854
187,275 Hunter, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1880
170,562 Hunter, Jerome Baltimore wd. l. forearm $2.00 June, 188?
157,691 Hunter, Rachel Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1872
147,915 Hussman, Margaretta Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1881
204, 927 Hutchins, Geo Baltimore wd. l. leg $2.00 Mar., 1882
155,572 Hutchinson, Joseph R Baltimore g. s. w. l. thigh $2.00 Sept., 1878
53,604 Hutchinson, Mary M Baltimore widow $8.00 -
114,102 Hutzeltinger, Elizab'h Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1868
178,696 Hyatt, Isabella Woodberry widow $12.00 Sept., 1877
55,328 Hyde, Chas. D. Baltimore loss. l. thumb $4.00 -
195,088 Hyer, Mary L Baltimore widow $20.00 Apr., 1882
178, 814 Hyman, Wm. H Baltimore mule-bite l. leg $8.00 Nov., 1880
176,932 Irving, Georgianna Baltimore widow $15.00 Apr., 1877
26,580 Irwin, Ellen Baltimore mother $8.00 -
58,820 Jackson, Emeline Baltimore widow $8.00 -
92,605 Jackson, Jno. H. Baltimore w. r. hand $4.00 Aug. 1868
10,723 Jackson, Sam'l Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1871
79,455 Jackson, Vincent T. Baltimore w. l. thigh $6.00 Apr. 1867
62,405 Jacobs, Geo. M Baltimore wd. r. forearm $8.00 April., 1866
11,255 James Ann M Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
4,001 James, Louisa Baltimore widow $8.00 -
10,129 Jameson, Hannah J. D Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
119, 917 Jameson,Robt. Baltimore wd.l. shr $6.00 Nov., 1872
9,546 Jamison, Ellen F Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
190,272 Jamison, Ellenor A Baltimore widow $17.00 Nov., 1880
22,941 Jarrett, Asbury Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
162,255 Jarrett, Jas. H Towson injury to abdomen $18.75 Aug., 1879
10,710 Jenkins, Fanny H Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
135,080 Jenkins, Hannah Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1869
100,655 Jenkins, Mary A Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1867
11,917 Jenkins, Mary B Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
22,185 Jennings, John White Hall surv. 1812 $8.00 June, 1878
22,043 Jennings, Sam'l Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 May, 1878
38,088 Job, Catharine L Baltimore widow $8.00 -
135,019 Jobes, Margaret E Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1869
139,467 Joeb, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 -
63,223 Johancen, Elizabeth J Baltimore widow $8.00 -
32,788 Johnson, Elizabeth Catonsville widow 1814 $8.00 Dec., 1882
32,460 Johnson, Elizabeth A Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1864
127,342 Johnson, Ellen Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1869
123,609 Johnson, Emily Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1881
159,254 Johnson, Frances Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1872
123,260 Johnson, Hester Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1869
150,601 Johnson, Jno. H. Baltimore g. s. w. both thighs $6.00 Aug. 1866
85, 561 Johnson, John H Baltimore wd. l. leg $6.00 Sept., 1867
14,368 Johnson, Josephine Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
186,194 Johnson, Nancy Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1871
24,879 Johnson, Sabina Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1864
179,906 Johnson, Sam'l. Baltimore partial deafness, etc. $4.00 Dec. 1880
- Johnson, Susan J Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1865
62, 310 Joice, Chas Baltimore wd. l. shr $4.00 April., 1866
50,009 Joice, Thos Pikesville wd l. leg & thigh $8.00 -
2,601 Joins, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $10.00 Apr., 1880
58,448 Jonas, Henry J. Baltimore g. s. w. l. hand, &c. $5.00 Feb. 1866
3,537 Jones, Alfred, alias Alfred James Baltimore amp. l. arm above elbow $24.00 Mar. 1882
- Jones, Amelia J Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1865
62,406 Jones, Amos Baltimore loss index finger r. hand $3.00 -
1,772 Jones, Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 -
12,234 Jones, Anne Jane Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
87,789 Jones, Catharine A Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1866
80,421 Jones, Dolly Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1866
134,125 Jones, Ellenora Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1869
129,943 Jones, Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1869
86, 322 Jones, Jas Baltimore wd. l. elbow $4.00 Oct., 1867
59,109 Jones, Jno. J. Baltimore wd. r. leg $8.00 Mar. 1866
84, 756 Jones, Lewis Baltimore dis. bones of feet $18.00 Sept., 1867
152,824 Jones, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1871
99,296 Jones, Mary A Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1867
19,520 Jones, Mary A. E Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
191,083 Jones, Mary E Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1881
32,398 Jones, Rachel Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1882
15,189 Jones, Sarah E Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
- Jones, Thos. H. Baltimore - $24.00 -
551 Jordan, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8 00 Sept., 1871
29,453 Kain, Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 -
3,071 Kaiser, Jno. Baltimore frac. r. humus & dislocating l. wrist.3537 $24.00 Jan. 1881
144,842 Kane, Patrick Baltimore injury to abdomen $10.00 Apr. 1877
110,623 Kannard, August Baltimore w. l. shoulder $4.00 May 1871
40,796 Kappel, Christine Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1865
194,090 Karr, Cornelius T. Baltimore ch. diar. $4.00 Apr. 1881
72,582 Kastens, Wm. Baltimore g. s. w. l. elbow $6.00 Oct. 1866
187,523 Katz, Rachel Baltimore widow $16.00 Mar., 1880
42,991 Katzenberger,Marg't. Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1865
163,330 Kauffman, Elizabeth S Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1873
101,441 Kaufman, Norman Baltimore g. s. w. l. thigh, &c. $4.00 Dec. 1869
190,842 Kaufman, Wm. C. Baltimore wd. l. arm & thigh $6.00 June 1881
175, 899 Kearney, John C Baltimore dis. of abdominal viscera $8.00 Oct., 1880
191,237 Keating, Chas. Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh & thumb $6.00 June 1881
155,683 Keenan, Thos. Baltimore wd. r. foot $2.00 Oct. 1878
2,932 Keene, Frances Ann Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1882
162,459 Keener, Martha J Baltimore widow $10.00 June, 1873
186,224 Keiner, Wm. Baltimore wd. l. forearm $1.00 Apr. 1881
49,335 Kell, Henry Baltimore w. l. hand $6.00 -
26,558 Keller, Eliza R Baltimore widow $8.00 -
59,122 Keller, Jno. Baltimore loss l. arm $12.00 Mar. 1866
87,763 Kellmeyer, August Baltimore impaired vision $18.00 Dec. 1867
88,335 Kellum, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 -
156,575 Kelly, Elizabeth Maria Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1872
112,128 Kelly, Mary Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1868
162,012 Kelly, Timothy Baltimore wd. r. arm & thigh $6.00 Aug. 1879
87,381 Kelly, Wm. H. Baltimore wd. r. foot $8.00 Nov. 1867
31,706 Kelso, Martha B Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1881
174,082 Kemp, Christian Baltimore g. s. w. l. foot $4.00 Sept. 1880
40,589 Kemp, Harriet T Baltimore widow $8.00 -
186,944 Kemp, Wm. Baltimore ch. diarr. $6.00 Apr. 1881
4,477 Kenney, Honora Baltimore mother $8.00 -
249 Kenniman, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 -
165,633 Kerner, Geo. W. Baltimore g. s. w. l. leg $2.00 Mar. 1880
26,491 Kerr, Sam'l. Baltimore curvature of spine $24.00 Apr. 1864
72,778 Kessler, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1866
43, 977 Kesterson, Jos Baltimore wd. l. leg $4.00 June, 1865
94,741 Keyser, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1867
21,186 Kidd, Jemima Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
9,184 Kiersted, Catherine S Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
84, 291 King, Adam E Baltimore wd. r. arm & abdomen $20.00 Aug., 1867
- King, Barbara Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1869
72,679 King, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 May, ????
75,926 King, Jno. B. Baltimore g. s. w. r. leg $10.00 Jan. 1867
157,467 King, Maria Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1872
197,075 King, Robt. G. Baltimore inj. l. ankle $15.00 Oct. 1881
166,921 King, Wm. J. Baltimore g. s. w. head $6.00 Apr. 1880
100,753 Kinsalla, Jas. Baltimore w. r. side abdomen $4.00 Nov. 1869
80,513 Kirby, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 -
207,354 Kirby, Francis Baltimore ch. diar. $4.00 Apr. 1882
112, 410 Kircher, Fredk Baltimore injury to abdomen $12.00 July, 1871
181,662 Kirchhoefer, Margaret Baltimore widow $14.00 Mar., 1878
14,024 Kirkland, Agnes Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
46, 464 Kittlein, John Baltimore amp. l. thigh $24.00 July, 1865
166,589 Kitto, John T. Baltimore chr. bronch. $4.00 Apr. 1880
- Klain, Jno. Baltimore - $18.00 -
168,563 Klein, Katharine Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1875
112,784 Kling, Wm. Baltimore wd. both feet $4.00 Aug. 1871
149,037 Klingsohr, Julius Baltimore inj. r, knee $4.00 Nov. 1877
81,134 Klinman, Christina Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1886
29,178 Klotzbucher, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 -
215,801 Knable, Geo. A. Baltimore dis. eyes $4.00 July 1882
147,704 Knaft, Henry Baltimore g. s. w. l. forearm $6.00 Aug. 1877
214,330 Knight, Augustus Waverly wd. l. ankle $2.00 June, 1882
147,916 Knoerline, Jos. Baltimore wd. l. thigh $8.00 Aug. 1877
188,308 Knoor, Henry A. Baltimore g. s. w. r. arm $1.00 May 1881
100,608 Know, Jos. Baltimore w. r. ankle $4.00 -
188,814 Koerner, Wm. Baltimore ch. rheu. $4.00 May 1881
181,977 Kohn, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1878
145,600 Kone, Jno. Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh & leg $6.00 June 1877
38, 535 Kone, Wm. H Baltimore wd. lower jaw $10.00 Feb., 1865
148,687 Kooss, Peter Baltimore wd. back $6.00 Oct. 1877
62, 706 Kraft, John M Baltimore wd. l. thigh $8.00 May, 1866
208,852 Krebs, Chas. W. S. Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 May 1882
28,382 Krebs, Marie Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1880
109, 373 Kredenoff, Chas Baltimore amp. both legs below knee $72.00 Apr., 1811
105, 586 Kuhn, Casper Baltimore wd. l. leg, r. arm $8.00 Sept., 1870
73,186 Kuhn, Jacob Baltimore w. l. arm $6.00 Oct. 1866
118,512 Kuhn, Jno. J. Baltimore wd. l. side $7.50 Aug. 1872
164,560 Kuhn, Paulina Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1874
91,835 Kummer, Arnold Baltimore w. r. thigh $18.50 July 1868
164,938 Kunitz, Henry Baltimore scurvy $12.75 Feb. 1880
10,420 Kurtz, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 1878
62,676 Kurtz, Rosina Baltimore widow $8.00 -
195,724 Kyle, Jas Baltimore father $8.00 May, 1881
31,759 Lachman, Dorothea Baltimore widow $8.00 -
156,099 Lachmund, Edw. Baltimore dis. lungs $14.00 Oct. 1878
166, 474 Lake, Chas. H Baltimore chr. diar., dis. rectum $6.00 Apr., 1880
40, 731 Lamar, Israel Baltimore ch. diar. $8.00 Dec., 1878
182,218 Lane, Geo. Baltimore loss sight l. eye $4.00 Feb. 1881
1,743 Lanier, Mary H Baltimore widow $27.00 Aug., 1873
2,314 Lantz, Josephine Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1878
32, 839 Laracy, Sydney Baltimore widow $8.00
1,009 Larned, Maria H Baltimore widow $30.00 -
71, 789 Latham, Adam Baltimore wd. l. foot $8.00 Sept., 1866
186, 667 Laubenbacher, John Baltimore chr. rehu $8.00 Apr., 1881
77,093 Laughlin, Agnes W Baltimore widow $8.00 -
199,525 Lawless, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1880
10,585 Lawrence, Ruth L Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
50,887 Lawton, Harriet Baltimore widow $8.00 -
132,018 Leach, Jno. H. Baltimore g. s. w. l. arm $4.00 Feb. 1875
73,458 Leaf, Geo. Baltimore wd. l. shoulder $5.33 1/3 Jan. 1869
64,629 Leard, Rebecca M Warren widow $8.00 -
2,914 Leavy, Cornelius Baltimore dis. of lungs $4.00 June 1880
3,968 Lee, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 -
51, 046 Lee, Isaiah Baltimore wd. head & face $14.00 July, 1876
207,282 Lee, Jesse Mt. Carmel wd. l. foot $8.00 Apr., 1882
51,725 Lee, Jno. Baltimore g. s. w. r. hand $6.00 Oct. 1865
45,866 Lee, Russell Fork g. s. w. lft. arm $8.00 -
3,818 Lee, Wm. Baltimore wd. abdomen $6.00 -
149,311 Lehman, Rachel Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1871
149,311 Lehman, Rachel G Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1871
39,323 Lehn, Ann C Baltimore widow $8.00 -
28,426 Lelicren, Eugene Baltimore wd. r. arm & leg $6.00 May 1864
17,936 Lemmon, Sarah A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
22,900 Lemmon, Susan Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
105,928 Lendenburger, Geo. Baltimore - $12.00 July 1873
94,946 Lenth, Wm. F. Baltimore wd. of head $8.00 Jan. 1869
165,244 Leonard, Geo. Baltimore g. s. w. l. chest $4.00 Mar. 1880
107,420 Leucht, John Baltimore fract. l. arm $4.00 Feb. 1875
164,797 Lewis, Henry Baltimore loss l. index finger $8.00 Feb. 1880
21,761 Lewis, Sarah J Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1864
177,430 Leyhe, Anna Baltimore widow $14.00 May, 1877
73,218 Liburn, Mary A Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1866
132,902 Lichtmann, Josephine Baltimore widow $8.00 -
4,979 Lightner, Henry Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
118, 753 Lilley, Geo. W. Baltimore wd. l. side $4.00 Sept., 1872
36,551 Limbach, Theresia Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1864
131,178 Lincoln, Ruth Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1869
194, 095 Lindenstruth, Aug. W Baltimore wd. r. eye & thigh $2.00 Aug., 1881
149,631 Lindsay, Hagar A Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1871
174,340 Linenhohler, Fredericka Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1876
173,914 Ling, Wm. Baltimore inj. r. hand $3.00 Sept. 1880
53,652 Linzey, Sarah M Baltimore widow $8.00 -
88,667 Lippoldt, Chas. H. Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Jan. 1868
31,442 Liste, John D. Baltimore wd. l. leg $12.00 -
62,508 Little, Wm. H. Baltimore wd. l. buttock $4.00 Apr. 1866
11,304 Livingston, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
118,005 Lloyd, Rachel Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1868
191, 074 Locke, Fred'k Baltimore inj. l. forearm $6.00 June, 1881
80,514 Logue, Isabella Baltimore widow $8.00 -
190,339 Lohman, Henry Baltimore wd. l. thumb $1.00 Dec. 1881
143,622 Lohr, Andreas Baltimore dis. heart $12.00 Feb. 1877
156,341 Long, Jno. A. Baltimore g. s. w. r. leg $4.00 Nov. 1878
222,607 Long, Thos. P. Baltimore - $4.00 Dec. 1882
123,611 Loos, Dorothea Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1869
196,331 Lorain, Fannie Baltimore widow $22.00 June, 1882
113,510 Lourey, Isaac Baltimore shell wd. l. shoulder $6.00 Sept. 1871
128, 009 Love, Andrew I Baltimore wd. head $5.00 May, 1874
27,964 Lovejoy, Perley R Mt. Washington wd. l. shr $20.00 Apr., 1875
120,510 Lovejoy, Willard R. Baltimore wd. r. side of abdomen $4.00 July 1876
2,634 Lovering, Caroline B Baltimore widow $15.00 -
30,125 Lowe, Sophia Paper Mills widow $8.00 -
154,264 Lubno, Rosino Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov, 1871
2,942 Lucas, Emily Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1882
8,267 Lucas, Margaretta Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
104, 740 Luther, Christian Baltimore wd. r. thigh $4.00 Sept., 1875
124,159 Lutton, Mary Baltimore mother $8 00 Feb., 1869
188,891 Lutz, Jno. G. Baltimore dis. of abdominal vicera $4.00 May 1881
171,034 Lyeth, John McF Baltimore chr. diarr. $20.00 June 1880
50,055 Lyman, Louisa Baltimore minor of $30.00 Jan., 1874
21,591 Lynch, Eliza Ann Waverly widow 1812 $8 00 Mar., 1879
31,184 Lynch, Mary Ann Canton widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1881
202,858 Lynch, Mich'l. Baltimore contusion r. shoulder $4.00 Feb. 1882
188,224 Macauley, Wm. H Woodberry injury to abdomen $4.00 May, 1881
74, 401 Machin, Robt Baltimore wd. l. breast $8.00 Nov., 1866
95,999 Mackenzie, Laura Baltimore widow $20.00 -
175, 555 Mackir, Henry Baltimore wd. r. foot $1.00 Oct., 1880
163,461 Maddox, Chas. W. Baltimore ch. diar. $4.00 Nov. 1879
180,260 Magaha, Agnes Baltimore widow $10.00 Mar., 1878
174, 920 Magness, Jerome B Baltimore dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 Oct., 1880
191,318 Magness, Mary Baltimore widow $16.00 Feb., 1881
19,296 Mahoney, Eliza A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
170, 585 Mahoney, John Baltimore wd. l.. hand $2.00 June, 1880
63,222 Mahoney, Sophia Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1866
106,643 Maiers, Margaretta Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1868
92, 077 Malambre, Jas. M Baltimore wd. l. leg $6.00 Nov., 1868
95,374 Male, Elizabeth J Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1867
9,632 Manly, Naomi Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
2,895 Manly, Wm. Baltimore minor of $10.00 Aug., 1881
196,012 Mann, Amelia Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1882
13,917 Manner, Paul Baltimore g. s. w. r. arm $10.00 July 1863
74, 152 Maqueese, John Baltimore wd. r. hand $2.00 Nov., 1866
213, 504 Marah, Salone Baltimore dis. eyes $12.50 June, 1882
179,211 Mark, Josephine Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov., 1877
76, 245 Marley, Geo. W Baltimore wd. r. foot $6.00 Jan., 1867
15,410 Marr, Louisa Catonsville widow 1815 $8.00 Jan., 1879
67, 484 Marriner, John W. Baltimore wd.r. thigh $8.00 July, 1866
196,742 Marsh, Elizabeth Eklo mother $8.00 July, 1882
166,698 Martin, Brice Baltimore g. s. w. l. hand $3.00 Apr. 1880
7,594 Martin, Harriet Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
24,101 Masemore, Theodorus Rayville surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
220,713 Mason, John Baltimore frozen feet $4.00 Mar. 1882
147,705 Mason, Mary Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1871
158,220 Mason, Sarah A Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1872
130,709 Mathews, Benj. F. Baltimore ch. gastritis $15.00 Nov. 1874
218,690 Mathews, Levi Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Oct. 1882
32,679 Mathews, Mary M Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1882
17,944 Matthews, Rachel O Bentley's Springs widow 1813 $8.00 Feb., 1879
2,423 Matthews, Sarah E Baltimore widow $12.00 Mar., 1879
64,131 Mattox, Emily Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1866
167, 930 Matzler, Frank Baltimore dis. eyes $4.00 May, 1880
34,346 Maulsby, Thos. A Baltimore wd. r. leg $20.00 Nov., 1864
97, 670 Maurer, Ferdinand Baltimore wd. l. arm $6.00 May, 1869
126, 005 Maurer, Wm Baltimore dis. eyes $24.00 June, 1876
189,147 Maver, Cornelia Baltimore widow $25.00 July, 1880
21,375 Maxwell, Mary J Baltimore widow $8.00 -
10,764 Mayer, Eliza C Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
9,942 Mayer, Susan O Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
26,092 Mayes, Charlotte C Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1879
2,204 Mayo, Sarah Beckleysville widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1872
175,993 McAllister, Mary J. E Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1876
- McAllister, Wm. D. Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 -
169, 170 McBee, Thos Baltimore wd. abdomen $1.00 June, 1880
62,796 McCardell, Dennis Baltimore wd. l. shoulder $4.00 June 1871
120,621 McCauley, Bridget Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1868
7,978 McCauley, Owen Baltimore dis. lungs $12.00 -
152,446 McComas, J. Marche, sr White Hall inj. r. hand $24.00 Apr., 1878
190,836 McComas, Sarah Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1881
115,199 McConnell, Duncan Baltimore fract. l. ankle $6.00 Dec. 1874
1,091 McCorkie, Jos. Baltimore - $4.00 -
187,278 McCourt, Sarah Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1880
103,792 McCoy, Eliza B Baltimore widow $20.00 -
75,501 McCullough, Sarah A Baltimore mother $8.00 -
39, 623 McCurley, Felix Baltimore loss l. leg $18.00 Aug., 1866
104, 022 McDonald, Frank Y Baltimore wd. of neck $17.00 July, 1870
110, 260 McDonald, Sam'l Baltimore wd. l. arm $6.00 May, 1871
109, 512 McDonough, John Baltimore wd. r. arm $4.00 Apr., 1871
245 McElderry, Margaret P Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1872
196,380 McElroy, Chas. Baltimore g. s. w. r. forearm $6.00 Oct. 1881
177,557 McElroy, Mary Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1877
186,338 McFarland, Rosanna Baltimore widow $10.00 Dec., 1879
3,143 McGeeney, Mich'l. Baltimore ch. bronchitis & results $8.00 Apr. 1881
53,757 McGilligan, John Kingsville loss rt. arm $18.00 Nov., 1865
73, 185 McIntire, Jas. D Baltimore wd. face $6.00 Mar., 1867
44,166 McKeldin, Sophia Baltimore widow $8.00 -
306 McKem, Mary, or McKin Baltimore widow $8.00 -
2,558 McKenzie, Sam'l. Baltimore - $2.00 Jan. 1879
146,530 McKey, Lydia A Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1870
109, 721 McKinzie, Francis s Baltimore inj. r. side $4.00 Apr., 1871
88, 019 McLaughlin, Frank Baltimore loss index finger $8.00 Mar., 1877
9,029 McLean, Sarah E. W Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
7,667 McMackin, Rebecca Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
131, 948 McManus, Terrence Baltimore wd. l. thigh $24.00 Mar., 1877
101,519 McMullin, Jas. Baltimore g. s. w. r. arm $4.00 Dec. 1869
218,862 McNally, Felix Baltimore inj. r. side $4.00 Oct. 1882
161,824 McNamara, Martin Baltimore wd. r. hip $2.00 -
9,773 McNamara, Susan Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
24,372 McPherson, Hannah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
29,904 McPherson, Harriet Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1880
98, 867 McQuillin, Francis Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Mar., 1875
121,033 McQune, Catherine Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1868
37,048 McQune, Ellen Baltimore widow $8.00 -
1,867 McSherry, Charlotte C Baltimore widow $15.00 Dec., 1873
22,687 Mearis, Louisa Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
162,469 Mechem, Susan W Baltimore widow $31.00 June, 1873
9,937 Medairy, Rachel Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
147,812 Melcher, Caroline Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1871
190, 040 Melville, Harry Baltimore dis. Heart $2.00 June, 1881
120,567 Menge, Chas. Baltimore wd. r. thigh $4.00 Dec. 1872
158,327 Mercer, Cornelius Baltimore wd. r. hand $15.00 Mar. 1879
42, 911 Mercer, Virgil T Baltimore wd. l. arm $20.00 Oct., 1875
23,677 Meredity, Saml Shane surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
294 Merriken, Catherine Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
40,810 Merritt, Catharine Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1865
196,148 Merryman, John W Cockeysville injury to abdomen $2.00 Sept., 1881
172, 558 Merson, Geo Baltimore wd. l. hip $2.00 Aug., 1880
92,194 Meyer, Christopher Baltimore wd. r. leg $4.00 Oct. 1868
50,342 Meyers, Chas. Baltimore g. s. w. r. hand $12.00 Oct. 1874
186,557 Meyers, Ernestine Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1880
169, 911 Michael, John Baltimore inj. to abdomen $12.00 June, 1880
10,365 Middleton, Cath Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1879
163,108 Milhelm, Joshua G Beckleysville rheu $8.00 Oct., 1879
164,034 Milies, John H Baltimore frac. of r. thigh $8.00 Jan., 1880
171,355 Miller, Christopher Baltimore g. s. w. l. forearm $2.00 July 1880
10,130 Miller, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
27,694 Miller, Georgeanna Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1864
2,206 Miller, Isabella D Baltimore widow $14.00 Nov., 1876
24,520 Miller, Jos Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
43,978 Miller, Jos. M Highlandtown hypertrophy of heart $4.00 May, 1867
91, 580 Miller, Joshua Baltimore do $8.00 June, 1868
129,232 Miller, Mary Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1869
138,956 Miller, Mary Anna Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1879
11,923 Milliman, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
42,182 Mills, Eliza Baltimore widow $17.00 -
159, 157 Mills, Jas. H Baltimore wd. hand $2.00 Apr., 1879
117, 093 Mills, Sam'l W Baltimore wd. r. leg $4.00 June, 1872
13,255 Mince, Eleanor Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
110, 610 Misel, Jacob Baltimore wd. r. leg $4.00 May, 1871
35,803 Mitchell, Charles Baltimore g. s. w. l. ankle joint $10.00 -
170. 118 Mitchell, Geo. W Baltimore loss mid. fin. l. hand $2.00 June, 1880
36, 160 Mitchell, Thos Baltimore wd. r. leg $2.66 1/3 Dec., 1864
24,632 Moale, Eliza Smith Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
112,560 Mohl, Levi Baltimore injury to abdomen $6.00 Aug., 1871
172,188 Mohr, Sophia A Baltimore widow $14.00 Feb., 1876
100, 302 Mols, John Baltimore wd. L. ilium $6.00 Oct., 1869
21,189 Monlan, Ann M Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
18,491 Monmonier, Mary A Wetheredville widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
35,110 Monroe, Nelson Baltimore paralysis l. side $18.00 Dec., 1864
8,265 Montague, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
15,733 Montgomery, John Baltimore wd. l. arm $5.00 Aug., 1863
22,807 Mooford, Jas Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
143,253 Moon, Lewis H Fork g. s. w. rt. hip $4.00 Jan., 1877
111,332 Moore, Amelia Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1868
- Moore, Annie B Baltimore widow $25.00 Dec., 1873
181,658 Moore, Florence V Baltimore widow $30.00 July, 1878
76, 849 Moore, Geo Baltimore wd. l. hand $4.00 Nov., 1868
16,667 Moore, Jane Towson widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
- Moore, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1862
1,317 Moore, Maria Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1871
90,742 Moore, Mary A Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1867
113, 726 Moore, Thos Baltimore wd. of head $4.00 Sept., 1871
74, 301 Moore, Zedrich Baltimore wd. l. groin $2.00 Nov., 1866
11,049 Morgan, Geo. W Canton wd. l. leg $12.00 May, 1863
- Morris, Ephriam B. Baltimore frac. leg $6.00 May 1861
17,207 Morris, Jemima Freeland widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
212,117 Morris, Owen C Phoenix dis. throat $4.00 June, 1882
183, 045 Morris, Wm. H Baltimore ch. diarr $21.00 Feb., 1881
71,190 Morrison, Ann R Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1866
20,461 Morrison, Elizabeth Grave Run Mills widow $8.00 Mar., 1879
172,998 Morrison, John S Woodberry inj. l hip $4.00 Sept., 1880
- Morrow, Mary A Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1865
117, 535 Morsell, Wm Baltimore wd. l. leg $8.00 June, 1872
123,564 Mozengo, Mary M Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1879
189,527 Mullen, Matilda B Woodberry mother $8.00 Aug., 1880
117,141 Muller, Eva Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1868
131,198 Mundorf, David Baltimore ch. rheum. $6.00 Dec. 1874
- Murray, Adelaide Baltimore widow $10.00 Sept., 1873
1,301 Murray, Anna M Baltimore widow $30.00 July, 1873
1,777 Murray, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $30.00 Sept., 1872
10,905 Murray, Harriet W Govanstown widow $8.00 Nov., 1878
162,104 Murray, Julia A Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1873
189, 424 Murrry [sic], Wm. T Baltimore frost-bite of r. foot $4.00 May, 1881
69,078 Musgrave, Mary Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1866
197,377 Musser, Alex. M Locust Point wd. r. thi $4.00 Nov., 1881
143,770 Myers, Christina Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1870
123, 952 Myers, Francis J Baltimore wd. r. leg $6.00 July, 1873
95,832 Myers, Henry Baltimore inj. to ankle $14.00 Feb. 1869
196,684 Myers, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1882
184, 892 Myers, Wm. B Baltimore wd. r. hip $4.00 Mar., 1881
186,154 Nace, Henry Grave Run Mills dis. liver, & c $12.00 Apr., 1881
23,705 Naff, Susanna Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
180,360 Neal, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1878
212, 495 Neal, Robt. Baltimore inj. r. leg $6.00 June 1882
- Nelson, Peter Baltimore surv. 1812 $4.00 -
107,308 Newman, Frances Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1868
12,093 Nice, Mary E Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1867
71,617 Nichols, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1867
169,925 Niemeyer, Lena Baltimore widow $8.00 -
106, 970 Noaseck, Thos Baltimore disloc. r. ankle-joint $10.00 Jan., 1878
173, 086 Noel, Henry Baltimore wd .l. shr $6.00 Sept., 1880
101,699 Nollert, Johanna Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1867
193,044 Norris, Elizabeth Gorsuch's Mills mother $8.00 Aug., 1881
196,812 Norris, Elizabeth Gorsuch's Mills dep. mother $8.00 July, 1882
156,148 Northern, Sophia Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1872
4_,732 Notre, Jno. G. Baltimore wd. back $8.00 June 1867
191,964 Nussear, Susan Lutherville mother $8.00 Apr., 1881
31,011 Nutoch, Theresia Baltimore widow $8.00 -
165,460 Ochs, Jno. W. Baltimore ch. rheum. $12.00 Mar. 1880
185,099 Oetsterle, Gotlieb Baltimore g. s. wd. face $2.00 Mar. 1880
120,757 Oettever, Gottfried Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Jan. 1873
134,970 Offelman, Geo. Baltimore g. s. d. r. hand $4.00 July 1875
8,134 Ogden, Maria Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
74,860 O'Hara, Hugh Baltimore shell w. l. leg $6.00 Dec. 1866
77,041 Oleson, Kura Baltimore hemiplegia $24.00 Feb. 1867
38,228 O'Neil, Caroline J Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1870
1,809 O'Neil, Peter Baltimore - $12.00 -
188,136 O'Neill, Eliza or Premer Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1880
16,216 Oram, Rebecca Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
74,070 O'Rourke, Martha A Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1867
218,457 Orr, John Baltimore rheu., dis. heart $6.00 Sept. 1882
117,545 O'Shay, Mary Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1868
214,246 Osing, Henry Baltimore injury to abdomen $6.00 June 1882
145,152 Osterhoff, Herman Baltimore dis. l. eye $12.00 May 1877
155,053 Ott, Geo. L. Baltimore injury to abdomen $12.75 Aug. 1878
3,230 Owen, Elizabeth M Baltimore widow $17.00 -
2,826 Owens, Arabella A. S Baltimore widow $18.00 Mar., 1881
155, 616 Page, Andrew Baltimore wd. l. side $6.00 Sept., 1878
48, 939 Paker, Wm. F Baltimore total blindness $72.00 Aug., 1865
16,415 Pale, Eliza A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
105, 286 Palmer, Murray C.D. Baltimore wd. l. forearm $4.00 Sept., 1870
27,939 Pangbarn, Ruany Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1862
163,983 Park, Mary G Baltimore mother $15 00 Feb., 1874
13,263 Parker, Eve Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
2,684 Parker, Foxall A Saint Denis minor of $42.00 July, 1880
177,327 Parker, Lucretia Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1877
58,360 Parks, John T Woodberry wd. l. leg $8.00 Feb., 1866
7,892 Parrish, Margaret Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
27,931 Parrish, Uriah Pikesville widow 1813 $8.00 Nov., 1879
14,808 Parsons, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
100,630 Parsons, Geo. W. Baltimore w. l. hand, &c. $2.00 Oct. 1869
159, 996 Parsons, Jas Baltimore wd. l. leg $4.00 May, 1879
155, 138 Partington, Rich Baltimore loss l. index finger $3.00 Sept., 1878
97,956 Passe, Elias Reisterstown wd. of head $8.00 May, 1868
30,916 Pastorins, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1880
69,079 Patterson, Ann J.W Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1867
20, 913 Patterson, John T Baltimore wd. L. leg $2.00 Dec., 1863
16,271 Patterson, Mary Ann Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1864
134,707 Patterson, Mary E Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1869
210, 329 Patterson, Robt Baltimore do $4.00 June, 1882
188,484 Payne, Henry A Mt. Washington inj. r. side $2.00 May, 1881
46,286 Peacock, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1865
9,626 Peacock, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
145,792 Peacock, Sam'l A Baltimore g. s. wd. l. shoulder $2.00 May, 1877
25,269 Pearce, Eleanor Saint James widow 1814 $8.00 June, 1879
21,785 Pearce, Mary Ann Towson widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
196,789 Pemple, Sophia B Baltimore widow $8.00 July 1882
3,696 Pennington, Jas Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
11,768 Pentz, Amanda R Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
7,896 Peregoy, Catherine Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
10,954 Perkins, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
184, 406 Perlich, Herman, alias Frock,Benj Baltimore inj. spine, dis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Mar., 1881
195, 271 Personette, John T Baltimore wd. l. thigh $4.00 Sept., 1881
165,800 Peters, Magdalena Baltimore widow $10.00 Aug., 1874
58,361 Petticord, Austin W. Baltimore wd. r. elbow $4.00 Feb. 1866
2,637 Petticord, John Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
10,555 Petticord, Louisa J Woodberry widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
167,454 Petz, Augusta Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1875
170,945 Pfeil, Dorothea Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1875
194,802 Pfister, Gotlieb Baltimore minor of $14.00 Mar., 1882
96, 992 Phelps, Chas. E Baltimore wd. l. forearm $22.50 Apr., 1869
121,885 Pierce, Lydia Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1868
61,392 Pierce, Mary E Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1867
- Piercy, Jacob Baltimore wd. of l. thumb $2.00 May 1880
93,034 Pinckney, Jno. H. Baltimore loss r. thigh, etc. $24.00 Sept. 1868
96, 959 Piper, Wm. T Baltimore wd. r. wrist & hip $6.00 Apr., 1869
75,807 Pipes, Henry Baltimore wd. r. foot $4.00 Dec. 1866
138,50_ Pipino, Lewis Baltimore wd. r. groin $8.00 -
132, 820 Plater, Frisby Baltimore wd. l. jaw $4.00 Apr., 1875
2,017 Plowman, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1872
75, 580 Plummer, John W Baltimore lumbago $4.00 Dec., 1866
107, 453 Poff, Gottlieb Baltimore injury to abdomen $12.00 Jan., 1871
10,273 Pool, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
105, 831 Poole, Richad T Baltimore wd. r. hand $8.00 Oct., 1870
27,786 Porter, Cath. C Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1879
157,113 Ports, Alfred Baltimore minor of $10.00 -
7,423 Posey, Louisa Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
208, 187 Poston, Danl. T Baltimore wd. l. ankle $2.00 Feb., 1882
179, 992 Pothig, August Baltimore inj. l. knee $2.00 Dec., 1880
179,854 Potter, Lavinia Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1878
210, 695 Pray, Saml. F Baltimore chr. diarr $4.00 June, 1882
5,871 Preacher, Anna C Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1868
197,444 Press, Mary A Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1882
65,762 Preston, Josephine Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1866
84, 408 Preston, Wesley Baltimore wd. head $8.00 Aug. 1867
98, 293 Price, Jas. B Baltimore wd. r. arm $4.00 June, 1869
80, 880 Price, Mathias Baltimore loss 2 fingers $4.00 May, 1867
29,865 Price, Sarah A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1880
109,270 Prior, Geo. W. Baltimore amp. l. index finger $2.00 Apr. 1871
20,912 Proctor, Robt Greenwood surv. 1812 $8.00 July, 1873
78,643 Prosby, Francis P. Baltimore inj. r. elbow $8.00 Mar. 1867
153,227 Pullett, John Welcome Valley wd. r. leg $4.00 May, 1878
543 Pumphrey, Rachel Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
127,438 Quickley, Emma Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1869
94,883 Quinck, Jeremiah Baltimore w. r. leg $4.00 Jan. 1868
3,743 Raborg, Fred'k. W. Baltimore loss l. leg $24.00 -
73,638 Rankle, Wm. Baltimore wd. both thighs $4.00 Nov. 1866
- Rarick, Elizabeth A Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1862
63, 224 Rasch, Wm Baltimore wd.r.thigh $8.00 May, 1866
60, 424 Ratcliffe, Wash'n W Baltimore lung dis $18.00 Apr., 1874
174,057 Raunft, Magdalena Baltimore widow $12.00 June, 1876
36,549 Readasel, Caroline E Baltimore widow $8.00 -
57,482 Rease, Chas. Baltimore loss l. arm $24.00 Feb. 1866
197,722 Reddehase, Marie Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1882
153,667 Reddick, Harriet Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1876
46,474 Reddinger, Anna M Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1865
178, 990 Redlin, John Baltimore chr. rheu $8.00 Nov., 1880
35,095 Redman, Theophilus Baltimore loss r. leg $18.00 Jan. 1867
- Reece, Thos Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 -
21,602 Reed, Hannah Catonsville widow 1813 $8.00 Mar., 1879
66, 173 Reed, Thos. S Baltimore wd. side face $12.00 Mar., 1875
40,714 Regester, Susannah Baltimore mother $17 00 Feb., 1865
1,673 Regner, John Reckord disability $6.00 -
106,306 Reich, John Baltimore wd. neck $3.00 Aug. 1870
83,523 Reienhart, Chas. E. Baltimore wd. l. hip $6.00 July 1867
179,556 Reigler, Andrew Baltimore wd. r. thigh $8.00 -
101,974 Rein, Henry Baltimore inj. r. leg, &c. $16.00 Jan. 1870
33,049 Reineker, Emeline F Baltimore widow $20.00 -
7,468 Reinhardt, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1863
143,647 Reinicker, Jno. T. Baltimore sunstroke $5.00 Feb. 1877
6,655 Reinig, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 -
196,402 Reisner, Martha F Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1882
1,514 Rennolds, Mary H Baltimore widow $22.00 Dec., 1873
2,877 Renowden, Mary, alias Payne Baltimore widow $12.00 June, 1881
184,475 Rever, Lewis Baltimore dis. of abdominal viscera $8.00 Mar. 1881
93,521 Reviers, Sam'l. Baltimore wd. l. thigh $8.00 Feb. 1876
194,304 Reynolds, Annie Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1882
13,533 Rhodes, Rebecca Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
8,748 Rial, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
59,505 Rich, Conrad Baltimore wd. nasal bone, etc. $18.00 Mar. 1866
33,078 Richardson, Chas. H. Baltimore w. r. thigh $24.00 Sept. 1864
12,246 Richardson, Jas. R Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
186,146 Richardson, Matilda Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1879
63,341 Richer, Henry Baltimore wd. l. thi. & leg $5.33 1/3 May 1866
214 Rickey, Mary Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
10,49_6 Riddec, Beal D. Baltimore typhoid fever $15.00 Aug. 1870
24,411 Riddle, Susan Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, ----
139,592 Riddler, Anton Baltimore father $8.00 May, 1877
107, 557 Ridge, Danl. E Baltimore ch. Bronchitis $8.00 Jan., 1871
1,242 Ridgely, Elizabeth D Baltimore widow $30.00 Sept., 1868
111,134 Ridgway, Ellen Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1868
76,285 Riesterjohn, Theo Baltimore w. r. side $4.00 Jan. 1867
2,866 Rigby, Henry L Baltimore father $8.00 June, 1881
164,211 Rightler, Geo. W. Baltimore loss sight eye, etc. $8.00 Jan. 1880
184,271 Riley, Cornelius Baltimore wd. r. thigh $2.00 Mar. 1881
196,051 Riley, John Baltimore father $8.00 June, 1882
11,647 Riley, Martha Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
90,979 Rindhart, Chtharine Baltimore mother $8.00 -
64,933 Rine, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 -
214,356 Ringgold, Chas Philopolis wd. 2 finger r. hand $2.00 June, 1882
81,336 Ripp, Philip Baltimore injury to abdomen $12.00 May 1867
63, 342 Rittenhouse, Albert F. Baltimore wd. r. knee $19.00 May, 1866
195,988 Rittenhouse, Nicholas Baltimore saber wd. chin $6.00 Sept., 1881
69, 177 Ritter, Henry Baltimore wd.l. thigh $6.00 Aug., 1866
97, 760 Rittle, Jos. Baltimore loss 2 fingers r. hand $3.00 May, 1869
155,299 Ritzins, Curth Baltimore ch. rheu. $24.00 Sept. 1878
63,338 Road, Jno. Baltimore wd. l. wrist $18.00 Oct. 1872
180,907 Robbins, Kenelm Baltimore minor of $22.00 May, 1878
78,044 Roberts, Emily Baltimore widow $8.00 -
168,680 Roberts, Jno. W. Baltimore dis. of throat $2.00 May 1880
30,763 Roberts, Mary C Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1880
74,584 Roberts, Robt. Baltimore inj. index finger l. hand $4.00 Oct. 1870
3,171 Roberts, Thos. Baltimore g. s. w. l. arm, side, & back $4.00 -
132, 369 Roberts, Wm. H Baltimore wd. l. thigh $8.00 Nov., 1877
130,829 Robertson, Jemima Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1869
87,621 Robertson, Jesse Baltimore ozaena $6.00 July 1876
159,090 Robinson, Jno. T. Baltimore g. s. w. neck $2.00 Apr. 1879
128,011 Robinson, Martha A Baltimore widow $8.00 -
107, 495 Robinson, Robt. K Baltimore Jaundice $12.50 Jan., 1871
177,410 Robinson, Rose A Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1877
127,867 Robinson, Sophia Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1869
204, 616 Robinson, Wm Baltimore neural, head $4.00 Mar., 1882
7,523 Rogers, Caroline Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
4,112 Rogers, Julian Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1872
1,901 Rolands, Ann E Baltimore widow $30.00 Oct., 1873
23,800 Roschen, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
98, 037 Rose, John Baltimore wd.l. leg $12.00 May, 1869
195,646 Roselip, John Owing's Mills wd. l. arm $6.00 Sept., 1881
176,399 Rosenaner, Nannie Baltimore widow $8.00 -
205,060 Rosenberg, Maurice Baltimore g. s. wd. l. shoulder $4.00 -
54, 453 Ross, Wm. E. W. Baltimore loss l. thigh $30.00 Dec., 1865
79,453 Rotgaven, Jno. Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Apr. 1867
9,548 Rowley, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
138,116 Roxbury, Theresa A Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1870
21,940 Royster, Sarah M Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
2,038 Royston, Henry J Baltimore total blindness $72.00 Oct., 1877
26,899 Ruckle, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1879
73,045 Rule, Henry Baltimore w. l. temple $15.00 Oct. 1866
175,957 Rummelman, John Baltimore minor of $14.00 Jan., 1879
52,935 Ruppel, Geo. Baltimore wd. shoulder $8.00 Nov. 1865
220,801 Rupricht, Henry Baltimore g. s. w. l. hand $2.00 Nov. 1882
18,492 Rusk, Margaret Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
129,467 Rusk, Margaret Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1869
298,435 Russell, Chas. F. Baltimore dis. of heart $4.00 May 1882
182,047 Russell, Edw. Baltimore wd. l. leg $6.00 Feb. 1881
167,933 Russell, Jno. Baltimore var. veins both legs $14.00 May 1880
191,786 Russell, Jos. Baltimore inj. to back $4.00 June 1881
105, 018 Russell, Walter Baltimore incipient phthisis $6.00 Aug., 1870
6,272 Rust, Paul Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1871
63, 340 Ruths, Geo Baltimore wd. l. leg $15.00 May, 1866
21,595 Rutledge, Priscilla Maryland Line widow $8.00 Mar., 1878
119,349 Ryan, Michael B Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh $5.00 -
7,533 Ryne, Hamilton Baltimore wd. chest $6.00 -
45,180 Sabins, Martha Baltimore widow $8.00 -
31,679 Sallus, Melinda Baltimore widow $8.00 -
4,130 Sandborn, Harriet W. A Baltimore widow $25.00 July, 1863
91,944 Sanders, Chas. Baltimore g. s. w. nates, &c. $8.00 July 1868
154, 854 Sanders, Henry D Baltimore wd. r. hip $8.00 Aug., 1878
19,222 Sanders, Matilda B Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
94,288 Sanders, Wm. Baltimore inj. back $8.00 Dec. 1868
5,405 Sandstreet, Ann V Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1873
61,082 Saner, Magdalene Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1865
98, 920 Sannders, Jos. H. Baltimore wd.l. leg $4.00 July, 1869
21,013 Sanner, Geo. H. Baltimore phthisis pulmonalis $10.00 Dec. 1863
15,908 Sapp, Edw'd. Baltimore wd. r. leg $8.00 Aug. 1863
31,567 Sapp, Mary J Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1881
1,569 Sarbaugh, Amanda Baltimore widow $20.00 -
10,587 Saulsbury, Mary A. M Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
187,427 Savin, Leah C Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1880
159,631 Savrea. Harriet R Baltimore widow $10.00 Sept., 1872
193,281 Scarborought, Sarah Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1881
161,154 Schaao, Alvis Carroll wd. L. leg $4.00 June, 1879
32,914 Schade, Martha E Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1864
- Schaeffer, John Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1877
168, 487 Schaffer, Chas. W Baltimore inj. r. eye $4.00 May, 18??
148, 050 Schaffer, Jacob Baltimore dis. liver & c $14.00 Sept., 1877
136,793 Schall, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov., 1869
180,626 Schater, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1878
153,051 Schiable, John Baltimore dis. spine $31.25 May 1878
130,092 Schieck, Wm. Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Sept. 1874
138,567 Schipfer, Jacob F. Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Mar. 1876
184,908 Schlenbaker, John Baltimore wd. r. hand $4.00 Mar. 1881
109, 770 Schlerf, Fredk Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Apr., 1871
87, 206 Schley, Geo Baltimore loss index finger $3.00 Nov., 1867
120,328 Schleyer, Anna M Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1868
69, 323 Schmettel, Franz Baltimore amp. Index fing.l. hand $4.00 Aug., 1866
32,832 Schmidt, Albert L Baltimore disease of lungs $6.00 -
47,188 Schmidt, Helena Baltimore widow $8.00 -
128,055 Schmittman, Magd'lina Baltimore widow $8.00 -
120, 993 Schneider, Geo Baltimore wd. chest $8.00 Jan., 1873
59,729 Schnumacher, Henry Baltimore wd. spinal column $8.00 -
102, 077 Schoenreich, Christian Baltimore wd. r. arm $6.00 Feb., 1870
50,591 Schofield, Tilghman Waverly fract. r. thigh, & c $12.00 Mar., 1866
76,353 Scholies, Peter Baltimore inj. l. foot $8.00 Jan. 1867
121,685 Schrach, Mathias Baltimore inj. to back $8.00 Feb. 1873
128,182 Schram, Julius Baltimore heart disease $12.00 May 1874
21,171 Schreck, Jno. Baltimore ch. pleuritis $8.00 Dec. 1863
76,317 Schroeder, Christina Baltimore widow $8.00 -
27,885 Schroeder, Frederica Baltimore widow $8.00 -
131,691 Schuckman, Catharine Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1869
186,449 Schultheis, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1879
76,850 Schultz, Chas. Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh $6.00 Jan. 1867
32,913 Schultz, Margaretta Baltimore widow $8.00 -
133,273 Schultz, Wm. Baltimore g. s. w. l. leg $4.00 Apr. 1875
64,936 Schulz, Margaretta D Baltimore widow $8.00 -
211, 908 Schurnmann, Fredk Baltimore wd. head $4.00 June, 1882
94, 651 Schwartz, John A Baltimore wd. r. leg $8.50 Dec., 188?
211, 615 Scott, Benj Baltimore wd. l. side face $4.00 June, 188?
45, 972 Scott, David Baltimore wd. l. hand $12.00 July, 1865
80,229 Scott, Ellen Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1867
68, 058 Scott, Oliver Baltimore wd. r. hip $6.00 July, 1866
7,425 Scott, Rebecca T Baltimore widow $25.00 -
136,961 Scott, Walter Rayville wd. l knee $7.50 Nov., 1875
78,751 Seeberger, Catharine Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1866
64,929 Seeger, Maria Baltimore widow $8.00 -
144,502 Segar, Chas. D Calverton par. paral. l. side $24.00 Apr., 1877
34,853 Seipp, Geo W Towson loss l. arm $18.00 Dec., 1864
193, 417 Seippel, John Baltimore ch. rheu $4.00 July 18??
73,310 Seitz, Wm. N Gorsuch's Mills amp. l. arm $18.00 Oct., 1866
119, 325 Selzer, Henry Baltimore wd. r. shr $7.00 Feb., 1874
11,767 Senseney, Jane Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
68,937 Sepfle, Magdalene Baltimore widow $8.00 -
157, 307 Sertz, Carl Baltimore dis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Jan, 1878
7,136 Seward, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
13,257 Seyler, Catherine Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
28,709 Seymour, Chas. Baltimore - $18.00 May 1864
123, 678 Shamburg, Francis Baltimore wd. l. groin & hip $10.00 June, 1873
105,814 Shaw, Caroline Baltimore widow $8.00 -
32,715 Shaw, Jane G Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1882
15,566 Shaw, Sam'l H Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1872
111,124 Shawen, Francis T Baltimore g. s. wd. r. arm $2.00 -
11,769 Shawl, Uriah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
83,320 Shawro, Edwd. Baltimore g. s. w. r. arm $8.00 July 1867
37, 863 Shea, Andrew W Baltimore loss r. leg $24.00 Feb., 1865
113, 314 Sheppard, Jas W Baltimore scrofula $8.00 Sept., 187?
11,095 Sheridan, Maria Baltimore widow $8.00 -
1,330 Sherwood, Jno. R. Baltimore injury to abdomen $12.00 -
461 Sherwood, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
199,763 Sherwood, Thos. N Baltimore saber wd. head, &c. $6.00 Dec. 1881
1,270 Shields, Harriet Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1871
174, 096 Shields, John L Baltimore wd. r. thigh $4.00 Sept., 18??
114,687 Shinkel, Barbara A Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1868
145,262 Shipley, Johanna Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1870
90,470 Shipley, Sarah J Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1867
113,202 Shipley, Susan Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1868
106, 289 Shipley, Thos Baltimore loss 2 toes, l. foot $6.00 Nov., 1870
9,934 Shoemaker, Rachel Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
113,095 Shorter, Alexander Baltimore wd. l. breast $4.00 Aug. 1871
252, 511 Siebert, Christian Baltimore wd. r. forearm $4.00 Feb., 188?
136,694 Simms, Wm Shane wd. l. arm $8.00 Nov., 1875
72,368 Simon, Fredk. W. Baltimore g. s. w. r. arm $15.00 Oct. 1866
10,328 Simonson, Rachel Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
170, 117 Simpson, Geo Baltimore wd. head $4.00 June, 1880
10,408 Simpson, Sarah A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
66,403 Simpson, William Eastern Shore wd. rt. elbow $8.00 -
11,480 Singleton, Catharine Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 18??
36,902 Singley, Christina Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1864
9,825 Sinners, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
176, 538 Sinnott, Jas Baltimore inj. r. thumb $8.00 Oct., 188?
11,578 Siondall, Catherine Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
13,006 Sipes, Miche Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
16,723 Skipper, Sallie S Warren widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
94,255 Slaughter, Jas. L. Baltimore amp. l. thigh $24.00 Dec. 1868
170, 493 Slawson, Morris B Baltimore wd. r. leg $10.00 June, 1880
59,732 Sleinersdel, Chas Baltimore wd. r. foot $5.00 Mar. 1866
- Sloan, Mary a Baltimore widow $30.00 Sept., 1880
196,342 Sluger, Caroline Baltimore widow $12.00 June, 1882
59,730 Small, Francis E. Baltimore wd. l. hand $4.00 -
- Smith, Anna Caroline Baltimore widow $10.00 Feb., 1879
- Smith, Anne M Baltimore widow $50.00 -
148,392 Smith, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1871
105, 894 Smith, Chas Baltimore wd. l. hand $2.00 Oct., 1870
162, 760 Smith, Chas Baltimore loss sight l. eye $8.00 Oct., 1879
79, 454 Smith, Chas E Baltimore wd. l. ankle $8.00 Feb., 187?
13,251 Smith, Clare Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
2,752 Smith, Eliza Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1880
25,030 Smith, Eliza C Baltimore widow $8.00 June, 1879
69, 322 Smith, Francis M. Baltimore wd.l. hand, &c $15.00 Aug., 1866
196, 742 Smith, Geo Baltimore wd. rt. shr $2.00 Oct., 1881
64, 438 Smith, Geo Baltimore amp. r. thigh $24.00 May, 1866
3,150 Smith, Henry Baltimore inj. of back $4.00 May 1881
118,162 Smith, Hester Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1868
155, 054 Smith, Jas Baltimore wd. r. arm $2.00 Aug., 187?
59,590 Smith, Jas. L. Baltimore g. s. w. shoulder $8.00 Mar. 1866
75,664 Smith, John Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh $6.00 Dec., 1866
152,758 Smith, John Baltimore g. s. wd. r. arm $4.00 Apr., 1878
156, 746 Smith, John M Baltimore dis. heart $18.00 Nov., 187?
194, 185 Smith, John M Baltimore scurvy, &c $6.00 Aug, 18??
221, 489 Smith, John M Baltimore slight deaf. Ears $2.00 Nov., 188?
111,940 Smith, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 -
- Smith, Margaret Ann Baltimore mother $8.00 Dec., 1864
154,569 Smith, Martha Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1871
- Smith, Mary Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1866
10,419 Smith, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
8,597 Smith, Phebe Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
30,126 Smith, Rachel E Baltimore mother $8.00 -
170,631 Smith, Saml Lavender Hill ch. diarr $18.00 -
1,915 Smith, Sarah Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1869
12,046 Smith, Sarah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
33,199 Smith, Theresa Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1864
100,304 Smith, Wm. Baltimore injury to abdomen $10.00 Oct. 1869
142,282 Smith, Wm. Baltimore wd. r. breast $14.00 Oct. 1876
99,708 Smith, Wm. J. Baltimore ch. diar. $6.00 Sept. 1869
37,895 Smyser, Anne, or Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 -
12,058 Smyser, Lea Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
167, 252 Sneed, John M Baltimore wd. l. shr $1.00 Apr., 18??
64,924 Snooks, Mary A Baltimore mother $8.00 -
66,405 Snowden, Solomon Baltimore loss r. arm $18.00 Sept. 1866
149,629 Solons, Wm. L. Baltimore injury to abdomen $12.00 Nov. 1877
106, 248 Souther, Freak Baltimore frac. ribs, l. side $12.00 Nov., 1870
132,044 Southwood, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1869
C8,438 Sowers, Charlotte Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1866
199, 003 Spang, Chas. D Baltimore wd. l. hand $2.00 Dec., 1881
17,211 Sparks, Betsey E Saint James widow 1813 $8.00 Feb., 1879
21,601 Sparks, Elizabeth Monkton Mills widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
17,221 Sparks, Mary Saint James widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
14,031 Spedden, Harriet Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
155, 368 Spencer, Chas Baltimore bed-sores, &c $18.00 Sept., 1878
80, 676 Springle, George Baltimore wd. of back $5.33 1/2 May, 1867
20,647 Sprinkel, Anna B Woodensburgh widow $8.00 -
200, 878 Spurrier, John Baltimore wd. Head $4.00 Jan., 18??
146,541 Standberg, Eliza J Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1870
110,333 Stanley, Andrew Baltimore wd. l. leg & thigh $4.00 May, 1871
2,950 Stanley, Nancy Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1882
98,936 Stanley, Wm. W. Baltimore shell wd. rt. tibia $4.00 July 1869
3,921 Stansbury, Elijah Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
168, 131 Stansbury, John T Baltimore wd. r. thigh $8.00 May, 188?
103, 127 Stanton, David L. Baltimore wd. instep r. foot $15.00 May, 1870
3,043 Stanton, Francis M. Baltimore - $5.00 Dec. 1880
1,141 Stanton, Rebecca Baltimore widow $8.00 -
129,231 Starr, Elizabeth D Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1869
175,498 Stauffer, Mary S Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov., 1876
100,868 Steeilein, Michl. Baltimore wd. l. buttock $4.00 Nov. 1869
26,140 Steinhagen, Rich'd. Baltimore inj. r. shoulder $18.00 Mar. 1864
8,600 Stephens, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
54,123 Sterling, Catharine Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1865
133,903 Sterling, Thos. G. Baltimore g. s. w. l. thigh $8.50 June 1875
1,062 Stevens, Arthur Baltimore - $6.00 -
17,033 Stevens, Margaret Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
103, 499 Steward, Chas Baltimore wd. hand &c $8.00 June, 188?
190,902 Stewart, Anna Baltimore widow $10.00 Jan., 1881
12,152 Stewart, Eliza A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
58, 572 Stewart, Jas Baltimore loss leg $18.00 Aug., 188?
194,007 Stewart, Mary A Baltimore widow $10.00 Jan., 1882
124,842 Stewart, Wm. Baltimore shell wd. face $6.00 Dec. 1877
23,176 Stiffler, Elizabeth Rayville widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
189, 076 Stinemire, John Baltimore wd. r. thigh $2.00 May, 188?
5,061 Stites, Wm Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
11,002 Stockdale, Mary A Baltimore mother $8.00 -
2,960 Stokes, Adeline Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1882
146,014 Stokes, Etta Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1870
179, 008 Stolzenback, Geo Baltimore dis. eyes $6.00 Nov., 1881
77,272 Stone, Maroin S. Baltimore g. s. wd. spine $8.00 Feb. 1867
94,110 Storiger, Lewis Baltimore wd. r. leg $4.00 Dec. 1868
198,278 Stork, Wm. Baltimore dis. of stomach $6.00 Nov. 1881
187, 493 Stotterbback, John Baltimore dis. of abdominal viscera $7.50 Apr., 18??
170,603 Strabler, Ludwig Baltimore father $8.00 Sept., 1875
184,250 Stratton, Alfred A Baltimore widow $12.00 May, 1879
881,602 Strine, Chas. C Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 -
185, 691 Striver, Christian Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Mar., 1881
38, 661 Strivler, Fred'k Baltimore wd. l. wrist $18.00 Mar., 1865
110, 236 Strong, Henry Baltimore wd. r. thigh $6.00 May, 1871
31,171 Stubbins, Jos. Baltimore loss l. arm $18.00 July 1864
72,208 Stuckman, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 -
4,002 Stump, Jas. Baltimore inj. r. foot $6.00 -
97, 689 Sturgeon, John T. Baltimore do $3.00 May, 1869
203, 200 Sullivan, Jas Baltimore wd. l. hand $2.00 Feb., 188?
3,493 Sumberson, John Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
149,184 Summers, Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1871
52,559 Summerville, Ignatius Baltimore wd. abdomen, &c. $8.00 Nov. 1865
4,649 Suter, Henry Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
177, 622 Suter, John H Baltimore dis. of abdominal viscera $15.00 Oct., 18??
154,549 Swack, Sarah A Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1871
116, 232 Swan, Wm Baltimore wd. face $6.00 Apr., 1872
2,071 Swartz, Jos. Baltimore fract. rt. elbow $6.00 -
50, 084 Sweet, Jos Baltimore wd. of breast $18.00 Sept., 1865
42, 964 Sweetman, Bernard Baltimore wd. r. arm $12.00 May, 1865
68, 378 Swift, Harrison Baltimore wd.l. foot &c $16.00 July, 1866
2,698 Sykes, Jas Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
24,878 Talbot, Maria Baltimore mother $8.00 -
181,708 Tappan, Sarah J Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1878
193, 939 Tarr, Frank C Baltimore saber wd. head $17.00 Aug., 1881
219, 741 Tarring, Albert Baltimore scurvy & rheu $4.00 Oct., 1882
87,795 Tasker, Jas. W. Baltimore wd. l. hand $4.00 Dec. 1867
78,531 Tatham, Danl. Baltimore wd. r. thigh $6.00 Mar. 1867
162,663 Tawney, Wm. A. Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh $4.00 Oct. 1879
107,511 Taylor, Benj. F Kingsville wd. lt. shr $25.00 Jan., 1871
10,088 Taylor, Emily Baltimore widow $17.00 Dec., 1863
10,325 Taylor, Hester Ann Kingsville widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
167,541 Taylor, Joseph Baltimore minor of $23.00 Feb., 1875
181,917 Taylor, Martha E Baltimore widow $19.00 -
191,434 Taylor, Nancy Baltimore mother $8.00 Mar., 1881
101,806 Taylor, Phebe S Baltimore widow $27.00 -
124,874 Taylor, Samuel Baltimore wd. l. arm $4.00 Sept. 1873
7,507 Taylor, Sophia Brooke Baltimore widow $50.00 May, 1865
72,450 Taylor, Wm. Baltimore w. r. hand $8.00 Oct. 1866
145,504 Taylor, Wm. Baltimore wd. l. thigh $12.75 May 1877
94, 584 Tennant, John Baltimore wd. l. arm $6.00 Dec., 1868
3 Terrett, Martha A. F Baltimore widow $25.00 Oct., 1873
109, 722 Thayer, Wm Baltimore wd. r. foot $6.00 Apr., 1871
161,018 Thiele, Charlotte Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1873
88, 504 Thomas, Augustine Baltimore wd. l. shr $8.00 Jan., 1868
184,950 Thomas, Grace Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1879
1,993 Thomas, Martha Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1874
59,773 Thomas, Mathias Baltimore g. s. w. r. foot $4.00 Mar. 1866
29,233 Thomas, Susan Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1880
64, 782 Thomas, Wm. Baltimore wd. elbow $18.00 June 1866
59,775 Thomas, Wm. A. Baltimore loss l. arm $24.00 Mar. 1866
52,396 Thompson, Charles R Fork - $8.00 -
14,143 Thompson, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 -
119, 038 Thompson, Jas. A., alias Thos. Thompson Baltimore wd. back $10.00 Sept., 1872
76,521 Thompson, Jno. Baltimore g. s. w. l. wrist $10.00 Jan. 1867
11,305 Thompson, Louisa Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
8,599 Thompson, Rebecca R Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
88,637 Thompson, Wm. A. Baltimore wd. l. thigh $4.00 Jan. 1868
30,101 Thornton, Sarah A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1880
166,277 Thrush, Francis D. Baltimore rehum. $24.00 Mar. 1880
79,301 Tibbals, John G. Baltimore wd. chest $8.00 Nov. 1868
135,716 Timmons, Caroline Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1869
24,558 Timmons, Louisa Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
175, 892 Tinker, Geo. H Baltimore inj. r .leg $4.00 Oct., 18-0
27,852 Tipton, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1879
17,037 Tipton, Ester Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
2,076 Todd, Ella S Baltimore widow $25.00 -
28,381 Tolson, Rebecca Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1880
185,410 Tower, Borzetta Baltimore widow $10.00 Sept., 1879
71., 791 Townsend, Jas. E Baltimore wd. lower jaw $18.00 Oct., 1867
73, 457 Tracey, Edw. M Baltimore wd. abdomen $8.00 Oct., 1866
157,988 Tracy, Catharin Rayville mother $8.00 May, 1872
152,196 Tracy, Ellen Hereford mother $8.00 July, 1871
165,822 Tracy, Jarret Baltimore father $8.00 Aug., 1874
11,147 Tracy, Mary Betean widow 1814 $8.00 Nov., 1878
178,886 Tracy, Rachel Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1877
177,9?8 Trainor, Mary A Baltimore widow $10.00 June, 1877
1?8,566 Traubman, Charl'te L Baltimore widow $21.00 -
?5,323 Travis, Leah Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1866
22,604 Tredway, Thos Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 June, 1878
85,015 Trisler, Chas. E. Baltimore - $8.00 -
27,547 Trott, Sarah Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1864
159,925 Trumbo, Maria Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1872
22,818 Trusil, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
102,852 Trusty, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1867
148,416 Trusty, Thos. W. Baltimore disability $2.00 Sept. 1877
84, 181 Truxton, Wm Baltimore wd. l. shr $6.00 Aug., 1867
142,765 Tucker, Catharine Baltimore mother $8.00 May, 1870
123,643 Tucker, Edw. F Woodberry inj. l. knee joint $16.00 June, 1873
120,850 Tucker, Geo. C. Baltimore wd. r. foot $2.00 Jan. 1873
80,791 Tucker, Jacob R. Baltimore wd. r. hip $8.00 May 1867
175,081 Tucker, John A Woodberry minor of $19.00 Sept., 1876
7,457 Tucker, Mary Ann Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1863
172, 338 Turner, Edwin Baltimore var. veins both legs $10.00 Aug., 1880
66, 175 Turner, Wm. Baltimore chr. rheu $16.00 June 1866
14,224 Tuttle, Mary J Baltimore widow $8.00 -
1,206 Twiggs, Priscilla D Baltimore widow $50.00 Dec., 1887
18,756 Twist, Ann E Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
7,544 Tyfogle, Mary Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
21,818 Uhler, Juliaett Reisterstown widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
11,193 Uhler, Wm. H Warren wd. r. thigh $8.00 Apr., 1863
190,223 Uhlfelder, Myers Baltimore inj. r. leg $4.00 June 1881
101,198 Ulrich, John Baltimore wd. r. thigh $6.00 Nov. 1869
99,605 Underwood, Jos. Baltimore wd. r. leg $6.00 Sept. 1869
182,349 Underwood, Mary A Baltimore mother $8.00 Oct., 1878
154,386 Vabrath, Anna Baltimore widow $10.00 Nov., 1871
48,647 Vale, Isaac G Baltimore w. l. groin $6.00 -
128,265 Van Fosseu, Catharine Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1869
35,284 Van Harting, Adolph Baltimore g. s. w. l. leg $30.00 Dec. 1864
1,098 Van Reswick, Marian Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov., 1867
192,532 Vance, Martha J White Hall widow $12.00 June, 1881
101,133 Vandaniker, Maria S Baltimore widow $8.00 -
64,730 Varina, Mary A Baltimore widow $8.00 -
159,431 Veal, Jno. Baltimore g. s. w. l. hand $4.00 Apr.1879
180,821 Vitt, Caroline Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1878
25,567 Voger, Philip Baltimore wd. r. leg $24.00 Mar. 1864
98, 993 Voigt, Werner Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 July, 1869
77,324 Wain, Geo. H. Baltimore g. s. w. l. shoulder $10.00 Feb. 1867
2,831 Waite, Wm. W. Baltimore anchylosis of l. mid. finger $3.00 Apr. 1880
789 Walker, Charlotte C Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1865
62, 707 Walker, Joe. E Baltimore wd. l. arm $12.75 May, 1866
103,157 Walker, Malinda Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1867
- Walker, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 June
658 Walker, Mary Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
43,975 Wallace, Geo. H. Baltimore loss r. leg $18.00 -
1,245 Wallace, Grace Ann Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1868
119, 674 Wallace, Joshua Baltimore wd. back $10.00 Nov., 1872
105, 625 Waltemeyer, Chas Baltimore wd. lower jaw $8.00 Sept., 1870
124,980 Walter, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1869
1,933 Walters, Antoinette J Baltimore widow $32.00 Mar., 1874
31,736 Walters, Louisa Pikesville widow 1814 $8.00 May, 1881
12,255 Walters, Phoebe A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
170, 475 Wambach, Conrad Baltimore chr. rheu $2.00 June, 1880
- Ward, Anna Maria Baltimore widow $10.00 Jan., 1850
30,303 Ward, Deborah M Baltimore widow $8.00 -
101,132 Ward, Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 Oct., 1867
101, 214 Ward, Thos Baltimore wd. thro. face $8.00 May, 1874
119,139 Ware, Wm. H. Baltimore wd. r. breast $2.00 Sept. 1872
90, 606 Warren, John H Baltimore wd. r. arm $14.00 Sept., 1869
4,835 Waters, Asa Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
23,830 Waters, Chas. A Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
49,427 Waters, Harrison Baltimore wd. r. hand $4.00 -
123, 475 Waters, Henry P Baltimore wd. l. thigh $4.00 June, 1873
113,702 Waters, Jos. Baltimore wd. r. ankle & chest $18.00 -
- Watkins, Hortense Baltimore widow $25.00 Dec., 1873
115,353 Watson, Elsey Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1868
86, 501 Watson, Hugh Baltimore wd. r. breast $12.75 Oct., 1867
26,055 Watson, Jno. Baltimore ch. diar. $8.00 Mar. 1864
68, 929 Watson, Leonard Baltimore loss r. arm $24.00 July, 1866
164, 169 Watson, Robt Baltimore inj. r. hand, &c $4.00 Jan., 1880
181 Watson, Sarah Ann Baltimore widow $30.00 Sept., 1868
3,269 Watson, Wm. H. Baltimore 20 years' service $15.75 Dec. 1881
37,191 Watts, Ann Baltimore mother $8.00 Jan., 1865
34,272 Watts, Eliza Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 -
13,256 Watts, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
4,650 Watts, Nathaniel Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
210,408 Watts, Wm. H. R. Baltimore g. s. w. neck $4.00 June 1882
274 Waulfrum, Doritee Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1869
25,025 Weaver, Juliana Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
27,516 Webb, Clarissa Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1879
7,539 Webb, Elizabeth E Baltimore widow $8.00 -
124, 685 Webb, Stephen Baltimore wd. r. arm $2.00 Aug., 1873
73,636 Weber, Philip Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh $12.00 Nov. 1866
111,241 Webster, Harriet J Baltimore mother $8.00 Apr., 1868
12,363 Webster, Horner D. Baltimore g. s. w. r. knee $18.00 June 1863
155, 557 Weeker, Wm Baltimore dis. heart $8.00 Sept., 1878
191,461 Wegworth, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 Mar., 1881
139,741 Weinrich, Wilhelmina Baltimore mother $8.00 -
90, 170 Weis, Geo Baltimore injury to abdomen $8.00 Apr., 1868
167,663 Weismann, Jno. Baltimore injury to abdomen $2.00 Apr. 1880
197,453 Weiss, Christina Baltimore widow $12.00 -
43, 974 Welch, David C Baltimore wd. r. side, &c $18.00 June, 1865
- Welch, Sam'l C. Baltimore - $6.00
187,513 Welch, Temperence White Hall mother $8.00 Mar., 1880
75,808 Weller, Henry Baltimore wd. face, &c. $12.00 Dec. 1866
94,663 Weller, Jno. Baltimore wd. of r. forearm $6.00 Dec. 1868
73,637 Weller, Philip Baltimore g. s. w. shoulder $10.00 Nov. 1866
106,349 Weller, Robt. N Pikesville wd. r. leg $3.00 Nov., 1870
162,048 Wellings, Wm. T. Baltimore g. s. w. r. thigh $2.00 Aug. 1879
40, 698 Wells, Jas. B Baltimore wd. l. arm $14.00 Apr., 1865
60,319 Wells, Jno. Baltimore loss r. arm, &c. $24.00 Mar. 1866
138,104 Wells, Margaret Baltimore widow $8.00 Jan., 1870
186,109 Wells, Wm. Baltimore wd. r. wrist $12.00 Apr. 1881
100,905 Werdinger, Geo. Baltimore s. w. r. knee $18.00 Nov. 1869
113, 134 Werneburg, Christ'hr Baltimore do $6.00 Aug., 1871
24,516 Werner, August Baltimore wd. of l. hip & hand $8.00 Feb. 1864
40, 434 Wese, Abrams Baltimore loss l. arm $24.00 Mar., 1865
162,237 Wesley, Mary C Baltimore mother $8.00 -
34,274 West, Eliza Baltimore mother $8.00 Nov., 1864
24,518 Westcoat, Anna Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
177, 133 Wetherwax, Albert Baltimore ch. bronchitis $3.00 Oct., 1880
51,767 Wetzel, Catharine Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1865
23,708 Whalen, Rachel Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
153,222 Whaley, Clarissa White Hall widow $8.00 Aug., 1871
4,836 Wheeler, Darius Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
1?0,78? Wheeler, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 May, 1871
71,960 Wheeler, Elizabeth M Baltimore mother $20 00 May, 1866
108, 227 Wheeler, Geo. F Baltimore wd. l. thi. $14.00 Feb., 1871
16,266 Wheeler, Sarah A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
106, 360 White, Alphonso A Baltimore disability $18.75 Aug., 1870
14,028 White, Eliza A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
44,821 White, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 -
197,547 White, Elizabeth Ann Baltimore widow $20.00 -
144,033 White, Isabella Baltimore widow $8.00 Aug., 1870
100, 955 White, Robt Baltimore wd. l. leg $5.00 Nov., 1869
2,735 White, Sophia Baltimore widow $8.00 Nov., 1880
166,333 White, Wm. Baltimore g. s. w. r. foot $1.00 Apr. 1880
72, 657 Whitley, Albert Baltimore wd. r. hand $6.00 May, 1867
8,559 Whitson, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $15.00 -
150,560 Whittington, Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 -
171,650 Wiegel, Wm. H. Baltimore inj. l. side $15.00 July 1880
222,839 Wiegen, Wm. Baltimore dis. of heart $6.00 Dec. 1882
97,818 Wilber, Geo. M. Baltimore do $8.00 May, 1869
145,537 Wilber, Jas Woodberry wd. l. leg $8.00 May, 1877
216, 009 Wilcox, John R Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Aug., 1882
199, 985 Wild, John F Baltimore wd. gt. toe l. foot $2.00 Dec., 1881
155, 338 Wilhelm, Henry Baltimore ch. bronchitis $15.00 Sept., 1878
14,954 Wilkenson, Susannah Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
1?3, 549 Williams, Anthony C. Baltimore wd. r. arm $10.00 May, 1875
159,080 Williams, Eliza Baltimore mother $8.00 Aug., 1872
177,555 Williams, Emily Baltimore widow $20.00 May, 1877
114, 631 Williams, Geo Baltimore wd. l. thigh $2.00 Nov., 1871
32,417 Williams, Hannah Monkton Mills widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1882
1,805 Williams, Martha Baltimore widow $8.00 Dec., 1872
21,876 Williams, Mary A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
40,807 Williams, Susan Baltimore widow $8.00 Feb., 1865
37,758 Williamson, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $20.00 -
152, 290 Wills, Rich'd C Baltimore sunstroke $10.00 Feb., 1878
3,379 Wilmer, John G. Baltimore wd. leg $6.00 -
58,671 Wilson, Alice A Baltimore widow $15.00 -
9,628 Wilson, Anna M Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
108,929 Wilson, Caroline Baltimore mother $8.00 Feb., 1868
134, 753 Wilson, Chas. Henry Baltimore loss 1 phalanx and index finger $2.00 July, 1875
203,383 Wilson, Danl. S Rayville deafness l. ear $4.00 Feb., 1882
54,821 Wilson, Elizabeth Baltimore mother $8.00 -
54,821 Wilson, Elizabeth A Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1865
179,377 Wilson, Gittings Sweet Air ch. rheu $4.00 Dec., 1881
153,977 Wilson, Harriet Hereford mother $8.00 Oct., 1871
103,069 Wilson, Jas. H. Baltimore g. s. w. r. hip $10.00 -
104, 341 Wilson, John J Baltimore wd. l. arm $16.00 Mar., 1876
123,250 Wilson, Jos. Baltimore wd. leg $8.00 May 1873
48,536 Wilson, Rachel J Phoenix widow $30.00 -
5,963 Wilson, Susan M Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1868
130,721 Wilson, Wm. Baltimore wd. l. arm $6.00 Nov. 1874
129, 133 Wimpsett, Robt Baltimore necrosis r. tibia $6.00 July, 1874
105,830 Wimsett, Henry Stevenson inj. r. jaw $5.00 Oct., 1870
149, 999 Wingate, Ambrose Baltimore wd. head $4.00 Dec., 1877
56,515 Winklen, Adam Baltimore loss r. arm $24.00 Jan. 1866
191,669 Winter, Lawrence Baltimore minor of $12.00 Mar., 1881
198,207 Wise, Solomon Baltimore wd. r. foot $2.00 Nov. 1881
- Wise, Verlina A Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1881
8,778 Wisner, Abraham Butler surv. 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1871
22,120 Wisner, Rebecca Beckleysville widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
9,233 Wits, Ann Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
165,577 Witz, Dan'l. Baltimore dis. of kidneys $8.00 Mar. 1880
169,119 Witz, Wm. Baltimore dis. of abdominal viscera $3.00 June1880
107, 835 Wolf, Geo Baltimore dia. Of abdominal viscera $18.00 Feb., 1871
72, 474 Wolf, Sylvester H Baltimore wd. r.. shr $8.00 Oct., 1866
147,754 Wolley, Anna Baltimore widow $8.00 -
168,203 Wonder, Louis Baltimore wd. r. thigh $2.00 May 1880
8,780 Wood, Nichl. L. Baltimore - $8.00 -
2,995 Wood, Rose M Owing's Mills widow $50.00 Oct., 1882
134,831 Wood, Ruth Ann Baltimore mother $8.00 Sept., 1867
206, 244 Worth, John W Baltimore ch. indigestion $11.25 Apr., 1882
194,061 Wright, Ann Maria Baltimore mother $8.00 June, 1882
174,087 Wright, Dan'l S Towson wd. r. thi $6.00 Sept., 1880
152,132 Wright, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 July, 1871
139,914 Wright, Elizabeth D Baltimore widow $17.00 -
102, 279 Wright, Geo. F. Baltimore accl. wd. r. hand $4.00 Feb., 1870
142,124 Wright, Jane Baltimore widow $8.00 Apr., 1870
174,816 Wright, Joel Baltimore g. s. w. r. arm $6.00 Oct., 1880
185,023 Wright, Martha A Baltimore mother $8.00 July, 1879
- Wright, Robt. Baltimore - $8.00 Jan. 1876
208, 246 Wright, Thos. S Baltimore debility $12.00 May, 1882
22,672 Wrotan, Augustus Baltimore dis. of heart $8.00 Jan. 1864
3,258 Wroten, David Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
16_,_02 Wroten, Wm. Baltimore g. s. w. l. thigh $4.00 Mar. 1880
1,598 Wyatt, Emily Baltimore widow $15.00 Apr., 1871
3,237 Wynn, Christopher Baltimore surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
13,005 Wyvill, Helen Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
111,547 Yeager, Elizabeth Baltimore widow $8.00 -
60, 931 Yearks, Geo Baltimore loss l. thigh $24.00 Jan., 1875
2,927 Yearley, Aquilla A. Baltimore laryngitis $4.00 June 1880
8,264 Yearley, Eliza Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
84,833 Yellott, John J Towson loss l. shr $20.00 July, 1869
99,535 Yingling, Sam'l B Reisterstown ch. rheu $6.00 Aug., 1869
- Yost, John Baltimore surv. 1812 $14.00 -
145,806 Young, Annette Baltimore widow $8.00 -
34,273 Young, Eliza Baltimore widow $8.00 -
192,343 Young, Jas. E Baltimore minor of $10.00 -
48,964 Young, Mary A Baltimore mother $8.00 -
98, 937 Young, Saml Baltimore loss 2 fingers l. hand $2.00 July, 1869
123, 079 Young, Thos Baltimore fract. l. ankle-joint $8.00 May, 1873
181, 033 Younger, Robt. J Baltimore wd. r. thigh $4.00 Jan., 1881
42, 965 Younkers, Theodore Baltimore fract. l. thigh $4.00 May, 1865
9,630 Yuncett, Sarah A Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
15,320 Yungling, Rachel Reisterstown widow 1813 $8.00 Jan., 1879
7,421 Zachary, Ann E Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
9,627 Zachary, Milcey Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
121,500 Zachow, Louis Baltimore injury to abdomen $4.00 Feb. 1873
106,009 Zanders, Doretta Baltimore widow $8.00 Sept., 1867
1,368 Zeimer, Eliza Baltimore widow $8.00 -
16,267 Zollinger, Maria Baltimore widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879

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