1883 Jasper County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
131151 | Baker, Mary A. | Latona | Widow of soldier | $10.00 | September, 1873 |
166732 | Banta, Lawrence | Newton | Disorder of the abdomen | $24.00 | April, 1880 |
221073 | Bidler, John B. | Saint Marie | Disorder of the lungs and chronic diarrhea | $8.00 | November, 1882 |
223725 | Blaco, John | Willow Hill | Injury to nose and gunshot wound to left knee | $2.00 | December, 1882 |
98296 | Bliss, John G. | Newton | Wound of left leg affecting foot | $14.00 | - |
182433 | Bogard, Susan E. | Newton | Widow of soldier | $10.00 | November, 1878 |
26587 | Boldrey, Sarah | Bogota | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | August, 1879 |
209745 | Bridges, Ross M. | Newton | Shell wound of the left hand, chronic diarrhea and disorder of the eyes | $8.00 | May, 1882 |
167185 | Bridges, William L. | Newton | Disorder of the spine and scurvy | $6.00 | April, 1880 |
138545 | Brooker, Howel J. | Newton | - | - | - |
49504 | Brooks, John W. | Willow Hill | Wound to left hand | $6.00 | - |
178642 | Brooks, Nathan | Rose Hill | Chronic diarrhea | $4.00 | November, 1880 |
121411 | Brown, Robert H. | Rose Hill | Lung Disease | $12.00 | - |
25437 | Burnsides, Anderson | Latona | Loss of thumb and index finger on left hand | $10.00 | - |
15890 | Burtch, Mortimer W. | Willow Hill | Gunshot wound to left foot | $4.00 | - |
147745 | Calt, Joseph M. | Willow Hill | Rheumatism | $4.00 | August, 1877 |
207473 | Calvin, Thomas | Newton | Rheumatism | $4.00 | April, 1882 |
144913 | Casey, Catharine | Saint Marie | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | September, 1870 |
209097 | Cathart, Joseph | Newton | Injury of the right hip | $6.00 | May, 1882 |
163657 | Chittenden, William J. | Willow Hill | Disease of the eyes | $8.00 | November, 1882 |
34817 | Clearwater, Richard | Newton | Loss of right leg | $18.00 | - |
133530 | Collins, John | Newton | Injury of the right ankle | $4.00 | - |
113604 | Conger, John B. | Rose Hill | Disorder of the eyes | $18.00 | - |
163340 | Conger, Milton S. | Rose Hill | Disorder of the heart | $6.00 | November, 1879 |
195802 | Coons, Benjamin | Bogota | Father of soldier | $8.00 | May, 1882 |
140637 | Cornell, Cynthia A. | Rose Hill | Dependent mother of soldier | $8.00 | March, 1870 |
149233 | Cummins, John F. | Rose Hill | Injury to abdomen | $6.00 | - |
217120 | Daggy, George W. | West Liberty | Gunshot wound of the left middle and ring fingers | $4.00 | August, 1882 |
207596 | Dare, Charles R. | Yale | Chronic rheumatism and disorder of heart | $4.00 | April, 1882 |
150105 | Dazohn, Joseph | Newton | Injury of the spine | $8.00 | - |
209104 | Dillman, William A. | Willow Hill | Disease of the kidneys | $6.00 | May, 1882 |
203859 | Dobbins, Elzy | Wheeler | Chronic rheumatism | $4.00 | March, 1882 |
62859 | Dodd, Theocanus C. | Newton | Loss of right eye from wound of the face | $12.00 | - |
123314 | English, Amanda M. | Yale | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | - |
187376 | Ewing, Jane | Yale | Dependent mother of soldier | $8.00 | March, 1880 |
168378 | Fore, Joseph | Saint Marie | Disorder of the kidneys | $6.00 | May, 1880 |
218266 | Foster, Job | Latona | Gunshot wound of left thigh | $4.00 | September, 1882 |
188061 | Freeman, James E. | Newton | Heart disorder | $8.00 | May, 1881 |
127921 | Fry, Jesse | Newton | Chronic diarrhea | $50.00 | - |
151905 | Goble, Abraham E. | Newton | Chronic bronchitis | $12.75 | March, 1878 |
216840 | Goodwin, Andrew | Rose Hill | Chronic diarrhea | $4.00 | August, 1882 |
65265 | Gray, Martha A. | Newton | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | March, 1876 |
203260 | Grazey, John | Falmouth | Injury left hip | $4.00 | February, 1882 |
71878 | Green, Alexander | Wheeler | Loss of fore finger on right hand | $3.00 | - |
194729 | Gregory, Jonathon (Jno.) W. | Newton | Minor of soldier | $16.00 | March, 1882 |
177896 | Guess, George W. | West Liberty | Chronic diarrhea and disorder of the heart; dropsy | $18.00 | october, 1880 |
172898 | Hammer, William A. S. | Rose Hill | Injury to abdomen | $8.00 | August, 1880 |
99436 | Hammock, Daniel | Saint Marie | Gunshot wound on right thumb | $4.00 | - |
178058 | Harmon, John | Saint Marie | Disorder of the eyes, diarrhea and resulting dropsy | $18.00 | October, 1880 |
222927 | Harris, Bushrod W. | Newton | Chronic diarrhea and res. disorder of the abdomen | $8.50 | December, 1882 |
139970 | Hawk, George | Wheeler | Wound of right leg | $4.00 | - |
26001 | Hawkins, Avery | Bogota | Wound of right foot | $12.00 | - |
34874 | Hawley, David H. | Yale | Wound of left arm | $2.00 | - |
175872 | Hielt, Stephen | Newton | Wound of left hand and breast | $12.00 | - |
189298 | Hinds, Phebe J. | Newton | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | August, 1880 |
210275 | Hockman, Lyman S. | Willow Hill | Gunshot wound of right shoulder and disorder of the liver | $6.00 | June, 1882 |
129547 | Hohn, Jeremiah | Latona | Wound of left knee | $4.00 | - |
211094 | Howard, John H. | Newton | Disorder of the eyes | $6.00 | June, 1882 |
30381 | Howard, Sarah B. | Yale | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | September, 1880 |
152614 | Howell, Benjamin F. | Newton | Injury to abdomen | $8.00 | April, 1878 |
203151 | Johnson, George W. | Newton | Disorder of throat | $4.00 | September, 1882 |
142005 | Johnson, Jesse R. | Newton | Wound of right hip | $20.00 | - |
151270 | Johnson, William | Newton | Chronic diarrhea | $8.00 | February, 1878 |
25758 | Jones, James S. | Newton | Chronic rheumatism | $12.00 | - |
56824 | Jones, Thomas B. | Newton | Amputation of right arm | $24.00 | - |
93941 | Jones, William B. | Newton | Loss of left foot | $18.00 | - |
155257 | Kellam, Harper | West Liberty | Injury to abdomen | $8.00 | September, 1878 |
212706 | Kibler, George W. | Wheeler | Disorder of the heart, a result of typhoid fever | $4.00 | June, 1882 |
207352 | Kincaid, James E. | Bogota | Scurvy and chronic diarrhea | $4.00 | April, 1882 |
135277 | Kirts, Henry C. | Saint Marie | Injury to abdomen | $6.00 | - |
30914 | Kock, Charles | Rose Hill | Wound of left lung, right thigh and left leg | $16.00 | - |
180113 | Land, John T. | Rose Hill | Chronic diarrhea | $2.00 | December, 1880 |
129601 | Leamon, Alfred | Falmouth | Disorder of the eyes, total loss of sight in right eye | $8.00 | - |
102942 | Lee, John W. | Rose Hill | Wound to right leg | $4.00 | - |
60284 | Lewis, Moses | Wheeler | Wounds of both heels | $8.00 | - |
127502 | Lipe, John B. | Newton | Chronic bronchitis and disorder of the heart | $10.00 | - |
212904 | Lord, William F. | Willow Hill | Gunshot wound of forehead | $2.00 | June, 1882 |
43904 | Lyda, Michael | Rose Hill | Loss of the left arm | $24.00 | - |
18482 | Maulden, Joseph P. | Newton | Gunshot wound of left thigh and disorder of the heart | $12.00 | March, 1881 |
41376 | McCoy, James D. | Yale | Wound of left foot | $12.00 | - |
54501 | McDonald, James A. | Newton | Wound of the face and right hand | $18.00 | - |
123142 | McGaham, Alex | Rose Hill | Wound to left breast | $8.00 | - |
120517 or 126517 | McNair, Jonas B. | Willow Hill | Wound on face | $8.00 | - |
9574 | Merritt, Malilda | Rose Hill | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | October, 1867 |
42349 | Metheny, Mary J. | Yale | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | - |
207896 | Millsass, John W. | Willow Hill | Chronic diarrhea and disorder of the lungs | $4.00 | May, 1882 |
162998 | Milton, Allison | Willow Hill | Chronic diarrhea and disorder of abdomen | $4.00 | October, 1879 |
79044 | Morey, Charles F. M. | Hunts City | Wound of right hand | $6.00 | - |
102944 | Moulden, Henson P. | Newton | Wound under right ear and paralysis of right shoulder | $12.00 | - |
135446 | Murphy, Carnelius | Hidalgo | Disorder of the lungs | $6.00 | - |
92136 | Neal, Nathan W. | Newton | Wound of left leg | $6.00 | - |
73224 | Newman, Susannah | Hunts City | Dependent mother of soldier | $8.00 | March, 1866 |
73828 | Newton, William W. | Newton | Wound of the right groin | $8.00 | - |
210691 | Odell, Silas D. | Yale | Sunstroke and resulting disorder of heart, varicose veins in left leg | $12.00 | June, 1882 |
171372 | Partlow, William | Wheeler | Chronic diarrhea | $4.00 | July, 1880 |
100144 | Patterson, William E. | Gila | Wound of left wrist and left knee | $12.00 | - |
25346 | Payne, George H. | Newton | Wound of left side and lung | $14.00 | - |
22296 | Payne, Louisa C. | Newton | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | April, 1867 |
208077 | Perrine, David | Newton | Disorder of the stomach | May, 1882 | |
202396 | Porbutt, James W. | Hidalgo | Partial deafness of both ears | $4.00 | February, 1882 |
23648 | Ransom, Susan C. | Newton | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | - |
213529 | Robins, Albert S. | West Liberty | Partial deafness and nervou prostration, the result of the measles | $8.00 | June, 1882 |
219034 | Roderick, William | Rose Hill | Gunshot would of left hand | $4.00 | October, 1882 |
93644 | Royster, John W. | Saint Marie | Disorder of the kidneys and bladder | $8.00 | - |
181743 | Schofield, William C. | Newton | Disorder of the lungs | $12.00 | January, 1881 |
87463 | Shakle, Clarrisa | Newton | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | December, 1866 |
148288 | Shedelbower, Joseph | Saint Marie | Effects of scurvy | $8.00 | - |
195671 | Shields, Alice | Newton | Widow of soldier | $10.00 | May, 1882 |
60352 | Shup, Isaac M. | Newton | Wound of left arm | $18.00 | - |
194432 | Small, Henry A. | Newton | Injury of the back | $4.00 | August, 1881 |
218162 | Smith, Abraham | Latona | Gunshot wound of left hand and face | $2.00 | September, 1882 |
30909 | Stainbrook, John A. | Rose Hill | Wound to right leg | $8.00 | - |
113605 | Stamm, Catharine | Rose Hill | Dependent mother of soldier | $8.00 | May, 1868 |
140207 | Steward, Isaac B. | Newton | Disorder of the eyes | $8.00 | - |
183675 | Swick, Joseph | Rose Hill | Loss of right thumb from gunshot wound | $4.00 | March, 1881 |
185471 | Terhune, Mary Ann | Willow Hill | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | September, 1879 |
218286 | Thomas, Benjamin F. | Rose Hill | Disorder of the eyes | $4.00 | September, 1882 |
119964 | Trexler, John | Wheeler | Dislocation of right shoulder | $8.00 | - |
41374 | Trexler, Jonathan | Wheeler | Wound on right thigh | $10.00 | - |
214681 | Vanderhoof, Nathaniel | Newton | Varicose veins in left leg | $4.00 | June, 1882 |
211624 | Vanderhoof, Richard H. | Newton | Malarial poisoning and chronic diarrhea and res. dyspepsia | $2.00 | June, 1882 |
212814 | Vest, Joseph E. | Rose Hill | Injury to abdomen, result of mumps and disorder of the eyes | $4.00 | June, 1882 |
164812 | Ward, Washington H. | Latona | Chronic rheumatism and residual disease of the heart | $12.00 | February, 1880 |
180346 | Ward, William B. | Rose Hill | Wound in both legs | - | December, 1880 |
123060 | Warfel, Uriah | Lis | Wound of left thigh | $6.00 | - |
86461 | Weaver, Jacob | Newton | Wound of right leg | $6.00 | - |
211214 | Welker, John | Newton | Disorder of the heart | $4.00 | June, 1882 |
149723 | Whelstone, Matilda | Rose Hill | Dependent mother of soldier | $8.00 | April, 1871 |
116775 | Wilson, James W. | Gila | Injury of right hip | $3.00 | - |
200508 | Wilson, Joseph A. | Newton | Varicose veins in both legs | $8.00 | January, 1881 |
78341 | Winans, Nancy J. | Wheeler | Widow of soldier | $8.00 | - |
193365 | Wise, John | Newton | Chronic rheumatism, diarrhea and resulting disorder of the abdomen | $12.00 | July, 1881 |
212393 | Woodall, Francis M. | Wheeler | Disorder of the eyes | $6.00 | June, 1882 |
127977 | Worthey, William | Newton | Wound of left leg | $6.00 | - |
86894 | Yager, Peter | Newton | Disease of the eyes | $12.00 | - |
141358 | Yelonigton, Harvy D. | Newton | Wound of both thighs | $10.00 | - |
204685 | Yelton, Charles | Newton | Disorder of the eye and chronic diarrhea | $15.00 | March, 1882 |