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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Ford County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Ford County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
61817Anderson, Francis M.-wd l arm$5.33 1/3-
188160Anderson, MaryPaxtonmother$8.00May 1880
182813Annbise, GraciePaxtonwidow$8.00Jan 1879
129521Anthony, MarkPaxtonwd r ankle$4.00-
69564Ashley, Harry D.Paxtonloss r thumb, impair vision$8.00-
165345Baird, JosephPaxtonchr diarr, dis of abd vis$4.00Apr 1881
13404Baxter, MitchellPaxtonvar veins both legs, ulcer r leg$16.00-
223514Bell, John D.Paxtonneural, blind l eye, aff r$8.00Dec 1882
54160Bland, Geo. W.Harpsterchr diarr$4.00-
47275Bodwell, JohnHarpsterloss l leg$18.00-
216008Bogardus, Chas.Harpsterwd r thigh$15.00July 1882
28970Bunker, SylviraRobertsmother$8.00-
51817Carpenter, HenryCaberyfrac r shoul joint$8.00-
29583Chapman, MaryCaberywidow 1812$8.00May 1880
202412Corbin, John D.Caberywd l arm$4.00Feb 1882
38300Crane, Mathias, Jr.Caberyexsection of 3d humeris$18.00-
218664Culbertson, Saml. D.Caberywd l arm$4.00Oct 1882
217467Dale, Peter W.Caberymeasles, result dis lungs$4.00Aug 1882
114768Damon, Oscar H.Caberych diarr & asthma$15.00-
130615Dano, JeromeCaberych rhue, neural$4.00-
173754Davis, Marcelus ICaberyloss mid finger r hand, aff 4th & 5th fingers$6.00Sept 1880
190913Dillebach, FrederickCaberyfather$8.00Jan 1881
21526Duncan, Mary M.Caberydo$8.00May 1864
14484Edgar, Martha J.Caberywidow$8.00Feb 1864
117196Ferguson, Willis H.Caberywd r arm$2.00-
170590Ferris, Robt. R.Caberywd r shoulder$8.00June 1880
113485Fitzpatrick, JohnCaberywd l hip$8.00-
70517Frederick, James S.Caberyloss l arm$24.00-
215767Fulcher, AndersonCaberypar deaf both ears, res meas$4.00July 1882
24283Garrett, Lewis L.Caberyloss rt arm$18.00-
18285Goodspeed, EmilyCaberywidow$8.00-
14780Grant, JamesCaberywd r shoulder$4.00-
27291Hall, Dwight S.Caberywd rt foot$18.00Apr 1864
61784Hand, Ira W.Caberywd l leg & thigh$8.00-
104082Healy, JamesCaberywd r thigh$6.00Aug 1881
22534Henderson, IsaacCaberywd r hip, inj to abdomen$6.00-
70594Hevener, Robt.Caberywd l leg$18.00-
214954Hiddleston, James M.Caberychr diarr$4.00June 1882
64837Hiddleston, Wm. C.Caberywd both hands$15.00-
160320Holmstead, Mary C.Caberymother$8.00Dec 1872
100284Houston, Andrew J.East Bensinj rt eye$2.00June 1881
187167Huntley, AsilEast Bensg s w l eye, dis of brain, eye$6.00Apr 1881
97572Jenkins, Edw. S.East Benswd r leg$3.00-
194913Johnson, Eliza J.East Bensdep't mother$8.00Mar 1882
192714Jordan, Ann ElizaEast Benswidow$12.00June 1881
89895Knightlinger, AlexEast Bensch ophthalmia$8.00-
88922Larkin, Lot C.East Benswd r shoulder & l hand$6.00-
24800Lee, James H.East Benswd r hand$4.00Mar 1864
68686Lefevre, Saml.East Benswd l foot$4.00-
205108Liby, John P.East Bensinj l side & back$8.00Mar 1882
66904Love, Peter R.Paxtong s w rt thigh, varic veins$4.00May 1880
162484Luther, John G. F.Piper Citychr rheu dis heart$12.00Feb 1881
111718Martin, SevereSibleych hepatitis$4.00-
136990McFarland, FrankSibleywd l leg$4.00-
61340Miller, Luther F.Clarencewd r ft$4.00-
15069Miller, Wm. B.Clarencewd l elbow$6.00-
100802Moon, Oliver M.Clarenceg s w rt leg$4.00Aug 1871
37606Moore, James C.Clarencedo$4.00-
157878Mulvane, RalphGibson Cityg s w rt thigh$2.00Mar 1879
166906Newlin, Samuel M.Gibson Citydis eyes$8.00Apr 1880
-Nicholson, Alex C.Gibson Citywd both shoulders, dis of abdominal viscera$4.00Sept 1878
92402Olaughlin, MichaelGibson Citychr diarr$8.00-
65522Pepper, Henry J.Gibson Citywd l hip$12.00-
177545Porter, Wheelock W.Kemptonwd l breast, dis heart$8.00Oct 1880
43825Preston, Geo. W.Kemptonwd l thi & scapula$6.00-
165888Pulver, Edward F.Kemptonwd r arm$8.00Mar 1880
221039Reasoner, James R.Kemptonwd r hip$7.50Oct 1882
67682Rham, NathanKemptonwd lower jaw$15.00-
195371Rogers, Alva Z.Kemptonwd r hip$4.00Sept 1881
44986Sample, AlfredKemptonwd l forearm$18.00-
132532Sears, PollyKemptonmother$15.00-
203780Shepardson, Geo. J.Kemptonwd l leg, r shoulder$15.00Mar 1882
28695Shields, JaneKemptondo$8.00Aug 1884
119908Smith, Orin M.Melvininjury to abdomen$8.00-
45568Smith, Susan J.Melvinwidow$8.00-
69396Spindler, JohnMelvinwd l arm$15.00-
190412Stewart, MargaryMelvinmother$8.00Nov 1880
162679Tamanany, JohnElliottwd rt shoul$6.00Oct 1879
88805Tilotson, ElizabethElliottdep mother$8.00Nov 1868
188971Wade, Samuel W.Elliottch diarr, inj to abdomen$8.00May 1881
207518Wallace, John I.Elliottshell wd rt hip$2.00Sept 1865
89772Watson, Wm. H.Elliottheart disease$12.00-
54024White, Fredk. B.Elliottwd r arm, shoulder joint$10.00-
191970Wilson, James D.Elliottpart'l deaf, both ears$6.00June 1881
197792Wood, Sarah E.Elliottwidow$12.00Nov 1882
144308Wright, Edw. B.Elliottwd l shoulder$18.00-
120495Yurney, Daniel W.Elliottwound face$2.00-

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