New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Mahaska County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Mahaska County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
151060Abner, BerryOskaloosag. s. w. lft. arm$4.00Feb., 1878
73396Adair, JamesOskaloosag. s. w. lft. thigh$6.00-
119601Alumbaugh, ElizabethOskaloosaWidow$8.00Oct., 1868
86503Aukeney, Seth POskaloosaophthalmia$6.00-
188928Ball, Claget COskaloosarheumatism$18.00May, 1881
139290Barr, Clarence SLeightoninj. to lft. ankle$6.00-
64868Barrows, GeoOskaloosag. s. w. rt. leg & thigh$18.00-
20122Bartlett, Ulysses EFremontloss of rt. arm abv. elbow$24.00-
182235Bass, Andrew JOskaloosachr. diarr & rheum., resltg. dis. of heart$8.00Feb., 1881
198000Berkey, Wm. HOskaloosag. s. w. of back & rt. knee$10.00Nov., 1881
16602Billings, Jacob LPeoriag. s. w. rt. arm$8.00-
98100Bonney, Geo. JOskaloosachronic diarrhea$16.00-
10531Borrall, HenryPeoriag. s. w. of rt. hand$18.00-
19597Bowdles, IsaiahNew Sharondis. of heart$6.00-
114984Bowen, Jno.Beacong. s .w of lft. shoulder$8.00-
29699Boyd, Ann MPeoriaWidow 1812$8.00June, 1880
42523Brackney, Martha JOskaloosaWidow$8.00Oct., 1867
174720Brown, Jno. FOskaloosachr. diarrhea$8.00Oct., 1880
14189Brown, Wm. HRose Hillg. s. w. lft hand$2.00-
32143Burnett, JoelOskaloosawd. lft. hand, loss of thumb, anchylosis$18.00-
171885Campbell, RichardGranvillesunstroke, & c$4.00Aug., 1880
120473Carpenter, EwdOskaloosag. s. w. of lft shoulder$5.00-
197426Carr, Jno. WNew Sharonrheumatism, res. dis. of heart$8.00Nov., 1881
59905Carr, Rich'dBarnes Citywd. of lft. thigh$18.00-
129868Chadwick, AnnaFlintdependent mother$8.00June, 1869
173125Church, Alonzo NBeacondis. of eyes$18.00Sept., 1880
179178Clammer, DavidIndianapolisminors$26.00Nov., 1877
170026Clifford, Sam'l KOskaloosadis. of eyes$6.00June, 1880
118292Cole, Jairus RNew Sharong. s. w. of lft side$7.50-
170217Colville, JnoOskaloosadis. eyes, res. total blindness$72.00June, 1880
73066Comstock, Andrew JOskaloosag. s. w. r. groin & l. thigh, res. injury to abdomen$20.00-
124387Coomes, HenryPeoriag, s. w. rt. shoulder$6.00-
124057Coomes, ReubenLaceyg. s. w. of rt. should. & neck$8.00-
121542Cowan, Wm. ROskaloosag. s. w. of abdomen & lft leg$8.00-
91614Crew, Noah JIndianapolisfract. rt. thigh$14.00-
126002Critchett, EphraimOskaloosarheum & chr. diarrh$12.00-
220835Crookham, Jefferson GOskaloosag. s. w. lft. thigh$2.00Nov., 1882
49592Crowder, LewisPeoriawd. of lft. shoulder$18.00-
118355Cruzen, Benj.Oskaloosag. s. w. lft hip$4.00-
172384Culver, Elmer ROskaloosasunstroke, res. dis of heart$12.00Aug., 1880
75709Deboard, PharabaOskaloosaWidow$8.00Sept., 1880
9521Delong, SarahBeaconWidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1878
151089Denise, DeniseUnion Millsg. s. w. of lft. forearm$4.00Feb., 1878
188823Deweese, MalindaOskaloosadependent mother$8.00June, 1880
164525Dickens, EstherOskaloosadependent mother$8.00Apr., 1874
180187Dinsmore, WmFremontchr. diarrhea$8.00Dec., 1880
75113Dixson, Catherine CNew SharonWidow$8.00Oct., 1867
165965Dodd, Chas. JNew Sharonshell wd. of back$6.00Mar., 1880
70892Doney, IraLeightong. s. w. lft. hip$18.00Sept., 1866
8255Douglas, MiddyOskaloosadependent mother$8.00Nov., 1863
12630Dumont, MaryOskaloosaWidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1878
7373Dunsmore, EllisOskaloosadis. of eyes$18.00-
23048Eby,Wm. WOskaloosag. s. w. of lft leg$14.00-
158014Eddy, GeorgeOskaloosadependent father$8.00May, 1872
208043Edwards, Wm. DOskaloosadis. of eyes$8.00May, 1882
140857Ellison, Fannie BNew SharonWidow$8.00Mar., 1870
71767Ellsworth, Chandler WOskaloosaloss of rt eye$4.00-
171070Enos, MargaretOskaloosadependent mother$8.00Nov., 1875
74828Ferree, Jno. COskaloosag. s. w. lft foot$6.00-
55396Fields, SarahOskaloosaWidow$8.00July, 1867
192503Fletcher, JamesBarnes Cityg. s. w. of lft. forearm$4.00July,1881
145360Francis,Austin BWhite Oakchr. diarrh. & dis. of lungs$10.00-
87613Frank, Joseph WIndianapolisfract. of both legs$16.00-
190017Freak, Rachel ERose HillWidow$8.00Oct., 1880
167429Fry, ElizabethOskaloosaWidow$8.00Feb., 1875
218830Gale, Jno. AOskaloosaheart disease$8.00Oct., 1882
179626Gerard, Margaret LBeaconWidow$17.00Jan., 1878
157178Glasscock, Wm. PNew Sharong. s. w. of lft. hand$6.00Jan., 1879
212445Gorsuch, Ezekiel WOskaloosachr. diarrhea$8.00June, 1882
156145Goswell, HiramNew Sharonr. s. w. of lft. side$6.00Oct., 1878
35259Graham, DeborahPeoriaWidow$8.00Oct., 1868
24790Graham, SanfordLeightong. s. w. of lft. arm$8.00-
202380Grey, JnoGiving. s. w. of lft. should$1.00Feb., 1882
6483Haney, ElizabethOskaloosaWidow$8.00Aug., 1867
171620Harrington, WmWhite Oakcircocele$4.00July, 1880
16067Harris, Nancy JGranvilleWidow$8.00July, 1867
183828Harris, Wm. BIndianapolischr. rheumatism$12.00Mar., 1881
58195Hartman, EmeliaOskaloosaWidow$8.00Oct., 1867
154261Hendrix, Jno. COskaloosag. s. w. of lft. hand$4.00July, 1878
171294Henley, HenryOskaloosainj. to lft knee$8.00July, 1880
188809Hilliard, WmOskaloosag. s. w. rt. forearm$4.00May, 1881
102062Hoit, Jno. WOskaloosag. s. w. of rt. arm & lft. hand$8.00-
211667Howell, Benoni CFremontdis. of lungs$4.00June, 1882
151286Hull, Benjamin EGranvilleg. s. w. of face$2.00Feb., 1878
187679Hunt, MahalaPeoriadependent mother$8.00Apr., 1880
167950Hurley, NancyOskaloosadependent mother$8.00Mar., 1875
18332Hutchins, RubyRose HillWidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
18334Hutchinson, MarthaFlintWidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
203273Hyatt, MyronNew Sharong. s. w. of lft. leg$2.00Feb., 1882
15519Jackson, LydiaLeightonWidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
108176Jackson, MortimerPeoriag. s.w. rt. hip$4.00-
68402Jackson, NancyOskaloosadependent mother$8.00Mar., 1866
220861Johnson, Worthy AOskaloosainj. of shr. back, & breast$2.00Nov., 1882
185374Jones, Dan'l W.Oskaloosag. s.w. lft side & two saber wds. lft forearm$14.00mar., 1881
15985Jones, EwdRose Hillshell wd. of lft shoulder$4.00-
124704Kelley, JohnLaceydis. of rt. hip$18.00-
189158Kiser, LavinaNew Sharondependent mother$8.00July, 1880
30975Kiser, NicholasIndianapolisfract. lft. leg$5.00-
16153Land, SarahOskaloosaWidow$8.00Jan., 1879
48429Lathrop, Jason RGranvilleloss lft. forearm & dis. heart$12.00-
17157Lockwood, Wm. SBeaconwd. of lft foot$6.00-
187756Loughridge, Mary A. LBeacondependent mother$20.00Apr., 1880
160482Lundy, WmOskaloosainjury of abdomen$8.00June, 1879
74380Lytle, Rebecca TOskaloosaWidow$20.00Nov., 1873
219567Martin, Jno. NOskaloosag. s. w. of rt. elbow$6.00Oct., 1882
24286Mattocks, PeterOskaloosasurv. 1812$8.00Sept., 1878
25213Mc Connell, Eliza AOskaloosaWidow$8.00May, 1868
24007McAllister, ElizabethOskaloosaWidow$8.00Jan., 1868
200685McCaffrey, CorneliusOskaloosag. s. w. of rt. thigh$8.50Jan., 1882
81790McClure, JesseFerryg. s. w. of both temples and lft. cheek$10.00-
72861McFall,Wm. JBeaconloss of lft. eye & partial loss of s'g't of rt. eye.$14.00-
78532McKean, EstherNew SharonWidow$8.00July, 1866
198867McMullen, Jas. WOskaloosag. s. w. lft leg$12.50Dec., 1881
150292McNeill, Wilbur E. AOskaloosag. s. w. rt. breast$8.00Dec., 1877
112754McVey, NathanielLaceyg. s. w. of lft. hand$8.00-
215555Meadows, ChasBeacondis. brain, resltg. dis. heart$18.00July, 1882
102804Mehrlie, JnoGranvillefract. rt. tibia$6.00-
179591Mickle, WilliamBarnes Citychr. rheumatism$18.00Dec., 1880
147816Minor, NelsonOskaloosag. s. w. of rt. arm$8.00Aug., 1877
48213Mitchell, Geo. ROskaloosag. s. w. rt. elbow$12.00-
51040Morland, MaryOskaloosaWidow$17.00June, 1873
66459Mosher, Ludwell JNew Sharong. s. w. lft. hip & wrist$24.00-
103885Muck, HumphreyMuchachinockwd. rt. thigh & inj. to abd.$8.00-
178683Newell, Thos.Oskaloosavar. veins both legs, ch. diar., res'lt'g dis. of abd. viscera$12.00Nov., 1880
126812Nossaman, MarranaOlivetWidow$8.00Mar., 1869
67978Oberfell, JosephOskaloosawd. rt. arm$6.00-
195269O'Cairn, JamesOskaloosainj. of spine, aff. rt. hip & leg$8.00Sept., 1881
72275O'Daniel, Wm. WBarnes Citywd. of rt. foot$4.00-
105736Osborn, WmPeoriag. s. w. rt. side & lt. knee$14.00-
165171Parr, NoahMauch Chunkrheumatism$8.00Mar., 1880
189860Phillips,JuliannOskaloosadep. mother$8.00Sept., 1880
149394Pilgrim, Jno. RBeaconchr. diarrhea$4.00Nov., 1877
915Poague, Polly E. AOskaloosaWidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1878
200756Porter, Jno. CNew Sharondis. of spine$6.00Jan., 1882
184677Priest, CatherinePeoriaWidow$8.00June, 1879
188323Prine, Wm. HOskaloosag. s. w. lft. hand$14.00May, 1881
141532Pugh, Sam'l BGranvilleinjury of abdomen$4.00-
184472Quinn, Aurelius JNew Sharondis. of eyes, varicose veins of both legs & sciatica$8.00Mar., 1881
30636Redburn, JemimaOskaloosaWidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1880
45378Rice, Louisa MOskaloosaWidow$30.00Oct., 1873
74816Richardson, HenryFerryg. s. w. of rt. leg--
91912Riggs, JeremiahLeightong. s. w. lft. breast$8.00Apr., 1876
203733Riley, JessupOskaloosavaricose veins of legs$15.00Feb., 1882
1571Robertson, JaneNew SharonWidow$8.00Jan., 1873
10318Rogers, JohnExcelsiorinjury of abdomen$6.00-
216974Russell, Jas. MFremontvaricose veins lft. leg$4.00Aug., 1882
139272Sanders, Jno. LNew Sharonchr. diarrhea$4.00-
63699Searle, Chas. POskaloosainj. to spine$20.00-
107297Seevers, MaryOskaloosaWidow$20.00June, 1873
20304Sewell, RachelIndianapolisWidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
178579Sexton, Wm. JNew Sharonchr. diarr. res. dis. of liver$4.00Nov., 1880
166196Sharp, Geo. HBarnes Citydis. of lungs$4.00Mar., 1880
164598Shaver, Levi CLeightoninsanity$8.00Feb., 1880
210102Shaw, LeviBeacong. s. w. of head$4.00May, 1882
19634Shock, Rebecca ALaceyWidow$8.00Aug., 1867
178704Silverthorn, Wm. NBeaconchr. diarrh & chr. pleurisy$8.00Nov., 1880
221400Skeen, Jno. WRose Hillg. s. w. forehead & inj. to abd$2.00Nov., 1882
1608Smith, MargaretOskaloosadep. mother$20.00Apr., 1863
179452Snowden, Jno. WOskaloosainjury of abdomen$4.00Dec., 1880
93444Southwick, Rachel WOskaloosaWidow$8.00Apr., 1867
201205Spain, Joshua HPeoriadis. of eyes, chr. diarrh$8.00Jan.,, 1882
152122Spates, Rezin SRose Hillg. s. w. lft. hand$4.00Apr., 1878
103647Stanley, Wm. POskaloosadis. of heart$18.00-
16194Steadman, WmOskaloosachr. diarrhea$4.00-
3113Stroud, Sarah GFremontWidow 1812$8.00June, 1872
158506Sturgen, Francis AGranvilleg. s. w. lft. thigh$4.00Mar., 1879
146684Suinard, CyrusOskaloosadis. of eyes$8.00-
206796Survis, JnoOskaloosadis. of lungs$4.00Apr., 1882
165272Tanner, David ARose Hillg. s. w. of rt. leg$6.00Mar., 1880
205124Taylor, Geo. SRose Hillchr. diarrhea$4.00Mar., 1882
190507Templeton, Jos. HOskaloosag. s. w. lft shoulder$4.00June, 1881
24040Thomas, JudiahGranvillesurv. 1812$8.00May, 1879
168184Thomas, RachelBeacondependent mother$8.00Mar., 1875
125925Thompson, Andrew YBeaconpar. paralys. of arms & legs$24.00-
150331Timbell, Jacob TNew Sharong. s. w. l. thigh, l. arm, dis. of eyes$8.00Dec., 1877
104175Timbrel, LotPeoriadis. of eyes$24.00-
33451Turner, LewisNew Sharonchr. pericardity with effus'ns$18.00-
149209Turner, Rob't LOskaloosainjury of abdomen$4.00Nov., 1877
92660Vancleave, Saml. GPeorialoss of sight lft. eye$4.00-
39456Vermenlen, Jno AOskaloosag. s. w. of lft. thigh$14.00-
20627Weatherwax, RosellaOskaloosaWidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
28633Wellman, PatienceUnion MillsWidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1880
191466Wells, AdalineOskaloosadep. mother$8.00Mar., 1881
203876Wert, Benj.New Sharonchr. diarr. & nervous pros., result of sunstroke$4.00Feb., 1882
162040Wethrell, HenryOskaloosag. s. w. of lft hand$4.00Aug., 1879
167519Wharton, Jno SFlintg. s. w. of face$4.00May, 1880
29523White, JaneOskaloosaWidow 1812$8.00May, 1880
17678Williams, ChristianNew SharonWidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
72915Williamson, Mary JOskaloosaWidow$8.00-
95023Willis, EdwardsBarnes Citychr. ophthalmia$24.00-
191049Winkleman, Benj. FOskaloosachronic diarrhea$8.00June, 1882
202806Woodruff, CalvinOskaloosag. s. w. rt. hip$8.00Feb., 1882
69619Woods, Enos MLeightonshell wd. lft. leg$18.00-
183612Wright, James AOskaloosachr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis$12.00Mar., 1881
170636Wymore, Jasper NFremontinjury of abdomen$8.00July, 1880
72283Yates, EliasOskaloosag. s. w. lft. thigh$4.00-
187648Young, Jno. MOskaloosag. s. w . of rt hand$8.00Apr., 1881
162003Zane, BenajahOskaloosag. s. w. l. leg, res. var. veins$6.00Aug., 1879
214928Zane, Isaac HOskaloosainj. rt forearm$12.00June, 1882

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