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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Washington Parish, Louisiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Washington Parish, Louisiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
19,282 Magee, Sarah Franklinton widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
16,408 Lewis, Samantha Franklinton widow 1813 $8.00 Jan., 1879
14,821 Bearden, Elizabeth Franklinton widow 1814 $8.00 Jan., 1879
13,086 Simmons, Marg't F. G. Franklinton widow 1815 $8.00 Dec., 1878
28,213 Toney, Eliza Franklinton widow 1816 $8.00 Dec., 1879
22,390 Megehe, Daniel Franklinton widow 1817 $8.00 June, 1878
25,969 Cooper, Martha Franklinton widow 1818 $8.00 July, 1870
23,431 Joiner, Sophia Franklinton widow 1819 $8.00 May, 1879
27,218 Oliphant, Temperance Franklinton widow 1820 $8.00 Oct., 1879
26,997 Headen, Matilda R. Franklinton widow 1821 $8.00 Sept., 1879
22,610 Fussell, Jno. Franklinton surv. 1812 $8.00 June, 1878

Home | Military Records | 1883 Pensioners on the Roll | Louisiana Pensioners on the Roll: 1883 | Washington Parish, LA Pensioners on the Roll: 1883

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