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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Morgan County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Morgan County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
60,838Allen, Wm. IIJacksonvilleWd. Cranium$18.00 -
17,060Anderson, LucyWaverlyWidow$8.00 Feb.,  1879
120,254Anderton, MargaretFranklinWidow$8.00 -
219,671Angel, DavidJacksonvilleScurvy & Dis. of Kidneys$4.00 Oct., 1882
38,480Angeline, HendersonArcadiaWidow$8.00 -
164,925Ater, John J.ConcordInjury to Abdomen$8.00 Feb., 1880
187,460Atkins, Kizze E.JacksonvilleWidow$18.00 Mar., 1880
211,360Ayers, TheophilusChapinG. S. Wd. L. Thigh$4.00 June, 1882
192,567Babbitt, SarahJacksonvilleDep. Mother$8.00 June, 1881
159,296Bahou, DennisJacksonvilleWd. R. Arm & L. Side of Neck$4.00 Apr., 1879
152,262Baker, Francis MAlexanderWd. L. Breast$4.00 -
35,570Baptist, SandersJacksonvilleG. S. Wd. of Back, Par. Paral. Lower Extrem.$8.00 -
75,796Barrick, JesseJacksonvilleCh. Diar. & Rheum.$8.00 -
44,247Bates, Edwin D.JacksonvilleG. S. Wd. Left Hip$8.00 -
158,842Bingham, JohnJacksonvilleMinor of$10.00 -
135,098Bird, Samuel W.JacksonvilleG. S. Wd. L. Leg$6.00 Aug., 1875
212,979Bradway, JamesWaverlyCh. Diarr $6.00 June,  1882
22,171Brown, CassandraWaverlyWidow$8.00 Apr., 1879
218,759Brown, Daniel R.JacksonvilleG. S. Wd. R. Forearm & Elbow$6.00 Oct., 1883
139,880Brown, James R.SinclairWd. R. Hand$4.00 -
11,293Brown, RichardAlexanderWd. R. Foot$18.00 -
221,225Bruce, Rob't C.JacksonvilleDis. of Abdominal Viscera$7.50 Nov., 1882
122,372Buckner, Chas. P.MeredosiaG. S. W. Rt. Shd. Blade & L. Arm$6.00 -
21,425Budgeman, VirginiaArcadiaWidow$8.00 -
204,007Bunch, Benj. H.FranklinChr. Diarr., Rheum., Dis. heart.$4.00 Mar., 1882
223,789Burnet, MosesWaverlyCh. Diarr $4.00 Dec.,  1882
82,603Bush, John G.MurrayvilleW. L. Leg$2.00 -
214,393Butcher, JohnWoodsonG. S. Wd. of Throat$2.00 June,  1882
214,988Carter, Wm. DAlexanderPneu., Pleurisy, Adhesion$8.00 July, 1882
38,626Cary, Lydia J.WaverlyWidow$8.00 -
154,402Cassell, Harrison O.JacksonvilleInjury to Abdomen$8.50 July, 1878
162,687Chapman, Christ. C.NeelyvilleWd. L. Forearm$2.00 Oct., 1879
202,413Chesney, Samuel P.JacksonvilleG. S. Wd. R. Thigh$4.00 Feb., 1882
85,203Christian, JohnJacksonvilleTotal Blindness$72.00 -
75,640Church, Thos. E.WaverlyCh. Rheum.$6.00 -
167,023Clay, HenryJacksonvilleWd. L. Leg$1.00 Apr., 1880
212,284Clerehan, James R.WoodsonCh. Diarr $4.00 June,  1882
201,040Cline, HenryJacksonvilleCh. Diarrhea$2.00 Jan., 1882
150,333Coard, Frank M.WaverlyCh. Diarr$6.00 -
199,404Coe, AlfredLiterG. S. Wd. Head & L. Ear & R. Foot$4.00 Dec., 1881
188,288Continon, JamesJacksonvilleMinor of$12.00 May, 1880
42,063Cook, JamesJacksonvilleLoss R. Leg$18.00 -
17,662Cox, Lucy H.Orleans-$8.00 Feb.,  1879
61,168Crain, HiramJacksonvilleLoss R. Leg$18.00 -
184,501Cully, JamesOrleansDis. of Lungs$4.00 Mar., 1881
201,491Cunningham, James D.ChapinDis. of Stomach & Rheum$6.00 Jan., 1882
79,144Dalton, MohitableJacksonvilleDep. Mother$8.00 July, 1866
100,310Davenport, SallyJacksonvilleDep. Mother$8.00 Oct., 1867
183,299Davenport, Wm. W.JacksonvilleChr. Rheumatism$50.00 Feb., 1881
188,647DeFralas, JouquinaJacksonvilleDep. Mother$8.ooJune, 1880
155,400Defratas, EmanuelJacksonvilleG. S. Wd. R. Leg$4.00 Sept; 1878
170,239Defratus, JustinJacksonvilleWd. R. Side$1.00 June, 1880
51,213DeFreitas, GreoryJacksonvilleWd. R. Shr.$8.00 -
17,996Denny, PhebeJacksonvilleWidow$8.00 Feb., 1879
44,558DeSues, EmanuelJacksonvilleFrac. L. Side$18.00 -
116,151Dickins, Wash. M.JacksonvilleDis. of Eyes$21.00 -
154,021Dikes, Wm.WaverlyLoss R. Index Fin$3.00 June, 1878
142,722Diover, JosephArcadiaWd. L. Foot$6.00 -
42,495Donaldson, RichardJacksonvilleWd. R. Hand$4.00 -
32,847Dougherty, James R.FranklinPartial Blindness$8.00 -
145,444Dougherty, John C.FranklinG. S. W. L. Leg$8.00 Dec., 1877
152,000Doyle, PatrickJacksonvilleVar. Veins Both Legs$12.00 Mar., 1878
97,755Duncan, Alalino G.FranklinWidow$20.00 -
179,853English, Kate W.JacksonvilleWidow$19.00 Jan., 1878
71,016Evans, Rebecca JaneChapinWidow$8.00 -
197,937Ewin, Mary A.JacksonvilleWidow$12.00 Oct., 1882
138,348Fanning, Geo. W.JacksonvilleDis. of Lungs$20.00 -
219,638Fapary, JohnJacksonvilleDis. of Lungs$4.00 Oct., 1882
147,776Fax, Elisha T.SinclairWd. L. Buttock$6.00 -
158,653Fergerson, ChampionJacksonvilleDis. of R. Knee$6.00 Apr., 1879
213,015Ferguson, AnthonyAlexanderCh. Diarr$4.00 June, 1882
162,542Ferguson, Francis M.WaverlyVar. Veins of R. Leg$12.00 Oct., 1879
180,680Fox, Chas. IIJacksonvilleTyphoid Fev., Spn't Irritation$30.00 Jan., 1881
50,129Gibbons, Julia A.JacksonvilleWidow$8.00 -
215,934Gleen, Geo. R.JacksonvilleG. S. Wd. L. Arm, R. Thigh$4.00 July, 1882
218,216Goodrich, Elijah A.JacksonvilleG. S. Wd. L. Ankle$4.00 Sept., 1882
14,823Graves, Lydia F.JacksonvilleWidow$8.00 Jan., 1879
180,627Hairgrove, Wm. J.WaverlyCh. Diarr $4.00 Jan., 1881
69,221Hamilton, James O.JacksonvilleCh. Diarr.$6.00 -
54,819Hardin, JohnWaverlyLoss L. Leg$18.00 -
20,171Harper, John S.JacksonvilleSunstroke & Nerv. debility$14.00 -
212,890Harris, James M.WaverlyDis. of Eyes$6.00 June, 1882
161,808Harris, JohnAlexanderWd. L. Shoulder$6.00 Aug, 1879
214,953Hatfield, William M.ConcordDis. of Throat & Lungs$6.00 June, 1883
152,139Hawksham, JamesMeredosiaWd. Face$6.00 Apr., 1878
173,565Hazzard, AnnetteWaverlyWidow$12.00 May., 1876
9,110Heimlick, ChristinaJacksonvilleWidow$8.00 -
88,941Heiser, JohnChapinG. S. Wd. Rt. Thigh$6.00 -
201,387Henderson, JohnWaverlyG. S. Wd. of Rt. side head$4.00 Jan., 1882
171,222Henderson, Olliver P.JacksonvilleWd. L. Shr$6.00 July, 1880
64,835Henry, Edward R.WoodsonWd. of Head$6.00 -
206,643Hickel, CharlesConcordCh.Diarr. & Dis, of Liver$4.00 Apr., 1882
82,181Higgs, SusannahJacksonvilleDep. Mother$8.00 Aug., 1866
198,253Hill, James H.FranklinCh. Diarr., Dis. of Abd. Vis.$17.00 Nov., 1881
217,609Hillig, Thos.MeredosiaG. S. W. L. Thigh$6.00 Aug., 1881
180,060Holmes, Geo. T.WaverlyDis. of Eyes$2.00 Dec., 1880
33,427Hopper, Eliza. E.MurrayvilleDep. Mother$8.00 Jan., 1865
169,629Humphrey, Wm. F.JacksonvilleDis. of bowels$8.00 June, 1880
44,058Hunt, CharlesWaverlyWd. R. Leg$8.00 -
160,583Hyatt, Thos.MeredosiaLoss 3d. Fin. L. Hand$2.00 June, 1879
69,570Jackson, JohnJacksonvilleWd. L. Leg$18.00 -
166,987Johnson, John H.LiterLumbago$4.00 Apr., 1880
214,213Jones, Curtis J.FranklinG. S. Wd. L. Clavicle$4.00 June, 1882
58,997Jones, TimothyWaverlyInjury to Abdomen$8.00 -
2,257Jordon, JohnJacksonville$8.00 Aug., 1877
208,684Karney, FranklinPrentice-$4.00 May., 1882
175,757Keefe, Jerimiah O.JacksonvilleInj. R. Leg, Var, Veins$8.00 Oct., 1880
4,496Kershan, AlbertJacksonvilleG. S. Wd. Lower Part Spinal Vertebra.$6.00 -
158,767Kimbar, Alonzo L.WaverlyCh. Diarr $8.50 Sept., 1879
180,934King, Wm. H. H.JacksonvilleFrac. L. Leg$6.00 June, 1881
20,750Kinnan, AnnJacksonvilleWidow$30.00 Apr., 1864
197,806Kislingbury, Annie J.JacksonvilleWidow$8.00 Nov., 1882
161,674Lamb, LafayetteJacksonvilleWd. Forearm$4.00 July, 1879
189,785Lane, Mary E.JacksonvilleWidow$20.00 Sept., 1880
83,220Lansing, OrrinNeelyvilleWd. Rt. Arm & Breast, Inj. L. Arm$8.00 -
180,461Leaver, CharlotteJacksonvilleWidow$12.00 -
15,412Leonard, Levina R.ConcordWidow$8.00 Jan., 1879
140,840Lewis, Joseph B.ConcordWd. R. Side$4.00 -
38,785Lighter, Geo. B.LiterWd. of L. Leg$10.00 -
133,977Lindsey, Wm. D.WaverlyWd. Chest, Inj. to Abdomen--
11,290Luger, John C.MeredosiaLoss L. Arm$24.00 -
158,748Lutlett, James W.FranklinDis. of Eyes$12.00 Apr., 1879
185,178Lybarger, Esther J.WaverlyWidow$8.00 Aug., 1879
218,975Lyons, Chas. C.JacksonvilleG. S. W. R. Arm & Sh. Wd. L. forearm$2.00 Oct., 1882
193,032Maginn, John C.WaverlyInj. to L. Side$8.00 July, 1881
186,437Martin, ElizaJacksonvilleDep. Mother$8.00 Dec., 1879
172,918Martin, LucindaJacksonvilleWidow$10.00 -
80,781Mathews, LewisJacksonvilleWd. Back & Hip$8.00 -
132,830Mathews, Richard T.JacksonvilleWd. L. Shr. & L. Breast$6.00 -
17,103Mathews, SusannahMeredosiaWidow$8.00 Feb., 1879
133,681May, Horace E.JacksonvilleRheum R. Knee$15.00 -
199,503McCormick, JamesChapinG. S. Wd. L. Leg$2.00 Dec., 1881
90,225McDaniel, MaryJacksonvilleDep. Mother$8.00 Feb., 1867
130,429McElroy, HarrietJacksonvilleWidow$8.00 -
126,176McKean, SamuelMurrayvilleCh. Rheum.$8.00 -
82,646McKeen, AmandaFranklinWidow$8.00 -
183,128McNabb, DavidMurrayvilleDis. R. Eye$4.00 Feb., 1881
28,497Merwin, Isaac N.WaverlyLoss of Eye$4.00 -
30,791Metcalf, Marion L.JacksonvilleWd. L. Leg, Dis. of Brain Result of Sunstroke.$14.00 -
140,244Miller, Joseph K.WaverlyDis. of Eyes$8.00 -
33,410Miner, Charles IIJacksonvilleWd. L. Scapula, Inj. to Abd.$8.00 -
215,982Moseley, Frank A.JacksonvilleExostosis R. Tibia$4.00 July, 1882
62,385Moss, Benjamin F.ConcordLoss L. Leg$24.00 -
189,190Mulligan, Nancy C.ConcordWidow$12.00 July, 1880
129,483Murray, AlexanderLynnvilleWd. L. Arm$2.00 -
61,043Narr. HenryWaverlyWds. L. Arm & L. Foot$6.00 -
192,356Naylar, Eliz'th E.MeredosiaWidow$16.00 May., 1881
53,903Nighswouger, LouisaJacksonvilleDep. Mother$8.00 Aug., 1865
115,338Nunis, PatrickJacksonvilleWd. L. Groin & L. Leg$6.00 -
50,795Osgood, Charles H.ChapinWd. R. Sh'r$8.50 -
140,839Patterson, L. A.JacksonvilleFrac. L. Leg$4.00 -
182,087Peake, John W.JacksonvilleShell Wd. L. Thigh$4.00 Feb., 1881
56,951Peebles, Elizabeth J.JacksonvilleWidow$8.00 -
-Perkins, Caroline W.ChapinWidow$8.00 -
76,726Perry, Ezra IIJacksonvilleCr. Rheumatism$15.00 -
149,198Peterfish, Aaron W.LiterWd. of R. Thigh$8.00 June, 1880
22,269Poe, Birney W.JacksonvilleWd. R. Arm & Forearm, Injury to abdomen, Chr. Diarr.$12.00 -
136,002Poisal, Henry K.JacksonvilleWd. R. Hand$2.00 -
31,724Pullian, MariaWaverlyWidow$8.00 May., 1881
219,172Ratliff, Richard A.LiterRheum. & Dis. of Liver & Kid.$6.00 Oct., 1882
9,108Rearick, Emma F.JacksonvilleWidow$8.00 Sept., 1878
109,535Reed, Thos. J.JacksonvilleWd. L. Hand$4.00 -
147,368Rice, John F.WaverlyDis. of Spine$12.00 -
41,083Riggs, Taylor C.JacksonvilleWd. L. Side$2.00 -
135,188Roach, HarrietConcordDep. Mother$8.00 -
142,774Roach, James F.WaverlyInjury to Abdomen$4.00 -
200,054Roberts, James A.FranklinInj. to L. Knee$2.00 Dec., 1881
187,394Rodrigues, AntoniaJacksonvilleDep. Mother$8.00 Mar., 1880
70,430Rogers, Armillia A.NeelyvilleWidow$8.00 -
131,043Rogers, CatherineArcadiaWidow$8.00 -
207,506Sample, CharlesJacksonvilleCh. Diarrhea$10.00 Apr., 1882
20,054Sample, SarahJacksonvilleWidow$8.00 Mar., 1879
191,231Sampson, John W.JacksonvilleLumbago & Cr. Rheum.$6.00 June, 1881
25,590Samuel, LewisJacksonville$8.00 May, 1881
22,612Sargent, John T.FranklinLoss R. Leg$18.00 -
45,556Satiley, ElizabethArcadiaDep. Mother$8.00 Apr. 1865
184,383Schoen, EggoJacksonvilleG. S. Wd. L. Arm$6.00 Mar.,1881
38,311Seegar, James W.WoodsonBlindness$72.00 -
13,850Seegar, Sarah H.JacksonvilleWidow$8.00 -
174,150Self, James F.WoodsonCh. Diarr. & Dis. of Abd. Vis.$4.00 Sept., 1880
191,222Settle, EdwardLiterVar. Veins of L. Leg$4.00 June, 1881
29,907Shelton, Stephen G.WoodsonCh. Diarr. & Dis. of Abd. Vis.$6.00 -
217,997Shoulders, WesleyJacksonvilleChr. Bronchitis$15.00 Sept. 1882
153,950Sirrels, James W.JacksonvilleInj. L. Hip$8.00 June, 1878
74,588Slaughter, Silas G.MurrayvilleCh. Diarr., Inj. to Abdomen$10.00 -
10,157Sloan, CatharineWoodsonWidow$8.00 Feb., 1867
183,377Smith, Annie E.JacksonvilleWidow$20.00 -
167,757Smith, HenryMeredosiaG. S. W. Left Leg$4.00 May.,  1881
159,759Smith, JosephJacksonvilleWd. L. Leg$4.00 -
119,181Smith, Wm.JacksonvilleG. S. Wd. Rt. Hip$12.00 -
206,300Snyder, Geo. W.FranklinG. S. Wd. L. Sh'r$2.00 Apr., 1882
221,047Spelman, Byron T.JacksonvilleCh. Diarrhea$15.00 Nov., 1882
144,636Spencer, Major WAlexanderWd. L. Thigh$2.00 -
22,350Sprague, JoshuaJacksonville$8.00 June, 1878
42,615Stout, JacobJacksonvilleLoss R. Leg$18.00 -
74,300Stuart, Mary A.JacksonvilleWidow$8.00 -
26,158Sullius, Mary L.BethelDep. Mother$8.00 July, 1864
308,516Swales, James M.JacksonvilleDebility & Dis. of Abd. Vis$6.00 May, 1882
113,383Talkington, John W.WaverlyWd. R. Thigh$6.00 -
20,254Tanfer, AugustMeredosiaWd. L. Leg$6.00 -
36,275Tilford, NancyPrenticeWidow$15.00 Dec., 1864
192,772Twiner, Isaac W.WaverlyCh. Diarr$4.00 July, 1881
265,578Van Winkle, Alexan'rWaverlyG. S. Wd. R. Thigh, Var. Veins, & Drophy.$6.00 Mar., 1882
184,347Vance, NancyChapinDep. Mother$8.00 June, 1879
30,943Vanhise, Cath'nWaverlyWidow$8.00 -
15,021Vasconcellos, MariaJacksonvilleWidow$8.00 -
221,794Wade, Isaac R.MurrayvilleInj. R. Hip$2.00 Dec., 1882
8,857Warren, CharlesJacksonvilleInjury to Abdomen$8.00 -
68,859Watson, LetitiaMeredosiaWidow$8.00 Apr., 1866
43,221Weatherford, JonasWaverlyWd. R. Arm$18.00 -
1,319Weatherford, Mary A.FranklinWidow$15.00 June, 1859
116,822Weathers, PreciousMeredosiaWidow$8.00 -
112,682West, JaneChapinWidow$8.00 -
187,897Whittock, AlexanderFranklinDis. of Lungs$8.00 May, 1881
181,712Whitton, JessePrenticeMinor of$10.00 -
38,296Whorton, Joseph W.ConcordWd. L. Shoulder$8.00 -
12,404Williams, EdwardPrentice-$8.00 Feb., 1872
195,377Wilson, GeorgeSinclairDis. of Lungs$12.00 Sept. 1881
37,856Windsor, JesseJacksonvilleBlindness$72.00 -
223,383Wingler, JohnJacksonvilleInjury to Abdomen$6.00 Dec.,1882
58,869Wise, FrederickConcordChr. Rheum$6.00 -
196,294Wood, Emily E.JacksonvilleWidow$22.00 -
20,792Wright, KoziahFranklinWidow$8.00 Mar., 1879
113,382Wyatt, James L.FranklinChr. Diarr., Dyspepsia$4.00 Aug., 1880

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