New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Madison County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Madison County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
61776Kuntz, HenryWintersetg. s. w. left thigh$12.00Apr., 1867
167394Moore, AndersonWintersetg. s. w. lft. foot$2.00Apr., 1880
166748Stiffler, James H.Saint Charlesdis. of eyes$12.00Apr., 1880
187105Knox, MiltonMacksburghdis. of lungs$6.00Apr., 1881
216738Alexander, James T.Wintersetdis. of eyes$8.00Aug., 1882
163940Miller, WilliamWintersetinj. to rt. arm, &c.$4.00Dec., 1879
179818Cress, David E.Saint Charlesrheumatism &c.$4.00Dec., 1880
180140Thomas, Benj. F.Ohiobronchitis & dis. lungs$4.00Dec., 1880
179786Young, Thomas C.Saint Charlesinj. to rt. ankle, &c.$8.00Dec., 1880
221947Gilpin, Samuel J.Wintersetinj. to rt. knee$2.00Dec., 1882
222438Jessup, MartinsMacksburghdis. of liver$4.00Dec., 1882
223069McLaughlin, Wm. D.Perudis. of rt. leg, &c.$2.00Dec., 1882
223492Shriver, William R.Wintersetdis. of eyes$7.50Dec., 1882
222206Vanooman, Daniel W.Wintersetg. s. w. of left ankle$2.00Dec., 1882
223384Wilkin, EliWintersetg. s. w. rt. shoulder$4.25Dec., 1882
224993Wilkinson, William S.Wintersetchr. rheumatism$4.00Dec., 1882
89609Stekel, CatherineWintersetdepdt. mother$8.00Feb., 1867
58024Walker, Rebecca S.Ohiowidow$8.00Feb., 1867
164623Kimer, LewisSaint Charleschr. diarrhea$4.00Feb., 1880
62019Smith, ElizabethSaint Charleswidow$8.00Jan., 1866
16011Hartsook, AnnWintersetwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
180724Boon, ClarkWintersetg. s. w. left ankle$1.00Jan., 1881
180731Foster, Reuben J.Saint Charlesinjury to abdomen$8.00Jan., 1881
200903Burt, Edwin O.Wintersetg. s. w. of mid. toe, &c.$1.00Jan., 1882
131978Mitchell, Sarah J.Wintersetwidow$8.00July, 1868
131435Drake, AbigailWintersetdepdt. mother$8.00July, 1869
134790Slead, JohnClantong. s. w. rt. forearm, l. hip, & l. thumb$8.00July, 1875
161584Stanfield, GeorgeWintersetdis. of eyes$4.00July, 1879
115517Hiatt, EstherMacksburghdepdt. mother$8.00June, 1868
6596Bell, MercyPattersonwidow 1812$8.00June, 1875
169587Downing, RachelWintersetdepdt. mother$8.00June, 1875
22590Holmes, SalmonWintersetsurv. 1812$8.00June, 1878
161123Usher, Marquis D.Earlhaminjury to abdomen$4.00June, 1879
169512Scott, Orange J.Macksburghg. s. w. rt. hip$2.00June, 1880
190984Robinson, Emery S.Ohiochr. diarr.$2.00June, 1881
190137Rowe, AndrewMacksburghchr. diarrhea$4.00June, 1881
214069Burges, Fred'k W.Wintersetg. s. w. mid. finger l. h'd$2.00June, 1882
212877Glasgow, JosephMiddle Riverchr. diarrhea, &c.$4.00June, 1882
210953Vandoren, CorydonWintersetdis. of eyes$4.00June, 1882
211842Whitworth, RobertMacksburghg. s. w. rt. knee$4.00June, 1882
15779Goe, JaneWintersetdepdt. mother$8.00Mar., 1864
15377Lytle, ElizabethSaint Charleswidow$8.00Mar., 1864
-Sheeley, SilasSaint Charlesrt. eye totally bl., &c.$18.00Mar., 1880
183796Barker, Thomas C.Macksburghinj. to rt. hip$6.00Mar., 1881
185225Fery, JosephMiddle Riverloss sight of lft. eye$4.00Mar., 1881
184030McCallon, David C.Earlhamdis. of lungs, &c.$8.00Mar., 1881
185648Sulgrove, EmanuelWintersetchr. diarrhea$2.00Mar., 1881
153018Cleavinger, Geo. W.Truroloss part rt. index f., &c.$4.00May, 1878
23727Dabney, MariaWintersetwidow 1812$8.00May, 1879
13174McGinnis, JohnSaint Charlessurv. 1812$8.00May, 1879
188190Bell, Mary E.Pattersonwidow$8.00May, 1880
34343Phillips, IreneWintersetdepdt. mother$8.00Nov., 1864
190429Allcock, Ann R.Wintersetwidow$8.00Nov., 1880
50868Harper, Marinda A.Wintersetwidow$8.00Oct., 1867
159948Douglass, Ellis R.Earlhamdepdt. mother$8.00Oct., 1872
10152Corwin, Deborah C.Wintersetwidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1878
163167Breiding, Joseph A.Wintersetg. s. w. rt. hand$2.00Oct., 1879
178195Brittian, AlfredWintersetdis. of eyes$8.00Oct., 1880
177386Faurote, John A.Wintersetg. s. w. of neck$2.00Oct., 1880
175322Johnson, Benjamin R.Wintersetg. s. w. rt. side$1.00Oct., 1880
176945Mobley, WillisGearheart disease$8.00Oct., 1880
219663Sturman, John J.Wintersetchr. diarrhea$2.00Oct., 1882
34143Wilson, RuthEarlhamwidow$8.00Sept., 1867
118770Smith, Stephen G.Macksburghg. s. w. lft. should.$6.00Sept., 1872
170621Flannagan, EdwardWintersetdepdt. father$8.00Sept., 1875
155093Davis, Levi B.Wintersetdis. of lungs$8.00Sept., 1878
173162Edgar, Joseph A.Wintersetg. s. w. rt. foot$1.00Sept., 1880
195635Jester, SamuelEarlhamg. s. w. of rt. elbow$6.00Sept., 1881
195985Robbins, James M.Wintersetg. s. w. of left thigh$4.00Sept., 1881
218579Cook, Havey V.Earlhaminj. to rt. eye$4.00Sept., 1882
138461Baker, JohnWintersetdis. of eyes$3.00-
91721Barker, ElihuMacksburghloss of lft. arm$24.00-
108791Bell, Edward P.Saint Charlesdis. of heart and lungs$12.00-
16618Bennett, Myron E.Earlhamwd. of left arm$4.00-
108059Bontrager, George D.Earlhamdis. of eyes$10.00-
5759Bortzfield, JohnWintersetg. s. w. rt. leg$4.00-
125173Bradshaw, DavidTrurog. s. w. rt. arm$8.00-
103728Brittian, PleasantWintersetinflammation of eyes$8.00-
36206Brock, Jonas F.Wintersetophthalmia$2.00-
25114Carpenter, Phelander V.Saint Charlespur. anchylosis r. knee$18.00-
20917Cheek, George H.Saint Charlesg. s. w. left arm$6.00-
122622Clearwater, Reuben A.Wintersetvar. veins of left leg$6.00-
50699Cline, William R.Wintersetblind both eyes$31.25-
46609Conway, LloydMacksburghloss lft. arm$24.00-
46952Debord, Meres C.Pattersonophthalmia rt. eye, &c.$8.00-
67979Devault, Henry F.Wintersetg. s. w. rt. hand$2.66-
137413Devine, Jno.Trurodis. of eyes$12.00-
102974Doan, ZachariasPattersondis. of knee$6.00-
104355Earp, Francis M.Wintersetchr. ophthalmia$3.00-
63123Gailey, James R.Pattersong. s. w. left ear$8.00-
125625Gaunt, John S.Wintersetg. s. w. of left clavicle$4.00-
57163Hicks, George W.Macksburghg. s. w. lft. should.$6.00-
68277Hobson, James M.Wintersetwd. left leg$4.00-
93023Hodges, William B.Saint Charlesloss rt. arm$24.00-
62635Holgarth, DavidWintersetophthalmia$15.00-
49008Hughes, Stephen F.Wintersetloss lft. arm$24.00-
116948James, StephenWintersetloss of left eye, &c.$6.00-
86136Jessup, IsaacWintersetheart disease$8.00-
73664Lee, James M.Saint Charlesg. s. w. of rt. knee$12.00-
75759Litton, John W.Clantong. s. w. of rt. breast$6.00-
119616Longinaker, Isaac S.Wintersetchr. lumbago$3.00-
114307Mann, John W.Wintersetchr. bronchitis, &c.$14.00-
42859Marshall, VandykeMiddle Riverwd. face$18.00-
129625Matthews, Robert A.Wintersetinjury to abdomen$4.00-
135920McDaniel, Allen H.Wintersetdis. of eyes$4.00-
80346McGinnis, WilliamWintersetwd. l. hand$6.00-
92366McOrunney, MichaelWintersetdis. of heart$24.00-
3695Mitchell, WilliamWellswd. lft. wrist joint$8.00-
49586Moore, WilliamWintersetg. s. w. right side$4.00-
164815Mourret, Marion L.Wintersetdis. of heart, &c.$8.00-
48592Myers, Thomas S.Wintersethypertrophy$8.00-
16998Newell, WilliamWintersetinj. to left knee$4.00-
19876Newton, William C.Wintersetloss rt. leg$18.00-
16826Nichols, Elijah S.Ohiog. s. w. lft. shoulder$8.00-
141406Nickle, Robert C.Saint Charleschr. rheumatism$8.00-
30649Oglesbee, JohnWintersetanchylosis l. knee$8.00-
83025Oliphant, JoelWintersetwd. rt. forearm$8.00-
61778Porter, IsaacPeruwd. of back$18.00-
124435Porter, William H.Wintersetg. s. w. lft. should.$5.00-
105124Quinn, James H.Wintersetg. s. w. rt. arm$2.00-
37114Reid, Jno. R.McPhersonchr diarrhea$4.00-
139203Reno, JasperWintersetg. s. w. left thigh$2.00-
130147Richmond, William S.Wintersetg. s. w. rt. leg & dis. eyes$8.00-
23401Ridout, William S.Macksburghloss rt. arm$24.00-
83133Roberts, David M.Earlhamwd. both thighs$20.00-
112167Rollstin, PotterWintersetdis. eyes$6.00-
25023Runkle, John M.Wintersetwd. left hand$15.00-
114790Rutherford, John M.Wintersetchr. bronchitis$6.00-
64795Sackett, George C.Middle Riverg. s. w. rt. eye, &c.$8.00-
97729Sharp, MartinWintersetinj. to rt. hand, &c.$10.00-
58637Stiles, Thomas W.Pattersoninj. to abdomen$20.00-
144406Stone, MelvinWintersetg. s. w. rt. thigh$6.00-
134300Stout, MicajahWintersetchorea$24.00-
119256Thornburg, WilliamWintersetg. s. w. rt. hip$6.00-
95011True, SolomonWintersetg. s. w. rt. thigh$4.00-
147789Vierling, Benjamin S.Wintersetg. s. w. l. hip$4.00-
133996Waechter, John J.Perulung dis.$10.00-
74896Wares, MartinWintersetg. s. w. lft. hand$4.00-
79972Welch, David T.Wintersetwd. l. hand$4.00-

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