1883 Adams County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
16, 427 | Baker, Arminda J. | Adams | Widow | $8.00 | - |
203,733 | Hoppman, Newton | Adams | G. S. W. head | $6.00 | Feb. 1882 |
52,924 | Crubaugh, Joseph B. | Adams | Wd. Neck | $8.00 | - |
110,633 | McKee, Wm. F. | Adams | Wd. L. Thigh | $4.00 | - |
99,389 | Maloan, Stephen A. | Adams | Inj. to Back | $6.00 | - |
59, 098 | Gallaher, Jas | Barnard | Wd. L. Thigh | $4.00 | - |
83,985 | Mixer, Sarah | Beverly | Widow | $8.00 | - |
198,046 | Lawson, Wm. | Beverly | G. S. W. Head | $4.00 | Nov. 1881 |
26,574 | Covert, Wm. | Beverly | Heart Dis. | $18.00 | - |
125,617 | Kayler, Owen T. | Beverly | Chr. Diarr. | $6.00 | - |
181,310 | Gibson, James | Big Neck | Dis. of bowels, dis. abd, vis., & dis. of liver | $6.00 | Jan. 1881 |
138,273 | Steighorst, Fred'k W. | Burton | Guardian | $10.00 | - |
166,647 | Hughes, Alice A. | Burton | Widow | $12.00 | Dec. 1874 |
165,314 | Tracy, Jas. W. | Camp Point | Guardian | $10.00 | - |
16,655 | Reed, Rebecca | Camp Point | Widow | $8.00 | - |
8,129 | Earel, Margaret | Camp Point | Widow | $8.00 | Aug. 1878 |
163,914 | Campbell, Eliz'th | Camp Point | Widow | $8.00 | - |
178,897 | Beckett, Ellen F. | Camp Point | Widow | $8.00 | - |
192,981 | Moore, John | Camp Point | Dep. Father | $8.00 | July 1881 |
89,672 | Akess, Ann | Camp Point | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Feb. 1867 |
39,371 | Lewis, Louisa | Camp Point | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | July 1874 |
192,067 | Carl, Ann | Camp Point | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr. 1881 |
1,926 | McKinney, Saline B. | Camp Point | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | - |
136,735 | Maloan, America | Camp Point | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Nov. 1867 |
153,214 | McRell, Sarah | Camp Point | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Aug. 1871 |
101,940 | Vincent, Bishop M. | Camp Point | Shell Wd. R. Side | $6.00 | - |
95,106 | Gallaher, John H. | Camp Point | Diarr. & Dyspepsia | $12.00 | - |
149,938 | Allen, David | Camp Point | Chr. Rheum. | $6.00 | - |
97,574 | Musendick, Frederick | Camp Point | Dis. Heart | $8.00 | - |
109,322 | Jamison, James | Camp Point | Dis. Eyes | $8.00 | - |
107,076 | Bunham, Wm. A. | Camp Point | Ophthalmia | $6.00 | - |
55,073 | Haley, Jesse | Camp Point | Wd. R. Arm | $4.00 | - |
111,054 | Allen, Isaac | Camp Point | Wd. L. Forearm | $4.00 | - |
69,480 | Wartick, Joseph | Camp Point | Wd. R. Shr. | $18.00 | - |
74,421 | Owen, Chas. J. | Camp Point | Wd. R. Arm | $18.00 | - |
103,379 | Leach, Edwin E. | Camp Point | Wd. L. Thigh | $6.00 | - |
194,096 | Livingston, Benj. | Camp Point | G. S. W. L. Thumb | $2.00 | Aug. 1881 |
202,990 | Hahn, Hiram | Camp Point | G. S. W. L. Hand | $6.00 | Feb. 1882 |
64,908 | Wartick, John F. | Camp Point | Loss R. Eye & Impaired on Left | $12.00 | - |
210,815 | Curless, Sam'l | Camp Point | Chr. Diarr. Inj. to Abdomen | $8.00 | June 1882 |
207,018 | Cox, John C. | Camp Point | Inj. to Left Ankle | $6.00 | Apr. 1882 |
153,772 | Taylor, Margaret | Camp Point | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sept. 1871 |
106,574 | Likes, Rob't | Chestline | Varicose Veins L. Leg | $12.00 | - |
142,322 | Jessup, Alvin | Chestline | Wd. R. Thigh | $4.00 | - |
69,667 | Beltmire, Solomon | Chestline | Dis. Stomach & Dyspepsia | $14.00 | - |
192,340 | Cramston, Rose A. | Clayton | Dep. Father | $8.00 | May 1881 |
196,645 | Harbison, Eliz'th W. | Clayton | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | June 1882 |
170,029 | Cramston, Rose A. | Clayton | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Feb. 1875 |
192,120 | Thompson, Louisa S. | Clayton | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr. 1881 |
53,343 | Wallace, Mary | Clayton | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Aug. 1865 |
184,426 | Milby, Elizabeth | Clayton | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | June 1879 |
93,274 | Mead, Margaret | Clayton | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr. 1867 |
168, 855 | Rice, Eliza J. | Clayton | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | May 1875 |
83,882 | Wallace, Martha A. | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | - |
86,431 | Weaver, Malinda | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | - |
74,072 | Banton, Susan E. | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | June 1867 |
9,101 | Knight, Ellen B. | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | - |
39,643 | Kirkpatrick, Mary | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | - |
18,750 | Dewitt, Margaret A. | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1864 |
166,743 | Rabb, Susan S. | Clayton | Widow | $10.00 | - |
32,365 | May, Ferilda A. | Clayton | Widow | $20.00 | - |
92,197 | Thomas, Catharine | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | - |
151,587 | Tibbetts, Isabel | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | - |
157,917 | Thornhill, Mary A. | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | - |
27,025 | Eyman, Sarah | Clayton | Widow | $8.00 | - |
158,482 | Hamilton, Wm. T. | Clayton | Inj. L. Breast | $8.00 | - |
167,795 | Sutherland, John T. | Clayton | Inj. to Spine | $10.00 | May 1880 |
197,733 | Stiffy, John | Clayton | Inj. to Back | $2.00 | Nov. 1881 |
185,057 | Tatuian, Chas. S. | Clayton | Inj. to Back | $4.00 | Mar. 1881 |
222,908 | Easum, John | Clayton | G. S. W. R. Leg | $4.00 | Dec. 1882 |
69,499 | McCoy, Frances M. | Clayton | Wd. L. Leg | $6.00 | - |
30,960 | Fordyce, Thos. W. | Clayton | Wd. Spinal Column | $12.00 | - |
63,870 | Graham, Jas. M. | Clayton | Wd. L. Arm | $12.00 | - |
137,076 | Kirkpatrick, James | Clayton | Wd. R. Thigh | $8.50 | - |
29,639 | West, Edward | Clayton | Wd. L. Arm | $18.00 | - |
160,645 | Lowry, Jacob F. | Clayton | Wd. L. Thigh | $12.00 | June 1879 |
27,851 | Piles, Joshua O. | Clayton | Fracture Fibula | $4.00 | - |
117,595 | Davis, Abraham | Clayton | Sunstroke | $8.00 | - |
51,829 | Dodd, Wm. H. H. | Clayton | Anch. R. Elbow-joint | $18.00 | - |
112,119 | Jefferson, Joseph | Clayton | Ophthalmia | $8.00 | - |
85,469 | Castle, Wm. H. | Clayton | Injury to Abdomen | $8.00 | - |
204,207 | Emery, Dan'l F. | Clayton | Partial Deafness Both Ears | $2.00 | Mar. 1882 |
145,639 | David, John M. | Clayton | Chr. Diarr., Dis. Lungs, with Dis. Heart | $18.00 | - |
99,527 | Lackey, Abel M. | Clayton | Result Sunstroke | $8.00 | - |
99,101 | Rostick, Chas. H. | Clayton | Ch. Altorhea & Neuralgia | $18.00 | - |
135,217 | Jameson, Thos. | Clayton | Chr. Diarr. | $6.00 | - |
169,545 | Stiffy, Geo. W. | Clayton | Chr. Diarr., Dis. Eyes | $12.00 | June 1880 |
219,863 | Harbison, Rob't | Clayton | Chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | Oct. 1882 |
218,886 | Shank, John | Clayton | Chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | Oct.1882 |
190,139 | Sheppard, Wm. W. | Clayton | Chr. Diarr., Dis. Heart | $12.00 | June 1881 |
169,995 | Rennecker, Joseph | Clayton | Chr. Diarr., Result Dis. of Abd. Viscera, Dis. Kid. & Heart | $12.00 | June 1880 |
219,068 | Wood, Jesse D. | Clayton | Dis. of Abd. vis. Bronchitis, Dis. Lungs & H't, Suns'ke, & C. | $12.00 | Oct. 1882 |
54,398 | Melby, Edward | Clayton | Wd. Lft. Leg | $24.00 | - |
106,361 | Galt, Thomas | Clayton | Chro. Rheum. | $14.00 | Apr. 1875 |
95,968 | Champion, Wm. L. | Clayton | Wd. Lft. Shoulder | $4.00 | - |
45,906 | Odear, Elizabeth | Coatsburgh | Widow | $8.00 | - |
126,980 | Conner, Henry | Coatsburgh | Injury to Abdomen | $8.00 | - |
46,992 | Thompson, Wm. H. | Coatsburgh | Wd. Lower Jaw | $18.00 | - |
106,761 | Chandler, Theo. | Coatsburgh | Wd. L. Shr., Dis. L. Lung | $6.00 | - |
205,021 | Beer, Thos. | Coatsburgh | G. S. W. Shr., R. Thigh | $8.00 | Mar. 1882 |
63,480 | Cannon, Lydia A. | Columbus | Widow | $8.00 | - |
45,409 | Touvet, Martha | Columbus | Widow | $8.00 | - |
59,479 | Taylor, Rachel | Columbus | Widow | $8.00 | - |
184,512 | Lutener, Margaret | Fair Weather | Widow | $12.00 | June 1879 |
14,937 | Willis, Jane | Fair Weather | Widow | $8.00 | - |
51,218 | Dark, Margaret | Fair Weather | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | July 1865 |
116,924 | Edison, Nathan | Fair Weather | Dis. Lungs | $8.00 | - |
133,018 | Perrigs, Justus S. | Fair Weather | Dis. Lungs, Heart, Eyes | $18.00 | - |
116,925 | Gallaher, Sam'l | Fair Weather | Dis. Lungs, Heart, Eyes | $18.00 | - |
204,063 | Gates, Seybold | Fair Weather | Dis. Kidneys | $4.00 | Mar. 1882 |
172,308 | Buffington, Peter B. | Fair Weather | Paralysis | $18.00 | Aug. 1880 |
39,795 | Askew, Franklin A. | Fair Weather | Wd. both Thighs | $4.00 | - |
69,478 | Weidenhammer, Geo. | Fair Weather | Wd. Lt. Foot | $8.00 | - |
156,615 | Inslee, John | Fair Weather | Wd. Head | $4.00 | Nov. 1878 |
127,613 | Tomlin, Wm. P. | Fair Weather | Chr. Rheum. | $12.00 | - |
108,122 | Belts, Wm. | Fair Weather | Chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | - |
66,731 | Sparks, Wm. L. | Fair Weather | Chr. Diarr. | $18.00 | - |
193,845 | Askew, Wm. P. | Fair Weather | Chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | Aug. 1881 |
188,453 | Brimm, Peter | Fair Weather | Chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | May 1881 |
46,708 | Likes, Philip | Fair Weather | Dis. of Abd. viscera, Heart Dis. | $8.00 | - |
173,114 | Hulse, Mary E. | Fowler | Widow | $20.00 | - |
68,570 | Conger, Wilson | Fowler | Loss R. Arm | $24.00 | - |
110,321 | Backman, Andolph D. | Fowler | Sunstroke | $18.00 | - |
18,180 | Hyatt, Joel | Fowler | Wd. L. Thigh & Rheum. | $12.00 | - |
129,120 | Glay, Chas. | Fowler | Wd. R. Leg | $8.00 | - |
90,991 | Younghein, Julius | Fowler | Wd. L Arm | $4.00 | - |
207,731 | Heudall, Elijah | Fowler | G. S. W. L. Arm | $4.00 | Apr. 1882 |
71,854 | Worner, Andolph | Fowler | Dis. of Brain | $10.00 | - |
138,541 | Bixby, Geo. A. | Fowler | Diarr. & Bronchitis | $10.00 | - |
37,021 | Booker, Sarah W. | Fowler | Widow | $8.00 | - |
195,873 | Horeny, Agnes | Golden | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | May 1882 |
67,354 | Eason, Wm. | Golden | Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | - |
140,731 | Crum, Theo. P. | Golden | Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | - |
130,671 | Cline, Robt. | Golden | Injury to Abdomen | $4.00 | - |
193,895 | Alexandria, Wm. L. | Golden | G. S. W. Head | $4.00 | Aug. 1881 |
99,994 | Hanna, Wm. | Golden | Wd. L. Thigh & Epilepsy | $30.00 | - |
94,333 | Selby, Hanlo E. | Golden | Wd. Head | $8.00 | - |
83,371 | Zimmerman, John J. | Golden | Wd. Rt. Head | $4.00 | - |
86,655 | Parker, Lucius | Golden | Dis. of Eyes | $18.00 | - |
140,529 | Wisehart, George W. | Golden | G. S. W. Rt. Shoulder | $4.00 | - |
22,241 | Davis, Adam | Kellerville | $8.00 | June 1878 | |
22,902 | Leapley, Elizabeth | Kellerville | Widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1879 |
3,811 | Dewitt, Elizabeth A. | Kellerville | Widow | $8.00 | - |
172,754 | Padgett, Barbara | Kellerville | Widow | $8.00 | - |
171,555 | Leach, Rutherford | Kellerville | Dis. Kidneys & Bladder | $10.00 | July 1880 |
189,244 | Mills, Nicholas | Kellerville | Dep. Father | $8.00 | July 1880 |
50,798 | Dool, John H. | Kellerville | Wd. L. Hand | $6.00 | - |
20,826 | Mason, Peter | Kellerville | Wd. L. Hand | $18.00 | - |
159,902 | Spicer, John D. | Kellerville | Chr. Rheum. | $4.00 | - |
199,512 | McNeff, Jas. | Kellerville | Dis. of Heart | $18.00 | Dec. 1881 |
197,299 | Huddleston, Geo. W. | Kellerville | Chr. Diarr., Dis. of Abd. vis., & Dis. Lungs | $8.00 | Nov. 1881 |
208,268 | Cookson, Andrew J. | Kellerville | Inj. R. Foot, Fr. ax-cut | $12.00 | May 1882 |
53,066 | Thomas, Ruth | La Prairie | Widow | $8.00 | - |
103,203 | Thompson, Wm. H. | La Prairie | Injury to Abdomen | $8.00 | - |
223,764 | Rainwater, Jacob A. | La Prairie | Chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | Dec. 1882 |
30,020 | Bryant, Thomas J. | La Prairie | Wd. R. Leg | $20.00 | - |
21,093 | Cruise, Marg't | Liberty | Widow | $8.00 | - |
9,492 | Frey, Elvinia | Liberty | Widow | $8.00 | - |
115,970 | Feitherty, Sarah E. | Liberty | Widow | $8.00 | - |
30,073 | Bluen, Matilda C. | Liberty | Widow | $8.00 | - |
40,610 | Hendricks, Lucy M. | Liberty | Widow | $8.00 | Feb. 1865 |
185,195 | Holtyle, Elizabeth | Liberty | Widow | $10.00 | Aug. 1879 |
34,819 | Heine, Fred'k | Liberty | Malarial Dis. & results | $12.00 | - |
106,363 | Frey, Tillman X. | Liberty | Injury to Abdomen | $8.00 | - |
84,934 | Hoffman, Julius | Liberty | Gen'l Dis. | $6.00 | - |
156,714 | Huntz, John | Liberty | Inj. to L. Ankle & Joint | $4.00 | Nov. 1878 |
194,086 | Hitzell, Lewis | Liberty | Scurvy & Dis. Eyes | $12.00 | Aug. 1881 |
74,025 | Miller, Benj. | Liberty | Dis. Heart & Lungs | $6.00 | - |
120,613 | Barnard, Frances M. | Liberty | G. S. W. Thigh & Dis. of Bronchitis & Lungs | $3.00 | - |
120,800 | Craig, Milton | Liberty | Rheum. & Dis. Heart | $18.00 | - |
199,440 | Follmer, Bernhard | Liberty | Chr. Rheum. | $4.00 | Dec. 1881 |
163,687 | Noble, Albert | Liberty | Dis. of Abdominal viscera | $6.00 | Nov. 1879 |
151,356 | Geiger, John | Liberty | Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | Mar. 1878 |
163,281 | Mercer, Philip H. | Liberty | Wd. R. Shr. & Chr. Shr. | $8.00 | Oct. 1879 |
129,530 | Bartlett, Joseph | Liberty | Wd. R. Hand | $5.00 | - |
110,940 | Heimreich, Peter | Liberty | Wd. R. Side | $8.00 | - |
53,458 | Naylor, Sam'l | Liberty | Wd. L. Shr. | $18.00 | - |
53,457 | Nations, John B. | Liberty | Wd. R. Lung | $12.00 | - |
145,542 | Plowman, Jas. | Liberty | Wd. R. Leg | $4.00 | - |
12,870 | Huddleston, Wm. | Liberty | Wd. R. Leg | $14.00 | - |
140,808 | Blickhan, Lewis | Liberty | Wd. L. Thigh | $8.00 | - |
170,592 | Weaver, Henry A. | Lima | Guardian | $10.00 | - |
180,902 | Ireland, Mary | Lima | Widow | $8.00 | May 1878 |
102,745 | Cory, Edward | Lima | Pulmonary Dis. | $12.75 | - |
126,705 | Carter, Geo. H. | Lima | Wd. R. Hand | $3.00 | - |
105,417 | Bragg, Benj. | Lima | Wd. L. Arm | $8.00 | - |
138,584 | Vierherrer, Chas. | Lima | Chr. Diarr. | $18.00 | - |
110,327 | Thorton, Lewis L. | Lima | Gastro Entritis | $6.00 | - |
116,733 | Doyler, John | Lima | Injury to Abdomen | $4.00 | - |
170,734 | Stafford, Isaac A. | Lima | Minor Of | $10.00 | Sept. 1875 |
22,069 | Ketchum, Sarah | Loraine | Widow | $8.00 | Dec. 1867 |
29,065 | Roberts, Sarah | Loraine | Widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1880 |
188,936 | Wilson, Sarah H. | Loraine | Widow | $16.00 | - |
32,520 | Norman, Susanna | Loraine | Widow | $8.00 | - |
17,976 | Buckley, Lydia A. | Loraine | Widow | $8.00 | - |
192,520 | Fry, Caroline | Loraine | Widow | $14.00 | June 1881 |
51,279 | Adair, Rich'd A. | Loraine | Wd. L. Foot | $8.00 | - |
120,691 | Slater, Lewis C. | Loraine | Wd. R. Thigh | $4.00 | - |
80,652 | Langcor, Geo. | Loraine | Wd. R. Arm | $6.00 | - |
119,849 | Hatton, James B. | Loraine | Chr. Diarr. | $6.00 | - |
112,368 | Cleveland, Hidson | Loraine | Dis. of Heart | $24.00 | - |
111,356 | Booker, Geo. | Loraine | Dis. & Hyf. Heart | $18.00 | - |
114,061 | Odear, John | Loraine | Debility & Scurvy | $14.00 | - |
118,085 | Theithen, Henry | Loraine | Rheumatism | $4.00 | - |
87,749 | Wade, Jas. A. | Loraine | Injury to Abdomen | $12.00 | - |
204,022 | Guseman, Wm. A. | Loraine | Inj. to Ab. & Dis. of Abd. vis. | $8.00 | Mar. 1882 |
194,571 | McKinney, Elizabeth | Marcelline | Dep. Mother | $17.00 | Feb. 1882 |
191,426 | Tout, Elizabeth | Marcelline | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Mar. 1881 |
47,799 | Miller, Uriah K. | Marcelline | Wd. L. Arm | $4.00 | - |
109,204 | Taylor, Geo. W. | Marcelline | Wd. R. Hand | $8.00 | - |
47,802 | Patterson, Wm. T. | Marcelline | Wd. R. Wrist | $18.00 | - |
24,746 | McIntyre, Alice | Mendon | Widow | $8.00 | - |
149,374 | Wise, Celina B. | Mendon | Widow | $8.00 | - |
1,777 | Gibbs, Mary | Mendon | Widow | $8.00 | Feb. 1872 |
53,003 | Boyce, Rebecca | Mendon | Widow | $8.00 | - |
11,759 | Rosenbrook, Caroline | Mendon | Widow | $8.00 | Jan. 1864 |
18,005 | Wilcome, Mary | Mendon | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr. 1864 |
21,185 | Haskmis, Emily | Mendon | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | May 1864 |
123,688 | Donohoe, Ann | Mendon | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Jan. 1869 |
93,619 | McGibbons, Furmen | Mendon | Scurvy & Rheum. | $12.00 | - |
219,015 | Funke, Jacob | Mendon | Diarr. & Dis. Heart | $6.00 | - |
53,034 | Thompson, Leonidas | Mendon | Loss R. Leg | $18.00 | - |
87,948 | Flack, Rich'd | Mendon | Wd. L. Leg | $6.00 | - |
218,762 | Brown, Wm. J. | Mendon | Dis. of Eyes | $8.50 | Oct. 1882 |
193,430 | Barry, Thos. | Mendon | Loss R. Thumb fr. G. S. W. | $4.00 | July 1881 |
222,485 | Norman, Wm. H. | Mendon | Scurvy, Chr. Diarr., Res. Dis. of Abd. vis. | $8.00 | Dec. 1882 |
165,584 | Crawford, John | Mendon | Hydrocele, result Inj. to Ab. | $8.00 | Mar. 1880 |
53,353 | Borts, John M. | Mendon | Wd. L. Thigh & resulting Var. Veins & Wd. R. Arm | $8.00 | - |
99,803 | Burrows, Israel | Mendon | Dis. of Abd. vis., fr. Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | - |
136,781 | Morris, Louisa | Paloma | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Feb. 1864 |
87,448 | Frost, Ephraim | Paloma | Wd. L. Hip | $4.00 | - |
110,944 | Straub, Joseph | Paloma | Wd. Back | $6.00 | - |
10,805 | Burns, Catharine Y. | Payson | Widow | $8.00 | - |
188,181 | Newman, Lorica | Payson | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | May 1880 |
190,082 | Starrett, Martha | Payson | Dep. Mother | $15.00 | Oct. 1880 |
70,362 | Kuhn, Gottleet | Payson | Injury to Abdomen | $8.00 | - |
82,413 | Lowell, Henry L. | Payson | Weak Vision | $8.00 | - |
83,304 | Robbins, Daniel E. | Payson | Wd. L. Hand | $4.00 | - |
206,602 | Fowler, Loudon B. | Payson | Dis. of Eyes | $6.00 | Apr. ---- |
73,242 | Kopp, Jacob | Payson | G. S. W. Rt. Breast | $8.00 | - |
163,728 | Starrett, James P. | Payson | - | $10.00 | Nov. 1877 |
138,770 | Blunkee, Wm. | Quincy | Guardian | $10.00 | - |
165,065 | Shepherd, Sarah | Quincy | Guardian | $10.00 | Jan. 1874 |
149,271 | Hoop, Eliza A. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1871 |
148,511 | Leferer, Martha | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | Mar. 1871 |
65,271 | Buckley, Silvia | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | Feb. 1866 |
20,154 | Wray, Lucretia L. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
180,024 | Cyrus, Emma A. | Quincy | Widow | $20.00 | Feb. 1878 |
126,359 | Wright, Rachel | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
11,535 | Young, Polly | Quincy | Widow | $17.00 | Dec. 1863 |
25,872 | Proctor, Elizabeth J. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
149,059 | Peyton, Mary | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
130,426 | Reading, Lovena | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | June 1869 |
109,327 | Mahoney, Catharine | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
112,476 | Montague, Lucy | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
29,581 | Damaree, Jane | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | May 1880 |
55,530 | Myers, Mary J. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
31,937 | Erskine, Amelia D. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | Aug. 1881 |
23,345 | Perkins, Edmund H. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | July 1878 |
1,918 | Durfey, Elvira | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | May 1863 |
79,147 | Douglass, Lucy J. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | July 1866 |
2,159 | Jones, Ann | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | May 1872 |
107,107 | Seaton, Catharine D. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
195,489 | Schaller, Maria | Quincy | Widow | $12.00 | May 1882 |
140,733 | Shortness, Nancy | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
135,259 | Travis. Catharine | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | Oct. 1869 |
21,536 | Frussell, Josephine | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
20,027 | Vetter, Rosina | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1864 |
39,650 | Cherry, Margaret | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
2,001 | Godfrey, Caroline C. | Quincy | Widow | $20.00 | - |
85,661 | Alexander, Jane E. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
69,409 | Arning, Maria A. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
190,048 | Bepp, Maria K. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | Oct. 1880 |
180,939 | Barendes, Mary | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
38,887 | Butler, Clara J. | Quincy | Widow | $17.00 | - |
189,439 | Burnham, Aurelia C. | Quincy | Widow | $12.00 | Aug. 1880 |
50,372 | Hodges, Cetecia | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
63,596 | Kunkle, Barbara | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
193,709 | Johnson, Frances | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | Nov. 1881 |
82,870 | Heighton, Susan | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
68,144 | Herron, Nancy | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | Mar. 1866 |
158,787 | Menn, Chas. L. | Quincy | Dis. of Abdominal Viscera | $12.00 | Apr. 1879 |
128,174 | Lafayette, Willis | Quincy | Loss of Vision | $72.00 | - |
146,916 | Hartung, Gotlieb | Quincy | Loss L. Ring Finger | $2.00 | - |
25,930 | Landrum, Jesse | Quincy | Loss L. Hand | $18.00 | - |
51,028 | Weed, Alanson L. | Quincy | Loss L. Arm | $24.00 | - |
57,135 | Meise, John A. | Quincy | Loss. L. Eye | $8.00 | - |
43,560 | Piggett, Michael | Quincy | Loss. R. Leg | $20.00 | - |
94,327 | Steward, Harry A. | Quincy | Loss. R. Leg | $24.00 | - |
44,306 | Cross, Sam'l F. | Quincy | Loss. L. Leg | $24.00 | - |
61,044 | Phelps, Mark | Quincy | Loss. L. Leg | $18.00 | - |
22,950 | Bunger, Wm. | Quincy | Loss. L. Leg | $18.00 | - |
11,395 | Cleveland, Edwin | Quincy | Loss. L. Leg | $24.00 | - |
124, 677 | Petram, Ann M. | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Feb. 1879 |
92,811 | McDowell, Harriet J. | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr. 1867 |
190,262 | Akers, Benj. L. | Quincy | Dep. Father | $8.00 | Nov.1880 |
194,572 | Brown, Charlotte | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Feb. 1882 |
161,447 | Watson, Jane | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Mar. 1873 |
33,424 | Spencer, Eunice | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Oct. 1864 |
104,765 | Walker, Isabella | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Dec. 1867 |
160,205 | Keotzel, Frederick | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Nov. 1872 |
871 | Winans, Joanna | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $20.00 | Nov. 1866 |
76,205 | Preston, Matilda | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Dec. 1874 |
55,474 | Fitzgerald, Margaret | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sept. 1865 |
148,042 | Elliott, Nancy | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Oct. 1876 |
87,925 | Delemater, Mary J. | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Dec. 1866 |
187,410 | O'Brien, Mary | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Mar. 1880 |
150,537 | Russell, James | Quincy | Frac. L. Leg | $4.00 | June 1878 |
24,892 | Moore, Preston N. | Quincy | Dis. of Heart | $18.00 | - |
157,142 | Remy, John W. | Quincy | Dis. of Heart | $18.00 | June 1879 |
102,289 | Taylor, Ithamar S. | Quincy | Dis. og Lungs | $14.00 | - |
132,882 | Hicks, Joseph Riley | Quincy | Dis. of Heart & Lungs | $24.00 | - |
119,014 | Cochran, Sam'l | Quincy | Wd. L. Leg | $8.00 | - |
52,123 | Sacra, Allen | Quincy | Wd. R. Leg | $12.00 | - |
31,641 | Lorch, Chas. | Quincy | Wd. R. Leg | $24.00 | - |
88,928 | Lichtenburg, Henry | Quincy | Wd. R. Leg | $8.00 | - |
38,554 | Schroeder, Herman | Quincy | Wd. L. Elbow | $12.00 | - |
69,423 | Zern, John J. | Quincy | W. R. Forearm & L. Shoulder | $18.00 | - |
15,382 | Thompson, Wm. | Quincy | W. Shoulder & Lung | $18.00 | - |
104,151 | Menx, Henry | Quincy | W. Head | $8.50 | - |
57,158 | Bonnett. Rich'd | Quincy | W. Head | $30.00 | - |
61,042 | Davis, Wm. | Quincy | Rheum., & C | $18.00 | - |
121,699 | Tillson, Wm. H. | Quincy | Rheum. | $6.00 | - |
141,374 | Fox, David | Quincy | Chr. Rheum. | $6.00 | - |
218,824 | Engels, John | Quincy | Severe Deafness both Ears | $6.00 | Oct. 1882 |
154,285 | Lubker, Henry | Quincy | Insanity, Result Prison Life | $24.00 | - |
18,468 | Bolinger, Reuben | Quincy | Paral. R. Leg | $8.00 | - |
135,170 | Thrush, Robt. | Quincy | Paral. R. Leg | $18.00 | - |
125,708 | Segnaw, Henry | Quincy | Partial Paralysis | $14.00 | - |
102,757 | Grasse, Edward | Quincy | Ophthalmia | $6.00 | - |
106,141 | Nichols, Henry C. | Quincy | Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | - |
138,585 | Sebastian, Wm. L. | Quincy | Chr. Diarr. | $6.00 | - |
89,783 | Bywater, Maurice | Quincy | Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | - |
188,359 | Wingate, Warren C. | Quincy | Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | May 1881 |
120,513 | Meyer, Chas | Quincy | Chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | - |
115,711 | Adcox, Wm. C. | Quincy | Chr. Diarr., Dis. Lungs | $14.00 | - |
177,743 | Butler, Jas C. | Quincy | Chr. Diarr., Dis. of Abd. Vis. | $4.00 | Oct. 1882 |
191,403 | Mettemeier, Henry | Quincy | Chr. Diarr., Rheum | $8.00 | June 1881 |
172,661 | Thompson, Geo. W. | Quincy | Chr. Diarr., Rheum | $8.00 | Aug. 1880 |
217,948 | Ouest, Fred'k | Quincy | Chr. Diarr., Rheum., & Rupture L. Side | $8.00 | Sept. 1882 |
201,764 | Stierlin, John | Quincy | Chr. Diarr., Rheum., & Debility from Scurvy | $2.00 | Jan. 1882 |
129,008 | Mangk, Christ. | Quincy | Dis. Heart, Result of Burn | $2.00 | - |
216,782 | Cox, Isaac N. | Quincy | Chr. Hypatitis, Dis. Lungs, Result Deis. of Heart | $6.00 | Aug. 1882 |
219,360 | Richter, Albert | Quincy | Bronchitis & Functional Dis. of Heart | $8.00 | Oct. 1882 |
165,111 | Caso, Michael | Quincy | Loss 3d Finger Left Hand & Inj. to Back | $8.00 | Mar. 1880 |
110,511 | Barry, Cornelius | Quincy | Effects Sunstroke, Cerebral Oppression, Dizziness | $6.00 | - |
158,874 | Henderson, Hamilton | Quincy | Scurvy, Result Dis. Teeth & Abscess of Jaw | $18.00 | Apr. 1879 |
188,933 | Schaclsieck, Wm. | Quincy | Sunstroke, Result Dis. Brain & Eyes | $8.00 | Mar. 1881 |
58,087 | Lott, Geo. W. | Quincy | Chr. Rheum., Dis. of Heart, & Dis. of Abdominal Viscera | $18.00 | - |
205,474 | Linnemeyer, Fred'k | Quincy | G. S. W. L. Knee | $4.00 | Mar. 1882 |
183,300 | Doyle, Michael | Quincy | G. S. W. R. Thigh | $6.00 | Feb. 1881 |
114,384 | Stockle, Alexander | Quincy | G. S. W. L. Leg | $6.00 | - |
195,873 | White, Wilbert C. | Quincy | G. S. W. L. Leg | $4.00 | - |
106,364 | Shearn, Jas. | Quincy | Atrophy of R. Shoulder | $6.00 | - |
186,120 | Cannon, John H. | Quincy | Inj. to L. Thumb, Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | Apr. 1881 |
211,883 | Logan, Chas. D. | Quincy | Bayonet Wd. Rt. Shoulder | $6.00 | June 1882 |
163,489 | Gerry, Oliver | Quincy | Deafness | $4.00 | Nov. 1879 |
127,207 | Parsons, Peter | Quincy | Frac. R. Elbow | $14.00 | - |
205,545 | Reitszh, Ferdinand | Quincy | DIs. of Heart & Lungs | $8.00 | Mar. 1882 |
142,769 | Farrell, Michael O. | Quincy | Dis. of Lungs | $8.00 | - |
206,057 | Speckhart, Leonhart | Quincy | Dis. of Eyes | $12.00 | Apr. 1882 |
219,648 | Layman, John H. | Quincy | Dis. Brain, Result Fr. Sunstr. | $24.00 | Oct. 1882 |
120,011 | Heintz, Peter | Quincy | W. L. Forearm | $12.00 | Nov. 1872 |
163,765 | Hanson, John | Quincy | W. L. Arm | $4.00 | Dec. 1879 |
98,470 | Burks, Geo. | Quincy | W. Chest & L. Lung | $4.00 | - |
133,838 | Bagby, Thos. M. | Quincy | W. L. Wrist & Deafness L. Ear | $8.00 | - |
61,787 | Butt, Patrick | Quincy | W. Body, Loss Finger L. Hand | $6.00 | - |
171,262 | Ehi, Wm. | Quincy | W. of Buttocks | $6.00 | July 1880 |
157,163 | Edwards, Asa T. | Quincy | W. Head & Rheum. | $2,400 | June 1879 |
104,152 | Van Frank, Carna D. | Quincy | Wd. L. Hip | $6.00 | - |
178,917 | Wheeler, Hiram N. | Quincy | Inj. to L. Foot | $4.00 | Dec. 1880 |
102,941 | Bowman, Anderson J. | Quincy | Wd. L. Foot | $6.00 | - |
86,713 | Unverzagt, Henry | Quincy | Wd. R. Foot | $8.00 | - |
144,982 | Miller, Harrison | Quincy | Wd. Back | $4.00 | - |
48,522 | Barnes, Josiah | Quincy | Wd. Back | $15.00 | - |
112,904 | Barry, Thos. | Quincy | Wd. L. Thigh | $4.00 | - |
120,442 | Hammon, Martin | Quincy | Wd. L. Thigh | $4.00 | - |
123,845 | Fischer, Henry | Quincy | Wd. R. Thigh | $4.00 | - |
122,371 | Bubbett, James H. | Quincy | Wd. L. Arm | $6.00 | - |
96,649 | Farren, Daniel J. | Quincy | Wd. L. Lung | $17.00 | - |
86,160 | Perkins, John M. | Quincy | Wd. R. Arm | $8.00 | - |
13,360 | Belt, David M. | Quincy | Wd. R. Arm | $18.00 | - |
53,367 | Beers, John P. | Quincy | Wd. R. Arm | $18.00 | - |
60,229 | Brown, Jas. R. | Quincy | Wd. R. Arm | $18.00 | - |
156,106 | Martin, Jas. | Quincy | Wd. L. Side | $8.00 | Oct. 1878 |
52,864 | Harding, Martin | Quincy | Wd. L. Hand | $18.00 | - |
130,379 | Duncan, Ferd'd M. | Quincy | Wd. L. Hand | $8.00 | - |
112,472 | Dotty, Lewis | Quincy | Wd. L. Hand | $6.00 | - |
43,551 | Smith, Geo. O. | Quincy | Wd. L. Leg | $8.00 | June 1865 |
37,858 | Castle, Chauncey H. | Quincy | Wd. L. Leg | $4.00 | - |
87,932 | Ller, John W. | Quincy | Wd. R. Leg | $6.00 | - |
156,425 | Fouch, Aristedes | Quincy | Wd. R. Leg | $6.00 | - |
21,111 | Washburn, Cornelius C. | Quincy | Wd. R. Leg | $4.00 | - |
69,571 | Kley, Andrew | Quincy | Wd. R. Wrist | $8.00 | - |
3,996 | Dwyer, John | Quincy | Wd. L. Shoulder | $8.00 | - |
130,140 | Minter, Wm. H. | Quincy | Wd. Head | $12.50 | - |
55,511 | Arrowsmith, Fran. G. | Quincy | Wd. Head | $10.00 | - |
53,226 | Philbrick, Jas. A. | Quincy | Wd. Side & Neck | $8.00 | - |
95,664 | Darnell, Jas. | Quincy | Wd. L. Forearm | $6.00 | - |
125,063 | Nolan, John | Quincy | Wd. R. Hand | $18.00 | - |
39,790 | O'Brien, Jas. | Quincy | Wd. R. Ankle | $12.00 | - |
31,206 | Swarthout, Wm. | Quincy | Wd. R. Thigh | $30.00 | - |
33,811 | Carter, Jacob F. | Quincy | Wd. L. Foot | $8.00 | - |
42,442 | Currier, Martin L. | Quincy | Wd. R. Thigh | $16.00 | - |
194,576 | Newell, Henry | Quincy | Minors of | $10.00 | July 1882 |
50,944 | Easley, Martin | Quincy | Results of Small Pox | $18.00 | - |
222,763 | Hanes, Geo. W. | Quincy | Injury to Abdomen | $4.00 | Dec. 1882 |
92,009 | Reynolds, Waterman B. | Quincy | Injury to Abdomen | $18.00 | - |
125,345 | Pa Delford, John N. | Quincy | Inj. to Abdomen & Chr. Diarr. | $10.00 | - |
4,444 | Canner, Jas. G. | Quincy | Infl. Rheum. | $8.00 | - |
70,112 | Carroll, Thos. | Quincy | Injury to Abdomen | $8.00 | - |
143,073 | Coon, Walter H. | Quincy | Injury to Abdomen | $4.00 | - |
136,921 | Mutz, Anton | Quincy | Inj. R. Shoulder | $10.00 | - |
89,362 | Stewart, James P. | Quincy | Total Blindness | $72.00 | - |
Turner, Thomas H. | Quincy | Sunstroke & Nerv. Prostra'n | $4.00 | Nov. 1882 | |
113,479 | McGraw, Andrew | Quincy | Injury to Abdomen | $8.00 | May 1881 |
73,596 | McKenzie, Wm. H. | Quincy | Wd. 1st & 2nd Finger Lft. Hand | $2.00 | - |
187,732 | Krummel, Christian | Quincy | Dep. Father | $8.00 | Apr. 1880 |
79,516 | Purvis, Ellen | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
122,640 | Keck, Leonidas | Quincy | Chron. Diarr. | $6.00 | Apr. 1875 |
194,655 | Hennesey, Michael | Quincy | G. S. W. Head | $2.00 | Aug. 1881 |
117,024 | Taylor, Delos | Quincy | G. S. W. Back | $4.00 | June 1872 |
194,771 | Williams, Gus | Quincy | Inj. Lft. Knee | $6.00 | Aug. 1881 |
214,419 | Floyd, Wm. W. | Quincy | Dis. of Heart | $12.00 | June 1882 |
158,155 | Beave, Elizabeth R. | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | May 1872 |
59,334 | Beaver, Andrew J. | Quincy | Dis. of Eyes | $18.00 | - |
87,257 | Owens, Josiah | Quincy | Chr. Diar., Res. Dis. of Abd. Vis. | $8.00 | - |
197,564 | Stinson, Margaret | Quincy | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | Oct. 1882 |
41,505 | Debord, Thomas C. | Quincy | G. S. W. Lft. Shoulder | $8.00 | Apr. 1865 |
41,079 | Stirens, Marcia S. | Quincy | Widow | $8.00 | - |
86,068 | Branson, Tabitha | Ritchfield | Widow | $8.00 | - |
189,321 | Cockerel, Jane | Ritchfield | Widow | $14.00 | Aug. 1880 |
6,581 | Cook, Sally | Ritchfield | Widow | $8.00 | May 1875 |
53,032 | Whitney, Joseph F. | Ritchfield | Loss L. Leg | $24.00 | - |
86,009 | Tyler, Henry B. | Ritchfield | Wd. R. Hand | $10.00 | - |
143,946 | Lock, Newton B. | Ritchfield | Dis. of Abdominal Vis. & Rheu. | $5.00 | - |
28,509 | Belts, John | Ritchfield | Chr. Diarr. | $6.00 | - |
112,978 | Tyler, Ira | Ritchfield | Dis. Lungs | $18.00 | - |
213,692 | Trotter, Alsi | Ritchfield | Dis. Lungs | $4.00 | June 1882 |
210,945 | Trotter, Wm. C. | Ritchfield | Dis. Heart | $8.00 | June 1882 |
84,318 | Sightle, Enoch | Seehorn | Wd. Lft. Hand | $4.00 | - |
34,672 | Campbell, Geo. W. | Stone's Prairie | Dropsy | $4.00 | - |
199,264 | Maybury, Geo. W. | Stone's Prairie | Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | Dec. 1881 |
193,868 | Swarthout, Jas. | Stone's Prairie | Chr. Diarr. | $2.00 | Aug. 1881 |
67,787 | Lock, Hamden A. | Stone's Prairie | Injury to Abdomen, &C | $8.00 | - |
131,247 | Brandes, Otto | Ursa | Loss 3d & 4th Fingers L. Hand | $8.00 | - |
27,020 | Forsyth, Mary | Ursa | Widow | $8.00 | Sept. 1879 |
23,948 | Maxfield, Jas. W. | Ursa | Loss R. Arm | $24.00 | - |
202,816 | Cundiff, Wm. K. | Ursa | Chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | Feb. 1882 |
74,678 | Sprinkle, Henry | Ursa | Chr. Diarr. | $8.00 | - |
170,829 | Jackson, John | Ursa | Rheumatism | $8.00 | June 1880 |
100,960 | Charlton, Nancy | Ursa | Widow | $8.00 | - |
24,804 | McLaughlin, Mary | Woodville | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | June 1864 |
120,514 | Rice, Henry | Woodville | G. S. W. Thi. & Shoul. | $8.00 | - |
119,471 | Pittman, William H. | Woodville | G. S. W. Head, Epilepsy | $8.00 | - |