New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Bath County, Kentucky

January 1, 1883

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1883 Bath County, Kentucky List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
9, 312Adams, SophiaOwingsvillewidow 1812 $8.00 Sep. 1878
136, 522Bailey, AnnOwingsvilleMother $8.00 Nov. 1869
129, 704Bailey, ElishaOwingsvillewd left hip $12.00 Sep. 1874
140, 586Boats, ChristopherOwingsvillew arm $12.00 Aug. 1876
22, 407Bourne, Milly B.Owingsvillewidow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 1879
184, 678Cooper, ThomasOwingsvilleinj. To hips $8.00 Mar. 1881
197, 516Coyle, AdalineOwingsvilleMother $8.00 Oct. 1882
217, 702Crain, SimeonOwingsvillew hand & wrist $17.00 Sep. 1882
21, 353Finch, AmeliaBethel- $6.00 Mar. 1879
86, 433Gellin, EllenOwingsvilleMother $8.00 Nov. 1866
80, 633Goodpaster, ElizabethOwingsvillewidow $8.00 Mar. 1868
137, 325Grinsley, MalindaOwingsvillewidow $8.00 Dec. 1869
136, 779Hamilton, WilliamOwingsvilleg.s.w.hand $4.00 Nov. 1875
114, 562Hart, John M.Sharpsburghg.s.w.shoul. & jaw $18.00 -
-Howard, RhodaOwingsvillewidow $8.00 Feb. 1859
197, 234Ingram, MaryOlympiaMother $8.00 Sep. 1882
129, 997Jackson, AlfredOlympiatotal blindness $72.00 -
39, 060Joy, JaneOwingsvillewidow $8.00 May 1867
4, 656Kerns, SarahOwingsvillewidow $8.00 Aug. 1871
154, 658Leyton, PresleyOwingsvilleg.s.w.leg $6.00 -
29, 406Maxey, MarthaOwingsvillewidow 1812 $8.00 May 1880
179, 502McCarty, GeoSharpsburghminor of $10.00 Dec. 1877
170, 981McGlothen, PollyOwingsvilleMother $8.00 Nov. 1875
85, 231McLain, MichaOwingsvillemother $8.00 Nov. 1866
589Medrick, MargaretOwingsvillewidow $8.00 Sep. 1870
10, 833Myers, LucyBethelwidow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 1878
79, 148Otis, AnnOwingsvilleMother $8.00 Jul. 1866
117, 889Prather, Ann S.OwingsvilleMother $8.00 Aug. 1868
127, 608Razor, George W.Owingsvillew shoulder $6.00 Apr. 1874
7, 568Rice, Mary E.Bethelwidow $8.00 Feb. 1883
17, 380Royce, RobertaOwingsvillewidow $8.00 Feb. 1875
104, 985Snidegar, SusanOwingsvilleMother $8.00 Dec. 1867
26, 884Spencer, MaryOwingsvillewidow 1812 $8.00 Sep. 1879
84, 384Steele, EmilyOwingsvillewidow $8.00 Feb. 1876
130, 810Stevens, MalindaSharpsburghwidow $8.00 Jun. 1869
172, 169Toy, LaviniaOwingsvillewidow $8.00 Feb. 1875
93, 385Traylor, ElizaOwingsvillewidow $8.00 Apr. 1867
142, 084Vice, JohnOwingsvillew l thigh $8.00 -
207, 838Warner, Reuben Z.Owingsvilleg.s.w.shoulder $4.00 Apr. 1882
139, 390Wells, James W.Owingsvilleg.s.w.hand $4.00 -
6, 151Wilson, ElizabethOwingsvillewidow 1812 $8.00 May 1874

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