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January 1, 1883
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Home | Military Records | 1883 Pensioners on the Roll | Indiana Pensioners on the Roll | Benton County
Cert. # Name of Pensioner Post Office add.Cause for pension Rate Date of Origional Allowance 198,567 Cummings, John Ambia wd. r. thigh 4.oo Dec., 1881 158,613 Meredith, Henry W. Ambia inj. l. h'nd 6.00 - 39, 319 Stephen, Jos. M. Ambia wd. r. knee 6.00 - 77,645 Beck, Levi Ambia g. s. wd. l. buttock 6.00 - 2,217 Stamp, Daniel Ambia injury to abdomen 6.00 - 5,642 Robbins, Eleanor Ambia widow 8.00 Sept., 1863 188,253 Skim, Jacob Ambia minor of 12.00 May, 1880 19,482 St. John, Anna Ambia widow 1812 8.00 Mar., 1879 31,780 Kelly, chloe Ambia widow 1812 8.00 June, 1881 125,929 Fisher, Wm. R. Atkinson chr. diarr. 8.00 Dec., 1873 99,780 Dungan, Jno. W. Boswell heart dis. 24.00 - 35,531 Mab, Ebenezer Boswell loss r. leg 18.00 - 145,026 Huffman, Jno. Boswell rheum. 12.00 - 42,109 Lamb, Jacob Boswell w. r. leg 8.00 - 39,543 Shaw, Daniel Boswell w. l. leg 8.00 - 79,868 Stump, George B. Boswell w. r. arm 18.00 - 60,859 Crabb, Vinston Boswell w. r. arm 18.00 - 36,960 Weaver, David Boswell inj. shoul., arm 18.00 - 17,200 Hunt, Phebe E. Boswell widow 8.00 - 17,504 Lamb, Lucinda Boswell widow 8.00 - 76,562 Tellis, George W. Earl Park g. s. w. l. leg 12.00 - 150,949 Stones, Chas. W. Earl Park g. s. w. r. leg 4.00 Feb., 1878 145,539 Bailey, Jas. Earl Park g. s. w. r. side 5.00 May, 1877 200,179 Gordon, Jasper N. Earl Park loss fin. l. h'nd 14.00 Jan., 1882 83,578 Bruner, Alexander B. Earl Park frac. r. hip 6.00 - 151,644 Freeman, Wm. S. Earl Park rheum. var. v'ns 20.00 - 146,870 Blessing, George A. Earl Park g. s. w. r. side head 6.00 - 192,278 Swan, Wm. F. Earl Park injury to abdomen 4.00 June, 1881 34,953 Stevens, Jno. H. Earl Park w. l. elbow 10.00 - 30,220 Snyder, Wm. Earl Park w. l. arm 18.00 - 104,672 Passehl, George Earl Park g. s. w. breast 18.00 - 191,472 Straight, David E. Earl Park g. s. w. r. leg 10.00 - 71,786 Brown, George Eark Park dis. heart 8.00 - 22, 571 Lafontaine, Lewis Earl Park w. l. shoulder 18.00 - 202,802 Timmons, Henry Earl Park chr. diarah. 4.00 Feb., 1882 161,505 Carroll, Richard Earl Park dis. eyes 6.00 July, 1879 45,880 Cook, Sarah A. Earl Park mother 8.00 Aug., 1865 38,733 Snyder, Henry W. Fowler w. r. wrist 12.00 - 188,666 Martin, Chas. Fowler Chr. diar. 2.00 - 124,439 Austile, Friendly Fowler Widow 8.00 Feb., 1869 209,723 Walsh, Joseph Otterbein g. s. w. back 2.00 May, 1882 198,419 Timmons, John D. Otterbein g. s. w. r. leg 1.00 Nov. 1881 201,713 Thomas, John Otterbein injury to abdomen 2.00 June, 1882 74,533 Templin, John Otterbein loss 1 fing. l. h'nd 2.00 Nov., 1866 197,766 Kromer, John Otterbein chr. rheum. 8.00 Nov., 1881 27,661 Campbell, Hannah Otterbein widow 1812 8.00 Nov., 1879 149,295 McConnell, Wm. M. Oxford rheum. 18.00 Nov., 1877 201,830 Gillespie, Wm. Oxford chr. diarr. 4.00 Jan., 1882 218,799 Bliss, John E. Oxford chr. dia., dis. heart 8.00 Oct., 1882 63,649 Scott, Wm. M. Osford loss fing. l. hand 2.00 May., 1872 142,193 Gillespie, Allen Oxford g. s. w. l. knee 6.00 - 217,905 Vanover, Wm. W. Oxford chr. bronchi 4.00 Sept., 1882 152,720 Benedict, hiram Oxford dis. of abdominal viscera 12.00 - 139,286 Titsworth, Andrew Oxford g. s. w. of back 4.00 May, 1876 74,978 Johnson, Elisha Oxford g. s. w. l. leg 6.00 - 165,133 Thomas, Clarissa D. Oxford widow 8.00 June 1874 193,649 Ogelsby, Abner Oxford father 8.00 Nov., 1881 156,871 Young, Elizabeth Oxford mother 17.00 Mar., 1872 16,713 McConnell, David Oxford surv. 1812 8.00 May, 1872 161,582 Nace, Joseph I. Raub wd. r. arm 4.00 July, 1879 17,199 McDaniel, Elizabeth Talbot widow 8.00 - 198,743 Ford, Allen Templeton Rheum., Scurvy 4.00 Dec. 1881 177,696 Horner, Samuel Templeton dis. eyes 8.00 Oct., 1880 198,081 Tuvell, Thomas Templeton g. s. w. r. hip 4.00 Nov., 1881 211,348 Williams, Philip Templeton dis. both legs 4.00 June, 1882 147,490 Templeton, Wm. J. Templeton g. s. w. r. Shoul, inj. ankle 30.00 Aug., 1877
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