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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Macon County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Macon County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
123,158Albers, JohnBoodywound rt. thigh, & inj to abd.$4.00 -
161,552Aldrich, HarrisonDecaturdisease of eyes$4.00 July 1869
72,119Allen, JamesMaconchronic hepatitis$8.00 -
47,699Alsbury, JaneMount Zionwidow$8.00 June 1867
205,351Andrews, Harrison S.Sangamon Stationdis. of eyes & dis. of abd. vis.$6.00 Mar. 1882
189,243Andrews, IsaacSangamon Stationdependent father$8.00 July 1880
202,031Armstrong, William J.Decaturgsw of neck$2.00 Jan. 1882
55,650Arrowsmith, AlbertDecaturwound left foot$4.00 -
133,379Barnett, ValentineMaroawound right hand$4.00 -
104,262Barnhart, Susan L.Decaturwidow$8.00 -
25,299Bateman, MillyCasner Stationwidow$8.00 July 1879
172,089Bell, AlbertOreanawound left shoulder$1.00 Aug. 1880
7,286Bell, Lucinda A.Decaturwidow$8.00 Apr. 1874
45,433Benton, Charles F.Argentashell wound of head$24.00 -
158,689Berlin, David M.Decaturscurvy, rheumatism$12.00 Apr. 1879
40,595Beshle, ElizabethMacondependent mother$8.00 Feb. 1865
207,093Betz, Solomon B.Argentagsw right forearm$4.00 Apr. 1882
11,292Betzer, George W.Decaturwound right thigh$4.00 -
116,493Bird, JohnDecaturwound right hand$3.00 -
50,063Bivaus, RobertMaconanch right elbow joint$18.00 -
191,221Black, EllenMount Ziondependent mother$8.00 Feb. 1881
124,142Boyd, Susan S.Decaturwidow$30.00 -
170,791Brewer, William J.Decaturwound left arm$4.00 June 1880
163,023Briggs, Henry A.Decaturwound right leg$3.00 Oct. 1879
16,034Briggs, MaryArgentadependent mother$8.00 Dec. 1872
102,750Briggs, PerpetuaArgentawidow$8.00 -
119,750Brookshire, Overton H.Blue Moundinjury to abdomen$4.00 Nov. 1872
11,535Brown, Edwin F.Decaturwound right thigh$8.00 -
210,169Brownlee, William H.Long Creekinjury to abdomen$4.00 June 1882
57,228Bullard, Charles S.Harristowndisease of eyes$12.00 -
158,755Burg, CasperMacondependent father$8.00 July 1872
35,469Busheart, SusannahCasner Stationwidow$8.00 -
27,651Buskirk, AdalineDecaturwidow$8.00 -
20,959Butt, William P.Bearsdalegsw left forearm$6.00 Dec. 1863
168,374Butts, FrankDecaturgsw left hand$6.00 May 1880
55,349Carrier, JonathanDecaturwound left ankle$6.00 -
181,363Carrigan, Reese B.Decaturgsw left wrist$12.00 Mar. 1881
49,285Carter, Richard H.Decaturwound right thigh$18.00 -
203,399Cassell, JohnDecaturchronic diarrhea$4.00 Feb. 1882
820Casterline, JosephDecatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 July 1871
102,756Childers, AsburyDecaturinj. to right foot & inj. to abd.$10.00 -
23,543Childers, Ezekiel J.Decaturwound left arm$6.00 -
152,850Costello, JamesDecaturinjury to abdomen$10.00 Aug. 1865
141,676Cowgill, Dewitt C.Decaturchronic diarrhea & resulting diseased rectum$18.00 -
193,621Cox, JeromeDecaturminor of$10.00 Nov. 1881
198,568Crawford, DavidBlue Moundgsw right thigh$4.00 Dec. 1881
110,774Crum, Andrew J.Decaturwound left leg$6.00 -
100,540Cummings, Elizabeth J.Maconwidow$8.00 -
76,085Curtis, Ira B.Decaturparalysis$72.00 -
220,151Daniels, John F.Decaturgsw of right knee$4.00 Nov. 1882
52,924Deboy, ElizabethDecaturwidow$8.00 -
138,952Decker, MalbyDecaturwound head$6.00 -
167,057Denison, Chas. N.Decaturwound left knee$8.50 Apr. 1880
89,435Dermit, JamesDecaturparalysis right arm$3.00 -
102,203Devore, Louisa J.Decaturwidow$8.00 -
189,509Disbrow, AlanzoBearsdaleinjury to abdomen$8.00 June 1881
185,015Ditzler, SarahDecaturwidow$12.00 July 1879
38,407Donnell, Samuel P.Decaturwound right arm$18.00 -
182,439Drum, Margaret G.Blue Mounddependent mother$8.50 Nov. 1878
181,115Duncan, HarrisonForsythwnd. of right hand & right thigh$6.00 Jan.1881
101,132Dunham, DaytonDecaturwound right foot$10.00 -
53,861Eaton, JohnNianticwound right arm$18.00 -
44,380Ebert, HenryDecaturwound jaw$10.00 -
42,189Elder, William F.Decaturwnd. rt. shoulder & rt. thumb$12.00 -
134,513Encke, RachelDecaturwidow$8.00 Sept. 1869
213,162English, JamesMacongsw of right side of head & right hip$4.00 June 1882
364Estabrook, Mary E.Decaturwidow$20.00 July 1869
185,953Everett, Chas. W.Decaturchr. dia. & varicose veins left leg$12.00 Mar. 1881
85,246Farnham, Lindsey C.Nianticerysipelas$6.00 -
2,296Ferry, Emma Y. F.Decaturwidow$8.00 -
213,164Fesler, IsaacArgentainjury to abdomen$6.00 June 1882
201,508Fitzpatrick, Martin W.Decaturax wound left foot?Jan. 1882
65,965Flinn, ThomasDecaturwound right leg & resulting necrosis of tibia$18.00 -
7,513Freeman, Margaret A.Warrensburgwidow$8.00 Sept. 1880
42,227Froman, Mary M.Oakleywidow$30.00 -
156,111Ganer, Felix M.Decaturwound neck$8.00 Oct. 1878
59,109Gault, John M.Maroaloss left arm$24.00 -
167,975Gepford, William H.Forsythwound left shoulder & hip$2.00 May 1880
94,535Glore, James H.Decaturwound right arm$12.75 -
11,023Glotz, AugustusDecaturgsw right thigh &c.$8.00 -
87,854Good, EmanuelDecaturchronic diarrhea$8.00 -
201,137Goodpasture, Harvey S.Decaturgsw left thigh & left side face$2.00 Jan. 1882
10,908Greene, MyraDecaturwidow$8.00 Nov. 1878
18,649Griffith, Nancy M.Nianticwidow$8.00 Feb. 1879
29,614Gullett, JaneMaroawidow$8.00 -
168,534Hamsher, WilliamDecaturdisease of kidneys$2.00 May 1880
243,854Hand, John T.Decaturshell wound left side $2.00 June 1882
157,557Haner, JohnDecaturwound left arm$2.00 Feb. 1879
110,062Harbert, WilliamBoodywound left hand$6.00 -
58,333Hardy, Joseph K.Blue Moundwound right shoulder$18.00 -
72,396Hargis, Thomas J.Nianticwound right groin & thigh$10.00 -
134,974Harmon, Isaac B.Boodyloss 3 fingers, right hand$14.00 -
26,126Hart, Eliza J.Decaturwidow$8.00 July 1864
117,394Henson, Robert S.Decaturwound right breast & back, affecting shoulder$6.00 -
115,710Hereld, Amos J.Nianticwound left arm$6.00 -
175,716Hesser, LucindaDecaturwidow$8.00 Dec. 1876
91,814Hill, Franklin M.Decaturwnd. rt. thigh & dis. of liver$6.00 -
189,767Hines, DereldaDecaturwidow$14.00 Sept. 1880
31,194Hitt, Tabutia Y.Maroawidow$8.00 -
39,808Hobbs, Nancy H.Harristownwidow$8.00 -
53,806Hoff, DavidMaroaloss right hand$18.00 -
8,753Holdemen, RobertDecaturinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
14,806Houck, LarkinDecatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 Mar. 1872
25,787Houseman, SusannahElwinwidow$8.00 July 1879
147,999Hunt, James H.Decaturwound right foot$6.00 -
27,825Imboden, Cyrus M.Decaturwound left hip$4.00 Dec. 1879
164,929Jack, JosephDecaturch. dia. & malarial poisoning$15.00 Feb. 1880
170,412James, ClarissaDecaturdependent mother$8.00 July 1875
194,814Jennings, Isaac D.Decaturshell wound right index finger & left side head & inj. to abd.$8.00 Aug. 1881
68,763Jones, James H.Mount Zionwound left arm$12.00 -
6,281Jordan, PhilenaMacondependent mother$8.00 -
201,393Judson, Chas. O.Decaturdis. spine & resulting debility$8.00 Jan. 1882
215,960Kallenbach, MorrisDecaturinjury of left knee$4.00 July 1882
78,862Kelly, MichaelDecaturwound thigh$2.66 2/3-
182,010Kennedy, ChristopherBlue Moundgsw groin, inj. to breast$12.00 Feb. 1881
201,985Kile, Isaac W.Argentagsw left shoulder$2.00 Jan. 1882
55,358Lacost, CharlesOuttenwound of face$18.00 Jan. 1866
205,176Laughlin, Andrew C.Decaturch. dia. & dis of abd. vis.$6.00 Mar. 1882
75,314Lawley, Elijah D.Maconwound of left hip$24.00 -
62,219Leigh, JohnOakleywound of right lung$14.00 -
31,226Lewis, LettyMaconwidow$8.00 Feb. 1881
66,965Lindsay, JohnDecaturchronic rheumatism$10.00 -
100,771Luderick, HenryForsythwound of right arm$4.00 -
50,894Luttrell, Mary A.Decaturdependent mother$8.00 July 1865
38,615Lytle, Robert P.Decaturamputation of left arm$24.00 -
39,818Maddox, ThomasMount Zionwound in foot$18.00 -
2,631Magner, JamesDecaturinjury to abdomen & left thigh?July 1879
215,554Mahannah, HenryDecaturinjury to abdomen?July 1882
81,770Maher, EdwardDecaturloss right middle finger$2.66 2/3-
194,558Marion, MayDecaturscurvy$6.00 Aug. 1881
150,407Martin, AugusteDecaturwidow$17.00 -
68,675Martin, IsabelDecaturwidow$8.00 -
31,915Mason, SusannahMaroawidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 1881
200,197Matheny, John Y.Maconchronic diarrhea, disease of abd. vis., indigestion$6.00 Jan. 1882
206,967May, Henry F.Decaturinjury to abdomen$4.00 Apr. 1882
32,607McClelland, Joseph S.Decaturdebility from typhoid fever$8.00 -
40,592McConaughy, CatlinMacondependent mother$8.00 Feb. 1865
122,828McCrary, JosephDecaturchronic diarrhea$8.00 -
217,889McDonald, John F.Decaturshell wound of right leg$2.00 Sept. 1882
167,175McMullen, Betsey JaneMaroadependent mother$8.00 Jan. 1875
3,849Moesner, MaryDecaturdependent mother$8.00 July 1863
180,589Moffett, David S.Decaturminor of$19.00 Apr. 1878
155,569Morgan, Levi S.Blue Moundpartial deafness$4.00 Sept. 1878
160,610Morris, George W.Blue Moundgsw left shoulder$4.00 June 1879
68,352Morris, LewisMount Zionfracture left humerus$8.00 -
32,400Morris, NancyDecaturwidow$8.00 -
141,238Morrison, George S.Oreanawound left thigh$8.00 -
180,156Nelson, JacobArgentapartial loss right thumb from gsw$4.00 Dec. 1880
122,014Nesbit, William W.Maroachronic diarrhea$6.00 -
115,717Neville, William H.Decaturwound of neck$6.00 -
53,461Nicholas, John W.Decaturwound left knee$14.00 -
221,161Nicholls, JohnDecaturdis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 Nov. 1882
223,604Nicholson, Jeremiah P.Long Creekchronic diarrhea$4.00 Dec. 1882
91,594Norman, FrederickDecaturwound right hand & right thigh$8.00 -
133,474Norton, Oliver B.Decaturdis. of abdominal viscera, resulting from chronic diarrhea$6.00 -
155,695Parkhurst, CharlotteForsythdependent mother$8.00 Jan. 1872
174,512Peake, George B.Decaturwd face, right arm, & right thigh$20.00 Oct. 1880
53,555Peniwell, ThomasDecaturwound right arm$6.00 -
141,463Priest, Horace C.Decaturwound left thigh$6.00 -
7,362Pugh, Elvira E.Decaturwidow$20.00 Apr. 1875
134,050Quin, CatharineMacondependent mother$8.00 -
95,981Ralls, HarrietDecaturdependent mother$8.00 June 1867
216,558Rankin, LouisDecaturwound left hand?Aug. 1882
60,451Richardson, JohnDecaturgsw of head, loss left eye & resulting impaired vision right eye & resulting epilepsy$50.00 -
146,190Richardson, RebeccaDecaturwidow$8.00 -
4,934Ritchie, ThomasSangamon Stationpartial loss of vision$14.00 -
20,748Roberts, Richard J.Decaturinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
166,882Roberts, Ten Brook T.Decaturwound left forearm$2.00 Apr. 1880
45,598Roby, Henry H.Forsythwound left arm$6.00 -
119,392Rogers, JoshuaMaconwound left shoulder$6.00 -
162,586Romine, Fanny A.Decaturwidow$10.00 -
126,962Ronen, MaryDecaturwidow$8.00 -
89,917Ryan, Joseph D.Nianticvaricose veins right leg$2.00 -
25,690Sargeant, RhodaMacondependent mother$8.00 June 1864
199,970Schroeter, GottleibOakleygsw right buttock & groin$4.00 Dec. 1881
109,232Schwat, JacobDecaturwound left arm & scapula$4.00 -
40,601Scott, Emeline E.Decaturwidow$8.00 -
194,700Seelig, Amanda E.Nianticwidow$14.00 -
152,393Seiberling, John D.Blue Moundwound head$4.00 -
182,731Sharp, GeorgeDecaturwd. both legs below knees$6.00 -
132,322Shastid, LydiaOreanawidow$8.00 -
197,000Shelton, Abner J.Decaturgsw left wrist$2.00 Oct. 1881
52,686Sherman, Margaret E.Maconwidow$8.00 -
187,128Shields, JohnCasner Stationgsw left thigh & left side face$4.00 Apr. 1881
90,233Shoemaker, DavidDecaturwound head$18.00 -
176,099Short, William H.Decaturwound right shoulder$4.00 Oct. 1880
13,851Smalley, MaryDecaturwidow$8.00 -
135,624Smith, FranklinDecaturwound right ankle$4.00 -
89,569Smith, Green W.Decaturwound right leg$8.00 -
221,593Smith, James T.Blue Moundchr. dia. & dis. abd. vis.$4.00 Dec. 1882
217,954Smith, James W.Harristowndisease of abdominal viscera$2.00 Sept. 1882
133,497Smith, Jonathan I.Decaturrheumatism$4.00 -
29,624Smith, Mary E.Decaturwidow$8.00 Sept. 1864
155,588Smith, ThomasDecaturgsw of left side$8.00 Oct. 1878
9,701Smoot, ElizaDecaturwidow$8.00 -
169,846Sollars, Rowland G.Decaturinjury to abdomen$8.00 June 1880
27,946Sonders, MaryMount Zionwidow$8.00 Nov. 1879
166,075Songer, John A.Decaturpartial deafness$4.00 Mar. 1880
155,265Spooner, DanielBlue Moundchr. dia. & dis. abd. vis.$10.00 Sept. 1878
206,413Stafford, Hiram P.Decaturdisease of heart$4.00 Apr. 1882
154,405Stafford, Rodney N.Decaturwound left side of face$4.00 July 1878
111,412Stine, Hiram S.Decaturinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
115,195Stookey, Harvey L.Decaturwound right leg$8.00 -
3,088Stough, ElizabethDecaturdependent mother$8.00 June 1863
121,693Stumpff, JohnBlue Moundloss right index finger$3.00 -
172,637Sutton, Alexander H.Decaturwound left thigh$2.00 Sept. 1880
55,852Tooley, LivoniaArgentawidow$8.00 -
8,765Traughber, Elizabeth J.Mount Zionwidow$8.00 -
39,144Tupper, Lamira M.Decaturwidow$20.00 -
9,823Tupper, MaryDecaturwidow$30.00 June 1882
28,258Updike, Sarepta J.Maroawidow$8.00 Aug. 1864
136,657Van Hook, SamuelNianticwound right thigh & hand$6.00 -
87,517Vest, Toliver P.Decaturwound left cheek$8.00 -
96,237Watson, William T.Maconchronic diarrhea$12.00 -
23,541Watts, MaryMaconwidow$8.00 May 1879
179,952Wells, LemuelNianticchronic rheumatism$8.00 Dec. 1880
182,336Welsch, Peter S.Decaturinjury to abdomen & saber wound of face$6.00 Feb. 1881
174,256Whitchel, William H.Decaturwound left thigh$2.00 Sept. 1880
29,440White, Mabel R.Maroawidow$20.00 Sept. 1864
22,771Whiteside, JoelNianticgsw both thighs$12.00 -
90,027Widick, Andrew Y.Decaturwound left forearm$8.00 -
48,434Wilde, GeorgeMaconwound left hand$18.00 -
107,948Wiley, AllenDecaturwound right hand$4.00 -
199,991Williams, AdolphusDecaturshell wound left shoulder & resulting partial paralysis arm & partial deafness$8.00 Dec. 1881
211,153Williams, Joseph C.Decaturinjury to back$2.00 June 1882
213,934Williams, Presley E.Decaturchronic diarrhea$4.00 June 1882
153,507Williams, Robert T.Maconwound right shoulder$12.50 June 1878
164,038Wilson, AnnaDecaturwidow$8.00 Feb. 1874
10,189Wilson, Hiram R.Decaturwound right wrist$8.00 -
7,358Witts, SophiaDecaturdependent mother$8.00 Nov. 1863
192,193Wood, Sarah A.Blue Moundwidow$19.00 -
59,718Worley, David S.Casner Stationloss left arm$24.00 -
186,110Wright, Harrison S.Casner Stationinjury to abdomen$4.00 Apr. 1881
167,838Young, DavidBoodywound left shoulder$2.00 May 1880
34,810Young, John J. H.Decaturloss left arm$18.00 -

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