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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Wayne County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Wayne County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
219,978 Adams, Reuban Fairfield dis. heart, lungs, diarr $8.00 Oct., 1882
35,072 Anderson, Jas Jeffersonville chr. rheu.,dis. heart $14.00 -
161,964 Anderson, Peter Six Mile dis. lungs, dis. heart $16.00 Aug., 1879
103,229 Armstrong, Francis G. Pin Oak chr. bron. & resul. $18.00 -
179,058 Austin, Wm. A. Six Mile injury to abdomen $12.00 Nov., 1880
57,595 Bain, Thos Fairfield loss l. leg $18.00 -
184,111 Barnhill, Jefferson W Fairfield results of erysip., fever $4.00 Mar., 1881
199,382 Beck, Henry Wabash wd. face, dis. eyes $4.00 Dec., 1881
25,108 Beecher, Mary J Cisne widow $8.00 -
157,601 Beker, Henry Barnhill wd. r. thigh $2.00 Feb., 1879
217,366 Best, Augustus H. Mount Erie ch. diarr, dis. of abd. viscera $4.00 Aug., 1882
30,176 Best, Benj. F. Mount Erie loss l. arm $24.00 -
88,471 Blacklidge, Nancy Rinard mother $8.00 July, 1869
161,889 Blake, Norman N Johnsonville dis. lungs, heart dis. $24.00 Aug., 1879
194,786 Bleakley, Andrew Mount Erie injury to abdomen $11.25 Aug., 1881
4,274 Bodell, Martha Pin Oak widow $8.00 July, 1863
76,155 Borah, Cath. E Fairfield widow $8.00 June, 1866
150,670 Boswell, Jas. C. Wayne City injury to abdomen $6.00 Jan., 1878
96,551 Bourne, Sam'l Wynoose wd. l. shr. & lungs $24.00 -
167,059 Bowman, Reuben Mount Erie sunstroke, paral. l. side $18.00 Apr., 1880
200,564 Boze, John T Fairfield wd. rt. hand, loss 2 fingers $2.00 Jan., 1882
80,668 Bradshaw, Jas. W. Mount Erie wd. l. side $6.00 -
145,683 Branson, Phillip W Jeffersonville dis. throat, lungs, & spine $8.00 -
211,366 Brown, David A Fairfield w.r. wrist, mid. fing. r. hand $8.00 June, 1882
220,825 Burton, Benj. F. Cisne ch. diarr $4.00 Nov., 1882
138,797 Butler, Henry E. Mount Erie inj. back $8.00 -
10,272 Callin, David Zif surv. 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1875
189,684 Cameron, Nathaniel B. Mount Erie minor of $12.00 -
7,515 Campbell, Huldah Rinard widow $8.00 Oct., 1880
138,187 Campbell, John B Cisne chr.diarr $4.00 -
191,935 Campbell, Ose Ann Cisne widow $12.00 Apr., 12881
32,061 Campbell, Richard H. Mount Erie injury to abdomen, dis. l. leg $18.00 -
188,275 Cazadd, Wm. Mount Erie dis. lungs from pneumo $4.00 May, 1881
215,499 Cesne, David A Cisne dis. lungs $6.00 July 1882
123,799 Christian, Isaac Long Prairie ad. l. chest, dis. lungs $24.00 -
11,424 Clark, Richard Johnsonville widow $8.00 Jan., 1872
107,035 Clark, Thos. Johnsonville dis. eyes, dis. of abd. viscers $14.00 Nov., 1882
209,362 Cobb, Edw. L. Pin Oak wd. l. foot, loss part 3d & 4th toes $4.00 May, 1882
168,217 Cooper, Geo. H. Zif wd. l. hand $4.00 May, 1880
3,921 Corder, Ruth Jeffersonville widow $8.00 -
69,365 Cragan, Lucinthy Long Prairie widow $8.00 Apr., 1865
198,909 Creighton, Jos. B Fairfield wd. r. leg $4.00 Dec., 1881
83,063 Crews, Nathan Fairfield wd. l. arm $20.00 -
1,221,101 Crissip, Pleasant Johnsonville injury to abdomen $8.00 -
131,777 Cronk, Hannah C. Six Mile widow $8.00 -
180,412 Croujhan, Michael Rinard sunstroke, dis. lungs, w.l. thi. $4.00 Dec., 1880
181,513 Crumbacker, Sarah Cisne widow $8.00 July, 1878
166,797 Cunningham, Eleanor Rinard mother $8.00 Dec., 1874
10,179 Dailey, John Johnsonville surv. 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1871
112,483 Darr, Thos Fairfield wd. l. leg $4.00 -
46,454 Dobbs, Isaac L Cisne loss l. arm $18.00 -
201,250 Doughenbaugh, Wm Rinard wd. r. hand $8.00 -
118,478 Duke, Mahlon Rinard injury to abdomen $6.00 -
78,516 Durbin, Nancy E Cisne widow $8.00 June, 1876
85,126 Durrell, Wm. R Fairfield wd. l. leg $6.00 -
202,628 Eaton, Geo Cisne deaf. r. ear, partl. loss r. eye $4.00 Feb., 1882
4,466 Ellis, Sterling C. B Fairfield wd. r. thigh $8.00 -
12,954 Ellis, William Keenville surv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
256,022 Enlow, Jas. W. Mount Erie injury to abdomen $18.00 Oct., 1878
169,690 Farmer, Asa A Fairfield diarr., dis. of abd. viscera $8.00 June, 1882
31,249 Felters, Wm. A Fairfield dis. of eyes $12.00 -
205,234 Fetters, Henry L Fairfield part. deaf. both ears $6.00 Mar., 1882
361 Files, Ludicy Fairfield widow $8.00 Jan., 1868
60,103 Fishel, Geo Fairfield wd. l. shoulder $18.00 -
113,675 Flick, Arthur J Cisne scurvy & rheu $8.00 -
57,042 Forbes, Catharine Mount Erie widow $8.00 -
80,515 Foster, Joshua G. Fairfield wd. l. arm $12.00 -
22,576 Frazer, Wm Fairfield injury to abdomen $12.00 -
84,113 Frehse, Ludwig Enterprise inj. chest & spine $8.00 -
68,338 Friend, John Wabash wd. spine & results $16.00 -
213,177 Gallian, Wm. R. Wynoose dis. eyes $4.00 June, 1882
212,687 Garrison, John Keenville chr diarr $4.00 June, 1882
179,808 Gaston, Wm. J Fairfield dis. lungs $8.00 Dec., 1880
53,812 George, Gilbert J Fairfield wd. r. knee, hip joint $15.00 -
121,708 Gibbs, James Rinard wd. face $6.00 -
206,357 Glidewell, Henderson Keenville injury to abdomen $6.00 Apr., 1882
90,235 Grandon, Wm. R Jeffersonville wd. r. leg $12.00 -
22,070 Greathouse, Martha Cisne widow $8.00 -
189,050 Gregory, Aylesbury Keenville inj. r. hand $2.00 May, 1881
6,968 Gregory, Tobitha Keenville widow $8.00 Apr., 1868
148,349 Grove, Wm. L Jeffersonville dis. head & breast $8.00 -
10,385 Hall, Nancy Keenville widow $8.00 Oct., 1878
182,098 Hanna, Edw. B Fairfield partl. deaf $6.00 Feb., 1881
143,973 Harmon, Elijah Cisne minor of $10.00 -
214,208 Harris, Thos. J Jeffersonville partl. loss r. index fing $2.00 June, 1882
162,545 Hay, Lawrence P Fairfield inj. r. leg, dis. of abd. viscera $15.00 Oct., 1879
219,029 Haynes, Alonzo Long Prairie dis. lungs & liver $4.00 Oct., 1883
211,140 Hearl, Wm. C Fairfield injury to abdomen $4.00 June, 1882
134,458 Hearn, Jas Fairfield nephritis $8.00 -
204,508 Henderson, Wilson Fairfield wd. r. side chest $2.00 Mar., 1882
207,934 Hill, Geo. W Jeffersonville mal. poisoning, ch. diar., dis. kidneys $12.75 May, 1882
139,482 Hodges, Jas. H Fairfield wd. leg & shoulder $8.00 -
30,433 Holliday, Mary A Johnsonville widow $8.00 -
164,931 Holmes, David Mount Erie dis. heart $12.00 Feb., 1880
202,838 Holmes, Milton Mount Erie incised wd. l. leg $2.00 Feb., 1882
166,623 Hopkins, John F.S. Long Prairie rheu $6.00 Apr., 1880
192,138 Howard, Jas. W. Wayne City ulcers l. leg $8.00 June, 1881
7,926 Hubbard, Benj Fairfield surv. 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1871
29,728 Huddleton, Minerva J Fairfield widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1880
141,266 Hughes, Marion Wynoose injury to abdomen $4.00 -
179,315 Hunt, Eliza J. Rinard mother $8.00 Dec., 1877
184,202 Ingersoll, John W Fairfield wd. l. leg $4.25 Mar., 1881
94,698 Ingram, Jesse Mount Erie dis. kidneys, ch. diarr., dis. lungs & heart $18.00 -
218,554 Jelly, Benj. Jeffersonville chr. diar $4.00 Sept., 1882
56,378 Jenkins, Richard J Long Prairie wd. r. breast, destroying use r. arm & hand $16.00 -
130,590 Jesop, Titus Fairfield inj. bladder & Spine $4.00 -
212,098 Jessup, Alex'r S. Mount Erie wd. r. leg, vari. veins $10.00 June, 1882
156,856 Jessup, John Fairfield dis. lungs $24.00 Dec., 1878
35,379 Johnson, Jesse Six Mile dis. lungs, aff. heart $12.00 -
42,584 Jones, Wesley Fairfield wd. l. hand $14.00 -
174,140 Jordan, Jemima Rinard mother $8.00 June, 1876
160,679 Karr, Morris Fairfield injury to abdomen $4.00 June, 1879
194,734 Lawrence, Benj. F Jeffersonville minor of $10.00 Mar., 1882
60,148 Lear, Jane Cisne widow $8.00 Nov., 1863
28,451 Lock, Ellen T Johnsonville widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1880
183,379 Lock, Jas Fairfield w. 2d fing. l. hand, var. veins r. leg $6.00 Feb., 1881
52,125 Logan, Daniel Jeffersonville wd. r. forearm $10.00 Nov., 1865
40,823 Logan, Marg't E Fairfield widow $8.00 -
83,062 Long, Franklin Jeffersonville wd. l arm $8.00 -
216,249 Luster, Wm Fairfield dis. eyes $4.00 Aug., 1882
103,723 Matthews, Jerome C Fairfield loss l. eye, dis. right $8.00 -
165,032 Maudling, Cloyd C. Wayne City wd. l. side of head $6.00 Feb., 1880
185,974 Maulding, Jas Long Prairie minor of $12.00 Nov., 1879
159,167 Mayes, Alex Mount Erie wd. r. thi. $4.00 Apr., 1879
2,996 Mayes, Caroline Mount Erie widow $8.00 Aug., 1867
222,958 McCall, Ridley W Fairfield injury to abdomen $8.50 Dec., 1882
22,287 McClemans, Nancy Johnsonville widow $8.00 -
212,342 McCollum, Issaac Mount Erie neural., dis. eyes $6.00 June, 1882
184,332 McCown, Nicholas S Fairfield var. veins r. leg, inj. r. knee, dis. of abd. viscera $8.00 Mar., 1881
114 McCoy, Wm. Wayne City ch. rheum $8.00 -
112,090 McCumber, Martha Johnsonville widow $8.00 -
190,478 McDaniel, Adam Wabash ch. diarr., dis. of abd. viscera $4.00 June, 1881
197,610 McKelvy, Wm. F. Mount Erie injury to abdomen, diarr. $12.00 Nov., 1881
72,906 McMahen, Sally Fairfield mother $8.00 May, 1866
122,380 McNeely, Jas Jeffersonville wd. r. arm $10.00 -
219,719 McNeely, Wm. Jeffersonville ch. pleurisy $6.00 Oct., 1882
201,879 McReynolds, Wm. W Fairfield dis. lungs $4.00 Jan., 1882
20,515 Meeks, Mary R Fairfield widow $8.00 -
189,568 Melton, Isaiah Fairfield minor of $12.00 Aug., 1880
12,537 Miller, Andrew J. Wayne City wd. r. leg $6.00 -
17,753 Mills, John Mount Erie wd. face $8.00 -
195,632 Milner, Malinda Johnsonville widow $18.00 May, 1882
9,854 Morris, Mary A. Mount Erie widow $8.00 -
131,450 Moyer, Wm Long Prairie chr. diarr $8.00 -
86,689 Myers, Geo. W. Wayne City wd. l. hand $4.00 -
215,987 Orr, Amos Mount Erie ch. diarr $6.00 July, 1882
117,025 Overbee, Jas. C Fairfield dis. of abdominal viscera $18.00 -
52,998 Owen, Elizabeth Fairfield widow $8.00 -
118,078 Oxendine, David Fairfield dis. eyes $6.00 -
26,566 Padgett, Jeremiah Enterprise dis. l. leg $6.00 -
62,218 Parkeson, Hugh M Fairfield wd. r. leg $6.00 -
159,915 Pennington, Christian Mount Erie widow $8.00 Oct., 1872
157,811 Pennington, Geo. W Johnsonville chr. rheu., heart dis $8.00 May, 1879
149,556 Pennington, Joshua Fairfield wd. r. hand $4.00 -
152,815 Pettijohn, Robt. S. Rinard ch. bronchi $8.00 Apr., 1878
9,405 Pharr, Susan E. Mount Erie widow $8.00 -
93,055 Phillips, Ezra M Cisne wd. head $8.00 -
40,104 Phillips, Thos. C Jeffersonville wd. l. lung, catarrh, dis. ears, part'l deaf $10.00 -
165,381 Pittman, Jos. P. Rinard ch. diarr., dis. ear, part. deaf $8.00 Mar., 1880
69,808 Powell Sarah Long Prairie mother $8.00 Apr., 1866
174,160 Price, Jas. G. Mount Erie ch. diarr., dis. heart, w. l. foot $18.00 Sept., 1880
198,874 Puckett, John Y Barnhill chr. diar., dis.of abd. Vis $4.00 Dec., 1881
39,661 Ramsey, Alex'r Wynoose wd. l. hand & hip $8.00 -
180,225 Riberts, Ebenezer B. Mount Erie ch. diarr., rheum $8.00 Dec., 1880
214,361 Richards, Elyaphan Castor wd. of face $2.00 June, 1882
148,381 Risley, Henry Cisne wd l. leg $3.00 -
221,978 Roberts, Zadock C Fairfield dis. head & face $4.00 Dec., 1882
209,589 Robson, Jas. Pin Oak dis. lungs $8.00 May, 1882
180,656 Ryan, Hull W Fairfield dis. eyes $6.00 Jan., 1881
217,953 Scholfield, Jos. C Fairfield incised wd. r. foot $4.00 Sept., 1882
163,737 Scott, Louisa J. Wabash widow $15.00 Jan., 1874
9,610 Scott, Mary J. Mount Erie mother $8.00 Dec., 1863
185,700 Scott, Thos Jeffersonville dis. kidneys $8.00 Mar., 1881
203,322 Seerest, Geo Mount Erie ch. diarr., dis. of abd. viscera $8.00 Feb., 1882
131,262 Shaffer, Elizabeth Fairfield widow $8.00 -
18,472 Shannon, Wm. Mount Erie wd. l. arm $4.00 -
158,290 Shell, Christian Jeffersonville wd. of head $6.00 Mar., 1879
186,834 Shelton, Wm. R. Mount Erie Chr. Diarr., dis. lungs $12.00 Apr., 1881
20,370 Sibley, Chas. W Fairfield loss 2 toes l. foot $10.00 -
27,079 Simmons, Isham Cisne loss r. thumb $4.00 -
86,420 Smith, Amansel Enterprise wd. r. thigh & back $12.00 -
67,782 Smith, Fred'k Fairfield wd. r. hand $14.00 -
212,513 Spencer, Wm. H. Mount Erie ch. diarr. $4.00 June, 1882
201,911 Spruell, Casey Wabash wd. l. thi. $1.00 Apr., 1882
222,305 St. John, Francis M. Zif ch. diar., dis. heart $12.00 Dec., 1880
86,286 Stacer, Wm. C. Mount Erie wd. chest $4.00 -
25,453 Staner, Rachel Fairfield widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1879
171,148 Stanley, Wm. A. Mount Erie injury to abdomen $8.00 July, 1880
154,433 Starnater, Alexander Wynoose ch. rheu $4.00 July, 1878
189,340 Steele, Jas Cisne inj. of back $6.00 May, 1881
223,841 Stine, Henry Cisne chr. rheu $6.00 Dec., 1882
180,519 Stinson, James M Fairfield injury to abdomen $6.00 -
34,233 Stull, Eli Johnsonville wd.r. forearm $12.00 -
44,452 Sumpter, Laoviah Jeffersonville widow $8.00 May, 1867
17,995 Taylor, Caroline M Cisne widow $8.00 -
131,166 Tenney, Arkalon Johnsonville inj. to back $3.00 -
221,057 Tenney, Sylvanus Johnsonville dis. lungs $8.00 Nov., 1882
4,589 Thomasson, Jos. F. Wayne City wd. r. leg $4.00 -
159,512 Tibbs, Gracie J Johnsonville widow $10.00 -
211,485 Tidbail, Oliver P. Mount Erie sunstroke, nerv. debil $6.00 June, 1882
113,482 Todd, Lewis Jeffersonville fract. r. arm.,shr $8.00 -
53,067 Turner, Rebecca Mount Erie widow $20.00 -
192,993 Ulm, Catharine A Enterprise widow $14.00 -
109,679 Ulm, Daniel N Jeffersonville chr. diarr $10.00 -
174,485 Ulm, Rich. H. Zif ch. diar., dis. of abd. viscera $6.00 Oct., 1880
195,283 Van Fossan, Josiah Mount Erie inj. r. breast $4.00 Sept., 1881
170,208 Van Fossan, Malinda Mount Erie mother $8.00 July, 1875
187,774 Voris, Andrew Mount Erie ch. diarr $4.00 May, 1881
192,466 Walker, Ann Fairfield widow $16.00 -
189,955 Walker, David B. Wayne City ch. diarr $2.00 June, 1881
209,175 Walker, Elias Mount Erie ch. diarr, dyspep. fr. malaria $6.00 May, 1882
194,744 Warner, Louisa J Johnsonville mother $8.00 Mar., 1882
54,056 Watson, Harvy G. Johnsonville wd. l arm $12.00 -
69,909 Wells, William H. Mount Erie ch. rheuma $2.66 -
213,571 West, Jas. B. Wabash wd. l. thi. $2.00 June, 1882
189,776 White, John Fairfield bronch $6.00 June, 1881
132,054 White, Wm Fairfield ch. diarr $8.00 -
206,064 Wiles, Chas Fairfield catarrh $4.00 Apr. 1882
211,353 Willibey, Jas. M Cisne inj. rt. hand & wrist $6.00 June, 1882
178,143 Wilson, Alexander Fairfield wd. back, dis. eyes $8.00 Oct., 1880
35,925 Wilson, Alice Fairfield widow $8.00 -
39,896 Wilson, John Jeffersonville dis. lungs $18.00 -
211,054 Wilson, Saml. J. R Fairfield injury to abdomen $10.00 June, 1882
161,054 Yohe, Philip Mount Erie wd. l. thi. $4.00 July, 1879
195,614 Zimmerman, Bathsheba Rinard widow $10.00 -
173,903 Zimmerman, Solomon Fairfield dis. lungs $6.00 Sept., 1880

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