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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Pike County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Pike County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
185,613 Abels, Alex'r Barry minor of $12.00 Sept., 1879
117,110 Alden, Charles H Griggsville anchylosis rt.knee joint $18.00 June, 1872
192,950 Allen, Mary Ann Pearl Depot widow $12.00 July, 1881
176,266 Angel, John Time ch.diar., dis.of abdom.visc $8.00 Oct., 1880
202,948 Anthony, Jas. C Griggsville contused wd.back $4.00 Feb., 1882
142,354 Arnold, John T Barry wd.l.leg $10.00 -
184,099 Askew, Isaac Barry dis.eyes $8.00 Mar., 1881
88,154 Askew, Jane Barry mother $8.00 July, 1868
194,395 Ator, Franklin New Hartford ch.diarr., dis.ribs $4.00 Aug., 1881
109,758 Bacon, Wm. F El Dara dis.heart $18.00 -
149,874 Bacus, Luther Montezuma wd.r.thi., diar $8.00 -
164,216 Baker, Edw. W Barry insanity $24.00 Jan., 1880
166,737 Baldwin, Wm. L Pittsfield wd.r.wrist, diarr $12.00 Apr., 1880
206,930 Barkley, Wm. S Barry wd.r.leg $2.00 Apr., 1882
157,894 Batley, Milton Detroit wd.r.hand $2.00 Mar., 1879
42,722 Beckdoldt, Geo. P Milton wd.r.breast $4.00 -
142,358 Birdsall, Harriet E Barry mother $8.00 Apr., 1870
64,650 Bliven, Albert G Barry wd.l.hip $12.75 -
181,587 Bobbitt, Wm. B Pittsfield injury to abdomen $8.00 Jan., 1881
223,722 Bolliard, Franklin Pittsfield ch.diarr $4.00 Dec., 1882
72,444 Boucher, Elizabeth Milton dep.mother $8.00 May, 1866
197,592 Bramble, Nancy J Rockport widow $12.00 Nov., 1882
174,669 Brandy, Washington Time abdomen, dis.lungs $12.00 Oct., 1880
123,229 Bridge, Edmund T Hull ch.diar. & dis.of abd.vis $6.00 -
147,867 Brown, Catharine E Milton widow $8.00 May, 1865
61,788 Brown, John New Salem wd.r.thi $6.00 -
73,691 Brown, Nancy Pittsfield mother $8.00 May, 1866
192,457 Buchard, Margaret S Milton widow $17.00 June, 1881
180,152 Budgewater, Elias Kinderhook dis.of abdominal viscera $6.00 Dec., 1880
79,041 Burgur, John C Pittsfield wd.l.leg $4.00 -
188,819 Caldwell, Mary S Pittsfield widow $25.00 June, 1880
180,097 Callender, Mary Time widow $8.00 Feb., 1878
188,616 Callender, Wm Milton injury to abdomen $8.00 May, 1881
185,897 Canaway, John Milton ch.rheu., dis.heart $10.00 Mar., 1881
118,305 Capps, Newton Pleasant Hill wd.r.side $14.00 -
2,699 Carnahan, Elizabeth Griggsville widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1872
21,648 Carpenter, Susan Perry widow $8.00 -
140,654 Cartright, Redrick Barry g.s.w.lft.thigh $6.00 Aug., 1876
165,668 Cawthon, Benj. F Griggsville epilepsy $8.00 Mar., 1880
122,583 Chaplin, Rebecca Time mother $8.00 Dec., 1868
176,149 Chrysup, Geo. W Barry dis.spine, paraly $12.00 Oct., 1880
131,680 Clandy, Sarah E Barry widow $17.00 July, 1869
141,632 Clark, Martin Pleasant Hill g.s.w.r leg $4.00 -
2,373 Clark, Mary Time widow $8.00 -
217,863 Colegrove, Samuel Kinderhook dis.lungs & kidneys $4.00 Sept., 1882
25,899 Collard, Mary Pleasant Hill widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1879
25,150 Collins, Isaiah Kinderhook partl.anch.r.knee $18.00 -
140,220 Cox, Eleanor Kinderhook mother $8.00 Feb., 1870
192,738 Crossan, Margaret Barry widow $8.00 June, 1881
36,495 Crossan, Wm Barry wd.r.hand $15.00 -
139,954 Crum, Lucius Barry inj.r.ankle $6.00 -
181,213 D?man, Eve Pleasant Hill dep.mother $8.00 May, 1878
6,083 Dabney, Sarah Barry widow $8.00 Dec., 1868
12,115 Davidson, Marg't Time widow $8.00 -
34,821 Davis, Rachel Perry widow $8.00 -
140,735 Deal, Wm. H New Hartford dis.of abdominal viscera $10.00 -
165,795 Dexter, Pine Martinsburgh wd.l.shr $3.00 Mar., 1880
126,011 Dickerson, Jas. D Griggsville insanity $50.00 -
29,371 Dickinson, Peter T El Dara frac.l.arm $12.00 -
213,003 Dodge, Harlan P Rockport wd.r.shr $2.00 June, 1882
31,456 Donohue, Philip Rockport loss r.thigh $24.00 -
165,513 Dorman, Wm Barry wd.l.hand $8.00 Mar., 1880
165,949 Doyle, Geo. W Barry wd.r.leg $4.00 Mar., 1880
85,658 Doyle, Mary Pleasant Hill dep.mother $8.00 Jan., 1868
31,240 Du??eld, Katharine Pittsfield widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1881
187,377 Dye, Margt. C Time mother $8.00 Mar., 1880
218,264 Dyer, Eli New Canton ch.diarr $4.00 Sept., 1882
33,273 Dyer, Isaac J Time wd.l.arm $18.00 -
190,825 Edmondson, Joseph Kinderhook wd.rt.leg $2.00 June, 1881
86,688 Edwards, Wm. M Griggsville frac.r.clavicle $6.00 -
104,336 Ellis, Thos. B Florence dis.eyes $2.00 -
57,592 Elwood, Sam'l Barry frac.r.arm $6.00 -
139,175 English, Chas. W Pittsfield dis.lungs $8.00 -
141,302 Ervin, Rachel J New Salem widow 1812 $8.00 -
106,977 Fletcher, Mary A Milton dep.mother $8.00 May, 1869
31,841 Foote, Tallmadge O Pittsfield wd.r.forearm $18.00 -
188,798 Foreman, Malinda Time mother $8.00 June, 1880
192,842 Forsyth, Margaret Perry mother $8.00 July, 1881
26,753 Fox, Jacob R Kinderhook wd.l.leg $6.00 Apr., 1864
180,268 Francis, Marion Rockport ch.rheu $6.00 Dec., 1880
189,877 Gardner, Levi Fish Hook paraly.r.side $8.00 June, 1881
212,199 Garrison, Zachariah A Milton dis.of abd.vis., ch.diar $8.00 June, 1882
137,518 Gayer, John S Barry bronch.& dyspepsia $8.00 -
121,701 Gill, Geo Fish Hook wd.r.hand $8.00 -
142,080 Gorman, Robert Pearl Depot bronchitis $4.00 Oct., 1876
2,161 Graham, Elizabeth El Dara widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1872
30,849 Gray, Jane Martinsburgh widow $8.00 Sept., 1871
29,446 Green, Laney Maysville widow $8.00 -
96,209 Gregory, John C Hull pulmon'y dis $8.00 -
6,066 Grimes, Nancy Milton widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1874
69,044 Griswold, Jane Kinderhook widow $8.00 -
204,706 Haines, Jos. E Barry night blindness $7.50 Mar., 1882
30,849 Hankins, Rebecca Barry widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1880
169,996 Harkrader, David M Pittsfield ch.diarr $4.00 June, 1880
131,455 Harris, Homer V Barry wd.l.shr $4.00 -
146,730 Harrison, Wm Kinderhook wd.r.foot $12.00 -
46,363 Harrow, Jos. O New Canton wd.chest & arm $16.00 -
154,883 Hartsock, Arthur C Pleasant Hill wd.left arm & forearm $5.00 Aug., 1878
167,963 Havens, Chas New Canton chr.diarr $4.00 May, 1880
167,964 Hazelrigg, Geo. H New Canton wd.r.shr $4.00 -
186,236 Henderson, Marg't Time mother $8.00 Dec., 1879
212,318 Hendricks, Jas. M Time wd.of abdomen $2.00 June, 1882
138,888 Hendricks, Nancy Barry dep.mother $8.00 Jan., 1870
136,004 Hendrickson, Solomon New Canton wd.l.leg $8.00 -
160,652 Herold, Adam Perry ch.diar $8.00 June, 1879
13,452 Hilliard, Wm Pittsfield surv. 1812 $8.00 May, 1872
207,597 Hines, Wm Kinderhook dis.of lungs $4.00 Apr., 1882
162,490 Hoback, Batholomew Griggsville epilepsy $18.00 Sept., 1879
18,493 Holmes, Jas Barry wd.l.thi.& abdo., inj.l.leg $8.00 -
167,444 Hopkins, Benj. B Griggsville rupt.r.side, ch.diar $20.00 May, 1880
88,420 Hornback, Jas Hull wd.r.lung $8.00 -
21,597 Horton, Horace Rockport surv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1875
116,391 Hoskins, Horace Pleasant Hill wd.l.hip $6.00 -
23,298 Hubbard, Wm. A Pittsfield wds.l.arm & chest $18.00 Mar., 1878
25,975 Hucton, Mahala Fish Hook dep.mother $8.00 July, 1864
34,488 Hull, Benjamin Kinderhook chr.drouchutis & dis.of hrt $12.75 -
27,255 Hull, Lydia Barry widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1879
188,260 Humphrey, Mary A Barry widow $8.00 May, 1880
196,051 Humter, Robt Pittsfield wd.l.leg $4.00 Sept., 1881
191,633 Hurt, Elisha Barry wd.head $15.00 June, 1881
127,361 Iler, Wm Rockport wd.l.arm $4.00 -
10,055 Ingalsbe, Xurry M New Salem inj.r.ankle $2.00 -
92,034 Jaques, Alma Pittsfield wd.both legs $8.00 -
65,967 Johnson, Cyrene Barry wd.r.foot $12.00 -
36,939 Johnson, David B El Dara g.s.w.lft.side & lung $8.00 -
28,159 Johnson, Nancy New Salem mother $8.00 Aug., 1864
30,418 Johnston, Catharine Pittsfield widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1880
197,641 Johnston, David Pearl Depot inj.l.eye, resulting opacity, ulcer, & pterygia. $4.00 Nov., 1881
28,332 Johnston, Solomon T Milton wd.r.side $12.00 -
157,607 Jones, Benj. G Perry ch.diarr $12.00 -
187,834 Jones, Joshua A Kinderhook rheu., heart dis $12.00 May, 1881
81,809 Jourdan, Wm Pearl Depot dis.r.shr $8.00 -
151,593 Judd, John New Canton wd.r.foot $4.00 -
15,816 Kellogg, Lydia Pittsfield widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
160,422 Kelly, Julia Ann Milton mother $8.00 Dec., 1872
102,629 Kendall, Lafayette Pleasant Hill dis.lungs $4.00 -
50,538 Kenney, Chas. T Griggsville wd.r.thi $18.00 -
80,720 Kidwell, Mahala Barry mother $8.00 Oct., 1866
163,797 Kile, Geo Perry scurvy $8.00 Dec., 1879
161,368 Kindle, Geo. W Pleasant Hill dis.eyes $6.00 July, 1879
143,319 Kindred, Walter C Pittsfield wd.r.arm $4.00 -
21,537 Kinman, Jno. S Hull wd.l.leg $18.00 -
215,092 Laurimore, Jas. T New Canton dis.eyes $4.00 July, 1882
16,141 Layton, Phebe Perry widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
206,509 Ledlie, Jos. H Pittsfield ch.diarr., dis.of abd.vis $25.00 Apr., 1882
84,324 Likes, Lyman Barry wd.r.thi $4.00 -
23,431 Logan, Jas. M Pittsfield frac.skull, epilepsy, insanity $50.00 -
217,717 Lowe, Joseph F Barry chr.diar $4.00 Sept., 1882
106,814 Lynch, David Pittsfield inj.r.foot $6.00 -
118,866 Manker, Bryon Barry chr.diar $8.00 -
80,649 Marion, Wm. H Barry wd.l.leg 5.33 1/3 -
51,591 Mathes, Elizabeth A Pleasant Hill widow $8.00 -
208,789 Mayo, Chas Perry wd.both thighs $6.00 May, 1882
115,496 Mayo, Jas. H Perry acci.wd.l.hand, loss 1st phalanx 2d & 3d fingers. $4.00 -
13,222 Mays, Littlebury New Hartford surv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
222,625 McCallister, Edwin Griggsville ch.diarr $6.00 Dec., 1882
85,613 McCann, Nelson Rockport wd.r.shr $2.00 -
126,833 Miller, Elizabeth J Fish Hook widow $8.00 -
33,689 Miller, Geo. W Pleasant Hill g.s.w.lft.leg $12.00 -
101,229 Miller, Sam'l M Griggsville wd.r.foot $4.00 -
128,714 Mitchell, Mary Griggsville widow $8.00 -
148,350 Moore, Wm Time dis.eyes $12.00 -
221,962 Morse, Henry Pittsfield vari.r.leg, ulceration $8.00 Dec., 1882
37,486 Morton, Mahala R Pittsfield widow $8.00 -
41,794 Mudd, Celestia R Pittsfield widow 1812 $30.00 -
23,796 Newman, Martha Kinderhook widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
157,853 Ogle, Isaac J Fish Hook wd.r.hip $4.00 Mar., 1879
174,775 Pangborn, Angeline Shepherd mother $8.00 Aug., 1876
116,091 Pence, Wm. J Barry wd.r.hand $6.00 -
201,193 Penstone, Giles H Griggsville wd.l.forearm, both thighs $8.00 Jan., 1882
197,779 Phillips, Albert Baylis chr.diarr $2.00 Nov., 1881
112,693 Phillips, Cornelius Pleasant Hill dis.lungs $18.00 -
143,239 Pope, Ann E Kinderhook widow $8.00 -
102,422 Proctor, Geo. W El Dara wd.l.wrist $10.00 -
71,633 Racy, Cordelia Barry widow $8.00 -
36,807 Rader, Sarah Y Time widow $8.00 -
96,768 Ralph, Elizabeth Rockport mother $8.00 July, 1867
133,856 Ransom, Elisha Independence bronchitis $4.00 -
207,498 Ransom, Franklin Independence wd.l.knee $4.00 Apr., 1882
34,140 Ransom, Wm Nebo dis.lungs $6.00 -
24,959 Reynolds, Norman A Perry total blindness $72.00 -
191,213 Roberts, John Rockport ch.diarr $4.00 June, 1881
178,141 Robinson, Wm Time ch.diarr $4.00 Oct., 1880
7,551 Ross, Hannah B Pittsfield widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
92,404 Runyan, Catharine Barry widow $8.00 -
96,763 Rupert, Catharine Summer Hill widow $8.00 -
108,888 Sanderson, Geo Pittsfield wd.l.breast $8.50 -
9,505 Sanderson, Mary Detroit widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
168,805 Saxer, Henry Perry dis.eyes $8.00 May, 1880
26,294 Schaub, David D Perry wd.l.foot $4.00 -
222,307 Sco?ey, Cicero Pittsfield wd.of arms $4.00 Dec., 1882
1,662 Scribner, Juliette Griggsville widow $15.00 Apr., 1863
66,889 Sellon, Benj Pittsfield wd.l.leg $8.50 -
78,827 Seniff, Geo. W Pittsfield loss l., dis.r.eye $18.00 -
130,044 Shaw, Geo. W Pittsfield wd.r.leg $2.00 -
18,925 Shinn, Louisa New Hartford widow $8.00 -
28,418 Shinn, Nancy New Salem widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1880
11,297 Shive, Martin V Pleasant Hill wd.r.shoulder $14.00 -
173,910 Slagle, Julia A Pittsfield mother $8.00 June, 1876
24,109 Smith, Elizabeth Summer Hill widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
84,994 Smith, Geo. W Time dis.heart $12.00 -
70,370 Smith, Hiram Rockport epilepsy effects, wds.neck, hip, & leg. $50.00 -
181,918 Smith, John New Canton wd.l.side near shr $2.00 Feb., 1881
189,952 Smith, Jonathan Time dis.eyes $6.00 June, 1881
172,092 Snyder, Adam A Summer Hill wd.l.hip $4.00 Aug., 1880
125,696 Sperry, Jas. W Hull wd.r.buttock $8.00 -
209,502 Staff, Peter Kinderhook dis.eyes $8.00 May, 1882
215,341 Starkes, Williamson Barry chr.diar $4.00 July, 1882
109,206 Starks, Andrew J Barry back $8.00 -
63,016 Starks, Francis M Barry wd.l.thi., r.side $6.00 -
124,917 Stirnian, John Barry scald l.leg & ankle $4.00 -
167,773 Stowe, Ranson P Perry spine $8.00 May, 1880
151,432 Taylor, Wm Perry dis.heart, paral $24.00 -
112,591 Terry, Geo Barry dis.eyes $10.00 -
114,119 Thomas, Jacob Barry wd.head, inj.r.eye $14.00 -
116,222 Thomas, Sam'l Griggsville dis.blad.& pros.glands $18.00 -
198,881 Tillman, David D Barry dis.kidneys $4.00 Dec., 1881
67,375 Troutner, Sarah Time widow $15.00 -
18,357 Tucker, Chas. M Pleasant Hill wd.l.leg $10.00 -
107,705 Tucker, Francis M Detroit dis.eyes $12.00 -
117,789 Turnbaugh, Geo. W Summer Hill dis.of lungs $12.00 -
36,457 Tyler, Tryphena B Pittsfield widow $8.00 -
189,743 Vannatta, Wm Baylis dis.eyes $24.00 June, 1881
206,917 Vanzandt, Joseph P Perry dis.heart $12.00 Apr., 1882
21,151 Vaughn, John P Strout wd.l.hand $4.00 -
107,477 Veach, Wiley Baylis ophthalmia $8.00 -
23,299 Vickroy, Solomon E Strout wd.r.lung $4.00 -
58,254 Waggoner, Andrew J Pleasant Hill wd.l.shoulder & hip $4.00 -
160,529 Watson, Albert Barry dis.eyes $4.00 June, 1879
14,376 Webster, Edgar L Pittsfield vari.veins l.leg $8.00 -
198,806 Weiss, Wm. August Griggsville dis.liver, spleen, debil $8.00 Dec., 1881
193,839 Wells, Mary Pleasant Hill dep.mother $8.00 Dec., 1881
116,993 Wheeler, Henry Barry spine $10.00 -
215,354 White, Wm. H Pearl Depot wd.back, ch.diarr., pension of diarr.ends Dec.16,'63 $2.00 July, 1882
24,104 Whitehouse, Letitia R Barry widow $8.00 -
40,303 Wilkins, Nelson Perry wd.r.elbow $18.00 -
145,040 Williams, Edw Fish Hook wd.l.thi $4.00 -
2,511 Williams, Jacob Kinderhook surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1871
99,991 Williamson, Ulysses New Canton wd.left hand $6.00 -
3,636 Wilson, Elizabeth Chambersburgh widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1872
179,470 Wilson, Mary H Griggsville widow $21.00 -
13,850 Winans, Tip Pittsfield wd.l.thigh $31.25 -
35,779 Winner, Jonathan Barry wd.l.arm $6.00 -
29,217 Winner, Samuel Barry lung disease $6.00 -
78,017 Wise, Susan Milton mother $8.00 July, 1866
221,062 Wood, John A Pearl Depot wd.l.forehead $2.00 Nov., 1882
13,276 Wooruff, David Barry surv. 1812 $8.00 July, 1872
195,472 Yeldell, Edmund O Summer Hill wd.r.thigh $4.00 Sept., 1881

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