New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Bourbon County, Kansas

January 1, 1883

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1883 Bourbon County, Kansas List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
219,185Amey, GeorgeGlendaleasthma$6.00 Oct., 1882
39,132Angle, SarahBarnesvillewidow$25.00 Jan., 1865
211,849Anthony, Jacob M.Fort Scottd. eyes, l. s. r. eye, dis. Abd. Vis.$11.25 June, 1882
32,672Awbrey, Green W.Pawnee Stationwd. Lt. thigh$6.00 -
127,367Baker, Joseph S.Bronsondis. Lungs and chr. Rheum.$8.00 Mar., 1874
130,416Ball, Arthur J.Mapletong. s. w. rt. thigh$6.00 Oct., 1874
101,417Bardwell, ElizaBarnesvillemother$8.00 Feb., 1869
182,685Barnett, ThomasFort Scottchr. Bronchitis$10.00 Feb., 1881
153,324Barrett, Geo.Fort Scottpart'l. deafness$2.00 May, 1878
184,210Boles, RachelMapletonmother$8.00 May, 1879
105,968Brisco, RichardFort Scottloss rt. Thumb$4.00 -
150,129Bristol, Chauncy E.Fultonchr. Diarrh.$7.50 Dec., 1877
72,794Bronson, Ira D.Fort Scottchr. rheumatism$15.00 Oct., 1866
193,750Brown, IsaacBarnesvilleresults, intermittent fever$6.00 Aug., 1881
111,086Burris, GeorgeFort Scottg. s. w. lt. wrist$4.00 June, 1871
32,764Campbell, CynthiaXeniawidow 1812$8.00 Dec., 1882
71,602Campbell, Wm. R.Mapletoninj. Rt. Hand$6.00 -
192,021Cartwright, Minerva A.Barnesvillemother$8.00 Apr., 1881
9,431Champlain, PrentisHammondspecial act March, 1861$8.00 Apr., 1861
132,311Clapp, Chas. L.Fort Scottg. s. w. lt. thumb$2.00 Feb., 1874
127,860Clark, FannyFort Scottmother$8.00 Apr., 1867
72,477Clayton, Euphrates J.Barnesvilleg. s. w. rt. Breast$18.00 -
62,871Cole, Chas. W.Barnesvillewd. Lt. shoulder$6.00 -
159,561Connor, EdwardBerlinch. Diarr. And vari. Veins both legs$10.00 May, 1879
105,613Cook, Sam'l B.Hiattvilledis. Heart$6.00 -
187,417Cox, NancyFort Scottmother$8.00 Mar., 1889
37,750Crist, Cornelius B.Fort Scottamp. Rt. Arm$24.00 -
71,881Dalton, Henry S.Fort Scottdis. Of abdominal viscera$6.00 -
117,871Davidson, Sarah J.Fultondo$10.00 June, 1877
187,351Davis, Julia C.Fort Scottwidow$15.00 Mar., 1880
128,350Davis, Wm.Hiattvilleinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
194,225Day, Andrew J.Fort Scottdis. Lungs and rheum.$8.00 Aug., 1881
191,386Dilworth, HarrietFort Scottmother$17.00 Mar., 1881
143,640Dobbins, James J.Fort Scottg. s. w. l. foot (Navy)$4.00 Feb., 1877
70,379Drake, Ethan A.Uniontownls. Lt. eye, wd. Lt. thigh and leg$8.00 -
17,995Dunn, Angeline A.Fort Scottdo$8.00 Apr., 1864
176,884Dunn, SquireFort Scottdis. Spine$6.00 Oct., 1880
6,323Emmert, SusanFort Scottdo$8.00 Sept., 1863
31,757Etherton, Phebe H.Fort Scottwidow$8.00 -
92,013Fairchild, Sam'l H.Fort Scottwd. L. leg$6.00 -
76,338Fatyan, Barnard D.Fort Scottg. s. w. back and chest$15.00 Apr., 1872
3,226Fowler, AlexanderUniontownls. Thumbrt. Hand and effects$8.00 -
150,770Fox, MariaBarnesvillewidow$12.00 May, 1871
100,763Gardner, SmithFort Scottg. s. w. left shoulder$5.00 Nov., 1869
72,027Garrison, JohnHiattvilleg. s. w. rt. Knee and leg$8.00 -
129,480Gierent, Wm.Mohong. s. w. lt. thigh$8.00 -
201,833Gillham, Wm.Xeniasabre wd. Rt. Hand$4.00 Jan., 1882
141,918Gilmore, James W.Fort Scottdis. Of abdominal viscera$4.00 -
137,407Glarebrook, RichardFort Scottdis. Eyes from injury$18.00 Jan., 1879
162,243Gneedig, WillbaldHiattvilleg. s. w. rt. shoulder$2.00 Aug., 1879
46,766Golden, DavidMarmatong. s. w. lt. knee$8.00 -
131,842Goodlander, Geo. W.Fort Scottg. s. w. lt. side and shoulder$6.00 Feb., 1875
133,473Goodman, SabrinaFort Scottmother$8.00 Aug., 1869
205,097Goshen, Wm.Fort Scottchr. Diarr.$4.00 Mar., 1882
11,027Graves, EliasHiattvilleg. s. w. rt. Hand$18.00 -
214,873Hager, Josiah D.Uniontownchr. Diarr. And dis. Eyes$12.00 June, 1882
168,584Hall, Wm.Mill Creekscurvy, and resultg. Partl. Anchylosis of rt. Elbow$6.00 May, 1880
179,324Hawkins, DavidXeniag. s. w. back$1.00 Dec., 1880
223,562Hazelton, JamesFort Scottg. s. w. lt. arm$2.00 Dec., 1887
149,820Hendrix, JamesUniontowndis. Lungs$18.00 -
74,827Henry, Porter W.Fort Scottinj. Face and loss sight rt. Eye$16.00 -
80,171Henry, Wm. R.Fort Scottg. s. w. rt. Wrist$20.00 -
155,994Hooker, EleazorBarnesvilleg. s. w. of arm and forearm$6.00 Oct., 1878
118,678Houseman, JohnFort Scottloss l. index finger, g. s. w.$3.00 Dec., 1872
57,511Humphrey, Horatio W.Fort Scottchr. Conjunctive and chr. Bron.$8.00 -
192,135Humphreys, Love S.Godfreyrheum. And dis. Of eyes$18.00 June, 1831
183,498Jackson, JohnFort Scottdis. Of lungs-Mar., 1881
-Jackson, Margaret J.Fort Scottmother$8.00 -
17,819Jent, HenryBarnesvillesurv. 1812$8.00 July, 1872
65,854John, AlexanderUniontowng. s. w. both wrists$10.00 -
32,189Kemison, NancyFort Scottwidow 1812$8.00 Jan., 1882
98,722Kimbley, LavinaMarmatonwidow$8.00 Aug., 1867
52,080King, RufusFort Scottg. s. w. lt. hand$18.00 -
21,984Kirby, ThomasFort Scottg. s. w. face$18.00 -
178,701Leonard, Wm.Bronsonchr. Diarr. And dis. Of abd. Visc.$6.00 Nov., 1880
89,948Lewis, Jason S.Fultoninj. To back$8.00 -
78,441Limbacker, Jerry M.Fort Scottg. s. w. lt. hand and rt. Arm$12.75 Mar., 1867
179,847Longshore, Geo. W.Hiattvilleinj. Spine and resul'g convul$4.00 Dec., 1880
86,990Low, JaneUniontownmother$8.00 Nov., 1866
27,161Lucas, ElizabethXeniawidow 1812$8.00 Sept., 1879
122,922Mackey, James G.Fultong. s. w. rt. Foot$6.00 Apr., 1873
193,930Manning, MelvinFultonshell wd. Of sacrum and resul'g affec'n of bladder$4.00 Aug., 1881
181,631Mason, JannetBarnesvillewidow$12.00 July, 1878
3,124Maynard, Dolphus S.Fort Scottchr. Rheumatism$6.00 Mar., 1881
45,710McAllister, Isaac N.Fort Scottg. s. w. rt. leg$6.00 -
205,182McClenning, JamesFultonchr. Diarrh. And dis. Of lungs, results of measles$4.00 Mar., 1882
110,988McClintock, Absal'm H.Fort Scottg. s. w. lt. foot$6.00 Sept., 1872
151,521McNeill, DanielFort Scottg. s. w. lt. leg$6.00 Mar., 1878
9,499McQuien, Mary L.Uniontownwidow$8.00 -
219,564Mills, JamesMarmatonls. Sight l. eye from g. s. w.$4.00 Oct., 1882
195,972Mills, JosephFort Scottchr. Diarr.$8.00 Sept., 1881
170,618Mitchell, JamesFultonchr. Laryngitis$4.00 June, 1880
217,621Moore, Thomas O.Uniontowng. s. w. lt. forearm$4.00 Aug., 1882
176,808Morgan, John M.Redfieldinjury to abdomen$8.00 Oct., 1880
187,911Morris, Julia B.Xeniamother$8.00 Apr., 1880
200,610Mourning, Sam'lFort Scottchr. Diarr. And dis. Rectum$8.00 Jan., 1882
41,768Moyer, PeterXeniadis. Eyes$8.00 May, 1865
189,068Myers, Geo.Fort Scottchr. Diarr.$4.00 May, 1831
34,997Mylins, Lewis H.Xeniag. s. w. rt. shoulder$8.00 -
63,790Nesbitt, Wm. M.Mapletonloss lt. arm$24.00 -
197,010Noakes, SarahFort Scottwidow$12.00 Aug., 1882
113,976Noble, James B.Uniontownloss 3rd finger lt. hand$2.00 Oct., 1871
28,019O'Brien, CorneliusBarnesvilleg. s. w. rt. Hip$8.00 -
206,203Orr, DavidXeniag. s. w. lt. forearm$2.00 Apr., 1882
186,836Owens, James E.Fort Scottminor$14.00 Jan., 1880
20,757Page, CatharineFort Scottdo$8.00 Apr., 1864
174,754Parker, ElizabethFort Scottmother$8.00 Aug., 1876
99,498Patterson, Mary E.Barnesvilledo$8.00 Sept., 1877
183,990Pearson, JeremiahXeniag. s. w. lt. arm$4.00 June, 1875
208,009Petty, John E.Fort Scottdis. Lungs$4.00 May, 1882
173,590Pile, HenryFultonchr. Diarrh.$4.00 -
24,408Pitcher, Andrew J.Fort Scottimp. Use of rt. Shoulder$12.00 -
203,315Poor, John T.Fultonchr. Diarrh., scurvy and nervous disorder$6.00 Feb., 1882
152,044Pugh, IsaacHiattvilleg. s. w. rt. shoulder$4.00 Mar., 1878
134,022Rall, Edwin B.Hiattvilleg. s. w. rt. Thumb$4.00 June, 1875
66,329Ramsey, Wm. T.Redfieldg. s. wt. rt. Arm$8.00 -
133,604Reese, SimonBerlinvarix of left leg$8.00 -
209,860Regua, Geo. H.Bronsonchr. Diarr.$4.00 May, 1882
88,813Richey, James R.Xeniag. s. w. stomach$18.00 -
95,792Rizor, Jacob S.Fort Scottdis. Eyes and g. s. w. of lt. ring finger$13.00 -
125,249Root, LewisFort Scottinjury to abdomen$12.00 -
35,728Ruiker, Sarah A.Fultonwidow$8.00 Dec., 1864
66,016Runyan, IsaacClarksburghg. s. w. rt. Leg2.66 2/3June, 1866
212,787Sargent, Ezra J.Fort Scottchr. Diarrh.$4.00 June, 1882
83,472Scott, Geo. B.Fultonwd. Rt. Hand$2.00 July, 1867
92,948Scott, Robert S.Marmatoninj. Spine and results$18.00 -
24,490Scott, WaldronClarksburghwd. Rt. Hand, and results$12.00 -
140,034Shaw, Isaiah J.Fort Scottg. s. w. lt. forearm$4.00 July, 1876
136,949Shelton, Geo. W.Godfreyg. s. w. l. ind. Fing., amp. Mid. Finger at 1st phalange$3.00 Nov., 1875
130,772Shockley, Wm. B.Fort Scottg. s. w. rt. thigh$6.00 Nov., 1874
104,482Sigler, Wm.Xeniag. s. w. lt. thigh and ankle$6.00 -
173,935Slater, James W.Uniontownshell wd. Head$8.00 Sept., 1880
143,386Smilie, MarshalRedfieldg. s. w. lt. side$12.00 -
143,050Spence, SarahMohonwidow$8.00 Nov., 1870
79,870Spurgeon, AlexanderXeniawd. Lt. forearm$18.00 -
94,012Stevenson, ElizabethXeniawidow$20.00 -
117,259Stewart, Wm. M.Fort Scottg. s. w. r. thigh$4.00 -
186,827Stine, JesseHiattvilleinjury to abdomen$8.00 Apr., 1881
118,754Stinson, James H.Fort Scottg. s. w. left foot$6.00 -
201,200Stockton, John J.Hiattvilleg. s. w. rt. Hand, ls. Of lit. fing.$2.00 Jan., 1882
26,155Stoller, HarrisonUniontowng. s. w. rt. Arm$8.00 Apr., 1864
168,978Stone, WeetleyFultonchr. Diarrh. And dis. Abd. Vis.$4.00 June, 1880
63,062Stoner, Abram B.Fort Scottg. s. w. rt. Thigh$18.00 -
-Swaine, John J.Pawnee Stationg. s. w. lt. shoulder$8.00 -
110,050Taylor, SusanahUniontownwidow$8.00 Mar., 1868
82,694Thomas, Reese J.Fort Scottg. s. w. rt. leg$5.00 -
139,204Thompson, Albert B.Berlinw. r. thigh$3.00 -
12,436Tubbs, David S.Fort Scottwd. Side and lung$18.00 -
9,100VanDeusen, Eliza J.Pawnee Stationwidow$8.00 -
9,885Warfield, Adeline A.Fort Scottwidow$20.00 -
93,174Warn, Gilbert S.Fort Scottwd. Left thigh$8.00 -
180,477Waterhouse, Andrew J.Fort Scottg. s. w. rt. Shoulder$4.00 Jan., 1881
67,500Weber, JacobFort Scottvaricose ulcers lt. leg$12.00 -
190,046Welch, WinefredFort Scottdo$8.00 Oct., 1880
162,450Wheeler, Daniel H.Marmatong. s. w. rt. hip$2.00 Sept., 1879
84,432Williams, AmaziahXeniawd. Lt. thigh$8.00 -
179,013Winship, Wm. H.Fultong. s. w. lt. arm$2.00 Nov., 1880
170,299Woods, MartinGodfreyinj. To rt. Foot and lt. leg$6.00 -
187,420Wright, LucindaBronsonmother$8.00 Mar., 1880

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