New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Pike County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Pike County, Indiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
107,072Abel, AndrewArthurrheuma $6.00 -
177,214Adams, Allen O.Delectable Hillinj. both feet $2.00 Oct., 1881
155,488Agee, Cicero J.Stendalg.s.w.l. arm$10.00 June, 1870
183,333Agee, JesseAugustarheuma$24.00 Feb., 1881
61,382Akaline, Mary J.Petersburghwidow$8.00 -
81,018Alexander, Asbury H.Petersburghinj. both eyes $20.00 -
165,242Allburn, Philip D.Velpenchr. meningitis $8.00 July, 1880
194,278Ambrose, Sarah A.Spurgeonwidow$12.00 Jan., 1882
104,834Anderson, Chas.Petersburghdis. lungs $8.00 -
62,907Ashby, Daniel B.Delectable Hillwd. l. arm $10.00 -
62,498Ashby, Daniel C.Petersburghloss r. thigh $24.00 -
32,768Atkinson, DrusillaAugustawidow$8.00 -
151,155Barnett, Jas. M.Winslowg.s.w.l. leg $4.00 Feb., 1878
174,624Barrett, Darius C.Arthurwd. r. leg $4.00 Oct., 1880
114,648Barrett, Wm. F.Uniong.s.w.l. arm$4.00 -
205,608Barton, JasSpurgeoninj. r. knee $8.00 Mar., 1882
200,412Beadles, ThosStendaldis. r. hip $4.00 Jan., 1882
221,222Beally, AlexSpurgeong.s.w.l. hand $4.25 Nov., 1882
191,258Beck, LevisPetersburghwd. l. ankle $2.00 June, 1881
158,766Belderback, FrankPetersburghchr. diarrh $6.00 Apr., 1879
5,893Benedict, Virginia A.Petersburghwidow$8.00 -
96,243Bennett, Martin F.Augustawd. l. leg $6.00 -
104,522Black, Wm. H.H.Fidelityg.s.w. neck $2.00 July, 1870
121,137Brenton, Henry C.Petersburghinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
140,693Brenton, Joseph L.Petersburghphthisis pulm $12.00 -
215,597Brock, Wm. F.Fidelitydeafness l. ear $1.00 July, 1882
72,752Bryant, John W.Unioninj. to l. ankle $14.00 -
88,293Bunch, Geo. B.Delectable Hillwd. l. arm & neck $8.00 -
73,301Burch, SophroniaArthurwidow$8.00 -
55,027Burch, SusannaArthurwidow$8.00 -
208,105Butler, Joseph F.Petersburghinj. r. side $4.00 May, 1882
86,032Case, AbrahamPetersburghfract. r. leg $8.00 -
16,970Cassiday, Sarah E.Delectable Hillwidow$20.00 Mar., 1864
7,239Chance, FannyWinslowwidow$8.00 Nov., 1868
74,598Chappell, Perry W.Petersburghg.s.w.r. shoul $4.00 -
115,186Chappell, Robert E.Delectable Hillg.s.w.r. shoul $8.00 -
11,067Clark, Benjamin F.Augustachr. rheuma $12.00 -
93,243Coe, WmInglewd. l. arm$6.00 -
96,439Cole, Crassey K.Otwellwd. l. leg $15.00 Mar., 1869
202,962Coleman, John W.Augustawd. r. foot $4.00 Feb., 1882
85,858Coleman, Wm. H.Petersburghwd. in chin $4.00 -
109,713Colvin, ElizabethPetersburghmother$8.00 Dec., 1868
217,428Connor, JasSpurgeonpart. deaf $4.00 Aug., 1882
211,725Cook, John H.Petersburghinj. l. knee $4.00 June, 1882
197,868Cook, Mary A.E.Pikevillemother$8.00 Nov., 1882
132,639Cook, Mary M.Petersburghwidow$8.00 -
55,284Cook, Thomas J.J.Winslowinjury to abdomen$18.00 -
44,587Corn, AbramWinslowwd. r. shoul $14.00 -
199,211Corn, JacksonAugustachr. hepatitis $4.00 -
163,892Corn, JosephAugustadis. kidneys $8.00 -
35,058Cox, HenryPetersburghabscess l. hip $6.00 -
112,879Crow, Alfred M.Winslowdis. lungs $8.00 -
113,730Davidson, WmPetersburghg.s.w.r. leg $4.00 Sept., 1871
193,672Davis, Jas. A.Augustadis. Heart$4.00 July, 1881
195,557Davis, Mary A.Augustawidow$16.00 May, 1882
21,130Davis, NancyArthurwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
215,255Davis, PhilipAugustaneuralgia $4.00 July, 1882
156,023Davis, PhilipPikevilleinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
162,142Davis, RichardAugustachr. diarrh $12.00 -
149,344Davis, SamuelAugustag.s.w.r. leg $8.00 Nov., 1877
128,134Davis, TheodorusAugustasunstroke$18.00 -
198,000Davis, TheophilusPikevillefather$8.00 Dec., 1882
147,672Dawson, Sarah F.Petersburghwidow$10.00 Feb., 1871
177,961Dawson, WmPetersburghdiarrh $8.00 Nov., 1880
126,063De Bruler, Alfred L.Delectable Hilldis. lungs $4.00 Dec., 1873
154,130Dearing, Geo. T.Velpeng.s.w.r. thumb & inj. to ab. $10.00 -
147,233Dearing, John B.P.Petersburghg.s.w.l. hip $6.00 Sept., 1877
109,821Debruler, Jabez M.Delectable Hilldis. chest $3.00 Apr., 1871
116,563Dickson, John R.Petersburghg.s.w.l. hand$8.00 -
126,713Doughty, Benj.Augustag.s.w.l. hand$3.00 Feb., 1874
103,571Dove, Wm. J.Delectable Hillg.s.w.r. hand $2.00 July, 1870
201,043Duckworth, JohnStendalvaricose veins$4.00 Jan., 1882
42,230Evans, Joel L.Winslowwd. abdomen $14.00 -
213,009Evans, NathanWinslowfrozen feet $17.00 June, 1882
63,959Falls, John H.Uniontotal blindness$72.00 -
178,059Farmer, WashingtonSpurgeonminor of$10.00 July, 1877
127,753Ferguson, HenrySpurgeondysp$14.00 -
106,004Ferguson, JosephSpurgeoninj. l. groin$12.00 -
210,841Fleener, Ratcliff B.Spurgeondis. eyes $8.00 June, 1882
105,997Fletcher, Jas. R.Augustwd. rt. hip $4.00 Mar., 1881
29,551Garland, ThomasOtwellchr. bronc $8.00 Feb., 1882
200,182Goodrich, DavidPetersburghg.s.w.r. cheek $2.00 Jan., 1882
204,210Greene, Geo. C.Otwellpt. paryls $6.00 Mar., 1882
46,807Griffith, Wm. C.P.Petersburghloss r. leg $18.00 -
202,637Hadlock, DelosOtwellbronch$8.00 Feb., –––
191,067Hall, ElizabethSpurgeonwidow$8.00 Feb., 1881
210,453Hammond, John M.Petersburghnerv. pros $10.00 June, 1882
128,449Hardin, AlvinAugustag.s.w.r. ulna$12.00 -
150,259Hargrave, SusannahDelectable Hillmother$8.00 May, 1871
216,195Harvey, John W.Stendaldis. lungs $6.00 Aug., 1882
207,715Harvey, Martin C.Petersburghchr. diarrh $4.00 Apr., 1883
148,086Haskinson, DavidStendalinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
223,554Hawkins, Daniel P.Winslowg.s.w.l. side head$2.00 Dec., 1883
80,776Hawkins, Lucy D.Petersburghwidow$8.00 -
9,961Hawkins, RebeccaPetersburghwidow$8.00 -
74,494Hayes, Rufus R.Petersburghwd. l. leg $12.00 -
85,304Hays, Jas.Petersburghwd. face $18.00 -
91,711Heacock, EdwardAugustaloss r. eye $18.00 -
182,535Henning, Sam'l S.Spurgeondis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 Feb., 1881
195,574Hillman, Geo. F.Petersburghpt. deafness $5.00 Sept. 1881
42,157Hillman, LouisaUnionwidow$8.00 -
118,967Hobson, Sam'l L.Otwellg.s.w.r. hand$6.00 -
133,966Hopkins, Rich D.Velpeng.s.w. thigh $4.00 -
49,436Houroth, Freder'k E.Stendalparalys. l. arm $16.00 -
82,891Howard, Geo. R.Petersburghloss r. eye$24.00 -
112,475Ingler, DavidOatsvilletotal loss eye-sight $72.00 -
26,160Jackson, WmPetersburghwd. r. leg $14.00 -
117,271Jenkins, Rob't A.Augusta lung dis.$4.00 Oct., 1880
32,043Johnson, Amanda A.Petersburghwidow$8.00 -
207,483Johnson, Jas. M.Winslowdis. lungs $4.00 Apr., 1882
163,745Johnson, John S.Arthurdis. eyes $8.00 Dec., 1879
133,374Johnson, PhebePetersburghmother$8.00 Aug., 1869
202,387Jones, James F.Petersburghrheuma $8.00 Feb., 1882
210,875Jones, Lewis G.Pikevillewd. r. arm $4.00 Jan., 1882
135,170Jones, LucindaAugustawidow$8.00 Oct., 1880
146,982Kearby, Thomas M.Uniong.s.w.r. shoul $2.00 July, 1877
136,377Kicks, Henry W.Unionminor of$10.00 Apr., 1870
185,405Kinman, Jas. F.Petersburghdis. lungs $10.00 Mar., 1881
128,642Kinman, John P.Petersburghg.s.w.l. shoul $2.00 June, 1874
7,539Knox, ChristianaPetersburghwidow 1812$8.00 July, 1878
127,114Lamb, Harbora D.Petersburghdis. eyes $24.00 -
212,716Lampton, Francis M.Spurgeonchr. diarrh $4.00 June, 1882
148,270Lashley, Wm. M.Spurgeong.s.w.l. hand $2.00 Sept., 1877
124,997Lemasters, ConradSpurgeonphthisis pul $8.00 Sept., 1873
148,973Linay, FrederickUniong.s.w.l. shoul $8.00 Oct., 1877
90,295Long, ReubenWinslowinjury to abdomen$4.00 Dec., 1868
68,557Loveliss, EdyPetersburghwidow$8.00 -
13,889Lowe, EleanorAugustamother$8.00 Feb., 1864
37,970Lynch, ZelphaOtwellwidow$8.00 -
20,616Marsee, ElizabethPetersburghwidow$8.00 -
15,409Martin, DociaStendalwidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
134,552Martin, Geo. D.Stendaldis. lungs $10.00 -
112,473McCain, Mary A.Petersburghwidow$8.00 May, 1868
210,903McConnell, JasArthurinj. rt. foot $4.00 June, 1882
83,513McConnell, Juia A.Winslowmother$8.00 -
160,575McCorkle, Jas. A.Stendaldis. heart $8.00 Jan., 1872
24,115McHenry, Jno. B.Velpeng.s.w.r. elbow $14.00 -
222,623McKenney, MalenPetersburghincised r. & l. foot $6.00 Dec., 1882
124,519McNeely, Sam'l J.Spurgeonknife wd. r. thigh $4.00 -
176,756McRoberts, ReubenUniondis. throat $8.00 Oct., 1880
82,089Mead. Van BurenPetersburghwd. in hand $8.00 -
205,519Meyer, HenryStendalg.s.w.r. thigh $4.00 Mar., 1882
80,297Millard, JosephWinslowinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
213,879Miller, Jacob R.Pikevilles.w.l. foot $6.00 June, 1882
192,470Miller, JohnPetersburghminor of$10.00 June, 1881
191,396Miller, JohnVelpenloss fing. r. hand $6.00 June, 1881
197,084Muley, JosiahPetersburghwd. r. arm $1.00 Oct., 1881
104,084Myers, IsaacOtwellg.s.w.l. knee$6.00 -
105,401Nash, Sam'lPetersburghinj. back $6.00 -
77,955Nicely, PerninaPetersburghwidow 1812$8.00 -
186,159Nickells, Mary J.Petersburghwidow$10.00 Nov., 1879
204,967Nixon, John M.Spurgeondis. eyes $2.00 Mar., 1882
200,968Norick, JosephWinslowchr. diarrh $4.00 Jan., 1882
207,368Osborn, John B.Petersburghinjury to abdomen$8.00 Apr., 1882
15,820Osborn, MariahPetersburghwidow 1812$8.00 June, 1879
200,395Pagin, HenryVelpeng.s.w.l. leg $17.00 Jan., 1882
123,779Palmer, ElizabethPetersburghmother$8.00 Jan., 1869
197,312Parker, Jas.Petersburghdis. eyes $4.00 Nov., 1881
177,112Parker, Josiah C.Petersburghchr. diarrh $4.00 Oct., 1880
13,199Patterson, John W.Petersburghloss r. foot $18.00 June, 1864
212,503Peach, MichaelOtwelldis. lungs $4.00 June, 1883
161,973Perdue, PleasantPikevilledis. lungs $8.00 Aug., 1879
112,345Plantz, Jas. A.Petersburghg.s.w. face $8.00 July, 1871
210,585Posey, Jas. W.Pikevillefrac. r. arm $4.00 June, 1882
110,969Preston, Charles E.Petersburghinjury to abdomen$12.00 June, 1871
216,955Pride, AlbertOtwellloss pt. r. thumb $2.00 Aug., 1883
104,811Pride, EuniceDelectable Hillmother$8.00 -
33,846Quackenbush, Wm.Petersburghwd. l. jaw$24.00 -
102,261Rhodes, Andrew J.Pikevilleinj. l. thigh $18.00 -
29,413Rhodes, SolomonOtwellloss l. arm $24.00 -
50,801Richardson, Elijah E.Fidelitywd. l. elbow $18.00 -
30,219Richardson, Joseph B.Winslowwd.l. arm $18.00 -
193,930Risley, MarthaVelpenmother$8.00 Dec., 1861
200,095Robinson, Jas.Velpenchr. diarrh $4.00 -
20,657Ross, Franklin H.Spurgeonwd. r. shoul $4.00 -
206,653Rusk, Jas. J.Petersburghdis. heart $6.00 Apr., 1882
103,649Selby, Geo. W.Petersburghphthisis pul $14.00 -
53,108Shay, CatharinePetersburghwidow$8.00 -
184,639Shepard, Preston W.Spurgeonchr. rheuma $6.00 Dec., 1881
64,631Smith, ElijahOatsvillewd. r. hip $6.00 -
51,924Smith, John J.Petersburghwd. r. hand $8.00 -
52,881Snowden, Solomon G.Petersburghg.s.w.l. foot $10.00 -
114,025Snyder, Sam'l L.Uniong.s.w.l. ankle$3.75 -
178,330Stephens, JonathanPikevilleminor of$10.00 Aug., 1877
140,134Stephens, SalliePikevillemother$8.00 Feb., 1870
107,349Stevnes, John D.Stendalinj. to left side $18.00 -
99,000Stillwell, SolomonPikevilleinj. l. foot $14.00 -
201,093Stilwell, JarettStendalinj. to l. knee $8.00 Jan., 1882
196,070Stone, Calvin R.Pikevilleinj. back $6.00 -
169,922Stone, Roswell J.Pikevillechr. diarrh $12.00 -
207,136Swain, Jas. P.Uniong.s.w.r. leg $8.00 Apr., 1882
44,448Swain, Stephen C.Unionwd. l. foot $8.00 -
130,091Swan, MathewAugustag.s.w.l. breast$18.00 -
174,387Taylor, Geo. W.Augustawd. r. thigh $6.00 Oct., 1880
176,751Taylor, JohnPikevillewd.l. arm $4.00 Oct., 1880
194,646Thomas, MahalahPetersburghmother$8.00 Mar., 1882
118,023Thomas, WmWinslownerv. debil $6.00 July, 1872
204,144Thompson, JohnPetersburghdis. eyes $8.00 Mar., 1882
171,096Thompson, Wm. M.Petersburghg.s.w.l. hand $2.00 June, 1886
98,398Turpin, AsaOtwellloss sight $72.00 -
114,351Tyring, FrederickSpurgeondis. eyes $24.00 -
184,347Tyring, JacobSpurgeondis. eyes $8.00 Mar., 1881
90,849Vaw, GeoWinslowwd. head $6.00 -
221,795Walker, Desix L.Winslowdis. heart $6.00 Dec., 1882
61,314Walker, JudaPetersburghwidow$8.00 -
40,276Ward, CatherineUnionwidow$8.00 -
101,071Ward, Thos. J.Uniong.s.w.l. shoul $4.00 -
141,578Watkins, MirianOtwellwidow$8.00 Mar., 1870
205,926Wiggs, Henry J.Arthurdis. stomach $2.00 Mar., 1882
51,024Wilder, Benj. C.Stendalatrophy r. arm $8.00 -
23,646Wilder, Geo. W.Fidelitywd. l. leg $6.00 -
15,914Wiley, JamesSpurgeonsurv. 1812$8.00 Apr., 1872
181,920Williams, NancyPikevillemother$8.00 Sept., 1878
100,019Willis, HarriettPetersburghwidow$8.00 Oct., 1867
125,109Willis, JanePetersburghmother$8.00 Apr., 1869
177,535Wilson, JoshuaPetersburghminor of$10.00 May, 1877
134,574Wright, JohnWinslowfather$8.00 Sept., 1869
77,826Younge, NoahPetersburghdis. eyes $12.00 -

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