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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Tazewell County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Tazewell County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
138,538 Amerman, David Mackinaw wd r thigh $18.00 -
20,326 Anderson, Mary Tremont widow $15.00 Apr 1864
108,330 Andrews, Geo. Washington wd head $6.00 -
51,109 Basquin, Parthena Pekin widow $8.00 July 1865
221,623 Beatty, Rowland J. Delavan wd l third finger $4.25 Dec 1882
178,919 Bell, Benj. A. Washington wd l hand $2.00 Nov 1880
145,977 Berney, James Washington dis. lungs $4.00 June 1877
31,919 Biddle, Ruth Hopedale widow 1812 $8.00 Aug 1881
8,731 Blanchard, William Fondulac surv. 1812 $8.00 Nov 1871
200,294 Bort, Christian Hilton chr. Rheum $12.00 Jan 1882
186,969 Bowen, Chas. H. Pekin dis. Of abdominal viscera $8.50 Apr 1881
71,173 Bright, Catharine Hopedale widow $8.00 -
25,488 Brim, Mary J. Minier widow $8.00 -
151,440 Brooks, George G. Minier wd l leg $2.00 Mar 1878
134,627 Brown, Elizabeth A. Pekin widow $8.00 Sep 1869
199,392 Brown, Levi Morton dis. kidneys $12.00 Dec 1881
210,192 Buchele, William Tremont wd l shoulder, chr rheum $4.00 June 1882
55,045 Carhart, Alfred Pekin loss sight r eye, aff left $24.00 -
138,867 Cobeau, Samuel Delavan wd r leg $4.00 -
223,791 Combs, Isaac Pekin concus. Brain, bursting shell, nervous debility $4.00 Dec 1882
128,229 Conaghan, Ann Pekin dep. mother $8.00 Apr 1869
144,711 Crane, Chas. A. Washington dis. Liver $4.00 -
23,963 Crossman, Wm. W. Delavan - $8.00 Aug 1878
76,424 Darby, Wm. Minier wd r hand $16.00 -
62,430 Davis, Aquilla J. Tremont wd l should $7.50 -
29,433 Davis, Ellen Minier widow $8.00 -
12,700 Davis, James Delavan survivor 1812 $8.00 Feb 1872
192,498 Davis, Thos. J. Pekin wd r hand, loss ring finger $6.00 Mar 1881
45,795 Doty, Sarah L. Pekin widow $8.00 -
70,114 Drake, Simeon R. Pekin loss r arm $24.00 -
145,056 Dunkle, David P. Pekin wd r thigh $4.00 -
89,893 Durham, Lorenzo Morton fract l. shr & chr. Diarr $15.00 -
161,453 Edson, Henry M. Delavan dep. Father $8.00 Mar 1873
186,743 Eger, Mary Pekin widow $8.00 Jan 1880
173,851 Egger, John Boynton wd r thigh $2.00 Sept 1880
178,788 Fessler, Dominick Mackinaw wd of head $2.00 Nov 1880
155,522 Few, Chas. W. Delavan wd l. shoulder $2.00 Sept 1878
209,846 Flocher, Ferdinand Pekin g.s.w. rt foot & left thigh $6.00 -
51,214 Forbes, John S. Armington wd both thighs $6.00 -
178,231 Ford, Rebecca Hopedale dep. Mother $8.00 June 1877
27,016 Fowler, Ann M. Pekin widow 1812 $8.00 Sept 1879
125,581 Free, Henry Pekin dis. lungs $24.00 -
174,672 Friend, Harvey B. Minier chr diarr $6.00 Oct 1880
195,709 Gay, Thomas Pekin dep. father $8.00 May 1882
179,405 Gilmore, Eliza A.R. Delavan widow $20.00 Dec 1877
164,384 Graff, Mary J. Delavan widow $8.00 Apr 1874
142,625 Graham, Hugh D. Pekin injury to abdomen $4.00 -
143,148 Green, Wm. H. Delavan wd l side & back $4.00 -
65,264 Gunion, Ann Lilly widow $8.00 -
190,734 Hager, Calvin W. Delavan dep. Father $8.00 Jan 1881
19,162 Handberry, John D. Pekin wd r foot $6.00 -
23,483 Hayward, Eliza H. Tremont widow 1812 $8.00 May 1879
151,130 Heiple, Henry F. Washington wd r thigh $2.00 Feb 1878
201,543 Highland, Robt. Deer Creek wd l side $2.00 Jan 1882
223,144 Hight, James S. Green Valley ch rheu, wd l thigh $4.00 Dec 1882
140,458 Hill, Lucius Pekin injury to abdomen $12.00 -
23,897 Hill, Philip Lilly wd r arm, l hand $18.00 -
205,825 Hiner, Ira Mackinaw catarrh head, prison life $4.00 -
103,891 Hocker, Anthony Pekin wd r leg and back $8.00 -
106,482 Hodgson, Delila Washington dep. mother $8.00 Jan 1868
37,123 Hohl, Edward Pekin wd l shoul $6.00 -
13,216 Hopkins, Onias Pekin loss r eye $24.00 -
165,794 Huff, Henry B. Mackinaw wd left leg $2.00 Mar 1880
114,246 Humfrey, Milton Tremont wd r foot $4.00 -
204,023 Hutson, Christopher J. Morton chr diarrh $2.00 Mar 1882
33,411 Ingersoll, George Mackinaw wd r arm $18.00 -
156,583 Jacobs, Christian Pekin wd r side head $6.00 July 1881
156,852 Jacobus, Wm. A. Delavan dis. Lungs $6.00 Dec 1878
156,928 Johnson, Lewis Delavan wd r thigh $2.00 Dec 1878
164,068 Junker, Peter A. Pekin dep father $8.00 Feb 1874
73,177 Kane, Michael Pekin wd pelvis, r thi $16.00 -
185,141 Kessler, Fred'k Pekin dep father $8.00 Aug 1879
185,230 Knehule, Ann Pekin widow $8.00 Aug 1879
181,842 Kurice, Wm. W. Minier chr. Diarr. & dropsy $6.00 Jan 1881
140,212 Ledterman, John B. Pekin dis of abdominal viscera $6.00 -
140,031 Licklider, Jacb D. Armington frost-bite, lt foot, inj to abd $6.00 July 1876
29,829 Lindsey, Jane Lilly widow 1812 $8.00 June 1880
52,915 Lisle, John W. Washington amp. L. arm $24.00 -
161,912 Long, Nancy Washington dep. Mother $8.00 Apr 1873
102,860 Matthews, Emeline Minier widow $8.00 -
21,293 May, Christian Morton loss l. arm $24.00 -
128,572 McCain, Alonzo Pekin chr. Diarr. $6.00 -
159,586 McCall, Wm. Delavan wd l thigh $2.00 May 1879
122,387 McClance, George W. Hopedale injury to abdominal viscera $10.00 -
18,500 McComb, Sam'l Pekin loss r leg $24.00 -
21,616 McNutt,Mary Washington widow $8.00 -
88,921 Miles, Joseph B. Washington wd neck & back $12.50 -
177,354 Miller, Nancy Pekin dep mother $8.00 May 1877
217,449 Morris, John Farmdale rheu. Dis. Spine $8.00 Aug 1882
128,786 Mosher, Marcellus R. Stoehrs wd l arm $6.00 -
84,321 Naegle, Chas. Pekin injury to abdomen $6.00 -
154,016 Neif, Johann Pekin wd l thi $4.00 -
154,699 Nelan, Leander Pekin inj. R. wrist $6.00 June 1878
120,763 Nelson, Polly Washington widow $8.00 -
22,566 Oeth, Parmelo Mackinaw - $8.00 June 1878
211,307 Parker, Charles G. Morton chr diarr, dis. Of abd. Vis $4.00 June 1882
134,981 Patton, David Mackinaw wd l should $8.00 -
194,221 Pauley, Catharine Farmdale dep mother $8.00 Jan 1882
141,320 Petty, Wm. B. Hopedale wd r wrist $2.00 -
101,594 Phillips, Jas. M. Morton wd l side $4.00 -
41,963 Pickernell, Malvina F. Tremont widow $8.00 Mar 1865
222,978 Power, Garrett W. Mackinaw dis. Kidneys $4.00 Dec 1882
17,661 Railsback, Lauisa D. Minier widow 1812 $8.00 Feb 1879
95,793 Reynolds, Henry Washington wd r hand $18.00 -
212,132 Reynolds, Thomas J Green Valley wd l hand, loss ring finger $4.00 June 1882
164,224 Richards, Joseph Tremont inj. Head aff eyes & ears $6.00 Jan 1880
118,075 Roberts, Edwin H. Morton dis. Heart $24.00 -
141,066 Rodgers, Ambrose H. Pekin inj r groin $4.00 -
184,264 Rude, Squire Pekin dis. Eyes $6.00 June 1882
25,017 Sage, Harvey Pekin surv. 1812 $8.00 Apr 1879
202,886 Sayner, George Green Valley wd l thigh $2.00 Feb 1882
179,763 Schnert, Elizabeth Pekin widow $8.00 -
196,878 Schnert, Margaret Pekin dep mother $8.00 July 1882
143,371 Schwart Catharine Pekin widow $10.00 -
206,230 Scott, Jesse W. Pekin wd r. shoul $4.00 Apr 1882
163,443 Scully, Michael Delavan wd back $2.00 Nov 1879
168,589 Shane, Sally White Tremont dep. mother $8.00 Apr 1875
150,202 Sherman, Joseph Morton loss sight left eye $4.00 -
196,552 Sims, Wm. P. Pekin wd r. arm $4.00 Aug 1878
150,919 Sirdel, George B. Morton partial deafness, dis. Eyes $8.00 Feb 1878
190,626 Slasher, Rosanna Pekin widow $16.00 -
91,114 Smallenberger, George Hilton loss l eye, aff right $8.00 -
87,516 Sunderland, Sam'l Delavan wd in neck $2.00 -
37,750 Taggart, Ellen S. Green Valley widow $8.00 -
35,928 Timbrel, Emeretta Pekin widow $8.00 -
210,711 Traeger, Fred'k Pekin chr diarr., asthma, rheum $2.00 Oct 1881
209,503 Trowbridge, James W. Washington loss sight l eye $4.00 May 1882
8,227 Truit, Nancy J. Washington widow $8.00 -
3,017 Turner, Mary Pekin widow $8.00 -
196,717 Van Deusen, Cath'ne C. Pekin dep mother $8.00 June 1882
167,224 Warner, Dewitt C. Allentown scurvy $4.00 Apr 1880
129,516 Watson, Thomas Washington injury to abdomen $8.00 -
31,855 Waughop, Harriet Washington widow 1812 $8.00 June 1881
148,410 Waughop, Martin H. Washington wd l. hip $4.00 -
10,651 Worley, Rich. M. Pekin loss l. leg $6.00 -
96,566 Young, Catharine Washington dep. mother $8.00 Dec 1868
188,176 Zelle, George Pekin rheuma $15.00 May 1881
188,921 Zumwalt, John Delavan injury to abdomen $8.00 May 1881

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