New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Union County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Union County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
67332Andrews, George ACrestonwd.of rt.foot $8.00 -
110574Ashly, Mary AAftondep.mother $8.00 Mar., 1868
128254Autenseith, CCrestong.s.w.left leg $4.00 -
153743Bailey, Alvan SCromwellpartial deafness $2.00 June, 1878
112403Baker, Nathan HCrestong.s.w.of left leg $6.00 -
151406Barber, William WAftondisease of eyes $6.00 Mar., 1878
55053Barlett, John WCrestong.s.w.of face $7.00 -
102754Bartlett, Luther MCrestondisease of rt.leg $5.00 -
182699Bason, ThomasCrestonparalysis of left arm $6.00 Feb., 1881
102874Beath, AlexanderThayerwd.of thigh, abdomen $6.00 -
128883Bird, Clement MAftonwd.of lft.arm & shoulder $8.00 -
126793Bishop. Joshua FAftong.s.w.l. clavicle $5.00 -
183089Blakely, John FCrestong.s.w.rt.leg $4.00 Feb., 1881
71037Blanchard, LaurettaAftondep.mother $8.00 Mar., 1867
1269Brockhazen, GeorgeCrestonwounds (Navy) $4.00 June, 1869
208641Broins, Jeremiah LSpauldingg.s.w.rt.thigh $4.00 May, 1882
188548Bruckhalter, Julia MCrestonwidow & 3 children $8.00 June, 1880
166359Bryan, Sarah RCrestonwidow & 3 children $8.00 Oct., 1874
132620Bullard, Egbert DCrestong.s.w.left leg $3.00 -
109629Burnworth, Fanny MThayerwidow $8.00 Mar., 1868
157102Campbell, JohnAftong.s.w.rt.hand & ch.diarr. $66.00 Jan., 1879
82227Canfield, Alanson CCrestong.s.w.of left hand $12.00 -
215359Carey, GeorgeCrestoninjury to abdomen $4.00 July, 1882
21157Christie, William HCrestonwd.of rt.hand & c. $6.00 -
127060Christy, William DAftonhemorrhage & heart dis. $12.00 -
187669Clark, BenjaminKentsunstroke resulting in nervous prostration $4.00 Apr., 1881
137015Clark, James SAftong.s.w.jaw,,& loss l.eye $10.00 -
222889Coffin, DavidCrestonchron.bronchitis $6.00 Dec., 1882
21586Coggeshall, Julia CCrestonwidow $20.00 July, 1874
132641Cooper, Charles RThayershell wd.r.shoul.& left leg $8.00 -
16684Copley, George WCrestong.s.w.of left hip $6.00 -
63886Curtis, George WCrestong.s.w.rt.leg $8.50 May, 1866
223527Davis, LeviCrestonchron.diarr. $4.00 Dec., 1882
101381Dennis, Frederick ECrestong.s.w.pelvis & hip $6.00 Dec., 1869
183974Dennis, JacobCrestonrheu.of heart $10.00 Mar., 1881
146428Depue, Theodore OAftong.s.w.lft.thigh & foot $2.00 -
181236Forward, Milton MCrestonsunstroke and dis. of nervous system $4.00 Jan., 1881
214735Fox, ManlyCrestoninj.of back $4.00 June, 1882
218827French, Charles WCrestong.w.rt.forearm $4.00 Oct., 1882
33867Fulton, Henry DCrestonw.l.shr. $18.00 -
36607Gardiner, John ECrestonloss of left arm above elbow $24.00 -
124164Gouldin, Silas WCrestong.s.w.lft.arm, lft.hand & breast $8.00 -
46241Grinnell, Charles HCrestong.s.w.rt.& lft. arm $18.00 -
204020Groves, Leroy SAftonch.diarr.,& dis.of abdominal viscera & ozena $17.00 Mar., 1882
61408Guttery, JesseAftondisease of eyes $8.00 -
210869Harris, WilliamAftondisease of eyes $8.00 June, 1882
6891Hawk, SarahCrestonwidow $8.00 Oct., 1867
134795Heacock, Enos ECrestong.s.w.left hand $2.00 -
29419Henderson, AngelineAftonwidow $8.00 Sept., 1867
192595Hiers, JacobCromwelldep.father $8.00 June, 1881
45880Hoakison, JohnSpauldingwd.of left wrist $18.00 -
199466Hungate, George abdomen,scurvy and varicose veins $8.00 Dec.,1881
142964Huntzinger, Levi PAftonwd.of right leg $8.00 -
90852Johnson, George RCrestonasthma $8.00 -
83838Johnson, JamesAftonnecrosis of right femur $12.00 -
88390Kelly, Lewis MCrestonw.r.leg $2.66 -
172946Klinefelter, WilliamAftonchron.diarr. $4.00 Aug., 1880
109034Landon, MattCromwellwd. left temple & lumbar regions $8.00 -
94349Lane, George WAftong.s.w.of right arm $18.00 -
13131Laport, CharlesAftong.s.w.left forearm $6.00 -
140246Lenhart, David ACrestondis.of abdominal viscera $8.00 -
188449Lewis, Lydia AAftonwidow & 2 children $8.00 Mar., 1881
114545Lilly, Isaac CAftonheart disease $4.00 -
15539Long, David BCromwellloss of left leg $24.00 Aug., 1874
101401Lotsperch, George HKentg.s.w.rt.leg $4.00 -
171390Many, DudleyCrestonp.s.wd.left hand $6.00 July, 1880
197437Martin, HiramAftonulcers of legs $6.00 Nov., 1881
126937Martin, Oliver PAftong.s.w. left thigh & head $8.00 -
180153Martin, Robert L., alias PoindexterCrestong.s.w.back & rt.leg $6.00 Dec., 1880
106194Mayhew, Sheldon PAftong.s.w.of chest $2.00 -
-McAdams, MelvinAftondeafness,ch.diar., & bron. $4.00 -
44131McCandless, Sarah ACrestonwidow $8.00 -
269677McKee, left side & back $4.00 May, 1882
149330McKee, Robert JAftong.s.w.2d fin.l.hand & l.hip $6.00 Nov., 1877
36773McKenzie, AlexanderKentwd.of left leg $6.00 -
219218McKnight, Robert MAftong.s.w.right leg $2.00 Oct., 1882
87296Mills, Harry FSpauldingg.s.w.left side $6.00 -
57658Mills, William DSpauldingwd.of left thigh $18.00 -
214456Moor, John DCrestondisease of lungs $4.00 June, 1882
77191Moorehead, Otis DCrestonwd.rt.thigh & left hand $8.00 -
210578Morrow, Simon SThayerchron.diarr. $4.00 June, 1882
119406Munch, eyes $18.00 -
220199Murphy, ChristopherKentvaricose veins left leg $4.00 -
174753Newcomb, Gardner DCrestonwd.of left shoulder $4.00 Oct., 1880
97582Newman, WilliamCrestoninj. to back and rt. hip $8.00 -
70200Nolan, JohnCrestonwd.of head $6.00 -
33409Osborn, EzraCrestonwd.of rt.leg $8.00 -
16969Philpott, James MCrestong.s.w.left thigh $4.00 -
39596Redd, FrankAftong.s.w.head & shoulder $6.00 -
127574Redman, Samuel FCrestonloss sight l.eye & imp.vis.rt. $8.00 -
204719Roberts, StephenCromwellchron.diar. & dis.of heart $8.00 Mar., 1882
118036Seay, Peter HAftong.s.w.left hip $8.00 -
128534Seeley, Enoch SCrestonrheu. rt. leg & hip $10.00 -
77602Sharkey, EdwardCrestonopthalmia & varicose veins of legs $8.00 -
194191Shipley, JamesCrestonchron.diarr. $4.00 Aug., 1881
157578Shute, John WAftong.s.w.rt.hand $6.00 Feb., 1879
180751Skinner, AnsonCrestonchron.diarr. $15.00 Jan., 1881
172629Skinner, WilliamCrestonscurvy $4.00 Aug., 1880
177388Smith, WallaceCromwellinj.back,dis.of kidneys,g.s.w neck, rt. hand, part. loss finger $8.00 Oct., 1880
57390Snyder, CarltonCrestondis.left arm, anchylosis shoulder and elbow $18.00 -
144356Spear, William HSpauldinginjury to abdomen $6.00 -
190996Stafford, Thomas JCrestong.s.w.right forearm $4.00 June, 1881
214909Stewart, Elisha CCrestong.s.w.3d finger right hand $2.00 June, 1882
106318Stickley, Benjamin RCromwellvar.veins left leg & abd. $10.00 -
193631Stineman,Thomas BCrestong.s.w. left side involving lung $4.00 July, 1881
54633Strickland, Curtis VThayerg.s.w.of back $6.00 -
211143Strout, RichardCrestonrheumatism & dis.of heart $20.00 Jun, 1882
116987Syp, JosephAftondisease of eyes $18.00 -
117898Taylor, Hugh AKentg.s.w.left shoulder $4.00 -
218135Taylor, Rolla ECrestonshell wd.of left arm $2.00 Sept., 1882
116621Thayer, Joseph EThayerheart disease $8.00 -
120376Thompson, Charles left knee & leg $10.00 -
222204Truman, WilliamCrestonpartial deafness $2.00 Dec., 1882
168652Vance, Andrew MAftonconcussion of spine $4.00 May, 1880
198223Walcott, MaryCrestonwidow $8.00 Dec., 1882
189766Waltman, James ACrestoninjury to abdomen $8.00 June, 1881
44410Ward, Charles CCrestonwd.of rt. hand $4.00 -
93083West, Joseph WCrestong.s.w.rt.arm $4.00 Sept., 1868
46289Wheeler, Truman HAftonloss of rt.leg $24.00 -
75650Whinkler, SarahAftondep.mother $8.00 June, 1866
209411Wick, HenryAftonscurvy & ulceration of legs $6.00 May, 1882
124898Wilcox, BaleyThayerg.s.w.rt.wrist & complete anchylosis $12.00 -
150922Willison, AsiasCrestonwd.of rt.thigh $6.25 -
74814Wilson, John LLeewd.of back $6.00 -
51090Wilson, William MSpauldingwd.of left shoulder $18.00 -
192362Word, Charles PCrestonchron.diarr. $4.00 July, 1881
175200Wordon, Alvin BCrestonloss of pt. of rt. Index finger $2.00 Oct., 1880
106310Wright, Daniel KAftondis.of abdominal viscera $17.00 -
43430Yeager, JosephAftonwd.of left shoulder $8.00 -
186382?assage, Jacob DCrestonshell wd.left side $2.00 Mar., 1881

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