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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Adams County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Adams County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
16, 427Baker, Arminda J.AdamsWidow$8.00 -
203,733Hoppman, NewtonAdamsG. S. W. head$6.00 Feb. 1882
52,924Crubaugh, Joseph B.AdamsWd. Neck$8.00 -
110,633McKee, Wm. F.AdamsWd. L. Thigh$4.00 -
99,389Maloan, Stephen A.AdamsInj. to Back$6.00 -
59, 098Gallaher, JasBarnardWd. L. Thigh$4.00 -
83,985Mixer, SarahBeverlyWidow$8.00 -
198,046Lawson, Wm.BeverlyG. S. W. Head$4.00 Nov. 1881
26,574Covert, Wm.BeverlyHeart Dis.$18.00 -
125,617Kayler, Owen T.BeverlyChr. Diarr.$6.00 -
181,310Gibson, JamesBig NeckDis. of bowels, dis. abd, vis., & dis. of liver$6.00 Jan. 1881
138,273Steighorst, Fred'k W.BurtonGuardian$10.00 -
166,647Hughes, Alice A.BurtonWidow$12.00 Dec. 1874
165,314Tracy, Jas. W.Camp PointGuardian$10.00 -
16,655Reed, RebeccaCamp PointWidow$8.00 -
8,129Earel, MargaretCamp PointWidow$8.00 Aug. 1878
163,914Campbell, Eliz'thCamp PointWidow$8.00 -
178,897Beckett, Ellen F.Camp PointWidow$8.00 -
192,981Moore, JohnCamp PointDep. Father$8.00 July 1881
89,672Akess, AnnCamp PointDep. Mother$8.00 Feb. 1867
39,371Lewis, LouisaCamp PointDep. Mother$8.00 July 1874
192,067Carl, AnnCamp PointDep. Mother$8.00 Apr. 1881
1,926McKinney, Saline B.Camp PointDep. Mother$8.00 -
136,735Maloan, AmericaCamp PointDep. Mother$8.00 Nov. 1867
153,214McRell, SarahCamp PointDep. Mother$8.00 Aug. 1871
101,940Vincent, Bishop M.Camp PointShell Wd. R. Side$6.00 -
95,106Gallaher, John H.Camp PointDiarr. & Dyspepsia$12.00 -
149,938Allen, DavidCamp PointChr. Rheum.$6.00 -
97,574Musendick, FrederickCamp PointDis. Heart$8.00 -
109,322Jamison, JamesCamp PointDis. Eyes$8.00 -
107,076Bunham, Wm. A.Camp PointOphthalmia$6.00 -
55,073Haley, JesseCamp PointWd. R. Arm$4.00 -
111,054Allen, IsaacCamp PointWd. L. Forearm$4.00 -
69,480Wartick, JosephCamp PointWd. R. Shr.$18.00 -
74,421Owen, Chas. J.Camp PointWd. R. Arm$18.00 -
103,379Leach, Edwin E.Camp PointWd. L. Thigh$6.00 -
194,096Livingston, Benj.Camp PointG. S. W. L. Thumb$2.00 Aug. 1881
202,990Hahn, HiramCamp PointG. S. W. L. Hand$6.00 Feb. 1882
64,908Wartick, John F.Camp PointLoss R. Eye & Impaired on Left$12.00 -
210,815Curless, Sam'lCamp PointChr. Diarr. Inj. to Abdomen$8.00 June 1882
207,018Cox, John C.Camp PointInj. to Left Ankle$6.00 Apr. 1882
153,772Taylor, MargaretCamp PointDep. Mother$8.00 Sept. 1871
106,574Likes, Rob'tChestlineVaricose Veins L. Leg$12.00 -
142,322Jessup, AlvinChestlineWd. R. Thigh$4.00 -
69,667Beltmire, SolomonChestlineDis. Stomach & Dyspepsia$14.00 -
192,340Cramston, Rose A.ClaytonDep. Father$8.00 May 1881
196,645Harbison, Eliz'th W.ClaytonDep. Mother$8.00 June 1882
170,029Cramston, Rose A.ClaytonDep. Mother$8.00 Feb. 1875
192,120Thompson, Louisa S.ClaytonDep. Mother$8.00 Apr. 1881
53,343Wallace, MaryClaytonDep. Mother$8.00 Aug. 1865
184,426Milby, ElizabethClaytonDep. Mother$8.00 June 1879
93,274Mead, MargaretClaytonDep. Mother$8.00 Apr. 1867
168, 855Rice, Eliza J.ClaytonDep. Mother$8.00 May 1875
83,882Wallace, Martha A.ClaytonWidow$8.00 -
86,431Weaver, MalindaClaytonWidow$8.00 -
74,072Banton, Susan E.ClaytonWidow$8.00 June 1867
9,101Knight, Ellen B.ClaytonWidow$8.00 -
39,643Kirkpatrick, MaryClaytonWidow$8.00 -
18,750Dewitt, Margaret A.ClaytonWidow$8.00 Apr. 1864
166,743Rabb, Susan S.ClaytonWidow$10.00 -
32,365May, Ferilda A.ClaytonWidow$20.00 -
92,197Thomas, CatharineClaytonWidow$8.00 -
151,587Tibbetts, IsabelClaytonWidow$8.00 -
157,917Thornhill, Mary A.ClaytonWidow$8.00 -
27,025Eyman, SarahClaytonWidow$8.00 -
158,482Hamilton, Wm. T.ClaytonInj. L. Breast$8.00 -
167,795Sutherland, John T.ClaytonInj. to Spine$10.00 May 1880
197,733Stiffy, JohnClaytonInj. to Back$2.00 Nov. 1881
185,057Tatuian, Chas. S.ClaytonInj. to Back$4.00 Mar. 1881
222,908Easum, JohnClaytonG. S. W. R. Leg$4.00 Dec. 1882
69,499McCoy, Frances M.ClaytonWd. L. Leg$6.00 -
30,960Fordyce, Thos. W.ClaytonWd. Spinal Column$12.00 -
63,870Graham, Jas. M.ClaytonWd. L. Arm$12.00 -
137,076Kirkpatrick, JamesClaytonWd. R. Thigh$8.50 -
29,639West, EdwardClaytonWd. L. Arm$18.00 -
160,645Lowry, Jacob F.ClaytonWd. L. Thigh$12.00 June 1879
27,851Piles, Joshua O.ClaytonFracture Fibula$4.00 -
117,595Davis, AbrahamClaytonSunstroke$8.00 -
51,829Dodd, Wm. H. H.ClaytonAnch. R. Elbow-joint$18.00 -
112,119Jefferson, JosephClaytonOphthalmia$8.00 -
85,469Castle, Wm. H.ClaytonInjury to Abdomen$8.00 -
204,207Emery, Dan'l F.ClaytonPartial Deafness Both Ears$2.00 Mar. 1882
145,639David, John M.ClaytonChr. Diarr., Dis. Lungs, with Dis. Heart$18.00 -
99,527Lackey, Abel M.ClaytonResult Sunstroke$8.00 -
99,101Rostick, Chas. H.ClaytonCh. Altorhea & Neuralgia$18.00 -
135,217Jameson, Thos.ClaytonChr. Diarr.$6.00 -
169,545Stiffy, Geo. W.ClaytonChr. Diarr., Dis. Eyes$12.00 June 1880
219,863Harbison, Rob'tClaytonChr. Diarr.$4.00 Oct. 1882
218,886Shank, JohnClaytonChr. Diarr.$4.00 Oct.1882
190,139Sheppard, Wm. W.ClaytonChr. Diarr., Dis. Heart$12.00 June 1881
169,995Rennecker, JosephClaytonChr. Diarr., Result Dis. of Abd. Viscera, Dis. Kid. & Heart$12.00 June 1880
219,068Wood, Jesse D.ClaytonDis. of Abd. vis. Bronchitis, Dis. Lungs & H't, Suns'ke, & C.$12.00 Oct. 1882
54,398Melby, EdwardClaytonWd. Lft. Leg$24.00 -
106,361Galt, ThomasClaytonChro. Rheum.$14.00 Apr. 1875
95,968Champion, Wm. L.ClaytonWd. Lft. Shoulder$4.00 -
45,906Odear, ElizabethCoatsburghWidow$8.00 -
126,980Conner, HenryCoatsburghInjury to Abdomen$8.00 -
46,992Thompson, Wm. H.CoatsburghWd. Lower Jaw$18.00 -
106,761Chandler, Theo.CoatsburghWd. L. Shr., Dis. L. Lung$6.00 -
205,021Beer, Thos.CoatsburghG. S. W. Shr., R. Thigh$8.00 Mar. 1882
63,480Cannon, Lydia A.ColumbusWidow$8.00 -
45,409Touvet, MarthaColumbusWidow$8.00 -
59,479Taylor, RachelColumbusWidow$8.00 -
184,512Lutener, MargaretFair WeatherWidow$12.00 June 1879
14,937Willis, JaneFair WeatherWidow$8.00 -
51,218Dark, MargaretFair WeatherDep. Mother$8.00 July 1865
116,924Edison, NathanFair WeatherDis. Lungs$8.00 -
133,018Perrigs, Justus S.Fair WeatherDis. Lungs, Heart, Eyes$18.00 -
116,925Gallaher, Sam'lFair WeatherDis. Lungs, Heart, Eyes$18.00 -
204,063Gates, SeyboldFair WeatherDis. Kidneys$4.00 Mar. 1882
172,308Buffington, Peter B.Fair WeatherParalysis$18.00 Aug. 1880
39,795Askew, Franklin A.Fair WeatherWd. both Thighs$4.00 -
69,478Weidenhammer, Geo.Fair WeatherWd. Lt. Foot$8.00 -
156,615Inslee, JohnFair WeatherWd. Head$4.00 Nov. 1878
127,613Tomlin, Wm. P.Fair WeatherChr. Rheum.$12.00 -
108,122Belts, Wm.Fair WeatherChr. Diarr.$4.00 -
66,731Sparks, Wm. L.Fair WeatherChr. Diarr.$18.00 -
193,845Askew, Wm. P.Fair WeatherChr. Diarr.$4.00 Aug. 1881
188,453Brimm, PeterFair WeatherChr. Diarr.$4.00 May 1881
46,708Likes, PhilipFair WeatherDis. of Abd. viscera, Heart Dis.$8.00 -
173,114Hulse, Mary E.FowlerWidow$20.00 -
68,570Conger, WilsonFowlerLoss R. Arm$24.00 -
110,321Backman, Andolph D.FowlerSunstroke$18.00 -
18,180Hyatt, JoelFowlerWd. L. Thigh & Rheum.$12.00 -
129,120Glay, Chas.FowlerWd. R. Leg$8.00 -
90,991Younghein, JuliusFowlerWd. L Arm$4.00 -
207,731Heudall, ElijahFowlerG. S. W. L. Arm$4.00 Apr. 1882
71,854Worner, AndolphFowlerDis. of Brain$10.00 -
138,541Bixby, Geo. A.FowlerDiarr. & Bronchitis$10.00 -
37,021Booker, Sarah W.FowlerWidow$8.00 -
195,873Horeny, AgnesGoldenDep. Mother$8.00 May 1882
67,354Eason, Wm.GoldenChr. Diarr.$8.00 -
140,731Crum, Theo. P.GoldenChr. Diarr.$8.00 -
130,671Cline, Robt.GoldenInjury to Abdomen$4.00 -
193,895Alexandria, Wm. L.GoldenG. S. W. Head$4.00 Aug. 1881
99,994Hanna, Wm.GoldenWd. L. Thigh & Epilepsy$30.00 -
94,333Selby, Hanlo E.GoldenWd. Head$8.00 -
83,371Zimmerman, John J.GoldenWd. Rt. Head$4.00 -
86,655Parker, LuciusGoldenDis. of Eyes$18.00 -
140,529Wisehart, George W.GoldenG. S. W. Rt. Shoulder$4.00 -
22,241Davis, AdamKellerville$8.00 June 1878
22,902Leapley, ElizabethKellervilleWidow$8.00 Apr. 1879
3,811Dewitt, Elizabeth A.KellervilleWidow$8.00 -
172,754Padgett, BarbaraKellervilleWidow$8.00 -
171,555Leach, RutherfordKellervilleDis. Kidneys & Bladder$10.00 July 1880
189,244Mills, NicholasKellervilleDep. Father$8.00 July 1880
50,798Dool, John H.KellervilleWd. L. Hand$6.00 -
20,826Mason, PeterKellervilleWd. L. Hand$18.00 -
159,902Spicer, John D.KellervilleChr. Rheum.$4.00 -
199,512McNeff, Jas.KellervilleDis. of Heart$18.00 Dec. 1881
197,299Huddleston, Geo. W.KellervilleChr. Diarr., Dis. of Abd. vis., & Dis. Lungs$8.00 Nov. 1881
208,268Cookson, Andrew J.KellervilleInj. R. Foot, Fr. ax-cut$12.00 May 1882
53,066Thomas, RuthLa PrairieWidow$8.00 -
103,203Thompson, Wm. H.La PrairieInjury to Abdomen$8.00 -
223,764Rainwater, Jacob A.La PrairieChr. Diarr.$4.00 Dec. 1882
30,020Bryant, Thomas J.La PrairieWd. R. Leg$20.00 -
21,093Cruise, Marg'tLibertyWidow$8.00 -
9,492Frey, ElviniaLibertyWidow$8.00 -
115,970Feitherty, Sarah E.LibertyWidow$8.00 -
30,073Bluen, Matilda C.LibertyWidow$8.00 -
40,610Hendricks, Lucy M.LibertyWidow$8.00 Feb. 1865
185,195Holtyle, ElizabethLibertyWidow$10.00 Aug. 1879
34,819Heine, Fred'kLibertyMalarial Dis. & results$12.00 -
106,363Frey, Tillman X.LibertyInjury to Abdomen$8.00 -
84,934Hoffman, JuliusLibertyGen'l Dis.$6.00 -
156,714Huntz, JohnLibertyInj. to L. Ankle & Joint$4.00 Nov. 1878
194,086Hitzell, LewisLibertyScurvy & Dis. Eyes$12.00 Aug. 1881
74,025Miller, Benj.LibertyDis. Heart & Lungs$6.00 -
120,613Barnard, Frances M.LibertyG. S. W. Thigh & Dis. of Bronchitis & Lungs$3.00 -
120,800Craig, MiltonLibertyRheum. & Dis. Heart$18.00 -
199,440Follmer, BernhardLibertyChr. Rheum.$4.00 Dec. 1881
163,687Noble, AlbertLibertyDis. of Abdominal viscera$6.00 Nov. 1879
151,356Geiger, JohnLibertyChr. Diarr.$8.00 Mar. 1878
163,281Mercer, Philip H.LibertyWd. R. Shr. & Chr. Shr.$8.00 Oct. 1879
129,530Bartlett, JosephLibertyWd. R. Hand$5.00 -
110,940Heimreich, PeterLibertyWd. R. Side$8.00 -
53,458Naylor, Sam'lLibertyWd. L. Shr.$18.00 -
53,457Nations, John B.LibertyWd. R. Lung$12.00 -
145,542Plowman, Jas.LibertyWd. R. Leg$4.00 -
12,870Huddleston, Wm.LibertyWd. R. Leg$14.00 -
140,808Blickhan, LewisLibertyWd. L. Thigh$8.00 -
170,592Weaver, Henry A.LimaGuardian$10.00 -
180,902Ireland, MaryLimaWidow$8.00 May 1878
102,745Cory, EdwardLimaPulmonary Dis.$12.75 -
126,705Carter, Geo. H.LimaWd. R. Hand$3.00 -
105,417Bragg, Benj.LimaWd. L. Arm$8.00 -
138,584Vierherrer, Chas.LimaChr. Diarr.$18.00 -
110,327Thorton, Lewis L.LimaGastro Entritis$6.00 -
116,733Doyler, JohnLimaInjury to Abdomen$4.00 -
170,734Stafford, Isaac A.LimaMinor Of$10.00 Sept. 1875
22,069Ketchum, SarahLoraineWidow$8.00 Dec. 1867
29,065Roberts, SarahLoraineWidow$8.00 Apr. 1880
188,936Wilson, Sarah H.LoraineWidow$16.00 -
32,520Norman, SusannaLoraineWidow$8.00 -
17,976Buckley, Lydia A.LoraineWidow$8.00 -
192,520Fry, CarolineLoraineWidow$14.00 June 1881
51,279Adair, Rich'd A.LoraineWd. L. Foot$8.00 -
120,691Slater, Lewis C.LoraineWd. R. Thigh$4.00 -
80,652Langcor, Geo.LoraineWd. R. Arm$6.00 -
119,849Hatton, James B.LoraineChr. Diarr.$6.00 -
112,368Cleveland, HidsonLoraineDis. of Heart$24.00 -
111,356Booker, Geo.LoraineDis. & Hyf. Heart$18.00 -
114,061Odear, JohnLoraineDebility & Scurvy$14.00 -
118,085Theithen, HenryLoraineRheumatism$4.00 -
87,749Wade, Jas. A.LoraineInjury to Abdomen$12.00 -
204,022Guseman, Wm. A.LoraineInj. to Ab. & Dis. of Abd. vis.$8.00 Mar. 1882
194,571McKinney, ElizabethMarcellineDep. Mother$17.00 Feb. 1882
191,426Tout, ElizabethMarcellineDep. Mother$8.00 Mar. 1881
47,799Miller, Uriah K.MarcellineWd. L. Arm$4.00 -
109,204Taylor, Geo. W.MarcellineWd. R. Hand$8.00 -
47,802Patterson, Wm. T.MarcellineWd. R. Wrist$18.00 -
24,746McIntyre, AliceMendonWidow$8.00 -
149,374Wise, Celina B.MendonWidow$8.00 -
1,777Gibbs, MaryMendonWidow$8.00 Feb. 1872
53,003Boyce, RebeccaMendonWidow$8.00 -
11,759Rosenbrook, CarolineMendonWidow$8.00 Jan. 1864
18,005Wilcome, MaryMendonDep. Mother$8.00 Apr. 1864
21,185Haskmis, EmilyMendonDep. Mother$8.00 May 1864
123,688Donohoe, AnnMendonDep. Mother$8.00 Jan. 1869
93,619McGibbons, FurmenMendonScurvy & Rheum.$12.00 -
219,015Funke, JacobMendonDiarr. & Dis. Heart$6.00 -
53,034Thompson, LeonidasMendonLoss R. Leg$18.00 -
87,948Flack, Rich'dMendonWd. L. Leg$6.00 -
218,762Brown, Wm. J.MendonDis. of Eyes$8.50 Oct. 1882
193,430Barry, Thos.MendonLoss R. Thumb fr. G. S. W.$4.00 July 1881
222,485Norman, Wm. H.MendonScurvy, Chr. Diarr., Res. Dis. of Abd. vis.$8.00 Dec. 1882
165,584Crawford, JohnMendonHydrocele, result Inj. to Ab.$8.00 Mar. 1880
53,353Borts, John M.MendonWd. L. Thigh & resulting Var. Veins & Wd. R. Arm$8.00 -
99,803Burrows, IsraelMendonDis. of Abd. vis., fr. Chr. Diarr.$8.00 -
136,781Morris, LouisaPalomaDep. Mother$8.00 Feb. 1864
87,448Frost, EphraimPalomaWd. L. Hip$4.00 -
110,944Straub, JosephPalomaWd. Back$6.00 -
10,805Burns, Catharine Y.PaysonWidow$8.00 -
188,181Newman, LoricaPaysonDep. Mother$8.00 May 1880
190,082Starrett, MarthaPaysonDep. Mother$15.00 Oct. 1880
70,362Kuhn, GottleetPaysonInjury to Abdomen$8.00 -
82,413Lowell, Henry L.PaysonWeak Vision$8.00 -
83,304Robbins, Daniel E.PaysonWd. L. Hand$4.00 -
206,602Fowler, Loudon B.PaysonDis. of Eyes$6.00 Apr. ----
73,242Kopp, JacobPaysonG. S. W. Rt. Breast$8.00 -
163,728Starrett, James P.Payson-$10.00 Nov. 1877
138,770Blunkee, Wm.QuincyGuardian$10.00 -
165,065Shepherd, SarahQuincyGuardian$10.00 Jan. 1874
149,271Hoop, Eliza A.QuincyWidow$8.00 Apr. 1871
148,511Leferer, MarthaQuincyWidow$8.00 Mar. 1871
65,271Buckley, SilviaQuincyWidow$8.00 Feb. 1866
20,154Wray, Lucretia L.QuincyWidow$8.00 -
180,024Cyrus, Emma A.QuincyWidow$20.00 Feb. 1878
126,359Wright, RachelQuincyWidow$8.00 -
11,535Young, PollyQuincyWidow$17.00 Dec. 1863
25,872Proctor, Elizabeth J.QuincyWidow$8.00 -
149,059Peyton, MaryQuincyWidow$8.00 -
130,426Reading, LovenaQuincyWidow$8.00 June 1869
109,327Mahoney, CatharineQuincyWidow$8.00 -
112,476Montague, LucyQuincyWidow$8.00 -
29,581Damaree, JaneQuincyWidow$8.00 May 1880
55,530Myers, Mary J.QuincyWidow$8.00 -
31,937Erskine, Amelia D.QuincyWidow$8.00 Aug. 1881
23,345Perkins, Edmund H.QuincyWidow$8.00 July 1878
1,918Durfey, ElviraQuincyWidow$8.00 May 1863
79,147Douglass, Lucy J.QuincyWidow$8.00 July 1866
2,159Jones, AnnQuincyWidow$8.00 May 1872
107,107Seaton, Catharine D.QuincyWidow$8.00 -
195,489Schaller, MariaQuincyWidow$12.00 May 1882
140,733Shortness, NancyQuincyWidow$8.00 -
135,259Travis. CatharineQuincyWidow$8.00 Oct. 1869
21,536Frussell, JosephineQuincyWidow$8.00 -
20,027Vetter, RosinaQuincyWidow$8.00 Apr. 1864
39,650Cherry, MargaretQuincyWidow$8.00 -
2,001Godfrey, Caroline C.QuincyWidow$20.00 -
85,661Alexander, Jane E.QuincyWidow$8.00 -
69,409Arning, Maria A.QuincyWidow$8.00 -
190,048Bepp, Maria K.QuincyWidow$8.00 Oct. 1880
180,939Barendes, MaryQuincyWidow$8.00 -
38,887Butler, Clara J.QuincyWidow$17.00 -
189,439Burnham, Aurelia C.QuincyWidow$12.00 Aug. 1880
50,372Hodges, CeteciaQuincyWidow$8.00 -
63,596Kunkle, BarbaraQuincyWidow$8.00 -
193,709Johnson, FrancesQuincyWidow$8.00 Nov. 1881
82,870Heighton, SusanQuincyWidow$8.00 -
68,144Herron, NancyQuincyWidow$8.00 Mar. 1866
158,787Menn, Chas. L.QuincyDis. of Abdominal Viscera$12.00 Apr. 1879
128,174Lafayette, WillisQuincyLoss of Vision$72.00 -
146,916Hartung, GotliebQuincyLoss L. Ring Finger$2.00 -
25,930Landrum, JesseQuincyLoss L. Hand$18.00 -
51,028Weed, Alanson L.QuincyLoss L. Arm$24.00 -
57,135Meise, John A.QuincyLoss. L. Eye$8.00 -
43,560Piggett, MichaelQuincyLoss. R. Leg$20.00 -
94,327Steward, Harry A.QuincyLoss. R. Leg$24.00 -
44,306Cross, Sam'l F.QuincyLoss. L. Leg$24.00 -
61,044Phelps, MarkQuincyLoss. L. Leg$18.00 -
22,950Bunger, Wm.QuincyLoss. L. Leg$18.00 -
11,395Cleveland, EdwinQuincyLoss. L. Leg$24.00 -
124, 677Petram, Ann M.QuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Feb. 1879
92,811McDowell, Harriet J.QuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Apr. 1867
190,262Akers, Benj. L.QuincyDep. Father$8.00 Nov.1880
194,572Brown, CharlotteQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Feb. 1882
161,447Watson, JaneQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Mar. 1873
33,424Spencer, EuniceQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Oct. 1864
104,765Walker, IsabellaQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Dec. 1867
160,205Keotzel, FrederickQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Nov. 1872
871Winans, JoannaQuincyDep. Mother$20.00 Nov. 1866
76,205Preston, MatildaQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Dec. 1874
55,474Fitzgerald, MargaretQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Sept. 1865
148,042Elliott, NancyQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Oct. 1876
87,925Delemater, Mary J.QuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Dec. 1866
187,410O'Brien, MaryQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Mar. 1880
150,537Russell, JamesQuincyFrac. L. Leg$4.00 June 1878
24,892Moore, Preston N.QuincyDis. of Heart$18.00 -
157,142Remy, John W.QuincyDis. of Heart$18.00 June 1879
102,289Taylor, Ithamar S.QuincyDis. og Lungs$14.00 -
132,882Hicks, Joseph RileyQuincyDis. of Heart & Lungs$24.00 -
119,014Cochran, Sam'lQuincyWd. L. Leg$8.00 -
52,123Sacra, AllenQuincyWd. R. Leg$12.00 -
31,641Lorch, Chas.QuincyWd. R. Leg$24.00 -
88,928Lichtenburg, HenryQuincyWd. R. Leg$8.00 -
38,554Schroeder, HermanQuincyWd. L. Elbow$12.00 -
69,423Zern, John J.QuincyW. R. Forearm & L. Shoulder$18.00 -
15,382Thompson, Wm.QuincyW. Shoulder & Lung$18.00 -
104,151Menx, HenryQuincyW. Head$8.50 -
57,158Bonnett. Rich'dQuincyW. Head$30.00 -
61,042Davis, Wm.QuincyRheum., & C$18.00 -
121,699Tillson, Wm. H.QuincyRheum.$6.00 -
141,374Fox, DavidQuincyChr. Rheum.$6.00 -
218,824Engels, JohnQuincySevere Deafness both Ears$6.00 Oct. 1882
154,285Lubker, HenryQuincyInsanity, Result Prison Life$24.00 -
18,468Bolinger, ReubenQuincyParal. R. Leg$8.00 -
135,170Thrush, Robt.QuincyParal. R. Leg$18.00 -
125,708Segnaw, HenryQuincyPartial Paralysis$14.00 -
102,757Grasse, EdwardQuincyOphthalmia$6.00 -
106,141Nichols, Henry C.QuincyChr. Diarr.$8.00 -
138,585Sebastian, Wm. L.QuincyChr. Diarr.$6.00 -
89,783Bywater, MauriceQuincyChr. Diarr.$8.00 -
188,359Wingate, Warren C.QuincyChr. Diarr.$8.00 May 1881
120,513Meyer, ChasQuincyChr. Diarr.$4.00 -
115,711Adcox, Wm. C.QuincyChr. Diarr., Dis. Lungs$14.00 -
177,743Butler, Jas C.QuincyChr. Diarr., Dis. of Abd. Vis.$4.00 Oct. 1882
191,403Mettemeier, HenryQuincyChr. Diarr., Rheum$8.00 June 1881
172,661Thompson, Geo. W.QuincyChr. Diarr., Rheum$8.00 Aug. 1880
217,948Ouest, Fred'kQuincyChr. Diarr., Rheum., & Rupture L. Side$8.00 Sept. 1882
201,764Stierlin, JohnQuincyChr. Diarr., Rheum., & Debility from Scurvy$2.00 Jan. 1882
129,008Mangk, Christ.QuincyDis. Heart, Result of Burn$2.00 -
216,782Cox, Isaac N.QuincyChr. Hypatitis, Dis. Lungs, Result Deis. of Heart$6.00 Aug. 1882
219,360Richter, AlbertQuincyBronchitis & Functional Dis. of Heart$8.00 Oct. 1882
165,111Caso, MichaelQuincyLoss 3d Finger Left Hand & Inj. to Back$8.00 Mar. 1880
110,511Barry, CorneliusQuincyEffects Sunstroke, Cerebral Oppression, Dizziness$6.00 -
158,874Henderson, HamiltonQuincyScurvy, Result Dis. Teeth & Abscess of Jaw$18.00 Apr. 1879
188,933Schaclsieck, Wm.QuincySunstroke, Result Dis. Brain & Eyes$8.00 Mar. 1881
58,087Lott, Geo. W.QuincyChr. Rheum., Dis. of Heart, & Dis. of Abdominal Viscera$18.00 -
205,474Linnemeyer, Fred'kQuincyG. S. W. L. Knee$4.00 Mar. 1882
183,300Doyle, MichaelQuincyG. S. W. R. Thigh$6.00 Feb. 1881
114,384Stockle, AlexanderQuincyG. S. W. L. Leg$6.00 -
195,873White, Wilbert C.QuincyG. S. W. L. Leg$4.00 -
106,364Shearn, Jas.QuincyAtrophy of R. Shoulder$6.00 -
186,120Cannon, John H.QuincyInj. to L. Thumb, Chr. Diarr.$8.00 Apr. 1881
211,883Logan, Chas. D.QuincyBayonet Wd. Rt. Shoulder$6.00 June 1882
163,489Gerry, OliverQuincyDeafness$4.00 Nov. 1879
127,207Parsons, PeterQuincyFrac. R. Elbow$14.00 -
205,545Reitszh, FerdinandQuincyDIs. of Heart & Lungs$8.00 Mar. 1882
142,769Farrell, Michael O.QuincyDis. of Lungs$8.00 -
206,057Speckhart, LeonhartQuincyDis. of Eyes$12.00 Apr. 1882
219,648Layman, John H.QuincyDis. Brain, Result Fr. Sunstr.$24.00 Oct. 1882
120,011Heintz, PeterQuincyW. L. Forearm$12.00 Nov. 1872
163,765Hanson, JohnQuincyW. L. Arm$4.00 Dec. 1879
98,470Burks, Geo.QuincyW. Chest & L. Lung$4.00 -
133,838Bagby, Thos. M.QuincyW. L. Wrist & Deafness L. Ear$8.00 -
61,787Butt, PatrickQuincyW. Body, Loss Finger L. Hand$6.00 -
171,262Ehi, Wm.QuincyW. of Buttocks$6.00 July 1880
157,163Edwards, Asa T.QuincyW. Head & Rheum.$2,400 June 1879
104,152Van Frank, Carna D.QuincyWd. L. Hip$6.00 -
178,917Wheeler, Hiram N.QuincyInj. to L. Foot$4.00 Dec. 1880
102,941Bowman, Anderson J.QuincyWd. L. Foot$6.00 -
86,713Unverzagt, HenryQuincyWd. R. Foot$8.00 -
144,982Miller, HarrisonQuincyWd. Back$4.00 -
48,522Barnes, JosiahQuincyWd. Back$15.00 -
112,904Barry, Thos.QuincyWd. L. Thigh$4.00 -
120,442Hammon, MartinQuincyWd. L. Thigh$4.00 -
123,845Fischer, HenryQuincyWd. R. Thigh$4.00 -
122,371Bubbett, James H.QuincyWd. L. Arm$6.00 -
96,649Farren, Daniel J.QuincyWd. L. Lung$17.00 -
86,160Perkins, John M.QuincyWd. R. Arm$8.00 -
13,360Belt, David M.QuincyWd. R. Arm$18.00 -
53,367Beers, John P.QuincyWd. R. Arm$18.00 -
60,229Brown, Jas. R.QuincyWd. R. Arm$18.00 -
156,106Martin, Jas.QuincyWd. L. Side$8.00 Oct. 1878
52,864Harding, MartinQuincyWd. L. Hand$18.00 -
130,379Duncan, Ferd'd M.QuincyWd. L. Hand$8.00 -
112,472Dotty, LewisQuincyWd. L. Hand$6.00 -
43,551Smith, Geo. O.QuincyWd. L. Leg$8.00 June 1865
37,858Castle, Chauncey H.QuincyWd. L. Leg$4.00 -
87,932Ller, John W.QuincyWd. R. Leg$6.00 -
156,425Fouch, AristedesQuincyWd. R. Leg$6.00 -
21,111Washburn, Cornelius C.QuincyWd. R. Leg$4.00 -
69,571Kley, AndrewQuincyWd. R. Wrist$8.00 -
3,996Dwyer, JohnQuincyWd. L. Shoulder$8.00 -
130,140Minter, Wm. H.QuincyWd. Head$12.50 -
55,511Arrowsmith, Fran. G.QuincyWd. Head$10.00 -
53,226Philbrick, Jas. A.QuincyWd. Side & Neck$8.00 -
95,664Darnell, Jas.QuincyWd. L. Forearm$6.00 -
125,063Nolan, JohnQuincyWd. R. Hand$18.00 -
39,790O'Brien, Jas.QuincyWd. R. Ankle$12.00 -
31,206Swarthout, Wm.QuincyWd. R. Thigh$30.00 -
33,811Carter, Jacob F.QuincyWd. L. Foot$8.00 -
42,442Currier, Martin L.QuincyWd. R. Thigh$16.00 -
194,576Newell, HenryQuincyMinors of$10.00 July 1882
50,944Easley, MartinQuincyResults of Small Pox$18.00 -
222,763Hanes, Geo. W.QuincyInjury to Abdomen$4.00 Dec. 1882
92,009Reynolds, Waterman B.QuincyInjury to Abdomen$18.00 -
125,345Pa Delford, John N.QuincyInj. to Abdomen & Chr. Diarr.$10.00 -
4,444Canner, Jas. G.QuincyInfl. Rheum.$8.00 -
70,112Carroll, Thos.QuincyInjury to Abdomen$8.00 -
143,073Coon, Walter H.QuincyInjury to Abdomen$4.00 -
136,921Mutz, AntonQuincyInj. R. Shoulder$10.00 -
89,362Stewart, James P.QuincyTotal Blindness$72.00 -
Turner, Thomas H.QuincySunstroke & Nerv. Prostra'n$4.00 Nov. 1882
113,479McGraw, AndrewQuincyInjury to Abdomen$8.00 May 1881
73,596McKenzie, Wm. H.QuincyWd. 1st & 2nd Finger Lft. Hand$2.00 -
187,732Krummel, ChristianQuincyDep. Father$8.00 Apr. 1880
79,516Purvis, EllenQuincyWidow$8.00 -
122,640Keck, LeonidasQuincyChron. Diarr.$6.00 Apr. 1875
194,655Hennesey, MichaelQuincyG. S. W. Head$2.00 Aug. 1881
117,024Taylor, DelosQuincyG. S. W. Back$4.00 June 1872
194,771Williams, GusQuincyInj. Lft. Knee$6.00 Aug. 1881
214,419Floyd, Wm. W.QuincyDis. of Heart$12.00 June 1882
158,155Beave, Elizabeth R.QuincyDep. Mother$8.00 May 1872
59,334Beaver, Andrew J.QuincyDis. of Eyes$18.00 -
87,257Owens, JosiahQuincyChr. Diar., Res. Dis. of Abd. Vis.$8.00 -
197,564Stinson, MargaretQuincyDep. Mother$8.00 Oct. 1882
41,505Debord, Thomas C.QuincyG. S. W. Lft. Shoulder$8.00 Apr. 1865
41,079Stirens, Marcia S.QuincyWidow$8.00 -
86,068Branson, TabithaRitchfieldWidow$8.00 -
189,321Cockerel, JaneRitchfieldWidow$14.00 Aug. 1880
6,581Cook, SallyRitchfieldWidow$8.00 May 1875
53,032Whitney, Joseph F.RitchfieldLoss L. Leg$24.00 -
86,009Tyler, Henry B.RitchfieldWd. R. Hand$10.00 -
143,946Lock, Newton B.RitchfieldDis. of Abdominal Vis. & Rheu.$5.00 -
28,509Belts, JohnRitchfieldChr. Diarr.$6.00 -
112,978Tyler, IraRitchfieldDis. Lungs$18.00 -
213,692Trotter, AlsiRitchfieldDis. Lungs$4.00 June 1882
210,945Trotter, Wm. C.RitchfieldDis. Heart$8.00 June 1882
84,318Sightle, EnochSeehornWd. Lft. Hand$4.00 -
34,672Campbell, Geo. W.Stone's PrairieDropsy$4.00 -
199,264Maybury, Geo. W.Stone's PrairieChr. Diarr.$8.00 Dec. 1881
193,868Swarthout, Jas.Stone's PrairieChr. Diarr.$2.00 Aug. 1881
67,787Lock, Hamden A.Stone's PrairieInjury to Abdomen, &C$8.00 -
131,247Brandes, OttoUrsaLoss 3d & 4th Fingers L. Hand$8.00 -
27,020Forsyth, MaryUrsaWidow$8.00 Sept. 1879
23,948Maxfield, Jas. W.UrsaLoss R. Arm$24.00 -
202,816Cundiff, Wm. K.UrsaChr. Diarr.$4.00 Feb. 1882
74,678Sprinkle, HenryUrsaChr. Diarr.$8.00 -
170,829Jackson, JohnUrsaRheumatism$8.00 June 1880
100,960Charlton, NancyUrsaWidow$8.00 -
24,804McLaughlin, MaryWoodvilleDep. Mother$8.00 June 1864
120,514Rice, HenryWoodvilleG. S. W. Thi. & Shoul.$8.00 -
119,471Pittman, William H.WoodvilleG. S. W. Head, Epilepsy$8.00 -

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