New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Whitley County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Whitley County, Indiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
198,301Adams, John Q.Larwilldropsy, typhoid pneu.$4.00 Nov. 1881
97,935Aker, SamuelColumbia Citywound left shoulder$4.00 -
117,125Appleton, William M.Columbia Cityg.s.w. breast$3.75 June 1872
177,957Barnes, John H.Columbia Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00 Nov. 1880
97,486Barton, Snowden B.South Whitleyg.s.w. right side$8.00 -
47,136Beavers, Nathan W.Churubuscowound back, &c.$12.00 -
8,440Berry, SmithSaturnwidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 1878
127,218Berry, Thomas J.Coessechronic diarrhea$4.00 -
154,252Biddle, Hiram F.Collamerg.s.w. right side$2.00 July 1878
129,272Bills, AsaLarwillfrac. tibia & tibula left leg$8.00 -
185,405Birt, George F.Larwillfather$8.00 Aug. 1879
120,111Boyd, DavidColumbia Cityg.s.w. right arm & left leg$8.00 -
108,027Brown, JamesColumbia Cityg.s.w. left leg$2.00 -
117,205Brown, VallorousColumbia Cityg.s.w. malar. bone$4.00 June 1872
69,407Brubaker, WilliamColumbia Citywound right thigh$4.00 -
205,379Butler, PatrickCollamerinjury to abdomen$4.00 Mar. 1882
40,877Campbell, Elleson T.Churubusco-$3.00 -
1,831Collar, LuphinaColumbia Citywidow$8.00 -
214,726Compton, Joseph w.Larwillfrac. right forearm$4.00 June 1882
47,135Croy, JohnChurubuscovaricose veins, wound left leg$8.00 -
192,094Cummins, CharityLarwillloss 2nd & 3rd toes right foot$6.00 Jan. 181
5,094Cummins, CharityLarwillwidow$8.00 -
195,597Devault, Osmus F.Loraneinj. right knee & inj. to abd.$11.25 Sept. 1881
123,104Dillon, WilliamColumbia Cityg.s.w. left thigh $4.00 May 1873
213,960Dimick, WilliamSouth Whitleyg.s.w. right arm $4.00 June 1882
88,197Doriot, LemuelColumbia Citywound neck$6.00 -
54,355Egar, FrederickColumbia Citywound left elbow$10.00 -
104,857Egolf, SamuelColumbia Citydis. lungs$18.00 -
152,751Engle, DavidColumbia Cityg.s.w. right thigh$4.00 Apr. 1878
96,879Fager, NorthCollamerstaphyloma$8.00 -
208,894Forrester, RobertCoesseg.s.w. left thigh$2.00 May 1882
30,796Goff, AlexanderCollamerwound right thigh$2.66 2/3-
84,062Gordon, CatharineChurubuscowidow$8.00 -
65,359Grace, ElizabethColumbia Citywidow$8.00 -
81,075Gray, NathanChurubuscowound left shoulder--
172,596Gross, John H.Collamerwound left chest & left leg$6.00 Aug. 1880
208,633Gunder, HenryOrmaschronic diarrhea$6.00 Feb. 1882
135,507Hale, ElizabethSouth Whitleymother$8.00 Oct. 1869
136,592Harrington, DennisColumbia Cityamp. right thumb$4.00 -
29,949Hemmick, CatherineColumbia Citywidow 1812$8.00 July 1880
132,878Henry, SylvesterChurubuscog.s.w. right hand$4.00 Apr. 1875
172,889Hosler, UriasColumbia Cityg.s.w. right thigh$12.00 Aug. 1880
88,855Howe, Francis B.Columbia Citygranulated eye lids$6.00 Feb. 1866
103,971Johnston, William R.Columbia Citydis. of abd. visc., g.s.w. left arm$10.00 -
26,451Jones, DanielCollinswound right thigh$6.00 -
64,307Jones, MatildaCollinswidow$8.00 -
148,828Keiser, LeviLoraneg.s.w. left shoulder$2.00 Sept. 1877
184,886Kelly, ThomasColumbia Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00 May 1881
181,653Kelsey, WilliamColumbia Cityw. chest, resulting dis. lungs$8.00 Dec. 1881
25,452Lake, ElizaLarwillwidow 1812$8.00 July 1879
23,577Lee, RowlandColumbia Citydis. ankle$4.00 Feb. 1864
44,262Lilly, Joshua C.Loranecurvature spine$18.00 -
194,409Long, CatharineHeclamother$8.00 Feb. 1882
209,239Luckenbill, MatthewColumbia Cityshell wound left thigh$2.00 May 1882
44,261Malone, AndrewColumbia Citywound left arm$8.00 -
181,881Mason, Nathaniel A.Columbia Cityepilepsy$8.00 Jan. 1881
184,172McCormick, EmilyColumbia Citywidow$8.00 May 1879
135,114McCreary, BenjaminLarwillg.s.w. left foot$4.00 -
62,895McCurdy, Alexander C.Churubuscowound right thigh$6.00 May 1866
104,058McNear, Josiah F.Churubuscog.s.w. face$8.50 July 1870
57,068Miller, AmosChurubuscowound face$6.00 -
98,328Moore, William C.Collinswound right forearm$3.00 June 1869
34,369Muller, ChristopherSouth Whitleyg.s.w. left hand & left knee$6.00 Apr. 1867
19,244Myers, DanielColumbia Citywound left ankle$8.00 -
122,414North, Edward B.Columbia Citywound head$8.00 Apr. 1873
121,504North, GeorgeColumbia Cityg.s.w. chest$4.00 Feb. 1873
97,750Nott, Benjamin S.Churubuscoinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
138,147Nott, Richard T.Churubuscodis. eyes$6.00 -
208,308Parrett, JosaSouth Whitleyinjury to abdomen$4.00 May 1882
173,044Perry, Peter B.Collamerdis. heart$10.00 Sept. 1880
42,276Plummer, Joseph B.Saturnwound right forearm, &c.$5.33 1/3May 1865
108,157Plummer, WilliamColumbia Cityg.s.w. left foot$4.00 Feb. 1871
207,780Poal, Thos.Columbia Citydis. glands of neck$4.00 Apr. 1882
77,846Pompey, JosephChurubuscog.s.w. left hand, chr. diarrhea$16.00 -
56,303Prugh, WilliamLarwillpartial loss sight$24.00 Jan. 1866
8,869Pumphrey, AnnColumbia Citywidow$8.00 -
120,902Reed, EnosChurubuscog.s.w. left thigh & leg$4.00 -
92,995Reeder, George W.Churubuscowound left forearm$4.00 -
195,157Rindfusz, HenryLarwillwound left leg$4.00 Aug. 1881
41,563Robbins, SamuelSouth Whitleyanchy. left shoulder$18.00 -
156,789Rondebush, WilliamCoesseg.s.w. left arm$4.00 -
24,989Rowe, Elizabeth A.Columbia Citywidow$15.00 -
102,501Ruion, JosephChurubuscodis. lungs$4.00 -
15,142Rupley, HenrySouth Whitleywound left arm$4.00 -
24,028Scott, Gabriel M.Larwillcontract muscles right leg$6.00 Feb. 1864
90,789Scott, HannahHeclawidow$8.00 Feb. 1867
176,495Scott, Thomas M.Hecladis. ears$8.00 Oct. 1880
133,992Serjeant, James E.Columbia Cityinjury to right knee$15.00 -
33,918Seymour, CharlesColumbia Citywound right shoulder$8.00 -
80,918Shoemaker, ElizabethColumbia Citywidow$8.00 -
33,629Shuder, Simon B.Larwillwound right hand$8.00 -
23,618Sickafoose, MichaelColumbia Cityloss left arm$24.00 -
187,086Slaughter, PhilindaSouth Whitleymother$8.00 Feb. 1880
201,761Sloniker, AlexanderHeclag.s.w. right thigh$2.00 Jan. 1882
35,956Smith, FridrickCoessewound right thigh$8.00 -
18,352Smith, RebeccaLarwillwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1879
81,915Snider, AugustusColumbia Cityparalysis$18.00 -
219,732Staples, JamesColumbia Cityinjury to abdomen$4.00 Oct. 1882
3,722Straight, ElizabethLoranewidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 1872
99,460Tawney, AbrahamChurubuscominor of$10.00 -
197,101Taylor, JamesCoessewound left thigh$4.00 Oct. 1881
32,170Walters, MaryColumbia Citywidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 1882
87,688Walton, AbigailLarwillmother$8.00 Dec. 1866
59,280Weaver, AbramChurubuscowound right shoulder$18.00 -
137,265Wilson, NoahChurubuscoinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
214,811Winebreuner, IsaacChurubuscoinj. to abd., & dis. abd. viscera$6.00 June 1882
202,597Youtz, Rezin M.Columbia Cityrheumatism, dis. heart$8.00 Feb. 1882

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