New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hardin County, Kentucky

January 1, 1883

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1883 Hardin County, Kentucky List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
14,408Atcher, Wm. T. Dorrett's Runwd. lft. hand$4.00-
184,454Baker, Lavina Sonoramother$8.00June,1879
86,277Blanford, Eleanor Hardin Springsmother$8.00Nov,1866
180,697Bowlie, David Sonoraminor of$10.00Apr,1878
21,254Brawner, Malinda Sonorawidow 1812$8.00Mar,1879
80,510Brown, Rhoda Howe's Valleywidow$8.00June,1875
218,637Chism, James A. Glendaledis. of abd. vis. & dis. lungs$4.00-
22,616Crutcher, Susan N Vine Grovewidow 1812$8.00Apr,1879
164,913Curby, Wm. C Vine Grovedis. spine$4.00-
173,409Dougherty, Francis M. Elizabethtownsunstroke & dis. heart$4.00Sept,1880
201,354Duree, Daniel Elizabethtowng. s. wd. with L 1st & 2d fing$6.00Jan,1882
136,010Evans, Josiah Howe's Valleyfather$8.00Nov,1869
116,931Fisher, Mahala Nolinwidow$8.00Aug,1868
8,194Glasscook, Nelly Long Grovewidow 1812$8.00Sept,1878
218,948Goodman, David East Viewinj. rt. hand$2.00Oct,1882
208,283Goodman, Levi East Viewdis. lungs$10.00-
158,570Green, Wm. H. Meeting Creekg. s. wd. neck$2.00-
10,304Hall, John Elizabethtowng. s. wd. lft. arm$16.00-
126,133Haney, Sarah E. Elizabethtownwidow$8.00Mar,1880
126,965Harrison, Martha J. Smithtonwidow$8.00Apr,1869
152,699Hicks, Isaac Meeting Creekg. s. wd. rt. arm$4.00Apr,1878
28,167Hicks, Sophia Hardin Springswidow$8.00Aug,1869
15,587Hornback, Margaret Uptonvillewidow 1812$8.00Jan,1879
58,316Huffaker, Sophronia Uptonvillewidow$8.00Aug,1867
131,512Jewell, Elizabeth Glendalemother$8.00Oct,1877
204,940Judd, James M. Dorrett's Runtyphoid fever$4.00Mar,1882
158,888Lawson, David East Viewdis. of abdominal viscera$6.00-
147,586Lucus, Richard G. East Viewg. s. wd. lft forearm$4.00Aug,1877
25,916Mayfield, Susanna Elizabethtownwidow$8.00July,1872
147,062Mayfield, Zerilda Elizabethtownwidow$8.00Jan,1871
174,809McClure, Daniel J. Hardin Springsinj. rt. elbow$2.00Oct,1880
182,741Meyers, Gustavus Augustus Dorrett's Rundis. liver & spleen$8.00-
196,543Miller, Malinda Cecilianwidow$8.00Jan,1882
159,603Oavton, George W. Sonorag. s. wd. rt. leg$2.00May,1879
178,679Orvens, Mary Elizabethtownwidow$8.00July,1872
122,873Oster, James East Viewdis. eyes$8.00-
24,794Robertson, Rebecca Elizabethtownwidow 1812$8.00June,1879
169,150Robinson, Milly Glendalewidow$8.00May,1875
133,285Routt, Wm. P. Sonoraloss rt. eye$4.00May,1875
133,254Saddler, Wilmouth Meeting Creekmother$8.00Aug,1880
104,005Simpson, Henry Saint Johnenlargement liver$3.00July,1870
131,801Stewart, Rob't D. East Viewdis. lungs$16.00-
179,496Stiles, Ben Sonorainjury to abdomen$8.00Dec,1880
111Sweeny, Susan M. Elizabethtownmother$8.00Jan,1880
178,916Taylor, Hannah Tip Topwidow$8.00Oct,1877
137,847Taylor, Julius H Uptonvilleloss sight lft eye$6.00-
16,358Thomas, America Vine Grovewidow$8.00Nov,1867
202,018Van Meter, Wm. Sonoradis. lungs$2.00Jan,1882
196,515White, Joseph M. Nolinmother$8.00June,1882
190,340Williams, David J. Sonorag. s. wd. rt. arm$2.00June,1881
151,903Wooden, Wm. Uptonvilledis. heart & spine$10.00-
205,133Woodring, John H. Saint Johnrheum & dis heart$8.00-
136,750Wright, Nancy Howe's Valleywidow$8.00Aug,1869
22,329Yates, John H Uptonvillesurv 1812$8.00June,1878
140,998Yates, Mary M. Grand Viewwidow$8.00Mar,1870

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