New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hendricks County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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1883 Hendricks County, Indiana List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
Esman, Geo. Clayton loss index finger $3.00 Oct., 1877
Scott, Stephen Clayton chr. diarrh. $6.00 -
White, Wm. Clayton disability $4.00 -
Johnson, Eli B. Clayton dis. heart $12.00 -
Bolen, Benjamin F. Clayton w. in chest $14.00 -
Jackson, Harden Clayton dis. throat $6.00 -
Morgan, Jno. Clayton g. s. w. l. breast $10.00 -
Smith, Johnson Clayton injury to abdomen $8.00 Feb., 1880
Bray, Lot T. Clayton loss l. thumb $4.00 -
Osborn, Martha J. Clayton widow $8.00 -
Gwynn, Elizabeth Clayton mother $8.00 Mar., 1879
Lockhart, Thomas Clayton surv. 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1877
White, Elizabeth Clayton widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
Oliver, Samuel Coatesville dis. lungs $8.00 Oct., 1872
Dyer, Wm. F. Coatesville g. s. w. r. side $4.00 Mar., 1876
Reitzel, Adam Coatesville wd. r. thigh short'ng limb $24.00 -
Walton, Jno. S. Coatesville w. r. foot $4.00 -
Storm, Robt. G. Coatesville chr. diarr. $6.00 May, 1873
Hoeffer, Samuel P. Coatesville w. l. h'nd $8.00 -
Dixon, Norman L. Coatesville chr. diarr. $6.00 -
Evans, Simpson Coatesville w. r. shoul. $10.00 -
Pierson, Thos. H. Coatesville dis. kidneys $6.00 June, 1878
Brown Harriet Coatesville widow $8.00 -
Blakketter, Wm. Coatesville surv. 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1872
Shell, Nancy Coatesville widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
Ellis, Robert G. Danville chr. diarr. $4.00 Oct., 1880
Hale, Chester Danville g. s. w. r. thigh $4.00 Oct., 1869
Moore, Samuel H. Danville loss r. leg $18.00 Oct., 1866
Hamrick, Jas. W. Danville inj. r. h'nd, chr. diarr. $19.25 July, 1881
Lingerfelter, H. S. Danville chr. diarr. $6.00 Dec., 1882
Blanton, Dudley Danville dis. heart $6.00 Jan., 1882
Dill, Joshua E. Danville g. s. w. r. hand $6.00 July, 1877
Brenton, Theodore P. Danville chr. diarr. $4.00 Apr., 1882
Bayne, John Danville inj. spine $6.00 Oct., 1881
Beck, Jas. Danville injury to abdomen $6.00 Feb., 1875
Strange, Silas Danville g. s. wd. h'nd $4.00 -
Thompson, Jesse Danville chr. ophth. both eyes $12.00 -
Rader, Henry H. Danville chr. diarr. $4.00 -
Whitley, Chapman A. Danville g. s. w. l. shoul. $12.00 -
Williamson, Clement A. Danville chr. bronchi., dis. lungs $50.00 -
Warden, Wm. R. Danville inj. r. leg $10.00 -
Demy, Mahlon H. Danville inj. to abd., inj. l. hip joint - -
Buskirk, John Danville g. s. w. r. hnd $4.00 -
King, Curtis Danville var. vns. l. leg $8.00 -
Tout, Columbus C. Danville w. r. thigh $4.00 Nov., 1881
Rodgers, John Danville dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 Dec., 1881
Vaunice, David M. Danville g. s. w. r. thigh $2.00 July, 1870
Morton, John Danville w. r. foot $5.33 1/3 Feb., 1867
Beckman, Joseph Danville dis. lungs $8.00 Dec., 1881
Gray, Andrew Danville frac. lft. thigh $8.00 -
Shafer, Josiah Danville loss toes both feet $12.00 -
Sheets, Joseph Danville vari. veins $8.00 -
Lane, Wm. H. Danville g. s. w. l. thigh $8.50 -
McNeely, Burt Danville wd. rt. side head & face $12.00 -
McGuire, Thomas Danville paraly. rt. arm $8.00 July, 1865
Patterson, Alva G. Danville chr. rheum. $20.00 Feb., 1881
McCord, Mary C. Danville widow $8.00 Aug., 1872
Cook, Eliza J. Danville widow $12.00 Dec., 1874
Lyons, Phebe Danville widow $8.00 Dec., 1881
Hunt, Mary J. Danville widow $10.00 -
Harvey, Martha A. Danville widow $20.00 -
Gordon, Nancy Danville widow $8.00 -
Wallin, Frederick A. Danville widow $12.00 Mar., 1881
Maden, Anna Danville widow $8.00 Apr., 1871
Thomas, David F. Danville widow $8.00 Jan., 1872
Hawthorn, Jno. Danville widow $8.00 July, 1871
Fonville, Margaret Danville widow $8.00 July, 1879
Smith, Frances Danville widow $8.00 Mar., 1879
Bu?dge, Mahala Friendswood widow $8.00 -
Steele, Josephus Hadley heart dis. $6.00 -
Duncan, Wm. G. La Clair heart dis. $6.00 Feb., 1882
Belcher, Christial L. Lizton chr. diarr. $6.00 Oct., 1882
Boardman, Omar B. Lizton w. l. side $4.00 Mar., 1867
White, David Lizton g. s. w. r. thigh $4.00 -
Page, Jno. F. Lizton g. s. w. r. thigh $12.00 -
French, Jno. W. No. 1 Lizton w. r. thigh $10.00 -
Scott, Jas. E. Lizton dis. eyes $2.00 Oct., 1880
Tout, Susan Lizton widow $8.00 -
Montgomery, Maria A. Lizton widow $14.00 June, 1878
Wilson, Abigail Lizton widow $8.00 June, 1868
Adams, Nancy Lizton widow $8.00 Oct., 1881
Lewis, Thos. M. Lizton minor of $14.00 May, 1876
Coghill, Rebecca Lizton mother $8.00 July, 1882
Hoerner, Jacob Maplewood inj. back hip $2.00 Apr., 1866
Davidson, Silas Maplewood loss r. leg $18.00 -
Long, Lucinda Maplewood widow $8.00 May, 1864
Gregg, Nancy B. Montclair widow $8.00 -
Worrell, Shadrick Montclair surv. 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1872
Truitt, Nancy B. New Winchester widow $8.00 June, 1866
Dickerson, Mahala New Winchester mother $8.00 Mar., 1879
Robbins, Marquis D. L. North Salem catarrh $4.25 June, 1882
Burton, Benjamin C. North Salem rheuma. $4.00 -
Ellington, Jno. J. North Salem dis. lungs, throat $4.00 Feb., 1882
Hackley, Wm. H. North Salem chr. diarr. $6.00 Nov., 1881
Hackley, Geo. E. North Salem dis. lungs $2.00 Aug., 1882
Lytle, Jas. A. North Salem dis. heart $8.00 June, 1874
Adams, Jno. W. North Salem g. s. w. l. arm $1.00 June, 1877
Barber, Jno. W. North Salem chr. diarr. $8.00 Sept., 1880
Storm, Hiram F. North Salem loss. l. leg $18.00 -
Wynn, Jesse W. North Salem g. s. w. r. side head $4.00 Apr., 1878
Jones, Wm. A. North Salem dis. lungs $8.00 -
Davis, Jeremiah North Salem injury to abdomen $6.00 -
Ralston, Margaret North Salem widow $8.00 -
Williams, Nancy North Salem widow $8.00 -
Chapman, Susanna North Salem widow $8.00 -
Campbell, Jas. North Salem surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
Bateman, Marg't L. A. North Salem widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1879
Zimmerman, Nancy North Salem widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1881
Archer, Alexander Pecksburgh inj. spine $18.00 -
Mabe, Sylvanus Pecksburgh w. r. knee, lung dis. $8.00 -
Hill, Daniel F. Pittsborough var. v'ns $8.00 Feb., 1882
Williamson, Josephus Pittsborough w. l. arm $8.00 -
Leonard, Fred'k Pittsborough dis. lungs $4.00 -
Wells, Geo. W. Pittsborough dis. heart $4.00 July, 1873
McCalister, Jno. A. Pittsborough dis. of abdominal viscera $14.00 -
Weaver, Amos C. Pittsborough w. l. foot $8.00 June, 1865
Davis, Lewis Pittsborough var. veins $8.00 -
Homaear, Fred Pittsborough g. s. w. head & r. arm $8.00 June, 1881
Bird, Elizabeth W. Pittsborough widow $14.00 Dec., 1880
Bushnell, Ann Pittsborough widow $8.00 July, 1866
Ward, Leah Pittsborough widow $8.00 Mar., 1876
Glessner, Wm. H. Plainfield chr. diarr. $8.00 May, 1882
Johnson, Isaac A. Plainfield chr. dia. $8.00 June, 1882
Dennis, Obed H. Plainfield inj. spine $4.00 Mar., 1875
Douglass, Jno. F. Plainfield chr. diarr. $12.00 Oct., 1881
Woods, James E. Plainfield w. l. lung $18.00 -
Wilson, Wm. B. Plainfield wd. chst., shoul. $12.25 -
Sellers, Abijah Plainfield injury to abdomen $6.00 -
Sortor, Wm. Plainfield rheum. $4.00 Jan., 1875
Larrance, Wm. H. Plainfield inj. r. eye $4.00 -
Strareghan, Henry M. Plainfield g. s. w. r. ankl $4.00 Aug., 1882
Harper, Chas. R. Plainfield g. s. w. neck $2.00 -
Strong, Jno. T. Plainfield var. vns., ulc. r. leg $25.00 Mar., 1882
Soots, Jno. R. Plainfield chr. diarr. $6.00 Dec., 1882
Robinson, Wm. Plainfield inj. r. foot $6.00 Aug., 1875
Parsons, Jas. Plainfield dis. heart $10.00 Mar., 1881
Parsons, Adrian A. Plainfield g. s. w. l. side $2.00 Aug., 1874
Stone, Mary A. Plainfield widow $19.00 Jan., 1882
Tucker, Margaret Plainfield widow $8.00 May, 1867
Sparks, Isaac Plainfield father $8.00 Mar., 1881
Moore, Martha Ann Plainfield mother $8.00 June, 1882
Marvin, Rebecca Plainfield widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
Pollard, Mary A. B. Plainfield widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
Johnson, Wm. Rainstown w. l. thigh $6.00 June, 1866
Condiff, Jno. A. Rainstown w. l. hip $2.00 -
Lamar, Mary J. Reno widow $8.00 Feb., 1878
Hunter, Susan Reno widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
Greene, Peley Reno minor of $12.00 Mar., 1882
Osborn, Francis M. Stilesville dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 May, 1882
Harbaugh, Andrew Stilesville injury to abdomen $8.00 -
Cable, Elihsi M. Stilesville loss l. arm $24.00 -
Green, Amanda Stilesville widow $8.00 Sept., 1869
Haslet, Samuel Stilesville surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
Coffin, Julia Ann Stilesville mother $8.00 Nov., 1880
McClain, John S. Tollgate loss lft. leg $24.00 -

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