New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Henry County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Henry County, Indiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
146,491 Adams, Jno. W North Salem G. s. w. l. arm $1.00 June, 1877
193,497 Adams, Nancy Lizton Widow $8.00 Oct., 1881
135,149 Addison, Wm. T New Castle deaf lt. ear $1.00 -
215,738 Albertson, John B New Castle dis. eyes & g. s. w. l. shoulder $4.00 July, 1882
142,112 Albright, William H New Castle dis. of liver $4.00 -
15,165 Alger, Isaac Middletown wd. rt. arm & wd. L. arm $8.00 -
26,561 Alger, Rosanna Middletown Widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1879
17,315 Allen, Thomas Cadiz surv. 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1881
100,675 Allie, Oliver Maple Valley Injury to abdomen $6.00 -
152,400 Allison, Andrew A Straughn dis. of eyes $8.00 -
203,702 Allison, Leonidas L Ogden dis. of lungs $12.00 Oct., 1882
57,055 Allison, Thomas Cadiz wd. rt. thigh $6.00 -
14,609 Allspaugh, Dewitt C Knightstown wd. l. foot $8.00 -
97,068 Antrim, John Knightstown wd. rt. arm $4.00 -
70,874 Archer, Alexander Pecksburgh Inj. spine $18.00 -
172,010 Armfield, Sarah Ann Ogden Widow $8.00 Jan., 1876
163,408 Armstrong, Morrow P Cadiz dis. of spine $24.00 -
23,215 Ballard, Nancy New Castle Widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
167, 275 Barber, Jno. W. North Salem Chr. diarr $8.00 Sept., 1880
8,439 Barrett, Clarissa B Knightstown Widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
119,969 Bart, Susan Lewisville Widow $8.00 Oct., 1868
27,308 Bateman, Marg't L. A. North Salem Widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1879
188,177 Bearly, David New Castle res. intermt. fever & rheum $6.00 -
96,128 Bell, Samuel Ogden w. r. hip & w. lumbar region & paralysis $12.00 -
103,799 Berry, Samuel Dunreith inj. to left side $6.00 -
190,616 Bird, Elizabeth W Pittsborough Widow $14.00 Dec. , 1880
123,843 Bock, Wm. B Sulphur Springs g. s. w. r. shoulder & thigh $6.00 July, 1873
190,489 Bond, Mary E New Castle Widow $12.00 Dec.,1880
23,036 Bowers, Mary J New Castle Widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
186,278 Brandon, Esley R Spiceland wd. forearm & chest $2.00 Apr., 1881
217,367 Brattain, John W Greensborough g. s. w. rt. thigh $4.00 Aug., 1882
137,815 Bratton, Mary H Raysville Widow $8.00 -
62,601 Bright, Lucinda Mechanicsburgh Widow $8.00 -
198,234 Brosius, Sarah Knightstown Mother $8.00 Dec., 1872
110,854 Brown, Charles Cadiz g. s. w. rt. foot $4.00 June, 1871
204,881 Bruner, William Greensborough chr. diarrh. and inj to abd $4.00 Mar., 1882
211,224 Bunker, Jesse Lewisville wound left arm $4.00 June, 1882
194,227 Burkett, Joannah Maple Valley Mother $8.00 Jan., 1882
178,642 Burris, Matthias Maple Valley minor $10.00 Sept., 1877
103,912 Burton, Benjamin C North Salem Rheuma $4.00 -
79,368 Bushnell, Ann Pittsborough Widow $8.00 July, 1866
73,387 Byrkett, Eliza Ogden Widow $8.00 -
154,156 Byrkett, Henry Ogden Father $8.00 Nov., 1871
42,987 Cable, Elihsi M. Stilesville Loss l. arm $24.00 -
36,150 Callahan, Wm. Cadiz wd. rt. ankle $8.00 -
313,510 Cameron, Wm. M Knightstown chr. diarrh $4.00 Sept., 1882
4,550 Campbell, Jas. North Salem Surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
195,453 Carr, Christina Raysville Widow $8.00 Apr., 1882
171,738 Cates, Martha Knightstown Widow $8.00 Jan., 1876
118,282 Catt, George M Knightstown Injury to abdomen $8.00 -
211,654 Chambers, Andrew J New Castle pt. loss l. middle finger $1.00 June, 1882
37,732 Chapman, Susanna North Salem Widow $8.00 -
121,540 Charles, Sylvanus Straughn g. s. w. l. breast $8.00 -
194,442 Chenoweth, Cassander New Castle Mother $8.00 Feb., 1882
31,887 Clevenger, Armonta E Middletown Widow $8.00 -
190,343 Cofflin, Julia Ann Stilesville Mother $8.00 Nov., 1880
196,838 Coghill, Rebecca Lizton Mother $8.00 July, 1882
27,488 Collins, Robert Cadiz ophthalmia $72.00 -
180,549 Condiff, Jno. A. Rainstown W. l. hip $2.00 -
24,219 Conwell, David New Castle wd. chest & left forearm & inj. r. lung $10.00 -
52,946 Conwell, Mary J New Castle Widow $8.00 -
121,539 Cottin, Oliver G New Castle g. s. w. l. hand $4.00 Feb., 1873
64,176 Cranor, Rebecca Blountsville Mother $8.00 Feb., 1866
139,508 Crawford, Wm. c Straughn g. s. w. l. arm $4.00 -
125,234 Cross, Calvin Blountsville g. s. w. lt. hip $4.00 Oct. 1873
82,929 Crull, Francis M Lewisville inj. to chest, & c $4.00 July, 1867
78,720 Daniels, David Rockland chro. diarr. & op. rt. eye $6.00 -
11,196 Davidson, Silas Maplewood Loss r. leg $18.00 -
96,816 Davis, Jeremiah North Salem Injury to abdomen $6.00 -
107,696 Davis, Lewis Pittsborough Var. veins $8.00 -
19,228 Davis, Wm. Ashland Measles, diarr, dis. of abd. vis $4.00 -
111,749 Deck, John E Knightstown inj. rt. hip & g. s. w. rt. hand $6.00 -
204,290 Deem, Sedley A Spiceland dis. of throat $4.00 Mar., 1882
172,073 Denins, Henry T New Castle chr. diarrh $4.00 -
132,650 Dennis, Obed H. Plainfield Inj. spine $4.00 Mar., 1875
183,348 Dickerson, Mahala New Winchester Mother $8.00 Mar., 1879
149,917 Dilts, James R Middletown g. s. w. l. shoulder $3.00 Dec., 1877
116,187 Dishman, Nathaniel Lewisville Injury to abdomen $8.00 Apr., 1872
24,606 Dixon, Amanda Knightstown Widow $8.00 -
185,187 Douglass, Jno. F Plainfield Chr. Ddiarr $12.00 Oct., 1881
195,314 Dovey, Francis Knightstown wd. rt. thigh $4.00 Sept., 1881
73,974 Drury, Mary C Maple Valley Widow $8.00 -
205,029 Edleman, Richard J Sulphur Springs chro. diarr $6.00 Mar., 1882
104,585 Edwards, Jonathan Ogden diarrh. & inj. l. knee $12.00 -
203,966 Edwards, William H Greensborough chro. gastritis, with res. debil $4.00 June, 1882
202,825 Ellington, Jno J. North Salem Dis. lungs, throat $4.00 Feb., 1882
217,469 Elliott, John R Maple Valley g. s. w. l. lung & chr. diarrh $8.00 Aug., 1882
28,311 Engle, Phebe Greensborough Widow 1812 $8.00 -
166,377 Evans, Owen New Castle concussion of brain $6.00 -
99,851 Fellows, James W Lewisville g. s. w. l. arm $15.00 -
139,063 Ferguson, Lee Knightstown chro. Laryngitis $6.00 May, 1876
216,169 Fifer, James C Straughn partial loss index finger $2.00 Aug., 1882
113,767 Filson, Mary J New Lisbon Widow $8.00 May, 1868
14,691 Flin, Francis M Blountsville Wd. rt. thigh $4.00 July, 1863
199,221 Foster, Thos. E Spiceland dis. kidneys $4.00 Dec., 1881
33,455 Foxworthy, Samuel T Knightstown g. s. w. r. thigh $6.00 -
79,079 Frazier, Iredel R New Castle diarrh. & c. $12.00 -
179,140 Frazier, James New Castle disease of eyes $6.00 -
217,870 Furr, Baker C Knightstown chr. diarrh $4.00 Sept., 1882
138,404 Gaddis, George New Castle dis. of lungs & chr. diarrh $8.00 Mar., 1876
102,446 Galyean, Allen W Blountsville g. s. w. rt. shoulder $6.00 Mar. 1870
134,810 Gauser, Lydia Spiceland Mother $8.00 Sept., 1869
217,917 Ginn, Jonathan T Sulphur Springs dis. of eyes $4.00 Sept., 1882
209,993 Glessner, Wm. H. Plainfield Chr. diarr $8.00 May, 1882
37,865 Goar, Joseph N New Lisbon g. s. w. thro' lungs $12.00 -
202,633 Gordon, Henry C New Castle deafness r. ear $1.00 Feb., 1882
188,470 Gordon, Micajah C Spiceland chro. diarr. & dis abd. vis $6.00 May, 1881
30,151 Gossett, Rebecca Honey Creek Widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1880
25,802 Gough, Thomas W New Castle wd. l. leg $8.00 -
127,623 Green, Amanda Stilesville Widow $8.00 Sept., 1869
194,974 Greene, Peley Reno Minor of $12.00 Mar., 1882
142,314 Gregg, Nancy B Montclair Widow $8.00 -
31,555 Griffith, Mary Dunreith Widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1881
8,647 Gross, Emily Knightstown Widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 1878
187,692 Grove, Isaac New Castle orysipelas r. hand & contraction muscles middle, ring & little finger $12.00 Apr., 1881
149,519 Grubbs, Caroline F Knightstown Widow $17.00 -
201,976 Grundor, James Maple Valley pt. loss rt. index finger from g. s. w. $2.00 Jan. 1882
150,040 Gustin, Joseph G Middletown dis. of heart $8.00 -
217,493 Hackley, Geo. E North Salem Dis. lungs $2.00 Aug., 1882
197,933 Hackley, Wm. H North Salem Chr. diarr $6.00 Nov., 1881
169,923 Hagnewood, Miles New Castle dis. heart, rhen., & inj. to abd $14.00 June, 1880
193,404 Hall, Mariah Maple Valley Mother $8.00 Sept., 1881
94,562 Hampton, Deborah Greensborough Widow $8.00 May, 1867
122,100 Harbaugh, Andrew Stilesville Injury to abdomen $8.00 -
175,097 Harper, Chas. R. Plainfield G. s. w. neck $2.00 -
175,107 Hart, John E Knightstown wd. rt. thigh $2.00 Oct., 1880
194,661 Hartley, Thomas L Luray wd. l. thigh $4.00 Aug. 1882
124,695 Haskett, Nathan H Knightstown g. s. w. rt. foot $6.00 -
4,189 Haslet, Samuel Stilesville Surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
96,644 Hasten, Peter F Knightstown spinal irritation & nephritis $8.00 -
35,192 Hawhee, Clinton Knightstown wd. in thigh $24.00 -
88,648 Hawkee, Mary Knightstown Mother $8.00 -
165,236 Hays, Sarah E Cadiz Mother $8.00 June, 1874
221,538 Hazelrigg, Jas. T. J New Castle dis. of liver & resltg. dropsy $8.00 Dec., 1882
196,453 Helphenstine, H. P Knightstown dis. of abdominal viscera $14.00 Oct., 1881
129,765 Hendricks, Mary A Knightstown Mother $17.00 May, 1869
157,738 Hiatt, Isadore S Knightstown Widow $12.00 May, 1872
202,430 Hill, Daniel F. Pittsborough Var. v'ns $8.00 Feb., 1882
62,183 Hoerner, Jacob Maplewood Inj. back, hip $2.00 Apr., 1866
211,968 Holsinger, Jacob Sulphur Springs wd. left shoulder $2.00 June, 1882
191,632 Homaear, Fred Pittsborough G. s. w. head & r. arm $8.00 June, 1881
201,534 Hopper, Abram B Middletown g. s. w. l. foot $4.00 Jan., 1882
191,435 Houck, David Rockland Minor $10.00 Mar., 1881
12,916 Houk, Thos. J New Castle wd. r. shoulder $8.00 -
26,356 Houren, Thos. J Greensborough g. s. w. lt. thigh $12.00 -
136,238 Hubbard, Edwin Knightstown shell wd. lt. breast $4.00 -
207,421 Hudelson, William H Knightstown nasal c'trrh, res'lt g pt. loss hearing l. ear $2.00 Apr., 1882
69,849 Hunt, Jacob Raysville loss r. foot $18.00 Aug., 1866
10,176 Hunter, Susan Reno Widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
17,596 Huston, Sarah Middletown Widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
124,023 Jenkins, Wm Spiceland loss l. thumb $5.00 July, 1873
175,110 Jennings, Geo. W Sulphur Springs chro. diarr. & rheumatism $6.00 Oct., 1889
211,764 Johnson, Isaac A. Plainfield Chr. diarr $8.00 June, 1882
135,295 Johnson, Jane Knightstown Widow $8.00 Oct., 1869
66,542 Johnson, Wm. Rainstown W. l. thigh $6.00 June, 1866
208,056 Jones, David Middletown chr. d'rrh. & nasal c't'rrh $6.00 May, 1882
16,130 Jones, Jacob New Castle surv. 1812 $8.00 -
121,447 Jones, Wm. A. North Salem Dis. lungs $8.00 -
146,490 Kaltenbach, Michael Knightstown varicose veins both legs $10.00 -
27,609 Keck, Sarah Maple Valley Widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1879
55,803 Kenney, Wm. F New Castle wd. lt. thigh $16.00 -
23,434 Kerr, William L Knightstown mechanical inj. of colon $8.00 -
108,583 Keys, John E Knightstown dis. of lungs & chr. diarrh $18.00 -
114,350 Kindley, Joseph F Millville bronchitis & asthma, res. dis. lungs $31.25 -
197,389 Kissel, Alfred M Mount Summit g. s. w. l. side $2.00 Nov., 1881
177,113 Kramer, Andrew F New Castle partl. deafness $4.00 Oct., 1880
94,997 Kriner, Andrew Knightstown g. s. w. r. hip $4.00 Jan., 1869
113,648 Laboyteaux, Ellen M Cadiz Widow $8.00 May, 1868
34,951 Lacey, Alpheus D Knightstown wd. l. hand $19.00 -
138,278 Langston, Emmett Raysville rheum., resltg. dis heart $8.00 -
180,021 Larmar, Mary J. Reno Widow $8.00 Feb., 1878
83,579 Larrance, Wm. H. Plainfield Inj. r. eye $4.00 -
82,091 Leonard, Fred'k Pittsborough Dis. lungs $4.00 -
153,855 Lewis, Thomas N Cadiz g. s. w. of nose $3.00 June, 1878
173,234 Lewis, Thos. M. Lizton Minor of $14.00 May, 1876
30,485 Lindsay, Nancy Mechanicsburgh Widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1880
185,482 Livezey, Sarah Mount Summit Widow $14.00 Sept., 1879
213,057 Lockridge, John, jr Kennard g. s. w. both legs $4.00 June, 1882
21,075 Long, Lucinda Maplewood Widow $8.00 May, 1864
95,902 Low, William E Maple Valley wd. lft. thigh $3.00 Feb., 1869
147,474 Lowery, Francis M Cadiz g. s. w. rt. leg $4.00 Aug., 1877
79,616 Lowery, Philip New Castle chr. diarrh $8.00 -
123,648 Lowrey, Olive Cadiz Widow $8.00 Jan., 1869
197,845 Luthultz, Joshua Greensborough g. s. w. rt. thigh $4.00 Nov., 1881
128,646 Lytle, Jos. A North Salem Dis. heart $8.00 June, 1874
137,950 Mabe, Sylvanus Pecksburgh W. r. knee, lung dis. $8.00 -
127,821 Madison, William Knightstown chr. diarrh $6.00 -
125,370 Maffitt, Caroline New Castle Widow $8.00 -
210,902 Martin, Samuel X New Castle dis. of eyes $4.00 Oct., 1882
17,085 Marvin, Rebecca Plainfield Widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
98,320 Mawhorter, Jas. M Ashland Wd. lt. thigh $8.00 -
216,941 May, John Knightstown rheumatism $4.00 Aug., 1882
131,654 Mays, John W Knightstown inj. l. hand $14.00 -
133,982 McCalister, Jno. A. Pittsborough Dis. of abdominal viscera $14.00 -
31,800 McCallister, Mary Maple Valley Widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1881
26,274 McClain, John S. Tollgate Loss lft. Leg $24.00 -
110,495 McConnel, Joseph P Cadiz loss rt. arm $24.00 -
166,976 McCormack, Andrew Cadiz dis. of eyes $8.00 Apr. 1880
216,938 McCormack, Noah Cadiz wd. left thigh $2.00 Aug., 1882
106,236 McCormick, Josiah Cadiz frac. l. tibia, inj. to abdomen $12.00 -
125,021 McKenzie, Peter Middletown inj. to ab. phthisis pul $18.00 -
87,921 Mendenhall, Elisha T New Castle chr. diarrh $3.00 Dec., 1867
172,711 Miller, David T Middletown par. r. side $8.00 Aug., 1880
150,968 Mitchell, Anna Greensborough Mother $8.00 June, 1881
144,063 Modlin, Sawney Dunreith Injury to abdomen $4.00 Mar., 1877
181,401 Montgomery, Maria A Lizton Widow $14.00 June, 1878
154,489 Monticuet, David Knightstown partial deafness $4.00 Aug., 1879
196,070 Moore, Martha Ann Plainfield Mother $8.00 June, 1882
193,533 Moore, Sarah Ann Lewisville Widow $18.00 -
3,578 Morton, Thos Middletown g. s. w. r. leg $14.00 -
157,156 Mullen, Hugh L New Castle g. s. w. l. cheek & neck $6.00 Sept., 1879
133,519 Mundell, John A Cadiz g. s. w. rt. foot $4.00 -
139,309 Musselman, John W Raysville dis. of eyes $4.00 May, 1876
207,074 Needham, Winford New Castle dis. of lungs & neuralgia $4.00 Apr., 1882
201,126 Newby, Wm. B Spiceland rheumatism $4.00 Feb., 1882
208,602 Norviel, Roderick D Mount Summit chr. diarrh $4.00 May, 1882
167,222 Nugen, Silas R Dunreith chro. diarrh $12.75 Apr., 1880
180,280 O'Brien, Neil Raysville dis. of lungs $18.00 July, 1881
209,246 Osborn, Francis M. Stilesville Dis. Of abdominal viscera $4.00 May, 1882
198,777 Overman, Sam'l W Maple Valley chr. diarr. & dis. l. hip $12.00 Dec., 1881
129,578 Parsons, Adrian A Plainfield G. s. w. l. side $2.00 Aug., 1874
185,553 Parsons, Jas Plainfield Dis. heart $10.00 Mar., 1881
130,322 Pate, Wm. A Spiceland g. s. w. l. ankle $4.00 -
81,995 Paul, Clarinda Greensborough Mother $8.00 Aug., 1866
175,047 Paxson, Aaron S Lewisville minor $10.00 Sept., 1876
70,000 Paxson, Beulah S Lewisville Widow $8.00 -
145,887 Peden, Milton Knightstown g. s. w. rt. thigh $10.00 June, 1877
75,416 Perry, Harriet Ogden Widow $8.00 -
176,670 Phillips, Lewis Cadiz dis. of lungs $6.00 Oct., 1880
189,035 Pickett, Elmira A Greensborough Mother $8.00 July, 1880
166,916 Poe, Andrew Ashland Dis. feet gastritis, & inj. to abd $15.00 Apr., 1880
20,018 Pollard, Mary A. B. Plainfield Widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
102,796 Post, Julia A New Castle Widow $8.00 Nov., 1867
9,605 Powell, Henry L New Castle wd. rt. leg $8.00 -
129,776 Prear, Daniel Knightstown chr. diarrhea $8.00 -
2,763 Ralston, Margaret North Salem Widow $8.00 -
112,474 Ratliff, Manoah Straughn g. s. w. l. thigh $8.00 -
33,709 Reed, Collier M Middletown wd. rt. Leg $12.00 -
161,725 Reed, Miles L New Castle heart dis. $8.00 July, 1879
30,255 Reeder, Thomas B New Castle wd. l. leg & breast $18.00 -
57,734 Rent, Daniel Mechanicsburgh wd. l. elbow $2.00 Feb., 1866
137,209 Riggs, Mary Mechanicsburgh Mother $8.00 Dec., 1869
214,787 Robbins, Marquis D. L. North Salem Catarrh $4.25 June, 1882
135,070 Robinson, Wm. Plainfield Inj. r. foot $6.00 Aug., 1875
75,176 Rogers, Rachel New Castle Widow $8.00 -
109,171 Ross, Jonathan Blountsville g. s. w. rt hand & leg $10.00 -
113,086 Ross, Wm. A New Castle g. s. w. l. hand & loss finger $8.00 -
22,637 Sample, Mary Spiceland Widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
81,630 Schaeffer, Tabitha Knightstown Widow $8.00 -
113,184 Sellers, Abijah Plainfield Injury to abdomen $6.00 -
9,607 Shane, Geo. W New Castle wd. l. side & effects $6.00 -
112,975 Shea, James O Raysville dysentery, res. spinal irritat'n $18.00 -
141,831 Shedron, Chas. C Middletown dhr. diarr. dis. of abd. vis., res. dis. heart & kidneys $15.00 -
112,663 Showers, Maria Honey Creek Widow $8.00 May, 1868
179,772 Silvers, James L New Lisbon Minor $12.00 Jan., 1878
109,487 Simmons, John A Greensborough phthisis pul. & debility $8.00 -
208,722 Smith, Joshua Lewisville chr. rheum, resulting dis. heart $4.00 May, 1882
214,140 Smith, Robert A Greensborough Injury to abdomen $4.00 June, 1882
222,850 Soots, Jno. R. Plainfield Chr. diarr $6.00 Dec., 1882
131,290 Sortor, Wm. Plainfield Rheuma $4.00 Jan., 1875
191,485 Sparks, Isaac Plainfield Father $8.00 Mar., 1881
2,789 Starr, Abigail New Castle Widow $8.00 -
27,523 Steiner, Valentine Knightstown wd. lt. ankle $17.00 Apr., 1864
218,791 Stephenson, Amos Lewisville Injury to abdomen $4.00 Oct., 1882
47,941 Stockdale, Wm. Ogden ampt. rt. thigh $24.00 -
194,205 Stone, Mary A. Plainfield Widow $19.00 Jan., 1882
25,148 Storm, Hiram F North Salem Loss l. leg $18.00 -
169,725 Storrhig, Daniel O Knightstown epilepsy $18.00 -
216,346 Strateghan, Henry M Plainfield G. s. w. r. ankl $4.00 Aug., 1882
31,504 Straughn, Hannah Straughn Widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1881
204,618 Strong, Jno. T. Plainfield Var. vns, ulc. r. leg $25.00 Mar., 1882
102,309 Stubblefield, Elizabeth New Lisbon Widow $8.00 -
169,079 Sullivan, Patrick New Castle inj. to left leg $14.00 -
70,720 Swafford, Laban New Lisbon anchy. L. shoulder-joint $6.00 -
26,384 Swain, Darah J Mechanicsburgh Widow $8.00 -
20,058 Swain, Thomas M Spiceland wd. left leg $8.00 -
136,814 Taylor, Eathen S Cadiz g. s. w. rt. thigh $6.00 Nov., 1875
164,174 Thomas, Lydia A New Castle Widow $8.00 Mar., 1874
190,654 Thompson, Geo. W Cadiz wd. lt. leg & chro. diarrh $8.00 June, 1881
76,934 Truitt, Nancy B New Winchester Widow $8.00 June, 1866
95,076 Tucker, Margaret Plainfield Widow $8.00 May, 1867
214,378 Ulmer, Daniel Greensborough wd of head $6.00 June, 1882
195,170 Upp, Kezia Mechanicsburgh Widow $8.00 Apr., 1882
27,782 Van Burskirk, Dulcena New Lisbon Widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1879
105,515 Vandwyn, Isaac Maple Valley dis. kid. & opthl $24.00 -
96,865 Vanmatre, Cyrus Middletown wd. rt. arm & l. jaw $10.50 -
208,340 Waller, Thomas New Lisbon inj. bowels & res. tenderness $4.00 May, 1882
172,856 Ward, Leah Pittsborough Widow $8.00 Mar., 1876
27,546 Warner, Noah W Sulphur Springs g. s. w. rt. shoulder $4.00 -
69,488 Wasson, Mary J Blountsville Widow $8.00 -
222,705 Watts, Harry Knightstown g. s. w. rt. hip & l. thigh $4.00 Dec., 1882
44,583 Weaver, Amos C. Pittsborough W. l. foot $8.00 June, 1865
219,025 Weaver, John R Middletown inj. to l. ankle $2.00 Oct., 1882
203,570 Welker, James M Millville dis. lungs $8.00 Feb., 1882
124,095 Wells, Geo. W. Pittsborough Dis. heart $4.00 July, 1873
35,654 Wharton, Margaret Knightstown Widow $8.00 -
26,951 Williams, Laura R New Castle Widow $8.00 -
65,015 Williams, Nancy North Salem Widow $8.00 -
10,526 Williams, Susan Mechanicsburgh Widow $8.00 Dec., 1863
90,616 Williamson, Josephus Pittsborough W. l. arm $8.00 -
143,534 Willis, James L Straughn g. s. w. r. leg $2.00 Jan., 1877
114,859 Wilson, Abigail Lizton Widow $8.00 June, 1868
96,568 Wilson, Wm. B Plainfield Wd. chst. shoul $12.25 -
141,506 Winkler, John R Knightstown dis. rt. lung $14.00 -
139,838 Wisehart, Richmond Middletown g. s. w. rt. arm $4.00 -
205,592 Wisehart, William Mechanicsburgh chronic diarrhea $4.00 Mar., 1882
80,580 Wood, Emaline Cadiz Widow $8.00 -
197,872 Woods, Henry E Knightstown g. s. w. rt. thigh $2.00 Nov., 1881
19,097 Woods, James E Plainfield W. l. lung $18.00 -
14,145 Worrell, shadrick Montclair Surv. 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1872
152,438 Wynn, Jesse W. North Salem G. s. w. r. side head $4.00 Apr., 1875
31,386 Zimmerman, Nancy North Salem Widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1881

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