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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Clarke County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Clarke County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
203,583Aaron, JacobCaseych. diarr. & lung dis. $6.00 Feb. 1882
-Ancher, Wm. HenryMelroseg.s.w. both hips$24.00 -
53,133Baird, Geo. P.Martinsvillewd.r. hip & leg$6.00 -
37,897Baker, James H.West Uniong.s.wd. r. cheek & lungs & neck$12.00 -
190,536Barbee, John F.Westfieldscurvy & dis. of heart$8.00 June 1881
105,970Barlett, John A.Marshalldiarr. & dis. abd. vis $8.00 -
163,664Barrett, Geo. A.Marshallinj. r. shr. & gen'l deb. from stroke of lightning$8.00 Nov. 1879
192,187Bearus, Georgia AnnWestfieldwidow$12.00 May 1881
204,812Benight, Wm. B.Melroseg.s.wd. rt. Leg$2.00 Mar. 1882
164,473Bennett, Thos. F.Yorkdep. father$8.00 Apr. 1874
206,882Binnings, AlexanderClark Centredis. of lungs$8.00 Apr. 1882
7,675Biship, Mary J.Martinsvillewidow$8.00 -
170,045Bishop, SamuelMartinsvilledep. father$8.00 Feb. 1876
23,265Bless, UrsulaOak Pointwidow$8.00 -
214,715Bowles, JosiahCaseyg.s.wd. of nose$4.00 June 1882
123,677Boyer, JohnMarshalldis. of eyes$10.00 -
45,577Brady, BenjaminMarshallloss left leg$18.00 July 1865
13,791Braynard, MyraMarshalldep. mother $8.00 Feb. 11864
100,454Brill, EllisMarshallwd. r. thigh$4.00 -
152,889Brosman, HenryMartinsvilledis. of lungs$14.00 May 1878
24,847Brown, James D. R.Martinsvillewd. both arms, amp. of r. arm above elbow$24.00 -
158,882Brown, Wm.Walnut Prairieminor of$10.00 July 1872
309Bubee, JacobMarshallinjury to abdomen$6.00 May 1863
203,388Buckner, HenryMarshallch. diarr. & dis. of lungs$4.00 Feb. 1882
205,750Buckner, John S.Yorksunstroke of brain$4.00 Mar. 1882
174,748Burger, GeorgeDalsondis. of eye $4.00 Oct. 1880
210,161Burkett, BarrettMarshalldis. of lungs$6.00 June 1882
100,407Bush, HarveyMartinsvillewd.r. knee & loss of index & middle finger l. hand$8.00 -
98,838Calvert, Geo. M.Marshallminor of$10.00 -
79,183Carson, JohnsonMartinsvilleloss r. hand $18.00 -
191,140Cartwright, James R.Caseyinj. rt. Knee$4.00 June 1881
211,939Chrisman, RobertMarshallbronch & catarrh$6.00 June 1872
192,077Church, Uzziel B.Clark Centrew.l. forearm$2.00 June 1881
9,828Clapman, MarthaMarshalldep. mother $8.00 Dec. 1863
150,337Clapp, Wm. M.Caseywd.l. buttock$2.00 -
152,639Clark, CharlesMarshallch. diarr., dis. of abd. visc.$8.00 Apr. 1818
12,728Cleaver, CarolineMartinsvillewidow$8.00 -
136,973Coillins, Mary A.Caseydep. mother $8.00 Dec. 1869
134,815Combs, PriscillaMarshalldep. mother $8.00 Sept. 1869
170,946Comstock, NormanWestfieldinj.l. knee$20.00 -
122,832Cook, Gilbert B.Marshallinj. l. foot & knee$6.00 -
32,952Cox, James W.Martinsvillewd. neck $6.00 -
145,362Crane, Jeremiah Sr.Caseydep. father$8.00 Oct. 1870
42,358Crosley, NancyMarshallwidow$8.00 -
102,912Curtis, Herod B.Martinsvillewd.r. leg$4.00 -
163,355Davis, LevicyMartinsvilledep. mother $8.00 Dec. 1873
140,737Day, Thornton F.Marshalldep. father$8.00 Mar. 1870
134,004Dellaphlaine, Eliz'thMartinsvillewidow$8.00 -
80,912Derksen, FlorenceYorkinjury to abdomen, ascites$16.00 -
127,790Dixon, JosephCaseyg.s. wd. r. thigh$4.00 -
73,880Dolson, CynthiaWalnut Prairiedep. mother $8.00 Sept. 1870
96,588Donelson, Henry G.Westfieldwd.l. leg$4.00 -
78,721Donham, Robert L.West Unionwd. r. hip$16.00 -
85,953Donner, OliverCaseywd. pelvis$15.00 -
145,705Dorr, Albert E.McKeenscurvy$8.00 -
28,163Drake, GideonMarshallwd.r. leg$8.00 -
118,323Duncan, Wm.Marshallwd.r. leg$18.00 -
73,698Dyenzay, MargaretMarshallwidow$8.00 -
221,447Elam, WmMarshallgen'l debility & scurvy$4.00 Nov. 1882
170,849Elliott, Phebe A.Orangewidow$8.00 -
154,083Eveland, John A.Dennisong.s.w. r. leg $6.00 June 1878
197,503Everland, NancyDennisondep. mother $8.00 Oct. 1882
124,969Farris, Robert.Marshallchro diarrh$8.00 -
184,377Fasig, ChristianMartinsvillech. diarr.$4.00 Mar. 1881
129,158Ferris, Nancy A.West Unionwidow--
73,007Files, ThomasDarwinwd.r. shr$10.00 -
73,676Finley, Samuel A.Martinsvillewd. l. arm$8.00 -
219,494Fisher, Chas. F.Caseych. diarr.$4.00 Oct. 1882
111,129Flowers, John T.Marshallinj. to r. shoulder$6.00 -
138,808Flowers, Mary J.Dennisondep. mother $8.00 Jan. 1870
183,716Forrester, LewisCaseych. diarr.$6.00 Mar. 1881
201,169Foster, IraMartinsvillech. diarr.$8.00 Jan. 1882
199,807Foster, Nathaniel G.Caseyg.s.wd. l. thigh$4.00 Dec. 1881
207,933Garner, JohnMarshallch. diarr. & dis. abd. vis $6.00 May 1882
181,309Garrison, JohnCaseyinj. to l. side, dis. of h'rt & l'ngs$4.00 Jan. 1881
24,548Gelkey, SallyWestfieldwidow$8.00 June 1879
66,464Genard, Mary M.Caseywidow$8.00 -
138,188Gernian, Oscar D.Martinsvillech. diarr $6.00 -
187,566Gibbons, MaryMarshalldep. mother $8.00 Mar. 1880
177,982Godderi, NathandredMarshalldis. of lungs$12.00 Oct. 1880
203,623Green, John WMarshallch. diarr.$8.00 Feb. 1882
193,594Green, John W.Marshallwd. back neck$12.50 July 1881
8,901Gresham, MarenaMarshallwidow$8.00 Sept. 1878
54,053Griffith, Chas. H.Martinsvilleg.s.wd.l. forearm & inj. r. ankle$8.00 -
85,724Groves, DavidCaseywd.l. ankle $4.00 -
209,010Gunn, Otis J.Walnut Prairiech. diarr. & dis. of lungs & dis. of abdominal vis$8.00 May 1881
132,701Hackney, FrancesMartinsvilledep. mother $8.00 Aug. 1869
119,437Hall, IndianaDarwinwidow$8.00 -
122,383Handy, Wm. A.West Unionch. diarr. & piles$10.00 -
106,107Hanks, RusannahDarwindep. mother $8.00 Jan. 1866
92,441Harlan, EdwinMarshallwd. spine & groin$10.00 -
86,893Harlan, Wm. H.Marshallwd.l. shr. & back$18.00 -
7,294Harlow, RhodaMarshallwidow$8.00 May 1874
75,513Harris, MahalaYorkdep. mother $8.00 June 1866
217,985Henderson, Thos.Martinsvilledis. of lungs$8.00 Sept. 1882
217,134Hetheington, HiramCaseych. diarr.$4.00 Aug. 1882
121,752Heubest, Mahala F.Marshallwidow$10.00 -
113,327Hill, SophiaClark Centredep. mother $8.00 May 1868
184,776Horner, MaryWest Unionwidow$8.00 July 1879
156,712Howell, Henry C.Martinsvillepartial deafness$2.00 Nov. 1878
29,997Hudson, JaneDarwinwidow$8.00 July 1880
171,982Husted, ChasMarshallchr. diarr. & dis. of ht. & lung$12.00 Aug. 1880
25,344Husted, NathanMartinsvilledis. of heart$12.00 -
194,903Huston, GeoMarshallch. rheum. & scurvy$6.00 Aug. 1881
86,729Hutchins, John H.Marshallwd.l. leg & c$6.00 -
186,785Hutchins, Robt. L.Marshallch. rheum $12.00 Apr. 1881
68,749Hutson, HellenMartinsvillewidow$8.00 -
135,537Isaac, HiersCaseyvar. veins both legs$8.00 -
210,278Ishler, IsaacMartinsvillech. diar. & dis of liver$8.00 June 1882
161,492Jackson, ElizthMarshalldep. mother $8.00 -
160,940Jeffers, HamiltonMarshallwd.r. thigh$2.00 June 1879
184,882Johnson, Barclay R.Marshallch. diarr. & dis. of liver$4.00 Mar. 1881
26,285Jurd, MarthaCaseywidow$8.00 Aug. 1879
123,590Kaufman, ChristianaMarshallwidow$8.00 -
55,222Keeran, Wm.Marshallwd. r. thigh$8.00 -
198,684Keith, JacksonMarshallg.s.wd. l. hand $2.00 Dec. 1881
193,320Keller, CharlesMarshalldis. of eyes$8.00 July 1881
149,927Kellogg, ChristianaMarshalldep. mother $8.00 -
190,023Kellogg, Geo.Marshalldep. father$8.00 Oct. 1880
185,442Kennedy, RachelMarshalldep. mother $8.00 Sept. 1879
121,220Kester, Mary A.Yorkdep. mother $8.00 Nov. 1868
186,804King, CathnMartinsvilledep. mother $8.00 Jan. 1880
179,104Kirby, ElizabethMcKeenwidow$10.00 -
189,063Kirkham, James H.Caseydyspepsia$2.00 May 1881
216,897Kite, JohnCaseyinjury to abdomen$4.00 Aug. 1882
28,977Knight, CatharineMartinsvillewidow$8.00 -
214,962Knight, John L.Martinsvillech. diarr.$2.00 June 1882
65,964Knight, Joseph P.Martinsvilleg.s.wd. r. hand$4.00 -
26,691Lacy, Nancy Martinsvillewidow$8.00 Sept. 1879
158,639Lane, HekerCaseyinj. to hip$18.00 -
32,461Lane, Nancy A.Caseywidow$8.00 June 1882
34,985Layton, America A.Darwinwidow$8.00 -
165,950Layton, Daniel J.West Unionwd.r. thigh$4.00 Mar. 1880
112,000Leamon, WilliamCaseywd. of r. arm$20.00 -
21,425Leet, Miles J.Marshallinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
103,314Levick, StephenWestfieldshell wd. rt. Leg$6.00 -
15,727Lindsey, JacksonMartinsvillewd. rt. arm$8.00 -
86,281Lowry, Henry P.Marshallwd. l. shoulder$8.00 -
182,659Loyd, JamesMarshallminor of$10.00 Dec. 1878
175,786Loyd, Wm. H.Marshallminor of$10.00 -
210,467Luarely, Samuel M.Martinsvilleg.s.wd. of l. thigh$4.00 June 1882
29,446Madison, AngelineMarshallwidow$20.00 Sept. 1864
117,189Maggart, JohnMartinsvillewd.l. hand$4.00 -
208,001Mailten, IsaacMarshallinj. of back & hip$4.00 May 1882
93,042Manley, Mary E.Marshallwidow$20.00 -
130,164Martin, BensonMarshallulcers l. leg, results of scurvy & neuralgia$6.00 -
6,264Martz, ElizabethMartinsvilledep. mother $8.00 Aug. 1874
60,950Martz, Wm. St.Martinsvilleloss r. leg $24.00 -
196,609Maxey, SusannaOrangewidow$12.00 June 1882
15,971McClung, ThomasMartinsville $8.00 Apr. 1872
175,553McCullough, Mary MMarshalldep. mother $8.00 May 1876
162,463McKee, AlonzoMartinsvilledis. of lungs$6.00 Sept. 1879
52,222McMullen, John L.Dennisong.s.wd. r. arm$8.00 Nov. 1865
135,006McNulty, Julia A. D.Marshalldep. mother $8.00 Sept. 1869
177,597Miller, Aquilla B.Marshalldep. father$8.00 June 1877
128,165Miller, Lloyd F.Caseywd.l. arm$4.00 -
92,941Miller, Wm. W.Marshallwd.r. shr.$8.00 -
141,378Mitchell, FidiliaMarshalldep. mother $8.00 Mar. 1870
120,315Montgomery, Martha A.Martinsvillewidow$8.00 -
9,093Montgomery, MatildaDennisonwidow$8.00 Sept. 1878
53,513Moore, Andrew A.Westfieldwd. r. forearm$8.00 -
188,152Moore, ChristopherMarshallwd.r. shoulder$2.00 May 1881
195,369Moore, Evan S.Caseyinj. to spine$8.00 Sept. 1881
217,785Morgan, JonathanMartinsvilledis. of throat$4.00 Sept. 1882
149,309Mosher, AlfonsoMartinsvilledropsy$8.00 -
144,250Mullen, PerceyCaseywd.r. foot $4.00 -
199,515Mumford, WmCaseyinj. to l. shr., back, dis. of kid$4.00 Dec. 1881
139,448Muncill, AmandaCohndep. mother $8.00 Feb. 1870
130,359Myers, Geo. W.Caseywd.l. foot$10.00 -
124,118Myers, Henry A.Martinsvilleg.s.wd. l. thigh$6.25 -
23,858Newlin, ThomasWestfieldwd.l. leg & l. hip$8.00 -
187,733Newman, James L.Martinsvillech. diarr.$4.00 Sept. 1881
95,143Niehman, JamesWalnut Prairieinj. l. hip$8.00 -
182,810Orendorf, ElizaMarshallwidow$10.00 Jan. 1879
192,867Orndorff, IsraelMarshalldebility & scurvy$6.00 July 1881
111,353Orndorff, Thos. D.Marshallch. dairr.$8.50 -
217,992Oxendine, LeviDarwindis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Sept. 1882
213,775Page, SamuelDennisonrheum., chr. diarr., disease of abdominal viscera$12.00 June 1882
19,342Parashaw, SarahMartinsvillewidow$8.00 -
164,382Paten, HannahMarshallwidow$15.00 Apr. 1874
170,258Patton, Mary A.Cohnwidow$21.00 July 1875
216,295Peery, John H.Cohnpart'l deaf. of both ears$2.00 Aug. 1882
177,265Pepper, Nelson W.Westfieldwd. over r. eye$4.00 Oct. 1880
115,818Perry, Benjamin F.Westfieldwd. r. foot$6.00 -
38,562Perry, JaneMartinsvillewidow$8.00 -
190,296Phillippe, Emerine H.Caseywidow$8.00 -
92,507Pipher, James O.Westfieldwd. l. leg$12.00 -
86,162Pope, JosiahMcKeenwd. rt. thigh$6.00 -
95,224Preston, AlfredMarshallwd. r. ankle & hip$6.00 -
55,905Price, AugustaMarshallwidow$8.00 -
205,741Reabout, JohnMartinsvillerheumatism$8.00 Mar. 1882
26,632Reddick, Geo. H.Caseywd.l. leg$18.00 -
207,944Reed, Nathan L.Caseych. diarr., dis. of abd. viscera, measles, pneu, dis. of lungs$6.00 May 1882
206,206Reidy, SamuelMarshallinjury to abdomen$4.00 Apr. 1882
7,358Retman, EveCaseywidow$8.00 -
36,942Richardson, Richard E.Caseyamaurosis$4.00 -
195,472Robgers, SarahWest Uniondep. mother $8.00 Apr. 1882
3,395Rodgers, HarrietMartinsvillewidow$8.00 Nov. 1870
16,314Rogers, PhoebeMartinsvillewidow$8.00 Jan. 1879
105,092Rollings, JosephDennisondis. of lungs$10.00 -
188,238Russell, Thomas R.Westfieldsunstroke, ner. Depresson$6.00 May 1881
132,468Sanders, CharlesMartinsvilleinjury to abdomen$4.00 Apr. 1875
-Sandy, Wm. F.Westfieldg.s.wd. rt. Thigh, paralysis rt. side $24.00 -
127,390Seacrest, WilliamMartinsvilleg.s.w. left arm$4.00 Mar. 1874
201,913Sears, Lemuel L.Cohnch. diarr., dis. of throat$6.00 Jan. 1882
45,794Shaw, Mary W.Marshallwidow$8.00 Apr. 1865
39,902Shields, Frances M.Martinsvillewidow$8.00 -
127,384Shields, JohnMarshallheart dis. & diabetes$14.00 -
93,898Shoemaker, John L.Caseywd. l. groin, hip & arms--
163,885Shoemaker, WilliamCaseyminor of$10.00 -
142,308Shorter, James B.Marshallinj. l. hand $2.00 -
170,669Siford, Mary Marshallwidow$10.00 -
198,207Simpson, Sarah J.Marshallwidow$16.00 Dec. 1882
103,424Sims, ElvinaMartinsvillewidow$8.00 Nov. 1867
100,571Slusser, GeogeMarshallch. diarr.$8.00 -
74,811Slusser, Thomas J.Caseywd.r. thigh$10.00 -
89,742Smith, Christian W.Marshallch. diarr. & dis. abd. vis --
20,801Smith, ElizabethMartinsvillewidow$8.00 Mar. 1879
18,121Smith, Henry F.Caseywd. rt. ankle$4.00 -
93,935Smith, John M.Martinsvilledis. of eye$12.00 -
144,342Smith, John R.Martinsvilleloss of middle & second fingers r. hand$4.00 -
179,677Smith, WilliamCaseydis. of throat & lungs$8.00 Dec. 1880
195,420Smyers, SamuelCaseyg.s.wd. head & l. leg$2.00 Sept. 1881
106,821Snider, Wm. A.Westfieldwd.l. leg$4.00 -
208,449Snyder, Wm. H.Westfieldg.s.wd. r. shoulder$4.00 May 1882
222,991Spencer, David F.Marshallch. diarr.$4.00 Dec. 1882
187,301Spenny, Wm.Martinsvillevaricose viens of legs$6.00 Apr. 1881
89,519Spivey, EvinWest Unionwd. rt. arm$4.00 -
162,591Steele, Nancy K.Marshallwidow$15.00 -
106,430Steers, Wm. L.Caseyloss sight l. eye$4.00 -
141,990Stifal, JacobCaseywd. l. thigh$4.00 -
213,688Stinesultz, JacobWestfieldch. diarr.$4.00 June 1882
120,313Stoneburner, EmelineMartinsvilledep. mother $8.00 Oct. 1868
191,456Street, JamesCaseyinjury to abdomen$8.00 June 1881
133,610Sturvedent, Dewitt C.Caseysore eyes$4.00 -
197,650Suttle, WmDennisonch. diarr. & paralysis$12.00 Nov. 1881
200,628Tabscott, WesleyMarshallch. diarr. & dis. of kidneys$4.00 Jan. 1882
182,127Thatcher, Wm. J.Dennisonchr. diarr., dis. of heart$8.00 Feb. 1881
120,751Thompson, Aaron Marshallch. diarr. & dis. abd. vis $4.00 -
143,066Thompson, Charles W.McKeenchr. rheum. & dis. of heart$24.00 -
119,396Thornburgh, Marcus M.Dennisonsunstroke$8.00 -
77,734Tomlinson, ZedekiahMartinsvillewd.l. hd. & foot$6.00 -
7,436Toner, MaryCaseywidow$8.00 Mar. 1868
92,626Turner, John J.West Unionwd. l. leg$4.00 -
120,082Vanflect, ElizabethMelrosewidow$8.00 Oct. 1868
100,427Wall, GarretCaseywd. lft. groin$8.00 -
187,564Walton, JacobDennisonloss of sight of l. eye, imparied vision r. eye$6.00 Apr. 1881
145,978Warner, NancyMartinsvillewidow$8.00 -
32,669Wease, AmyWestfieldwidow$8.00 Sept. 1882
156,773Wells, John G.Caseydis. of eyes$2.00 -
122,384Whit, SilasDarwinch. diarr., injury to abdomen$12.00 -
177,877White, JaneMarshallwidow$8.00 Jan. 1867
134,584Whithannack, JohnDarwinwd. of face$4.00 -
197,723Whitlock, Florence J.Marshallwidow$10.00 -
69,346Williams, Alexander W.Caseyloss l. eye $4.00 -
110,980Williams, John W.Dennisonchr. rheum. affect, spine--
178,382Williams, LeviMartinsvilledis. of eyes$6.00 Nov. 1880
175,062Williamson, AlonzoCaseychro. diarrh. & dis. of lungs$4.00 Oct. 1880
3,671Willoughby, Hannah A.Marshallwidow$8.00 Feb. 1867
96,627Wilson, MortonWest Unionwd.r. leg$4.00 -
200,315Winters, Henry L.Caseydis. of lungs$8.00 Jan. 1882
148,370Wivel, LeviMarshallwd. l.shr$6.00 -
92,282Wood, Wm. G.Westfieldwd. r. thumb$4.00 -

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