New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Howard County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Howard County, Indiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
127, 539 Fox, Jane Jerome widow $8.00 Apr., 1869
96, 967 Stewart, Henry A Kokomo injury to abdomen $6.00 Apr., 1869
97, 054 Ratcliff, Edom A Russiaville wd r arm $8.00 Apr., 1869
116, 567 Davis, Parry Kokomo injury to abdomen $4.00 Apr., 1872
164, 713 Kirkman, Tamer Kokomo widow $8.00 Apr., 1874
180, 886 Coulter, Peter Russiaville father $8.00 Apr., 1878
166, 977 Lane, James Kokomo erysipelas, wd l arm $6.00 Apr., 1880
186, 823 Richards, Robert O Russiaville wd r thigh $2.00 Apr., 1881
195, 376 Scott, Mary E Kokomo widow $18.00 Apr., 1882
15, 510 Pearce, George W Kokomo wd l hand $6.00 Aug., 1863
61, 907 Freed, Joseph M Kokomo loss rt leg $18.00 Aug., 1866
133, 468 France, Louisa Kokomo widow - Aug., 1869
118, 446 Kirk, Israel C Kokomo chron diarr $4.00 Aug., 1872
124, 773 Staneart, Andrews S Cassville inj back $4.00 Aug., 1873
162, 178 Cate, Jesse A Kokomo rheumatism $3.75 Aug., 1879
26, 256 Lindley, Thirza Kokomo Widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1879
216, 370 Grayer, Gideon Jerome chr diarr $4.00 Aug., 1882
137, 970 Buckle, Sarah Kokomo mother $8.00 Dec., 1869
9, 105 Rivers, John Russiaville Surv 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1871
131, 049 Eudailey, Elisha Russiaville g.s.wd l arm $6.00 Dec., 1874
28, 025 Lee, Sarah Ervin Widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1879
222, 282 Moon, Joseph Greentown dis of abdominal viscera $4.00 Dec., 1882
223, 696 Martin, David M Kokomo injury to abdomen $4.00 Dec., 1882
221, 603 Wykes, Theophilus L Kokomo inj to eyes $6.00 Dec., 1882
63, 885 Goodbarne, Esther Kokomo mother $8.00 Feb., 1866
66, 009 Mather, Margaret Russiaville widow $8.00 Feb., 1866
77, 338 Waggaman, David Kokomo inj r leg $4.00 Feb., 1867
108, 652 Debord, Elizabeth Greentown mother $8.00 Feb., 1868
102, 233 Arbuckle, James Kokomo frac of l leg $4.00 Feb., 1870
183, 030 Carter, John B Kokomo chr diarr $6.00 Feb., 1881
101, 752 Allen, Mathew Centre g.s.wd r thigh $2.66 2/3 Jan., 1870
138, 807 Hetlo, Ann Oakford mother $8.00 Jan., 1870
147, 565 Siler, Aerial Oakford widow $10.00 Jan., 1871
10, 678 Mesene, John New London Surv 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1872
120, 836 Norris, George W Kokomo quinsy $2.00 Jan., 1873
143, 042 Hadson, David Russiaville chr diarr $15.00 Jan., 1877
200, 920 Covatt, Ama A Greentown inj of l ankle $4.00 Jan., 1882
200, 418 Chapman, Wm R Kokomo diarr, dis abdominal viscera $4.00 Jan., 1882
194, 256 Harrison, Louisa E Kokomo widow $30.00 Jan., 1882
201, 573 Morrison, George W Oakford dis of left shoul $4.00 Jan., 1882
201, 983 Jones, Wm P Oakford sunstroke $4.00 Jan., 1882
200, 466 McCoy, Calvin Shanghai chr diarr $8.00 Jan., 1882
30, 663 Lowe, John S Kokomo wd l leg $8.00 July, 1864
51, 765 Brownfield, Sarah Kokomo mother $8.00 July, 1865
215, 683 Graham, Wm A Russiaville bronchitis $12.00 July, 1882
115, 000 Garrigus, Harriet V Greentown widow $8.00 June, 1868
115, 127 Pruitt, Nancy Kokomo mother $8.00 June, 1868
165, 100 Rifle, Charles L Nogo minor $12.00 June, 1874
192, 220 Leonard, Alfred Russiaville tumor r hip $4.00 June, 1881
214, 003 Lybrook, David Ervin frac r tibia $4.00 June, 1882
212, 735 Miller, Solomon B Jerome dis throat & lungs $4.00 June, 1882
210, 917 Parker, Dorsey Kokomo chr diarr $8.00 June, 1882
211, 918 Alyea, Robert T Sycamore chr diarr $4.00 June, 1882
213, 322 Thompson, Samuel R West Liberty Asthma & bronchitis $4.00 June, 1882
59, 431 Parker, John Kokomo wd r thigh $6.00 Mar., 1866
9, 627 Burton, James R Kokomo wd arm & side $8.00 Mar., 1869
172, 597 Jones, Jane Greentown mother $8.00 Mar., 1876
15, 168 Nation, James R Sycamore rheumatism $20.00 Mar., 1878
165, 876 Perry, Arthur Kokomo dis of lungs $4.00 Mar., 1880
166, 082 Smiddy, Robert Shanghai wd l leg & hips $6.00 Mar., 1880
183, 583 Simpson, Wm J Kokomo inj to l leg, chr diarr $8.00 Mar., 1881
31, 451 Stewart, Bartaw A Plevna Surv 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1881
205, 427 Freeman, Nathan Jerome chr diarr $6.00 Mar., 1882
203, 891 Richmond, Nathaniel P Kokomo dis abdom vis, inj to r hip $30.00 Mar., 1882
194, 970 Cammerer, Catharine Oakford widow $12.00 Mar., 1882
194, 657 Scott, Isabinda Russiaville mother $8.00 Mar., 1882
128, 718 Morrison, Eliza J Russiaville mother $8.00 May, 1869
103, 174 Breckett, John L Cassville g.s.wd l thigh $6.00 May, 1870
108, 588 De Haven, James W Kokomo paralysis feet and legs $6.00 May, 1871
169, 120 Sherman, Minerva E Kokomo mother $8.00 May, 1875
145, 321 Mitchell, Wm Poplar Grove g.s.wd rt arm $2.00 May, 1877
23, 776 Ritmer, Rachel R Kokomo Widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
187, 900 Ault, Jesse Poplar Grove wd r arm $6.00 May, 1881
187, 860 Potter, Matthias Ridgeway dis of abdominal viscera $10.00 May, 1881
209, 011 Hutson, David Kokomo dis of eye, chr diarr $12.00 May, 1882
33, 666 Stanley, Naomi Greentown mother $8.00 Nov., 1864
86, 913 Brown, Cordelia Kokomo mother $8.00 Nov., 1866
166, 398 Morgan, Charles B Russiaville minor $12.00 Nov., 1874
197, 194 Clingenfeel, John Centre dis of abdominal viscera $6.00 Nov., 1881
197, 295 Green, Thomas W Kokomo wd l hand $8.00 Nov., 1881
197, 441 Butcher, John J Kokomo wd l hand $4.00 Nov., 1881
191, 428 Young, Joseph Oakford chr diarr $6.00 Nov., 1881
220, 930 Pugsley, George Kokomo dis lungs $8.00 Nov., 1882
92, 312 Baldwin, Charles L West Middleton anch r elbow $6.00 Oct., 1868
100, 161 Gordon, Taylor Kokomo chr diar & dis abdom vis $6.00 Oct., 1869
145, 150 Baker, Mary Kokomo widow $8.00 Oct., 1870
125, 699 Ralston, John Kokomo inj l foot $6.00 Oct., 1875
176, 364 Williams, Eli Crittenden chr diarr $2.00 Oct., 1880
176, 669 Gregory, James Shanghai varicose veins l leg $12.00 Oct., 1880
174, 589 Abbott, Nelson West Liberty wd r hip $4.00 Oct., 1880
219, 092 Lindley, Henry C Greentown chr diarr $2.00 Oct., 1882
218, 848 Kidder, Bradley E Kokomo dis of lungs, rheum $4.00 Oct., 1882
84, 926 Pierce, John Greentown injury to abdomen $6.00 Sept., 1867
105, 344 Creed, Howard Hemlock g.s.wd r foot $8.00 Sept., 1870
113, 817 Crausure, John Kokomo g.s.wd l shoul $12.00 Sept., 1871
141, 437 Pittser, John A Russiaville loss sight l eye $4.00 Sept., 1876
174, 113 Cox, Milton West Liberty chr diarr $6.00 Sept., 1880
30, 675 Armstrong, Charles W Alto wd l arm $12.00 -
100, 367 Seward, Wm T Alto g.s.wd r shoul $8.00 -
20, 509 Richy, Samuel Cassville loss l arm $24.00 -
104, 969 Weaver, Samuel B Cassville g.s.wd l foot $8.00 -
17, 193 Pringle, Wm W Centre g.s.wd r leg $6.00 -
43, 584 Hawkins, Thomas J Centre wd l foot $8.00 -
62, 558 Bogue, Hannah Centre widow $8.00 -
125, 556 Herand, John L Crittenden chr diarr $8.00 -
99, 001 Patten, John C Ervin wd l leg $6.00 -
45, 712 Brannen, Samuel Greentown g.s.wd l thigh $4.00 -
92, 993 Segrave, John M Greentown injury to abdomen $10.00 -
89, 353 Penland, Hiram F Greentown g.s.wd r leg $6.00 -
69, 997 Pool, Margaret Greentown widow $8.00 -
51, 390 Riley, Isabella Greentown widow $8.00 -
114, 627 Springer, Levi L Hemlock partial loss of sight $8.00 -
35, 012 Hickman, James Jerome shell wd rt hip $4.00 -
153, 877 Carr, William Jerome injury to abdomen $8.00 -
22, 786 Galway, Moore Jerome wd r hand $8.00 -
33, 762 Symons, John P Jerome g.s.wd r foot $8.00 -
116, 812 McCoy, Wm H Jerome dyspepsia $8.00 -
118, 693 Irwin, Wm Jewell chr diarr $12.00 -
92, 476 Burtch, Philip L Jewell wd in r breast $6.00 -
66, 090 Ream, Littleton V Kokomo Loss 3 fing l hand $20.00 -
76, 144 Penney, Elijah W Kokomo loss r arm $36.00 -
52, 824 Stevens, Isaac D Kokomo dis of lungs $10.00 -
50, 939 Stewart, Davis F Kokomo wd r arm $15.00 -
43, 579 Shepherd, Richard Kokomo loss l leg $24.00 -
60, 192 Trees, John L Kokomo wd r leg $14.00 -
122, 317 Reed, Lewis Kokomo g.s.wd l thigh $6.00 -
156, 381 Spilter, Jacob Kokomo dis of heart from rheum $8.00 -
125, 317 Stanley, Josiah Kokomo g.s.wd r leg $5.00 -
122, 408 Stewart, Daniel H Kokomo g.s.wd r leg $8.00 -
124, 514 Summers, Augustus H Kokomo dis of lungs $16.00 -
59, 226 Hogg, Taylor N Kokomo wd rt leg $4.00 -
69, 777 Knox, W F Kokomo wd rt wrist $6.00 -
93, 073 McNutt, Henry Kokomo wd l hand $5.00 -
46, 379 Dunlap, Charles Kokomo wd r lung $24.00 -
100, 820 McGee, Isaac Kokomo inj to eye, loss fing $14.00 -
116, 192 Goodwin, Jacob Kokomo g.s.wd l leg $6.00 -
113, 120 Fee, David W Kokomo dis of abdominal viscera $8.00 -
11, 872 Learner, Benjamin F Kokomo inj to l leg $4.00 -
21, 539 Edwards, Charles S Kokomo loss l leg $24.00 -
28, 082 Kidder, James E Kokomo wd l shoul $18.00 -
25, 394 Horine, Samuel Kokomo wd r thigh $12.00 -
25, 073 Elliott, James F Kokomo loss r arm $24.00 -
85, 545 Blanch, Willis Kokomo wd l hand $30.00 -
26, 194 Barnhart, Daniel Kokomo paralysis l side $18.00 -
12, 883 Kemp, David J Kokomo wd neck $18.00 -
199, 087 Miller, John M Kokomo dis of throat $4.00 -
137, 565 Massey, Noah Kokomo chr rheum $14.00 -
126, 741 Todhunter, Wm E Kokomo chr diarr $6.00 -
157, 927 Butcher, Saul T Kokomo varicose veins l leg $6.00 -
117, 901 Bowman, Nutler R Kokomo injury to abdomen $6.00 -
112, 101 Layman, James M Kokomo dis lungs & liver $8.00 -
41, 488 Rayburn, Hayden H Kokomo w l thigh $14.00 -
19, 359 Ruse, Sarah Kokomo widow $8.00 -
21, 077 Paff, Rachel Kokomo widow $8.00 -
15, 230 Whitaker, Hannah M Kokomo widow $8.00 -
111, 832 Lowder, Mary E Kokomo widow $8.00 -
44, 188 Jolly, Sarah Kokomo widow $8.00 -
54, 182 Maredlin, Sarah Kokomo widow $8.00 -
55, 467 Elliott, Anna M Kokomo widow $8.00 -
87, 408 Tatem, Sarah J Kokomo widow $8.00 -
81, 625 Rowe, David W New London g.s.wd r arm $12.00 -
27, 244 Sturgeon, John New London wd l leg $10.00 -
101, 137 Fry, Abraham Oakford chr dis of eyes $8.00 -
64, 179 Harding, Nancy J Oakford widow $8.00 -
107, 146 Loop, Henry Plevna wd r arm & side $8.00 -
144, 080 Reagan, Benjamin Poplar Grove g.s.wd r thigh $4.00 -
15, 162 Alexander, Enoch Poplar Grove g.s.wd l leg $8.00 -
98, 246 Barrett, David C Poplar Grove wd side & chest $6.00 -
44, 689 Bear, Benjamin Ridgeway wd r hand $8.00 -
109, 614 Dunlap, George W Russiaville g.s.wd r foot $4.00 -
141, 275 Conard, John H Russiaville chr nephritis $6.00 -
158, 147 Hendrickson, Jacob W Russiaville g.s.wd l foot $6.00 -
90, 925 Blair, Peter L Russiaville ophthalmia $18.00 -
24, 211 Johnston, David Russiaville loss r arm & elbow $24.00 -
45, 084 Conner, Lewis Russiaville loss r arm $18.00 -
83, 581 Martin, David E Russiaville loss r eye $8.00 -
142, 184 Sharp, Thomas C Russiaville g.s.w r hip $4.00 -
174, 775 Shadday, John Russiaville wd l thigh $2.00 -
63, 400 Williamson, Nancy Russiaville widow $8.00 -
152, 312 Miller, Wm H Shanghai g.s.wd r thigh $6.00 -
105, 588 Share, Lemuel Shanghai chr cong't eyes $10.00 -
48, 721 Vernon, Laban Shanghai wd r leg $6.00 -
116, 818 Thompson, Welc'm M Shanghai dis of eyes $8.00 -
169, 666 McCoy, Joseph G Shanghai chr diarr $8.00 -
199, 211 Cook, John M Sycamore dis of eyes $4.00 -
199, 875 Chapman, Joseph Sycamore chr diarr $2.00 -
96, 241 Hurley, John M Sycamore wd r hip $5.00 -
99, 397 Shane, Timothy Sycamore part loss sight of eyes $18.00 -
61, 442 Windsor, Thomas A Sycamore loss r arm $24.00 -
112, 823 Gallion, James Vermont g.s.w r thigh $6.00 -
109, 483 Roberts, Reuben M West Liberty erysipelas $12.00 -
58, 017 Horine, Thomas J West Liberty typhoid fever $8.00 -
18, 469 Bergan, James West Liberty wd r thigh $10.00 -
103, 570 Curles, James West Liberty dis spine & lungs $12.00 -
147, 323 Hannah, William West Liberty g.s.wd head $2.00 -
15, 469 Torrence, Robert E West Middleton meningitis $8.00 -

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