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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll

Carroll County, Indiana

January 1, 1883

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Cert. #	Name of Pensioner	Post Office add.Cause for pension		Rate		Date of Origional Allowance
193,220	Eaton, Henry H.		Bringhurst	wd. l. thigh			2.00		July, 1881
202,725	Guthridge, John W.	Bringhurst	dis. of abdominal viscera	2.00		Feb., 1882
208,301	Myres, James K.		Bringhurst	g. s. w. r. thigh		2.00		May, 1882
143,308	Staley, Wm.		Bringhurst	g. s. w. l. shoul		8.00		Jan., 1877
220,339	Barber, Sharack M.	Bringhurst	chr. diarrh			2.00		Nov., 1882
217,606	Davis, Albert		Bringhurst	chr. bronc			2.00		Aug., 1882
87,903	Oman, Wm.		Bringhurst	g. s. w. l. arm			8.00		Dec., 1867
23,573	Dean, Rebecca E.	Bringhurst	widow				8.00		-
61,418	Sterrett, Isabelle M.	Bringhurst	mother				8.00		Dec., 1865
209,471	Moore, David F.		Burlingon	injury to abdomen		2.00		May, 1882
119,571	Hamilton, George W.	Burlington	g. s. w. head			4.00		Oct., 1872
156,591	Maggert, Sanford D.	Burlington	g. s. w. head			4.00		Nov., 1878
205,184	Moore, George A.	Burlington	scalp wd.			2.00		Mar., 1882
33,228	Everson, Wm. H.		Burlington	wd. l. hand			2.66 2/3	-
141,154	Viney, John I.		Burlington	g. s. w. l. arm			4.00		Aug., 1876
157,269	Quinn, Anna		Burrows		mother				8.00		Apr., 1872
141,110	Kendricks, Theron W.	Burrows		g. s. w. lft. hand		2.00		Aug., 1876
65,545	Montgomery, John	Burrows		wd. of back			12.00		-
116,730	Bryant, James M.	Camden		dis. lungs			6.00		-
156,924	Byers, George		Camden		g. s. w. r. hand		4.00		Dec., 1878
204,698	Dickey, Nath'l J.	Camden		wd. r. arm			2.00		Mar., 1882
141,377	Clark, Milton C.	Camden		w. l. jaw			5.00		-
160,453	Curtis, Maria		Camden		widow				8.00		Dec., 1872
163,993	Maxwell, Hannah		Camden		mother				8.00		Feb., 1874
19,810	Cline, Mary		Camden		widow 1812			8.00		Mar., 1879
67,894	Landers, Frederick	Carroll		effects impure vaccine		6.00		July, 1866
31,156	Billiard, Lewis		Carroll		wd. l. shoul			8.00		-
74,184	Moore, Aolphus E.	Carroll		wd. os coccygis			4.00		-
13,564	Ruggles, Enoch		Carroll		widow 1812			8.00		Mar., 1872
164,378	Mooney, Obediah		Cutler		inj. l. leg			8.00		Jan., 1880
198,030	Marcus, Jacobs		Cutler		varicose veins r. leg		6.00		Nov., 1881
126,985	Bayles, Saml. R.	Darwin		g. s. w. l. legs		6.00		Feb., 1874
223,594	McIntire, Saml. A.	Deer Creek	chr. of abdominal viscera	4.00		Dec., 1882
148,505	Moore, Frank		Deer Creek	dis. of abdominal Viscera	4.00		Oct., 1877
211,956	Groninger, John M.	Deer Creek	wd. r. hip & l. leg		4.00		June, 1882
220,723	Pummel, Nelson		Deer Creek	chr. diarrh			4.00		Nov., 1882
124,996	Hance, Seymore C.	Deer Creek	g. s. w. l. Thigh		4.00		-
222,520	Coder, Richard D.	Deer Creek	chr. diarrh			4.00		Dec., 1882
80,635	Winters, Elizabeth	Deer Creek	mother				8.00		Oct., 1866
88,843	Hattory, Abram		Delphi		loss two fing. l. hand		4.00		Feb., 1868
127,432	Fisher, Jacob B.	Delphi		chr. diarrh			4.00		Mar., 1874
99,852	Geurich, Frederick	Delphi		granular sore eyes		8.00		Sept., 1869
105,496	Jakes, Michael		Delphi		genl. debility			4.00		Sept., 1870
223,317	Griffith, James W.	Delphi		chr. diarrh			7.50		Dec., 1882
98,999	Sines, James W.		Delphi		g. s. w. l. hand		3.00		-
46,682	Miller, James M.	Delphi		wd. rt. hand			6.00		July, 1865
211,296	Morgan, James		Delphi		chr. diarrh			4.00		June, 1882
99,310	Haugh, Jeremiah		Delphi		g. s. w. ri. thigh		11.33 1/3	Aug., 1869
152,736	Hamling, Paul		Delphi		wd. r. shoul			4.00		June, 1878
22,437	Williams, Jackson	Delphi		inj. of spine			8.00		-
152,337	Schreiner, George	Delphi		dis. of Abdominal viscera	18.00		-
14,696	Bragonier, John J.	Delphi		wd. r. arm			12.00		-
155,329	Nace, Wm. F.		Delphi		g. s. w. r. leg			6.00		-
43,764	Hora, Isaac		Delphi		g. s. w. face			12.00		-
90,012	Miller, Michael		Delphi		wd. l. thigh			18.00		-
136,937	Ducker, Henry		Delphi		inj. to r. hand			4.00		-
114,770	Chase, Abel S.		Delphi		disease of eyes			8.00		-
144,348	Demmitt, Wm. H.		Delphi		g. s. w. r. arm			4.00		-
130,551	Smith, Frank		Delphi		injury to abdomen		4.00		Oct., 1874
197,388	Troxell, John G.	Delphi		chr. rheuma			20.00		Nov., 1881
122,404	Watts, James M.		Delphi		g. s. w. r. side		4.25		Apr., 1873
104,521	Wilcoxson, James	Delphi		g. s. w. l. leg			6.00		July, 1870
103,330	Lytle, Wm. F.		Delphi		g. s. w. l. breast		6.00		-
133,197	Canthers, Wm. H.	Delphi		rheuma				6.00		Apr., 1875
3,720	Vanatla, Isaac		Delphi		w. l. sho'l			12.00		May, 1848
43,167	Kelly, John		Delphi		g. s. w. body			2.66 2/3	May, 1865
193,910	Kinney, Margaret	Delphi		widow				14.00		Dec., 1881
151,311	Lapple, Caroline	Delphi		widow				8.00		June, 1871
84,147	Sturges, Margaret	Delphi		widow				8.00		Sept., 1866
49,695	Murphy, Mahala J.	Delphi		widow				8.00		-
113,666	Egan, or Agan, Cath'ne	Delphi		mother				8.00		May, 1868
88,819	Stoner, Mary A.		Delphi		mother				8.00		-
98,578	Gerger, Margaret	Delphi		mother				8.00		Sept., 1867
7,308	Hughes, Wm.		Delphi		surv. 1812			8.00		Nov., 1871
164,209	Daily, Jas.		Delphi		minor of			10.00		-
179,489	Herron, Thos.		Delphi		minor of			10.00		Dec., 1877
36,279	Bright, Reuben R.	Flora		wd. l. hand & thigh		14.00		-
35,715	Moore, Peter I.		Flora		wd. l. shoul			6.00		-
149,294	Cromer, James R.	Flora		loss pt. r. index f'g'r		2.00		Nov., 1877
66,541	Duncan, Wm. H.		Flora		wd. l. elbow			4.00		June, 1866
175,370	Cline, Geo. W.		Flora		wd. r. breast			8.00		Oct., 1880
201,002	Stewart, Samuel		Flora		injury to abdomen		2.00		Jan., 1882
153,377	Satt, Gamalicl		Flora		saber wd. head			2.00		May, 1878
46,056	Brady, Jane		Flora		mother				8.00		Apr., 1865
210,998	Foust, David		Lockport	-				4.00		June, 1882
20,405	Lane, Catharine		Lockport	rheuma				8.00		-
103,929	Smith, Harvey		Pittsburgh	debility			3.00		-
141,227	Watson, Josiah		Pittsburgh	inj. r. arm			6.00		-
141,896	Swatts, Andrew J.	Pittsburgh	dis. lungs			8.00		-
108,800	Wingfield, Jasper N.	Pittsburgh	g. s. w. r. leg			6.00		-
34,343	Maxson, Alvan M.	Pittsburgh	loss r. arm			24.00		-
153,997	Anderson, Sam'l J.	Pittsburgh	g. s. w. r. lung		8.00		-
157,330	Lesound, Ann		Pittsburgh	mother				8.00		Apr., 1872
89,489	Armstrong, Sarah	Pittsburgh	mother				8.00		Jan., 1867
11,032	Malcom, George		Pittsburgh	surv. 1812			8.00		Jan., 1872
21,945	Sibbitt, Sarah		Pittsburgh	widow 1812			8.00		Apr., 1879
27,808	Welch, Thomas C.	Pyrmont		loss r. arm			24.00		-
14,744	Overly, Nancy		Pyrmont		widow 1812			8.00		Jan., 1879
111,868	Smith, James W.		Rockfield	bronc. & asthma			10.00		-
108,120	Sharrer, Wilber F.	Rockfield	injury to abdomen		8.00		-
116,616	Wilson, Henry		Rockfield	g. s. w. Hand			3.00		-
192,590	McCormick, Asburg S.	Rockfield	g. s. w. l. thigh		6.00		-
82,020	Maxwell, John N.	Rockfield	wd. l. forearm			8.00		-
145,476	Porter, Geo.		Rockfield	varicose veins			4.00		May, 1877
145,549	Miller, Andrew F.	Rockfield	chr. diarrh			8.00		-
40,160	Smiley, Archibald	Rockfield	wd. r. ankle			2.00		Mar., 1865
4,279	Bush, Catharine		Rockfield	widow				8.00		-
152,060	Thompson, Amoretta	Rockfield	mother				8.00		July, 1871
100,010	Tibbits, Mary		Rockfield	mother				8.00		Oct., 1867

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