1883 McLean County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
201,324 | Alexander, Alanson, D. | Towanda | dis. of lungs | $12.00 | Jan., 1882 |
135,541 | Alexander, William | Chenoa | dis. lungs | $12.00 | - |
57,129 | Alsup, John, F. | Leroy | wd. L hand, shr., thi. | $10.00 | - |
149,444 | Arbuckle, David | Hudson | dep. father | $8.00 | Apr., 1871 |
88,264 | Archer, Lafayette | McLean | wd. r. thi. | $8.00 | - |
113,606 | Armbuster, Felix | Bloomington | wd. r. hand | $4.00 | - |
115,316 | Arnold, Abner C. | McLean | par. loss 3rd. finger l. hand | $4.00 | - |
26,474 | Ault, Esther, A. | Leroy | widow | $8.00 | - |
151,770 | Barrows, Isaac | Lexington | dis. lungs | $18.00 | Mar., 1878 |
163,876 | Bates, Benj. | Normal | chr. diarr., dis. of abd. viscera | $8.00 | Dec., 1879 |
173,121 | Batrim, Jacob | Chenoa | wd. r. elbow | $2.00 | Sept., 1880 |
195,248 | Becker, Chas. | Lexington | scrofula, diarr. dis. eyes | $6.00 | Aug., 1881 |
27,018 | Benjamin, Martha | Holder | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept., 1879 |
23,015 | Benson, Robt., M. | Bloomington | loss r. eye | $4.00 | - |
43,612 | Bigelow, Delilah | Saybrook | widow | $20.00 | - |
179,795 | Bishop, John | Bloomington | dep. father | $8.00 | Jan., 1878 |
30,508 | Bishop, Margaret | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept., 1880 |
151,136 | Bishop, Preston | Monarch | wd. r. foot | $4.00 | Feb., 1878 |
71,885 | Bishop, Wm., J. | Heyworth | wd. face & jaw | $8.00 | - |
110,183 | Blake, Amherst, W. | Saybrook | dis. lungs | $4.00 | - |
204,272 | Bohm, Henry | Bloomington | sunstroke, debil. | $4.00 | Mar., 1882 |
173,166 | Bourns, Geo., H. | wd. l. shr. | $4.00 | Sept., 1880 | |
173,514 | Bowles, Joseph, W. | Normal | ch. diarr. | $4.00 | Sept., 1880 |
23,965 | Bowman, Alexander | Danvers | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug., 1878 |
67,350 | Bowman, Geo., W. | Normal | wd. l arm | $6.00 | - |
209,354 | Bradshaw, Cornelius, G. | Bloomington | chr. diarr. | $10.00 | May, 1882 |
155,131 | Brechbeller, John | Bloomington | inj. l. hip, paral. L. thi. & leg | $24.00 | Sept. 1878 |
62,522 | Brigham, Benajah | Lexington | wd. r. wrist, hand | $6.00 | - |
190,987 | Brindley, Nathaniel | Normal | minor of | $10.00 | Jan., 1881 |
85,726 | Briscoe, Alexander, T. | Bloomington | paraly. & heart dis. | $25.00 | - |
111,251 | Brown, Gennett | Leroy | dis. abdominal vis., chr. diarr. | $12.00 | - |
150,198 | Brown, George | Chenoa | wd. both thighs | $8.00 | - |
60,377 | Brown, Jane | Heyworth | widow | $8.00 | - |
185,235 | Brown, John | Chenoa | dep. father | $8.00 | Dec., 1879 |
181,663 | Brown, Mary, C. | Bloomington | widow | $8.00 | July, 1878 |
176,338 | Brown, Russell, M. | Normal | chr. diarr. | $6.00 | Oct., 1880 |
136,515 | Brown,Martha,M. | Bloomington | widow | $25.00 | - |
131,434 | Brownin, Granvill | Heyworth | ch. diarr., dis. Liver | $4.00 | - |
104,338 | Brubaker, Daniel | Bloomington | wd. r. hand | $4.00 | - |
183,268 | Buckles, Aaron | Leroy | dis. r. leg | $10.00 | Feb., 1881 |
30,740 | Bunch, America | Leroy | wd. l. hip | $4.00 | - |
103,438 | Burrows, Amos, S. | Bloomington | wd. r arm | $3.75 | - |
156,587 | Burt, Henry, G. | Bloomington | g.s.w. lft. Leg | $2.00 | Nov., 1878 |
40,441 | Bush, Sarah, L. | Normal | widow 1812 | $20.00 | - |
200,326 | Campbell, John, S. | injury to abdomen, vari. veins & ulcers l. leg | $6.00 | Jan., 1882 | |
25,072 | Carlock, Amy | Hudson | widow 1812 | $8.00 | June, 1879 |
4,608 | Carrier, Catharine | Chenoa | dep. mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1868 |
159,856 | Cash, Elizabeth | Gridley | widow | $10.00 | - |
161,235 | Chapman, Geo., W. | Bloomington | dis. eyes | $4.00 | June, 1879 |
183,808 | Clark, Josiah, F. | Covel | dis. lungs | $16.00 | Mar., 1881 |
37,577 | Clark, Sarah, C. | Lexington | widow | $8.00 | - |
24,481 | Clark, Sarah, E. | Lexington | widow | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
136,748 | Clark, Walter, H. | Bloomington | wd. L.thi. | $2.00 | - |
166,487 | Clark, William | Bloomington | rheu. & dis. of abdominal vis. | $4.00 | Apr., 1880 |
204,283 | Clatlin, Ezra, C. | Heyworth | dis. hip & back | $2.00 | Mar., 1882 |
184,762 | Cobean, Rachel | Saybrook | dep. mother | $8.00 | July, 1879 |
85,459 | Compton, John, W. | Bloomington | dis. lungs | $8.00 | - |
35,254 | Cook, Albert, H. | Bloomington | endo. carditis | $6.00 | - |
3,439 | Cook, Mary | Danvers | dep. mother | $8.00 | July, 1863 |
164,811 | Cooper, James | Heyworth | dis. eyes | $12.00 | Feb., 1880 |
21,273 | Cornell, Elizabeth | Ellsworth | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar., 1879 |
188,076 | Cowan, Elizabeth | widow | $8.00 | May, 1880 | |
206,010 | Craig, Alexander | Holder | chr. diarr. | $8.00 | Apr., 1882 |
96,446 | Craig, Geo., B. | Lexington | inj. l. foot & ankle | $4.00 | - |
85,377 | Crimmins, Cornelius | Bloomington | g.s.w. rt. arm | $6.00 | - |
11,013 | Cundiff, Laton | Bloomington | atrophy l. arm from rheu. | $4.00 | - |
13,303 | Cunningham, John | Normal | wd. l. hand | $4.00 | - |
222,240 | Cunningham, O.H.P. | McLean | dis. of abdominal viscera | $4.00 | Dec., 1882 |
1,915 | Curry, Margaret | Leroy | widow | $8.00 | - |
214,306 | Dahl, Henry | Saybrook | inj. back | $4.00 | June, 1882 |
77,528 | Dalling, John | Arrowsmith | wd. r. chest | $18.00 | - |
168,310 | Davis, Thos. H. | Bloomington | dis. eyes | $12.00 | May, 1880 |
146,993 | Day, W., L. | Heyworth | wd. l. thigh | $6.00 | - |
119,843 | Dennis, Michael | Oak Grove | wd. l. thigh | $6.00 | - |
55,573 | Derrick, Albert | Holder | wd. r. leg | $4.00 | - |
218,666 | Dias, Emanuel, C. | Bloomington | rheumatism | $4.00 | Oct., 1882 |
192,191 | Dillon, Luseta, E. | Randolph | widow | $12.00 | May, 1881 |
65,582 | Dolloff, Samuel, F. | Bloomington | wd. r. thi. and hip | $17.00 | - |
207,273 | Dunlap, Constatine, H. | Bloomington | dis. lungs | $6.00 | Apr., 1882 |
207,474 | Dunlap, Lewis | Stanford | inj. chest, dis. lungs | $6.00 | Apr., 1882 |
165,003 | Eddy, Adelbert, S. | Bloomington | chr. diarr. | $4.25 | Feb., 1880 |
42,362 | Edwards, Ephraim | Lexington | loss l. arm above elbow | $24.00 | - |
141,152 | Edwards, Wm., F. | Leroy | chr. diarr. & sunstroke | $4.00 | - |
151,830 | Egidy, Fred'k | Bloomington | inj. l. knee | $6.00 | Mar., 1878 |
21,566 | Elder, Wm., W. | Heyworth | wd. l. arm & shr. | $11.25 | - |
189,809 | Engelken, Peter | Bloomington | inj. of spine | $24.00 | June, 1881 |
79,542 | Ervins, Thos., H. | Hudson | wd. l. wrist | $15.00 | - |
113,502 | Essex, Henry | Normal | dis. bladder | $4.00 | - |
22,652 | Etnier, Samuel | Lexington | wd. l. forearm | $6.00 | - |
10,817 | Evans, Wm., J. | Hudson | inj. l. ankle | $4.00 | - |
22,166 | Everett, Esther | Leroy | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr., 1879 |
67,169 | Fernon, Martha, A. | Bloomington | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1866 |
78,734 | Fifer, Joseph, W, | Bloomington | wd. r. side | $4.00 | - |
128,710 | Finley, Mary | Bloomington | dep. mother | $8.00 | May, 1869 |
66,571 | Fisher, Lewis | Leroy | loss l. eye | $8.00 | - |
21,800 | Fisher, Louisa | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 1879 |
104,340 | Fitfield, Wm., H. H. | Leroy | chr. diarr. | $4.00 | - |
121,736 | Flesher, Fred'k | Arrowsmith | concussion of brain | $12.00 | - |
123,846 | Ford, Chas. | Normal | wd. l. foot | $2.00 | - |
173,818 | Ford, Thos. J. | Towanda | wd. l. lower jaw & chest | $8.00 | Sept., 1880 |
179,257 | Foreman, Maria, E. | Bloomington | widow | $14.00 | Nov., 1877 |
159,802 | Foster, Sam'l | Bloomington | chr. diarr. & dis.of abd. Vis. | $6.00 | May, 1879 |
40,356 | Fuller, Ephraim, H. | Belle Flower | wd. both thighs | $6.00 | - |
177,295 | Fyffe, Clara, V. | Normal | widow | $17.00 | - |
63,429 | Gaddis, James, I. | Hudson | wd. l. arm | $12.00 | - |
27,322 | Ganoe, Ellender | Padua | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct., 1879 |
17,740 | Garrison, Thos. | Saybrook | wd. l. hand, loss 2 & 3 fingers | $8.00 | - |
68,082 | Gay, Mary, J. | Weedman | dep. mother | $8.00 | July, 1865 |
146,731 | Gibbs, Simeon | Leroy | chr. diarr. | $6.00 | - |
218,504 | Gillispie, Alonzo | Bloomington | chr. diarr., wd. l. shr., rheu., dis. heart | $15.00 | Sept., 1882 |
118,732 | Gilmore, Joseph | Empire Station | inflam. of eyes | $4.00 | - |
31,187 | Gilmore, Sophia, P. | Belle Flower | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1881 |
64,358 | Goff, Harry, G. | Normal | dis. ht., gen. deb., prostration | $15.00 | May, 1866 |
78,861 | Goldsmith, Nicholas | Gridley | wd. face | $8.00 | - |
171,590 | Gonson, Jonathan | Normal | minor of | $10.00 | Jan., 1876 |
193,354 | Goodell, Sallie, C. | Bloomington | widow | $10.00 | Sept., 1881 |
156,873 | Gosnell, Willis, R. | Boaz | wd. rt. thigh | $2.00 | Dec., 1878 |
206,753 | Graham, James | Bloomington | dis. eyes | $6.00 | Apr., 1882 |
32,874 | Graham, Thos. | Bloomington | partl. blindness | $18.00 | - |
121,223 | Graves, Emily, C. | Leroy | widow | $8.00 | - |
22,663 | Gray, Catharine | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr., 1879 |
168,369 | Green, Ruth, R. | Bloomington | widow | $12.00 | - |
9,820 | Greenman, Mary, E, | Ellsworth | widow | $8.00 | - |
216,494 | Grier, Wm., M. | Lexington | wd. l. leg | $2.00 | Aug., 1882 |
60,015 | Gring, Julia Ann | Saybrook | widow | $8.00 | July, 1869 |
159,081 | Grooms, John, W. | Leroy | we. r. clavicle | $2.00 | Apr., 1879 |
192,339 | Gully, Elizabeth | Leroy | dep. mother | $8.00 | May, 1881 |
197,018 | Gurney, Augustus, H. | Bloomington | dis. lungs | $18.00 | Oct., 1881 |
166,985 | Guthrie, Peter | Bloomington | ch. diarr., dis. lungs | $6.00 | Apr., 1880 |
194,808 | Haefele, Wm., | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Aug., 1881 |
137,358 | Hall, John, W, | Leroy | g.s.w. lft. Hip & c., & c. | $8.00 | - |
210,454 | Hall, Peter, C. | Ellsworth | inj. back, l. side | $2.00 | June, 1882 |
64,279 | Hallett, Wm., D. | Bloomington | wd. l. thigh | $8.00 | - |
163,779 | Hamilton, Jas., R. | Bloomington | chr. diarr. & dis.of abd. viscera | $4.00 | Dec., 1879 |
106,204 | Hamilton, Wm., C. | Leroy | wd. l. foot | $6.00 | - |
16,232 | Hammond, Andrew, J. | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $12.00 | - |
37,078 | Hammond, Johnson | Leroy | wd. l. leg | $6.00 | - |
22,169 | Hampton, Pamela | Normal | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr., 1879 |
86,890 | Hancock, Erastus, B. | Bloomington | wd. r. foot | $2.00 | - |
141,932 | Hanna, Robert, A. | Bloomington | g.s.w. scapula & l. glutal | $15.00 | Oct., 1876 |
17,398 | Harbison, John | Lexington | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | June, 1872 |
188,535 | Harvey, Levi | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | May, 1881 |
167,501 | Hawkins, Henry, S. | Gridley | ch. diarr., dis. Liver | $4.00 | May, 1880 |
192,139 | Hayes, James, H. | Saybrook | ch. diarr., dis. abdom. viscera | $4.00 | June, 1881 |
68,448 | Heafer, Ann | Bloomington | dep. mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1866 |
54,439 | Hemphill, Increase | Bloomington | rheu. | $6.00 | - |
89,570 | Hender, Saml., H. | Bloomington | inj. r. leg | $6.00 | - |
221,652 | Hendryx, Absalom, G. | Oak Grove | injury to abdomen | $2.00 | Dec., 1882 |
168,747 | Hendryx, Wm., B. | Bloomington | debility from small pos | $4.00 | May, 1880 |
194,079 | Henne, Chas. | Danvers | dis. of abd. viscera, wd. r. leg | $8.00 | Aug., 1881 |
23,601 | Henry, Mary | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | May, 1879 |
70,449 | Henson, Delila | Bloomington | dep. mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1866 |
31,950 | Heritage, Geo., T. | Bloomington | wd. l. shr. | $10.00 | - |
172,321 | Herron, Maria | Ellsworth | dep. mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1876 |
119,746 | Higgins, Hamer, J. | Bloomington | ch. diarr. | $3.00 | - |
125,814 | Hines, Elias | Bloomington | wd. l. leg | $4.00 | - |
192,834 | Hiser, Geo., W. | Lexington | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | July, 1881 |
163,821 | Hiser, Jacob, H. | Lexington | wd. l. side of head | $2.00 | - |
60,232 | Hoffman, John | Bloomington | ch. diarr. | $6.00 | - |
155,071 | Holt, Servetus | Gridley | wd. f. side head | $8.00 | Aug., 1878 |
182,319 | Hooton, John | Lexington | dropsy, enlargement spleen | $6.00 | Feb., 1881 |
127,355 | Horine, Wm., H. | Bloomington | partial deafness | $2.00 | - |
43,362 | Horney, Catharine | Colfax | widow | $8.00 | - |
203 | Horr, Wm., L. | dis. l. knee | $4.00 | Feb., 1882 | |
222,018 | Howard, Chauncey | Leroy | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Dec., 1882 |
22,947 | Howard, Geo., W. | Towanda | fract. thi., inj. back | $6.00 | - |
162,001 | Hughes, John, T. | Padua | wd. .l. side | $1.00 | Aug., 1879 |
38,884 | Humphrey, Phila, J. | Normal | widow | $30.00 | - |
18,646 | Huston, Eliza, R. | Hudson | widow | $8.00 | - |
25,792 | Hutchinson, Lovina | Shirley | widow 1812 | $8.00 | July, 1879 |
298,497 | Hutchison, Lemuel, C. | Shirley | injury to abdomen | $2.00 | May, 1882 |
875,520 | Ijams, Lewis, E. | Bloomington | wd. abdo., r. hip | $6.00 | - |
214,209 | Irons, Nathan | Bloomington | dis. eyes, & ears, & lungs | $6.00 | June, 1882 |
204,227 | Irvin, Joseph | Normal | chr. diarr., injury back | $14.00 | Mar., 1882 |
103,189 | Jackson, Washington | Bloomington | wd. sternum | $6.00 | - |
133,975 | Jefferson, Wm., H | Bloomington | dis. of abdominal viscera | $8.00 | Dec., 1879 |
117,524 | Jennings, Francis, M. | Bloomington | wd.l. elbow | $8.00 | - |
189,587 | Jewell, John | Hudson | ch. diarr. | $4.00 | June, 1881 |
120,770 | Johnson, Isaac | Bloomington | dis. of abdominal viscera | $8.00 | - |
107,607 | Johnson, James, M. | Leroy | wd. l. hip | $3.00 | - |
133,703 | Johnson, Margaret | Leroy | dep. mother | $8.00 | Aug., 1869 |
197,573 | Johnson, Solomon | Leroy | wd. l. leg | $2.00 | Nov., 1881 |
93,831 | Johnson, William | Chenoa | inj. of abdomen | $4.00 | - |
191,756 | Jones, John, W. | minor of | $10.00 | Apr., 1881 | |
190,399 | Jones, Rowland, J. | Chenoa | dep. father | $8.00 | Nov., 1880 |
123,736 | Jones, Wm. | Heyworth | wd. l. hip | $4.00 | - |
183,139 | Kane, John | Bloomington | dis. of abd. viscera & scurvy | $6.00 | Feb., 1881 |
45,907 | Keedy, Mary, A. | Bloomington | widow | $20.00 | - |
19,699 | Keith, Lewis, G. | Arrowsmith | loss l. arm | $18.00 | - |
28,703 | Kellogg, Lucretia | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1880 |
49,458 | Kelly, Wm., S. | Leroy | wd. Arm & hip | $8.00 | - |
101,108 | Kendall, Maria, G. | Ellsworth | dep. mother | $8.00 | Oct., 1867 |
155,683 | Kent, George, W. | Lexington | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Mar., 1880 |
25,764 | Kent, Theodore, F. | Gridley | wd. l. foot | $6.00 | - |
106,528 | Kenyon, Lester | Bloomington | chr.rheu. | $6.00 | - |
123,971 | Kerr, Mary, M. | Normal | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Jan., 1869 |
81,862 | Kibbe, Seth, M. | Leroy | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | - |
75,948 | Kimler, Chas., W. | Leroy | wd. l. lung | $8.00 | - |
17,347 | Kimler, Elizabeth | Danvers | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1869 |
192,467 | Kimler, Lovisa | Leroy | widow | $8.00 | June, 1881 |
104,717 | Kinsey, Wm. | Leroy | wd. l. thi. | $6.00 | - |
154,929 | Kish, Mary | Bloomington | widow | $8.00 | - |
107,326 | Klaner, Henry | Bloomington | dis. lungs | $12.00 | - |
75,944 | Kline, Andy | Bloomington | ch. diarr., dis. heart | $12.00 | - |
207,486 | Knight, James, C. | Bloomington | dis. liver & kidneys | $4.00 | Apr., 1882 |
83,972 | Knowles, John, A. | Towanda | wd. l. leg | $15.00 | - |
211,881 | Krans, John | Bloomington | wd. l. leg | $2.00 | June, 1882 |
165,719 | Kuntz, Louis | Bloomington | wd. l. thi. & body | $8.00 | Mar., 1880 |
185,087 | Lace, Elizabeth | Chenoa | widow | $8.00 | July, 1879 |
186,842 | Lake, Mary, M. | Heyworth | dep. mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1880 |
187,398 | Land, Chas., B. | Normal | dep. Father | $8.00 | Mar., 1880 |
10,978 | Larimer, Jas., R. | - | wd. l. elbow | $18.00 | Apr., 1863 |
197,948 | Larimer, John, A. | dis.of abdominal viscera | $6.00 | Nov., 1881 | |
113,390 | Latham, James, M | Lexington | wd. r. lung | $10.00 | - |
13,309 | Lawrence, Abram, E. | Bloomington | inj. To spine | $10.00 | - |
55,228 | Lawrence, Harrison | Lexington | wd. l. hand | S2.66 2/3 | - |
166,289 | Lawrence, Marvin, H. | Bloomington | chr. diarrh. | $4.00 | Mar., 1880 |
189,898 | Lear, James, W, | Saybrook | rheu. | $4.00 | June, 1881 |
23,776 | Lee, Hannah, R. | Bloomington | widow | $17.00 | June, 1864 |
183,705 | Levick, Mary | Danvers | dep. mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1879 |
28,581 | Lewis, Catharine, B. | Saybrook | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1880 |
135,003 | Lisle, Eliz'th | Bloomington | dep. mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1869 |
104,132 | List, Sarah | Lexington | dep. mother | $8.00 | Dec., 1867 |
4,412 | Loefler, Charlotte | Bloomington | widow | $8.00 | - |
159,820 | Loveland, Ellis | Bloomington | dep. father | $8.00 | Oct., 1872 |
79,751 | Lucas, Henry | Leroy | wd. r. arm | $10.00 | - |
33,294 | Lucas, Martin, L. | Saybrook | loss. lft. arm | $18.00 | - |
219,154 | Maninger, Valentine | Gridley | wds. rt. shr., forearm, abd. | $8.00 | Oct., 1882 |
61,163 | Manning, Eliza, J. | Normal | widow 1812 | $8.00 | - |
144,578 | Martin, Andrew, C. | Heyworth | inj. to back | $4.00 | - |
20,521 | Martin, Catharine | Leroy | widow | $8.00 | - |
202,254 | Martin, Tazewell, C. | Saybrook | wd. r. thi. | $4.00 | Jan., 1882 |
211,986 | Mavis, Geo., R. | Hudson | partl. paral. l. side | $4.00 | June, 1882 |
28,708 | McClung, Margaret | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1880 |
72,101 | McClurg, Olive, M. | Leroy | widow | $8.00 | - |
35,114 | McClurg, Thos. | Saybrook | chr. diarr. | $4.00 | - |
107,358 | McConkey, Daniel | Stanford | epilepsy | $12.00 | - |
157,654 | McCuen, Margaret | Chenoa | dep. mother | $8.00 | May, 1872 |
180,239 | McCullough, Obediah | Chenoa | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Dec., 1880 |
24,111 | McDowell, Eliza, W. | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
120,094 | McFarland, Wm., A. | Leroy | chr. diarr., aff. bladder | $12.00 | - |
116,736 | McKennie, Chas., A. | Bloomington | wd. l. side, r. shr. | $6.00 | - |
100,240 | McKinney, James | Saybrook | wd. l. thi., vari. veins | $12.00 | - |
137,210 | McKnight, John | Hudson | g.s.w. lft. Leg | $6.00 | - |
157,064 | McNulta, John | Bloomington | paral. r. leg | $50.00 | Dec., 1878 |
140,630 | McNutt, Jas., H. | Arrowsmith | chr. diarr. | $12.75 | - |
99,940 | McQuinn, Patrick | Bloomington | scurvy | $6.00 | - |
41,059 | Means, Joseph | Bloomington | wd. l. hand | $4.00 | - |
70,171 | Means, Matilda, C. | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | - |
218,510 | Merchant, Ira | Bloomington | inj. l. wrist | $7.50 | Sept., 1882 |
11,502 | Merrick, Eliza | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov., 1878 |
204,854 | Metcalf, Wm., M. | Bloomington | wd. buttock | $2.00 | Mar., 1882 |
214,967 | Miller, Albert | Leroy | malar. poi., chr. diarr. | $4.00 | June, 1882 |
199,127 | Miller, Augustus, C. | Danvers | dis. heart, diarr.,dis. abd. vis. | $8.00 | Dec., 1881 |
168,449 | Miller, Nelson | Heyworth | dis. eyes | $12.00 | May, 1880 |
166,742 | Miller, Samuel, E. | Chenoa | wd. r. leg | $2.00 | Apr., 1880 |
112,368 | Miller, Sarah | Bloomington | widow | $8.00 | Apr., 1868 |
107,673 | Millinger, Chas., A. | Bloomington | ch. rheu. | $6.00 | - |
10,799 | Mills, Sarah, J. | Normal | widow | $8.00 | - |
170,890 | Model, Alex | Bloomington | rheuma. | $4.00 | June, 1880 |
78,345 | Moe, Geo. | Danvers | wd. l leg | $2.66 2/3 | - |
86,685 | Moore, Abraham, L. | Leroy | loss r. eye | $4.00 | - |
102,228 | Moore, Wm., E. | Saybrook | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | - |
38,293 | Moran, John, H. | McLean | wd. rt. lung | $18.00 | - |
100,812 | Morgan, John, J. | Bloomington | inj. r. leg | $4.00 | - |
126,321 | Morgan, Wm. | Saybrook | inj. r. hip | $12.00 | - |
217,555 | Morrow, John | Chenoa | dis. of stomach | $4.00 | Aug., 1882 |
148,652 | Mueller, Adam | Bloomington | wd. r. leg, rheu. | $8.00 | - |
220,870 | Myer, Wm. | Heyworth | dis. eyes | $2.00 | Nov., 1882 |
41,060 | Myers, Olden | Heyworth | wd. r. arm | $16.00 | - |
139,881 | Nathan, Morris, G. | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | - |
170,540 | Nauslar, Jas. W. | Belle Flower | wd. r. eye | $8.00 | June, 1880 |
32,132 | Neal, Thomas | Leroy | loss l. arm | $18.00 | - |
87,453 | Nelson, Mortimer, W. | Randolph | wd. lft.shoulder | $5.33-1/3 | - |
191,156 | New, Harriet | Bloomington | widow | $17.00 | Feb., 1881 |
78,009 | Newton, Albert | Heyworth | ulcers both legs | $16.00 | - |
12,896 | Nichols, Sacarisa | Leroy | widow | $8.00 | Dec., 1878 |
77,588 | Norris, John, H. | Normal | wd. l. leg | $3.00 | - |
77,797 | O'Connell, John | Bloomington | injury to abdomen, rheu., dis. of | $8.00 | - |
170,839 | Ogden, Abraham, L. | Leroy | wd. l. leg | $4.00 | June, 1880 |
41,302 | Ohr, Virginia, C. | Normal | widow 1812 | $30.00 | - |
186,886 | Ostrom, Maggie | Bloomington | widow | $19.00 | Feb., 1880 |
14,233 | Overman, Mary, J. | Normal | widow | $8.00 | - |
43,154 | Owen, Martin, J. | Shirley | diarr., dis. of abdom. viscera | $4.00 | - |
189,653 | Packard, W., B. | Bloomington | chr. diarr., dis. lungs, inj.to abd. | $4.00 | June, 1881 |
128,805 | Palmer, Absalom | Oak Grove | dis, eyes | $18.00 | - |
201,192 | Palmer, Wm., C. | Lexington | scurvy and dis. Eyes | $2.00 | Jan., 1882 |
129,575 | Parks, Leroy, H. | Leroy | dislo. l. knee | $6.00 | - |
143,784 | Parr, Richard | Danvers | inj. r. hand, loss fingers | $12.00 | - |
8,618 | Paul, Rebecca, M. | Bloomington | dep. mother | $15.00 | Nov., 1863 |
219,222 | Pennington, Nich., H. | Danvers | inj. l. groin | $2.00 | Oct., 1882 |
127,472 | Perkins, Chas., W. | Heyworth | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | - |
174,671 | Peters, Joseph | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Oct., 1880 |
121,021 | Philbrook, Flavius, J. | Normal | scurvy | $2.00 | - |
62,649 | Phillips, Hiram, M. | Leroy | wd. r. hand & paral. | $72.00 | - |
194,915 | Phillips, Isaac, N. | Bloomington | malar., poi., dis. Liver | $8.00 | Aug., 1881 |
164,119 | Pike, Joory, H. | Bloomington | vari. veins l.leg | $6.00 | Jan., 1880 |
180,501 | Pilcher, Isaac | Bloomington | chr. diarr. | $2.00 | Jan., 1881 |
18,825 | Popyoy, Nancy | Lexington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1879 |
177,074 | Porter, Francis, C. | Bloomington | dis. heart from sunstroke | $8.00 | Oct., 1880 |
192,436 | Potter, Columbus, M. | Oak Grove | wd. r. forearm | $11.00 | July, 1881 |
192,066 | Potter, Nancy | Chenoa | dep. mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1881 |
108,185 | Pray, Leroy, W. | Leroy | wd. l. shr. | $4.00 | - |
26,692 | Price, Elizabeth | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept., 1879 |
28,964 | Quinn, Elizabeth | Shirley | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar., 1880 |
106,476 | Raddison, Samuel, T. | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | - |
205,701 | Razor, Geo., W. | Saybrook | dis. heart | $4.00 | Mar., 1882 |
104,141 | Reann, Samuel | Saybrook | dis. eyes | $6.00 | - |
109,446 | Rector, Wm., | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | - |
11,777 | Reynolds, Sheppard | Bloomington | wd. r. shr. | $18.00 | - |
108,187 | Richardson, Adam, R. | Bloomington | rupture, fract. l. clavicle | $18.00 | - |
195,275 | Richey, Geo., W. | Bloomington | wd. r. leg | $2.00 | Sept., 1881 |
207,790 | Riddle, Geo. | Leroy | concus. from expl. of shell | $4.00 | Apr., 1882 |
16,661 | Riddle, Mary | Leroy | dep. mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1864 |
43,204 | Riser, Benj., W. | Bloomington | wd. both arms | $18.00 | - |
174,762 | Robertson, John, H. | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Oct., 1880 |
178,911 | Robey, Jas., P. | Colfax | scurvy, stiff knees | $4.00 | Nov., 1880 |
143,347 | Robinson, George | Bloomington | g.s.w. lft. hip | $12.00 | - |
125,169 | Rogers, Sarah, J. | Leroy | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1869 |
134,689 | Roland, Daniel | Leroy | catarrh | $6.00 | - |
102.465 | Ronie, Margaret | Bloomington | widow | $20.00 | - |
16,398 | Rose, George, D. | Lexington | wd. rt. Side | $18.00 | - |
46,589 | Rouse, Eliza, J. | Bloomington | widow | $8.00 | - |
43,141 | Rowley, Emily | Leroy | widow | $8.00 | - |
7,147 | Rowley, Wm. | Bloomington | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Oct., 1871 |
46,593 | Ruckle, Wm., H. | Gridley | wd. l. arm & shr. | $7.50 | - |
179,251 | Rulia, Thos. | Chenoa | dis. eyes | $8.00 | Dec., 1880 |
175,766 | Rusmisell, Wm., C. | Saybrook | chr. diarr,., dis. abdom. viscera | $4.00 | Oct., 1880 |
74,461 | Russell, Emer | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | - |
17,722 | Ruth, Maria | Chenoa | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1879 |
125,213 | Sandham, Nancy | Chenoa | dep. mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1869 |
117,550 | Schearer, Fred'k | Bloomington | wd. l. arm & abdomen | $2.00 | - |
27,307 | Schilling, Chas. | Bloomington | wd. l. sh. | $18.00 | - |
179,949 | Schindler, Jacob | Bloomington | wd. l. breast, rheu. | $6.00 | Dec., 1880 |
158,779 | Schlagel, Christena | Bloomington | dep. mother | $8.00 | - |
44,569 | Schmalfeld, Christian | Bloomington | wd. r. shr., & back | $6.00 | - |
186,187 | Schmidt, Christian | Bloomington | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Apr., 1881 |
143,275 | Schmidt, Margaret | Bloomington | widow | $8.00 | - |
69,832 | Schramm, Harriet | Gridley | widow | $8.00 | May, 1867 |
28,500 | Schwartz, Severine | Bloomington | wd. head, dis. brain | $12.00 | - |
50,058 | Scofield, John, M. | Bloomington | dis.of heart | $4.00 | - |
158,625 | Scott, David, O. | Bloomington | dis. eyes, partial paral. of lower extremities | $18.00 | Apr., 1879 |
82,491 | Scroggs, Wm., H. | Hudson | wd. r. arm | $2.66 | - |
43,580 | Seelig, John | Bloomington | wd. body paralysis | $50.00 | - |
87,890 | Seely, John | Bloomington | injury to back | $5.00 | - |
99,098 | Selby, John,F, | Bloomington | effects eryesip. of feet | $3.00 | - |
75,110 | Sellman, Tunis, H. M. | Ellsworth | infla. eyes | $2.00 | - |
128,524 | Sheldon, John | Cropsey | rheu., heart dis. | $18.00 | - |
38,289 | Shoup, Nancy | Danvers | widow | $8.00 | - |
107,359 | Slioan, John | Gridley | ch. diarr., rheu., dis. heart | $8.00 | - |
79,754 | Smith, James | Lexington | wd. l. forearm | $8.00 | - |
199,967 | Smith, Jasper, N. | Colfax | inj. back, l. side | $8.00 | Dec., 1881 |
150,384 | Smith, Leroy | Heyworth | wd. l. knee | $6.00 | - |
21,920 | Smith, Maria, J. | Bloomington | widow | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
27,575 | Sneed, Elizabeth | Bloomington | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct., 1879 |
108,377 | Southwick, Asher, F. | Chenoa | inj. r. eye & rheum. | $10.00 | - |
208,865 | Speers, James, S. | Ellsworth | wd. r. foreaarm | $2.00 | May, 1882 |
14,245 | Sprague, Jackson, G. | Bloomington | ch. diarr., dis. lungs & spine | $12.00 | - |
30,195 | Stahl, Jacob, S. | Normal | wd. l. shr. | $18.00 | - |
68,135 | Steigher, Christian | Bloomington | wd. r. leg | $10.00 | - |
25,347 | Stevens, Martha, A. | Lexington | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1867 |
127,814 | Stillhamer, Barbara | Bloomington | dep. mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1869 |
96,549 | Stotlar, Joseph, W. | Bloomington | wd. l. elbow | $12.00 | - |
170,846 | Stout, Mary, J. | Leroy | widow | $12.00 | - |
10,250 | Straight, Johnson, W. | Bloomington | loss l. arm | $24.00 | - |
122,621 | Straight, Mahala, M | Bloomington | widow | $8.00 | Dec., 1868 |
98,423 | Stringfield, Charlotte | Heyworth | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1867 |
181,100 | Sweeney, John | Bloomington | chr. rheumatism | $17.00 | Jan., 1881 |
63,022 | Sweetser, Al., C. | Bloomington | loss l. leg | $24.00 | - |
183,749 | Swendeman, Wm. | Weston | wd. l. thi., dis. eyes | $6.00 | Mar., 1881 |
184,680 | Termin, Crose | Towanda | ch. diarr. | $4.00 | Mar., 1881 |
119,500 | Teter, Samuel, P. | Downs | g.s.w. head, nerv. derangem't | $8.00 | - |
155,632 | Thomas, James, H. | Chenoa | ch. hep. | $15.00 | Sept., 1878 |
133,592 | Thompson, Archibald | Bloomington | ch. diarrhea | $4.00 | - |
191,397 | Thompson, Sarah | Bloomington | dep. mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1881 |
185,660 | Tibbals, John | Bloomington | dep. father | $8.00 | Oct., 1879 |
22,770 | Towberman, Wm. | Saybrook | wd. l. hand | $8.00 | - |
64,423 | Towler, Adah | Heyworth | widow | $8.00 | - |
131,514 | Tucker, Sylvester, J. | Arrowsmith | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | - |
20,023 | Turnipseed, Jan | Lexington | dep. mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
184,496 | Turpin, Barbara | Lexington | dep. mother | $8.00 | June, 1879 |
116,737 | Van Schoick, Chas. | Bloomington | wd. l . forearm, ulcer l. Leg | $10.00 | - |
192,777 | Vanatta, Peter | Leroy | chr. diarr. | $10.00 | July, 1881 |
196,702 | Vance, Wm., W. | Chenoa | minor of | $10.00 | June, 1882 |
197,898 | Vandegraft, Abigail | Towanda | dep. mother | $8.00 | Dec., 1882 |
99,266 | Vandevender, Geo. | Lexington | wd. l. arm, r. breast | $6.00 | - |
215,125 | Vanvaley, Aaron, S. | Heyworth | wd. hand, ch. rheu. | $8.00 | July, 1862 |
200,504 | Viney, David, B. | Bloomington | dis. spine | $4.00 | Jan., 1882 |
200,700 | Wade, John | Chenoa | ch.diarr., dysp., constipa | $2.00 | Jan., 1882 |
105,361 | Walden, Arch., E. | Bloomington | phthisis pulmo | $18.00 | - |
124,103 | Walkins, Gipson | Arrowsmith | dis. eyes | $8.00 | - |
210,401 | Wallace, Peter | Saybrook | chr. diarr. | $10.00 | June, 1882 |
46,818 | Wallace, Wm., W. | Bloomington | heart disease | $8.00 | - |
216,608 | Walt, John | Chenoa | inj. r. foot | $4.00 | Aug., 1882 |
114,732 | Ward, Carlton, D. | Cropsey | wd. l. hand | $3.00 | - |
186,043 | Washburn, Mary, E | McLean | widow | $12.00 | - |
29,259 | Watts, Clarissa, E. | Normal | widow | $8.00 | - |
207,588 | Weaver, John, P. | Towanda | fract. l. collar-bone | $2.00 | Apr., 1882 |
215,872 | Weber, Francis | Leroy | vari. veins r. leg | $4.00 | July, 1882 |
161,537 | Weisch, Midda | Bloomington | widow | $12.00 | - |
90,147 | Wheelock, Francis, A. | McLean | wd. l. leg | $17.00 | - |
191,369 | Whipple, Mary, E. | Bloomington | dep. mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1881 |
179,493 | White, Ann, J. | Bloomington | widow | $10.00 | - |
53,897 | White, Eliza | Towanda | widow | $8.00 | - |
99,942 | Wickoff, Henry, B. | Bloomington | injury to abdomen, rheu., dis. Of abdominal viscera | $12.00 | - |
81,509 | Wilcox, Levi | Downs | dis. eyes | $18.00 | - |
126,838 | Wilcox, Lydia, A. | McLean | widow | $10.00 | - |
109,234 | Wilkins, Wm., L. | Normal | wd. head & effects | $6.00 | - |
167,500 | Wilmeth, Isaac, W. | Bloomington | rheu. & dis. of abdominal vis. | $20.00 | May, 1880 |
59,599 | Wilson, John, S. | Bloomington | wd. r. leg | $8.00 | - |
122,830 | Wilson, Wm., T. | Bloomington | loss 2nd & 3rd fingers l. hand | $4.00 | - |
37,444 | Wilson, Wm., W. | Downs | frac. r. arm | $6.00 | - |
195,212 | Wise, Chas. | Chenoa | rheu. | $4.00 | Aug., 1881 |
92,643 | Witherell, Geo., A. | Bloomington | dis.eyes | $2.00 | - |
155,281 | Wolcott, Homer | Bloomington | partial deafness | $2.00 | Sept., 1878 |
211,215 | Wood, Absalom | Lexington | dis. throat | $2.00 | June, 1882 |
123,736 | Wren, As a | Heyworth | ch. diarr. | $8.00 | - |
145,018 | Wren, Thos. | Bloomington | dis. of abdomnal viscera | $8.00 | - |
24,788 | Wright, Louisa | Stanford | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1867 |
167,607 | Yarrington, Wesley | Belle Flower | wd. r. thigh | $2.00 | Apr., 1880 |
128,804 | Yount, Lewis | Leroy | wd. l. hand | $4.00 | - |