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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Monroe County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Monroe County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
170,837Ague, JohnBurksvillewd. head$4.00 June 1880
211,701Armbrecht, AdolphWaterlooinjury to abdomen$4.00 June 1882
194,353Bisker, DanielWaterlooch. diarr.$12.00 Aug. 1881
123,409Bollet, SophiaWaterloodep. mother$8.00 Jan. 1869
201,481Brokan, LouisFoster Pondloss sight l. eye and impaired r. eye$6.00 Jan. 1882
142,711Clark, Eliz'thColumbiadep. mother$8.00 May, 1870
219,151Dahmer, Wm.Columbiag. s. w. l. nates$2.00 Oct. 1882
188,622Eberlein, CharlesWaterloodis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 May 1881
3,714Feldmeyer, Wm.Waterloowd. l thigh$8.00 -
33,127Hahnel, JacobColumbialoss l. and dis. r. eye$10.00 -
157,166Heweis, JacobHeckerwd. r. arm & l. leg$6.00 -
30,912Jaimet, DavidHeckerwd. r. sh'r.$ 5.33 1/3-
51,437Just, Maria E.Maeystowndep. mother$8.00 July 1865
188,546Keilhack, JosephWaterloovar. veins l. leg$4.00 May 1881
132,867Kimich, JohnColumbiawd. r. fore arm$4.00 -
20,050Miller, PhebeFoster Pondwidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1879
19,511Perry, PhoebeWaterloowidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1879
132,694Reitz, LouisaWaterloowidow$8.50 Aug. 1869
165,781Ruppert, ChristianWaterloochr. bronchitis, dis. l. eye$8.00 Mar. 1880
105,359Schmidt, ChristianHeckerg. s. w. l. hand arm & rt. thigh$6.00 -
207,449Schmitz, MatthiasWaterlooch. rheum. and heart dis.$8.00 Apr. 1882
203,461Smith, JacobColumbialoss sight l. eye$4.00 Feb. 1882
55,352Smithsnider, MargaretColumbiawidow$8.00 Sept. 1865
82,265Wagner, Ernst F.Heckerwd. r. arm & l. leg$6.00 -
1,860Waitmore, Mary S.Waterloowidow$20.00 Aug. 1860
86,450White, SolomonMerrimack Pt.wd. l. sh'r$2.00 -
35,606Wield, FrederickColumbiafracture of femur$8.00 -

Home | Military Records | 1883 Pensioners on the Roll | Illinois Pensioners on the Roll: 1883 | Monroe County, IL Pensioners on the Roll: 1883

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