New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Taylor County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Taylor County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
167129Barringer, Wm. JConwag.s.w.l.shoul.& var.veins $6.00 Apr., 1880
109019Beamer, Reuben MClearfieldshell wd.lft foot & shoulder $3.00 -
40177Benedict, Mary JConwachildren $8.00 Feb., 1865
160334Bennett, Wm.DBedfordch.diarr. $4.00 May, 1879
-Blackburn, JohnMormontowng.s.w.lft.leg $6.00 -
8107Bowman, MaryNew Marketwidow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
174721Bramble, James FNew Marketdis.of heart $8.00 Oct., 1880
162284Braunner, ArterburnBedfordch.diarr. $6.00 Sept., 1869
153239Brown, MaxwellBedfordch.diarr. $6.00 May, 1878
187517Burrows, Wm. MBedfordbronchitis & ch.diarr. $6.00 Apr., 1881
72898Butts, SimeonBedfordwd.rt.arm $4.00 -
144911Buxton, NancyLenoxwidow $8.00 Sept., 1870
204285Campbell, Dormain HBedfordg.s.w.lft.side & back $4.00 Mar., 1882
30913Chaffee, ElizabethNew Marketwidow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1880
139437Clark, JohnBedforddis.of eyes $18.00 -
12402Clark, Newell WClearfieldg.s.w.rt. heel $18.00 -
110323Clark, RobtLenoxshell wd.rt.foot, abd. $8.00 -
44690Cleavenger, John R.B.Bedfordch.conjunctivitis $18.00 -
193661Cobb, Ambrose LBedfordg.s.w.rt.leg $2.00 July, 1881
33035Conger, John HGravityloss lft arm above elbow $24.00 -
189490Connett. Mallon CBedfordg.s.w. left thigh $10.00 June, 1881
217512Cooper, Isaac TConwach.diarr.,& neuralgia $8.00 Aug., 1882
141487Cooper, JohnConwainj.lft.ankle $4.00 Sept., 1876
202336Cordell, WmBedfordch.diarr. $4.00 Feb., 1882
197462Daily, Joseph SBedfordg.s.w.rt.leg & mouth $2.00 Nov, 1881
63236Dallison, Samuel JBedfordg.s.w.lft. arm & elbow $10.00 -
68416Damion, Charles LBedfordloss large toe $4.00 -
57902Daniels, WarrenBedfordg.s.w.rt.heel $8.00 -
218668Darris, AdolphusBedfordg.s.wd.rt.wrist $2.00 Oct., 1882
145034Day, Thos DLenoxwd.lft.buttock $8.00 -
212432Delay, John FBedforddis.of lungs $8.00 June, 1882
167899Dickerson, Wm. ALenoxch.diarr. $4.00 May, 1880
117353Dickson, BalieBedfordg.s.w.l.hand,loss forefinger $3.00 -
116400Downing, James HLenoxchr.rheum. $24.00 -
215076Drinckson, Kimble EBedforddis.of eyes $4.00 July, 1882
144043Dugan, GeoBedfordwd.rt.thumb $2.00 -
185867Duncan, ElizabethSiammother $8.00 Oct., 1879
90314Earls, AsaSiamg.s.w.lft.thigh $10.00 -
192729Eaton, SamuelMormontownch.diar. $6.00 July, 1881
181161Ellinwood, NancyGravitymother $8.00 Aug., 1878
134322Elliott, JamesHoltg.s.w.lft.leg $4.00 -
162943Evans, David ELenoxchr. rheum & diarr. $8.50 Oct., 1879
189627Everitt, Martha MBedfordwidow $8.00 Sept., 1880
118141Ferpening, Clinton UBedforddis.of abd.vis.from diarr. $12.00 -
174728Garner, Samuel HBedfordloss 2d finger left hand $2.00 Oct., 1880
64446Godfrey, JerneLenoxwd.lft.shoulder $18.00 -
164824Grant, SamuelBedfordloss sight lft.eye $4.00 Feb., 1880
88948Green, CalebBedfordwd.of face $4.00 -
21315Green, George MConwafrac.rt.knee joint $18.00 -
87052Grisinger, IsraelLenoxwd.of head $4.00 -
66095Hamblin, DennisConwag.s.w.lft.arm $15.00 -
211757Hamilton, James HBedfordmal.,pois., & ch.diarr. $15.00 June, 1880
216867Hardenbrook, Rich'd LBedfordchr.,diarr., dis.of abd.vis., & dis. lungs $6.00 Aug., 1882
49010Harrel, John MConwag.s.w.lft.thigh & inj. to abdomen $12.00 -
151553Harrold, EdwardGravityg.s.w.head $2.00 Mar., 1878
184741Harvey, AmbrosePlattevillechr.diarr. $4.00 Mar., 1881
164785Haselett, Peter BLenoxinj.rt.hip & back, dis.of abd. vis., w. l. leg $8.00 Feb., 1880
182912Hatfield, PhoebeBedfordmother $8.00 Mar., 1879
42042Hayes, JohnClearfieldlosss lft.thigh $24.00 May, 1881
219993Helmick, Wm. MNew Marketloss lft.eye $4.00 Oct., 1882
187416Hoagland, EveBedfordwidow $10.00 Mar., 1880
171723Houck, Austin SBedfordch.diarr. $6.00 July, 1880
98337Irelan, Nathiun MNew Marketdis.of eyes $4.00 -
65131Johnson, Albert JLenoxg.s.w.lft.thigh $4.00 -
107059Johnson, GeoLenoxg.s.wd.both hips $8.00 -
187358Johnson, MaryNew Marketwidow $8.00 Mar., 1880
222781Johnston, James TBedforddis.of abdominal viscera $4.00 Dec., 1882
99012Jolly, Samuel HMormontownscurvy & results $6.00 -
118294Kelly, Newton DBedfordfrac.rt.thigh $4.00 -
203283Kersey, IsaacBedfordch.diarr.and dis.of lungs $8.00 Feb., 1882
181890King, AlbinaBedfordwidow $8.00 Aug., 1878
147448King, Levi HLenoxg.s.wd.of face & neck $6.00 July, 1877
90486Laird, LeviBedfordvaricose veins $4.00 -
186931Lake, Amelia HConwawidow $8.00 Feb., 1880
75784Lowry, John EBedfordopthalmia $8.00 -
133119Lowry, Martin RBedfordwd.neck and rt. shoulder $4.00 -
172458Mam, MichaelBedfordheart dis. $8.00 Aug., 1880
148006Marvin, HenryConwag.s.w.rt.thigh $4.00 Sept., 1877
163131Mathews, Chas abdomen $4.00 Oct., 1879
357915Moore, Mary ELenoxwidow $8.00 Apr., 1867
137678Moore, Richard PClearfieldg.s.w.neck,l.elbow, rt.leg, $10.00 -
158204Nation, James WConwag.s.wd.lft.foot $1.00 Mar., 1879
131554Noble, James WBedfordwd.lft.shoulder $3.00 -
183048Noble, John SNew Marketdis.of eyes, total blindness $72.00 Feb., 1881
45879Paschal, George CLenoxheart dis. $8.00 -
149748Pool, Reuben EHoltg.s.w.lft.thigh $2.00 Dec., 1877
199528Poor, James HMormontownloss rt.index finger $3.00 Dec., 1881
145870Putman, Sidney CBedfordinjury to abdomen $4.00 -
154024Redrup, WmBedfordg.s.w.lower jaw $4.00 June, 1878
199762Reed, WmBedforddis.of eyes $6.00 Dec., 1881
155100Roberts, JamesBedfordg.s.w.head $4.00 Sept., 1878
43884Roberts, Wm. HGravitywd.rt.hand $18.00 June, 1865
199355Rockwell, Robert BBedfordg.s.w.rt.knee $6.00 Dec., 1881
165565Roush, Henry rt. side $4.00 Mar., 1880
107924Sawyer, Frederick left shoulder $4.00 -
120382Scott, Andrew JLenoxg.s.w.r.hip & thigh $6.00 -
185345Shoemaker, SamanthaPlattevillewidow $8.00 Aug., 1879
127518Singleton, John FBedfordfather $8.00 Apr., 1869
139015Soles, Joseph W.S.Bedfordg.s.w.rt.arm $4.00 -
180269Stanley, EdgarHoltinjury to abdomen $8.00 Dec., 1880
44324Stickelman, HenrySiamg.s.w.lft.elbow $10.00 -
212786Strong, Van RConwach.diarr., and dis.of abd.vis $6.00 June, 1882
44933Surrick, IsaacBedfordloss lft.arm $24.00 -
195303Swap, Wm. EBedfordinjury to abdomen $4.00 Sept., 1881
219826Taylor, CharlesBedforddis.of lungs $6.00 Oct., 1882
109006Taylor, John PGravityg.s.w.lft.thigh $6.00 -
143912Taylor, Nancy FBedfordwidow $8.00 July, 1870
48752Thompson, Sarah EConwawidow $8.00 July, 1867
182437Thurman, RachelClearfieldmother $8.00 Nov., 1878
155794Triggs, Elijah MBedfordvaricose veins left leg $4.00 Oct., 1878
113982Turner, Wm. JBedfordwd.rt.hand., loss index fing $2.00 -
216885Udell, abdomen $4.00 Aug., 1882
129668Underwood, LemuelBedfordch.opthalina & ch.diar. $8.00 -
83585Van Sickle, Abraham BBedfordg.s.w.rt.shoulder $15.00 -
69597Vannote, John RLenoxwd.rt.breast $18.00 -
179020Vinner, ElizabethBedfordmother $8.00 -
195704Walker, RebeccaBedfordwidow $8.00 May, 1882
11742Wallace, Phebe JBedfordwidow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
222135Winkley, Wm. MLenoxdis.of eyes $2.00 Dec., 1882
194441Winning, Wm. MSiamchr.diarr. $8.00 Aug., 1881
166398Wolcott, Emery FBedforddis.of eyes $4.00 Apr., 1880
198959Wood, LuciusBedfordch.diarr. $2.00 Dec., 1881
169643Wood, Sarah GGravity1 child $8.00 June, 1875
60222Woodward, Joel NLenoxg.s.w.of face $3.00 -
163720Zentz, Henry WNew Marketchr.diar. & dis.of abd.vis. $12.75 Dec., 1879

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