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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
LaSalle County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 LaSalle County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
25,181Allen, Edwin POttawawd. l. thi$18.00 -
64,703Allen, JohnLa Salleophthalmia$12.00 -
141,149Allen, WmStreatorchr. diarr$6.00 -
105,705Armstrong, Wm. SOttawaophthalmia$4.00 -
198,156Baenter, SavillaMendotawidow$8.00 Dec., 1862
41,587Bagley, Benton WEarlvillewd. of face$12.00 -
44,929Bagley, MarthaOttawawidow$8.00 Nov., 1867
30,275Bailey, JohnOttawawd. l. hip$6.00 -
212,407Baker, Andrew JStreatorinj. back, dis. kidneys$4.00 June, 1882
218,490Baker, JohnOttawainjury to abdomen$4.00 Sept., 1882
220,614Baker, JosephOttawadis. eyes$4.00 Nov., 1882
73,268Baker, MartinUticawd. r. arm$4.00 -
204,439Baker, Thomas AMendotadis. of eyes$6.00 Mar., 1882
191,122Baldwin, ElijahTonicatotal loss hearing l. ear$1.00 June, 1881
212,412Bale, Edw. EStreatordis. of abdominal$8.00 June, 1882
29,300Bane, JacobOttawaloss r. arm$24.00 -
92,687Barackman, MilanStreatorloss r. eye & partial left$14.00 -
139,730Barker, EdithLa Salledep. mother$8.00 Feb., 1870
163,141Barnett, HarrisonLelandwd. r. thi$6.00 -
26,725Barrell, Mary APeruwidow$8.00 -
88,047Barton, Maria LMendotawidow$8.00 -
159,076Bartram, Reubin WStreatorwd. l. hand, with loss of index & middle finger.$6.00 Apr., 1879
164,360Beaubien, Eliz'th SOttawawidow$10.00 -
23,941Beers, HannahFreedomdis. of heart$8.00 May, 1879
87,760Bell, Benj. FStreatorwd. l. shr$4.00 Dec., 1867
213,272Bignall, Geo. BMarseilleswd. r. hip$4.00 June, 1882
89,193Blackmore, JohnStreatorinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
192,150Bliss, Lydia JMarseilleswidow$8.00 May, 1881
172,506Bollman, Eliz'thOttawawidow$10.00 -
66,892Borden, Sniffer RTonicainj. l. foot$6.00 -
31,352Bradford, MissouriStreatorwidow$8.00 -
24,961Bramble, ElizabethSerenawidow 1812$8.00 June, 1879
165,294Brannan, John WOttawach. diar., var. both legs$8.00 Mar., 1880
73,267Brent, Robert SMarseillesg. s. w. rt. thigh$4.00 Oct., 1866
165,309Briggs, Mary AMendotawidow 1812$20.00 June, 1874
791Brooks, Rizpah ESerenawidow$10.00 Mar., 1866
191,035Brown, AdelbertStreatorminor of$10.00 Jan., 1881
222,091Brown, Albert TMarseillesch. bronchitis$4.00 Dec., 1882
13,588Brown, Cyril JLa Sallesurv. 1812$8.00 Mar., 1872
187,459Brown, Esther EEarlvillewidow$12.00 Mar., 1880
20,778Brown, HarrietLa Sallewidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
58,404Brumley, HermanStreatorinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
71,915Buckley, MargaretOttawawidow$20.00 -
26,459Bumgardner, Isaac BOttawachr. rheu$4.00 -
101,387Bunker, BetseyStreatordept. mother$8.00 Sept., 1869
198,435Bunker, DavidMendotawd. abdomen & back$3.00 Nov., 1881
200,371Bunker, Patrick HStreatordis. of throat, chr. diarr., & dis. of abdominal viscera.$20.00 Jan., 1882
87,829Burgess, Sidney WTonicawd. thorax$4.00 -
19,407Burrows, ElijahSheridanwidow 1812$8.00 Oct., 1872
223,661Butterfield, Wm. HMendotadis. throat & lungs$4.00 Dec , 1882
38,254Cain, JamesOttawawd. l. thi$24.00 -
55,219Campbell, Chas. COttawach. diarr$25.00 Jan., 1866
18,333Carter, JoelEarlvillefrac. r. ankle$8.00 -
21,267Cass, Francis MEarlvillewd. head, chr. diar$8.00 -
121,664Cassidy, FideliaTonicadept. mother$8.00 Nov., 1868
20,781Cavarly, Sarah AnnOttawawidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
108,231Chapin, Alvin WUticadis. of liver$8.00 -
25,173Clark, GeoStreatorhyp. heart$8.00 -
110,057Clark, John TMendotawd. r. leg$4.00 -
36,480Clark, Orren WStreatorwd. r. leg$18.00 -
48,910Clerk, ThosOttawawd. l. thi$17.00 -
207,016Clifford, FranklinSerenadis. lungs$4.00 Apr., 1882
202,823Clinch, ThosPerudis. eyes from prison$4.00 Feb., 1882
76,385Coffeen, Hannah JMarseillesdep. mother$8.00 June, 1866
157,754Cogswell, WmOttawaparalysis$20.00 Mar., 1879
108,502Cole, NathanielSerenaloss sight r. eye, aff. left$24.00 -
72,395Coleman, EdwardMendotaloss sight r. eye, aff. Left$18.00 -
209,428Collins, AndrewRutlandrheu$6.00 May, 1882
192,986Collins, AnnOttawawidow$8.00 July, 1881
190,407Collins, DanielMarseillesdep. father$8.00 Nov., 1880
72,123Combs, James BOttawaloss r. arm$24.00 -
85,041Commoenish, DanielLa Sallewd. r. breast$8.00 -
42,510Conant, Horace GOttawag. s. w. head,$4.00 -
194,147Conard, Wm. HRansomg. s. w. rt. shoulder$4.00 Aug., 1881
17,634Conger, Dorothy MPrairie Centrewidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1879
28,503Cook, David AOttawawd. r. leg$5.00 -
186,277Coole, ElizabethStreatordept. mother$8.00 Dec., 1879
137,361Cooper, MaryMendotadep. mother$8.00 Dec., 1869
97,331Cotton, JamesSheridaninj. spine$72.00 -
204,590Courtney, John CStreatorinj. r. ankle$4.00 Mar., 1882
85,100Covet, Hiram BSheridanl. rib frat'd from fall of tree$18.00 -
154,033Crasmer, JacobDanapartl. deafness$4.00 June, 1878
37,849Crawford, MartinEarlvillewd. r. leg$6.00 -
21,607Crooker, Chas. AMendotadis. of abdominal viscera$24.00 Dec., 1863
45,659Cuddigan, ThosMarseillesgen. debility$8.00 -
123,062Cumley, John JOttawadis. heart$6.00 -
131,266Cunningham, MaryOttawawidow$8.00 July, 1869
188,871Dean, Maynard HUticawd. both legs$4.00 May, 1881
183,227Dean, SusieLostantwidow$16.00 Mar., 1879
40,142Deer, JacobLa Salleg. s. w. lft. thigh$8.00 -
147,288Dener, Deborah CLostantdep. mother$8.00 Oct., 1871
41,395Denny, Fred'k JPeruloss r. leg$18.00 -
58,767Dewey, Russell MMendotawd. l. hip$24.00 -
50,065Dhelo, ChasMendotawd. r. arm & shr$18.00 -
23,482Dibble, CatharineUticawidow 1812$8.00 May, 1879
86,924Dick, JohnLa Sallewd. l. leg$4.00 -
50,794Dickman, John FUticawd. l. leg$6.00 -
57,249Dingman, John MUticag. s. w. lft. forearm$18.00 -
32,949Doane, Robt. CEarlvillechr. diarr$3.00 -
137,707Dodge, Henry FTonicascurvy$4.00 -
73,030Donaghho, MaryStreatordept. mother$8.00 May, 1866
-Donohue, Mahlon CStreatorloss r. foot$18.00 Feb., 1864
175,587Doran, Albertus JOttawawd. l. thi$2.00 Oct., 1880
64,704Dornbeck, HenryLa Sallewd. mouth & face$8.00 -
177,331Druitt, John HOttawachr. diarr., dis. liver, heart, & dropsy.$24.00 Oct., 1880
71,607Duckworth, WmOttawach. diarr$12.00 -
53,409Duffy, JosephLa Sallewd. r. hip$8.00 -
40,987Dummett, NancyOttawawidow$8.00 -
197,731Eastabrook, Annie SOttawawidow$24.00 Nov., 1882
153,509Ebersol, Albert HOttawainjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1878
28,161Ebersol, Joseph WOttawawd. l. arm$18.00 -
126,202Ebner, JacksonTonicawd. l. lung & arm$8.00 -
136,534Edgecombe, Rich. EOttawachr. diarr$12.00 -
66,949Egeness, RachelLelandwidow$8.00 -
69,567Ehly, AdamOttawawd. l. hand$2.66 2/3-
192,106Everetts, ThosRutlandch. diarr. & dis. of abd. Vis$8.00 June, 1881
59,985Everhart, James SSerenaulcer r. leg$2.00 Apr., 1881
104,548Fairfield, Sam'l SLa Salleinjury to abdomen$7.30 -
122,837Farrell, John WOttawadis. eyes$8.00 -
181,499Ferguson, PeterEarlvilledis. of kidneys$4.00 Jan., 1881
40,065Ferleer, George WMarseillesabdomen and back$8.00 -
58,321Flannery, ThosMarseilleswd. l. arm$8.00 -
125,476Fleming, RogerMendotadis. eyes$72.00 Oct., 1873
175,163Flick, JohnOttawarheu., heart dis$24.00 Oct., 1880
103,230Flick, MichaelStreatorwd. l. forearm, loss little finger l hand, eye dis.$10.00 -
106,944Fogg, Chas. DEarlvilledis. heart & lungs$4.00 -
143,883Forster, ChristianOttawawd. l. shr$6.00 -
187,349Frary, Caroline WSenecadep. mother$8.00 Mar., 1880
203,707Fredenburgh, Isaac HOttawach. diarr$4.00 Feb., 1882
43,875Fuchs, Geo. WOttawaotorrhea, vertigo, deafness$12.75 June, 1865
146,108Fuchs, JohnLa Sallewd. r. hand 2d & 3d fingers$3.00 -
112,488Funk, JosephTonicawd. r. thigh$4.00 -
41,585Gage, Rich. JMarseilleswd. l. foot$8.00 -
40,120Galvin, Wm. HOttawafrac. l. leg$8.00 -
39,925Gant, GeoStreatorwd. shr. & head$8.00 -
43,464Gatchell, James MMarseilleswd. r. groin, atroph. r. leg$18.00 -
25,310Gathe, EmilyPerudep. mother$8.00 June, 1864
85,734Gibson, Theodore COttawach. diar$12.50 -
6,691Godfrey, HarrietEarlvillewidow 1812$8.00 Oct., 1875
164,977Goff, Sherman HMendotainjury to abdomen$8.00 Feb., 1880
10,064Goheen, HughLostantanch. r. elbow joint$18.00 -
86,455Graf, SamuelSheridanwd. r. side$6.00 -
97,267Graham, CatharineOttawawidow$8.00 -
95,826Grant, Orin BMarseilleswd. l. ankle$6.00 -
16,552Greaser, AndrewLa Salledis. of eyes$14.00 -
198,672Green, Oliver WOttawawd. l. thi$4.00 Dec., 1881
146,403Green, Wm. JGarfieldwd. r. thumb$1.00 -
92,210Gregg, David ROttawaanch. l. wrist$4.00 -
86,158Gregg, John BOttawach. diarr$8.00 -
116,218Griffith, WmStreatorchr. diarr$4.00 -
164,326Groty, HenryStreatordept. father$8.00 Mar., 1874
80,509Hall, RobertStreatorwd. r. shr$10.00 -
28,748Hallesey, TimoihyStreatorwd. knee joint$6.00 -
35,166Hamilton, DuncanLowellwd. l. lung$15.00 -
153,003Hammond, MaryOttawadep. mother$8.00 Aug., 1871
189,473Hanna, AmandaMarseilleswidow$8.00 Aug., 1880
80,670Hanney, ChristianStreatoraneurism of aorta$12.00 -
26,588Hardy, ElizabethMendotawidow 1812$8.00 Aug., 1879
13,179Harrington, RobtOttawach. diarr. & paraly$18.00 -
84,931Harris, Herman FMeridenwd. rt. leg$4.00 -
111,131Harris, JohnOttawawd. l. hand$3.00 -
11,643Hartigan, JamesLa Sallechr. bronchi$18.00 -
53,410Hattis, EberMarseilleschr. diarr., inj. to abdomen$4.00 -
177,897Hayes, Ezekiel TMarseillesrheu., heart dis$8.00 Oct., 1880
173,002Hazel, John PUticawd. of head$4.00 Sept., 1880
37,855Herron, Joseph MFreedomwd. r. lung$18.00 -
54,042Herzner, RosinaOttawawidow$8.00 -
10,866Hetrick, NicholasPeruwd. l. foot$5.00 -
126,023Hickling, RebeccaOttawawidow$8.00 -
42,687Hindman, John SStreatorloss rt. arm above elbow$24.00 Oct., 1874
36,987Hitt, Daniel FOttawainj. to spine$20.00 -
114,377Hoessel, John AStreatorheart dis$8.00 -
73,546Hoffman, HermanTroy Grovechr. ophthalmia, loss sight$31.25 -
176,793Hoffman, Jas. RMendotainjury to abdomen$12.00 Oct, 1880
171,633Hollaker, DonatOttawach. rheum$8.00 July, 1880
90,569Holmes, HenryOttawawd. l. leg$6.00 -
43,460Homer, John WOttawawd. r. leg$8.00 -
217,810Horgan, MichaelLa Sallewd. l. hip$2.00 -
97,238Hosner, AnnDeer Parkwidow$8.00 -
121,268Houser, LeopoldStreatorpartial paral. l. side fr. diarr.$6.00 Jan., 1873
21,153Howarth, GeoStreatorwd. r. foot$4.00 -
214,435Howe, Geo. WTonicadis. kidneys$10.00 June, 1882
199,917Howe, Orion PStreatorg. s. w. rt. thigh, breast, & arm.$6.00 Dec., 1881
182,701Hubbard, AlbertMarseillesinjury to abdomen$8.00 Feb., 1881
23,612Hull, SabrinaOttawaact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
113,740Hupp, Geo. CNorthvilleinj. to back & deafness$5.00 -
164,628Huss, Jacob BSheridanrheu$4.00 -
188,949Jackson, JosephDanachr. diar.,dis. liver, debil$4.00 May, 1881
210,279Jennings, JamesSheridanwd. l. shr$4.00 June, 1882
185,005Johnson, Mary AOttawawidow$12.00 July, 1879
178,039Jones, AdelineMarseillesdep. mother$8.00 July, 1877
30,950Jones, Mary CStreatorwidow 1812$8.00 Dec., 1880
193,701Karnes, StephenStreatorwd. r thigh, l. foot$4.00 July, 1881
61,549Kelly, Isaiah WSerenafract. r. leg$18.00 -
29,435Kennedy, JaneLa Salledep. mother$8.00 Sept., 1864
192,737Kennedy, JuliaOttawawidow$16.00 June, 1881
93,939Kerkendall, HarveyStreatorchr diarr$6.00 -
17,748Keron, MauriceOttawavari. veins$18.00 -
92,032Ketchum, Chas. AStreatorwd. both legs$12.00 -
204,518Kilday, PeterLa Sallewd. r. arm & chest$4.00 Mar., 1882
62,397King, Francis GOttawawd. r. shr$10.00 -
27,569Klinger, Henry PStreatordis. lungs$18.00 -
169,016Knickerbocker, M. JSheridanwd. r. leg$2.00 June, 1880
132,850Knickerbocker, NelsonOttawaamaurosis both eyes, cerebro spinal meningitis.$72.00 -
157,311Knoesen, Cyrus ARutlandwd. head$4.00 Jan., 1879
92,587Lane, Herbert LOttawawd. back$8.00 July, 1869
102,301Langley, David BOttawainjury to abdomen$4.00 -
152,015Larabee, James WMeridenwd. rt. arm & neck$4.00 Mar., 1878
197,001Larkin, Sarah AStreatorwidow$10.00 -
87,786Larkin, ThosOttawarheu$15.00 -
64,591Larned, Martin DUticawd. rt. foot$18.00 May, 1866
207,433Lathrop, FrancisRutlandwd. both legs$2.00 Apr., 1882
15,642Leahy, EllenOttawawidow$20.00 -
94,672Lee, John NSenecadis. lungs$8.00 -
176,639Levens, ThosPerusunstroke$4.00 Oct., 1880
6,149Lewis, HannahOttawawidow 1812$8.00 May, 1874
151,354Lewis, NelsonMendotawd. l. leg$2.00 -
136,411Ley, Wm. LStreatorwd. l. arm$4.00 -
61,293Lindley, CordeliaOttawawidow$17.00 -
70,591Litchfield, Barstow WMarseillesresult of measels$4.00 -
18,448Livers, John AMendotaamp. l. arm$24.00 -
52,818Lovejoy, Elijah BOttawach. rheu$8.00 Nov., 1865
20,519Lovitt, JohnPeruinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
33,621Lynn, SamuelEarlvilleloss r. foot$18.00 -
62,382Maher, JerryOttawawd. l. shr$4.00 -
176,678Mallamy, NancySerenadep. mother$8.00 Mar., 1877
45,091Mallon, JohnLa Salleamp. r. thi$24.00 -
97,676Maloney, AnnLa Sallewidow$8.00 -
116,886Markel, PeterStreatorg. s. w. lft. hip, inj. to abd$11.25 May, 1872
43,841Martin, MathewLa Sallewd. l. leg & conjunctivitis$12.00 -
184,616Martin, Shelton FDanadis. of eyes$24.00 Mar., 1881
50,791Mason, DanielSerenaloss r. leg$24.00 -
34,492Mason, StephenStreatorvari. ulcers l. leg$8.00 -
147,412Mason, Thos. MOttawawd. r. thi$1.00 -
102,783Mason, Wm. WDanwayheart dis$18.00 -
124,535Massey, JesseStreatorloss finger l. hand$3.00 -
62,516Mateer, AlfredRutlandwd. l. thi$6.00 -
92,971Maurer, FrankPeruinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
63,788McBratney, ClarenceUticawd. rt. knee$8.00 May, 1866
25,310McCann, HughSerenaloss r. leg$18.00 -
187,724McCombs, HenriettaStreatorwidow$12.00 Apr., 1880
88,924McCormick, Nich. MUticawd. l. forearm and wrist$18.00 -
15,867McCullough, ElizabethOglesbydep. mother$8.00 Mar., 1864
130,006McCure, RebeccaEarlvilledep. mother$8.00 June, 1869
116,742McCutcheon, JamesMarseilleswd. hip, arm, & body$4.00 -
173,219McDonald, Wm. NRutlandch. bronchitis$4.00 Sept., 1880
197,716McHugh, MartinOttawadep. father$8.00 Nov., 1882
216,537McKahin, John DMarseilleswd. r. leg$7.50 Aug., 1882
151,826Meagher, JohnSenecaloss part l. middle finger$1.00 Mar., 1878
92,490Mellon, MichaelPeruphth. pul$4.00 -
223,343Mendenhall, A. LGarfieldchr. diarr$4.00 Dec., 1882
64,546Merrill, JohnOttawawd. l. shr. & arm$30.00 -
222,943Messenback, AntonPeruinj. r. foot, l. shr$2.00 Dec., 1882
179,939Metcalf, ThomasDaytonchr. diarr$4.00 Dec., 1880
24,259Metzger, ErnstPeruhep. r. lung$4.00 -
173,861Milliken, Oscar BMendotainjury to abdomen$4.00 Sept., 1880
123,956Moore, HenriettaLa Salledep. mother$8.00 Jan., 1869
30,310Moore, MaryNorthvillewidow 1812$8.00 Sept., 1880
131,760Morgan, Wm. HStreatorwd. r. thigh, wd. l. leg$6.00 -
153,125Morrell, MathewStreatorg. s. w. r. forearm$8.00 May, 1878
143,414Morrison, JamesStreatorinj. l. hand$4.00 -
165,952Morrissey, LawrenceLa Sallewd. of back$2.00 Mar., 1886
28,505Mullin, Ner. HRutlandwd. r. leg$2.00 -
180,320Murphy, EllenOttawadep. mother$8.00 Mar., 1878
47,989Murray, Thos. CLa Salleparal. l. side$8.00 -
117,200Muschberger, GeoStreatorwd. r. shr$6.00 -
210,075Nattinger, Edw. AOttawach. diarr., dis. of abd. vis., dis. kidneys.$4.00 May, 1882
197,816Neff, NanielRutlanddis. liver & spleen$6.00 Nov., 1881
21,364Newton, NewtonEarlvillerheu$8.00 -
29,829Nickerson, FreemanTonicaimpaired vision$8.00 -
125,961Noel, WmStreatorinj. r. hand$3.00 -
146,020Nolan, JamesMendotatotal blindness$72.00 Aug., 1878
194,696Northrup, Mina LSenecawidow$10.00 Mar., 1882
110,116Nustbaum, ValentineOttawadis. eyes & ears, partl. Deaf$5.00 -
145,759O'Conner, CatharineSenecawidow$8.00 -
104,498O'Kane, PatrickLa Sallevari. ulcers both legs$18.00 -
24,957Olmstead, SilasSerenaabdominal dropsy$6.00 -
145,633Olson, JacobMarseilleswd. both arms$4.00 -
21,535O'Toole, BridgetMendotadep. mother$8.00 May, 1864
66,562Paine, Fayette MEarlvillewd. both legs, r. side, & hip$10.00 -
74,897Patrick, Wm. MMendotainj. to spine, &c$18.00 -
52,319Penfield, ElectaStreatorwidow$8.00 -
165,105Perry, JohnStreatorinj. to abdomen, wd. r. hand$14.00 Mar., 1880
50,609Persons, UriahMarseillesdis. of lungs$8.00 -
25,347Phillips, JacobMarseilleshyp. breast$8.00 -
197,261Phillips, Melville DEarlvillerheu$4.00 Nov., 1881
148,248Pooler, RheubinSerenawd. l. foot$2.00 -
184,251Porter, John BTonicainj. back & r. shr$2.00 Mar., 1881
119,397Powell, EvansLa Salleloss r. eye & inj. to abdomen$8.00 -
21,364Prentice, CynthiaUticawidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
100,152Prindle, Chas. TStreatorwd. l. hand$6.00 -
112,990Pritchett, JamesDanawd. foot$8.50 -
75,311Putney, Wm. GPrairie Centreinj. to abd. & conjunctivitis$8.00 -
164,573Rafferty, PatrickOttawavar. veins r. leg$2.00 Feb., 1880
82,652Rafter, MichaelOglesbywd. l. hip & body$4.00 -
92,830Ramberger, GeoTroy Grovedis. eyes$4.00 -
221,778Raymond, Geo. WSerenasyphilitic vacinna. Pharyngitis$7.50 Dec., 1882
180,197Reese, David DPerudis. heart$12.00 Dec., 1880
79,613Reinmann, AdamGarfieldwd. head$24.00 -
153,288Ribeau, SophiaOttawadep. mother$8.00 Aug., 1871
34,308Richard, Geo. LStreatorwd. r. thigh$6.00 -
12,531Richards, HenryMendotawd. l. breast$18.00 -
100,617Rinker, JohnMarseilleseffect wd. r. leg$4.00 -
9,502Riordon, CarathineOttawadep. mother$8.00 -
16,615Roberts, AlfredOttawawd. hip & legs$2.66 2/3-
194,924Roberts, Giles HOttawadis. lungs & eyes, inj. to ab$8.00 Aug., 1881
203,037Rockhold, Edw. GDanadis. l. leg from typhoid$8.00 Feb., 1882
189,894Rolfe, Mary ALelandwidow$8.00 Sept., 1880
169,901Rood, Daniel LMarseilleswd. l. & r. thi. & inj. Abdomen$4.00 June, 1880
97,210Russ, John NOttawag. s. w. lft thigh$18.00 -
155,562Rust, Jacob LStreatorwd. l. shr$6.00 Sept., 1878
16,161Ryan, AlzinaLa Sallewidow$8.00 Mar., 1864
56,383Ryan, PatrickOttawapulmonary disease$20.00 -
220,655Ryan, TimothyOttawainjury to abdomen$4.00 Nov., 1882
217,401Ryon, John SStreatoratrophy l. arm, dis. heart, & impure vacci.$12.00 Aug., 1882
110,979Sanders, Wm. HOttawag. s. w. lft. hand$4.00 -
112,369Sanderson, RoffOttawainj. l. forearm$4.00 -
80,098Sangston, ElizaGrand Ridgewidow$8.00 -
122,021Sapp, Frank MOttawawd. r. shr$15.00 -
72,902Sarbrock, ArnoldPeruch. inflam. of liver$8.00 -
69,649Sassenberg, Peter JPeruwd. face$12.00 Feb., 1878
27,877Sawyer, David BFarm Ridgedis. of heart$12.00 -
-Schlosser, ChristianLa Salleg. s. w. rt. thigh$8.00 -
97,521Schultes, PeterPeruchr. rheu$6.00 -
102,782Schwiertz, ThosMarseilleswd. l. shr$4.00 -
44,441Seaton, PhebeMarseillesdep. mother$8.00 Apr., 1865
172,803Seely, ElizaEarlvilledep. mother$8.00 -
48,893Seward, BetseyEarlvilledep. mother$8.00 June, 1865
16,438Seward, Roenelda MSheridanwidow$8.00 Mar., 1864
83,679Shabley, ChasLa Sallewd. l. thi$6.00 -
110,248Shadford, WmMendotadis. of eyes$18.00 -
42,913Shapland, JohnMarseilleswd. face$18.00 -
217,680Shaw, Chas. MOttawadeafness both ears$4.00 Sept., 1882
36,701Shober, AmandaOttawadep. mother$8.00 Dec., 1864
78,986Simison, Boyd DEarlvillewd. r. foot$6.00 -
110,937Singer, Wm. AOttawach. diar., dis. lungs$8.00 -
114,910Skeet, JohnLostantwd. r. leg l. shr$2.00 -
33,087Skinner, Joseph EOttawapartl. paral. both legs$20.00 -
213,689Skinner, Robt. EOttawadis. of heart$6.00 June, 1882
95,553Skites, JamesTroy Grovewd. hand$6.00 -
53,630Slagle, David HMarseilleswd. r. foot$15.00 -
180,923Sluter, HenryStreatordis. liver & lungs$8.00 Feb., 1880
30,117Smith, Anson SOttawaloss l. leg$18.00 -
40,094Spencer, ElissaUticawidow$8.00 Apr., 1867
162,089Springer, MahalaSheridandep. mother$8.00 -
217,379Springer, ThosSheridandis. back$2.00 Aug., 1882
95,105Springstead, DavidNorthvilleinj. to spinal column$8.00 -
89,466Stearns, Isaac MWedronchr. rheum$8.00 -
28,841Stebbins, ElizaSenecawidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1880
110,744Stein, FredkOttawadis. eyes, inj. to ab$18.00 -
2,940Stevens, ChristianaOttawawidow$8.00 -
76,782Stevens, Rufus COttawawd. l. thi. & rheu$12.75 -
205,199Stevenson, Danl. WStreatordis. of lungs$4.00 Mar., 1882
32,972Stewart, Wm. JStreatorwd. through rt. chest$8.00 -
193,353Stockley, Chas. HOttawaanaemia & edema$4.00 July, 1881
20,948Stocksleger, Peter WOttawaloss l. arm$24.00 -
183,695Stonehart, MargaretRansomwidow$12.00 -
83,751Strait, Emra HOttawafract. 5th & 6th ribs, wd. r. leg.$6.00 -
196,630Straun, HapyOttawadep. mother$17.00 June, 1882
35,376Streator, Wm. FEarlvilledis. of lungs$8.00 -
89,548Struever, WilhelmineLa Sallewidow$8.00 Jan., 1867
133,545Stumph, Elisha HOttawachr. rheu$8.50 -
122,699Stumph, Thos. BOttawadis. eyes$18.00 -
168,550Stumph, WynnOttawadis. of heart$24.00 June, 1880
90,145Taggart, Wm. WLowellwd. neck$4.00 -
63,269Talbot, PhilanderOttawawd. r. leg$4.00 -
55,475Tansey, MalindaMendotadep. mother$8.00 -
115,225Tate, AlonzoOttawaloss three fingers$2.00 -
101,805Taylor, John JStreatorchr. diarr$8.00 -
20,053Tefft, SusanPrairie Centrewidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
40,928Thompson, MaryOttawawidow$8.00 -
21,309Tracey, Ebbitt GStreatorwidow$8.00 July, 1864
8,020Tratt, CasperMendotainj. to head$4.00 -
111,401Tucker, Daniel EOttawach. diar. & results$6.00 -
32,241Underhill, David HSenecawd. l. thi$24.00 -
111,770Underhill, SamuelTonicawd. r. hand$6.00 -
66,740Van Buskirk, AlonzoLa Salleinj. to spinal column$6.00 -
54,811Vanatta, Lucinda RTonicadept. mother$8.00 Sept., 1865
56,264Vollernux, Frank GOttawaamp. r. arm$18.00 -
30,116Walbridge, Ora DMarseilleswd. r. arm$18.00 -
213,866Waldsmith, Henry MNorthvilledis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 July, 1882
1,248Wallace, Martha AOttawawidow$50.00 -
144,210Wallace, Rob'tTriumphwd. l. foot$2.00 -
96,233Walters, RichardLa Sallerheu. & erysipelas$8.00 -
180,413Waund, CharlotteTroy Grovewidow$12.00 -
166,036Wegns, JoshuaLa Salleloss sight l. eye, aff. Right$8.00 Mar., 1880
12,790Weiget, JacobOttawainjury to abdomen$4.00 -
91,375Welles, Jerusha PTonicawidow$8.00 -
108,503Wescott, MiltonOttawainj. from kick of a horse$4.00 -
89,773West, Albert HVermillionvilleloss l. eye, afft. Right$12.00 -
128,750Wheeler, MosesEarlvillewd. l. wrist$18.00 -
162,089Whipple, Frank HUticawd. head$2.00 Sept., 1879
19,286Whiting, SarahStreatorwidow$8.00 -
25,304Widner, AdamRutlandwd. r. leg$2.00 -
183,677Wilkinson, Mary JOttawawidow$8.00 Apr., 1879
65,959Willard, Lewis COttawaamp. r. leg$24.00 -
166,962Williams, Henry SMendotawd. l. foot$4.00 Apr., 188-
124,372Willis, Seth SOttawainj. to spine$4.00 -
34,490Wilson, John POttawaophthalmia$8.00 -
92,638Wilson, ThosEarlvilleheart disease$18.00 -
78,498Winslow, Wm. SEarlvillewd. l. hand$6.00 -
60,320Wlsey, Lydia KPrairie Centrewidow$8.00 -
127,981Wolafka, BarnardOttawavari. veins both legs$8.00 May, 1874
20,484Wolf, PeterOttawawd. breast$8.00 Nov., 1863
150,301Wonders, JohnStreatorwd. r. thigh$6.00 -
13,922Woodruff, MaryMarseilleswidow$20.00 -
39,888Wright, Geo. AStreatorwd. r. hand & wrist$8.00 -
15,512Yeagley, Mary JStreatorwidow$8.00 -
113,754Zeller, JacobOttawavari. veins & rheu$6.00 -
114,829Zitzenburg, WmLa Sallewd. r. side$5.00 -

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