New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Posey County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Posey County, Indiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
93,136Hugo, AnnNew HarmonyWidow$8.00 Apr., 1867
116,729Gerwig, JosMount Vernonvar. veins$6.00 Apr., 1872
116,482Chaffin, Jas. HNew Harmonyg. s. w. r. humeris$4.00 Apr., 1872
132,795Wimpelburg, WmMount Vernonchr. diarr$12.75 Apr., 1875
158,791Hurd, Joshua MNew Harmonyloss two fingers$6.00 Apr., 1879
207,732Koffenburger, JnoMount Vernong. s. w. r. foot$2.00 Apr., 1882
206,724Wier, David TMount Vernondis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 Apr., 1882
7,555Burlison, Mary AnnMount VernonWidow$8.00 Apr., 1882
207,427Johnson, EliasNew Harmonyloss r. eye$4.00 Apr., 1882
207,590Williams, Geo. APoseyvillechr. diarr$4.00 Apr., 1882
28,978Ellis, MarthaNew HarmonyWidow$8.00 Aug., 1864
140,614Bates, DanielMount Vernoninjury to abdomen$4.00 Aug., 1876
141,174Wilson, Adam FMount Vernonrheum, etc$8.00 Aug., 1876
147,941Beal, Henry BNew Harmonyg. s. w. r. leg$4.00 Aug., 1877
216,778Cartwright, V. MNew Harmonyg. s. w. leg$4.00 Aug., 1882
216,996Sutton, Benjamin ANew Harmonychr. diarr$4.00 Aug., 1882
36,411Mullin, MaryMount VernonWidow$8.00 Dec., 1864
56,182Smith, Sarah WSolitudeMother$8.00 Dec., 1865
146,873Weaver, Mariah EMount VernonWidow$8.00 Dec., 1870
190,639Reeves, Mary JPoseyvilleWidow$16.00 Dec., 1880
198,689Livezy, Jasper NCynthianadis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Dec., 1881
193,783Williams, ElizabethCynthianaWidow$8.00 Dec., 1881
223,070Moell, Jno. FCynthianarheum$2.00 Dec., 1882
197,930Snodgrass, Peter AMount VernonWidow$8.00 Dec., 1882
222,780Jacquess, JoshuaPoseyvilleinjury to abdomen$6.00 Dec., 1882
221,717Wade, Jno. FWadesvilleg. s. wd. wrist$4.00 Dec., 1882
222.649Ramssey, JohnWadesvillechr. diarr$2.00 Dec., 1882
57,485Wilson, WmCynthianaloss both feet$31.25 Feb., 1866
143,635Russell, DavidMount Vernong. s. w. r. thigh$4.00 Feb., 1877
202,872Murphy, Andrew JMount Vernondis. lungs$8.00 Feb., 1882
203,434Klotz, Henry JMount Vernonchr. diarr$4.00 Feb., 1882
203,192Randolph, IsaacNew Harmonychr. Rheum$4.00 Feb., 1882
36,273Hogue, WmMount Vernong. s. w. breast$4.00 Jan., 1865
95,075Grossman, Geo. WMount Vernonw. r. hip$4.00 Jan., 1869
201,680Gill, John T., srMount Vernonchr. diarr$4.00 Jan., 1872
137,403Hull, HenryBlairsvilledis. lungs$8.00 Jan., 1876
15,100Magill, RebeccaMount VernonWidow$8.00 Jan., 1879
180,945Ruminer, UrbenCabornchr. diarr$4.00 Jan., 1881
132,168McElroy, Rob'tMount VernonWidow$8.00 July, 1869
124,342McGregor, BraddockMount Vernondiarrh$2.00 July, 1873
215,920Endicott, Thos. ECynthianarheum$6.00 July, 1882
215,416Schweigert, HenryParker's Settlementdis. eyes$18.00 July, 1882
215,590Workman, Jno. HPoseyvillechr. diarr$4.00 July, 1882
130,447Williams, T. JaneCynthianaWidow$8.00 June, 1869
111,449King, AlonzoMount Vernoninjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1871
139,654Causey, SamuelWadesvilleepileptic fits$18.00 June, 1876
146,593Carr, StaffordMount Vernong. s. w. head$4.00 June, 1877
146,498Lakeman, Edward WPoseyvilleg. s. w. l. hnd$6.00 June, 1877
169,719Helmick, Allen CNew Harmonyw. back$4.00 June, 1880
212,428Castiller, Jas.Mount Vernonasth$4.00 June, 1881
192,591Walker, AnnMount VernonWidow$10.00 June, 1881
212,556Frick, JnoBlairsvilleg. s. w. loss mid fing$2.00 June, 1882
212,536Barbre, IsaacCynthianainj. to abd., dis. eyes$12.00 June, 1882
213,061Miller, Jno. TCynthianadis. lungs$4.00 June, 1882
212,401Ashworth, MosesFarmersvillechr. diarr$8.50 June, 1882
210,226Dixon, Jas. CMount Vernondis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 June, 1882
212,734Milner, SylvanusMount Vernondis. of abdominal viscera$10.00 June, 1882
211,316Richardson, ThosNew Harmonyw. r. thigh$4.00 June, 1882
25,632Hiltner, WmMount Vernonw. r. leg$4.00 Mar., 1864
66,151Case, MargaretMount VernonWidow$8.00 Mar., 1866
96,490Pitts, Edward AMount Vernonw. in chest$18.00 Mar., 1869
152,064Row, VirgilCaborng. s. w. rt. Hip$4.00 Mar., 1878
151,565Bradley, Thos. JMount Vernonrheum$4.00 Mar., 1878
151,682Gorham, Harvey TStewartsvillew. r. thigh$4.00 Mar., 1878
183,390Broyles, Nancy JCynthianaWidow$8.00 Mar., 1879
215,520Nelson, WmMount Vernondis. lungs$4.00 Mar., 1882
204,251Short, Robert BMount Vernonw. r. hand$2.00 Mar., 1882
204,257Snyder, David CNew Harmonychr. diarr$4.00 Mar., 1882
204,074Welborn, Geo., WStewartsvillemal. Poison$4.00 Mar., 1882
81,139Dixon, Wm. FMount Vernonw. r. arm$4.00 May, 1867
93,937McIntosh, MaryMount VernonWidow$8.00 May, 1867
97,424Duckworth, WmMount Vernonloss fing$3.00 May, 1869
168,142Odell, JasNew Harmonyw. l. leg$4.00 May, 1880
188,700Eaton, JasCynthianasciatica$8.00 May, 1881
187,800Bottomley, JamesMount Vernondis. throat$4.00 May, 1881
209,243Malone, Henry KCynthianachr. diarr$4.00 May, 1882
208,942Rutter, Jno. ACynthianaparl'y. agi$4.00 May, 1882
208,502Kuhn, LouisMount Vernonvar. veins$4.00 May, 1882
220,109Pritchett, HenryGraftondis. lungs$6.00 Nov.,
102,855Mobley, Nancy ANew HarmonyWidow$8.00 Nov., 1867
102,089Stallings, Aaron LNew Harmonyloss l. eye, inj. r. eye$8.00 Nov., 1870
163,170Young, Nancy AWadesvilleWidow$8.00 Nov., 1873
143,205Nix, JnoMount Vernong. s. w. l. ankle$4.00 Nov., 1877
182,470Cavanah, LydiaNew HarmonyWidow$8.00 Nov., 1878
177,971McShane, MichaelMount Vernonw. r. leg$6.00 Nov., 1880
194,422Williams, Jno. MGriffininj. L. knee$6.00 Nov., 1881
197,797Benthall, SamuelMount Vernoninj. to back$6.00 Nov., 1881
198,098Davis, Sylvester LMount Vernoninj. eyes$18.00 Nov., 1881
197,453Trethervery, Geo.Stewartsvilleg. s. w. l. thigh$4.00 Nov., 1881
221,484Stewart, Francis WCynthianalumbago$4.00 Nov., 1882
60,300Norcross, EleanorNew HarmonyWidow$8.00 Nov., 1885
57,508Gano, AmandMount VernonWidow$8.00 Oct., 1865
86,681Jackson, ThomasMount Vernondis. l. leg$8.00 Oct., 1867
176,221Smith, IsaacMount Vernondis. eyes$14.00 Oct., 1880
177,862Cavett, Jno. PWadesvillewd. r. dip$6.00 Oct., 1880
190,201Sweeten, CarolineWest FranklinWidow$14.00 Oct., 1880
196,561Williams, Joseph BCynthianachr. diarr$4.00 Oct., 1881
196,829Heisker, Jno.Saint Wendell'sdis. Heart$4.00 Oct., 1881
197,021Hughes, Jno.Stewartsvillechr. bronchi., diarr$12.00 Oct., 1881
218,615Vint, Jas. KCynthianalumbago$2.00 Oct., 1882
155,314Brezze, Jno.Mount Vernong. s. w. r. hip$2.00 Sept. 1878
8,579Montgomery, PatienceCynthianaWidow$8.00 Sept., 1878
174,244Johnson, Geo.Mount Vernoninjury to abdomen$12.00 Sept., 1880
195,591Grand, JnoBlairsvillechr. diarr$6.00 Sept., 1881
195,814Black, HughMount Vernonchr. diarr$6.00 Sept., 1881
110,146Woodcox, Byron ABlairsvillechr. diarr$12.00 -
41,217McKnee, ElizabethCabornWidow$8.00 -
62,189Knowles, Francis D. SCynthianaw. r. foot$8.00 -
71,014Bixler, Benedict RCynthianaw. l. arm$12.00 -
118,137Montgomery, Sam'l NCynthianainjury to abdomen$4.00 -
80,035Williams, Geo. RCynthianaloss l. eye$10.00 -
151,227Whiting, Jno. TCynthianadis. eyes$18.00 -
147,751Whiting, Wm. TCynthianaloss l. finger$2.00 -
38,584Culley, JosCynthianaloss r. leg$24.00 -
170,011Nesbit, Jas GCynthianaparaly. legs$8.00 -
41,341McCullough, Jno . DCynthianaw. l. hip$8.00 -
55,551Allison, LucindaCynthianaWidow$8.00 -
18,281Hindman, Lydia JCynthianaWidow$8.00 -
115,952Covert, Geo. WGraftonw. l. hand$6.00 -
18,321Barnett, SylvanusMount Vernonw. in mouth$8.00 -
96,114Miller, JosephMount Vernonw. r. thigh$6.00 -
50,571Durell, Alvey AMount Vernong. s. w. head, affect. eyes$24.00 -
50,642Davis, Jno. MMount Vernong. s. w. r. arm$6.00 -
178,735Curnell, Wm. GMount Vernonw. r. thigh$6.00 -
118,699Marix, HenryMount Vernong. s. w. l. arm$6.00 -
24,774Lawrence, Jas. WMount Vernonw. l. clavicle$24.00 -
25,018Heinrich, GeoMount Vernondisc. l. arm$18.00 -
109,966Blackburn, Wm. JMount Vernons. w. r. s. head$4.00 -
105,069Carroll, Jno. BMount Vernong. s. w. l. forearm$4.00 -
39,584Page, ElijahMount Vernonamp. l. thigh$24.00 -
91,508Patterson, Wm. RMount Vernonwd. bth, thighs$6.00 -
58,180Stevens, ThomasMount Vernonloss l. arm$24.00 -
89.022Whipple, EliasMount Vernonw. l. shoul$8.00 -
43,436Usvey, Joseph SMount Vernong. s. w. l. hip$14.00 -
192,342Robbins, AdamMount Vernondis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 -
156,837Stout, Harrison CMount Vernondis. l. ear$4.00 -
135,470Wright, Wm. AMount Vernong. s. w. r. foot$6.00 -
81,208Curtis, Samuel AMount Vernondis. eyes$18.00 -
87,266Caborn, Jas. LMount Vernonw. l. leg$4.00 -
89,149Blagg, JacobMount Vernonloss forefinger$2.332/3-
33,453Harp, ThomasMount Vernonwd. lungs$18.00 -
33,516Large, Wm. JMount Vernonfrac. l. leg, g. s. w.$10.00 -
39,144Givens, Wm. BMount Vernonloss r. arm$18.00 -
136,513Mills, JonathanMount Vernong. s. w. l. thigh$6.00 -
31,778Molcher, Columbus TMount Vernonw. l. leg$12.00 -
16,200Harp, GeorgetteMount VernonWidow$8.00 -
2,203Sooter, ElizabethMount VernonWidow (Navy)$8.00 -
79,230Stewart, Franklin DNew Harmonywd. both arms$18.00 -
69,093Crosser, John DNew Harmonyw. r. sho$10.00 -
41,915Lanham, John TNew Harmonychr. bronchitis$8.00 -
14,895Clark, Rob'tNew Harmonyw. l. hnd$12.00 -
93,206Jolly, Jas. WNew Harmonychr. diarr$8.00 -
67,991Cotterell, Rob'tNew Harmonyw. r. thigh, r. leg$10.00 -
93,797Paul, LydiaNew HarmonyWidow$8.00 -
26,159Stoker, Arthur RNew Harmonychr. ophthal$12.00 -
156,929Hartmann, WmNew Harmonyg. s. w. back$4.00 -
192,407Harminghouse, Chas.New Harmonyw. l. thigh$2.00 -
13,032Highman, JaneNew HarmonyWidow$20.00 -
83,802Saltzman, ElizabethNew HarmonyWidow$8.00 -
84,254Mentle, ElizabethNew HarmonyWidow$8.00 -
116,323Benton, Nancy HNew HarmonyWidow$8.00 -
32,923Fowler, Nancy JNew HarmonyWidow$8.00 -
46,957Bennett, MaryNew HarmonyWidow$17.00 -
105,422Jolly, Chas.Poseyvilleophthal$18.00 -
95,821Butt, Jas. APoseyvillew. l. shoul$5.00 -
40,163McReynolds, WmPoseyvillew. r. lung$14.00 -
90,507Straub, Chas. JSaint Wendell'sw. r. knee, neck$12.00 -
181,818Demarce, James TStewartsvillew. l. thigh$6.00 -
11,915Sternbrenner, CarlStewartsvilleinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
16,326Jones, Eliza AnnStewartsvilleWidow$8.00 -
90,225Phillips,JnoWadesvillew. r. leg$4.00 -
76,899Ridley, NancyWadesvilleWidow$8.00 -
83,848Smith, JohnWest Franklinw. abd$6.00 -
2,291Weaver, Mary CWest FranklinWidow$15.00 -

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