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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Menard County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Menard County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
16,037Allen, Wm. F. Petersburgh wd. l. thigh $6.00-
202,125Armstrong, Bowling Petersburgh dis. lungs $8.00Apr 1882
187,793Baker, John J. Tallula chr. diarr. $12.00May 1881
139,656Barlow, Elizabeth Athens dep. mother $8.00Feb 1870
51,972Barnard, Luther Athens wd. l. hip $10.00-
197,423Bell, John C. Petersburgh minor of $10.00Oct 1882
182,269Bell, Rebecca M. Petersburgh dep. mother $8.00Mar 1879
219,845Boekman, John T. Tallula dis. eyes, dis. of abd. vis. $8.00Oct 1882
216,441Borchert, Chas. Petersburgh chr. rheu $4.00Aug 1882
66,770Cantrall, Martha S. Athens widow $8.00Mar 188?
38,694Cantrall, Mary E. Athens widow $8.00-
18,174Cogdal, Mary Petersburgh widow 1812 $8.00Dec 1878
27,323Collins, Sarah E. Petersburgh widow $17.00-
140,628Comingue, Wm. Petersburgh wd. r. hand $3.00-
128,277Courtwright, Joel Athens chr. diarr $24.00-
12,813Cox, Felix G. Tallula inj. to spine $12.00-
110,578Crosby, Martha J. Petersburgh widow $8.00-
63,806Deerwester, Mary Petersburgh dep. mother $8.00Feb 1866
185,128Dugan, Sarah L. Oak Ridge dep. mother $8.00Aug 1879
134,390Dunbar, Mary Petersburgh dep. mother $8.00Sept 1869
216,817Eastin, Wm. Athens dis. eyes $4.00Aug 1882
150,942Ebersolt, John Petersburgh wd. l. side, face & neck $8.00Feb 1878
215,507Elliott, Henry C. Petersburgh injury to abdomen $4.00July 1882
9,346Estill, Wm. Petersburgh surv. 1812 $8.00Dec 1871
181,220Faith, Jacob W. Petersburgh chr. diarr. $6.00Jan 1881
189,839Ferguson, Catherine Tallula widow $10.00Sept 1880
44,051Garnall, Mary L. Petersburgh widow $8.00Apr 1865
82,572Goodsell, Richard Tallula wd. l. hand & r. breast $16.00-
127,345Graham, America Petersburgh widow $8.00Apr 1869
715Gudget, Sarah Ann Athens widow $8.00-
194,365Hall, Augustus Athens dis. lungs $8.00Aug 1881
5,412Harris, Mary J Petersburgh widow $37.50June 1860?
53,920Hart, Margaret E. Petersburgh widow $8.00-
28,775Hicks, Deborah Petersburgh widow $8.00-
71,862Hopwood, Nicholas Athens wd. l. thigh $4.00-
192,118Hornbuckle, Wm. Petersburgh dep. father $8.00Apr 1881
144,381Horney, John M. Petersburgh part. deafness $2.00-
26,455Hough, Mary S. Petersburgh widow 1812 $8.00Aug 1879
127,028Huggins, Geo. Petersburgh rheum., & c. $18.00Feb 1874
206,023Hurt, John A. Athens dis. kidneys, chr. diarr., dyspepsia $15.00Apr. 1882
75,519Hurt, Margaret L. Athens widow $30.00Nov 1873
87,567Ingram, Sam'l P. Petersburgh wd. head $6.00-
219,158James, Robt. H. Petersburgh chr. diarr. $6.00Oct 1882
118,087Johnson, David Petersburgh var. veins l. leg $8.00-
193,017Johnson, Isaac M. Petersburgh deafness of r. ear & lumbago $4.00July 1881
25,118Jones, Chas. Sweetwater wd. r. thigh $6.00-
95,970Jones, Chas. Greenview injury to abdomen $8.00Mar 1878
199,747Kennedy, Thos. L. Petersburgh inj. of head $4.00Dec 1881
181,128Kinder, Joseph R. Tallula deafness left ear $1.00Jan 1881
88,785King, Aaron E. Tallula dis. eyes $8.00-
140,875Knoles, Sam'l J. Petersburgh wd. r. shr. $4.00-
179,059Leatson, Wm. Petersburgh var. veins r. leg $8.00Nov 1880
212,262Linn, Harvey Tallula chr. diarr., dis. brain $50.00July 1882
101,380Martin, Lorenzo D. Greenview wd. r. heel $4.00-
143,952McDonald, Marion Sweetwater wd. l. shoulder $8.00-
222,112McDougal, Jacob H. Athens rheum. $6.00Dec 1882
181,505McDougall, Chas. E. Petersburgh loss r. index finger $7.50Jan 1881
172,934McDugle, Robt. H. Petersburgh scurvy, dyscracia $4.00Aug 1880
6,700McKay, Lewis Petersburgh surv. 1812 $8.00Oct 1871
128,551McNamar, Andrew Petersburgh injury to abdomen $8.00-
38,627Meteer, Mary M. Sweetwater widow $8.00-
199,498Mitchell, Josiah A. Athens wd. l. thigh $4.00Dec 1881
210,054Montgomery, Wm. M. Petersburgh dis. lungs $2.00May 1882
187,842Morgan, John H. Petersburgh vari. l. side $4.00May 1881
194,911Morris, Joseph H. Petersburgh chr. diarr., dis. eyes $12.00Aug 1881
173,952Muce, Jemima Petersburgh dep. mother $8.00-
182,461Neff, Jacob Petersburgh rheu., dis heart $8.00Feb 1880
32,796Osburn, Sarah Petersburgh widow 1812 $8.00Dec 1882
168,737Palster, Henry Petersburgh loss r. index finger $3.00May 1880
31,008Perrin, Louisa Athens widow 1812 $8.00Aug 1881
60,811Pettit, Mary F. Athens dep. mother $8.00Dec 1865
191,662Pitzer, Adaline Athens widow $16.00Mar 1881
101,603Plunkett, Lucy A. Petersburgh widow $17.00Mar 1881
24,825Pond, Truman C. Greenview wd. l. hand, wrist & shr. $14.00-
23,644Potter, Elizabeth Petersburgh widow 1812 $8.00May 1879
53,803Purkapite, John Petersburgh wd. l. shr. $18.00-
14,389Ratliff, Mildred W. Tallula widow $8.00-
191,214Reed, Andrew J.P. Greenview chr. diarr $2.00June 1881
180,304Reed, Green B.F. Petersburgh wd. l. hand $8.00Dec 1880
186,541Ritchey, Elizabeth A. Petersburgh dep. mother $8.00Jan 1880
9,648Roberts, Ann M. Greenview widow 1812 $8.00Oct 1878
44,536Robinson, Andrew Petersburgh wd. r. shr. $8.00-
182,450Roe, Hugh D. Petersburgh chr. rheu & dis. eyes $12.00Feb 1881
222,650Rogers, Samuel T. Petersburgh asthma, wd. r. side face $8.00Dec 1882
4,413Rourke, Cornelius Petersburgh loss l. leg $24.00-
2,575Rutledge, Susannah Petersburgh widow 1812 $8.00Apr 1873
199,365Sanford, Geo. H. Tallula dis. of abdominal viscera $18.00Dec 1881
214,908Schroder, John Petersburgh chr. diarr. $6.00June 1882
79,472Schroeder, John Petersburgh wd. r. leg $6.00-
150,923Scott, Pleasant S. Petersburgh wd. l. side of head $10.00May 1879
143,927Senter, Jas. T. Petersburgh wd. r. thigh, dyspepsia $12.00-
191,454Shelton, Judy Oak Ridge dep. mother $8.00Mar 1881
52,691Smedley, Lucy H. Petersburgh widow $8.00Aug 1865
17,638Stephenson, Sarah E. Petersburgh widow $25.00-
92,588Sturgis, Samuel H. Sweetwater wd. r. thigh $8.00-
36,879Swaringuin, Jas. Athens loss r. arm $24.00-
87,450Swaringuin, Thos. A. Athens wd. r. thigh $11.25-
173,279Taylor, Jas. B. Greenview wd. chin & neck $6.00Oct 1880
105,444Terhune, Lucian Petersburgh wd. foot $17.00-
68,803Thrapp, Russell B. Tallula wd. l. side, scrotum, l. hip $8.00-
4,412Tibbs, Samuel Petersburgh wd. chest $6.00-
54,038Vandegrift, Rebecca Athens widow   -
93,625Vannattan, Wm. E. Petersburgh wd. l. shr. $6.00-
191,978Walker, Edwin Atterberry Sta injury to abdomen $12.00June 1881
217,907Walters, Wm. M. Petersburgh chr. diar. & chr. rheu. $4.00Sept 1882
102,162Wand, Jeremiah Athens wd. breast $2.00-
124,004Whitley, John Oakford loss sight r. eye, dis. l. eye $18.00-
174,740Whitney, Barney C. Athens dis. of abdominal viscera $8.00Oct 1880
148,572Wilmoth, Barzillia Athens wd. l. lung $5.00-
197,742Wilson, John B. Petersburgh injury to abdomen $6.00Nov 1881
206,317Woodruff, Samuel M. Petersburgh diarr., rheu., inj. to abdomen $8.00Apr 1882

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