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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Rock Island County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Rock Island County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
215,055 Abbott, Isaac Cordova ch.bronch.and rheum $6.00 July, 1882
10,229 Abbott, Theodore Cordova dis.lungs $4.00 Jan., 1863
95,331 Allebrow, Rebecca A Watertown widow $8.00 June, 1868
189,783 Altz, Christopher Moline dis.lungs $8.00 June, 1881
13,875 Anderson, Holmes Port Byron wd.l.hand $6.00 -
170,299 Annavalt, Agnes G. W Rock Island dep.mother $8.00 July, 1875
176,475 Ardery, Margaret R Edgington dep.mother $8.00 Feb., 1877
45,478 Bailey, Thos Hampton wd.r.hand $8.00 -
179,100 Bangs, Moser R Moline dep.father $8.00 Nov., 1877
76,891 Banks, Rachel Rock Island widow $8.00 June, 1866
66,575 Beardsley, James M Rock Island wd.l.arm $15.00 -
217,735 Beck, John P Rapids City g.s.w.r.thigh $4.00 Sept., 1882
163,372 Beim, Henry L Moline wd.l.mid.finger & abd. $12.75 Nov., 1879
70,597 Bollman, Gabriel Rock Island dis.of abdominal viscera $8.00 -
168,229 Boughton, Wm. L Edgington dis.of lungs $4.00 May, 1880
73,056 Bradley, Lucius G Moline wd.r.chest $14.00 Oct., 1866
51,269 Briggs, Manuel M Rock Island wd.r.arm $18.00 -
213,337 Brown, Geo. E Milan bayonet wd.r.leg & inj.r.eye. $4.00 June, 1882
192,461 Brown, Margaret P Milan dep.mother $8.00 June, 1881
75,791 Bryant, Oscar S Moline typh.fever $8.00 -
111,077 Buchanan, Wm. P Rock Island ch.dysentery $5.00 -
99,696 Buck, Edwin H Rock Island concussion brain $4.00 -
12,236 Byrnes, Johanna Rock Island widow $8.00 -
28,568 Campbell, Thomas Rock Island wd.l.knee $8.00 -
12,332 Carnes, Ellen Rock Island widow $8.00 -
184,573 Carr, John Moline ch.rheum $6.00 Mar., 1881
187,458 Carroll, Hiram Rock Island g.s.w.thumb and index fin.l.hand. $6.00 Apr., 1881
206,551 Christy, Wm Rock Island chr.rheum $8.00 Apr., 1882
18,210 Clark, Henry Hampton wd.both legs $12.00 -
17,529 Claspill, John W Moline wd.r.leg.& l.thigh $8.00 -
89,426 Cleland, John H Rock Island wd.r.hip $4.00 -
79,749 Cleveland, Henry C Rock Island wd.both hips $6.00 -
13,784 Cole, Warren Moline wd.both thighs $14.00 -
85,968 Connelly, Henry C Rock Island dis.heart & lungs $20.00 -
46,457 Cook, Benton H Rock Island wd.l.side perforating lung $18.00 -
10,690 Cook, Eleanor C Moline widow $8.00 -
53,412 Coon, Michael L Milan wd.l.hand $8.00 -
60,844 Copp, James F Rock Island wd.r.arm $8.00 -
186,558 Crabtree, John Drury disease spine $6.00 Apr., 1881
87,984 Craig, Alex'r Coal Valley injury to abdomen $8.00 -
15,281 Craig, Oliver Hampton wd.r.shr.and lung $18.00 -
71,611 Currier, Edgar L Moline dis.eyes $4.00 -
10,668 Cushman, Joseph B Carbon Cliff g.s.w.& l.eye, loss r.eye. $12.00 -
146,518 Davis, Jane R Milan widow $8.00 -
65,578 Davis, Mary Moline widow $8.00 May, 1867
111,305 Davis, Wm Rock Island g.s.w.r.side and arm $6.00 June, 1871
12,609 Dewrose, John W Moline wd.l.hand $6.00 -
108,900 Dollinger, Sophie F Rock Island dep.mother $8.00 Feb., 1868
97,962 Downs, Ezekiel C Moline injury to abdomen $8.00 -
73,157 Duffield, Susan Illinois City widow $17.00 Jan., 1877
123,737 Eberhart, Albert G Rock Island wd.l.leg $4.00 -
136,998 Eckhart, Louis V Rock Island frac.l.arm $5.00 -
92,905 Edelman, Conrad Hampton wd.l.leg $4.00 -
51,147 Edelman, Wm. Hampton loss r.leg $18.00 -
163,370 Edson, Susan B Rock Island widow $19.00 -
43,466 Ellis, Adam Port Byron amp.l.arm $24.00 -
172,980 Ells, Emmons C Rock Island loss sight l.eye $4.00 Aug., 1880
16,431 Essex, Susan Illinois City widow $8.00 Mar., 1864
80,506 Evans, Jacob Rock Island wd.r.thigh & back $12.00 -
19,355 Eveland, Jasper Moline ampt.rt.leg & wd.of lft.leg $24.00 -
1,411 Farrell, Wm Cordova loss r.eye and l.eye, res.dis. $12.00 June, 1874
22,573 Fitch, Henry R Cordova wd.l.thigh and loss toe $12.00 -
29,297 Follett, Mell C Moline frac.l.leg $14.00 -
178,069 Frederick, John E Rock Island wd.l.shr $4.00 Oct., 1880
197,851 Freeman, Wm Andalusia dep.father $8.00 Nov., 1882
71,668 Freibele, Frederick Rock Island wd.l.forearm and r.hand $6.00 -
43,927 Fugate, James N Moline wd.l.thigh $18.00 June, 1865
52,911 Gamble, John Moline wd.shr $18.00 -
135,799 Gause, Geo. W Moline injury to abdomen $8.00 -
143,087 Gillette, Harriet M Moline widow $8.00 June, 1870
25,367 Goble, Gemenemus Milan wd.r.arm $6.00 -
130,339 Golden, Cyrus Moline injury to abdomen $4.00 -
116,591 Goldin, Benj. F Barstow wd.l.thigh and abdomen $6.00 -
97,823 Goldsmith, Wm Milan wd.r.shr $4.00 -
15,033 Gordon, Amos Moline surv. 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1872
19,708 Green, John C Rock Island wd.neck & r.lung $8.00 -
73,889 Gregory, John M Reynolds injury to abdomen $12.00 -
182,905 Grierson, John M Rock Island rt.knee $4.00 Feb., 1881
6,185 Grock, Fredericke Coal Valley widow $8.00 Sept., 1863
70,159 Grout, Alonzo C Moline wd.r.shr $12.00 -
27,375 Grout, Josiah, jr Moline wd.r.leg $17.00 -
166,013 Haley, Eliz'th Rock Island dep.mother $8.00 Sept., 1874
137,377 Hardenbrook, Ab'm K Buffalo Prairie wd.l.shr $4.00 -
Harte, Mary A Rock Island widow $20.00 -
150,201 Hartman, Hans F Rock Island wd.back $6.00 -
136,751 Hayes, Wm Moline wd.l.hand $6.00 -
18,196 Hayward, Sylvia Hampton widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
90,412 Heck, James T Moline $8.00 -
78,865 Heilwagner, Wm Rock Island wd.both hands $4.00 -
202,642 Hermes, Joseph Hampton g.s.w.r.forearm $6.00 Feb., 1882
178,585 Hoff, Geo. H Cordova wd.l.hip $4.00 Nov., 1880
106,816 Hollister, Reuben G Port Byron wd.l.arm $3.00 -
196,810 Holmes, John N Buffalo Prairie minors of $16.00 July, 1882
30,896 Holmes, Thomas Milan pleuro pneumonia $18.00 -
31,362 Holnocke, Frekericka Rock Island widow $8.00 -
165,120 Holt, Dorman A Moline abdomen & dis.lungs $18.00 Mar., 1880
92,972 Holt, John M Moline var.veins l.leg & thigh $6.00 -
31,458 Houston, Oliver Edgington injury to abdomen $4.00 -
204,315 Houston, Wm Rock Island dis.spine & brain $50.00 Mar., 1882
151,420 Howard, Ascef S Watertown dep.mother $17.00 June, 1871
183,456 Howard, Margaret Reynolds dep.mother $8.00 Mar., 1879
2,271 Huntley, Jane Rock Island widow $8.00 -
178,698 Hutchison, Luther Port Byron dis.eyes $6.00 Nov., 1880
108,504 James G. Wells Moline rheum. & sunstroke $20.00 -
186,638 Jobe, Henrietta Rock Island widow $17.00 Jan., 1880
46,605 Johnson, Andron F Ferdinand g.s.w.back & rt.shoulder $8.00 -
58,774 Johnson, Wm. F Rock Island loss r.leg $18.00 -
185,388 Johnston, Edwin H Port Byron dis.lungs & bowels $20.00 Mar., 1881
31,831 Karstens, Henry Moline loss l.thigh $24.00 -
49,500 Kell, Joseph Edgington wd.r.shr $12.00 -
219,050 Kilmer, Jeremiah C Rock Island g.s.w.r.shr $2.00 Oct., 1882
164,280 Klein, Francis Rock Island wd.l.foot $1.00 Jan., 1880
56,256 Knittle, James Rock Island loss rt.leg $18.00 Apr., 1867
51,199 Knocke, Caroline Rock Island dep.mother $8.00 July, 1865
198,005 Koch, Lillia Rock Island widow $8.00 Dec., 1882
181,554 Koeber, Christina Rock Island widow $17.00 July, 1878
3,429 Lafferty, Wm Rock Island g.s.w.lft.thigh $4.00 -
109,580 Laing, Wm. H Rock Island dis.stomach $6.00 -
11,596 Lawhead, David Rock Island loss r.thumb & asthma $8.00 May, 1863
154,138 Layton, James F Rock Island shell wd.forehead $17.00 July, 1878
83,225 Ledley, Wm Rock Island wd.l.leg $10.00 -
178,566 Lewis, Dennis S Moline dis.lungs $6.00 Nov., 1880
125,429 Lindsey, Mary Ferdinand dep.mother (dead) $8.00 Mar., 1869
197,450 Littler, Geo. L Moline inj.r.knee $6.00 Nov., 1881
123,386 Lord, Napoleon D. O Moline fever & ague from sunstroke $10.00 -
184,639 Love, Samuel Reynolds minors of $10.00 June, 1879
116,368 Lundquest, John E Moline dis.of eyes $14.00 -
52,033 Mapes, Lydia A Rock Island widow $8.00 -
187,947 Margraf, Augusta Moline widow $14.00 Apr., 1880
59,??7 Marshall, Charity Cordova widow $8.00 Nov., 1865
135,907 Marshall, Julia A Andalusia dep.mother $8.00 Oct., 1869
185,001 Martin, Thomas Coal Valley ch.rheum $20.00 Mar., 1881
220,101 Matthiesson, James Carbon Cliff g.s.w.r.side head $2.00 Nov., 1882
83,185 Maxwell, Eliz'th Cordova dep.mother $8.00 Sept., 1866
2,580 McCall, John Port Byron surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
14,264 McGinnis, Andrew Port Byron wd.abdomen $4.00 -
187,920 Mead, David Moline dep.father $8.00 Apr., 1880
4,543 Mead, Margaret Port Byron widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1863
42,969 Meloin, Laura Moline dep.mother $8.00 Mar., 1865
26,284 Messenger, Mary S Reynolds widow $8.00 -
7,659 Metzger, Jacob Rock Island var.veins l.leg $4.00 -
90,224 Mildredon, Wm. H. H Moline wd.l.hand $12.00 -
93,084 Mills, Joseph Rock Island ch.diarr $4.00 -
26,323 Montfort, Maria Port Byron dep.mother $8.00 July, 1864
8,576 Muse, Eliz'th Milan widow $8.00 -
49,604 Myers, Wm. Illinois City wd.frontal bone $8.00 -
156,357 Neely, Joseph L Illinois City amp.r.forearm $18.00 Nov., 1878
116,707 Nelson, Wm. A Rock Island dis.eyes $8.00 -
17,199 Newton, John W Rock Island loss l.leg $24.00 -
102,198 Nicholson, Duane Port Byron dis.lungs $8.00 -
135,064 Norris, Wm. A Rock Island wd.both thighs & ab $18.00 -
52,660 O'Brien, Terence Rock Island dis.heart $8.00 -
71,124 O'Hare, Edward Rock Island effect of mercurial salivation. $12.00 -
87,402 O'Mara, Catharine Edgington dep.mother $8.00 Dec., 1866
116,214 O'Neil, Michael Rock Island hyp.heart $4.00 -
47,666 Orr, Eliza Hillsdale dep.mother $8.00 May, 1865
15,370 Patterson, Maria J Edgington widow $8.00 -
88,652 Patton, David A Rock Island wd.r.arm $8.00 -
111,435 Pearce, Richard R Moline ch.rheum $72.00 -
117,661 Pingree, Geo. E Moline wd.r.arm $8.00 -
66,499 Pomroy, Joseph Ferdinand wd.chest and dis.lungs $18.00 -
47,460 Pugh, Frances Carbon Cliff widow $8.00 -
201,430 Rhodenbaugh, Isaiah N Milan injury to abdomen $1.00 Jan., 1882
86,795 Rinhart, Edward D Moline loss sight l.& part sight r.eye $8.00 -
99,772 Ritcheg, Leander Rock Island wd.lft.side & rt.leg $4.00 -
156,054 Robinson, Peter Rock Island wd.l.hip $6.00 Oct., 1878
158,564 Rodman, Martha A Rock Island widow 1812 $25.00 -
186,336 Rowe, Mary P Port Byron dep.mother $8.00 Dec., 1879
98,683 Ryerson, Peter S Moline g.s.w.l.leg & var.veins $14.00 July, 1869
190,324 Sass, Augustus Rock Island g.s.w.back & hip $6.00 June, 1881
116,429 Sayre, Nathan Cordova loss l.eye $18.00 -
104,903 Schacter, Mary Rapids City widow $8.00 -
172,678 Schindler, Ferdinand Rock Island wd.l.breast $4.00 Sept., 1880
163,071 Schutte, Augustus C Illinois City minors of $10.00 -
127,609 Scott, James Hillsdale wd.r.shr $4.00 -
163,651 Segar, Hannah L Port Byron widow $10.00 -
9,771 Shannon, Mary Edgington widow $8.00 -
Shaw, Mary Cordova widow $8.00 Sept., 1882
181,270 Sheriff, Matilda Reynolds widow $12.00 -
183,126 Sible, Joseph L Cordova minors of $10.00 -
130,650 Simmons, Theodore Andalusia wd.r.arm $4.00 -
91,583 Smith, James A Reynolds g.s.w.lft hand $5.00 -
10,591 Smith, Joseph Moline loss r.arm $24.00 -
25,998 Smith, Robert Milan wd.r.arm $10.00 -
8,679 Snell, Mathew Rock Island parlysis rt.arm $8.00 -
21,652 Snyder, Mary Ann Port Byron widow $8.00 May, 1864
215,041 Spaid, Geo Port Byron inj.spine $8.00 July, 1882
164,747 Spencer, Jane N Rock Island widow $8.00 May, 1874
110,001 Sperling, James Reynolds wd.l.shr.aff.lung $8.00 -
218,612 Sprague, Silas Rock Island g.s.w.r.hand $4.00 Oct., 1882
86,960 Stafford, Morris T Rock Island loss three fin.l.hand $2.00 -
29,372 Stanley, Maria A Illinois City dep.mother $8.00 Sept., 1864
32,399 Sterens, Phebe Port Byron widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1882
44,730 Stiles, Seldon Rock Island wd.lower jaw $8.00 -
Stout, Louisa Cordova widow $8.00 -
151,818 Stull, Emily F Illinois City widow $8.00 -
178,068 Sturgeon, Mansfield M Rock Island dis.eyes $4.00 Oct., 1880
24,192 Sullivan, Hannah Moline widow $8.00 -
160,997 Tayloe, Delia A Moline widow $8.00 Feb., 1873
48,669 Taylor, Wm. Illinois City g.s.w.rt.hand, abd $10.00 -
170,061 Thompson, Mary Milan dep.mother $8.00 -
113,672 Timmons, James Moline wd.back $4.00 -
32,862 Tobin, Ann Rock Island widow 1812 $20.00 -
35,460 Trent, Henry C Port Byron wd.l.thigh $15.00 -
210,606 Twigg, Wm. M Illinois City dis.throat and lungs $15.00 June, 1882
134,091 Tyler, Wm. N Port Byron scurvy & gen. debility $4.00 -
210,132 Valentine, Levi C Rural chr.diarr $4.00 May, 1882
Van Easton, Mary Reynolds dep.mother $8.00 -
Vanlandingham, Jno. O Andalusia inj.l.leg $6.00 May, 1882
197,104 Volk, Mathias Edgington inj.l.arm and par.deaf $8.00 Oct., 1881
23,381 Volkel, Mary Buffalo Prairie widow $8.00 -
42,456 Walker, Martha A Coal Valley widow $8.00 -
161,545 Wall, Elisha Moline injury to abdomen $18.00 July, 1879
67,902 Ward, Elizabeth N Port Byron dep.mother $8.00 Mar., 1866
2,469 Warneke, Anne Rock Island widow $8.00 -
195,971 Waters, Hannah Rock Island widow $8.00 June, 1882
113,182 Watts, Ann Rock Island widow 1812 $8.00 -
174,015 Way, Lucy B Cordova widow $8.00 -
3,268 Webb, George W Moline g.s.w.lft.hand $8.00 -
184,064 Webster, Rozlila Port Byron widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
216,026 Weiland, Charles Rock Island bayonet wd.of lft hand, dis.of leg. $4.00 July, 1882
205,925 Weis, Frank Rock Island g.s.w.r.leg $2.00 May, 1882
213,124 Wheeler, Lewis Carbon Cliff ch.diarr.and aff.r.eye, loss l.eye. $18.00 June, 1882
24,551 Wheeler, Lucy Moline widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
133,283 Whitbeck, Andrew Carbon Cliff chr.diarr $4.00 -
194,202 White, Wm Rapids City g.s.w.both thighs $4.00 Sept., 1881
187,444 Wiegel, Anton Milan g.s.w.l.thigh $2.00 Apr., 1881
29,246 Wilcox, Christinna Moline widow $8.00 -
196,926 Wilcox, Wm Port Byron ch.diarr $4.00 Oct., 1881
112,134 Wilkins, Daniel Rock Island inj.l.ankle $6.00 -
129,842 Williams, Daniel Moline dep.father $8.00 June, 1869
188,847 Williamson, John E Rock Island dis.kid.and bladder $6.00 May, 1881
191,344 Wilson, Mohalia Rapids City dep.mother $8.00 Mar., 1881
41,091 Wilson, Naomi Milan widow $8.00 Oct., 1866
22,956 Woodin, Lucy Rock Island widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
180,600 Wylie, Eliz'th M Illinois City widow $19.00 -
25,089 Yager, Peter Moline wd.r.leg $16.00 -
124,926 Zolling, John H Ferdinand g.s.w.left foot $4.00 -
73,307 Zollinger, John Port Byron wd.head $12.00 -

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