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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hamilton County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Hamilton County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
155,810Adams, John QDahlgrendis. kidneys$2.00 Oct., 1878
6,004Allen, MarthaMartin's StoreWidow$8.00 Apr., 1868
171,669Allen, Susan CMcLeansboroughWidow$10.00 Jan., 1876
165,643Allen, Wm. DBroughtonchr. diarrhea$8.00 Mar., 1880
179,444Anderson, John TMcLeansboroughch. diarr. with dis. of abd. vis$20.00 Dec., 1880
99,807Angel, HiramDahlgrendis. of lungs$11.33 1/3-
194,122Angel, JacobDahlgrenminors$12.00 Jan., 1882
169,310Arterberry, JaneLogansportdpt. mother$8.00 May, 1875
18,182Back, Mitchel ABroughtonwd. of both thighs and resulting varicose veins$12.00 -
186,702Barker, Emeline JBroughtonWidow$17.00 Jan., 1880
140,148Barron, MaryMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 -
85,720Barron, Thomas BThackerych. diarr. & rheum$6.00 -
147,819Baugh, Sarah ABroughtonWidow$8.00 -
122,630Beggarstaff, MalissaMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 Apr., 1869
201,327Bennett, PhilipDahlgreng. s. w. rt. thumb & rt. little finger$4.00 Jan., 1882
161,209Bennett, Wm. GWalpoleanch. of l. hip joint$8.00 June, 1879
188,876Bivans, Rebecca JMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 June, 1880
15,254Blades, James MMcLeansboroughdis. of abdominal viscera$12.75 -
212,972Bolujack, Wm. SMcLeansboroughnasal catarrh$2.00 June, 1882
3,807Bowers, EvelinaMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 Sept., 1872
187,186Boyd, Luanna CMcLeansboroughmother$8.00 May, 1878
6,233Boyd, LyelBroughtonchr. diarrhea$18.00 -
205,609Boyer, IsaacLogansportinj. to back$4.00 Mar., 1882
17,665Brandon, MarthaMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 Feb., 1879
197,776Browder, Eliz'thMcLeansboroughmother$8.00 Nov., 1882
21,292Brown, ThomasMartin's Storewd. l. arm$5.33 1/3-
120,031Brummer, RosennaPiopolisWidow$8.00 Oct., 1868
216,447Burnett, Sam'l HMcLeansboroughlumbago$4.00 Aug., 1882
77,666Campbell, Joseph FLogansportdis. of lungs$4.00 -
172,083Capp, Andrew CBradenwd. lft. knee$4.00 Aug., 1880
57,846Carey, David WMcLeansboroughch. rheum$4.00 -
34,826Carey, Geo. WMcLeansboroughloss of r. arm$24.00 -
152,168Carroll, Malinda JMcLeansboroughWidow$12.00 July, 1871
10,082Chaplain, chasMcLeansboroughloss of three fingers (index, middle, & ring) l. hand$12.00 -
91,120Chapman, Friend JMcLeansboroughpith. pul$18.00 -
151,802Claghorn, MachariaDahlgrendpt. mother$8.00 July, 1871
1,613Coker, CatherineMcLeansboroughWidow$17.00 Aug., 1871
168,192Coker, Wm. LMcLeansboroughdis. of eyes$18.00 May, 1880
118,221Conine, WilliamMcLeansboroughfather$8.00 Sept., 1868
80,516Cooker, JohnMcLeansboroughfrac. of r. arm$5.00 -
79,073Corwin, ElizaDahlgrenWidow$8.00 -
70,043Couch, CloydMcLeansboroughdis. of abdominal viscera$12.00 -
96,123Cox, JacobMcLeansboroughspinal dis. & bronch$8.00 -
99,478Crawford, Celia JLogansportWidow$8.00 -
183,764Crawford, John CMcLeansboroughinjury to abdomen$4.00 Mar., 1881
174,875Custis, Virginia ABroughtonWidow$8.00 -
154,339Daily, John WMcLeansboroughasthma$24.00 July, 1878
44,382Daily, LewisMcLeansboroughwd. of hip & leg$6.00 -
116,772Daniel, Woodson RMcLeansboroughinj. of back & l. index finger$2.00 -
86,004Davis, ReubenMcLeansboroughinj. of back$8.00 -
193,133Davis, Wm. HWalpoleinj. to abdomen from mumps$18.00 July, 1881
26,380Denny, Joseph HFlintinj. left foot$8.00 -
189,503Dewitt, AmagoniaMcLeansboroughmother$8.00 Aug., 1880
194,068Dewitt, JohnMcLeansboroughch. diarrhea$4.00 Aug., 1881
194,504Dixon, Arthur VDahlgrenminors$14.00 Feb., 1882
179,933Dugan, Henry GMcLeansboroughdis. of lungs & ch. diarr$8.00 Dec., 1880
10,524Echols, Jesse DDelafieldloss lft. hand$18.00 May, 1881
89,228Echols, John WMcLeansboroughophthalmia$8.00 -
170,346Echols, ShelveyMcLeansboroughdis. of lungs$4.00 June, 1880
167,915Edwards, Thomas HMcLeansboroughch. rheum. & wd. of head$12.75 May, 1880
96,900Elliott, Marg't EBradenWidow$12.00 Aug., 1882
176,796Fann, IsaacMcLeansboroughinj. to r. shr. & ribs & wd. of left arm$2.00 Oct., 1880
192,254Farmer, Sarah AMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 May, 1881
203,625Faulkner, LeonardMcLeansboroughdis. of eyes$4.00 Feb., 1882
86,090Field, JamesBelle Prairiewd. r. hip$15.00 -
127,335Fields, Lear LLogansportWidow$8.00 -
183,715Flanigan, James W., jrWalpolech. bronch$4.00 Mar., 1881
217,914Flannigan, Richard CWalpoleinjury to abdomen$4.00 Sept., 1882
18,340Foss, James MMcLeansboroughwd. of l. knee$14.00 -
60,579Freeman, HartwellMcLeansboroughloss of l. arm$24.00 -
179,332Frymire, SarahThackeryWidow$14.00 Dec., 1877
118,083Galiher, Salmon SBroughtondis. of liver and lungs$10.00 -
79,420Gallaher, MargaryMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 July, 1866
186,990Gibbs, Wm. PMcLeansboroughch. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis$8.00 Apr., 1881
59,093Gibson, James AMcLeansboroughwd. of r. leg$8.00 -
70,355Gilson, James WBroughtoninj. to rt. foot and ankle$6.00 -
136,313Glenn, Austin HMcLeansboroughwd. of both shr. & l. hip$12.00 -
165,350Gochring, PeterMcLeansboroughch. diarrhea$12.00 Mar., 1880
174,674Grable, HenryBroughtondis. of eyes and bronchitis$10.00 Oct., 1880
32,140Greer, LowvinaRural HillWidow$8.00 Jan., 1882
77,967Gross, AmniaMcLeansboroughmother$8.00 July, 1866
67,345Hall, Hiram WMcLeansboroughwd. of r. arm$15.00 -
77,194Halley, Nancy JDahlgrenWidow$8.00 Jan., 1879
70,346Hamilton, JulietDahlgrenWidow$8.00 Apr., 1866
133,968Hamilton, Nancy DMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 -
20,771Hammontree,LeahMartin's StoreWidow$8.00 Mar., 1879
182,702Hammontres, John KMcLeansboroughminors$10.00 Dec., 1875
26,038Hardesty, Phoebe ABroughtonWidow$8.00 July, 1879
180,163Hardin, Frances JBroughtonWidow$8.00 -
51,141Harrawood, HenryMcLeansboroughchr. diarr. &. gen, debility$4.00 -
54,451Harrill, WmMcLeansboroughwd. r. arm$18.00 -
91,708Harris, BurrisMcLeansboroughwd. of l. hand$18.00 -
17,998Harrison, NancyLogansportWidow$8.00 Feb., 1879
168,973Hart, AlexanderMcLeansboroughch. diarr. & dis. of lungs$8.00 June, 1880
215,448Harvey, Felix AMcLeansboroughdis. of heart$4.00 July, 1882
179,034Hess, AugustMcLeansboroughg. s. w. rt. shoulder$8.00 Nov., 1880
88,424Hicks, Sam'lMcLeansboroughin. l. lumbar region$8.00 -
116,333Hogan, John NMcLeansboroughtuberculosis$8.00 -
197,462Hogue, Eliz'th MDahlgrenWidow$8.00 Oct., 1882
191,326Holland, AllstinLogansportminors$14.00 Mar., 1881
28,102Holmes, ZabreelLogansportchr., diarrhea$8.00 -
186,335Huff, Eliz'thLogansportdpt. mother$8.00 Dec., 1879
109,586Huffstutler, Geo. WMcLeansboroughdis. of eyes$24.00 -
25,306Huffstutler, JohnMcLeansboroughwd. of r. hip$24.00 -
26,489Huffstutler, Martin PMcLeansboroughch. diarra$18.00 -
97,037Hungate, WmMcLeansboroughlung dis$6.00 -
35,378Irvin, Henry HDahlgrenchr. diarr. and inj. to abd$2.00 -
25,114Jackson, Sarah CThackeryWidow$8.00 -
97,035Johnson, CalvinBroughtonwd. rt. hand$8.00 -
74,201Johnson, Eliz'th MBradenWidow$8.00 -
220,921Johnson, Lewis ARural Hilldis. of spine & g. s. w. r. knee$8.00 Nov., 1882
44,850Jones, Henry TMcLeansboroughfrac. of r. arm$18.00 -
52,083King, IsaacDahlgrenwd. l. hip$6.00 -
86,231Koger, RichardLower Hillswd. l. arm$4.00 -
56,358Lambert, TamarMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 -
145,342Lane, JohnMcLeansboroughrheumatism$10.00 -
101,668Lasater, Absalom AMcLeansboroughdis. of lungs$8.50 -
223,758Lenray, John TBroughtondis. of heart$4.00 Dec., 1882
63,532Little, CelinaMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 -
86,723Lobdill, MariahBelle PrairieWidow$8.00 Apr., 1870
96,764Lynn, Martha JMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 -
1,620Lynn, SebyMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 -
65,538Lyon, Charles MMcLeansboroughwd. of r. leg$4.00 -
180,782Manchester, JamesDahlgrendis. of brain and spinal cord with dis. of liver & kidneys, result of typhoid fever$8.00 Jan., 1881
18,924Margraves, Eliz'thBradenWidow$8.00 Apr., 1864
67,571Mathmia, MaryMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 -
110,456Maulding, Dan'l MMcLeansboroughinjury to abdomen$10.00 -
167,689Maulding, Walter BMcLeansboroughminors$10.00 -
86,200Mayberry, JohnMcLeansboroughdis. of lungs$8.00 -
172,116McCoy, Simon DDahlgrendis. of lungs and lumbago$18.00 Aug., 1880
24,157McDonald, Wm. PMcLeansboroughdis. of heart$18.00 -
29,510McMurtry, Eliz'thBroughtonWidow$8.00 -
37,656Meador, Rob't LMcLeansboroughwd. of r. groin$12.75 -
86,287Merrell, ThosMcLeansboroughwd. of r. forearm$4.00 -
182,123Miller, James ADahlgreninj. to back, rt. leg, and hip$8.00 Feb., 1881
81,806Miller, John McFMcLeansboroughwd. l. hand$3.00 -
210,313Moore, WmMcLeansboroughinjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1882
87,096Moore, Wm. CMcLeansboroughwd. of l. hand$2.00 -
32,948Moorman, JaneMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 Oct., 1864
55,553Morlan, John MDahlgrenwd. rt. lung$8.00 -
195,270O'Bryan, JohnLogansportdis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Sept., 1881
193,952Oglesby, Nancy EBradenWidow$8.00 Dec., 1881
106,823O'Neal, Albert LMcLeansboroughstiffness of l. ankle joint$8.00 -
93,602O'Neal, JohnMcLeansboroughdis. of heart$8.00 -
104,732O'Neal, John WMcLeansboroughpartial paral. of l. arm & shr. from g. s. w.$8.50 -
100,539O'Neal, LucindaMcLeansboroughWidow$8.00 Oct., 1867
33,122O'Neal, Mary AWalpole$8.00 Mar., 1867
166,442Pemberton, JoshuaWalpolebronch$15.00 Apr., 1880
29,952Pierce, Joseph HLogansportwd. l. hand$2.00 -
178,887Pierce, Sarah LThackeryWidow$8.00 -
207,902Pirtle, Jesse HMcLeansboroughdis. of lungs$6.00 May, 1882
210,340Presley, Rob't HMcLeansboroughch. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis$8.00 June, 1882
95,145Proctor, WmMcLeansboroughinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
132,606Reed, Dan'lMcLeansboroughbronc. & lung dis$8.00 -
90,614Reed, SamuelMcLeansboroughwd. lft. side & breast$14.00 -
200,053Reeves, James ABradench. diarrhea$4.00 Dec., 1881
172,685Rice, Wm. JMcLeansboroughwd. of r. shr$4.00 Aug., 1880
168,646Rich, Mary MMcLeansboroughWidow$12.00 -
165,049Rich, MiloMcLeansboroughminors$10.00 May, 1874
9,139Richeson, ElizabethBraden$8.00 Sept., 1878
35,169Rigsby, JamesDahlgrenwd. r. breast$6.00 -
200,858Riley, JacobMcLeansboroughch. diarrhea$8.00 Jan., 1882
94,329Sharp, JasperMcLeansboroughwd. of l. hand$6.00 -
21,265Shirley, TillmanMcLeansboroughloss of two fingers, right$10.00 -
215,344Shrum, Gideon WBradenrheumatism$4.00 July, 1882
161,605Sinks, Mahala EDahlgrenWidow$8.00 -
54,517Sloane, Thos. OMcLeansboroughwd. of thorax$4.00 -
205,336Smith, Michael ABroughtonerysipelas & chr. diarr$4.00 Mar., 1882
172,084Spencer, Peledge HBradenchr. rheumatism$10.00 Aug., 1880
188,910Standerfer, Anderson FDelafielddis. of stomach & bowels$4.00 July, 1882
70,499Standerfer, John BMcLeansboroughch. rheum$12.00 -
164,829Steele, JacobMcLeansboroughinj. to r. hand$3.00 Feb., 1880
187,681Tolbert, MalindaDahlgrendpt. mother$8.00 Apr., 1880
123,675Vaughn, John WMcLeansboroughdis. of lungs$2.00 -
51,134Wagener, Samuel RBroughtonwd. r. hip and result'g varicose veins rt. leg & thigh$14.00 -
93,569Webb, JohnMcLeansboroughdis. of lungs$18.00 -
177,587Wilkey, EllenDahlgrendpt. mother$8.00 June, 1877
197,870Williams, Joseph SMcLeansboroughdis. of eyes$2.00 Nov., 1881
215,868Williams, Mastin EDelafielddis. of throat & lungs$4.00 -
2,496Williams, WylieMcLeansboroughincised wd. of r. arm$4.00 -
219,411Willis, MosesRural Hillchr. rheumatism$8.00 Oct., 1882
108,472Wilson, Henry MMartin's Storechr. diarr$10.00 -
108,267Wilson, JacobMcLeansboroughch. diarr. & injury to abd$10.00 -
222,000Wood, John WLogansportinj. spine$4.00 Dec., 1882
77,874Woodruff, Dan'l WMcLeansboroughwd. of l. leg$3.00 -
183,654Wooldridge, Green. BMartin's Storeminors$12.00 -
47,188Wycoff, SamuelDahlgrenwd., lt. arm$3.00 -
21,524Young, Cathr'n EBroughtonWidow$8.00 -

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