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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Cass County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Cass County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
159,767Adkins, Amos D.Chandlervilledis. of abdominal viscera$10.00 May 1879
159,434Agardt, AugustAshlandwd. r. side abdomen$8.00 Apr. 1879
205,999Arnold, RichAshlandchr. diarr. & asthma$8.00 Apr. 1882
61,679Arthur, Henry J. C.Virginiawd. l. forearm$18.00 -
184,770Ater, Jahna J.Virginiadep. mother$8.00 July 1879
203,355Baker, RichardBluff Springswd. r. chest$6.00 Feb. 1882
175,593Bess, James W.Ashlandchr. rheum$12.00 Oct. 1880
200,293Bissell, Chas. H.Beardstownloss l. index finger, wd. r. ear, deaf of same$4.00 Jan. 1882
220,483Blair, DavidChandlervilledis. lungs$2.00 Nov. 1882
9,854Burrows, NancyVirginiawidow$8.00 June 1868
170,767Campbell, BlairVirginiadep. father$8.00 Oct. 1875
116,051Campbell, James G.Virginia-$15.00 -
73,676Case, CatharineChandlervillewidow$8.00 -
32,605Coleman, ElsiePhiladelphiawidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 1882
210,817Colladay, Stephen M.Virginiadiarr., dis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 June 1882
9,428Collins, MaryChandlervillewidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 1878
33,692Commerford, JamesVirginialoss l. leg$18.00 -
66,771Craig, Helen E.Virginiawidow$8.00 -
151,195Crews, Thos. M.Virginiach. diarr.$8.00 Feb., 1878
202,075Daniel, John W.Ashlandsunstroke, dis. head, vertigo$14.00 Jan. 1882
195,481Davis, Francis M.Virginiainj. to spine$4.00 Sept. 1881
3,229Davis, Wm. B.Ashlandw. r. thigh$4.00 -
178,861Dowler, Moses M.Beardstowndis. lung$18.00 Nov. 1880
106,022Duffield, Wm. H.Virginiainjury to abdomen$4.00 -
26,622Dunaway, Margaret A.Chandlervillewidow$8.00 -
73,864Dygert, EdwinVirginiawd. head$8.00 -
18,293Eames, Abbie F.Beardstowndep. mother$15.00 Apr. 1864
35,167Elliott, JamesBeardstownwd. thigh & r. calf$6.00 -
208,840Evans, John Y.Virginiadis. lungs, eyes$6.00 May 1882
143,665Evans, JosiahChandlervilledis. eyes$10.00 -
178,381Fielder, Jas. F.Virginiawd. l. sh., dis. liver & kidneys--
141,151Fish, EzraBeardstowninjury to abdomen$17.00 -
123,184Flannery, EllenBeardstowndep. mother$8.00 Jan. 1869
211,738Fox, James G.Virginiawd. r. side $2.00 June 1882
217,937Fox, MartinVirginiadis. lungs & liver$6.00 Sept. 1882
209,979French, David M.Virginiawd. r. hip$2.00 May 1882
203,635Garrison, Wm. H.Beardstowndis. lungs$4.00 Feb. 1882
169,325Hale, SusanVirginiawidow$8.00 -
56,828Hamilton, Samuel L.Ashlandfract. r. leg$11.25 -
53,802Hansmeier, AugustBeardstownwd. r. foot$18.00 -
213,739Hansmeier, SimonBeardstownch. diarr.$4.00 June 1882
62,771Hewett, Sarah A.Ashlandwidow$8.00 Oct. 1867
137,196Hurst, Alexander M.Virginiawd. r. foot$5.00 -
212,709Kennett, Fredk A.Virginiachr. diarr., dis. of abd. vis.$4.00 June 1882
110,956King, Solomon M.Bluff Springswd. l. hip, inj. to abdomen$12.00 -
150,834Long, MiltonArenzvillech. diarr.$2.00 -
54,242Lynch, Joseph S.Virginiawd. r. thigh$8.00 -
43,281Marshall, JemimaChandlervilledep. mother$8.00 Mar. 1865
137,580Mitchell, John F.Virginialoss joint r. thumb$4.00 -
214,471Monroe, John G.Chandlervilleinj. r. elbow$4.00 June 1882
215,190Mureiss, ConradBeardstowndis. heart$6.00 July 1882
194,738Newman, Esther JaneAshlandwidow$32.00 Mar. 1882
192,753Nuderer, ArnoldChandlervillescurvy$4.00 July 1881
33,990Opitz, Chas.Beardstownwd. face$15.00 -
145,094Pesterfield, Jas. H.Ashlandwd. l. arm$4.00 -
213,897Plummer, John W.Virginiach. diar., dyspepsia$6.00 June 1882
94,137Reynolds, PatrickAshlandasthma$12.00 -
30,927Richey, SarahBeardstownwidow 1812$8.00 Dec. 1880
87,629Rumerfield, JohnChandlervillewd. of head$24.00 -
79,093Schmehl, ConradChandlervillewd. r. heel$6.00 -
148,820Shafer, David A.Newmansvillewd. r. knee$6.00 -
128,857Shirkey, John B.Virginiaophthalmia$12.00 -
157,143Snell, AdolphChandlervilledis. lungs$8.00 Jan. 1879
179,345Swartwood, Chas.Chandlervillewd. r. shr. & injury to abdomen$6.00 Dec. 1880
55,658Thacker, Benj. F.Beardstownloss r. leg$24.00 -
194,387Turner, Jacob R.Virginiainj. rt. hand, dis. heart$8.00 Aug. 1881
74,815Vanderauter, Isaac B.Virginiawd. both thighs$6.00 -
101,501Vearia, JosephVirginiawd. r. heel$3.00 -
36,440Wedeking, John H.Beardstownloss r. thigh$24.00 -
8,772Wiegand, GertrudeBeardstownwidow$8.00 Nov. 1863
189,750Witcher, JosephVirginiach. diarr., dis. of abd. vis.$6.00 June 1881
169,497Wright, Joseph L.Virginiach. diarr.$6.00 June 1880
86,375Wyatt, John W.Beardstownch. diarr.$2.00 -

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