New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Tama County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Tama County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
21595Abbe, Augustus WGarwinloss r. arm $24.00 -
32712Arbuthnot, Samuel WDysartwound l. hand $18.00 -
137334Bale, George WHelenag. s. w. r. hip $4.00 -
105847Barnet, Daniel RTama Cityg. s. w. r. arm $2.00 -
152839Barton, Joseph WWalthamg. s. w. right ankle $2.00 May, 1878
42277Berger, John AToledowd. r. elbow $6.00 -
30622Berry, MargaretTama Citywidow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1880
48594Bishop, John B. MGarwing. s. w. l. thigh $6.00 -
97076Blinn, Leonard BToledorheumatism $20.00 -
24163Bonney, OliverTraersurv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
152554Boucher, Wm. FWalthamwd. of head $8.00 Apr., 1878
126586Boynton, Henry WToledodisease of eyes $6.00 -
192020Bracken, James LTama Citydis. lungs and liver $8.00 June, 1881
78445Brewer, EliasButlervilleg. s. w. r. foot $4.00 -
128877Brinkerhoff, Archibald M.Garwing. s. w. left side face & neck $4.00 June, 1874
87842Brown, William HDysartwd. left thigh $4.00 -
105738Bunce, Edwin WToledotyphoid fever, prison life, resulting in genl. debility. $6.00 -
26314Carter, Sarah APotterwidow $8.00 -
63380Carter, Thomas WTama Cityinjury to spine $4.00 -
193847Christopher, Richard BGladbrookdis. lungs, result measles $4.00 Aug., 1881
69572Co?y, AlbertTama Cityg. s. w. l. arm and shoulder $8.00 -
48425Connell, JohnToledoloss l. arm $30.00 -
97560Cooper, Charles E. SToledog. s. w. right thigh $4.00 -
176113Cooper, HenryMontourg. s. w. left thigh $4.00 Oct., 1880
134646Croakey, Joseph LMontourg. s. w. r. shoulder $8.00 -
141355Cross, ElliotToledog. s. w. right heel $2.00 -
154543Crusen, John WTama Cityg. s. w. lft. leg $4.00 Aug., 1878
86052Dallas, Archibald MFifteen Mile Grovewound r. hand $8.00 -
43795Davis, ViannaGarwinmother $8.00 Mar., 1878
21572Davis, WilliamWalthamloss left arm above elbow $24.00 -
83373Deford, MaryMontourmother $8.00 May, 1867
182019Dexter, KnightToledodis. lungs $4.00 Feb., 1881
45273Dillman, Emily LToledowidow $17.00 Apr., 1865
186395Duke, EmilyTraerwidow $8.00 Dec., 1879
79583Ebersole, John WToledog. s. w. l. leg below knee $4.00 -
29577Everett, SarahTama Citywidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1880
212073Ferson, Levi ODysartg. s. w. l. arm & l. side head $4.00 June, 1882
187686Fill, John K., jrTama Citychronic diarrhea $4.00 Apr., 1881
198162Flathers, John WTama Citychronic diarrhea $4.00 Nov., 1881
64284Flint, Charles AHaveng. s. w. leg & foot $6.00 -
130559Frantz, Alfred LMontourwound r. leg $6.00 -
59194Fuller, Henry DTraerloss l. arm, r. eye & 1/2 l. foot $36.00 -
45430Fuoss, DanielDysartfracture r. arm $18.00 -
148202Gage, Ambrose RHaveng. s. w. r. hand $4.00 Sept., 1877
193963Gancon, WillamToledochron. rheum $4.00 -
219779Gigger, WileyGarwinchronic diarrhea $6.00 Oct., 1882
203304Gower, Jacob WDysartg. s. w. r. side & r. shoulder $4.00 Mar., 1882
168286Graff, GeorgeTama Cityg. s. w. r. knee, thigh, & groin $4.00 May, 1880
58352Graw, John MToledog. s. w. right shoulder $4.00 -
14078Griffith, ThomasDysartwound r. shoulder $18.00 -
112624Hallet, SamuelHelenadisease of eyes $2.00 -
197638Hand, Charles EChelseachronic. diarr $4.00 Nov., 1881
156367Harmon, Alphius BTraerg. s. w. right thigh $4.00 Nov., 1878
172181Harris, Wm. EButlervilleg. s. w. lft. hand $4.00 Aug., 1880
191782Helm, Sophia AMontourmother $8.00 Apr., 1881
212566Hill, Mathias SToledochron. diarr. resulting dis. of abdominal viscera. $6.00 June, 1882
31255Hodgson, Mary AGladbrookwidow $8.00 -
27553Hooghkirk, Benj. BToledowound l. thigh and l. arm $18.00 -
82684Hubel, HenzelVininginj. to head from fall horse $24.00 -
51851Ingham, Elizabeth STama Citywidow $8.00 Aug., 1867
-Ives, Adelbert ADysartdisease of eyes $6.00 June, 1882
173100Jordan, JosiahChelseainj. to spine $8.00 Sept., 1880
41693King, Jared KToledoloss right arm $18.00 -
19105Kingsley, CatherineTama Citywidow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
44270Lannning, Daniel SToledog. s. w. right thigh $4.00 -
24314Laurence, Elmer YGladbrookleft leg flexura at knee-joint $12.00 -
186054Loomis, HiramElberonchr. diarrh. & rheumatism $6.00 Mar., 1881
134338Maginniss, EdwardDysartloss r. thumb $4.00 -
203825Malin, William GTama Cityg. s. w. r. shoulder & hip $4.00 Mar., 1882
86414Marshall, JamesTama Cityloss left leg $24.00 -
132256Martin, LorindaTraermother $8.00 May, 1876
34475Masker, WilsonChelseag. s. w. r. hand, loss 3 fingers $10.00 -
79213McClaskey, John RToledoloss left leg above knee $24.00 -
222942McGinnis WilliamToledochron. diar. and dis. abd. vis $6.00 Dec., 1882
73281McHall, Judson SChelseag. s. w. left breast $6.00 -
173065McMahon, JosephTraerg. s. w. left forearm $2.00 Sept., 1880
152979Mefford, MitchellToledochronic diarrhea $4.00 May, 1878
15406Merritt, Nancy AGarwinwidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
201414Metz, ReinhardTama Cityinj. to breast & l. side $4.00 Jan., 1882
74595Morland, Benjamin FTama Cityg. s. w. l. shoulder $6.00 -
133800Nash, ThomasToledog. s. w. r. leg below knee $6.00 -
108599O'Hara, PeterDysartg. s. w. l. hand $4.00 -
57536Olney, Sarah PToledowidow $8.00 June, 1867
57479Overturf, Jacob BIrvingopthalmia $2.00 -
187286Owen, Eleanor MToledomother $8.00 Mar., 1880
137606Porter, Christopher HTama Citydis. liver, resulting dyspepsia & dis. heart. $12.00 -
171775Powers, ThomasGarwing. s. w. left hand $2.00 July, 1880
135722Putnam, PhilanaToledomother $8.00 Oct., 1869
74146Raser, ThomasMontouramputated r. arm above elb. $24.00 -
79324Rockenfield, John EHelenawound r. thigh $6.00 -
126814Rushton, Stephen KDysartg. s. w. r. hip $4.00 -
72274Scaggs, John RMontourg. s. w. left foot $12.00 -
217156Scott, Daniel BDysartpar. deafness both ears $2.00 Aug., 1882
8100Seekins, JohnMontoursurv. 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1881
110554Sherwin, William HDysartg. s. w. left thigh $6.00 -
179823Shuey, Catharine VToledowidow $20.00 Jan., 1878
101119Skiles, McArthurHavenloss index finger l. hand $2.00 -
150257Slade, VandalierTraerdeafness both ears $6.00 Dec., 1877
151163Smith, Julia ATama Citywidow $8.00 June, 1871
189582Smith, Rachel PTama Citywidow and one child $8.00 Aug., 1880
109150Steveson, Noah PGarwinloss index finger l. hand $3.00 -
15461Stoakes, JohnTraersurv. 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1872
101129Strong, Frances KButlervillewidow $8.00 Oct., 1867
109685Swatslander, WilliamTama Cityg. s. w. left shoulder $6.00 -
17348Underhill, Andrew MTraerinj. right foot $4.00 -
196470Underhill, CatharineTraerwidow and one child $8.00 June, 1882
48796Vanhorn, Jacob DGarwinwound r. leg $12.00 -
193267Walton, George DIrvingshell wound back $2.00 July, 1881
104520Weir, HughTraerg. s. w. right chest & r. leg $10.00 -
190688Westcott, ErskineGladbrookchronic diarrhea $8.00 June, 1881
81353Wild, JohnToledowound head and mouth $8.00 -
178815Williamson, JoachinToledofather $8.00 Oct., 1877
154111Willson, Charles CTraerg. s. w. right thumb $2.00 June, 1878
217357Wilson, Barthol'mew WChelseag. s. w. left thigh $15.00 Aug., 1880
75715Worrell, Susan STama Citywidow $8.00 Sept., 1867
187481Yeiser, Lydia JToledowidow $8.00 May, 1880
131532Young, Elijah STama Citychron. diarrhea $4.00 -
58562Young, HesterToledowidow $8.00 May, 1868
183790Young, Lorenzo DTama Cityinjury to abdomen $4.00 Mar., 1881
32044Zehrung, ChristinaToledowidow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1881

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