1883 Clay County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
61,670 | Alderson, James M. | Xenia | wd. l. hand | 6 | - |
11,628 | Anderson, James M. | Louisville | dis. eyes & lungs | 24 | - |
212,402 | Anderson, Reason P. | Iola | ch. rheu. | 6 | June, 1882 |
50,706 | Apperson, Charlotte | Iola | widow | 17 | - |
291,136 | Austin, Thos. T. | Flora | dis. kidneys | 6 | Jan., 1882 |
207,315 | Axton, Philip W. | Flora | chr. rheu | 18 | Apr., 1882 |
55,071 | Baird, John | Hord | wd. l. hip, abdomen | 16 | - |
42,887 | Baker, Susan | Hoosier Prairie | 8 | - | |
142,310 | Baldwin, Eli | Clay City | wd. l. shoulder | 10 | - |
161,868 | Bartholomew, John | Clay City | chr. rheum. , heart dis. | 12 | Aug., 1879 |
117,907 | Beard, Abner M. | Xenia | inj,spine, l. hip | 8 | - |
13,487 | Beard, Andrew M. | Flora | w. l. hip, r. knee | 8 | - |
158,028 | Beard, Elijah | Xenia | wd. r. arm | 6 | - |
119,552 | Beard, Geo. | Xenia | dis. lungs | 8 | - |
24,768 | Beckel, Michael | Clay City | loss r. leg | 18 | - |
113,613 | Bennett, Joseph | Iola | dis. spine,part. paral lower extremeties | 24 | - |
152,512 | Berry, Joseph B. | Flora | asthma | 10 | Apr., 1878 |
206,326 | Birch, Samuel W. | Flora | inj. r. arm,breast,l. leg | 8 | Apr., 1882 |
184,123 | Blackburn, Eli J. | Flora | injury to abdomen | 4 | Mar., 1881 |
183,559 | Blacklidge, Hester | Clay City | widow | 21 | Mar., 1879 |
170,633 | Blanchard, Thos. | Flora | wd. l. hip | 6 | June, 1880 |
166,261 | Bonner, Thos. H. | Flora | dis. lungs,catarrah | 8 | Mar., 1880 |
185,077 | Bostwick, William | Clay City | weakness, atrophy of l. arm from impure vaccination | 6 | Mar., 1881 |
92,182 | Brant, Johnson W. | Ingraham | dis. eyes | 18 | - |
162,143 | Bressenden, Lewis | Flora | dis. lungs & heart | 14 | Aug., 1878 |
196,156 | Brewer, John W | Ingraham | wd. l. hip and side | 6 | Sept., 1881 |
205,376 | Bridges, Alfred B. | Xenia | erysip. , dis. rt. leg vari. vein | 6 | - |
193,495 | Brown, Albert G. | Clay City | nasal catarrah | 4 | July, 1881 |
192,246 | Bryant, Catharine | Ingraham | widow | 20 | May, 1881 |
197,990 | Buck, Henry Fisher | Flora | chr. diarr. ,indig. | 12 | Nov., 1881 |
195,331 | Burcham, John | Clay City | w. r. knee | 4 | Sept., 1881 |
159,375 | Byrne, Chas. H. | Hoosier Prairie | dis. lungs, inj. to abdomen | 4 | Apr., 1879 |
193,341 | Byrne, Wm. P. | Ingraham | ulcers both legs | 8 | July, 1881 |
118,372 | Cambron, Alfred | Ingraham | dis. eyes | 8 | - |
165,580 | Cash,, Samuel | Flora | inj. l. side | 8 | Mar., 1880 |
105,353 | Chasteen, Oneas O. | Xenia | phthisis | 8 | - |
58,647 | Chesley, Hiram H. | Louisville | wd. ,back,neck,paral. , impairment of vision | 24 | - |
201,655 | Chidester, Abraham | Flora | abcess r. groin | 4 | Jan., 1882 |
213,150 | Cogswell, John B. | Louisville | asthma | 4 | June, 1882 |
163,542 | Colclasure, Sam'l | Xenia | dropsy from typhoid | 6 | - |
142,748 | Colclasure, Sarah A. | Xenia | widow | 8 | - |
206,993 | Colclasure, Wm. R. | Xenia | dis. legs,var. vein l. leg, injury to abdomen | 14.5 | - |
210,732 | Cole, Peter | Flora | chr. diarrr. | 4 | June, 1881 |
151,259 | Connerly, James A. | Bible Grove | dis. lungs, dis. heart | 12 | Feb., 1878 |
188,789 | Cook, Abigail | Ingraham | mother | 8 | June, 1880 |
192,076 | Cook, Adaline | Bible Grove | widow | 16 | Apr., 1881 |
176,555 | Corder, James C. | Louisville | inj. r. leg | 6 | Oct., 1880 |
114,494 | Cox, David | Flora | wd. r. side | 14 | - |
99,627 | Creekmore, Edmond N. | Xenia | wd. r. thigh,inj. to abdomen | 5 | - |
150,941 | Crouse, Benj. | Ingraham | injury to abdomen | 8 | Feb., 1878 |
77,408 | Crum, Judy | Louisville | widow | 8 | - |
98,230 | Cruse, Henry | Iola | wd. r. leg | 4 | - |
188,378 | Culbertson, Tucker | Louisville | nasal catarrah, bronchi | 6 | May, 1881 |
296,259 | Cunningham, James F. | Flora | chr. dis. liver, rheu. ,var. veins | 12 | Apr., 1882 |
178,571 | Davis, Wm. | Clay City | chr. rheu. , heart dis. ,var. veins | 18 | Nov., 1880 |
54,097 | Dean, James M. | Xenia | loss l. leg | 24 | - |
167,884 | Denby, Thomas H. | Clay City | par. deaf,lumbago,kidn. dis. | 8 | May, 1880 |
195,181 | Dobbs, Wm. B. | Xenia | rheu. ,affecting hips | 6 | - |
186,642 | Dow, Peter | Xenia | chr. diarr. ,dis. lungs | 15 | - |
184,870 | Draper, Elijah | Xenia | chr. diar. ,dis. liveer | 4 | - |
16,809 | Eaton, Wm. S. | Louisville | wd. r. shr. | 18 | - |
187,527 | Edens, Wm. | Clay City | injury to abdomen | 8 | Apr., 1881 |
29,566 | Edwards, Eli G. | Louisville | wd. r. arm | 18 | - |
11,366 | Ellis, Francis M. | Flora | wd. r. arm | 6 | - |
171,632 | Erwin, John | Louisville | dis. lungs,necrosis l. hip & thigh | 12 | July, 1880 |
65,710 | Etchason, Elijah | Louisville | wd. face. ,indiges. ,debil. | 24 | - |
131,496 | Farmer, Nancy | Louisville | mother | 8 | July, 1869 |
194,638 | Fender, Mary C. | Iola | widow | 10 | Mar., 1882 |
202,427 | Figg, Joseph B. | Clay City | chr. diarr. ,var. veins r. leg | 13.5 | Feb., 1882 |
154,803 | Fisher, Uriah | Flora | inj. back,face,ribs,r,side | 8 | Aug., 1878 |
136,301 | Flock, Abraham | Iola | wd. l. arm,inj. r. leg | 7 | - |
16,472 | Fortney, Ishmael | Xenia | wd. l. hand & wrist | 18 | |
197,318 | Franklin, Samuel | Clay City | minor of | 16 | Sept.,1882 |
152,760 | Frasure, Andrew F. | Flora | wd. l. forearm | 8 | Apr., 1878 |
191,579 | Fry, Nancy | Clay City | mother | 8 | Mar., 1881 |
53,632 | Galbraith, Ashley T. | Flora | wd. r. leg | 30 | - |
35,324 | Gaumer, Jesse | Xenia | wd. l. arm | 18 | - |
82,451 | Gaw, Erasmus | Louisville | wd. r. thigh | 8 | - |
199,324 | Gibson, Jacob S. | Ingraham | wd. r. forearm, inj. to abdomen | 10 | Dec., 1881 |
215,444 | Gibson, James M. | Louisville | wd. l. side | 4 | July, 1882 |
203,123 | Gibson,Wm. A. | Iola | ch. diarr | 6 | Feb., 1882 |
21,365 | Gill, Elizabeth | Clay City | widow 1812 | 8 | Mar., 1879 |
69,850 | Goad, Peter | Xenia | loss l thigh,wd. l. hand | 24 | - |
148,064 | Golden Stephen W. | Flora | dis. eyes | 4 | - |
154,142 | Golden, Drury | Louisville | chr. diarr. ,dis. of lungs spine,dis. of abd. vis. | 18 | - |
117,633 | Golden, Leannah | Flora | widow | 8 | Aug., 1868 |
140,501 | Golden, Wesley | Flora | inj. back,breast, r. leg | 12 | - |
78,014 | Gould, Theoren | Bible Grove | wd. r. arm | 10 | - |
149,906 | Graham, Mary | Clay City | widow | 8 | - |
53,450 | Graham, Reuben | Clay City | loss r. leg | 18 | - |
30,794 | Gray, Rob't | Flora | wd. r. leg,r. thigh | 6 | - |
22,531 | Greenwood, Isaac L. | Xenia | wd. l. hand | 8 | - |
159,310 | Griffith, Reuben | Xenia | dis. lungs | 4 | - |
201,384 | Hadden,Wm. F. | Iola | cr. diarr. debility | 6 | Jan., 1882 |
107,280 | Hale, Osey | Clay City | widow | 8 | - |
187,288 | Haller, Lucinda | Xenia | widow | 16 | Mar., 1878 |
167,286 | Hance, James G. | Clay City | vari. ,dis. lungs | 16 | Apr., 1880 |
182,736 | Handley, John | Flora | dis. eyes | 6 | Feb., 1881 |
18,349 | Harman, David | Xenia | wd. r. arm | 7 | - |
172,078 | Harpter, John | Clay City | father | 8 | Feb., 1876 |
133,633 | Hayes, Jas. M. | Louisville | wd. r. hand | 4 | - |
161,298 | Henson, Hiram | Xenia | dis. heart | 8 | - |
170,301 | Hickman, Elizabeth | Xenia | mother | 8 | July, 1875 |
51,273 | Hill, Wm. P. | Xenia | wd. r. thigh | 4 | - |
138,131 | Holman, Gilbert L. | Xenia | wd. r. leg | 4 | - |
188,402 | Holman, John A. | Xenia | dis. lungs, part. deaf ears | 8 | - |
41,051 | Hooever, Sam'l N. | Xenia | loss r. arm | 24 | - |
219,645 | Howell, Samuel | Flora | dis. lungs | 4 | Oct., 1882 |
294,932 | Hunt, James | Flora | chr. rheu. | 8 | Mar.,1882 |
212,691 | Hunt, Rufus | Xenia | wd. r. thumb | 4 | - |
215,938 | Hurst, Rhynard | Clay City | dis. lungs fr. measles,headache from sunstroke | 6 | July, 1882 |
162,543 | Inman, Wm. R | Louisville | wd. l. thigh | 8 | Oct., 1879 |
201,545 | Jefferies, Joseph, jr. | Flora | spinal dis. | 4 | Jan., 1882 |
57,837 | Jenkins,Elizabeth R. | Hoosier Prairie | widow | 8 | - |
122,831 | Jordan, Fred'k W. | Xenia | wd. l. knee | 4 | - |
170,554 | Kelso, Cornelius P. | Xenia | chr. diarr. ,dis. of abd. vis | 18 | - |
176,758 | Keneipp, Benj. B. | Sailor Springs | chr. diarr. | 4 | - |
138,345 | Kepp, Wm | Ingraham | wd. r. leg | 8 | - |
105,143 | Knapp, Cyrus | Louisville | g. s. w. lft. ankle | 10 | - |
192,514 | Lawrence, John | Flora | ch. diarr. ,gen. debil. from malarial poisoning | 6 | - |
215,968 | Lee, Andrew J. | Clay City | ch. diar. ,impaired sight from smallpox | 6 | July, 1882 |
120,806 | Lee, Henry H | Flora | wd. l. leg | 8 | - |
196,270 | Lemon, James M. | Flora | chr. diarr. | 8 | Oct., 1881 |
195,828 | Lentz, John J. | Flora | rheu. ,chr. diarr. ,wd. r. knee | 12 | Sept., 1881 |
29,006 | Lewis, David | Flora | inj. back | 2 | Feb., 1882 |
208,062 | Lewis, Edwin G. | Clay City | dis. lungs | 6 | Oct., 1882 |
176,557 | Lewis, James R. | Clay City | dis. eyes | 15 | Oct., 1880 |
184,220 | Lewis, Wm. | Hord | ch. diarr. | 6 | Mar., 1881 |
216,907 | Lewit, Wm. P. | Bible Grove | chr. diarr. & dis. abd. vis | 4 | Aug., 1882 |
184,438 | Limes, Jane | Louisville | widow | 10 | June, 1879 |
204,952 | Logan, Riley R. | Xenia | inj. stomac,inj. abdomen,inj. l. leg, atrophy | 6 | - |
212,900 | Lough, John C. | Hoosier Prairie | injury to abdomen | 4 | June, 1882 |
150,298 | Lowe, Joseph S. | Louisville | g. s. w. rt. leg | 6 | - |
215,024 | Maiden, Jasper N. | Clay City | wd. l. forearm | 4 | July, 1882 |
218,782 | Mason, Aaron | Flora | rheuma | 8 | Oct., 1882 |
163,121 | Maxey, Elvira A. | Xenia | widow | 8 | - |
199,253 | McAnully, John D. | Clay City | wd. l. head | 2 | Dec., 1881 |
180,258 | McBride, Sarah A. | Xenia | widow | 8 | Mar., 1864 |
182,163 | McElyea,Welford | Xenia | wd. chin & l. shl. | 2 | - |
222,621 | McEndre, Aaron | Xenia | wd. r. forearm | 2 | - |
177,368 | McEndree, Sarah | Flora | widow | 8 | - |
197,472 | McIlvain, James E. | Clay City | injury to abdomen | 4 | Nov., 1881 |
163,223 | McManaway, Ant'y W. | Ingraham | dis. eyes | 14 | Oct.,1879 |
141,982 | Metcalf, Elisha | Clay City | wd. l. arm | 8 | - |
85,458 | Metz, Ruth A. | Xenia | widow | 8 | - |
20,344 | Miller, Nancy | Clay City | widow | 8 | - |
160,392 | Miller, Solomon | Flora | wd. r. hand | 5 | June, 1879 |
134,780 | Mitchell, John | Iola | wd. collar bone | 3 | - |
217,480 | Mitchell, Thom. B. | Xenia | dis. l. arm from malaria | 12 | - |
190,799 | Monical, Elizabeth | Flora | mother | 8 | Jan., 1881 |
192,517 | Monroe, Susan | Louisville | mother | 15 | June, 1881 |
21,301 | Montgomery, John M. | Iola | wd. l. shr. | 8 | - |
209,022 | Morris, Job | Xenia | chr. diarr. | 4 | - |
40,105 | Moseley, Robt. | Clay City | wd. l. leg | 18 | - |
178,972 | Munch, George | Louisville | dis,. lungs | 6 | Nov., 1880 |
172,574 | Nash, Henry | Bible Grove | dis. abd. vis. & erysipelas | 12 | Aug., 1880 |
154,364 | Neff, Adam J. | Louisville | wd. l. shr. | 4 | July, 1878 |
9,867 | Nevins, James A. | Sailor Springs | incised wd. r. knee | 8 | - |
92,796 | Ooton, John | Iola | aphonia from laryngitis | 8 | - |
189,736 | Osler, Margaret A. | Gatewood | mother | 8 | Sept., 1880 |
44,057 | Osterdock, Mary E. | Ingraham | widow | 8 | - |
195,979 | Oyler, Chas. P. | Flora | chr. diarr. ,gastritis | 8 | Sept., 1881 |
23,968 | Paine, Sam'l E. | Xenia | atrophy l. leg | 4 | - |
8,652 | Patrick, Elizabeth | Iola | widow 1812 | 8 | Sept., 1878 |
230,540 | Patton, Michael | Flora | dis,lungs | 4 | Nov., 1882 |
45,090 | Pierson, Wm. B. | Iola | w. r. arm | 12 | - |
45,535 | Pifer, Susannah | Xenia | widow | 8 | - |
95,701 | Pike, William | Flora | wd. spine & breast | 15 | - |
130,428 | Plottnea, Caroline | Clay City | widow | 8 | - |
19,441 | Popenoe, Chas. C. | Flora | wd. hand, amput. fingers | 8 | - |
208,801 | Pridemore, Thomas | Louisville | chr. diarr. ,anasarca | 8 | May, 1882 |
145,084 | Pruet, Walter | Ingraham | ch. diarr. | 10 | - |
188,556 | Raley, David | Clay City | dis. throat & lungs | 6 | May, 1881 |
186,120 | Rayburn, Polly | Louisville | mother | 8 | Nov., 1879 |
22,662 | Renick, Silas | Xenia | wd. l. hip,side,elbow | 12 | - |
162,723 | Reynolds, Benj. | Louisville | injury to abdomen | 20 | Oct., 1879 |
86,563 | Rice, Thomas G. H.. | Xenia | wd. r. arm,lung, ribs | 18 | - |
111,128 | Richards, George W. | Louisville | chr. diarr. | 6 | - |
129,739 | Rinehart, Jacob | Bible Grove | wd. l. foot | 6 | - |
2?8,223 | Rinehart, Joseph | Flora | inj. toabd. ,dis. of abd. vis. | 8 | May, 1882 |
51,136 | Riney, Robert S. | Clay City | wd. l. leg | 18 | - |
194,041 | Robbins, Fountain B. | Xenia | dis. eyes | 4 | - |
27,305 | Roberts, Wm. | Xenia | malarial poisoning | 8 | - |
106,203 | Robertson, Wm. E. | Flora | frac. jaw and clavicle | 6 | - |
13,833 | Robinson, Maxa A. | Iola | widow 1812 | 8 | Jan., 1879 |
132,078 | Rodgers, Joseph | Clay City | chr. diarr. ,dis. lungs | 12 | Mar., 1878 |
100,917 | Rothwell, Jabez E. | Flora | wd. l. thigh, r. leg | 8 | - |
178,427 | Russell, Ellen H. | Oskaloosa | widow | 14 | - |
195,414 | Russell, Margaret | Xenia | widow | 8 | Apr., 1882 |
186,260 | Sapp, Caroline | Iola | Widow | 12 | - |
221,321 | Sartin, John | Flora | wd. l. leg | 4 | Nov., 1882 |
127,290 | Schmidh, Jacob | Flora | g. s. w. left thigh | 8 | - |
17,535 | Schooley, Orlando D. | Clay City | wd. l. shr & back | 12 | - |
106,615 | Scott, Ellen | Louisville | widow | 12 | - |
120,439 | Shadden, Solomon B. | Xenia | wd. l. thigh, dis. of abd. vis. | 8 | - |
87,464 | Sheridan, John F. | Flora | wd. l. shr. and chest | 14 | - |
214,798 | Shockman, Geo | Xenia | chr. diarr. | 4 | - |
52,689 | Simington, Lydia | Flora | widow | 8 | Aug., 1865 |
199,681 | Smith, Elias | Clay City | wd. l. hand | 1 | Dec., 1881 |
30,676 | Smith, Elias | Hoosier Prairie | wd. r. arm | 18 | - |
49,408 | Smith, Elizabeth | Gatewood | mother | 8 | June, 1865 |
194,943 | Smith, Hannah | Xenia | widow | 10 | - |
218,698 | Smith, Harvillah G. | Ingraham | chr. diarr. | 8 | Oct., 1882 |
154,540 | Smith, James B. | Clay City | wd. r. leg | 7.5 | Aug., 1878 |
141,998 | Smith, Mary A. | Xenia | mother | 8 | Aug., 1881 |
145,868 | Speer, John H. | Clay City | wd. l. leg | 12 | - |
192,943 | Stanford, Angeline | Clay City | widow | 16 | - |
210,382 | Surrells, Benjamin F. | Louisville | inj. r. foot | 4 | June, 1882 |
53,810 | Sutherland, Garrett | Xenia | wd. r. forearm | 12 | - |
7,281 | Symonds, Mary | Xenia | widow 1812 | 8 | July, 1878 |
126,534 | Tate, Benj. C. | Xenia | wd. head | 6 | - |
112,767 | Thralls, Michael J. | Flora | injury to abdomen | 6 | - |
68,986 | Toliver, John | Louisville | wd. l. leg | 6 | - |
178,784 | Travis, George W. | Clay City | rheu. , dis. of heart | 8 | Nov., 1880 |
62,014 | Travis, Noah K. | Clay City | wd. l. leg | 12 | - |
80,130 | Tucker, David L. | Xenia | wd. abdomen | 8 | - |
72,855 | Vancamp, Emily | Xenia | widow | 8 | - |
129,511 | Vandaveer, Chas. H. | Flora | wd. r. knee | 6 | - |
46,195 | Varitine, Alfred C. | Iola | loss r. arm | 24 | - |
42,297 | Vaughn, Wm. | Xenia | loss l. arm | 18 | - |
136,815 | Wagner, Albert H. | Flora | wd. rt. breast | 2 | Nov., 1875 |
203,700 | Walker, Sam'l | Xenia | chr. rheum. , | 6 | - |
164,186 | Walser, Hiram H. | Clay City | dis. heart | 20 | Jan., 1880 |
29,748 | Walters, Julia A. | Flora | widow 1812 | 8 | June, 1880 |
199,960 | Weaver, George W. | Xenia | gen,debil. ,enlarge liver,spine from being overheated | 14 | - |
184,307 | Wheat, Felix M. | Flora | dis. of lungs, debility from measles | 18 | - |
20,850 | Whiteman, Kezia Y. | Xenia | widow | 8 | - |
65,241 | Wierman, John H. | Flora | loss l. arm | 18 | - |
39,292 | Will, George F. | Flora | loss left eye & dis. to right | 18 | - |
22,986 | Williamson, Jacob F. | Flora | loss l. arm | 8 | - |
194,712 | Wilshaus, Wm. | Flora | dis. eyes | 6 | Aug., 1881 |
186,877 | Winchester, Joel | Flora | father | 8 | Feb., 1880 |
168,087 | Wolf, Leonard | Bible Grove | dis. of abdominal vsicera | 8 | May, 1880 |
162,541 | Wood, Abraham | Louisville | injury to abdomen | 12 | Oct., 1879 |
163,680 | Wood, James B. | Xenia | dis. eyes | 6 | - |
78,040 | Yale, Anna | Xenia | widow | 8 | - |
80,578 | Young, John H. | Flora | lung disease | 8 | - |