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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Gallatin County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Gallatin County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
221,213Abbott, Sterling HRidgwayinjury to abdomen$4.00 Nov., 1882
129,922Allen, Joseph HRidgwaydis. eyes$14.00 -
93,652Allison, Elizabeth ARidgwaywidow$8.00 -
205,012Alsof, ThosShawneetownwd. r. thigh$4.00 Mar., 1882
100,035Anders, WmShawneetowndep. father$8.00 Feb., 1869
22,023Arthur, James SEqualitywd. l. thigh$8.00 -
85,038Asbury, Isaac MNew Havenchr. diarr & dropsy$8.00 -
85,665Barber, LeviShawneetowng. s. w. l. shoulder $8.00 May, 1873
140,915Barker, ElizabethElbadept. mother$8.00 Mar., 1870
192,868Bean, Nancy EOmahawidow$10.00 July, 1881
182,446Bean, Nancy ERidgwaywidow$17.00 Nov., 1878
157,705Behymer, Francis MEqualitywd. back$6.00 Mar., 1879
55,108Bennett, Judy AWaltonboroughwidow$8.00 Apr., 1867
48,103Biggs, Nancy Shawneetownwidow$8.00 -
122,940Blackard, Francis MOmahadis. lungs$12.00 -
149,307Blackman, Geo. WEqualityrheum $4.00 -
192,486Blades, Wm. HShawneetowninj. r. leg & hip$2.00 July, 1881
211,803Bollman, JohnRidgwaydis. l. side & hip (sciatica)$4.60 June, 1882
201,032Borris, GeoShawneetownwd. rt. thumb$2.00 Jan., 1882
210,163Boulds, JosephShawneetowndis. lungs, res. measles$4.00 June, 1882
8,231Bourland, RachelEqualitywidow 1812$8.00 Sept., 1878
187,361Brandon, EllenRidgwaywidow$12.00 Mar., 1880
85,721Bruce, Benj. FRidgwaywd. l. breast & chr. diarr$8.00 -
190,669Burnett, ElizabethShawneetownwidow$17.00 Dec., 1880
117,190Byrd, Wm. BShawneetownwd. l. leg & inj. to abd$8.00 -
85,195Callicott, John AShawneetownwd. l. leg & l. shr$20.00 -
114,427Cash, Robert BShawneetownwd. l. thigh$4.00 -
184,134Chase, CalvinElbag. s. w. lft. leg$4.00 Mar., 1881
132,323Clark, EmelineEqualitywidow$8.00 -
30,001Colbert, ElizabethEqualitywidow$8.00 Nov., 1874
154,183Cole, ElisaElbag. s. w. rt. thigh$2.00 July, 1878
140,573Coleman, Isom BEqualitydis. lungs$8.00 -
207,961Cook, CharlesOmahachr. diarr$2.00 May, 1882
182,687Cox, ElizabethRidgwaywidow$8.00 Dec., 1878
173,603Cox, Nancy JRidgwaywidow$8.00 -
158,233Cravens, Elijah JRidgwaywd. both thighs$4.00 Mar., 1879
129,900Crawford, AlexRidgwaydis. eyes$18.00 -
85,659Crawford, ClarindaLeamingtondept. mother$8.00 June, 1877
184,325Cremeens, Mary AShawneetownwidow$14.00 June, 1879
180,770Davis, ElizabethShawneetownwidow$8.00 Apr., 1878
197,052Davis, John ERidgwayminor$14.00 Aug., 1882
21,852Denson, Andrew JShawneetownwd. l. knee & foot$12.00 -
87,475Dillard, WesleyRidgwaychr. opth$18.00 -
150,804Dixon, JamesRidgwaywd. r. foot$10.00 -
69,004Dorsey, NicholasShawneetownwd. r. arm$8.00 -
68,081Drone, FrancisRidgwayfracture r. sho. & neck$10.00 -
82,235Earhart, GeorgeNew Havenwd. l. hand$16.00 -
190,265Eddy, John MShawneetowndis. lungs & kidneys$17.00 June, 1881
151,508Edmonson, WmShawneetownwd. r. foot$2.00 Mar., 1878
194,889Edwards, Joseph WOmahainjury to abdomen$6.00 Aug., 1881
169,180Elder, Robt. SRidgwaydis. lungs$14.00 June, 1882
86,089Ellis, JohnShawneetowndis. eyes$6.00 -
220,256Escue, John UEqualitydis. of abd. vis., res. of diarr$2.00 Nov., 1882
130,430Evans, SarahShawneetowndep. mother$8.00 June, 1869
197,115Frier, Henry JShawneetowng. s. w. head$4.00 Oct., 1881
63,181Frier, PhebeShawneetowndep. mother$8.00 Jan., 1866
92,957Fuller, Andrew L. D. PShawneetownloss four fingers l. hand$8.00 -
169,539Gaston, ElijahEqualitydis. lungs$4.00 June, 1880
179,365Glasscock, John JCottonwoodinj. back & l. shoulder$4.00 Dec., 1880
132,207Goad, MargaretNew Havenwidow$8.00 July, 1869
126,482Goforth, Thos. CRidgwaydis. r. lung & rheum$10.00 -
53,790Gregg, JohnOmahanecrosis l. tibia & fibula (dis. l. leg & ankle joint).$10.00 -
214,197Gross, AnthonyRidgwaydis. left leg$4.00 June, 1882
120,615Hales, John WEqualityinj. l. groin$6.00 -
196,169Hall, ElizaShawneetownwidow$14.00 June, 1882
162,840Hancock, EllenRidgwaydep. mother$8.00 Oct., 1873
145,335Hargrave, Willis BEqualitywd. r. arm$7.50 -
182,487Harper, Wm. CCottonwoodchr. diarr$8.00 Feb., 1881
183,720Harrelson, WmWaltonboroughdis. lungs & liver$6.00 Mar., 1881
198,860Harrison, AlfredOmahawd. l. side face$2.00 Dec., 1881
96,261Hart, George LElbag. s. w. lft. breast$12.75 -
183,908Hedgar, DavidRidgwaychr. diarr. & dis. lungs$4.00 Mar., 1881
24,477Hemphill, Mary ERidgwaywidow$8.00 -
73,004Hemphilll, Sam'l ARidgwaydis. lungs$12.00 -
57,210Henson, MaryShawneetownwidow$8.00 Oct., 1865
216,202Hise, William JRidgwaydis. lungs$4.00 Aug., 1882
106,825Horrell, ThompsonShawneetownsunstroke$8.00 -
30,175Hower, JohnShawneetownloss r. arm$24.00 -
68,751Ingleton, Hannah ERidgwaywidow$8.00 -
92,101Ives, HenryShawneetowng. s. w. left arm$6.00 -
223,579Jackson, Francis MRidgwaychr. nasal catarrh$2.00 Dec., 1882
1,126Jamison, LucindaRidgwaydep. mother$8.00 Jan., 1868
85,331Jennings, Joseph DShawneetownwd. r. leg$11.25 -
194,755Johnson, Jos. WOmahaminor$10.00 Mar., 1882
144,938Jones, ThomasRidgwaywd. head$2.00 -
174,491Kanady, WashingtonShawneetownchr. diarr$8.50 Oct., 1880
142,570Kimbo, JohnRidgwaydis. lungs$4.00 -
280Kirkham, RuthSaline Minesdep. mother$8.00 Sept., 1863
160,908Lamb, Newton ROmahaloss pt. l. thumb & dis. heart & kidneys.$10.00 June, 1879
139,035Latimer, John BOmahachr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis$6.00 -
143,570Lemmons, BenjRidgwaydis. lungs$8.00 -
186,301Lickliter, Elizabeth WRidgwaydep. mother$8.00 Dec., 1879
19534? Logan, John RShawneetowninj. breast$2.00 Sept., 1881
121,816Long, Geo. WShawneetownwd. r. side$4.00 -
92,442Madden, JohnShawneetownwd. l. shr.$8.00 -
163,640McGehee, Francis MShawneetownchr. diarr$4.00 Nov., 1879
154,884Melton, Mary AnnNew Havenwidow$8.00 -
178,464Miller, Sarah AEqualitydept. mother$8.00 Aug., 1877
28,963Mills, LiviniaEqualitywidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1880
111,404Mires, WmShawneetownchr. hepatitis (eff. measles)$6.00 -
38,685Mitchell, FannyEqualitydept. mother$8.00 Jan., 1865
93,659Mitchell, JamesBowlesvillewd. l. leg$4.00 -
199,510Mossman, Fred'kEqualityinj. to abdomen & inj. l. hand$8.00 Dec., 1881
104,369Moye, JaneRidgwaywidow$8.00 -
69,810Newell, MelindaShawneetowndep. mother$8.00 Apr., 1866
189,739Pate, ElizabethShawneetownwidow$8.00 Sept., 1880
183,046Payne, WmElbadis. lungs$4.00 Feb., 1881
170,210Pigus, ThosShawneetownwd. l. wrist & neck & l. shr$4.00 June, 1880
85,454Powell, Henry AShawneetownwd. l. ankle & r. leg$12.00 -
31,202Poyner, James JRidgwaydropsy & chr. diarr. & res. dis. of abdominal viscera.$8.00 -
121,293Quigley, Leonard EOmahaenlargement liver$17.00 -
102,200Reason, John FElbaconsumption$10.00 -
22,916Ridenour, JohnCottonwood---
124,623Sanders, PartheniaCottonwoodwidow$8.00 June, 1879
170,131Sisk, AlbertEqualitychr. diarr$8.00 June, 1880
179,807Slaton, Isom NShawneetowndis. heart & liver & res. dropsy & dis. of abd. vis.$18.00 Dec., 1880
110,932Smiley, Mary JRidgwaywidow$8.00 Apr., 1868
219,738Smith, Christopher CEqualityrheum. & func'l dis. heart$4.00 Oct., 1882
216,007Smith, Geo. CRidgwaychr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis$11.25 July, 1882
99,904Smith, Virginius WRidgwaywd. l. side$6.00 -
81,071Spear, WilliamElbasunstroke$24.00 -
56,754Stiles, Wm. HRidgwaywd. r. thigh$20.00 -
181,632Thompson, GeoShawneetowndis. lungs$6.00 Jan., 1881
10,518Turner, MatildaSaline Mineswidow$8.00 Oct., 1878
1397?? Venters, Geo. WShawneetownchr. diarr$8.00 -
7,351Warnock, LorendoOmahawidow$8.00 -
203,567Webb, Asa BNew Havenrheum$4.00 Feb., 1882
204,043Wedlin, Milton JRidgwayinj. to l. shoulder$2.00 Mar., 1882
129,061Wenzemer, HarrisonShawneetownscurvy & effects$4.00 -
215,474White, Geo. WRidgwaydis. eyes$4.00 July, 1882
78,343White, MaryRidgwaywidow$8.00 -
57,639Williams, Martha AEqualitywidow$8.00 -
157,655Williams, McDonelElbawd. l. side$4.00 Mar., 1879
6,879Willis, ElizabethEqualitywidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1877
193,942Winterberger, AloisShawneetownwd. head$2.00 Aug., 1881
137,022Witter, Nancy ENew Havenwidow$8.00 Dec., 1869
80,663Young, FunkhauserWaltonboroughfrozen feet (loss toes)$5.33 1/3 -
213,269Young, HenryOmahachr. rheum$4.00 June, 1882

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