New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Grayson County, Kentucky

January 1, 1883

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1883 Grayson County, Kentucky List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
148415Alverson, Thomas JLeitchfieldchr diarrh $4.00 Sept 1877
128256Armstrong, Thomas MWest Cliftyinj l eye $4.00 May 1874
142276Azckery, Wm HCaneyvilleg s w r arm $2.00 Oct 1876
172354Baker, Hugh MLeitchfieldchr diarrh $2.00 Aug 1880
216740Beckworth, SolomonLeitchfieldg s w l little fing $2.00 Aug 1882
152988Bishop, LydiaLeitchfieldwidow   $8.00 Aug 1871
141157Bitito, Stephen ACaneyvillepart paral l side $4.00 Aug 1876
21570Blair, Sarah CFalls of Roughwidow 1812 $8.00 Mar 1879
75449bratcher, EllenCaneyvillewidow   $8.00 Oct 1867
195172Bratcher, MayhughMillwoodg s w r hand $2.00 Aug 1881
157928Burkhead, John WBig Cliftyg s w r cheek $4.00 -
148686Carroll, James SSpring Lick injury to abdomen $4.00 Feb 1877
218209Carter, James TLeitchfielddis lungs $4.00 Sept 1882
185415Carter, JaneHorntownmother $8.00 Sept 1879
221939Daugherty, John ThosCaneyvilledis lungs $2.00 Dec 1882
128409Decker, EdneySpring Lickwidow   $8.00 Apr 1869
31912Deen, Matilda AnnWest Cliftywidow 1812 $8.00 Aug 1881
99364Dockery, MarySpring Lickmother $8.00 Apr 1869
184970Downes, ElizabethLeitchfield mother $8.00 July 1879
151884Duncan, SamuelSpring Lickdis heart $8.00 -
119360Duvall, Julian NShrewsburywd r hand $8.00 -
122043Elder, RobertCaneyvilleparalysis $10.00 -
144775Elder, ThomasCaneyvilleg s w r leg $2.00 Apr 1877
136362Embry, MalachiCaneyvilledislocation r knee $6.00 -
161729Ferry, IsaacCaneyville ed r arm $7.50 July 1879
157876Ferry, thomasCaneyvilleg s w r arm $2.00 Mar 1879
196504Ferry, William WShort Creekg s w r foot $1.00 Oct 1881
91660Forbes, MathidlaCaneyvillewidow   $8.00 Nov 1888
161773Galloway, LucretiaLeitchfieldwidow   $8.00 Apr 1873
119147Gary, WmCaneyvillewd l leg $6.00 Sept 1872
209985Golladay, Joh PBig Cliftydis eyes $6.00 -
142493Goodman, ArthurCaneyvillewd r ankle $4.00 Nov 1876
218840Harrison, Christoph CCaneyvilleg s w ring finger $2.00 Oct 1882
141084Hazelip, Drucella ECaneyvillewidow   $8.00 Mar 1870
210554Heston, Rob't LLeitchfielddis bladder $12.50 June 1882
118151Higdon, MaryBig Cliftywidow   $8.00 Sept 1868
205817Higgs, Wm MLeitchfieldg s w l hand $2.00 Mar 1882
18328Hill, ElizabethLeitchfieldwidow 1812 $8.00 Feb 1879
193004Hill, HenryLeitchfielddis of abdominal viscera $6.00 -
150791House, James ACaneyvillerheumatism $8.00 Jan 1878
213027Hughes, DanielCaneyvillechr diarrh $6.00 -
114810Jackson, ElizabethLeitchfieldmother $8.00 June 1868
18506Jacobs, LouisaMillwoodwidow 1812 $8.00 Feb 1879
208194Jeffries, DavidLeitchfielddis of head $4.00 May 1882
130630Jones, ElizabethCaneyvillewidow   $8.00 June 1889
140394Keller, WmCaneyvilleg s w l foot $2.00 Aug 1876
206622Kerr, Absolon MLeitchfieldinjury to abdomen $4.00 Apr 1882
213043Key, LafayetteLeitchfieldinjury to abdomen $4.00 June 1882
197766Kiper, Mary ELeitchfieldwidow   $8.00 Nov 1882
55258Lacefield, Francis MCaneyvillew r arm $4.00 July 1866
154425Langley, John HBig Cliftyinjury to abdomen $4.00 July 1878
84857Laury, ElizabethLeitchfieldmother $8.00 Oct 1866
126966Lickens, RuthaCaneyville widow   $8.00 Apr 1869
15834Lindsay, Simon PCaneyvillewd l leg $6.00 -
29871Line, ElizabethHorntownwidow 1812 $8.00 June 1886
18969Mattingly, ElenorBig Cliftywidow 1812 $8.00 Feb 1879
17098McCandless, JeremiahSpring Lickwidow 1812 $8.00 Feb 1879
159209McClure, DavidLeitchfieldchr diarrh $6.00 -
200541McCrady, Benj FMillerstowndis back $6.00 Jan 1882
107553Milmer, Mary MLeitchfieldwidow   $8.00 Dec 1868
127853Morris, MarySpring Lickwidow   $8.00 Apr 1869
194834Napper, FelixGrayson Springsinjury to abdomen $4.00 Aug 1881
210763Nevitt, ThomasLeitchfieldg s w r arm $2.00 June 1882
149974Nottingham, John LFalls of Roughwd l jaw $2.00 Dec 1877
179839Owena, WilliamLeitchfielddis lungs $8.00 -
191567Patterson, SusannahTouseywidow   $8.00 Mar 1881
29939Pattie, Mary EFalls of Roughwidow 1812 $8.00 July 1880
143485Pearl, George AWest Cliftyg s w r leg $4.00 -
208749Quisenberry, James HMillwooddiarrh & dis of abd vis $6.00 -
129595Raymer, Barbara ACaneyvillewidow   $8.00 May 1869
106545Richardson, Joshua BMillerstowneffects wd face $8.00 -
194181Rogers, Joseph WClarksondis eyes $10.00 -
174032Russell, Geo SCaneyville injury to abdomen $2.00 Sept 1889
198281Slaughter, Joseph BMillerstowng s w l shoul $2.00 Apr 1881
135236Smith, Calvin ACaneyville injury to abdomen $4.00 Aug 1876
193627Smith, DianaCaneyvillewidow   $14.00 Nov 1881
214789Stevenson, HardinLeitchfieldg s w head $2.00 June 1882
143439Stone, Dersey BLeitchfielddis abdominal viscera $4.00 Jan 1877
95422Stoner, Margaret ABig Cliftymother $8.00 June 1867
181799Studyville, WilliamLeitchfielddis lungs $4.00 Jan 1881
206654Swift, McNaryCaneyvilleg s w r foot $2.00 Apr 1882
117958Thomasson, Emeline SLeitchfieldwidow   $8.00 Aug 1868
173642Vertrees, Thomas WMillerstownfather $8.00 June 1876
205599Willis, John OLeitchfieldchron diarrh $4.00 Mar 1882
190511Witten, SquireLeitchfielddis lungs $6.00 June 1881
30245Yager, CatharineCaneyvillewidow   $8.00 Mar 1869
145970Zackaery, MichaelCaneyvilledis lungs $4.00 June 1877

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