New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Newton County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Newton County, Indiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
188,511Anderson, EdwardGoodlandinj. to l. shoul., side$6.00 May, 1881
60,281Bartholmew, FrederickMoroccow. l. leg$4.00 -
148,583Bell, JonathanMoroccoloss r. thumb$4.00 Oct., 1877
217,422Blasdel, ThomasKentlandg. s. w. l. arm$4.00 Aug., 1882
160,507Blessing, JosephPilot Grovesunstroke$11.25 -
76,988Bridgeman, George MKentlandloss r. arm$24.00 -
181,925Bruechet, Constant CRose Lawninj. r. elbow$6.00 Oct., 1881
16,151Bryant, Geo. C. ALake Villagew. l. arm & lung$18.00 -
162,150Burr, Elliott RGoodlanddis. lungs$4.00 Aug., 1879
176,043Camblin, MaryMoroccowidow$14.00 Jan., 1877
13,448Collins, WilliamPilot Grovew. r. arm$6.00 -
118,996Conner, Richard AKentlandchr. diarrh$8.00 -
140,858Cross, Abigail CLake Villagewidow$8.00 Mar., 1870
60,887Daniels, John GGoodlandg. s. w. r. hand$4.00 -
215,606Daugherty, CharlesKentlandg. s. w. mid. fin. l. hand$2.00 July, 1882
33,458Deardruff, George WBeaver Timberw. r. shoul., leg$18.00 Jan., 1870
20,638Doolittle, James SGoodlandinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
194,886Dunavin, John MKentlanddis. eyes$4.00 -
-Fagan, Lawrence Moroccow. r. arm$8.00 -
111,137Flint, John CGoodlandchr. diarrh., s. w. head$16.00 -
122,829Garner, MosesKentlandw. l. leg$8.00 -
38,501Graves, William LMoroccowd. r. arm$7.00 Feb., 1865
115,636Hall, Edward L.Goodlandulcer r. leg$8.00 -
93,161Ham, Martin LPilot Groveinj. to chest, rheum$12.00 -
223,553Hooks, JosephMoroccochr. diarrh., dis. liver$4.00 Dec., 1882
47,094Hoover, AnnaMoroccowidow$8.00 -
141,758Hosier, JacobKentlandg. s. w. r. side body$3.00 Oct., 1876
105,484Hosier, LouisaKentlandwidow$8.00 Dec., 1867
98,335Humes, WorthingtonKentlandw. l. foot$4.00 -
197,642Kenneday, JosephMoroccosh. w. head$6.00 Nov., 1881
13,094Kenneday, WilliamMoroccow. hand$4.00 -
209,376Kneadler, JacobGoodlandinj. l. hip, dis. lungs$4.00 May, 1882
81,497Knight, John WBrookdropsy$12.00 -
151,248Lane, David NMoroccochr. diarrh$6.00 Feb., 1878
131,380Linton, John RLake Villagew. l. breast$12.00 -
112,590Medworth, RobertGoodlandw. l. thigh$2.00 -
81,215Meeker, HowlandGoodlandw. r. arm$15.00 -
68,344Monty, JosephGoodlandw. r. thigh$6.00 -
-Moody, Reuben TGoodlandg. s. w. r. foot$4.00 -
147,210Morris, Isaiah RMoroccog. s. w. l. shoul$6.00 -
34,341Mullan, ThompsonKentlandg. s. w. l. arm$8.00 -
201,996Murphy, AsaGoodlandchr. diarrh., heart dis$8.00 Jan., 1882
49,108Murphy, NancyMoroccowidow$8.00 June, 1865
185,546Padgett, JohnMoroccochr. diarrh$4.00 Mar., 1881
40,884Patrick, William AMoroccow. l. shoul$18.00 Apr., 1865
221,772Perigo, WarrenMoroccochr. diarrh$4.00 Dec., 1882
38,789Phelps, FrancesGoodlandw. l. arm$18.00 -
176,672Plummer, JacksonKentlandvaricose veins both legs$6.00 Oct., 1880
124,507Potter, Andrew JGoodlanddis. of abdominal viscera$12.00 -
131,822Price, MinervaPilot Grovewidow$8.00 July, 1869
86,806Pride, Josiah DKentlandg. s. w. lower jaw$4.00 Nov., 1882
19,488Radcliff, RachelGoodlandwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
95,510Randall, JohnKentlandloss l. thumb$3.00 Feb., 1859
5,003Ready, William CMoroccochr. diarrh$18.00 -
190,209Ring, MichaelMoroccowd. l. arm$1.00 June, 1881
51,321Roadruck, Benjamin FMoroccog. s. w. r. hand$12.00 -
150,783Rodgers, ElizabethRose Lawnwidow$8.00 May, 1871
154,775Sager, David FMoroccog. s. w. l. shoul$5.00 Aug., 1878
188,340Sager, Jacob HKentlandchr. bronchitis$12.00 -
148,039Sarver, John CMoroccog. s. w. r. thigh$6.00 Sept., 1877
10,839Scott, Anderson WGoodlandw. l. thigh$8.00 -
191,826Scott, Levi HGoodlandw. r. hip$4.00 June, 1881
203,681Shafer, John FMoroccochr. diarr$4.00 Feb., 1882
171,220Shepeard, John WKentlanddis eyes$6.00 July, 1880
67,711Shonio, George AKentlandg. s. w. r. hip$8.00 -
42,414Simpson, Justus LMoroccog. s. w. r. thigh$2.00 May, 1865
176,810Sink, SilasThayerdis. eyes$8.00 Oct., 1880
174,759Slyter, SylvesterGoodlandrheum., dis. eyes$12.00 Oct., 1880
208,149Smith, Delevan PPilot Grovedis. eyes$6.00 May, 1882
119,217Smith, George HGoodlandg. s. w. l. arm$6.00 Sept., 1872
159,216Smith, George WKentlandg. s. w. l. side$4.00 -
163,209Smith, HughKentlandw. l. thigh, r. hip$8.00 Oct., 1870
182,509Starrell, HenryGoodlandminor of$10.00 Nov., 1878
82,279Stillman, JohnKentlandw. l. eye & effects$8.00 -
142,740Storey, George RLake Villagew. r. hand$6.00 -
30,450Strubbe, Ernst HGoodlandloss l. leg$24.00 -
112,307Stucker, IsaacPilot Groveinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
99,192Thayer, Hamlet DKentlandchron. conju$8.00 -
82,158Thompson, CatharineMoroccowidow$8.00 -
86,644Thumb, GeorgeGoodlandconjunctivitis$8.00 -
144,206Toyne, WilliamGoodlandg. s. w. head$5.00 Mar., 1877
14,220Tubbs, Freeland GGoodlandg. s. w. through body$8.00 -
212,387Warren, Horace KKentlandptl. paraly. r. arm$20.00 June, 1882
22,880Watts, James HPilot Groveg. s. w. l. hip$6.00 -
200,059Wickersham, JonathanGoodlanddis. heart$12.00 -
133,143Williams, Abraham WGoodlandchr. diarrh$8.00 -

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