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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Bond County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Bond County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
23,666Abbott, LavinaGreenvillewidow$8.00 Mar. 1867
30,272Adams, LemuelGreenvillewd. l. forearm$15.00 -
29,294Adcock, SolomonMulberry Groveloss l. arm$24.00 -
87,966Alderman, Wm.Greenvillewd. r. leg$6.00 -
199,853Alexander, JohnGreenvilledis. lungs & diarr.$4.00 Dec. 1881
92,611Alexander, John M.Greenvillewd. l. shoulder$6.00 -
205,219Allison, Thos. L.Pocahontaswd. r. hand, loss part all fing.$12.00 -
41,598Andrews, Wm.Greenvillewd. l. breast, arm, rt. leg$8.00 -
92,113Armstrong, Joseph H.Greenvillewd. r. hand$8.00 -
165,997Atwood, Andrew H.Greenvilleinjury to abdomen$8.00 Mar. 1880
118,727Baker, Jas. G.Greenvillewd. l. thigh$8.00 -
172,760Becker, Anna M.Pleasant Moundwidow$14.00 Feb. 1879
20,951Belyen, NancyPocahontasdep. mother$8.00 -
17,663Berge, Milluent C.Greenvillewidow$8.00 Feb. 1879
119,020Bernhart, JohnPocahontasrheu., dis. heart$24.00 May 1864
66,964Bingham, Sam'l. R.Woburnwd. r. hand$2.00 -
61,348Boldt, JohnOld Ripleywd. l. hand$18.00 Dec. 1880
187,131Bone, LouisaMulberry Grovewidow$18.00 -
62,673Book, Michael F.Greenvillewd. face, l. hand$8.00 -
175,835Booker, Mary M.Mulberry Grovewidow$8.00 May 1869
111,520Brown, AllenWoburninjury to abdomen$4.00 May 1879
53,635Brown, Geo. M.Mulberry Groveloss l. leg$24.00 -
156,600Brown, Thomas M.Pocahontasvari. veins l. leg, bronchi$6.00 -
76,235Brown, Wm. M.Woburnwd. l. thigh$6.00 -
153,603Bruner, Wm. B.Greenvillechr. diarr.$10.00 June 1878
201,328Byfield, Fred'k. W.Cottonwood Groveinj. to back$4.00 Jan. 1882
104,221Carrilton, CharlesOld Ripleyg. s. w. l. leg$5.00 -
121,538Chasey, Wm. H.Pleasant Moundrheum$24.00 Mar. 1876
130,411Clark, NelsonGreenvilledis. of eyes-
188,988Colcord, Otis C.Greenvillechr. rheu.$8.00 May 1881
146,393Cox, Rufus D.Greenvillewd. l. arm$1.00 -
52,419Crabtree, Matilda J.Beaver Creekwidow$8.00 July 1865
164,253Craig, Wm., jr.Greenvilleinj. head$6.00 Jan. 1880
185,894Crowell, Andrew W.Pleasant Moundinj. head, dis. eye$8.00 Sept. 1882
190,436Davis, Henry W.Greenvillewd. r. hand$2.00 June 1881
149,636Davis, Jas. F.Greenvillech. diar.$6.00 -
126,244Davis, Jas. GCottonwood Grovewd. r. thumb$2.00 -
129,294Dee, Mary, M.Mulberry Grovewidow$8.00 Aug. 1882
189,807Dewey, Theron S.Beaver Creekwd. r. side$1.00 June 1881
178,145Dinwiddie, Geo. W.Woburninj. l. knee, dis. eyes$4.00 Dec. 1881
127,334Eakin, Amanda E.Greenvillewidow$8.00 Apr. 1869
88,071Enloe, Isaac M.Smithboroughwd. r. leg$8.00 -
217,704Eyman, AbrahamPleasant Mounddis. lungs, heart$6.00 Oct. 1880
144,214Farris, John O.Greenvillewd. rt. arm$4.00 Mar. 1877
17,630Ferguson, DeborahPleasant Moundwidow 1812$8.00 -
15,375Finley, Nancy T.Beaver Creekwidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 1879
43,153Fipps, Wm. Thos.Pocahontasloss l. arm$24.00 -
74,393Foster, Elizabeth C.Greenvilledep. mother$8.00 Apr. 1869
192,729Fuller, MaryGreenvillewidow$12.00 June 1881
196,943Fuller, MaryMulberry Grovewidow$8.00 -
148,714Garrett, JasGreenvilleinj. to abdomen, inj. l. side$8.00 -
57,407Gealm, Margaret J.Beaver Creekwidow$8.00 Oct. 1865
183,959Gingles, Nancy A.Beaver Creekwidow$8.00 Apr. 1879
172,686Goodwin, Samuel H.Greenvilledis. lungs$6.00 Aug 1880
133,103Gregory, Benj. F.Beaver Creekwd. l. shoulder$4.00 -
180,355Gunsallus, DanielOld Ripleydis. of lungs$5.00 -
193,010Hall, HarveyBeaver Creekminor of$8.00 July 1881
17,536Hanney, FrederickPierronwd. lft. foot, loss great toe$8.00 Mar. 1881
6,434Hardin, ElmoreGreenvilledisloca. l. shoulder$8.00 -
129,122Harlan, Geo. F.Dudleyvillewd. l. arm$2.00 -
21,433Harlan, Nancy H.Dudleyvillewidow$17.00 -
192,997Harris, CalebBeaver Creekfever sore l. leg$6.00 July 1881
175,592Hawley, John H.Greenvilleulcer l. leg$8.00 Oct. 1881
204,768Helm, Wiley R.Greenvillemalar. poi., dis. liver$4.00 Mar. 1882
69,235Henry, MaryGreenvilledep. mother$8.00 Apr. 1866
179,127Hentz, MichaelGreenvillewd. l. thigh$2.00 Nov. 1880
71,148Herzog, AdolphOld Ripleych. ophthalmia$24.00 -
171,485Hockett, OliverDudleyvillechr. diar., dis. heart$12.00 July 1880
20,500Hull, MariaGreenvillewidow$8.00 Apr. 1864
170,886Ingles, Elizabeth S.Greenvillewidow$8.00 -
121,376Jackson, Wm. J.Smithboroughpleuro., pneu$4.00 Oct. 1880
199,230Jeat, Ambrose C.Woburnwd. back$2.00 -
212,332Jennings, Carey W.Greenvillechr. diar.$6.00 June 1881
155,746Johnson, HenryMulberry Groveabscess l. side$8.00 Oct. 1878
165,799Johnston, Mary J.Pocahontaswidow$8.00 Mar. 1882
178,654Kingon, James W.Greenvillerheu., dis. heart$4.00 Nov. 1880
68,341Kirkham, Geo. T.Old Ripleywd. face$12.00 -
28,302Koonce, ElizabethBeaver Creekwidow 1812$8.00 Dec. 1879
9,413Koonce, Martha A.Mulberry Grovewidow$8.00 Feb. 1881
94,328Lewbeck, JulesPierronwd. rt. side & dis. lungs$18.00 -
112,199Lewis, LeviMulberry Grovechr. diarr., dis. heart$8.00 Mar. 1880
223,825Libbey, Samnel H.Cottonwood Grovechr. diarr.$4.00 -
140,648Matthew, HenryGreenvillech. rheu., dis. heart & eyes$18.00 -
201,413McAdams, Jas. W.Greenvillewd. l. shoulder$11.25 Jan. 1882
171,351McAdams, SarahGreenvillewidow$8.00 -
191,058McCaslin, John N.Mulberry Groveminor of$12.00 -
148,409McClung, Geo. W.Pocahontaswd. head$2.00 -
162,544McCord, Geo. CGreenvillechr. rheu.$11.25 Oct. 1879
44,193McDonald, Mary A.Beaver Creekwidow$8.00 -
47,909McLaughlin, Wm. R.Greenvillewd. l. leg$8.00 -
213,644McVey, ThomasGreenvillechr. diarr.$4.00 June 1882
192,433Merry, Fred'k. K.Greenvillech. diar., pleuritis of r. side, aff. arm$6.00 July 1881
159,805Middleton, Wm. N.Woburndis. stomach, ner. pros.$5.00 -
149,637Minor, Jas. M.Pocahontaswd. of neck$6.00 -
92,098Murdock, MaryGreenvillewidow$8.00 -
51,978Newcomb, CharlotteGreenvilledep. mother$8.00 July 1865
12,252Pfertner, JacobOld Ripleywd. l. shr.$4.00 -
190,205Reddick, Maria J.Greenvillewidow$18.00 -
178,289Reddick, Rachel E.Greenvillewidow$12.00 -
137,725Redding, Jas.Pocahontasdiarr. & dis. of abd. viscera$10.00 -
86,546Reeves, Jas. C.Greenvillewd. l. hand$4.00 -
79,146Reid, John B.Greenvillewd. thorax$25.00 -
194,113Rench, Jas.Mulberry Grovechr. diarr.$4.00 Aug. 1881
13,813Ridgway, Robt.Greenvillewd. lower jaw$4.00 -
130,328Riggs, Jesse E.Cottonwood Grovewd. l. thumb$4.00 -
214,492Schrumpf, PeterPocahontaswd. r. side head$2.00 Nov. 1878
113,358Serwald, FranzGreenvillewd. l. side head$6.00 -
139,971Shaw, Wm.Greenvillechr. diar., rheu.$12.00 -
142,759Skanes, Jas.Greenvilleulcer r. leg & thigh$6.00 -
178,056Skelton, Thos. C.Mulberry Grovechr. diarr.$4.00 -
106,369Spratt, Sam'l. J.Greenvillewd. r. thigh, l. shoulder$8.00 -
183,122Stahl, Geo.Greenvilledep. father$8.00 Mar. 1879
162,783Stearns, Chas. E.Greenvilledis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 Oct. 1879
192,002Stephens, Marquis DeLElm Pointminor of$10.00 Apr. 1881
134,871Stout, ElizabethGreenvilledep. mother$8.00 Sept. 1869
101,114Strowbridge, ElizaDudleyvillewidow$8.00 -
145,409Sutton, LouisPleasant Moundminor of$10.00 June 1882
126,884Tabor, Solomon M.Greenvillechr. rheu.$11.25 -
176,789Taylor, Chas.Pleasant Moundinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
148,548Thacker, Martin V.Greenvillewd. l. breast$8.00 -
114,064Weaver, OliverGreenvilleinj. l. arm fr. impure vaccine$8.00 -
83,750Wheeler, Jas. S.Old Ripleywd. r. shr.$8.00 -
17,971White, Mary C.Greenvillewidow$8.00 -
26,733Whitlock, John W.Greenvillewd. l. leg$8.00 -
51,297Whitney, JohnBeaver Creekwd. l. shoulder$6.00 -
131,721Wise, Alonzo P.Greenvillewd. r. leg$4.00 -
197,456Wood, Thos. B.Greenvillewd. l. shoulder, jaw, cheek; neural.$2.00 Nov. 1881
124,916Woolard, Jas. B.Mulberry Grovechr. diarr., typhus$20.00 -
144,218Wright, Jos. C.Woburnfrac. r. leg and ankle$6.00 -

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