New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Barton County, Kansas

January 1, 1883

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1883 Barton County, Kansas List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
18,112Acton, Andrew J.Dundeeg. s. w. rt. Hand$10.00 -
202,040Alefs, JohnGreat Benddis. Throat, lungs, and breast$12.00 June, 1882
179,568Anderson, Martin V.Great Bendchr. Diarr. And dis. Eyes$8.00 -
166,675Barr, Rob't W.Ellenwoodinjury to abdomen$8.00 Apr., 1880
141,608Bevis, Levi W.Great Bendg. s. w. rt. leg$6.00 -
203,091Blair, ThomasEllenwoodchr. Diarr. And dis. Of abd. Vis.$8.00 Feb., 1882
208,354Bloss, Wm. R.Great Benddis. Of heart$6.00 May, 1882
220,912Blum, PhillipGreat Bendg. s. w. rt. hand$4.00 Feb., 1882
192,544Bott, Fred'ckMillarddis. Lungs$4.00 July, 1881
27,951Briggs, MariahGreat Bendwidow 1812$8.00 Nov., 1879
16,597Brougher, Ira D.Great Bendloss rt. Arm above elbow$24.00 -
179,357Brown, Joshua P.Great Bendinj. To hand and dis. Heart and lungs$12.00 -
196,349Bunting, Lucius S.Great Bendminor$10.00 June, 1882
66,472Butler, JonathanEllenwoodg. s. w. rt. Breast and arm$18.00 -
44,809Caldwell, Fred'k B.Great Bend-$24.00 Sept., 1874
105,981Clark, Benjamin F.State Centerch. Pleurisy$6.00 -
118,453Corbin, ParkerGreat Bendrheum. Rt. Arm and leg$18.00 -
201,347Cossenan, NicholasMillardg. s. w. l. forearm and rt. Shoul.$6.00 Jan., 1882
131,194Curl, Wm.Great Bendfrac. L. leg$12.00 -
168,109Daum, Fred'kGreat Benddo$2.00 May, 1880
43,174Dawson, James G.Great Bendg. s. w. rt. hand$10.00 -
149,695Deal, JacobPrideg. s. wds. Left side, face, neck, and l. shoulder$6.00 Dec., 1877
112,660Degarmo, Sam'lOding. s. w. rt. Forearm, left thigh, and rt. Hip$8.00 -
222,538Diehl, Henry C.Great Bendshell wd. Head$2.00 Dec., 1882
46,790Evans, JohnGreat Bendg. s. w. l. foot$8.00 -
89,195Everett, JohnGreat Bendwd. Face$6.00 -
193,918Fearis, Sam'lMillardvar. veins both legs$8.00 Aug., 1881
-Fenno, John B.Verbeckg. s. w. rt. Foot, loss 2d toe$4.00 -
81,756Fiege, ChristianEllenwoodwd. L. thigh$4.00 May, 1867
72,789Freeman, PhilanderGreat Bendwd. Hand., aff. Brain and ear$12.00 -
172,370Fudge, David M.Great Bendincised wd. L. foot$4.00 Aug., 1880
151,403German, Andrew A.Ellenwoodg. s. w. rt. Forearm$4.00 -
44,952Gillmore, MyronGreat Bendwd. Left leg$7.00 -
218,269Goodrick, Benj.Pawnee Rockg. s. w. head and back$6.00 Sept., 1882
170,448Graves, NarceneGreat Bendinjury to abdomen$8.00 June, 1880
147,240Gray, Geo. C.Millarddis. Rt. Tibia$5.00 -
22,025Hare, JohnEllenwoodcontused wd. Rt. Side$18.00 -
221,121Harris, John M.Great Bendchr. Pleurisy, res. Of pneu.$4.00 Nov., 1882
154,209Hartman, Henry A. C.Ellenwoodchr. Rheumatism$31.25 -
155,619Hayes, Nathan S.Millardg. s. w. of head$6.00 -
143,921Hays, GeorgeWebbdeafness$13.00 -
7,442Hays, NancyWebbwidow$8.00 Sept., 1878
125,372Hills, Julia A.Great Bendwidow$8.00 Mar., 1869
59,719Hitchcock, RichardGreat Bendchr. Bronchitis$18.00 -
221,545Horner, Geo. D.Ellenwoodchr. Diarrh. And rheum.$6.00 Dec., 1882
208,576Howard, John W.Great Bendsaber wd. Hand and g. s. w. left forearm$6.00 May, 1882
215,947Humphrey, John K.Great Bendg. s. w. l. thigh and inj. To abd.$11.25 July, 1882
96,167Ira, John B.Ellenwoodg. s. w. l. leg$10.00 -
103,435Johnson, Mary A.Great Benddo$8.00 -
103,623Jones, Chancy L.Great Bendwd. L. thigh$12.00 -
76,508Kelso, John R.Bloomingdaleinj. To abd. And w. l. hand$17.00 Dec., 1869
131,469King, William B.Great Bendw. l. hand$4.00 -
117,674Kuhn, SamuelGreat Bendg. s. w. rt. arm$6.00 -
54,818Lacey, PatrickGreat Bendg. s. w. of body$8.00 -
73,041Lawrence, Mackson B.Verbeckinj. To spine and l. side$8.00 -
82,498Lewis, Benj. S.Great Bendchr. Diarrh.$12.00 -
-Lindley, Mary J.Verbeckwidow$20.00 -
133,644Long, Wm.Great Bendulcer lt. leg$8.00 -
169,553Lynch, DanielMillardloss part lt. thumb$4.00 June, 1880
70,587Mathias, HansEllenwoodwd. L. leg$8.00 -
191,195McDowell, JohnEllenwoodchr. Diarr. And dis. Of abd. Vis.$4.00 June, 1881
16,253Montgomery, Chas. D.Ellenwoodwd. Both thighs and rt. Hip$10.00 -
145,100Moore, Benj. F.Ellenwoodshell wd. Rt. Leg$2.00 May, 1877
185,171Morris, MatildaGreat Bendwidow$8.00 Aug., 1879
188,084Nickerson, NelsonGreat Bendg. s. w. rt. leg$6.00 May, 1881
195,545Norris, JohnGreat Bendchr. Diarr. And inj. To abdomen$6.00 Sept., 1881
124,362Page, MichaelGreat Bendwd. R. thigh and varicose veins$8.00 -
151,629Payne, Edwin C.Great Bendg. s. w. r. thumb$2.00 Mar., 1878
25,363Pfister, DanielGreat Bendinj. To abdomen and hip$2.00 -
22,076Pike, Ann J.Great Bendwidow$8.00 -
215,645Pinney, EdsonGreat Benddis. Of heart and liver$8.00 July, 1882
108,869Reaugh, James M.Ellenwooddo$8.00 -
37,361Risley, Ezra B.Ellenwoodloss of rt. Eye and sig't of l. im$16.00 -
141,547Rockwell, Edwin R.Verbeckw. of face$12.00 -
-Roessler, FranzEllenwoodg. s. w. rt. Breast$5.00 -
130,986Sala, Emory B.Great Bendch. Diarr.$18.00 -
149,101Savage, John W.Great Bendwd. Abdomen and chr. Rheum.$18.00 -
170,223Schridde, HenryGreat Bendchr. Diarrh.$4.00 June, 1880
160,359Shannon, Wm. W.Ellenwoodinjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1879
32,261Simpson, Lewis E.Great Bendwd. Rt. Hip$4.00 -
36,017Slack, RachelGreat Bendwidow$17.00 Dec., 1864
76,709Smith, Chas. M.Great Bendwd. Left arm$17.00 -
99,080Strong, Aaron W.Ellenwoodshell wd. Rt. Knee and g. s. w. l. thigh$18.00 -
74,098Tatman, JosephWebbg. s. w. left thigh$8.00 -
205,209Thatcher, Geo. W.Millardshell wd. L. arm$4.00 Mar., 1882
76,118Thornburgh, EvanGreat Bendwd. Left arm$18.00 -
58,867Tyler, EdwinGreat Bendophthalmia$10.00 -
112,366Van Aken, JohnPawnee Rockwd. Rt. Leg$4.00 -
165,935Van Nest, Henry D.Ellenwooddis. Lungs and spine$10.00 Mar., 1839
221,326Van Vleet, Wm. H.Verbeckg. s. w. l. leg$4.00 Nov., 1882
19,824Vanborn, MargaretPawnee Rockwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
50,431Vosburg, Chas. W.Pawnee Rockg. s. w. r. thigh$2.00 -
195,379Ward, MahlonEllenwooddis. Lungs from measles$2.00 Sept., 1881
79,345Warren, James B.Zion Valleydisability$8.00 Apr., 1867
121,786Watt, Wm.Great Bendloss rt. Eye and imp'd left eye$8.00 -
212,391Whitcomb, Alonzo L.Great Bendchr. Diarr. And chr. Rheum.$8.00 June, 1882
42,889White, Wm. A.Great Bendg. s. w. rt. Leg$6.00 May, 1865
147,274Wickham, James M.Ellenwoodlung disease$8.00 July, 1877
210,527Wilson, Hugh S.Great Bendg. s. w. rt. Arm$8.00 June, 1882
129,714Wood, HoraceGreat Benddis. Of eyes$8.00 -
148,933Wunderlich, CarlOlmitzg. s. w. l. forearm$4.00 Oct., 1877
70,172Zuriseller, FrankEllenwoodloss rt. Ind. Fing. And ulceration$4.00 -

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