New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Rush County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Rush County, Indiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
87,219Adams, LewellynRushvilleinjury to abdomen$5.33 ⅓-
4,265Aearn, WmRushvilleg. s. w. l. Foot$6.00 -
108,590Allentharp, WmArlingtonchro. diarr$12.00 -
80,428Allison, EmilineHomerwidow$8.00 -
58,890Alsman, Drury IIArlingtonheart dis$18.00 -
131,251Alter, Wm DMilroychro. diarr$24.00 -
8,007Amos, NicholasMilroysurv. 1812$8.00 -
31,957Amos, SarahMilroywidow 1812$8.00 -
12,011Anderson, PermeliaRushvillewidow 1812$8.00 Nov, 1878
166,198Armstrong, Mary AStarmother$8.00 Oct, 1874
110, 855Barnard, David EManilladis. liver$8.00 -
47,516Barton, Frederick Rushvillewd. r. hip$6.00 -
76,584Bates, George WRushvillefrac. r. leg$12.00 -
65,005Bates, MarthaRushvillemother$8.00 Feb 1866
72,677Beale, Wm Rushvillewd. r. leg$17.00 -
143,615Beckner, Wm Carthageg. s. w. l. foot$4.00 Feb, 1877
30,541Beher, ElizaRushvillewidow 1812$8.00 Sept, 1880
216,444Belcont, Robert FRushvilleaphonia$2.00 -
203,743Bell, Wm. BMoscowinj. to back$2.00 -
93,332Bodine, Jeremiah MRushvillewd. r. sho$4.00 -
149,184Bodine, JohnRushvilledis. eyes$12.00 -
8,225Boyd, JohnMilroysurv. 1812$8.00 -
104,349Brooks, JamesRushvilleg. s. w. of face$8.00 -
21,633Brown, ElizabethRushvillewidow 1812$8.00 Mar, 1879
60,003Caldwell, HarveyRushvillewd. l. lung$8.00 -
151,564Card, Phineas ACarthagedis. Of abdominal viscera$12.00 -
212,283Carr, John RRushvillechro. diarr$4.00 -
4,831Casady, EliabethRushvillewidow 1812$8.00 Feb, 1873
15,862Casady, SampsonRushvillesurv. 1812$8.00 Apr, 1872
204,907Cavitt, John MRushvillechro. rheu$8.00 -
98,600Colsher, George WMilroywd. l. sho$4.00 -
144,078Conde, Norman ERushvillepartial deaf$2.00 -
155,839Conger, Wm WArlingtonchr. rheu$4.00 Oct, 1878
105,066Cox, Thom. JRushvillewd. Head$6.00 -
90,934Crawford, SarahRushvillewidow$8.00 Feb, 1867
74,659Creassey JosephMilroyw. r. sho$18.00 -
222,747Curry, Wm. BStardis. lungs$8.00 Dec, 1882
195,607Dawson, Jane DGlenwoodmother$8.00 Nov, 1881
52,275Denning, MaryRushvillewidow$2.00 -
31,748Dill, MaryRushvillewidow 1812$8.00 May, 1881
34,236Dillon Sam'l PRushvillesh. wd. hand$16.00 -
27,987Dorste, RobertMilroyg. s. w. l. thigh$18.00 -
23,463Edwards, ThomManilladiarr$3.00 -
223,107Fielding, Asbury HGlenwoodg.s.w. l. thigh$2.00 Dec, 1882
59,345Fraker, Lucy ARushvillewidow$8.00 -
81,680Freu, Lemuel BRaleighinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
116,898Gardner, RebeccaManillawidow$8.00 Aug, 1868
144,894Glass, John WArlingtondis. lungs$8.00 Apr, 1877
213,176Gondy, John KRushvillerheu$8.00 -
130,536Gordon, Wm FRushvillecho. Rheu$8.00 -
19,110Griffin, ThomManillawd. l. arm$6.00 -
220,281Hackleman, JohnMilroyg.s.w. r. hip$4.00 Nov, 1882
197,145Haley, MaryGlenwoodwidow$8.00 Apr, 1882
137,392Hanley, Wm. MRushvilleg. s. w. l. leg$6.00 -
761Harkleman, SarahRushvillewidow$50.00 -
138,546Harrens, JamesArlingtoninj. l. arm$8.00 -
99,995Hart, ThomRichlandloss s'ght eye$8.00 -
20,010Henry, Margaret ARushvillewidow 1812$8.00 Mar, 1879
110,981Hildreth, James MRushvilleg. s. w. rt. ankle$5.00 -
102,910Hill, ElnoodCarthageg. s. w. l. arm$20.00 Apr, 1870
210,019Hill, Jano IICarthagechro. diarr$8.00 May, 1882
5,113Hill, WmMilroysurv. 1812$8.00 -
91,374Holford, Sarah ACarthagewidow$8.00 Mar, 1867
132,759Hollonay, Daniel SCarthageg. s. w. knee$10.00 Apr, 1875
192,319Houston, Sam'lArlingtonwd. l. arm$4.00 Jul, 1881
108,657Innis, Margaret AMilroywidow$20.00 -
10,393Innis, Mary AMilroywidow$8.00 -
46,933Jeffries, Wm. CRichlandloss rt. arm$24.00 -
66,793Jones, Henry WMilroywd. l. arm$4.00 -
33,567Jones, Sam'l BMilroyloss rt. arm$24.00 -
199,232Kelly, ThomRushvillecho. Diarr$4.00 -
91,264Kennedy, Mary AArlingtonwidow$8.00 Mar, 1867
216,235Kennedy, Thom. JCarthageloss sight rt. eye$4.00 Aug, 1882
60,791Kinney, DanielRushvilleloss lf. Arm$24.00 -
28,079Land, Casper WMilroywd. r. leg$10.00 -
154,579Larmore, Joseph DRushvilleg. s. w. l. thigh$4.00 -
212,340Laughlin, JeremiahRushvilleg. s. w. neck$4.00 -
2,272Lyon, MargaretMilroywidow 1812$8.00 -
40,654McCoy, FrancisRushvillewd.rt.wrist$8.00 -
22,102McDuffie, Mary Arlingtonwidow 1812$8.00 Apr, 1879
174,614Mee, JamesGlenwoodinj. rt. hip$12.00 Oct, 1880
31,097Miller, Rebecca RRichlandwidow 1812$8.00 -
31,432Miller, SarahArlingtonwidow 1812$8.00 Mar, 1881
203,164Mitchell DanielNew Salemchor. diarr$2.00 -
15,894Mitchell, James WRushvilleloss rt. arm$24.00 -
210,906Morgan, ThomRushvilledis. heart$6.00 -
159,965Morris, Sarah ARushvillewidow$8.00 Oct, 1872
81,521Mullis JamesCarthageinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
199,236Mullis, John ACarthageinj. back$2.00 Dec, 1881
223,602Murray, ArnoldRushvillechr. diarr$4.00 -
118,997Muse, JamesManillainj. rt. side$8.00 -
146,369Myers, John JMilroyw. l. elbow$1.00 -
30,256Odell, WmHomerwd. l. hand$8.00 -
211,796Osborn, Lewis MRushvillechr. diarr$4.00 -
17,513Palmer, MaryRushvillemother$8.00 -
133,824Parker, Ira CRushvillerheu$6.00 -
37,673Partridge, Fred'k WRushvilleg. s. w. shoul$30.00 Feb, 1865
136,153Patterson, Mary ERushvillewidow$10.00 Nov, 1869
126,261Pea, Mary AnnRushvillewidow$8.00 Mar,1869
153,791Pugh, Joseph R.M.Rushvilleg. s. w. l. Foot$2.00 June, 1878
106,900Redman, EllenRushvillemother$8.00 Jan, 1868
23,150Richey, AnnMilroywidow 1812$8.00 -
130,866Richey, AsburyMilroyvaricose veins$6.00 -
118,281Riggsbee, ZimriArlingtoncho. pharyngitis$8.00 -
10,928Rozell, Eliza AManillawidow$8.00 -
107,047Sheppard, Sam'lArlingtong. s. w. rt. thigh$4.00 -
89 693Shook, JosephManillachro. ophthalmia$8.00 -
23,860Sims, ThomMilroysurv. 1812$8.00 -
133,897Smith, John OManilladis. of lungs$8.00 -
73,722Smith, John PCarthagecho. bronchitis$2.00 Nov, 1866
30,622Smith, Nancy CNew Salemwidow$8.00 -
42,284Smith, Solm. CRushvillewd. r. hip$8.00 May, 1865
197,098Stephens, Amos JRushvillechro. rheu$4.00 -
87,390Sterritt, Thos. BRushvillew. r. arm$6.00 -
207,450Stevens, Henry JRushvilleinj. rt. Arm$6.00 Apr, 1882
104,091Sutton, EmizetteCarthagewidow$8.00 Dec, 1867
73,400Swain, Rebecca PMilroywidow$20.00 -
217,792Swinney, Henry ARushvilledis. lower extremities$4.00 Sep, 1882
27,450Thomas George WManillawd. l. hand$8.00 -
171,384Thrasher, Sam'l KMilroyinjury to abdomen$8.00 July, 1880
27,300Wallace, EilzaRushvillewidow$8.00 -
21,117Webb, AnnRushvillewidow 1812$8.00 Mar, 1879
92,643Webb, MaryRushvillewidow$8.00 Apr, 1867
12,719Weeks, NathanRushvillewd. lf. leg$8.00 -
164,022White, Margaret ACarthagewidow$8.00 Feb, 1874
931Wolfe, Martha ARushvillewidow$30.00 Mar, 1863
190,411Young, Andrew JMilroypt. deaf, chro. rheu$8.00 June, 1881

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