New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Atchison County, Kansas

January 1, 1883

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1883 Atchison County, Kansas List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
140,695Givens, Wm. B.Atchisonchr. Diarrhea$10.00 -
128,295Alexander, DiceyAtchisondep. mother$8.00 July, 1876
99,271Andrews, Jas.Huronchr. rheumatism$5.00 -
66,136Baker, DavidAtchisonloss of lft. Leg below knee$18.00 -
93,329Baker, HenryAtchisonhypertrophy of heart$14.00 -
146,040Baldwin, WilliamMuscotahg. s. w. of rt. Thigh$3.00 June, 1877
189,106Barker, MahalaAtchisonwidow$8.00 July, 1880
159,977Bartlett, Alonzo W.Atchisong. s. w. of lft. Eye$2.00 May, 1879
118,833Bates, Wesley P.Effinghaminjury to abdomen$5.00 -
205,353Bernhart, AringMuscotahg. s. w. lft. Thigh$4.00 Mar., 1882
153,944Bodelle, Louis L.Atchisonrheum. Of lft. Leg$3.00 -
109,360Botkin, Asa J.Atchisonwd. Of lft. Hand$4.00 -
66,859Bradford, WallaceAtchisonwd. Of lft. Leg$14.00 -
190,247Brown, AlfredAtchisoninj. To r. foot$6.00 -
127,361Buchanan, HenryAtchisonwd. Back$10.00 -
178,393Buhoup, Jno. L.Huroninjury to abdomen$8.00 Nov., 1880
168,594Bullard, Ezekiel W.Atchisondis. Heart$4.00 May, 1680
114,231Burbank, Geo. S.Muscotahinj. To rt. Hip$6.00 -
141,375Burgess, Henry C.Atchisong. s. w. r. sh'r$4.00 -
92,229Burns, Jno. T.Muscotahg. s. w. of both thighs and dis. Of eyes$18.00 -
222,527Calahan, Chas. C.Effinghamchr. diarrhea$2.00 Dec., 1882
124,023Calloway, MaryAtchisonwidow$8.00 -
12,795Carey, Alpheus A.Atchisong. s. w. lft. Forearm$12.00 -
153,763Carpenter, Geo. W.Atchisondis. Of lungs and heart$6.00 June, 1878
49,713Chambers, Wm.Larkininjury to abdomen$4.00 Sept., 1865
73,627Cirtwell, AlbertEffinghamg. s. w. of body$8.00 -
178,399Cirtwell, Rich'd N.Farmingtonchr. Diarrh. And results$4.00 Nov., 1880
213,443Clark, Geo. H.Atchisondis. Of abdominal viscera$6.00 June, 1882
153,677Cleaver, EtheldredAtchisonwidow$8.00 Sept., 1871
188,618Cole, Wm. C.Atchisonvaricose veins of both legs$8.00 May, 1881
32,291Collins, MichaelAtchisonloss of lft. Leg$24.00 -
62,232Covert, Jos. S.Atchisong. s. w. of lft. Side$6.00 -
53,673Crane, AugustusHuronchr. Diarrh.$6.00 Mar., 1865
119,540Cummings, WoodsonAtchisong. s. w. of r. leg$3.00 -
7,109Darrah, DavidAtchisonsurv. 1812$8.00 Oct., 1871
97,926Davidson, MarthaAtchisondo$8.00 Aug., 1867
102,824Dickerson, MonarHuronconjunc. And opacity of cornea$8.00 Apr., 1870
139,304Ellis, Errick T.Atchisonsnake-bite 2 fing's of r. hand$2.00 May, 1876
26,837Fisher, Jno. K.Atchisonwd. Of r. hip and lft. Side$20.00 -
22,487Fisher, LydiaAtchisonwidow 1812$8.00 Apr., 1879
31,591Foster, ElenderMount Pleasantdo$8.00 Apr., 1881
42,651Franke, Theodore A.Atchisong. s. w. of r. hand$4.00 May, 1865
186,843Gale, RosaAtchisonwidow$30.00 Feb., 1886
91,270Garrett, Wm.Atchisonwd. Of lft. Breast5.33 1/3-
70,392Gothard, ElizabethAtchisonwidow$8.00 Oct., 1868
223,047Green, Wm.Atchisong. s. w. of lft. Thigh$6.00 Dec., 1882
197Guthrie, AdalineAtchisonwidow$20.00 June, 1861
203,868Halligan, Jno. J.Effinghambronchitis$4.00 Mar., 1882
159,388Hanny, RudolphLancasterg. s. w. of lft. hip$6.00 -
152,578Harden, Wm. H.Hurondisease of lungs$4.00 Apr., 1878
150,248Harrison, Chas.Atchisonchr. Diarrhea$10.00 -
33,108Hartzell, Sarah A.Atchisonwidow$8.00 -
194,158Hawkins, Levi D.Muscotahg. s. w. of lft. Leg$6.00 Aug., 1881
219,452Hazelit, Wm.Atchisondis. Of lungs$4.00 Oct., 1882
70,110Higley, Hiram M.Pardeeimpaired vision$6.00 Aug., 1866
13,225Hoffman, Gilbert O.Larkindo$6.00 -
126,145Hollands, JoshuaEdencleaver wd. Lft. Wrist$12.00 -
98,614Huber, MathewAtchisoninjury to abdomen$6.00 June, 1869
16,858Hudson, Mary AnnMount Pleasantwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1879
182,982Jarrell, SanfordMonroviadis. Of eyes$10.00 -
100,896Johnson, Joshua H.Atchisonwd. Of lft. Side$4.00 -
87,144Keith, MariaAtchisondep. Mother$8.00 Nov., 1866
107,967Kelley, Alpheus W.Atchisoninjury to abdomen$8.00 -
174,481Kelsey, Sam'l H.Atchisong. s. w. of neck$2.00 Oct., 1880
143,213Killough, Eridus M. E.Cummingsvilleg. s. w. l. foot$6.00 Dec., 1877
103,820Kirkham, OscarAtchisoninjury to abdomen$20.00 -
131,342Kurth, AndrewAtchisonvaricose veins lft. Leg$6.00 -
-Lacey, Fred'k N.Atchisong. s. w. of l. hip$4.00 -
40,123Lamphere, JuliaAtchisondo$8.00 Jan., 1864
197,434Lang, Jonathan G.Atchisonrheumatism$8.00 Nov., 1881
43,522Latinzer, Jno.Atchisong. s. w. of lft. Arm$4.00 June, 1865
190,297Leapson, Jno. J.Atchisoninj. To abdomen and sunstroke$6.00 June, 1881
5,529Lewis, JesseAtchisonsurv. 1812$8.00 Oct., 1871
126,193Logan, JosephMonroviag. s. w. of lft. Lung$11.25 Mar., 1874
33,787Loper, Ew'd H.Atchison-$4.00 Aug., 1873
70,148Mangelsdorf, HenryAtchisong. s. w. of lft. Hip$10.00 -
68,667McCusker, CatharineAtchisonwidow$8.00 Aug., 1867
144,249McNamara, Pat'kAtchisondis. Of lungs$15.00 -
177,243McNeel, Wm.Huroninjury to abdomen$8.00 Oct., 1880
75,481Menefee, Chas. K.Atchisonwd. Face$6.00 -
10,649Merry, Sam'l B.Atchisong. s. w. r. arm and chest, res. Dis. Of lungs$8.00 -
53,397Miles, Chancy C.Cummingsvilleg. s. w. of r. should.$4.00 -
104,261Moody, Francis M.Oak Millsg. s. w. of abdomen$18.00 -
67,691Moore, Jno. W.Atchisoninjury to abdomen$8.00 -
174,073Munsell, Elmore Y.Atchisonch. Diarr., res. Ulc. Of rectum$8.00 -
203,162Murphy, PatrickMount Pleasantfrac. Of rt. Clavicle, and inj. To lft. Side and lft. Ankle$6.00 Feb., 1882
82,172Nichols, Edwin C.Atchisong. s. w. of r. thigh$20.00 -
193,834Norris, AllenEffinghamrheum. And diarrh.$6.00 Aug., 1881
189,431Pate, Boley S.Muscotahscurvy$4.00 May, 1881
157,598Pennington, AnnAtchisonwidow$8.00 Sept., 1875
32,831Pepper, Thos. D.Muscotahdis. Of eyes$8.00 -
142,737Pierson, Jno.Atchisoninjury to abdomen$15.00 Dec., 1876
84,966Porter, Jas. D.Atchisonchr. Rheumatism$24.00 -
105,039Recht, Jno.Atchisoneffects (?) of g. s. w. in chest$6.00 -
19,843Rice, Christian H.Atchisonloss of left leg$18.00 Nov., 1863
58,514Riley, Margaret J.Huronwidow$8.00 -
54,749Robertson, JamesAtchisonwd. Lft. Arm (?)$6.00 Jan., 1866
30,133Rose, NancyEffinghamdo$0.00 Aug., 1880
-Royer, SarahEffinghamwidow$8.00 -
206,550Rupert, SalemMonroviag. s. w. l. thigh, res'g. atrophy$6.00 Mar., 1882
57,167Rust, Chas. W.Atchisonampt. Of r. leg; unable to wear artf. Limb$24.00 -
76,391Seiler, Jno.Atchisong. s. w. of r. arm$8.00 -
112,583Shaw, Jas. N.Atchisonchr. Diarr., laryngitis$8.00 Aug., 1871
212,142Shool, Sam'lAtchisonvaricose veins of legs$6.00 June, 1882
62,734Slawson, Chas. W.Atchisong. s. w. of pelvis$24.00 -
113,111Smith, Jas.Muscotahwd. Of lft. thigh$4.00 -
7,343Smith, Rebecca A.Atchisonwidow$8.00 -
37,431Smith, Thos. B.Muscotahwd. Of lft. Arm$15.00 -
94,770Smithey, RachelAtchisondep. mother$8.00 May, 1867
163,937Stabler, Geo. W.Huroninj. L. ft. and ankle, var. veins$10.00 Dec., 1879
37,402Stoner, Jacob B.Atchisonfrac. Tibia$8.00 -
74,243Stover, Jefferson B.Muscotahg. s. w. of rt. Arm$4.00 Nov., 1866
142,618Strausborger, JohnKennekukinjury to abdomen$8.00 Nov., 1876
176,490Tauneyhill, Wm. V.Muscotahdis. Of abd. Vis., and dis. Of eyes$8.00 Oct., 1880
154,101Thatcher, AbrahamAtchisoninj. To left leg$4.00 June, 1878
219,036Thompson, Sam'l P.Atchisonshell wd. And var. veins r. leg$4.00 Oct., 1882
98,299Tilghman, Wm. M.Atchisonchr. Conjunctivitis$8.00 June, 1869
212,017Townsend, Thos.Atchisong. s. w. of head and neck$2.00 June, 1882
202,191Tucker, Jas. S.Effinghamdis. Of heart and kidneys$8.00 Jan., 1882
136,504Tuthill, Chas. H.Atchisong. s. w. lft. Wrist$6.00 Nov., 1875
24,590Walters, NancyEffinghamwidow 1812$8.00 June, 1879
60,006Waterman, Robt. H.Atchisong. s. w. lft. Side$17.00 -
79,829Watson, Geo. H.Atchisonwd. Of lft. Thigh$6.00 -
184,852White, Rob'tHuronrheum. And res. Dis. Of heart$17.00 Mar., 1881
192,475Wilson, Jas. S.Atchisong. s. w. of both thighs$6.00 July, 1881
57,034Winson, Isaac M.Muscotahg. s. w. of rt. Hip$4.00 Feb., 1866
51,547Wise, JamesAtchisonwd. Of lft. thigh$4.00 -
83,445Wiyrick, John W.Atchisonloss of two fingers of r. hand and tender cicatrix$8.00 -
222,131Wolcott, Fremont C.Atchisonloss of index fing. Lft. Hand$3.00 Dec., 1862
71,465Young, AdmondAtchisong. s. w. r. knee$6.00 Sept., 1865

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