New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Marion County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Marion County, Indiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
219,021Abbett, Francis M.Indianapolischronic diarrhea, dis. of abdominal viscera, & indigestion$4.00 Oct. 1882
163,895Abbott, John A.Indianapoliswd. right wrist$1.00 Dec. 1879
101,993Abrams, Benjamin F.New Augustag.s.w. right arm$6.66 2/3Jan. 1870
26,668Achor, NancyValley Millswidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 1879
194,042Adair, MaryIngallstonmother$8.00 Jan. 1882
179,720Addison, James H.Indianapolisw. right wrist, left foot$1.00 -
177,284Adkins, Martin V. B.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
9,890Agee, HenryIndianapolislocomotor ataxia$72.00 -
148,010Aladice, SamuelIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
194,869Albershardt, HenryIndianapoliswd. left hip$2.00 Aug. 1881
40,673Alcorn, AlbertIndianapoliswd. right thigh$6.00 Apr. 1865
177,023Aldridge, SusanIndianapolismother$8.00 Apr. 1877
80,917Allen, George W.Indianapolisg.s.w. right leg$4.00 -
195,660Allen, Henry C.Indianapoliswd. right arm$2.00 Sept. 1881
87,700Allen, Henry C.Lawrencew. right leg$6.00 -
72,034Anderson, Amy C.Lawrencewidow$8.00 -
79,962Apple, CatharineOaklandonwidow$8.50 -
98,094Armistead, SarahIndianapolismother$8.00 Aug. 1867
130,915Armstrong, ThomasIndianapoliseffects rheumatic fever$4.00 -
11,189Armstrong, Thomas L.Indianapolischr. diarr., dis. of abd. vis.$8.00 -
204,877Arnold, JohnMalott Parkchr. diarr., dis. of abd. visc.$4.00 Mar. 1882
196,835Asiddall, MelindaIndianapoliswidow$17.00 July 1882
47,693Askren, Benjamin F.Irvingtonwound of face$18.00 -
187,859Austin, GeorgeIndianapolisminor of$22.00 Apr. 1880
104,697Austin, Nancy C.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
210,616Avery, John P.Indianapoliswd. left side face, epilepsy$12.00 June 1882
30,855Babcok, Susan M.Indianapolismother$8.00 Sept. 1864
214,289Bachaus, WilliamIndianapolisg.s.w. left ankle$4.00 June 1882
140,921Backus, ThomasIndianapolisdis. lungs$18.00 -
87,855Bailey, Iven L.Indianapolisw. left thigh$24.00 -
13,801Baine, WilliamIndianapolissurv. 1812$8.00 Mar. 1872
202,058Baird, James Q.Indianapolisg.s.w. left arm$5.00 Jan. 1882
182,143Baird, John W.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 Feb. 1881
89,173Baird, NancyIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Jan. 1867
187,510Baker, IsaacIndianapolischr. rheum. & dis. heart$4.00 Apr. 1881
150,756Baker, JamesIndianapolisg.s.w. head$4.00 Jan. 1878
36,998Balfe, John E.Indianapolisw. left arm$30.00 -
111,455Ballinger, WilliamMalott Parkchronic diarrhea$8.00 -
151,717Baner, GeorgeIndianapoliss. wd. lower jaw$2.00 Mar. 1878
106,406Banks, Andrew M.Indianapolisampt. left leg & ulcer right leg$18.00 Nov. 1870
132,789Bannister, Samuel N.Indianapolisg.s.w. both shoulders & back$7.50 Apr. 1875
116,002Barbee, SampsonIndianapolischronic diarrhea & rheumatism$6.00 -
222,724Barckdale, DanielIndianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 Dec. 1882
222,724Barksdale, DanielIndianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 Dec. 1882
159,265Barnaby, William O.Indianapoliswd right hand, loss middle finger$2.00 Oct. 1879
195,562Barnett, John W.Indianapolisdis. respiratory organs$10.00 Sept. 1881
178,242Barnett, Lucy J.Indianapoliswidow$10.00 July 1877
16,987Barr, AnnIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1864
212,631Bartlett, Edward H.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 June 1882
204,585Baugh, John T.Indianapolisdis. lungs & throat$4.00 Mar. 1882
166,658Baylor, Rachel M.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Dec. 187?
174,393Beachman, HenryIndianapolisinj. right leg$2.00 Oct. 1880
195,475Beale, Erastus H.Indianapoliswd. left wrist$2.00 Sept. 1881
65,731Beechler, James J.Indianapolisg.s.w. left leg$6.00 -
146,899Beggs, JamesIndianapolisg.s.w. left leg$8.00 July 1877
45,865Beller, Mary E.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
128,258Benham, HenryIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 May 1874
206,329Bennett, PatrickIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 Apr. 1882
147,038Bennett, TarltonIndianapolisg.s.w. injury right hip$2.00 July 1877
97,769Benson, David S.Indianapolisg.s.w. head, epilepsy$4.00 May 1869
98,885Berg, FerdinandIndianapolismother$8.00 Aug. 1867
182,145Betts, AnnaIndianapoliswidow$10.00 Oc.t 1878
159,584Biddinger, James H.Indianapolisinj. to back $2.00 May 1879
125,751Bieler, JacobIndianapolisinjury to right side$6.00 Nov. 1873
97,893Bigelow, Isaac K.Indianapolisw. right foot, paralysis right side$6.00 -
94,769Bigelow, James K.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$25.00 Jan. 1869
145,496Billing, Andrew W.Indianapolischronic rheumatism$50.00 -
148,011Binder, John W.Gallaudetg.s.w. abdomen$4.00 Sept. 1877
41,483Bird, William A.Indianapolisloss of left arm above elbow$24.00 -
105,412Bishop, LewisIndianapolisinj. back$6.00 -
175,622Blackwell, William H.Brightwoodinj. to abdomen$4.00 Oct. 1880
106,229Blair, Napoleon B.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 Nov. 1870
23,835Blake, ElizaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 May 1879
102,207Blake, John W.Indianapolisdis. spine & kidneys$22.50 Feb. 1870
131,467Blam, SarahIndianapoliswidow$8.00 July 1869
129,297Bloomfield, RichardIndianapolisg.s.w. right hand$14.00 July 1874
119,994Bloss, John M.Indianapolisw. left arm$8.50 -
202,043Boggess, Henry H.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$20.00 Jan. 1882
50,515Boice, AugustusIndianapolisg.s.w. right shoulder$18.00 -
208,884Bolander, PeterOaklandonchronic diarrhea$4.00 May 1882
183,226Bolen, BelleIndianapoliswidow$20.00 Mar. 1879
105,174Bond, EdwardIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
139,653Bonwart, BenedictIndianapolisfrac. left leg$8.00 -
117,414Boswell, Joseph E.Indianapolisg.s.w. right shoulder$4.00 -
83,461Bottom, William H.Indianapolisw. right shoulder$6.00 -
85,198Bover, Thomas B.Indianapolisw. right leg$4.00 -
145,412Bowen, JoelIndianapolischronic diarrhea$10.00 May 1877
217,816Bowen, Oliver T.Indianapoliswd. left index finger$2.00 Sept. 1882
209,219Bowman, RobertIndianapolisg.s.w. right knee$2.00 May 1882
155,241Boyd, James M.Indianapolisg.s.w. right knee$4.00 Sept. 1878
2,393Bradley, WilhelminaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
13,652Bradshaw, MargaretIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Dec. 1878
12,586Brady, HenryIndianapolissurv. 1812$8.00 Feb. 1882
140,700Bradymeyer, Christ'n C.Indianapolisg.s.w. left shoulder$8.00 -
203,999Brandenburger, LudwigIndianapolisdis. heart$6.00 Mar. 1882
110,573Brenton, Elizabeth J.Actonmother$8.00 Nov. 1868
55,354Brian, ConradBridgeportg.s.w. right side head$24.00 -
114,564Britton, Martin L.Indianapolisg.s.w. right hip$8.00 -
72,853Britton, Sarah C.Indianapolismother$8.00 May 1866
144,077Britton, WilliamIndianapolisdis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 Mar. 1877
136,159Brooks, MariahIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Nov. 1869
175,366Brooks, NathanIndianapoliswd. left foot, rheum., dis. heart$8.00 Oct. 1880
61,405Brooks, Samuel S.Indianapolisloss left leg$18.00 -
177,513Brosius, Dora M.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 May 18??
48,897Brouse, Charles W.Indianapolisw. right arm, chest$20.00 -
206,251Brown, Ethan A.Indianapolisinj. left buttock$8.00 Apr. 1882
98,823Brown, George T.Lawrenceinjury to abdomen$3.00 July 1869
124,431Brown, SusanIndianapolismother$15.00 Feb. 1869
190,720Bruce, William H.Indianapolisminor of$12.00 Jan. 1881
102,225Bruner, AugustusIndianapolischronic diarrhea$6.00 -
192,395Bryan, RebeccaIndianapoliswidow$12.00 May 1881
36,667Bryant, DrusillaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
157,671Buchanan, George W.Indianapolisinj. to back$4.00 Mar. 1879
109,699Buchanan, James M.Indianapolisg.s.w. neck$15.00 -
22,644Buckman, Mary W.Indianapolismother$15.00 May 1864
216,446Bunger, JohnIndianapolischronic diarrhea & rheumatism$6.00 Aug. 1882
181,652Burchfield, DorcasIndianapoliswidow$10.00 July 1878
101,245Burk, GeorgeValley Millsint. fever & inj. back & side$8.00 -
31,993Burk, ThomasWest Newtonw. left hand$6.00 -
135,457Burkhardt, Martha A.Indianapolismother$8.00 Oct. 1869
60,933Burnett, George C.Indianapolisbroken leg$5.33 1/3Apr. 1866
186,347Burns, David V.Indianapolisdis. of spine$8.00 Apr. 1881
137,091Burns, JohnIndianapolisg.s.w. head$4.00 -
100,514Burns, John F.Indianapolisg.s.w. hip$4.00 -
180,242Burris, ThomasIndianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 -
65,152Buskel, WilliamMapletonparaplegia$24.00 -
105,170Butcher, John L.Indianapolissore eyes$18.00 -
186,054Butsch, MariaIndianapoliswidow$15.00 Nov. 1879
125,388Cahill, HiramIndianapolisheart dis.$4.00 Oct. 1873
98,975Cahill, JohnIndianapolisw. right shoulder, side$8.00 -
40,370Cain, IsaacIndianapolisw. right hand$6.00 May 1863
80,904Cain, Joshua B.Indianapolisg.s.w. left thigh$4.00 May 1867
19,943Campbell, John T.Indianapolisw. right leg$20.00 -
99,572Campbell, Richard O.Indianapolisscurvy, lumbago, dis. abd. vis.$6.00 -
184,149Campbell, Thomas D.Gallaudetinjury to abdomen$4.00 Mar. 1881
204,824Campbell, Thomas S.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.50 Mar. 1882
172,430Campbell, WilliamIndianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 -
165,958Canby, Louisa H.Indianapoliswidow$50.00 Nov. 1874
184,429Cantrell, AbnerIndianapolisg.s.w. left arm$4.00 Mar. 1881
124,029Cargett, JacobIndianapolisg.s.w. right hip$6.00 -
222,521Carlton, James B. F.Brightwoodinj. right hip, leg, shin$2.00 Dec. 1882
21,370Carnequa, James, W.Indianapolisw. left hand, arm$16.00 -
174,755Carpenter, JamesIrvingtonwound mouth$2.00 Oct. 1880
100,667Carroll, James E.Indianapolisw. head$24.00 -
33,745Carson, CatharineIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
144,430Carson, Letty AnnIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Aug. 1870
60,283Carter, Lemuel L.Clermontw. right thigh$4.00 -
196,216Carter, Mary H.Indianapoliswidow$12.00 June 1882
22,490Carter, Mary J.Actonwidow$8.00 -
23,037Carter, VensinIndianapolisg.s.w. thigh$10.00 -
169,086Case, David H.Indianapolisdis. lungs, dis. of heart$6.00 June 1880
27,368Cassity, Mary J.Clermontwidow$8.00 -
29,692Catterson, Elizabeth A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
181,231Celt, BarbaraIndianapolismother$8.00 May 1878
192,084Chapin, Lucius P.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 June 1881
135,171Cherry, ElizabethIndianapolismother$8.00 Oct. 1869
88,164Christian, CatharineSouthportmother$8.00 Dec. 1866
290,757Christian, William M.Southportchronic diarrhea$6.00 May 1882
181,364Christy, James A.Indianapolispartial deafness $2.00 Jan. 1881
199,155Church, Joseph H.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 -
177,695Clark, Charles EpharimIndianapolisimpure vaccination$18.00 -
163,059Clark, James E.Indianapoliss. w. left arm$12.00 May 1880
195,480Clark, Noah A.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
20,014Clark, RebeccaActonwidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1879
196,014Clements, John H.Indianapolisg.s.w. left forearm$4.00 Sept. 1881
133,771Clifford, WilliamIndianapolisg.s.w. left hand$5.00 June 1875
223,792Clifton, Charles W.Indianapolispistol s. w. left hand$4.00 -
192,432Cobb, Julia B.Indianapoliswidow$21.00 July 1881
196,116Coddington, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$14.00 June 1882
141,436Coffin, AbrahamIndianapolisg.s.w. face & results$6.00 Sept. 1872
154,919Coleman, AnnIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Dec. 1871
10,876Collier, SusannahIndianapoliswidow 1812$8.00 Nov. 1878
199,212Collins, Elisha J.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$15.00 Dec. 1881
3,325Collopy, MichaelIndianapoliscatarrh (Navy)$2.00 -
113,119Colvin, AlexanderIndianapolissequel typhoid fever$6.00 Aug. 1871
157,737Combs, Julia A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 May 1872
201,156Conger, Manuel H.Indianapolischr. diarrhea, & inj. to abdomen$4.00 Jan. 1882
191,775Conklin, MargaretIndianapolismother$8.00 Apr. 1881
176,497Connair, George W.Indianapolisinj. left side, kidneys, & back$8.00 Oct. 1880
25,965Connelly, Andrew J.Indianapolisw. right leg$12.00 -
183,633Connelly, NewtonIndianapoliswd. hand left middle finger$3.00 Mar. 1881
186,208Conner, John C.Indianapolisminor of$12.00 Dec. 1879
211,724Converse, JoelIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$6.00 June 1882
196,089Conway, WilsonIndianapolisl. toes of left foot frozen frost bite$8.00 Sept. 1881
161,361Conyers, JohnIndianapolisg.s.w. left thigh$2.00 July 1878
122,186Cope, Julia A.Indianapolismother$8.00 Dec. 1868
89,646Costillo, JohnIndianapolisw. left shoulder$8.00 -
119,850Cotton, Thomas D.Juliettainj. little finger right hand$3.00 June 1871
78,748Coverdill, George W.Ingallstonchronic conjunctivitis$18.00 -
91,980Coverdill, PernalClermontdis. eyes, loss left eye$4.00 -
102,219Cowherd, MatildaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Nov. 1867
132,489Cox, Simon A.Indianapolisg.s.w. head$6.00 Mar. 1875
106,911Craig, Isaac N.Castletondysentery$12.50 Dec. 1870
201,152Craig, John T.Indianapolisinj. to right groin & knee$6.00 Jan. 1882
169,930Cropper, John B.New Augustarheumatism $8.00 June 1880
115,909Cross, ThomasIndianapolisw. left knee joint$8.00 -
177,960Crossley, HenryIndianapolisrheumatism, dis. heart$8.00 Nov. 1880
175,502Crow, FrancisIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Nov. 1876
142,851Crowe, George W.Maywoodinjury to abdomen$6.00 Dec. 1876
62,492Cummings, Charles R.Indianapolisw. right arm, shoulder$12.00 -
220,754Cummings, William T.Actong.s.w. left arm$10.00 Nov. 1882
162,529Cunningham, MaryIndianapolismother$8.00 June 1873
148,939Currens, William N.Indianapolispistol shot of right thigh$6.00 Aug. 1879
66,377Curtis, RuthMaywoodwidow$8.00 Nov. 1881
9,747Cutler, Martha E.Broad Ripplewidow$8.00 -
112,608Dade, WilliamIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
78,520Daniels, George T.Indianapolisg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 -
156,083Dany, ThomasIndianapolisg.s.w. right foot$8.00 Oct. 1878
153,663Dashiell, MastenIndianapolisdis. eyes$4.00 June 1878
85,859Daugherty, Moses A.Actonwound left leg$6.00 -
79,760Davidson, DanielCastletonw. right thigh$8.00 -
133,554Davis, BartholomewIndianapolischronic diarrhea$12.00 -
191,233Davis, Marietta W.Indianapoliswidow$30.00 Feb. 1881
169,436Davis, MaryN. Indianapolismother$8.00 June 1875
91,087Davis, MosesIndianapolisinj. spine$8.00 -
60,194Davis, SamuelIndianapolisinj. spine, kidney$31.25 -
103,180Dean, SusanIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Nov. 1867
88,720Decker, LauraIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
46,814Dedert, CharlesIndianapolisw. left shoulder, inj. to abd.$16.00 -
22,595Dennis, PorterIndianapolispart. paralysis right side$12.00 -
98,007Denny, RobertIndianapoliseffects camp diarrhea$7.50 May 1869
41,486Dersh, JohnIndianapolisw. left hand$6.00 -
165,692Des Haven, Andrew J.Indianapolisloss 3rd finger right hand$2.00 Mar. 1880
112,768Dewey, John W.Clermontdis. eyes$18.00 -
93,920Dewire, Nancy A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 May 1867
152,444Dickerson, John J.Indianapoliss. w. back$2.00 Apr. 1878
201,352Dickerson, John L.Indianapolisg.s.w. left thigh, varicose veins$18.00 Jan. 1882
61,260Dickinson, IrwinIndianapolisloss right leg$24.00 -
173,989Dismore, CatharineIndianapoliswidow$8.00 June 1878
43,719Dittemore, John W.Indianapolisw. right knee $6.00 -
173,460Dixon, Minerva L.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 May 1876
199,257Dobbins, MartinOaklandoninjury to abdomen$4.00 -
77,340Dobbs, Cyrus J.Indianapolisw. left arm$25.00 -
131,927Dobbs, ScipioIndianapolisg.s.w. left hip$12.00 -
190,086Dodd, WilliamIndianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 Dec. 1881
175,880Dodson, JamesIndianapolisrheumatism$24.00 -
41,486Dodson, Rebecca J.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
221,517Dolen, Timothy M.Indianapolisdis. heart$6.00 Dec. 1882
135,769Doll, William H.Indianapolisg.s.w. left hip$6.00 Sept. 1875
89,647Donovan, James R.Indianapolisw. left thigh$8.00 -
170,295Donovan, ObadiahIndianapolisdis. heart, neu. of head, & rheu$4.00 June 1880
90,525Dorlmus, Benjamin F.Indianapolisg.s.w. left eye$6.00 -
100,573Dorsey, EffieIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Oct. 1867
115,017Dowell, William H. W.Indianapolisg.s.w. right shoulder$10.00 -
157,521Downery, PatrickIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 Feb. 1879
154,451Drake, HenryIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 July 1878
26,976Drayer, HannahIndianapolismother$8.00 July 1864
22,823Dudgeon, WilliamIndianapolisw. right hand$4.00 -
33,791Duffey, MinervaIndianapoliswidow$25.00 Nov. 1864
193,576Dumont, Mary AnnIndianapoliswidow$30.00 Nov. 1881
85,589Dunn, John E.Indianapolisw. right foot$8.00 -
97,936Dupee, Joseph T.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
57,768Eades, James M.Indianapolisloss right leg$18.00 Oct. 1866
63,211Earles, Ruth A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
198,667Eaton, Charles H.Mapletonchronic diarrhea$4.00 Dec. 1881
171,196Ebert, Charles H.Indianapoliswd. of head$2.00 July 1880
190,557Edds, IsaiahIndianapoliswd. left hand$8.00 June 1881
177,282Eddy, Elijah F. N.Indianapoliswd. left knee$4.00 Oct. 1880
21,253Eddy, Sarah J.Indianapoliswidow$20.00 -
151,108Edwards, Charles D.Indianapolisg.s.w. right hand, loss index & middle finger$6.00 Feb. 1878
92,667Edwards, David M.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
89,716Edwards, JasperIndianapolisw. right lung$8.00 -
30,090Edwards, SarahOaklandonwidow 1812$8.00 July 1880
-Edwards, SpencerIndianapolisg.s.w. left hand$4.00 -
141,684Elkins, NancyIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
132,887Elliot, Sarah P.Indianapoliswidow$17.00 -
195,257Elliott, James A.Indianapolischronic rheumatism$6.00 Sept. 1881
113,171Ellis, Charles L. B.Indianapolisw. right side$10.00 -
125,078Ellis, George R.Indianapolisloss index finger$2.00 Sept. 1873
104,535Ellsworth, Wilbert N.Indianapolisg.s.w. right hand$4.00 July 1870
95,304Emery, Jonathan L.New Augustainflammation & sore eyes$18.00 -
197,562Emmons, JohnIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
39,581Engle, TaltonIndianapolisw. right arm$12.00 -
15,019Engledon, Catharine M.New Augustawidow$8.00 -
190,367Erton, RichardIndianapoliswd. right index finger$2.00 June 1881
201,506Ervin, Edmond P.Indianapolisg.s.w. through right shoulder$2.00 Jan. 1882
10,719Ettinger, GustaveIndianapolisloss right arm$24.00 -
86,298Evans, AndrewIndianapolisinj. to abdomen, lung dis.$24.00 -
73,767Evans, Samuel A.Indianapolisw. right leg, spine$8.00 -
71,455Evans, Samuel J.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 -
209,975Evans, WilliamIndianapolisdis. lungs$6.00 May 1882
184,622Everett, HarmonIndianapolisfather$8.00 June 1879
123,685Ewald, HenryIndianapolisg.s.w. right leg & varicose veins$6.00 June 1873
199,896Ewing, William M.Indianapolisdis. heart$8.00 -
208,774Farnsworth, Thos. D.Indianapolisdis. of eyes$2.00 May 1882
126,795Faucett, Wilson M.Indianapolisrheumatism$18.00 Feb. 1874
87,492Faulstick, MagdalenaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Dec. 1866
67,861Fenters, SamuelIndianapolisw. right ankle$18.00 -
87,326Ferm, CasperIndianapolischronic diarrhea$8.00 -
175,474Ferrell, PatrickIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 Oct. 1880
8,718Ferry, JaneIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Sept. 1878
116,564Fetters, FrankOaklandong.s.w. right leg$4.00 Apr. 1872
105,488Finch, John A.Indianapolisdis. lungs$8.00 -
166,186Finch, Mary M.Indianapoliswidow$17.00 Oct. 187?
217,806Fish, AmericusIndianapolisdis. of abd. vis., res. chr. diarr.$8.00 Sept. 1882
207,545Fisher, David M.Indianapoliss.w. in head$8.00 Apr. 1882
128,319Fisher, MartinIndianapolisfrac. left clavicle$4.00 May 1874
35,427Fitzgerald, William M.Indianapolisloss left eye$4.00 -
180,736Flanner, Orpha A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Apr. 1878
115,606Fleckhammer, CharlesIndianapolisw. left shoulder $8.00 -
65,235Fletcher, David M.Indianapolisloss right leg$24.00 -
36,348Fletcher, LucindaIndianapolismother$8.00 Dec. 1866
172,610Flinn, Margaret AnnIndianapoliswidow$20.00 Mar. 1876
217,128Floyd, Mahon H.Indianapolisrheum., dis. heart, & inj. spine$20.00 Aug. 1882
58,504Ford, Nancy A.Indianapoliswidow$20.00 -
109,613Forsha, David R.West Newtondis. lungs$8.00 -
118,915Forshe, SarahWest Newtonmother$8.00 Sept. 1868
209,444Fort, John W.Indianapolischr. rheum., irritable heart$6.00 May 1881
140,569Foster, AbrahamIndianapolisinsanity$50.00 -
94,544Foster, WallaceIndianapolispartial deafness both ears$12.75 -
53,149Fraer, FrancisIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
127,663Frank, AdamIndianapolisg.s.w. left shoulder$6.00 Apr. 1874
168,024Franklin, AmbroseIndianapolisrheumatism & chronic diarrhea$4.00 May 1880
26,013Franklin, ColumbusIndianapolissh. w. left hip, arm$4.00 -
131,902Franks, MaryIndianapolismother$8.00 July 1869
41,025Frauer, HermanIndianapolisg.s.w. right thigh$4.00 -
191,675Frizell, AllenIndianapolisfather$8.00 Mar. 1881
191,543Fryberger, ChristinaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1881
141,956Funk, DavidIndianapolisdis. heart$4.00 Oct. 1876
129,287Funk, Susanna M.Oaklandonwidow$8.00 Mar. 1869
13,172Gale, RebeccaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Dec. 1878
57,509Gallatin, SarahIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
175,369Galleher, Joseph D.Indianapolisdis. lungs$8.00 Oct. 1880
153,579Galloway, Thos. J.Indianapolisw. right thigh, dis. heart$10.00 June 1878
117,012Gapen, WilliamIndianapolisdis. of abd. vis., chr. diarrhea$4.00 -
156,511Gardner, James F.Indianapolisinj. left ankle $4.00 -
15,010Garner, MathewIndianapolisw. right thigh$6.00 -
86,471Garringer, JosephIndianapolisinj. right ankle$2.00 -
175,595Gaskil, Mary J.Indianapoliswidow$10.00 Dec. 1876
880Gates, ElizabethIndianapolismother$8.00 Mar. 1863
15,630Gates, SylvesterIndianapolisw. right arm$8.00 -
127,243Gatewood, ElisonBrightwooddis. lungs$4.00 Mar. 1874
209,116Gehring, ConradIndianapolisrheumatism$2.00 May 1883
31,720Geis, LawrenceIndianapolisg.s.w. left shoulder$8.00 -
200,010Genard, Thomas J.Indianapolisrheum., dis. heart$8.00 -
150,198Geoinn, Malinda J.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 May 1871
116,075Gerhart, John R.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$6.00 Mar. 1872
110,261Gibson, JacobIndianapolisg.s.w. right forearm$8.00 May 1871
162,623Gilbreath, John S.Indianapolisinj. spine$8.00 Oct. 1879
209,650Gill, Louis C.Indianapolischr. diarr., dis. heart$6.00 May 1882
82,743Gillaspy, James E.Indianapolisg.s.w. right thigh$4.00 June 1867
87,095Gimble, BarbaraIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Nov. 1866
23,418Gladden, WilliamClermontsurvivor 1812$8.00 July 1878
84,227Gobeler, WilliamIndianapolisw. left leg$4.00 Apr. 1869
100,719Goddard, John A.Indianapolisg.s.w. right leg $4.00 -
28,270Goddard, SamuelIndianapolisw. right leg$6.00 -
101,431Godfrey, John D.Cumberlanddis. kidneys, chronic diarrhea$8.00 -
142,505Goe, John C.Indianapolisdis. lungs$8.00 -
109,820Gogen, RichardIndianapolisdis. eyes, total blindness$72.00 -
154,368Goines, SimeonIndianapolisrheumatism--
216,498Goodall, MinesIndianapolisinj. left side of head$4.00 Aug. 1882
47,598Goodenough, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
158,759Goodnoe, EllenIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Jan. 1872
193,549Gordon, Belle R.Indianapoliswidow$20.00 Oct. 1881
105,168Gordon, RobertIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
207,340Graham, Felix W.Indianapolischronic diarrhea & rheumatism$10.00 Apr. 1882
77,862Grant, James A.Ben Davisinj. right foot, inj. left clavicle$8.00 -
72,241Gray, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
19,107Gray, JonathanIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
95,117Gray, SamuelIndianapolisg.s.w. left arm, side$4.00 -
18,317Graydon, Jane C.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Feb. 1879
104,540Greer, James E.Indianapolisg.s.w. thigh$6.00 -
199,635Greer, Martin S.Actonnasal catarrh, dis. throat$8.00 -
85,706Gresh, SamuelIndianapolisdropsy$18.00 -
65,627Gresham, Walter Q.Indianapolisw. left leg$30.00 June 1866
206,163Griffin, ThomasIndianapolisinj. right hip, leg, shin$8.00 Apr. 1882
197,069Griffith, LunsfordSouthportdis. eyes$6.00 Oct. 1881
156,152Grim, Manoah W.Indianapolisw. right arm$4.00 Oct. 1878
117,523Grium, JohnIndianapolisg.s.w. right hip$4.00 June 1872
28,573Grove, Eunice E.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
155,996Gue, NapoleonN. Indianapolischronic diarrhea$10.00 Oct. 1878
109,028Gue, Robert H.Indianapolisdis. eyes$24.00 -
96,743Guile, JoshuaIndianapolisimpure vaccination$8.00 -
165,508Gustin, John B.Indianapolisloss part finger$2.00 Mar. 1880
166,592Haas, CatharineIndianapoliswidow$14.00 Nov. 1874
221,951Hackleman, Thomas H.Indianapoliscatarrh & inj. to abdomen$6.00 Dec. 1882
89,845Haines, GardnerIndianapolisspinal dis.$8.00 Mar. 1868
153,333Halbert, Henrietta L.Indianapolismother$8.00 Sept. 1871
77,145Hall, Cynthia C.Indianapolismother$8.00 June 1866
75,409Hall, Emma J.Indianapoliswidow$20.00 -
44,384Hall, George T.Indianapolisloss left arm$24.00 -
128,452Hall, Jesse D.Clermontinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
74,934Hall, Jordan M.Indianapolisw. left arm$7.50 Dec. 1866
100,135Hall, WilliamIndianapolisg.s.w. left elbow$2.00 -
113,057Hamlett, AndrewIndianapolisinj. right knee$18.00 -
10,105Hamlin, William H.Indianapolisloss left leg$24.00 -
125,654Hanes, CharlesTrader's Pointchronic ophthalmia$5.00 Nov. 1873
106,231Hanway, ThomasIndianapolisinj. left shoulder$4.00 Nov. 1870
71,006Hardacre, JohnIndianapoliswd. head & spine$8.00 -
115,923Hardman, Asa S.Indianapolisbron., heart dis., & diarrhea$6.00 Mar. 1872
171,960Harm, John M.Indianapolisepilepsy, diarrhea$18.00 Aug. 1880
217,536Harman, CharlesIndianapolispistol shot wd. right side chest$2.00 Aug. 1882
20,298Harper, Winfield S.Indianapolisw. right arm$6.00 -
183,423Harriman, LauraIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1879
115,052Harris, Chas.Indianapolisg.s.w. right leg & right ankle$16.00 Jan. 1872
178,187Harris, John R.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 Oct. 1880
21,776Harris, RuthIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1879
117,076Harrison, James H.Indianapolisminor of$10.00 -
109,490Harrison, ThomasIndianapolisinsanity$50.00 -
204,930Harry, MichaelIndianapolischronic rheumatism$4.00 Mar. 1882
200,245Hart, Alva T.Indianapolisg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 Jan. 1882
111,452Hartman, Thomas D.Southportchronic ophthalmia$2.00 June 1871
199,228Harvey, Alonzo D.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$8.50 -
25,612Harvey, JaneIndianapoliswidow$8.00 July 1879
65,706Haskell, Joseph E.Indianapolisw. right thigh$4.00 June 1866
206,173Haskings, Robert S.Indianapolistotal blindness$72.00 Apr. 1882
149,032Hatton, John M.Indianapolisinj. right shoulder$6.00 -
93,278Hawkins, Edward W.Indianapolisw. head$4.00 Oct. 1868
30,828Hawkins, SusanIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
2,957Hawthorne, Nancy A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
204,027Hay, Francis M.Indianapolischronic diarrhea $4.00 Mar. 1882
62,861Hayes, ThomasMalott Parkampt. right arm above elbow$24.00 -
21,080Hazley, CatharineLawrencewidow$8.00 -
20,198Hazzard, GeorgeIndianapolisw. left hip$18.00 -
18,350Head, GraceSouthportwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1879
84,250Hearne, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
208,779Heaton, Daniel W.Indianapolisdiarr., dis. of abd. vis., rheum.$4.00 May 1882
204,835Heidleman, HenryIndianapolissevere deafness both ears$4.00 Mar. 1882
15,589Heiner, Anna B.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 May 1864
25,444Heizer, Cyrus C.Indianapolisw. right arm, shoulder$18.00 -
32,829Heizer, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Dec. 1882
204,216Heller, JamesIndianapolisdis. lungs$4.00 Mar. 1882
155,833Helzer, Robert C.Indianapolisg.s.w. left hip$4.00 Oct. 1878
197,515Hemphill, AndersonSouthportdis. lungs$8.00 Nov. 1881
66,544Henderson, JosephIndianapolisloss left arm$24.00 -
89,166Hendricks, AnnaIndianapoliswidow$20.00 Jan. 1867
31,006Hendricks, Sarah E.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 July 1882
167,840Hensley, John F.New Augustainjury to abdomen$8.00 May 1880
25,449Herrin, RebeccaLawrencewidow 1812$8.00 July 1879
139,460Hershey, Wilson S.Indianapolisg.s.w. right knee$6.00 -
106,625Hessong, Martin L.Indianapolisophthalmia$6.00 -
148,394Hice, SamuelIndianapolisloss right finger$3.00 Sept. 1877
194,431Hicks, ElizabethCastletonmother$8.00 June 1882
68,476Hicks, MarthaCastletonwidow$8.00 -
220,993Highland, ConleyIndianapolisasthma, dis. heart, dis. abd. vis.$12.00 Nov. 1882
64,870Highstreet, JohnIndianapolisw. left shoulder$18.00 -
77,341Hill, Roswell S.Indianapolisloss right leg$25.00 Mar. 1867
202,984Hill, William R.Indianapolisg.s.w. right hand$2.00 Feb. 1882
82,807Hime, WilliamIndianapoliswound abdomen$4.00 -
197,570Hines, Cyrus C.Indianapolisw. right thigh$22.50 Nov. 1881
128,091Hines, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Apr. 1869
166,144Hines, Marg. (or Heinz)Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Sept. 1874
97,084Hoagland, JosephIndianapolisloss finger $3.00 Apr. 1869
205,806Hoff, LewisIndianapolisw. right wrist$4.00 Mar. 1882
211,759Hoffman, EphraimSouthportinj. back & right hand$8.00 June 1882
67,699Holeman, AaronIndianapolisloss finger, left hand$4.00 -
27,080Holl, WilliamIndianapolisw. right shoulder$10.00 -
115,672Hollingsworth, AmosIndianapolispistol shot rear head$2.00 Feb. 1872
195,029Holloway, John M.Indianapolisminor of$12.00 Mar. 1882
209,196Holt, Simon A.Indianapolisfrac. lower jaw$2.00 May 1882
134,534Homburg, William C.Indianapolisg.s.w. left arm$2.00 July 1875
83,854Hood, HarrisonIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 July 1867
125,783Hooper, Robert S.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$2.00 Nov. 1873
39,582Hoover, William H.Indianapolissh. wound head, neck$18.00 -
31,282Hopkins, PhylenaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1881
80,581House, Benjamin D.Indianapolisw. face$7.00 -
162,504Howard, StephenIndianapolischr. rheum., dis. right hip$12.00 Oct. 1879
200,440Howe, Daniel W.Indianapolisg.s.w. knee$10.00 Jan. 1882
29,994Hoyt, William M.Indianapolisdis. throat & lungs$8.00 -
28,513Hubbard, Lucy E.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Jan. 1880
159,184Hudson, EdwardIndianapolisdis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 -
23,290Hudson, James W.Indianapolisw. upper jaw$18.00 -
192,144Humphreys, Mary A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 May 1881
195,313Hunter, Julia A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Apr. 1882
4,014Hunter, Margaret M.Southportwidow$17.00 -
170,340Hutchins, Hesekiah S.Indianapolisinj. back$4.00 June 1880
216,228Iliff, James A.Indianapolisdis. of eyes$7.50 Aug. 1882
9,937Inlow, AsburyGlenn's Valleywound in face$4.00 -
221,549Jackson, ThomasNorag.s.w. back$2.00 Dec. 1882
192,511Jameson, Love H.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen, diarrhea$20.00 -
21,006Jenkins, John C.Lawrencedis. of eyes$6.00 Jan. 1882
163,514Jenkins, Lydia T.Indianapoliswidow$22.00 Jan. 1874
132,750Jenue, Charles H.Indianapolisg.s.w. left leg$4.00 Apr. 1875
142,842Jewel, John W.Indianapolischronic bronchitis$8.00 -
46,238Jewell, Martin V.Indianapolisdis. lungs, w. right shoulder$16.00 -
8,435Johns, MariaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Sept. 1878
135,560Johns, RichardIndianapolisg.s.w. left lower jaw$2.00 Sept. 1873
146,005Johnson, Daniel J.Indianapolisloss left eye $4.00 June 1877
194,855Johnson, Do*a AnnIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1882
179,125Johnson, Edward T.Indianapolisdis. lungs & internal left front chronic eczema$17.00 Nov. 1880
26,255Johnson, Elizabeth J.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Aug. 1879
113,729Johnson, John W. F.Indianapolissh. w. right face$6.00 -
133,722Johnson, Joseph C.Indianapoliswd through right breasat$4.00 May 1875
70,792Johnson, MalindaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Apr. 1866
188,070Johnson, Marquis L.Indianapolismumps & inj. to abdomen$10.00 May 1881
58,430Johnson, MiltonIndianapolisw. left shoulder & arm$8.00 -
82,689Johnston, BenjaminIndianapolisloss sight left eye$10.00 -
150,713Jolly, RobertIndianapolisdis. temporal bone$8.00 Jan. 1878
72,679Jolly, Thomas J.Clermontdis. eyes$24.00 -
231Jones, John L.Indianapolissurv. 1812$8.00 June 1871
192,200Jones, Ralph H.Indianapolisg.s.w. right leg & both thighs$6.00 June 1881
126,553Jones, William H.Indianapolisg.s.w. right thigh$8.00 -
98,929Jordom, JohnIndianapolisloss finger, right hand$2.00 -
176,112Joslin, Edward H.Indianapolisminor of$10.00 Jan. 1877
30,423Julian, HiramIndianapolisg.s.w. left arm$18.00 -
170,168Keaton, Virgil D.Indianapolisrheumatism, inj. left ankle$16.00 June 1880
111,905Keen, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$10.00 Apr. 1868
213,745Keepers, JohnIndianapolischronic diarrhea, rheumatism$4.00 June 1882
40,656Kegerreis, CraffordIndianapolisloss use left hand$18.00 -
35,586Keller, WilliamIndianapolisw. left hand$6.00 -
80,781Kelley, GrandisonIndianapolischronic diarrhea$8.00 -
14,231Kelly, MaryIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
101,618Kendrich, William H.Indianapolisdebility from pneumonia$17.00 -
222,928Kennal, AugustusIndianapolisdis. lungs$4.00 Dec. 1882
58,005Kensler, JohnIndianapolisloss right foot$18.00 July 1866
93,651Kent, JohnIndianapolisw. neck, shoulder$8.00 -
110,321Kercheval, Eliza A.Indianapoliswidow$17.00 Mar. 1868
19,685Kerins, MaryIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
215,015Keru, LouisIndianapolisfrozen leg, varicose veins$17.00 July 1882
66,737Kidd, RobertIndianapolischronic rheumatism, right side$4.00 June 1866
96,572Kiker, John C.Indianapolisdiarrhea, rheumatism$4.00 Mar. 1869
14,608Kimberlin, JohnCastletonloss left eye, w. head$16.00 -
112,950King, ElizabethIndianapolismother$8.00 May 1868
22,230Kingsbury, LydiaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Apr. 1879
168,968Kinney, RichardIndianapolisminor of$10.00 May 1875
23,803Kinsley, ElizabethNorawidow$8.00 -
170,167Kirby, MartinIndianapolisdis. eyes, inj. to abdomen$16.00 -
208,914Kise, Elisha S.Indianapolisdis. eyes, inj. back$4.00 May 1882
68,143Kise, John W.Indianapolisw. ribs, left side$6.00 -
128,914Kitchell, Seth Y.Indianapolisloss right thumb$3.00 -
107,513Klein, MayhewIndianapolisw. right leg, left thigh$4.00 -
90,932Klepfer, MaryOaklandonwidow$8.00 Feb. 1867
118,280Knight, Charles W.Indianapolisg.s.w. left hand$2.00 Aug. 1872
218,774Knorr, AnthonyIndianapolisrheumatism$2.00 Oct. 1882
80,456Kocher, Edmund F.Sabinepartial deafness $6.00 -
61,760Kusee, GeorgeIndianapolisw. right hand, loss finger$3.00 -
223,585Kyle, Henry C.Indianapolisinj. back$2.00 Dec. 1882
168,557Laatz, HenryIndianapolisrheumatism, dis. heart$8.00 May 1880
194,027Lamb, JobIndianapolisinj. right breast$4.00 Aug. 1881
132,166Lambert, PeterIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
196,910Landis, Henry K.Indianapolisg.s.w. back$2.00 Oct. 1881
85,126Lane, EdieIndianapolismother$8.00 Oct. 1866
200,606Lanman, Charles A.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$2.00 Jan. 1882
655Larr, NancyCastletonwidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 1871
98,667Latham, Charles C.Malott Parkwound muscles, shoulder$4.00 July 1869
163,136Laurence, Mary A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Nov. 1873
94,019Lawrence, Milo E.Indianapolisinj. left leg$8.00 -
108,203Lawson, AaronIndianapolisg.s.w. right thigh$2.00 Feb. 1871
75,683Lawson, ElizabethIndianapolismother$8.00 June 1866
125,178Leach, ElizaIndianapolismother$8.00 Feb. 1869
203,871Lee, John L.Indianapolisshoulder w. left shoulder$2.00 Mar. 1882
141,731Lee, WilliamIndianapolispt. dis. left wrist$12.00 -
203,529Lehman, JohnIndianapolisrheumatism, scurvy$6.00 July 1882
191,500Lemen, Sarah E.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1881
155,708Lendorim, PaulinIndianapolisg.s.w. right leg$2.00 Oct. 1878
158,977Leonard, John R.Indianapolisdis. of abd. vis., g.s.w. left leg$5.00 -
186,053Lesh, DanielIndianapolisdis. lungs$8.00 Mar. 1881
88,192Lester, William H.Indianapolisw. sternum, dis. of abd. vis.$8.00 -
110,848Lewis, John L.Indianapolisatrophy left arm, w. head$8.00 -
162,422Lewis, OliverIndianapolisdis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Sept. 1879
192,329Lighter, Henry F.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 July 1881
183,686Little, JohnIndianapolisminor of$10.00 Apr. 1879
32,150Locke, HannahIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Jan. 1882
31,052Lockwood, RebecccaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Jan. 1881
117,670Loffler, G. FrederickIndianapolisg.s.w. left hip$6.00 -
155,167Long, Granville G.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 Sept. 1878
106,607Long, MichaelNew Augustainj. left hip, part. left arm, & leg$36.00 -
6,658Longfellow, GeorgeIndianapolisw. left leg$4.00 -
99,479Longley, John F.Indianapolisepilepsy, diarrhea$31.25 -
158,891Losey, Marquis D.Indianapolisshoulder w. left hand$2.00 Apr. 1879
176,117Loucks, Charles G.Indianapolisminor of$10.00 Jan. 1877
1,784Louri, MarcusIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 May 1873
112,113Lovejoy, John H.Indianapolisg.s.w. left breast$2.00 July 1811
159,393Lovell, JohnIndianapolisdis. lungs$18.00 -
13,339Lucas, FrancesIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Dec. 1878
107,103Ludwig, AnnaOaklandonwidow$8.00 Jan. 1868
196,721Lupton, IsabellaIndianapoliswidow$17.00 July 1882
50,614Lynch, PatrickIndianapolisw. left thigh & right hip$8.00 Oct. 1865
200,609Lyon, William A.Indianapolisw. left breast & left arm$4.00 Jan. 1882
35,532Maas, LouisIndianapolisloss right leg$24.00 -
42,054Madden, ThomasIndianapolisw. right side --
170,169Madison, Almira J.Indianapoliswidow$10.00 -
165,091Magner, Samuel H.Indianapolisdis. lungs$12.00 June 1880
150,813Maleau, ElizabethIndianapolismother$8.00 May 1871
109,489Manburan, William H.Indianapolisg.s.w. left heel$6.00 Nov. 1871
206,384Manker, LewisBridgeportchronic diarrhea $10.00 Apr. 1882
207,491Manley, DennisIndianapolisloss right index finger right hand$2.00 Apr. 1882
193,191Manley, John H.Indianapolisinj. spine$8.00 -
131,485Manly, ThomasIndianapolisw. right ankle$3.00 Jan. 1875
22,906Mann, Mary A.Actonwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1879
180,281Mann, William H.West Newtonchronic diarrhea$6.00 Mar. 1881
181,195Mardick, James T.Indianapolisminor of$12.00 May 1878
9,590Marquis, Ebenezer D.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$2.00 -
13,362Marquis, GeorgeIndianapolisw. l. leg$12.00 -
126,443Marquis, Nancy J.Indianapolismother$8.00 Mar. 1869
33,430Marston, Henry M.Indianapolisg.s.w. left thigh$18.00 -
19,024Martin, Elizabeth M.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Feb. 1879
21,924Martin, John V.Indianapolisrheumatism$8.00 Oct. 1882
48,677Martin, LymanIndianapolisw. left leg$6.00 -
181,667Matchett, JohnIndianapolischronic diarrhea$6.00 Jan. 1881
210,312Mathews, John D.Indianapolisw. left arm$4.00 June 1882
100,879Mathias, JacobIndianapolisg.s.w. left arm$5.66 1/2Nov. 1869
20,119Matt, BartholomewIndianapolisg.s.w. right arm$3.00 -
112,119Mattingly, LucindaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Apr. 1868
53,001Matz, JohnIndianapolisw. face$10.00 -
42,229May, Alvin D.Indianapolisw. right arm$8.00 -
7,569May, SinahIndianapoliswidow$10.00 Oct. 1882
207,752McCarty, Charles H.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$8.00 July 1882
181,596McChesney, Sarah G.Indianapolismother$8.00 July 1878
52,597McClain, Melancthon O.Indianapolisw. left arm, wrist$8.00 -
34,618McClain, Moses G.Indianapolisloss right arm$24.00 -
153,248McClelland, James A.Indianapolisg.s.w. right ankle$4.25 June 1878
33,522McCollum, Andrew J.Indianapoliswd. right hand, chronic diarrhea$8.00 Oct. 1864
108,543McCormick, Z. K.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$3.00 Mar. 1871
195,325McCornell, SimpsonCumberlandw. right thigh$4.00 Sept. 1881
163,944McCoy, DavidIndianapolisminor of$10.00 Feb. 1874
16,241McCullough, Mary L.Indianapoliswidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 1879
109,209McCutcheon, ElizabethIndianapolismother$8.00 Feb. 1868
187,434McDonald, JohnIndianapolisinj. left leg$4.00 Apr. 1881
149,914McDougall, George P.Indianapolisg.s.w. right leg & left foot$4.00 Dec. 1877
58,463McFadden, Lewis L.Indianapolisloss left arm$24.00 -
42,397McGarvey, HenryIndianapolisw. right foot$4.00 -
184,242McGregor, JohnIndianapoliswd. left thigh$2.00 Mar. 1881
52,122McHalton, Jesse L.Indianapolisw. right femur$14.00 -
124,733McKay, Horace M.Indianapolisdiarrhea$10.00 June 1878
206,902McKeand, JohnIndianapolisabscess chest, dis. sternum$8.00 Apr. 1882
59,258McKee, AmandaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
165,379McKeever, IsaacIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
201,264McLain, CorneliusIndianapolisinj. to back & par. paralysis$4.00 Jan. 1882
110,227McLaughlin, ThomasIndianapolisampt. right thumb$4.00 May 1871
163,995McLaughlin, Wm. H.Southportwd. right shoulder$2.00 -
13,134McLean, JesseIndianapolisg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 -
203,163McMahan, David J.Indianapolisdis. eyes $4.00 Feb. 1882
14,551McPherson, CaryIndianapolisloss right eye$4.00 -
30,246McPherson, LucindaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
42,231McShulse, JohnIndianapolisw. right side head, fits$4.00 -
197,126McWhorter, Mary AnnIndianapolismother$8.00 Sept. 1882
162,272Medert, LouisBridgeportg.s.w. head & shoulders$6.00 Aug. 1882
120,494Medsker, EnochIndianapolisheart disease$12.00 -
128,834Meek, William J.Indianapolisg.s.w. right leg$6.00 -
204,038Meeker, GleasmanIndianapolisdis. lungs$12.00 Sept. 1882
140,019Meeks, DavidIndianapolischronic diarrhea$8.00 July 1876
73,035Meldrum, James R.Castletonw. right elbow$6.00 -
28,142Meldrum, Mary A.Castletonmother$8.00 Aug. 1864
159,314Metzger, DavidIndianapolisdis. lungs$4.00 Apr. 1879
200,616Metzner, AdolphIndianapolisg.s.w. right leg, dis. lungs$20.00 Jan. 1882
195,407Meyer, ThomasIndianapolisdis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Sept. 1881
209,836Michael, Joseph S.Southportdis. heart & debility$8.00 May 1882
22,106Millard, BetseyMalott Parkwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1879
150,761Miller, BenedictIndianapolisg.s.w. right hand$4.00 Jan. 1878
189,634Miller, GeorgeIndianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 -
92,327Miller, IsaacIndianapolisinj. back$6.00 Nov. 1868
55,361Miller, JohnIndianapolisg.s.w. left leg$4.00 -
44,268Miller, John A.Indianapolisg.s.w. left foot$6.00 -
162,408Miner, Wilford H.Indianapolisdis. spine$6.00 -
177,275Mitchell, James A.Indianapolischr. diarr., dis. of abd. vis.$8.00 -
192,237Mix, Lyman N.Indianapolisdis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 July 1881
88,772Moffitt, JohnIndianapolisinj. spine $8.00 -
192,520Mondon, BenjaminIndianapolisg.s.w. right hand$1.00 July 1881
38,544Monroe, Felix T.Indianapolischr. diarr., partial loss finger$5.00 -
4,753Montgomery, HonoraIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
41,487Montgomery, Jeff H.Indianapolisdis. heart, chronic diarrhea$15.00 -
142,369Moody, Ebenezer F.Southportg.s.w. left side$2.00 -
17,602Moore, FrancesIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
192,185Moore, HoldenGallaudetdiarrhea & dis. of abd. viscera$2.00 June 1881
174,131Moore, John W.Indianapolisdis. left leg$2.00 Sept. 1880
71,481Moore, JosephIndianapolisrheumatism$20.00 -
13,219Moore, RebeccaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Dec. 1878
82,637Moores, JuliaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Sept. 1878
151,639Moorhous, AlbertIrvingtonwound of face$15.00 -
187,483Morgan, WilliamSouthportchronic diarrhea$2.00 May 1881
73,986Morris, John S.Indianapolisinj. lumbar region$6.00 -
89,840Morrison, SquireIndianapolisdis. heart$8.00 -
59,800Mullerhaus, WilliamIndianapolisw. left shoulder$5.00 -
59,716Murphy, Hugh A.Lawrencewd. right arm$2.00 Mar. 1866
50,620Murphy, PatrickIndianapolisw. left hand$8.00 -
131,291Murphy, TerrenceIndianapolisdis. lungs$8.00 -
118,677Myers, Robert B.Indianapolisg.s.w. left thigh$6.00 Sept. 1872
25,505Nading, Ruth W.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
23,186Neal, ThomasIndianapolisloss left leg above knee$24.00 Jan. 1864
90,985Neff, EliasTrader's Pointw. left arm$20.00 Oct. 1868
99,781Negley, David D.Indianapolispart. par'ly. lower extrem's.$10.00 -
174,612Neiman, Jacob S.Indianapolisw. right thigh$2.00 Oct. 1880
74,231Neinaber, BettaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
91,331New, George W.Indianapolissynovitis left knee$31.25 -
95,295Newton, Mariah S.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
158,896Newton, SarildaIndianapolismother$8.00 July 1872
98,173Nicholds, Francis F.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
13,834Nichols, PartheniaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Jan. 1879
3,096Noble, JamesIndianapolisg.s.w. right thigh$6.00 -
2,795Noble, Nancy M.Indianapoliswidow (Navy)$8.00 -
90,715Nocton, MargaretIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Feb. 1867
15,898Nolan, MichaelIndianapolisw. left shoulder$14.00 -
47,786Norman, Jesse E.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 -
103,805Norris, Thomas H. B.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$2.00 June 1870
46,200Norwood, Isaac N.Indianapolisw. left thigh$4.00 July 1865
7,547Nugent, Mary A.Indianapoliswidow$10.00 -
132,281Null, Samuel L.Indianapolisg.s.w. right arm$4.00 -
92,654Oberley, William H.Castletonw. left leg$3.00 -
222,631O'Brien, Christopher H.Indianapolisdis. heart, var. veins both legs$20.00 Dec. 1882
59,634O'Conner, MichaelIndianapolisw. right thigh$4.00 -
90,542O'Donnell, HughIndianapolischronic ophthalmia$4.00 -
131,911Oglesby, ClaraIndianapolismother$8.50 July 1869
209,034Oldham, Thomas J.Southportchronic diarrhea$8.00 May 1882
58,483Oliver, Hannah E.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
21,630Orput, NancyCastletonwidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1879
97,483Otto, FrederickIndianapolisw. right thigh$4.00 -
26,844Overman, Absalom A.Indianapolisloss left leg$18.00 -
204,047Overman, Cyrus W.Indianapolischr. diarrhea, dis. lungs$4.00 Mar. 1882
61,261Owens, James M.Indianapolisg.s.w. left thigh$8.00 -
197,219Palmer, EphraimIndianapolisinj. left shoulder$4.00 Nov. 1881
124,507Parish, MaryIndianapolismother$8.00 Feb. 1869
91,144Parker, Elihu M.Indianapolisw. left shoulder$2.00 Nov. 1868
132,705Parker, ElizabethIndianapolismother$8.00 -
164,284Parker, SamuelIndianapolisdis. heart & lungs$2.00 Jan. 1880
130,505Parmer, MaryIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
188,197Partridge, Jasper N.Indianapolisminor of$10.00 May 1880
138,758Pascal, JohnIndianapolisspinal dis.$4.00 Apr. 1876
174,384Patterson, Robert H.Indianapolisdis. lungs$4.00 Sept. 1880
26,259Pearsall, HannahIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Aug. 1879
134,936Pearson, Charles D.Indianapolisnervous rheumatism$25.00 July 1875
196,144Pearson, JaneJuliettamother$8.00 June 1882
36,098Pearson, Silas M.Bridgeportw. right thigh$2.66 2/3-
87,667Pease, Theodore W.Indianapolisw. femur$72.00 -
63,960Peggs, John H.Actonw. left hand$10.00 -
134,815Pemberton, Robert W.Indianapolisg.s.w. right arm$6.00 July 1875
176,508Perkins, Jas. A.Indianapolisinj. right hip $3.00 Oct. 1880
184,047Perkins, WilsonActonfather$8.00 May 1879
174,384Pettigrew, RobertIndianapolisg.s.w. right thigh$2.00 May ,1873
56,669Pfaff, John W.Indianapolisw. skull$7.50 -
33,301Pfaff, WesleyWest Newtonchronic diarrhea$10.00 -
116,285Pfeifer, RosinaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 July 1868
21,637Phillips, PollyIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1879
58,140Phillips, William H. H.Indianapolisw. right leg$8.00 Feb. 1866
173,384Phipps, William C.Indianapolisg.s.w. neck, left shoulder$4.00 Sept. 1880
48,808Pierson, David N.Actonw. left arm$4.00 Aug. 1865
194,693Pierson, Martin E.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$6.00 Aug. 1881
194,893Pierson, Sophrona M.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1882
158,105Pilling, Samuel G.Indianapolisg.s.w. left thigh$2.00 Apr. 1879
79,149Plew, Isaac D.Indianapolisw. of face, shell wound$10.00 -
33,912Plympton, Charles H.Indianapolisg.s.w. left leg$6.00 -
200,476Poland, MartinBen Davisinj. left ankle, right arm$4.00 Jan. 1882
1,097Pollard, AllisonNew Augustasurv. 1812$8.00 July 1871
2,725Pomeroy, Ann ElizaIndianapoliswidow$20.00 -
198,517Pomeroy, SamuelIndianapolisg.s.w. left ankle$5.00 Nov. 1881
181,292Potter, John H.Indianapolissh. w. head$4.00 Jan. 1881
74,692Potts, Mary A.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
142,689Poundstone, AlfredIndianapolisg.s.w. left arm$2.00 Nov. 1876
93,919Power, Jesse T.Indianapolisw. right arm$6.00 Nov. 1868
18,378Prichard, LeviIndianapolisg.s.w. left breast$6.00 Oct. 1863
171,120Pullen, JaneIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Nov. 1875
80,979Purcell, Sarah J.Indianapoliswidow$20.00 -
96,675Purdum, Wm.Indianapolisrheumatism & ulcers, legs$10.00 -
91,887Pursley, HannahIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1867
190,856Putman, Lyman C.Brightwoodchronic diarrhea$4.00 June 1881
180,511Quinn, JohnIndianapolisinj. right arm, inj. to abdomen$8.00 Jan. 1881
30,348Raab, SebastianIndianapolistuberculosis$8.00 -
30,371Ragan, JarushaValley Millsmother$8.00 Sept. 1864
205,885Ramsey, Francis M.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 Mar. 1882
215,195Randall, Clark M.Indianapolischronic diarrhea, dis. of abd. vis.$4.00 July 1882
154,562Rankin, John R.Indianapolisg.s.w. thigh$2.00 Nov. 1878
171,797Rankin, MelissaIndianapolismother$8.00 Jan. 1876
77,337Ransdell, BenjaminIndianapolisw. right groin, thigh, dis. eyes$18.00 -
42,282Ransdell, Daniel M.Indianapolisloss right arm$18.00 -
44,608Ratigan, TimothyIndianapolisloss right hand$8.00 -
88,650Ray, Mary E.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
9,476Ray, Sarah J.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
83,600Ray, Thomas J.Indianapolisw. right hip$10.00 -
142,506Reddic, Augustus H.Indianapolisg.s.w. left side abdomen$4.00 -
49,224Reddick, Mary AnnIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
194,840Redmond, HarriettIndianapolismother$8.00 Mar. 1882
188,075Reed, James A.Indianapolispartial deafness both ears$13.00 -
97,998Reeder, Evan C.Indianapolisminor of$12.00 -
24,101Reepers, RachelIndianapoliswidow$8.00 May 1879
81,974Rees, John T.Indianapolischronic conjunctivitis$12.00 -
20,869Reese, Maria C.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
65,178Reeves, SarahIndianapoliswidow$20.00 -
43,149Renard, EnnilIndianapolisw. right thigh$24.00 -
214,788Renard, William N.Indianapolisw. left arm$2.00 June 1882
194,046Ressler, SamuelIndianapolisminor of$12.00 Jan. 1882
51,324Retmond, John F.Indianapolisw. right lumbar region, par. leg$72.00 -
192,533Reynolds, Silas F.Indianapolischr. diarr., dis. of abd. viscera$50.00 -
149,172Reynolds, William L.Indianapolischronic rheumatism$12.00 -
95,010Rhienbeimer, JacobIndianapolisw. left hand$4.00 -
31,324Rhoads, MirandaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
53,651Rhodes, James H.Indianapolisloss muscular power left arm$12.00 -
7,138Rice, EstherIndianapoliswidow$8.00 July 1878
25,792Rice, Nancy M.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
155,225Richardson, AlfredIndianapolisinj. back$18.00 Sept. 1878
168,480Richardson, OwenIndianapolisw. right hand, loss finger$10.00 -
179,135Ridley, DanielIndianapolisloss thumb, finger$10.00 -
171,851Rieger, LeoIndianapolissh. w. left side lower jaw$4.00 July 1880
167,572Rigler, GeorgeIndianapolisfever, ulcers right leg$4.00 May 1880
67,702Rigsby, Nathaniel L.Indianapolisloss right leg$24.00 -
123,330Riley, WilliamIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
202,878Robbins, IrvinIndianapolischronic diarrhea, scurvy$10.00 Feb. 1882
182,013Robbins, Sarah A.Indianapoliswidow$16.00 Sept. 1878
134,375Roberts, EzekielIndianapolisg.s.w. left arm$4.00 -
158,396Roberts, Rachel C.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
177,261Robinson, AliceIndianapoliswidow$12.00 May 1877
78,632Robinson, Matthew B.Indianapolisdis. chest$8.00 -
188,608Robinson, WilliamIndianapolisscurvy $4.00 May 1881
136,732Robinson, Wm. J. H.Indianapolisdis. lungs$30.00 Nov. 1875
105,564Rodeacker, CreadyNew Augustamother (dead)$8.00 -
198,524Rodocker, Aaron C.New Augustag.s.w. left thigh$2.00 Nov. 1881
219,140Rollins, Sylvester A.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$8.00 Oct. 1882
91,782Roney, Elias M.Indianapolisinj. left groin$2.00 -
211,085Rooker, James J.Castletonbronchitis, chronic diarrhea$17.00 Jan. 1882
222,981Roost, AugustIndianapolisdis. heart$4.00 Dec. 1882
201,749Rosier, Adam E.Indianapolisg.s.w. right hip, left wrist$4.00 Jan. 1882
206,651Ross, RobertIndianapolisdis. stomach, lungs$8.00 Apr. 1882
93,551Rowney, JosephIndianapolisw. left leg$4.00 -
61,764Rule, James M.Indianapolischr. rheumatism in hip, feet$18.00 -
74,446Rush, ElizaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
199,546Rust, Herbert L.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$8.00 Dec. 1881
198,946Ruth, Adolph A.Indianapolisinj. right eye, impaired vision$2.00 Dec. 1882
190,727Ryan, SusanIndianapoliswidow$25.00 Jan. 1881
218,153Ryman, George H.Indianapolisinj. left knee$4.00 Sept. 1882
148,743Sampson, Richard H.Gallaudetg.s.w. right breast$1.00 Oct. 1877
212,949Sanders, DanielBridgeportchronic rheumatism$4.00 June 1882
7,030Sanders, Mary H.Glenn's Valleywidow 1812$8.00 June 1878
69,055Sanders, Nancy J.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
5,413Sanderson, MarthaIndianapoliswidow$25.00 -
7,965Sapp, William D.Indianapolisw. right foot$4.00 -
78,025Scantlin, JohnIndianapolisw. right thigh$5.00 -
76,311Schakel, ChristianIndianapolisvaricose veins, ulcers$12.00 -
196,932Schell, EmmaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Aug. 1882
216,350Schellscmidt, Ferd.Indianapolischr. diarr., dis. lungs$4.00 Aug. 1882
178,155Scherzinger, HelenaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 July 187?
113,928Schley, JohnIndianapolisg.s.w. left thigh$10.00 -
177,966Schmitt, GeorgeIndianapolischronic diarrhea; rheumatism$8.00 -
93,890Schneider, SamuelIndianapolisw. left arm & hand$6.00 -
207,850Schnetzer, FrederickIndianapolischronic bronchitis$6.00 Apr. 1882
193,137Schnetzer, SecileyIndianapolismother$8.00 Aug. 1881
67,833Schooley, DavidIndianapolisw. left leg$2.00 -
189,341Schoonover, James S.Indianapolisw. left thigh$2.00 May 1881
155,234Schortz, JosephIndianapolisg.s.w. head$2.00 Sept. 1878
163,896Schueigert, MichaelIndianapolisminor of$10.00 Jan. 1874
174,394Schuler, SamuelIndianapolisasthma$4.00 Oct. 1880
126,200Scmidt, HermannIndianapolisg.s.w. left leg$6.00 Apr. 1874
100,429Scott, Edward R.Indianapolissh. w. back$2.00 -
208,016Scott, Howard W.Norachronic diarrhea$4.00 May 1882
91,210Scott, John N.Indianapolisinj. left arm, shoulder$15.00 Oct. 1868
107,030Scully, JohanaIndianapoliswidow$17.00 -
128,328Seay, John A.Indianapolisg.s.w. left ankle$6.00 -
113,423Sellers, RichardIndianapolisinj. back, paralys. bladder$12.00 -
185,697Shaff, Thomas A.Indianapolisvaricose veins left leg$6.00 Mar. 1881
216,977Shaffer, Norris R.Indianapolisw. right shoulder$4.00 Aug. 1882
58,573Shaffer, Walter MIndianapolisg.s.w. right leg$12.00 -
182,073Sharp, Mary E.Indianapoliswidow$14.00 Sept. 1878
200,872Sharp, Thomas J.Indianapolisrheumatism, dis. heart$6.00 Jan. 1882
208,712Shaw, Augustus D.Indianapolisdis. heart$4.00 May 1882
20,570Shaw, MalindaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1879
153,460Shearer, Chalres J. W.Indianapolisfrac. lower jaw$4.00 June 1878
136,980Shelton, Joseph R.Indianapoliskidney disease$8.00 -
165,320Shelton, ReubenIndianapolisloss sight left eye, part. right$8.00 -
172,233Shepherd, James McB.Indianapolisrheumatism$18.00 -
156,356Shepherd, JoelWest Newtoninjury to abdomen$6.00 -
200,495Sheppard, WilliamIndianapolisg.s.w. left ankle$4.00 Jan. 1882
175,616Shipley, Tolbert B.Indianapolisw. right elbow$1.00 Oct. 1880
127,328Shook, EliasIndianapolisdis. of abd. viscera, tumor$14.00 -
153,549Shook, WilliamBrightwoodscurvy$6.00 -
152,294Shotwell, JohnIndianapolisg.s.w. left thigh$2.00 Apr. 1878
26,604Shousel, HenryIndianapolisw. right hip, thigh$14.00 -
38,767Shuler, Laurence S.Indianapolisparly. epilepsy$72.00 -
115,437Shutt, Jacob F.Indianapolissunstroke, debility$4.00 June 1872
101,967Siddall, William B.Indianapolischronic conjunctivitis$4.00 Jan. 1870
201,201Simpson, Joseph R.Bridgeportinj. to abdomen$4.00 Jan. 1882
203,048Singer, Arnold F.Indianapolisdis. of abd. vis., dis. eyes$10.00 July 1882
109,817Slate, Benjamin F.Indianapolisg.s.w. through neck$3.00 Apr. 1871
39,740Slusher, HenryIndianapolisloss little finger$2.00 -
145,659Smith, JamesIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$6.00 June 1877
100,599Smith, John S.Clermontdis. lungs$24.00 -
67,538Smith, JordanIndianapolisw. right thigh$4.00 -
44,978Smith, Mary E.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
96,966Smith, MathiasIndianapolisw. right thigh$4.00 -
110,978Smith, Robert J.Cumberlandloss finger, left hand$8.00 -
216,349Smith, Wm. H.Norag.s.w. left thigh$2.00 Aug. 1882
78,756Smitt, AnthonyIndianapolisw. left arm$18.00 -
118,830Smock, David M.Actonchronic diarrhea, rheumatism$2.00 Sept. 1872
74,045Smock, RichardIndianapolisw. left side chest$8.00 -
16,216Smock, William H.Actonw. right leg$6.00 -
182,307Smorzka, JosephIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 Apr. 1881
76,551Snavely, John D.Indianapolisamp. finger right hand$2.66 2/3Jan. 1867
116,986Snodgrass, Marshal N.Indianapolisblind both eyes$72.00 -
161,493Snyder, HannahIndianapolismother$8.00 -
118,073Snyder, Hiram B.Indianapolischronic diarrhea, rheumatism$6.00 -
38,234Sommer, AdolphIndianapolisg.s.w. left hand$2.00 Feb. 1865
28,207Sones, JaneIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
57,439Sourbeer, FranklinIndianapolisw. left thigh, inj. shoulder$5.33 1/3Feb. 1866
197,975South, Benjamin F.Indianapolisinj. right leg, ankle$6.00 Nov. 1881
98,857Spain, Pleasant N.Indianapolisg.s.w. back$4.00 -
106,334Speer, William H.Indianapolisg.s.w. head, right side$4.00 -
168,504Spence, Joseph B.Indianapolisdis. of abd. vis., part'l. deafness$4.00 May 1880
22,939Sperry, Lovina H.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Jan. 1867
165,457Sponsel, George W.Indianapolisminor of$10.00 July 1874
51,659Sprague, JosephIndianapolisw. right leg$18.00 -
151,637Springer, DavidIndianapolisloss part finger$2.00 Mar. 1878
190,881Springer, Jacob M.Indianapolisg.s.w. right heel$2.00 June 1881
88,449Spurrier, DennisIndianapolisanchly. 2 fingers$4.00 -
138,921Starbuck, William N.Indianapolisg.s.w. left arm, &c.$18.00 Apr. 1876
207,385Starr, WilliamIndianapolisinj. right knee$2.00 Apr. 1882
116,809Stemen, Joseph G.Indianapolischronic diarrhea, dis. heart$6.00 -
142,094Stephenson, PerryIndianapolisampt. right hand$18.00 -
27,547Sterviman, GeorgeIndianapolisw. left arm & right foot$6.00 -
108,991Stevens, George W.Gallaudetchronic diarrhea$8.00 -
97,258Stevens, James N.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 Apr. 1869
195,491Stevenson, Sarah A.Indianapolismother$8.00 May 1882
47,806Stewart, Adroniram J.Indianapolisw. left hip$2.66 2/3Aug. 1865
36,896Stewart, John A.Actonheart disease$4.00 -
182,174Stewart, Robert R.Indianapolisminor of$10.00 Oct. 1878
32,413Stoll, OttoIndianapolisg.s.w. left forearm$18.00 -
207,380Stolz, FrankIndianapolisbronchitis, chronic diarrhea$4.00 Apr. 1882
209,705Stoneman, George S.West Newtondis. heart$8.00 May 1882
29,228Stoops, RosannaLawrencewidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1880
26,426Stout, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Aug. 1879
175,102Stout, HermanIndianapolisw. back$2.00 Oct. 1880
135,761Straley, SimonIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 Sept. 1875
20,778Strangmeier, Fred'k.Indianapolisw. right ankle$4.00 -
90,506Stuck, MathiasIndianapolisw. left thigh$8.00 -
97,969Suckfiel, FerdinandIndianapolispartial loss sight$24.00 -
105,907Sunderland, Peter J.Indianapolisg.s.w. right foot$6.00 -
26,276Swain, Thomas P.Indianapolischr. diarr., dis. of abd. viscera$4.00 -
169,373Swallow, BenjaminIrvingtonrehum., anchylosis right knee$24.00 -
121,771Swan, Edwin J.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$8.50 Feb. 1873
139,862Sweeney, David T.Indianapolisshell w. back$3.00 July 1876
93,133Swindler, MaryIndianapolismother$8.00 Apr. 1867
18,170Taffe, CatharineCumberlandwidow$8.00 Feb. 1879
191,360Talbot, James B.Indianapolisminor of$22.00 Mar. 1881
231Tanner, Maria L.Indianapoliswidow$25.00 -
146,492Taylor, Corwin M.Indianapolisg.s.w. right leg$1.00 June 1887
101,374Taylor, Joseph M.Indianapolisg.s.w. left shoulder$10.00 Dec. 1869
92,892Terhune, AndrewIndianapolisphthisis pulmonary$6.00 Sept. 1868
80,152Test, Charles S.Indianapolisdis. right femur$17.00 -
113,548Tevine, MillyIndianapoliswidow$8.00 May 1868
99,236Tharp, John J.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
189,727Thatcher, AlexanderSouthportvaricose veins left leg$2.00 June 1881
99,530Theising, HenryIndianapolisg.s.w. right leg$2.00 -
98,331Thomas, Henry P.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 June 1869
65,381Thompson, Gideon B.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$3.00 -
161,251Thompson, JamesIndianapolischronic diarrhea$20.00 -
14,153Thompson, PollyBridgeportwidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 1879
69,790Thormyer, GeorgeActonw. right knee, w. side$6.00 -
24,230Thornbrough, ClarissaIndianapolismother$8.00 -
89,515Thornbrough, IsaacBridgeportw. wrist, &c.$6.00 Oct. 1868
211,912Thornton, DoctorIndianapolisfrac. left clavicle$2.00 June 1882
107,617Throne, DavidIndianapolisg.s.w. right shoulder$8.00 -
-Tibbott, DavidIrvingtondis. lungs$12.00 Oct. 1880
144,309Tiffany, George E.Indianapolisg.s.w. arm, abdomen$8.00 -
135,819Tilsen, Anna M.Indianapoliswidow$15.00 Oct. 1869
132,844Tishback, ThomasIndianapolisdis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 -
73,639Todd, CatharineOaklandonwidow$8.00 -
148,174Todd, George S.Indianapolisg.s.w. right arm, shoulder$18.00 -
78,715Todd, Henry H.Indianapoliseffects of fever$4.00 -
104,668Todd, Robert N.Indianapolischr. diarr., dis. of abd. vis.$25.00 July 1870
185,002Toon, MariaIndianapolismother$8.00 July 1879
188,724Tout, AsaIndianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 May 1881
70,004Trester, EuniceNew Augustawidow$8.00 -
125,413Trindle, JohnIndianapolisg.s.w. lung$8.00 -
17,507Trulock, MarthaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 -
123,334Tulswiler, Henry W.Indianapolisdiarrhea$17.00 May 1873
156,812Turner, Arista P.Indianapolisg.s.w. right thigh$6.00 Oct. 1878
210,470Twiname, James E.Indianapolisirritation spine$4.00 Jun3 1882
218,703Tyler, PrestonClermontloss part finger$2.00 Oct. 1882
22,562Tyner, HarrisIndianapolissurv. 1812$8.00 June 1878
144,804Tyree, CharlesIndianapolisg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 Apr. 1877
196,005Van Benthusen, AaronIndianapolisinj. right eye, back$6.00 Sept. 1881
187,954Van Camp, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Apr. 1880
204,627Van Pelt, George A.Indianapolisrheum., dis. heart$8.00 Mar. 1882
172,849Van Tilburgh, John B.Indianapolisw. right leg$4.00 Aug. 1880
208,330Vannice, James N.Indianapolischr. rheum., dis. right hip$50.00 Oct. 1882
210,715Varner, John F.Indianapolisrheum., dis. heart$6.00 June 1882
150,821Veatch, Mary M.Oaklandonwidow$8.00 May 1871
195,343Vickery, AliceIndianapoliswidow$10.00 Apr. 1882
5,426Vincent, Ann B.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
187,442Vinson, ErastusIndianapolisw. right knee$4.00 Apr. 1881
-Voglesong, ElizabethIndianapolismother$8.00 -
22,232Voorhees, Mary J.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Apr. 1879
115,754Voorhees, PeterIndianapolisg.s.w. right shoulder$4.00 Feb. 1882
220,324Waddy, JohnLawrencedyspepsia$4.00 Nov. 1882
18,934Wagner, AbramIndianapolisloss use right hand$18.00 -
154,234Waite, BenjaminIndianapolisg.s.w. head $4.00 July 1878
150,904Walker, Ivan N.Indianapolisdis. liver$10.00 Feb. 1878
208,333Wall, ThomasIndianapolisinj. back, curvature spine$12.00 May 1882
110,852Wallace, VinaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1868
103,298Wallace, William J.Southportvaricose veins left leg, g.s.w., & chronic diarrhea$15.00 -
36,423Wallingford, CatharineIndianapoliswidow$17.00 -
197,190Walter, CarolineIndianapoliswidow$17.00 Sept. 1882
67,390Walters, Caton H.Indianapolisw. left leg$6.00 -
171,416Walton, George B.Indianapolisdiarrhea, dyspepsia--
142,095Waltz, FrankIndianapolisdis. of abdominal viscera$3.00 Oct. 1876
91,262Ward, DavidIndianapolisinj. right lung, side$15.00 -
89,021Wasson, John H.Indianapolisw. right hip$12.00 -
28,081Waterman, JohnOaklandonw. right arm$12.00 -
12,404Watson, JaneIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Nov. 1878
34,032Watts, John E.Indianapolisw. right breast$18.00 -
184,771Weathers, JacksonIndianapolisw. right arm$2.00 Mar. 1881
177,505Weber, ErhardJuliettarheum. & chronic diarrhea$50.00 -
7,554Weddell, Hester A.Indianapolismother$8.00 Mar. 1882
115,711Weir, George W.Indianapolisg.s.w. right arm$4.00 -
190,633Welch, EliasIndianapolisw. left leg$1.00 June 1881
215,867Welch, Francis M.Indianapolischronic diarrhea, disease of abdominal viscera, rheumatism$8.00 July 1882
34,201Welling, William W.Indianapolisw. right side abdomen$6.00 -
136,775Wells, Andrew J.Indianapolisdis. lungs$17.00 Nov. 1875
47,471Wells, WoodfordIndianapolisw. right leg$6.00 -
165,824Wentz, ElizabethIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Aug. 187?
106,499Wenz, William L.Indianapolisg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 -
136,885Werner, Joseph A.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$4.00 Nov. 1875
56,289Westcott, Burgan B.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
196,007White, AlbertIndianapolisdis. heart $8.00 Sept. 1881
80,773White, HenryIndianapolisw. right foot$6.00 -
61,366White, JohnIndianapolisg.s.w. right leg, loss right eye$12.00 -
76,691White, John L.Lawrenceg.s.w. left foot, inj. to right foot$8.00 -
151,002White, Sarah J.Indianapolismother$8.00 June 1871
197,823Whitney, Theoph. D.Indianapolischr. bronchitis, dis. heart$17.00 Nov. 1881
207,395Whitsit, John A.Indianapolischronic diarrhea, dis. liver$7.50 Apr. 1882
107,865Wicker, Abel D.Indianapolischronic diarrhea$2.00 Feb. 1871
36,870Widner, SamuelIndianapolisw. left leg$4.00 -
52,790Wiley, AbigailOaklandonwidow$8.00 -
60,193Wiley, Francis A.Indianapolisloss right arm$24.00 -
3,775Wiley, JamesIndianapolissurv. 1812$8.00 Sept. 1871
57,052Wilgus, Levi G.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
21,099Wilkens, EleanorIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Mar. 1879
104,451Williams, David E.West Newtonchronic rheumatism$3.00 July 1870
75,624Williams, Eady J.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 -
50,617Williams, HenryIndianapolisw. right arm$8.00 -
161,956Williams, RobertIndianapolisvaricose veins both legs$14.00 -
139,701Williams, ThomasIndianapolisinj. left hip$6.00 -
110,960Willis, William, No. 2Indianapolisg.s.w. left arm$6.00 -
40,903Willson, Isaac H.Indianapolisloss left arm$24.00 -
170,470Wilmington, R. M.Oaklandonwidow$8.00 Aug. 1875
196,266Wilson, Elijah H.Indianapolisminor of$12.00 June 1882
155,334Wilson, GeorgeLawrenceloss part of right great toe$3.00 Sept. 1878
125,338Wilson, James J.Indianapolisg.s.w. left arm$4.00 Oct. 1873
127,735Wilson, Joseph H.Indianapolisg.s.w. face$12.00 -
10,021Wilson, Mary T.Indianapoliswidow$8.00 Oct. 1878
202,278Wilson, Oliver M.Indianapolischr. diarrhea, dis. of abd. vis.$20.00 Feb. 1882
59,038Wilson, Stephen C.Indianapolisw. left hip, right ankle$6.00 -
90,035Winkleman, WilliamIndianapolisg.s.w. right arm$18.00 -
194,960Winsor, Emma A.Indianapoliswidow$19.00 -
30,575Winter, ElizaIndianapoliswidow$8.00 Sept. 186?
75,214Wirts, John O.Indianapolispleurisy left extremities$8.50 -
177,007Withrow, AllenIndianapolisw. right shoulder$2.00 Oct. 1880
212,524Womack, JackIndianapolisrheumatism$8.00 June 1882
37,164Wood, AmosIndianapolisimpaired vision$6.00 Jan. 1865
90,792Wood, CynthiaIndianapolismother$8.00 Feb. 1867
55,193Wood, Emsley H.Indianapolisloss index finger, left hand$2.00 -
110,686Woods, John W.Indianapolisinjury to abdomen$4.00 May 1871
106,912Woods, William H. S.Indianapolisw. right leg$4.00 Dec. 1870
133,295Woodward, James H.Indianapolischr. diarr., dis. of abd. vis.$8.00 -
40,091Woodward, JohnIndianapolisamp. right arm$24.00 -
39,256Worrall, Wm.Indianapolisloss 2 fingers left hand$8.00 -
90,004Wray, Maria JaneCumberlandwidow$8.00 Feb. 1867
129,845York, Margaret C.Indianapolismother$8.00 June 1869
136,693Yorke, Edwin D.Indianapolisg.s.w. right arm$7.50 Nov. 1875
205,933Young, IsaacIndianapolisw. left temple$2.00 Nov. 1882
165,796Younkin, Sarah A.Indianapoliswidow$10.00 Aug. 1874
201,944Zambell, AndrewIndianapolisg.s.w. mouth, right side neck$2.00 Jan. 1882

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