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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Schuyler County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Schuyler County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
25,851 Ames, Elisha Browning impaired sight and hearing $6.00 -
159,599 Augell, James M. Pleasant View wd. l. thigh $4.00 May, 1879
128,870 Axel, Jacob Rushville wd. l. hand $4.00 -
85,082 Bates, James Wayland erysipelas and dis. eyes $8.00 Mar., 1881
79,371 Beebe, Wm. A. Pleasant View loss r. thumb $4.00 -
152,482 Bissell, Jame Brooklyn widow $8.00 July, 1871
58,306 Black, Angeline Rushville widow $8.00 -
211,715 Bowen, Andrew J. Rushville shell wd. l. side & chr. diarr. $4.00 June, 1882
51,215 Boyles, Calvin Rushville wd. r. lung & knee $8.00 -
49,434 Brewer, James M. Rushville wd. r. elbow & rheum. $18.00 -
110,672 Bridgwater, Levi Rushville wd. l. hand and dis. eyes $12.00 -
18,823 Brooks, Cassandra Ray widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
187,148 Brooks, Geo. S. Rushville minors of $16.00 Mar., 1880
113,765 Brooks, Harrison Huntsville chr. diarr. $8.00 -
130,495 Brooks, Oliver Brooklyn minors of $10.00 -
184,680 Brooks, Rachel Birmingham widow $16.00 June, 1879
62,001 Brown, Perry Fredericksville dis. spine & rheum. $4.00 -
20,797 Brown. Sarah Camden widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
189,861 Buckels, James Fredericksville shell wd. hd. & dis. abd. visc. $6.00 June,1881
89,985 Bullis, Abram F. Rushville inj. lft. foot & dis. of heart $12.00 -
159,852 Caldwell, Susan Littleton widow $8.00 Oct., 1872
173,817 Castle, Lewis Ray chr. diarr. $4.00 Sept., 1880
8,552 Chadsey, Benjamin Rushville surv. 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1871
123,228 Close, Albert Rushville wd. r. elbow $8.00 -
70,460 Colt, Sarah P. Rushville widow $8.00 Apr., 1866
190,892 Cooney, Clara Rushville widow $10.00 Jan., 1881
58,416 Cooper, Mahala Rushville widow $8.00 -
114,295 Corrie, John D. Wayland wd. r. hand $4.00 -
135,210 Crask, Henry Rushville wd. r. side of head $6.00 -
145,851 Curry, Wm. J. Rushville wd. r. rm $4.00 -
222,012 Curtis, John Brooklyn chr. diarr. $4.00 Dec., 1882
159,242 Curtis, Joseph Brooklyn wd. r. thigh $4.00 Apr., 1879
143,160 Davis, Elizabeth Rushville widow $8.00 -
91,777 Degarmore, Mary Brooklyn widow $8.00 -
186,392 Dessaron, Sarah E. Rushville widow $8.00 Dec., 1879
113,635 Dixon, Francis M. Rushville chr. diarr. $8.00 -
162,492 Dunn, James H. Ray chr. rheum. $3.00 Sept., 1879
131,579 Evans, Aquila T. Camden inj. r. side & abscess $24.00 -
153,568 Everhart, Samuel Rushville chr. diarr. $6.00 June, 1878
36,134 Ewing, James H. Rushville wd. l. shr. $18.00 -
30,277 Gillaim, Barclay C. Rushville wd. l. shr. $25.00 -
88,188 Gillispie, Matilda C. Camden dep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1866
199,908 Gossage, James Rushville g. s. w. head $2.00 Dec., 1881
153,447 Grafton, Samuel Rushville wd. l. leg $2.00 May, 1878
85,414 Graves, Henry Rushville blind $72.00 -
13,275 Gregg, Mary Ann Rushville widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
2,936 Gritlith, Nathan Rushville surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
87,877 Groves, James M. Birmingham wd. r. thigh $4.00 -
189,878 Hellyer, George Brooklyn dis. stom. & dyspep. $4.00 June, 1881
114,398 Helso, Rachel A. Pleasant View widow $8.00 Feb., 1869
118,175 Hite, Abraham L. Brooklyn dis. lungs $8.00 -
1,370 Hoffman, Margaret C Rushville widow $3.50 July, 1859
21,366 Horney, Emilia Littleton widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
13,918 Horney, Jane Littleton widow $30.00 Feb., 1864
185,331 Horton, Elizabeth Bluff, City widow $8.00 -
153,033 Huey, Robert B. Birmingham intermittent fever $6.00 Aug., 1878
30,695 Humphreys, Mary Browning widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1880
166,565 Johnson, John Brooklyn loss r. md. finger from g.s.w. $3.00 Apr., 1880
157,198 Johnson, John M. Fredericksville dis. of abdominal viscera $15.00 Jan., 1879
32,675 Luttrell, Sarah Browning widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1882
81,216 Mason, Wm. E. Rushville frac. jaw $12.00 -
67,381 McCabe, Mary Rushville widow $8.00 Mar., 1866
133,794 McCake, John Rushville wd. r. leg $3.00 -
62,518 McGrath, John H. Doddsville wd. r. thigh $11.25 -
13,358 McHatton, Elizabeth Camden widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
25,851 McKenney, John J. Camden wd. r. hand $6.00 -
22,722 Melvin, John Camden surv. 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
213,210 Merritt, Thomas M. Brooklyn chr. diarr. & rheum. $6.00 June, 1882
154,541 Middleton, David F. Rushville minors of $10.00 -
94,817 Minnium, John A. Rushville wd. l. groin $6.00 -
190,085 Montooth, Geo. Rushville dis. r. side hd. & deaf r. ear $4.00 Dec., 1881
169,479 Moore, Geo. Huntsville sunstroke and l. side $8.00 June, 1880
170,209 Mullen, Martin Birmingham sunstroke, dis. brain & heart $8.00 June, 1880
174,433 Neidy, Phebe Rushville dep. mother $8.00 July, 1876
45,241 Newell, Zelpha Rushville widow $8.00 Apr., 1865
169,591 P?lsor, John Brooklyn dep. father $8.00 June, 1875
196,303 Pardum, James Birmingham g. s. w. rt. leg $6.00 Oct., 1881
20,787 Parker, Eliza Rushville widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
208,608 Parks, Henry Pleasant View shell wd. l. leg $2.00 May, 1882
167,266 Patterson, Robert Rushville inj. to back $4.00 Apr., 1880
125,184 Peyton, Augustus D. Rushville wd. jaw $8.00 -
174,950 Phares, Jesse Rushville chr. diarr. $6.00 Oct., 1880
161,907 Pratt, Leonard J. Huntsville dis. lungs & heart $12.00 Aug., 1879
59,564 Primley, Seneca Rushville wd. l. side head $8.00 -
192,870 Pruett, Jacob Rushville injury to abdomen $4.00 July, 1881
120,977 Rader, Wm. H. Camden wd. l. hand $10.00 -
76,527 Randall, John R. Fredericksville frac. ribs & c. $8.00 -
186,500 Raper, Augustus F. Doddsville dep. father $8.00 Jan., 1880
16,869 Rittenhouse, Enoch Rushville wd. both legs $8.00 -
34,489 Roach, John Rushville chr. pleuritis $18.00 -
147,193 Roberts, Garret Ray inj. r. ankle $18.00 -
166,000 Robertson, Joel Browning chr. diarr. & dis. abd. visc. $4.00 Mar., 1880
128,492 Robinson, Nimrod Birmingham chr. rheum. $10.00 -
128,559 Roe, Wm. R. Bluff, City loss l. thumb $4.00 -
108,579 Scott, Richard Rushville injury to abdomen $10.00 -
186,534 Sell, Catherine Birmingham dep. mother $8.00 Jan., 1880
178,774 Sheesly, Daniel Littleton chr. diarr. & dis. abd. visc. $8.00 Nov., 1880
101,061 Shelley, Franklin Sheldon's Grove wd. l. shr. $6.00 -
52,473 Sherrill, Keziah Baders widow $8.00 Aug., 1865
118,930 Shields, Julia A. Rushville widow $8.00 -
42,351 Sites, Margaret Rushville widow $8.00 -
204,065 Smedley, Thomas J. Fredericksville chr. diarr. $4.00 Mar., 1882
162,366 Sprigg, Elizabeth Huntsville dep. mother $8.00 May, 1873
113,851 Stockwell, Clarissa Fredericksville widow $8.00 -
20,160 Stokes, Elizabeth Huntsville dep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1864
142,102 Stoneking, David Birmingham dis. stomach & bowels $8.00 -
193,023 Stoneking, Elizabeth Birmingham widow $8.00 July, 1881
192,951 Stucker, Laura Huntsville widow $12.00 July, 1881
29,258 Taylor, Margaret Rushville widow $8.00 -
44,795 Taylor, Norris H. Rushville wd. l. lung $14.00 -
131,517 Tetrick, David S. Rushville wd. r. thigh $8.00 -
168,032 Thornton, Geo. M.D. Browning epilepsy $18.00 May, 1880
180,075 Trayar, John Browning chr. rheum. and heart dis. $18.00 Dec., 1880
65,064 Underwood, Mary J. Rushville widow $8.00 -
121,093 Vail, Abraham W. Fredericksville dis. eyes $8.00 -
193,008 Walker, Joseph Littleton g. s. w. l. side & neck $6.25 July, 1881
163,174 Ware, Nancy Fredericksville widow $8.00 -
24,958 Warring, Sally Birmingham widow 1812 $8.00 June., 1879
92,795 Waugh, Hiram Rushville burn, hand & arm $4.00 -
126,518 Webster, Daniel Rushville phth. pul. $24.00 -
112,592 Wier, Wm. H. Birmingham wd. l. arm $8.00 -
155,251 Williams, Henry Huntsville chr. diarr., ulcerat'n bowels, and dis. of abdominal visc. $8.00 Sept., 1878
47,757 Wilson, Charles I. Birmingham wd. l. arm $18.00 -
194,132 Wilson, Pelatiah P. Birmingham chr. diarr. & heart dis. $18.00 Aug., 1881
12,509 Wisdom, Susannah Browning widow $8.00 -
201,631 Womelsdorf, Jacob Wayland rheum. and chr. diarr. $4.00 Jan., 1882
184,394 Young, Matilda Birmingham widow $8.00 -

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